Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1915, SPORTS SECTION, Page 2-S, Image 40

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    J s
Mr. Jack's Wife Hastily Changes Her Mind
r , ,., , , ,. .,, .. .. -n
i N 1 1 , ' te. I f'i youli.) . nI, r V I
fexSSl . . 1 Actrof I f l I HOORAY! 1 1
Pin Artists Not So Busy During the
Holiday Season.
Mercantile, Tnriiant Auwla
Ilea, Alleys proees t Be Grand
fitit, Dae to MiHrrmfit
Wf "Dad" llanllagina.
Th holidays have Caused quit a lull
in bowling activities. Onljr a few of tho
leagues sdhered to their regular sched
ule throughout the, week, and in conse
quence there was very few happenings
of rote Around tile local drives.
Among the' leagues who occupied the
boaria, .the' reUti lr) tha Gale Cltjr
league were the more Interesting. The
Kagan' Falstafr. who have been fight
ing ths. I,ewl Buffet team for leadcr
ahlp honors In tho Uato City organisa
tion, received a severe Jolt nt tha hands
of the Fairmont Creamery team, who
won the entire series. This gives the
Lewis crowd a romfortablo lead for it
few weuka at leaat.
' A (tenets Attention.
The rolling of. 'Grin" Iohertr In the
Booeter league Tuesday night attracted
coaaldonible attention. Mia :i0 alngte
game Is the record for that league. Fred
Baiter with K3 and the Clara Belle
with a MM team game were other high
The Mercantile Tournament on the As
aoclatlitn alleys proved t be tone grand
success,' Cuo to the skillful management
of "Dad" Huntington.' A tournament
mad up. with. Warns, not regularly or
gunUed .nnd rolling In any league la
new thins; In the bowling game, and
many unforeseen "obstacles had to be
overcome. TUerswa a much Intereat
displayed In thla tournament aa there
has hten In larger tournaments.
With the Inaotlv holiday aeaecn over,
the bowlcra will start In again stronger
than ever. Next, Sunday afternoon the
Tournament Boosters' Assoclatloa will
opsin take Jip duties and make prelim
inary arrangements for the big Midwest
tournament to be held her next Novem
ber. Whlio It la somewhat early, tha lo
cal bowling enthusiast think that much
can be aicompltshed by forming the
tournament company at this time and
they in turn w,ould perfect plana for the
tig rush of work at the eleventh hour.
At next Sunday' meeting the bowlers
will suggest name of men wining and
competent to handle the relna of a. large
affair uch aa next aeason' Midwest
meet will be. Th meeting will be held
at the Paxton ! hotel at 1 o'clock la tha
Afternoon. . . ..
ekedale lor k Week.'
Women a La-ye Monday: Regular
tesm matches. ..
Ktanrtard oil trjlgruei-Mondsy: Folarlne
Auto OH aKainst Crown tlaajllne. per
fection Oil against Mica Axle Urease.
Commercial League Monday : 1 rode
gaard Crowna aainat Frank's Caidy
Ktaa. tttara and rtutpee agaiaat Omaha
JJicyele lo 1. Mn.uay: aalnst
Beeelln'r Old Mixer.
Brownln-Kln Ungue Tuesdavt ln
U ruVpvrtiiient inaititiea. . . .
I'lan oi-.tjn lAue-Thursday: Bonnie
Lonns against t. Aadrews, Hobble Burns
Kaliikt ihMtlee, Tam o' hhanteis agalnat
KlIlKia. - '
I nioa Pacific league Saturday after
noun: inlerdrirtlinnt nutchc.
Maglp. ftty IeuKue-Mnnday: White
Kox aaainst Ctiro irlna. Jitter's Old
Age aaainat Willow -Nprlngs Brewing Co.
1 nurotay.. AH Stars aaainst farmers'
Kxchanae, Welch Urotrry Co. againat
Mtu uiurr or iinoM. ' '
Mercantile l.eUfi Tueiy ; Regular
league schedule.
Hiryeo I-eaKue Wednesday : Interde
partmeat matchaa. t
Hundvi Und Briwl ' League Thursday :
Interdeparimeiit ruati lies.
