THE OMAHA SUNDAY MV.V.i .TANTARY 3, 101.V r-A BE :i3iiiszxincaf ;xaxa cprrac . , try ;r i sJ" . ' . .V" 12 to 16-inch Edges--25c Values-Special 1 1 C W. 4 ambrlc end Nainsook Fdgca With eyelet and floral designs. A good iSTa width and quality for flounciuits aul underwear I.VInrh Fine Crepe and Voile Mournings Floral and con ventional designs, l'onttl vcly worth t!'o a yu.; salo price 29c S7-Inoh Tin Ictii and Batista flouncing In rim my flornl ami Madeira design: also fine niilnMOoh, with r r-lcl pattern. 9So quiillty Specially priced, yard.. 59c tT-tnch Berts and LongclotU rionnclnfa Crochet, ti e m. stitched and ruffled ii1r, 10 ft fW SWIsiH nil- - nvuri In eyelet rii-slgn. jjP Worth 5!c a. ysrd It to flO-Inoh B.sntlfnl Batlet and Iwlii rionnoiaga and Csmtsol. Edcs Very rtnltity rrorlirt and eyelet ilrntgnn. .V few very fin Ivihy fni lorn" Regular M)o Values Special, yard... 25c 9U te -taok ! sseroM.r.a' I I Ear, and la..rtlon In Hw. Ml and NalnennK. suitable for baby rufflea ana VA'nrth up to Special, vard wtsa, Cambria aad loaf- f elath InsorUoas aad Btad- f Ing Yard k, suitable for baby aat underwear. 7 I I las at aa 4a Y. A a. at Afan CtAer Lots Not Advertised Biggest Stocks, Largest Assortments, Matchless Values 01IAUAH INVENTS EMERGENCY TIRE 1 B. R. Bonney Applies for rtfiit I Right to Build Wooden Spares 1 for Emergency Use. ji I TO BE PUT ON MARKET MARCH 1 M j Will Br tl-la-Omha. rrodnet rl! and Mr. Hoaarr a' Alreadr He- a reltlna Aijtaace Ordera aad Signing 1 Aitrnclfa. c'aliy, and this Great White Sale brings the opportunity that has been awaited. We have prepared better than ever. Great s ;ahd Greater Assortments here than we've ever shown before and values incomparable. Make your lists now, as you read. a V Wonderful Interest D. n. Bonnry, U'VS North Twenty-ninth trat, aaa Invented a new mtomown ppllanre whlrh blila well to b a revela- lion In the comfort and convenience ot utomohllfl drlvtnc. eTr,ally croaa-coun- j j try tourlnn. Mr. Bonnev has Invented I ! an amrrgenry tire, which he calls "Clel-r-I I Hem." and It la aaid to ba the moat aat lafactory of all emergency tires. 0 Underwear Price . I At 37c At 39c At 33c At 18c I 72 eiitsj including many sami 8- O o v n $ (n Urassicrcf uj lirassicros and lcs, bought i'or g Covers. Lace a K broidery triinnii Imice of a big lot of Drawers, and Corset ami ciu- ngs. I'nibrelhi Drawers. Kxceptional values laee edged, full cut. Dainty and crisp un-dermusliiis. Corset (.'overs. iii'cial lot of very lretty covers wiui tiainiy lace and embroideries. Worth nenrlv double. Corset Covers. About 80 dozen. Made with lace or cmbr.udery trinunings. K x e e p tionnl values. At 18c Drawers. Only about f0 dozen. They are cut good and full neatlv tucked and trimmer 2.98 At 10c Brassieres. About 50 dozen. Embroidery trimming. Frill cut. Values really extraordinary. i D For Crepe dc Chine Skirts, lace trimmed worth up to $J.OO. 3f J F o r Crepe do J& Chine Combinu- ' tions- -worth up to $.W. io h J o J Jf Chine, Skirts, i triinmed worth up to $8.98. ! & rbtTb For Vor" fino . Q)iHi Crepo de Chine -downs worth up to $10.00. i. Children's and Infant's Specials 9c Children's Drawer Lace and embroidery edged. Agea to 0 years. . Children's Gowna Made of good mim lin and neatly tucked. 1Q All nlzs. . . IOC Children's Muslin Oowns. Rome nicely trimmed; on others plain OOC 18c Children's Ideal Waists These are special lor Monday only Children's F 1 g u r e d Crepe downs - These are really wonderful on values OOC Children's and Misses' Crepe Drop Seat Combina tions, lit 18c 33c Children's l'pttlroat anil Drawers Well made undergar' inent and big values Infant' White Slips -Tucked and 1 n plain IOC Children's O ut t n g Sleeping Garments and Petti coats . . . 