Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    4 A
j (
Preiidency and Secretaryehip Ap
t pear Not Yet Arranged in
Upper Body.
A t ta Ba Omiy Oaa Fae
Malao4 tap Tkla riae
the Raster af Of.
i . f Irere,
(Pram a Ptuff CnrrapmlAnt.)
IJJfCOLN. Neb., Jan. IWIlpe'Ul.)-
f)rf anlsatlen at lha eenate nnxt Monday
plghl bf tha demo ratio majority, Aoea
pot fftni ta ha worrying memhere very
rnurh, lha flht ever . lha speakership
and chief Hera ship of tha house ortrupy-J
tni tha mlnris af tha members of tha iw ri
al apparently mora than their awn little
. battle avor tha' sworetarrshtp of ta
J seaate,
Three man want to be serratarjr af tha
senate, At leaat two want to ba and tha
third la In a Tory reoaptlve frame of
. mtn4, elthouptt ha aaya ha ta not wnrhhtf '
very hard. TVk" Tanner af Bouth
Oiwuha and Editor Waliath of Oeceota
ra avowed eandlitatas and "Sara boon
alnoa election, About a work aca friends
of Senator J, A. OUla af Ord precipitated
Ma name tnte tha flfht and at lia pree- .
ant Uma ha appeara to be In tha apot
$hU U ta notlneahle thai nearly all of
tha eld members are for fMHe and,
there U quite a handful of them, they
are outline: a fclf figure In tha battle,
PrveleVaer BMcfct !
There la absolutely n talk up ta nnon
today over tha preeldanny of the annate,
ffenater Kohl of Wayne and Itenittnr
flrare af Harlan appear to ba tha only
'enee mentioned, and nobody appoera to
- know whither they are really candidate
of helr own free will and aeoord. Neither ,
entttmen had. feppeared en tha ecane at '
aea and ronaequently moat of the talk
ja ft him work,
It la generally remarked that thla hat
beetl tha dulleat Saturday before tha
oaoalng ef a legislature In tit memory
ff tha eleWet Uhaaitant. Member have
em vary alow In doming In,
. ; Aryans' Ilaad area, '
" Chairman W, II. Thampaen ef tba demo-
rratnj eteia mmmlttaa by "buttlnc" lute
tba flcht baa areueed arlUelam of tha
.timberav Open revolt la not anew right
now, but aide remarka IndloaU thai there
will be eomethlng fining If tha "Utile
. Qiant" rta tea Insistent. There la UtUe
t doubt but tha Aryans are trying to or-
gen lee the legtalatura, In faot.
bar Waa to! by on of Beeretary Aryan'
trvstM lieutenants that If ha wanted to
'.get in on the winning aldo ho muet go
ad sea Charlie Sryaa and got tn right
; Xekby Slew Arrive.
Abeeftoa of "fdeada ef the ooraorotloaa''
W alee hottrtatM; at thla tlne Forhapa
Uay, too. have caught tha dilatory tactics
f tha mam here and are not harrying to
the geono of legislative eonfllet. Perhaps
the fact that "mysterious Indlvlduala"
folding eorrfertneea tn dark planes about
tba lobbies have net boon discovered also
haa a tendency to keen down the excite
ment, but, bo that a it may, there are
yet three days to th opening and the
waiting la good.
Among old members of tha senate who
are bar are XrumbaugH of Polk, Boat of
Custer, who served several yean ago
Wiak ef Buflola, fi hum way of Burt. Mai
lery of Eos - Butt, who served In the
lower body, haa been hero several days.
Dr. Wilson of Red Willow, who defeated
Senator Oordeal, Is also on the ground.
XJeutenant Governor Pearson dropped ta
thla morning.
RELATIVE LOCATIONS of opposing armies in great
campaign now at its height In the eastern theater of war.
ti 1 1 ,B
U- ' MaRlMsiAwa raaaAcTrrr3GDwwa.
Daniel Mada Arretted for Sending
Objectionable Matter Through
the Mails.