HaXtun A tiKjiuuhi'P !llar.t.'
Pnaoniaa acainxt l nhya, Kamos against
Mercedea. ,
Fairmont Creamery leaaueM onlay:
Tetter Butter againut Fairmont Kariiui.
Deliila asalnst Iiuld Oold, Dlad-ui
atalnst Broilers,
Oate t'lty ieauur l'ieday: Kelrmont
Cieamery Co. asalnst Ruiuolir'a Old Tav
crna. Banana Kalmafla aaainst Lewis
Bullet 'lliursday: rloranenn bixiea
'kaliit Uiaclt a Kata. American Kxi reas
o rtln lrrxrl flioe Co.
Omahx liai I.eaeue-VVraneadsy. Inter
lU'i artment limit In s. ,
I Ittiuncarlo-ra J.vKue Tuesday : Hither
li ka arUnst Kl i i-liirU tt. . Omaha
Hiln Ing Co. aaaliint lary HrtnteiH.
H- iv lleas aaahist i-yun
i.i.Kavi la. ' ..
on. aha lfue KVIilay : BurreM-Nah
e-inlnut Hon, Jptl. r s Old Ace avatnat
Mickey Knifi Lux us asainal
0 d Myle
Ktilxhts of Columbus League Monday:
M uUr team schedule.
ixioaler Leasue Tueedsy: Kl Pexoa
BKalnat Vt'coa. Moon Club againat Clara
1 riles. lWacyn Freaa aaalnat Maur ra
t'ale.' ' Tuwt- (Uiply acaUiat Cpry Mii
1. ei xle
Nebraska Telefhone fa(ue-Wedie-liilcriiepartniriit
, I'nlon OutiKUnfT Lagu Thursday:
HKuUr team rau lies.
1 -iiiieter Photo .cirue Ttvuriday: In
t' r'leiiartmenl uiaU ltea.
Muum t'leb League Thursday: Regular
team mate) ee.
H-trm- f the Alley a.
'Bhark' llemple. when slgaliig up with
tie MoCord-Lliady teaio, said Uiat he
i.julj avcrae ner i',u Oaiiiig at the
M oie shoeia revaaia auoh acures aa Ui,
lij and utiiers.
Iud Huiittnaton'a Mercantile tourna-nn-m
a a kig tucceaa. Klftaeo lauu
ntriU in the iouuwia.
All tl leag'jee ail, resume their
Ixrdulra. this k, .
'Vlth the Btaan's Kalatuffs loalng the
entire tmi Omj lwls fcutfet t-ain again
1 sa a aate la4 in lit JUi Oly luauo.
Tue Ontaha Nal'mjul bank team waa a
'I'ny ne enirctrd to rloaa up.
l.henr hs been s-ltlng ths
'nl on m lately Hh a law claaay
scores, lie rolled a 20 score la a practice
the bowling ball, and it haa nothing on."
The Brodegaatd Crowna atlll lead tho
Commercial league.
The pin boy a eays "Nobody home but
match two weeka ago, and only last
Tueaday night rolled a 29U score In a
regular. league game.
The V'nioti Pacific headquarters should
li a good one. There la a good supply
of P Milnr league rollers at the big rail
read offices.
Ole Johr.acn haa been seen around the
arives lately practicing for his reap
pearance In the Krug's Luxus lineup.
The Moose club league will get under
way snnn on their regular achedule. The
last few Rights or play haa been devoted
to feollng out the promising bowlers la
preparation for organising teams of equal
otrenath. With Pa Klnnaman ad
Chester Weeks handling the reins this
wlil be a good loague.
The Johnson brothers will sooa get
together In a special match. The HtanUrd
Oil crew la willing to back Tony againat
Herb, the, Moose club star.
The Omaha Gaa leaguers are becom
ing enthualeatle over the match game
propoeitlon between teama coinpoeed of
ttio employes of local firms. They are
In the field with a good team and ready
for arguments. McDonald captains the
squad an will arrange dates.
The Maurer's Cafe team la proving to
be a regular Jinx to the leaders In the
Booator league. They were tho ones te
knock the Clara Belles off. and Hunday
they hopped on the Kl I'axoa for three,
greatly reducing the tatter's lead.