15c and Our Windows dj Particulars of Our Dale of Blouses i V i7 be a record breaker Ami d French-American Undermuslins At 69c, $1.00 and $1.39 dainty This is the dainty new undermuslins that have all the features of the original French lingerie, but cost one-third to one-half the price. Imitation and real hand embroid crjt. Semi-hand and machine made (iowns, Skirts, Chem ise, 'Envelope Combinations, Combinations, Drawers and Corset Covers. me Goods Alone Are Big io Crowd the Store .j- hildren's Wear, Undermuslins, Slips, Etc. Wonder ps. irMany of these, materials have been manufac ? 4aie,and cannot be .duplicated ;at any other time -cii$p) at such low prices. The savings average Pajre double the selling prices. sh c lies ;C -in. 75c Wliito iilsh Linen 90 Inches wide. . Worth $1.00 yard. White Sale price itlte Irish Linen 36 inches wide. Snow white. Medium heavy. Worth 39c a yard. -AVhlte Sale price .... 25c 8ic Fluked Voile, Check Kffwt 40 inches wide. Worth 50c OQ yard. White Sale price.. aIC Heavy Irish I.lnen .",G inches wide. Cream white, French finish. Worth tiOc a yard. White Sale price . . . . 25c Pin t'lierk White IMmlty 28 Inches iWlgian Mnen CVasIi Suiting VV.rtli Inn vnrrf 1 nm ia h-UIa Vri4 Vt II fill l , ri (lVSkia i'V J . mm m 1UV. av. vivaiu C Z yale I rice yard. White Sale price. 50 59c White Nainsook, Worth 35c Yard Sfis lot was bought away under regular market prices a few- iontlis aso and we have saved it especially for our January T ...White Sale. It is 4 5 inches wide and ail extraordinary I llfT value at this low price Monday: per yard Special Prices for Fine Nainsook in 10 and 12-Yd. Bolts Imperial Nainsook uC inches wide .......Sl.lO Imperial Nainsook u6 Inches wide. S'r.r:. $1.45 One ftpecial Number of Fine Nain t.ook 40 in. wide. J QC 10-yard bolU for. . . J 1 aOO Sea Inland Nainsook 36 inches wide. ( 12-yard bolts 2 Sea llnnd Nainsook 40 inches wide. 12-yard bolts 2 65 Family Nainsook 36 inches wide IU-)ttd bolts -I QQ P JL Ui for j tionnl values. trimmett. j tlinary. IJ 111 : fFWimm1 1 B Here is the Signal to Buy All Your Bedding and Table Linens Monday night, in thousands of homes, thrifty housewives who are always on the alert to save money on home necessities, will be proudly showing the beautiful linens they will have bought in this record-breaking sale and they will be no less proud of thei immense amount of money they will have saved. Read every item carefully. Do You Need Napkins ? 5c Each Full Hleached Mercerized Napkin lS-in. fize. Re nlar 9c quality. Special, in the basement All-Linen, Double Satin Napkins Extra heavy. Very elaborate patterns. Just 100 dozen in the lot. Worth $3.50 to 15.00 tf0 rft a dozen. January Sale price, dozen. . J)aaOVJ Damaxk Dinner Napkins, All-Linen 2 4-inch nlze. High class, superior double satin finlch; extra heavy. All exclusive designs. Regular $8.50 to $10.00 values. Only 50 dozen In CC f( the lot. January sule price, dozen POaV" All-Linen lUnitthk Napkins Dinner size. Larue variety of patterns to select from. Sell regu larly to $2.00 to $2.1'5 dozeu. January Sale price, dozen All-Linen Tea Napkins 15- $1.75 $1.50 Plain and Interlock stitch, scalloped ends inch size. Worth $3.00 per dozen January Sale price, doien Wry Fine All-Linen !land-Kmbroldred Madeira Napkins Worth from $8.60 to $12.50 a dozen. January Sale price, d Hfl dozen J)OaUl All-Linen Lunch Cloths 36 and 45-inch sine. Madt of Austrian beached damask hemstitched or scalloped. ..''Rulnr $1.50 and $2.00 values. Special, t - ff in January Sale, each 2laUU Hand-ErabrM'red Madeira Lunch Sets Thirteen pieces in each set. $7.50 03 QQ values. January Sale price, set.. 4OasO Fancy Linens-Samples The entire sample line of one of the foremost Importers of High-Class Fancy Linens beauti ful and handsome Cluny Lace and Renaissance Lunch and Dinner Cloths, Hand-Embroidered Madeira Luncheon Seta, Towels, Scarfs and Napkins. a 0 Tits on Wheel Him. I Tho tlr la lomponcd essentially of j light but tounh wood, with a inntal outer l trend snd ruther bumpers on th. undef l1. It Is to N used when puncture. rrpa, blowouta and the like render a tiro