Pnreate of tkr Yoans; tVomaa la
form Aathorlllre of FpUilr and
Offender la Plaprd la Ike
Xorlh Platte Jail.
SUtnor Dsnlrl MnMa, an Omaha musi
cian, la In Jail at North Platte, under a
government charge of sending obBCene
letters through the malls to a lS-yeax-old
girl living In the Plrlllnn colony here.
Ho was arrrstod at Valentine Wednes
day night, while playing an engagement
with the Mllnno Concert company, and,
after finishing his part as star vlollnlut
under guard, was thrown In Jail by
United States Iputy Marshal A. M.
Following a hearing before the United
Htates commlfifiloner, he was held to
await Indictment by the grand Jury and
iM rommltted to Jail at North riatte. In
default of bond. He will hsva to
remain In jail until June, tinls. he suc
ceeds In furnishing bond Inter.
Maid a, who Is yenr of age, is mid
to have a wife, who Is the daughter of a
man named Io?rnttn. The latter l raid
tn be had of the concert company with
which MrWIi was appearing. The r-
rentcd man and Ills wife maI.i their homf
with txgratta at IT''! Capitol nv.-n'jo
whlln In Omaha, according to report.
Pnrrnta Rend Letter.
Federal officials who investigated the
caae hav not dlacloaed the name of the
young: girl who received the letters from
Bobsled Hits Street
Car, Boy Dead, Two
Others Are Dying
Sultan and Porte
Prepare to Flee
Into Asia Minoi
i I.ON1X1N. Jan. 2 The correspondent of
BAI.T LAKE CITY. t lah. Jan. ?.-One I lh F.xprefa in Athena reports that a
boy was killed, two probably fntally In-1 '" ''r rani'' elrts In Constantinople
Jtired and three others serloufly injured
when a hob-sled on which they were
coiistlng Inst night craahed Into a street
car. The sled, which was traveling at a
terrific speed down a rteep Incline, got
beyond control and at the foot of the
MnMa. She U eaid to have graduated 'hilt hit the ear. as the latter came to a
Mrt and Mrs. Harry Jarrett. Rha was tha
wife ef Christian Bank, to whom aha was
married five years ago. The. causa ef
death was a nervous disorder, tha and
oamlng quite unespaotedly. The funeral
servloet were held from Grace Lutheran
ehnrrh. tha pastor, Rev. u 3. Powell,
ewtfceaat Maaeka Weddlatfa.
, AVOCA. Neb.. Jan t-(flpeolal.-Mr.
IwU K. Vlkel af Huron. O.. and Mies
tiraoe Voa Sehueta war married at tha
noma of tha bride's parents sear Byre
ruse on -Wednesday. They will make
their bona tn Ohio,
Mr. Benjamin F. JTsodrtcks and Mlaa
Brtlle DeKreeo et Unadllla were united
tn Marrtuge at Nebraska City on Wednes
day by Oouncy Judg Blschof. They wUl
reeida near Unadllla. ' ' ' '
Mr. Clirtord A lord af Oormantowa and
MUs Vb-taana af Nebraska aty
were united tn marrlagw at tha home of
tha bride's parsnta tn that city a Thura
day. Tkey rt make their home at Oer
mantowK. where the croons la engafed In
btstaaea. .
Mr. Henry ' Chrlsteneen and Mis
riorenoe Hpencer, two of tha well known
young people of Weeping Water, were
united la marriage at Omaha oa. Wed
nesday. They will make Weeping Water
their home, where the groom la engaged
In business. . - ..
Mr, Phillip kVhaper and Mlaa Mettle
' Ur'ah, botlt papular young people reeld
Ing near Weeping Watgr. were united ta
marriage at Omaha on Thuraday. They
will Peetde e a farm sear Weeping
Jlatea f roan rairbarr. .
rAIRBURT. Neb., Jan, LwSpeflULVr
1 1 Roy King leavea ttunday for liurdaaus.
AVrance, to lake a lioeltlon an assistant
manager at the International Harvester
aompany. Mr. King haa bean eotuasoted
with thla cuouern for tba laat ton years.