Art Bowers saya that he will soon give
the Booster leaguers another large totnl
to shoot at ills 874 score waa recently
beaten by both Neala and Learn.
At last the City Hall and Court House
tehms have gotten together.
Dick droits aad his City Hall Federals
have been trying to get tames with some
of the Mercantile teama, but have met
with poor succeaa. The flora. Burgess
Nash and a few other Omaha league
teams will accept their challengers for
about a, hundred rock a
The Fairmont Creamery team seems to
have it on the leading teama of the Uat
my league. They won three from the
Rnitan'a i'alslaffa laat week.
The Htora-Burgess-Naah game Friday
night should be a good one. The depart
ment store team Is crowding the brew
ers for first place In the Omaha league. '
No teama have made any announce
ments about attempting the International
Bowling tournament at Minneapolis.
Dudley atlll thlnka there la a chance
for his Rumohr Old Tavern team.
Wood Hartley has signed up with' the
noose ciuu team in the Booster league.
Cleveland Makes
Highest Marks in
, Rifle Title Shoot
WASHINGTON. Jan. l-Cleveland, In
elaaa "A" of the competition for the tn
reclub gallery rifle championship of the
I'nlted Hutee, made the higheet mark
, In this week's matches, scoring M out of
I a possible LOW. Score follows::
CIsm A Cleveland. against Bucynia.
9M; Warren, !. aaaliut Buaton. ;
Birmingham. Ii7. aalnat Ilcklnson, N.
i 1'uinri or i oiuniDia, againat
ainiiniar, jinn geport, km. egalnat
Adrian, ted; Kings Mills, too, against fcUU
waier, a.
Claaa B Taeoma, !, against Madison.
Mi; S'atertown, N. Y.. w, aaalnat Hon
kina. kw. Viai Ion. a. ain,! indlanap
olia. IV. Moinea, KA, kgulnat Youna
tnwa. Wl; Hangor. ml, againat Milwaukee,
WJ; Ht. lHiia, Ian, against Louisville
(!, ail.
Claaa C-Buffalo. ttt, sralast netreit.
1fauUel; Kane. K3, auaiiwt Payette.
Vl: New Haven. SM. asaiost Tucaoa, M:
4en. bl. againat Ualartomn. ti. Ik.
t'..1'he yn' "Mtainst Louis
ville trlflrl. 10; Albion, K2. against
Corinaa, H4.
BOSTON. Maas.. Jan. t-Dr. James a
Shaw, well known la , theatrical circles
tor many years ana a brother of Dr.
Anna Howard thaw, president of the
batlopal Woman Suffrage association,
died yeateiday. Dr. Shaw waa examining
phyalrlen for the Actors' Fund af Amer
ica, Ha wag torn la New Caatle. Eng
land. seventy-Ue years ago.
Read the "Fjr Bale" ads If you want
bargains of the mlaute.
l t ?
at Miller Park During
id! ..J.J"!'
'm III
-.W W-'1 V..1'
Former Catcher Saya He Has Re
ceived Offer from Beds and Sev
.. eral Federal Clubs. . ,
Saya Ia Will Visit City Wlthla the
Neat Few Day a aad Thea Will
Decide, Whether lie Will
( Back.
PRINiJFlELX, Mo.,- Jan. i.-Johnnle
Kling of Kansas City, until two years
ago catcher for the Cincinnati Nationals,
may return to the baae ball diamond
during the coming aeason. Kiln made
this statement while visiting friends here
"I have received an offer recently from
Cincinnati and several from the Federal
league," he said. "If I ever return to
baae ball It will be to play with Cincin
nati. I shall visit that city within the
nest few days to confer with owners
of the Nationals, and ahall decide then
whether or not to play again."
Cornell and Quakers
Tie for Chess Title
As Tourney Ends
NEW TORK, Jan. 1-Comell and
Pennsylvania were tied for the cham
plonahtp when ths sixteenth annual tour
nament of the Intercollegiate Chess
league closed today. Tha two universi
ties which monopolised the scoring and
kept Brown university, the third com
petitor In the tournament, from register
ing a point, came to grips on the last
day of tho competition on even terms and
played each other to a standstill.