abaoliitely uneleta for further travel. The wooden tire, wlilrh Is constructed In all alxea, csn he Instantly applied to any kind of rim. clincher, quick detachable) or quiet detachable domountahle, and th car can proceed to the cloaeat aervlca station quite eaflly. The tlrs Is applied to the wheel rim by the application ot one stationary bolt and csnnot creep on the rim. No alter ation Is nereasnr), as It can be put on or taken off In ono minute. Rainpera FllmtnaU. Jolts. It Is built exactly like a ruhher rasing, of the same shaie nnd appearance. It Is I built of one-plrco weed und on tho out side la an outer tread of cold rolled itwl, perforated with S-lnrh hole. il-isff. which rlvee It tread and which will hold aa well In mud or sand as on slippery pavements. It Is divided Into thren section. It la locked together at two connections, and tha third connection has a S-lnch ateel draw bolt. Cnder the wood lira rubber bumper set hard against the wheel rim. so that Jolta and bump are eliminated. HpeaJdna of his Invention, Mr. Bonney declares: 'Th. OeUU-Ilnnt should becom a moat popular amerfcncy tire. It la guaranteed, the expanse Is light 97.10 ta 117.50 It stand any kind of wear, the wood will not crack and la a van rock-. proof. It can be carried conveniently and) I a great comfort. "It will save carrying casings er In flated spares that are rryctalUstng at every jar of the car, that ere deteriorat ing while not In use. Rubber must be kept in action or It dlea. Last Many Years. "These wooden tires will last the life time of a car and perhaps two or three car. They can be applied anywhere at any time without difficulty, even much mora easily than a tire can be applied." Mr. Bonney has made aome of the tires and baa thoroughly tested thera out. With Fred Jensen and Atle Andetwon, both of this city, he will start the manu facture of t'nese tires in Omaha so that j ha can Introduce them to the market by l March 1. Already he has received several orders for delivery when be starts to i manufacture, and he la busily signing ua ajtentn all over the country. The present site of the concern la at I22V37-29 North Twenty-second street. . At 1 Actual Value U 0 Fancy Scarf and Centerpieces Scalloped, em broidered or crocheted lace effects. 29c to 3 5c values. Special. In the Base nient, each Kt'imi.HNance Lace and Japanese Drawn-Work Hcarf Dresser or buffet size. Worth $1.00 to $1.50. A 6peclal offering In January sale, each 19c 79c Embroidered Voiles, j Striped Ratine Crepe Batistes and Epongei 3 !n'h Wide, . Worth 20c yard 40- indies . wide, worth t1-1"' I f Tj r 1 var.l. Special Monday 1 UC aTCF I aFCl. I$l Yard White Barred and Checked Dimity 2 7 inches wide. Worth 10c f yard. White Sale price.... OC jShnual January Sale of Corsets we :oo it' eltjn( Ye or P -t . , in, MMt . II u nunc. ,ur;uiiiii "ti. ..... ., Vll e kirt length. These are un- bom' ! ustiil values. Only a limited enibroidi mmT quai .lty. Sizes 20 f-r. Taluea f )15 ( to 10. At eP.t-.OU sale, at Anii igyrTT iiti r January $1 Special Beginning Monday and continuing throughout the month of January, we will put on sale corsets of special value in ma tt rial, boning and workmanship. New Spring Model Corsets Regular $5.00 Values A .'Specially Priced at . . In silk broohe. Medium bust wjth i-lififht curve at waist line in front, with new straight line in back. Sizes '.ID to '.IC. A sav ing f 1.00 oil one of the latest $5.i0 "rscts. Tv 1 Popular Makes of Corse i in Fancy Brocades In .oir., md white. Medium b ist with $1 A fine coutll corset. Tho new height at top. Top well boned with pro tector under front steel. Rein forced at bottom with extra hook. Six garters attached. Undoubtedly the best cor set you ever bought at. . Brassieres.Two Specials Ilrairre, Hlzee 3 to 4 Embroi dery trimmad. I'erfect fitting. Button and cross in back January special Lrassierr In lUrk or Front 4 'losing bom' are lare trimmed, others embroidery