No arrangements were made to play off
the tie thua created, and the Rice trophy
accordingly will be given over to the cus
tody of the rhtladolphlans for six
months and will spend the other six
months of the coming year In Ithaoa,
The final score were:
Cornell, won U and lost 4; Pennsylva
nia, won II and lost 4; Brown, won. none
and lost 11
The championship haa been wen by
Philadelphia seven times and by Cornell
six tlmea. Pennsylvania tied With Brown
la UK and Cornell la UU.
O'Neill Appoints
Dutch Myers as TImp
Tip O'Neit has slKnevt another umpire,
oeordin to ndvloes from Chleago, In
the person off Dutch Myaea. who for
merly worked In the Nebrsaka 8tat
league. Jarh Van Sjrcla. who Is winter
tn m Omaha, la aura of a job as all the
matiatea selected him as competent at
the Western leacue meeting; thua making
two umna for the Western loop signed
up to date. Tip has only five
to appoint this year, four regulars aad
one emergency arbitrator.
WABHINOTON. Jan. 1. -Private gj.
patcnea aero today told af the death la
Brussels Wednesday of Co un teas da Bula.
seret, daughter of Major General Ki
U. V. A. Bbe waa the wife at the ni -i .
minister te Petrograd and recently had
undergone an operation. For soma time
her relatives here were unable to get la
communication wila her.
y . -
Progress of a Curling Match on New Year's Morning
1 1
1 ' "- - ...
: -
Described aa a Double Trudsreoa
Crawl and is Quite Effective.
Gives the Bod More Moaneataa
' Wltaoat ' Beaalbly laereaetaa;
the Resist a new of tha Rudy
Throan-h the, Water.
NEW TORK. Jan. 1 A now nn. nf
swimming stroke, which mm he de
scribed aa a doubt trutlgeon-crawl, haa
made Its appearance and la draw4nw tha
attention of aquatlo experts. Although
only n slight modification of tho popular
trudgeon-crawl, student!! of natation be
lieve It will prove more effective than
the latter In middle and Ion distance
swimming, for It enables one to use to
greater advantage the rower of tho legs.
The dlfterenre between tt two
strokes la merely one of lea- ditva. In
the trudgoon-crawl tha swimmer takes
a narrow scissor kick nt tho finish of
tha top-ana pull, then performs a eon-
tinueus ernwl thrash until ths time
comes for another aciaaor. In the u
stroke. Instead, the first scissor Is fol
lowed By a nattering motion of ttio feet,
then tho swimmer rolls gently and in
troduces a second sol sane kick, this
tlma driving with the ether leg, at the
ena or under-arm pull. In a nutshell,
the leg action Is a continuous crawl
thrash wtlh narrow scissor, kicks brought
In aa each arm completes Its pull.
Shown by Waeatlcy.
The stroke was. first exhibited in mn.
petition by Joseph Wheat ley of the New
York Athletic club, holder of tits & IO
meter American record He aulmita that
Us tell Into It by chano laat spring and
aim pi y adopted K because It seemed to
yield results, bus credit must be given
him for bringing the discovery Into
Particularly lntereatirvr la WImiW
success with the double trudgeon-crawl,
because competent swimming authorities
navs ciaimoa for some tlm that man
had yet to find the way of utilising the
full atrenath of tho les-a. Aa iri-h-
leg scissor kick unquestionably Imparts
10 ins oo oy more momentum than a
single beat of tho crawl thrash, wlthnui
sensibly Increasing the realstanos U ths
water K would appear that tho young
aiercury-iooter has solved, at least In
park the woblom ' which bJt-A
atruotoro aad coaches.
Good on Distance.