trimmed. Exceptional valuea for our January r A JVJt 19c Fine Damask FuU Uleached Table Dnmaek 60 inches wide. Made of tine Ger man mercerized yurn; In a range of pretty patterns. Spe- n7 clal. In Dasement, yard. . l C Full Uleached All-Linen Damask 70 Inches wide. Scotch and Irish make. One of the greatest offer ings in all-linen damask. Regu lar $1.00 value. Special, yard Full Uleached, KtiM'rir Finislift, Double Satin Damask 72 inches wide. In a range of the prettiest patterns. Sell regularly for $1.25 por yard. January hale on UJL 69c Pattern Table Cloths i In nearly every home some new table cloths are need ed right after the holidays. Those you had have been used considerably of lato and you could not wish for a bet ter opportunity to replenish. price, per yard Fine lllcm lied, Hlgli-ClaMt IKuble Satin Dama"k 7 2 Inches wide. All In exclusive patterns. Worth $1.75 urd. Specially priced, yard ... . $1.25 Table Padding Rj ft 1 55c 69c 54 inches wide. Good heavy quality the doublH fleeced Kind. iteBU- lar 10c value. January Sale price, yard 29c White Table Cloths Dreakfast size. Fringed ends, with fan cy red borders. 75c values. January sale price, in the basement, each Ileum! itched Table Cloths 63 incb size. Made of fine qual ity German mercerized dam ask. All dainty patterns. Sold regularly for 08c. In Basement, special. . , Fine Imported Mewerixed Danw ask Table Cloths; alxo Pure Linen Austrian Dainak Table Clot bs C4x64 Inches and 67x 67 inches. $1.50 val- OQ ties. Basement, choice, OeC All-Linen Dinner Cloth 72-ln. size. Round or square, with scalloped ends. All pretty patterns. $o.00 and $7.50 val ues. January sale price, each . . . $3.98 All-Linen Table 4'IoIIih 72x72 inches. Made of fine quallty double damask, sutln finish; round designs. $2.50 and 2.75 values. Janu- ti . QQ ary sale price, ea. J5 X .eO All-Linen Table Cloths Made of fine Austrian darnask, grass bleached; 7 lx 1 03 Inches. $4 values. Janu- tQ QQ ary sale price, en. ). vO Pattern Table Cloths Made of superior quality IrlttU damask; very fino finish double dam ask in extra sires. Bux'JO Inches and U0xJ03 Inrhi worth $H.50 to $10. Special, eu Very Fine Austrian Linen Table Cloths Extra heavy double damask; sculloped ends, round designs. Worth Jl QQ $10. Special, each, Pt.I0 Full Bleached Turkish Towels 7 He values. Sale Price, Each Mc 15c Values. Sale Price, Each.. 10c 25c Values. Sale Price, Each.. 10c 40c Values. Sale Price, Each.. 25c i noo Dosen Full Dlearbed Turkish Towels An over-production or one of the foremost American Towel Mill J, including name towela and mill seconds. Valuea in this lot worth up to $1.26. January tale price, each. a $5.98 Face Cloths Worth 5c each. January White Sale Price Monday As long as tb. lot lasts, aon oweia pa . this M 49c B fl All-Linen Serving Cloths 20x37-inch size. HeiUKtltched and scalloped ends: pretty damask patterns. Regular 75c to $1.00 values. January Sale price, rn Uit Crashes each for 24c Lace Tea and Luncheon Cloths 45 and 54-inch size. Dran-work centers, trimmed with deep all around. Regular $ $2.25 values. January Sale price, each . . . . :.oo lacft and $1.39 All Linen Lunch Cloths Cotton Twilled Toweling With ' fancy red borders. (Limit, 10 I yards to a customer.) Worth 5c. Special in the Mase mtut, yard ........ Full Bleached CotUui Hurk Tow cling Soft finished kind, fine weave. 9c value. January sale price, in Uasement, per yard i All-I ln.-n IUcache. and llletulicd Toweling The Scotch kind. Worth 16c. Special, yard Fine Quality. 4 5-lnch trie. High-grade Austrian damask; scalloped ends. Worth to $2.20. January Sale price, each $1.50 5c Half heavy 10c Embroidered Linen Slips 4 (Ml Fine All-Linen Kinbroidcied and llcniktltclied Pillow Slips 46x36 Inches. Irish J 1 fQ Bed Spreads All-Linen Crash The unbleached kind. 97 I Regularly 10c yard. qC January Bale price Jew One Lot of Towels to Go at Half Price Thomas Burt, 'Father House of Commons Retires from Work (Correspondent of tne Associated Press.) LONDON, Doc. W.