Nor can there be any daubt that the
new stroke la available for revering the
longer courses. Wheatley, who la not
specially husky, haa held H up to half
a mile with the greatest aase. It la. In
fact, essentially a elstnaee stroke, he
eausw the marked roll naceasary ts
enable one to perform hortsontai soissor
kicks, first on on side, then on the
ether. Is hardly conducive te heat rssuHc
la sprinting. On ths other hand, this
very roll permits ths swimmer to breathe
on both aides when the action la slow,
which Is an added advantage In tests of
Any crawl swimmer should be able to
acquire ths double trudgeon-crawl with
a little praotloe, The ariasor kick ad
rocated at present la nothing out a wider
and mora energetic form of the crawl
thrash movements, a that the enjy
Uklng needed u to gradually emphasise
tha rhythm by opeiuiui and closing; th
legs with greater arope and vigor as each
arm reaches tha hip after driving. f en
rolls at first rather heavily th actio
aad th tlm are developed I rivet aa
oonsdouslr Uk la Waeaalys ttaa.
For th rest the new atroaw need not
Interfere wtlh one's sprinting ability aay
mors . than doe th trudgeoevrwl,
with which liebaer. MoOUUvray aad
others have traveled fifty and lug yards
around reoord figures. Tb faatar th
actloa th smaller, naturally, tha open
t ' a bi a w v ; ej n a a i m m m aa. m w a
1 ' , r
ing of the leg, sa that In th dashes
ths sclssor-klcks are reduced to a mere
accenting of th rhythm and practically
tho regulation crawl thrash, wtlh but a
single roll. Is attained.
" (Continued from Pag One.)
th Coaacll Bluffs Toung Men's Christ
ian association will have five at th
Blpffa. as will also th Council Bluffs
Cubs. In ths Church, and th Commercial
leagues each qulntst will play fifteen
games, meeting 'Vaiih other two tlmea
during' the season. As th Tri-Clty league
I started somewhat later, each one of the
J teams will play but fourteen games. All
, three of the leagues are scheduled up to
, March X. Practically all of th Church
league games will be played at tis Omaha
Young Men's Christian association court
on Tuesdays. Th other leagues will
stage their contests on Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturdays on ths following courts:
Nebraska School for tho Deaf. Univer
sity of Omaha, Bellevue college, Council
' Bluffs Young Men's Christian associa
tion and tha Omaha Young Men's Christ
ian association.
Telephoaers Drop Oat.
Several things of Interest took plao in
th Trt-Clty and Cemmerolai leagues last
In th Commercial league tha Nebraska
Telephones dropped out because of dls
saUsfaetlon among their players ovsr
ths management of the team. The fran
chise was taken over ' by ths Crelghton
Laws, who are one of th strongest
quintets ef th city aad will do much
toward strengthening ths league.
In th Tri-Clty league th Pirates were
uphold la their pretest against the Swift
oV Co. team.
number of eastern teams coming In
this direction on thehr way to the Panama
PaeMl position av written for games.
A number of th letters have been turned
ver te Manage Drum mo nd of tho Town
sea Us,
IBaake Ball Note.
Teams desiring gamea with th Crelgh
;on. w celt Uougtas tie and about for
Julius Feetner.
The Thsrpelans would like to hear from
soma ef the Church league teams. Call
Aaron Davidson, Webster sfc.4.
That Omaha National bank bunch
seem to be tightening their tentacles on
ths leadership of ths Commercial league.
On Miller, the newly-appointed pro
bation etfieer, will not discontinue his
practice of refereelnf basket ball con
tests. Bob Welnl Is still the stellar performer
for th Flrat Christiana. Bob hooped
five baskets against the Squabs, Tuesday
Now that the Nebraska Telephones
hare disbanded, the larger number ef
their playeea have found bertha on other
Bechtetd, the lad wh broke his shoul
der blade ha ths Thorpetan-e4iab con
test laat Saturday, Is rapidly convalescing
at his horns.
Dome of th faster Omaha Quintet
might arranse a game with Hastings
Hin srhoel fee rebraary . Writ to
Coach Paul Schlaaler of Hastings High.
The Benson Tigers U M of th new
quintets starting out on a basket ball
career. For games with the Tigers call
Benson til and ask for Harvey Howard.
Una of the -Walter a. Clerks la still
tossing free goals from the fifteen-foot
mark In great style. His accurals tossing
la by far th best la the Tri-Clty league,
Since making their advent In the bas
ket ball fieid thus Murphy Did Its have
taken ta tne traveling stunt. The Mur
phy Did lis are playing ut-of-lowa
teams altogether.
Because several ef their players were
out of tewa on the day that th Thorpe
la na lost to the ikjuabs. Manager David
aoa of ths Thorpetans Is trying to hook
up another snatch.
As a preliminary to the rremont
Omaha lilgn school contest Vaiurday
evening, the Council Bluffs CuUs wiil
perform against the Young Men Chris
tian association aecretartea.
The Cretghto Lawa are repress atod In
th Commercial league by the following:
John Keel, Mark Hyaa. John Lld.iy.
Chester Linn. Paul Kamanskl. Patsy
riood. Julius reetner aad Aerhart.
By shooting- seventeen baskets ra MS
gam. JLesile Burksnroad. the stellar ar-
for The Bee by Swinnerton
. ' e 1. . "ZJ I I
ctas performer at right guard for the
Townsends, hung tip a new high record
that promisee to stick for some tlmo.
George Paniah. manager of the crack
Walter O. Clarke, would Ilka to schedule
a few contests wlt some of the fast
out-of-town fives. Thone Webster 1M2
or address Thirty-third and Amea avenue.
Th Squaha have nothing to foar now
that they have defeated their closet ri
val for the class B championship. The
result waa 28 to S and was never In doubt
sa to who would win. Teams wishing to
contest the claim call Tyler ItJOO and ask
for Swan for open dates.
Three Professional Golfers Are on
the Local Teams.
occer Foot Ball players Take Part
la the Games, bat The Are All
Scotch Jeecer Playere aad
. Not Eagllsh.
Does it take an lc sharp to play on a
curling rink?
While the six Scotch curling rinks wra
battling for the John U Kennedy cup at
Miller park New Year'e day aa argu
ment based on that 'question eras among
a tittle knot of American s Uteri.
After several minutes of discussion It
was unanimously agreed that the only
qualification to be a curler wad to be a
Every last man on tho six rinks which
Played at Miller park Is Scotch. First t
attract attention were Charley Johnson,
Bill Clark and Tom Leuchers. Johnson
is golf professional at the Happy Hollow,
Clark occupies th same position at ths
Field club and Leuchers Is an assistant
professional Thus It Is learned a Scotch
golfer can be a curler.
Tr.en attention Is drawn to J. W. Muir.
Howard Home. W. J. Ills op, Peter jow
den. W. R. Ounn, Bob Gait. Bob Melvtn
and the others, all Scotch soccer fiends.
Thus a Sovtch soccer player can be a
But from the lineup of the rinks It
must be a Scotch golfer and a Scotch
soccer player, for In those lineups no
English golfers nor English soccer play
ers are found Bo while golf and socoer
may be railed Scotch games, ths real
Scotch gams Is curling, and If th above
evidence won't convince you go out te
MUler park some dsy and hear them
call "soop her up" and "she's on the
Pt lid" and ''that was a braw etaos
and "a haun laid doon yin."
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. L-After more
than a year of xperlmt-ntatloa two of
th afternoon papers published her ad
vanced their arte today from 1 cent to
I cents th copy.
War news has Increased circulation, but
Inasmuch as domestic conditions have
pot permitted any advance In ths adver
tising rates, whereas th price of whits
pspsr has gono up by leaps and bounds,
thla increase has been a loss and not a
The morning papers bar retained the
old prtc or rents, at which sll Cal
ifornia papers once sold.
Trwopw Bark t Meade.
STURGI8, 8. V., Jan. t-fSpeda! Tele
gram.) Troop X Twelfth cavalry, sta
tioned In tb Colorado strike son sine
last March, will return te Tort Meade,
aear SWrgls. tomorrow afternoon. It will
arrive here about o'clock. Other troops
of the ar ja regiment will follow.
Depart Meat Orders.
WASHINGTON. Jan. t-SpcieI Tele
gram.) C. H. Hoeack was appointed
Poet ma star at New Haven. IVmI muntv
vryorains. vw n. L wiieon. rang!
BXhal Maltby of lAaadwood. 8. f.
appointed teacher at the Albuquerque
IN. M.) Indian school.
Four Boxing Exhibitions, Two Bat- '
ties Eoyal and Two Mat Erents
Make Up Card.