-Thomas Burt, 8. M. P.. who rose from pit boy to privy coun cillor and Is now known as the "father of the House of Commons," has decided to leave- politics beotMiao of his advanoed age and Infirmities. Iln la 77 years old. The son of a miner, Burt attended ' school until 10 years old, when he got a, Job In the Ilass.lwoll colliery, Durham, at s wage Of 19 pence, or 20 cents a day. lie bad a patslun for study and spent spar time over such books and papers as be wan able to obtain. . Burt continued mining until S6 years old. walking to and from work to his home at Newcnstle, eight miles distant. He then became an official of the North umberland Minors' union. . In IS. 4 Burt was elected to Parliament as a member of the liberal party and ' has remained a lllx ral ever el tire, refus ing to leave for the labor party. Ills practical common sense, sturdy Indepen dence, modesty and sood humor won hlm frlrnds on all sides. He Joined the min istry a under secretary for the home office in 1KU and was made privy coun. clllor In t!. Karl Gray In a recent address described i Burt aa tha finest gentleman he knew, land sHr Edward Grey at a political dinner j said: "No previous father of the Houso . of Commons has ever been more loved . and respected." kind. 69c make. Special, pair. lied Hpreada The crochet $1.00 and $1.25 values. January Sale price, ea. Marseilles IW-d Spreads Very large size. Plain or scalloped. $4.00 and $5.00 valuea. Your choice in January Bale. fQ r A Each P.OU Extra Fine Satin Marseille, lied , Hpread Foreign and domestic makes. Plain hemmed or scal loped: cut corners. Only 60 in ti e lot. Regular $H 50 to $10.00 values. An unusual (J f ff bargain, at 40UU Lxtrn Large sue Hcjuj Crochet and Marseilli-M Kind Led Spreads. Hemmed or walloped ends: cut corners. Worth $2.7 5. January sale pr.. ea. I bor- 5c8 Cotton Hock Towels Fancy red bor ders, hemmed. Just 60 casee in the lot. (Limit, one doz.) Regular 10c values. Spe cial, la January sale, each. Full Bleached and Linen Finish Tow. els Large sice. Fancy red borders. hemmed ends. Sell regularly for 15c. (Limit, one dozen.) January Sale price, each., 10c r3TTTr in $1.98 XE All-Linen and Half Mnen Huck and Damask Towels 18x$S and 20x40 Inches. Also Guest Towels. Regu lar 25e to 35c values. Tour fO choice In January aale, each. .1C Towela Absolutely every thread lin en. Hemstitched or plain hemmed - ends. 20x40 In. Regular 35c to 40c towels. The greatest value, at, each 25c D n British Labor Party Watching Contracts Made During the War (foneapondence of The Associated Press.) LONDON, Dec. 10. Though the BrltlsH laboring man hss. generally speaking, rallied to th support of the government In the present crisis, the trsde unions are keeping a close watch on tbu many re ports of abuses under war contracts. Through tho worker' national committee there has been appointed a subcommittee representing various sections of the labor party, whoae duty It shall be to investi gate and aunimarlso charges, presenting those that seem well founded to tho gov. ernment departments responsible for con tract. The 'Inquiry will cover the quality of food, cloth and other article supplied to j tb army and navy; prices and profit; , labor conditions in factories, especially la factoriea where subcontracting is don. The labor party Is greatly concerned Just now with the evils attending sub contracting. It Is allegad that some war contract are handed down from sub. contractor to subcontractor until tha actual makers ar. five or sis times re moved from the original receiver of the order. By this method. It is charged, four ot five middleman's profit are paid by the nation : the orkrr Is cheated snd the nation robbed by inferior material. ate Teat (, When you catch cold or begin t rouglj take Dr. Hell' Plne-Tai-lioney. It pene tratea the throat and lunga. Xc. All druggist. Advj-Umbt