Jimmy Dreael, Pad fie Cs Mixer,
Wins Decision from Toons; Gar.
rlson, Who Goes the Fall
Fire. Ron ads.
Four boxing exhibitions, two battles
roysl and two wrestling matches In
cluded th card of events at th athletic
carnival held the Armory Friday.
About 200 Omaha fight fans and Wrest
ling fans were on hsnd to witness the
Jimmy Drexel, a mixer from the Pa
cific coart, who has scrapped with Charley
White, won a decision from Young Oar
riron of Omaha. Garrison, who, bin
father asserts. Is but .17 years of see,
was knocked down in the first round,
but he came back gamely and stack
throtiKh five rounds. Drexel' s powerful
punches landed time and again, but the
youngster waa there when the bell rang.
Three Merry Roe a da.
In ths absence of Dutch Leeder, Dick
Fltipatrlck took on Fred Wherton and
a merry three-round event occurred.
Fltxpatrlck got tlte decision, but his ad
vantage was llttlo.
Chuck Whittaker and George Lovelady
put on three two-minute rounds whlc'.i
p'.eased. Carl Padden, of Denver and
Jack Reynolds of Butte opened the box
ing with throe two-minute rounds. As
each of the lads seemed a trifle die,
pleased with the other th scrap was
fast and snappy.
Jack Tolliver undertook to throw Younr
Cotch twice In .forty minutes, but had
bad luck. When th forty, minutsn were
fjp Young Gotch was still squirming
around the mat. not having suffered a
Thrww Jeffrie.
Young breodlove threw Walter Jeffries
twice. The first fall cam m thro min
utes and forty seconds and the second
one In nine minutes and fifteen seconds.
The two battles royal wore the most
interesting cards of the evening. Kid
Spady, a local negro pug. entered the
first battle and proceeded to play the
gam of the rabbit and th fox. He
ducked around tho corners, popping his
tnemle her nnd there aad finally drop
ped the last man to remain In th ring.
A chubby youth of unknown nam won
the second one. Inasmuch as the demon.
Kid Spady, was not permitted around
Irrigation Question
About Water Rights
Pending in the House
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, Jan. t-'8poclal Tele
gram.) When th twenty-year exten
sion bill to mak water right payments
was paased last August, a part sf th
general scheme of reclamation, under
the national reclamation act. th Irriga
tion committee of tb house naturally as
sumed that It would hav th right to
mak auch appropriation to talcs ear
of the classes of cases as provided in
the bill. But without anything Ilk an
appropriation In sight ths appropriation
committee of th bouse Insisted that It
should hav charge of such a bill under
the so-celled budget system now In vogue
In this administration.
Th committee .on irrigation believing
that they were completely within their
lights submitted their contention to
Speaker Clark In formally and were an
Informally told he thought that they
were wholly within their Jurisdiction. It
was found, however, that In order to re
port a bill to the house, carrying- ap
propriations, which had not been al
ready authorised, it was necessary to
secure s. rule from th committee on
rules and with that In mind the members
of the Irrigation committee waited on
the rule committee for such a rule. The
committa was represented la th bear
ing by Chairman Sml'.b and th ranking
minority member. M. P. Klnkald of the
Sixth Nebraska district.
It was stated today that the result of
th hearing would be known In a day or
two, several members of ths rules com
mute being outspoken In favor of tb
Irrigation committee's contention. '
J. A. Uaaaaaa.
GIBBON. Neb.. Jan. t Spdal.W. A.
Oahagaa dropped dead on tb street here
early New Year's morning, li bad at
tended a church watch meeting and was
on his wsy home, just having responded
to a New Year's greeting whan h ex
pired. He leavea a widow, two some and
a daughter. Mr. Gahagan came bar from
lorth Plait frv yeera ago and eafaawd
i la the general lut-rchandle business.
Jaea Martlaek.
IOWA CITY. la, Jan. L Special TJ
tranvr-doseph Martin tk, th foremost
Bortemlan of Cedar Rapid; la., and pi sal
nt aad controlling stockholder of th
Marttnek Hardwar ooanpaay, died at
Mercy hospital her today.