Ite graduated (rem tha Falrbury High
aehowl la twd and Is tba son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Klug of thla city.
' The funerej aervtaeo of Mlas Mary
Olellmann were bsid at tha CataoUc
church. Km Lr. Oarey offlctatbig. etw
Was a years of aga
taring tha last week. CVunty Judga
C, C. boyte. Issued marrlaga Uoencea to
the following Part We: WUllaa 1. Oas
ratt and iuUla COmploa, rrank Nojal
and Mary Kaeaak, Lawrence Oreun and
blanche C. Keulstea, Joatt . Wltu and
Ola OranaecV
e. P. Turner and E. A. Wonder have
been aptwinlad a oommlttea ta not an
delegates from Falrbury In tha state
wide avtlun on relief fur Belgium.
I baa Mat Stand Trial.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. a-8pedat Tai-
aram.)-.Wullara I ban, tba farmer charged
wHh ahootlng John Trauernlrht with In
tent to commit murder at tha former's
Itocne aoutbaaat of Wymore, was bound
over to the district court at his prelim
inary hearing today without ball, fix
wllneaaaa testified Trauernlrht called at
tea Ibea noma on tba evening it Novem
ber S for Miss Maggie Oerdee to aeoom
paay aer ta her homo at Baracston. He
waa ordere4 to leave by IVea, and. In ra-
fealog. Iban ntrnt bim thro ttmea while
tie sat In bis boggy. Trauamlcat Is slowly
leoovartaaT rroni kl tpjursm.
IMee ta Lew AavaTelee.
WtiT POUT. Nab.. Jan. a-gpaolal.)
Tba body et Mrs.' Cbrlsdan Bank was
brought to Weet Petal Thursday from
oa Aalee Cel., where eke died e Hat
urday Uet. Mfw Bank wag formerly
. iUie. Oertrufla lergrJU barn In tha Vii4a,
tty of West Point In Ust, tba daughter of
On Trail af Forger,
. BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. l.-Bpelal Tel
egram.) A atranger forged the name of
John Collins, a farmer, to a check for
K.M at Jlolmesvllle today and nacaned
soon afterward by boarding a train for
Maryavllte, Kan,
Ba Want Ada Produce Rcauks.
WABinNOTON, Jan, I.A veU In the
hotiee en tha wnman suffrage eenatltu
tlonal amendment on Tuesday, January
11. was definitely agreed upon today by
the houae leaders,
You never, never in all your life saw such
Too busy to write a hit "adM, (This ad
written to 2 P. M. Saturday, no siifn of a
let up. and the newspapers clamoring for
wcopy") but, just a word
Sale Will Continue Until
all Broken Lines are Gone
If you could'nt get waited on yesterday
come tomorrow you're 4 sure of a choice
the furious selling of Saturday hardly
made a dent in our big stocks.
Men's and Young
Men's Classy Suits
and Overcoats
$15 to $40 Suits for
$7.50 to $20
$ 1 5 to $60 Overcoats for
$7.50 to $30
Mackinaws at Half Price
Women'i and Miuu'
. Coats and Suits
$6.50 to $95 Coats for
. $3.25 to $47.50
$15 to $69 Suits for
$7.50 to $34.75
Girb Coats (all sixes)
Boys' Suits and Overcoats at Half Price
As soon as we catch our breath -well advertise
more explicitly. Suff ce it to My Here is the
sale that fulfills expectations.
from the pulilic grnmniHr schools here
Inst June and to be llvln? In Omaha with
her parents. The latter happrrcrt to read
ono of the letters which enme to tho girl
from Malda, and notified the federal
Objctlonable letters are said to have
been sent to the girl from Manville and
Van Tnssell. Wyo.; Tlapid City. 8. D.,
and Crawford and Hay Pprlngs, Neb., by
Malda, while he was touring with the
concert company.
Although he played his engacement at
Valentine under guard of the officers, the
fact was not known publicly, and the
concert company went on to the net
town, while he waa taken to tha Jail at
North Platte.
stop on a curve. The motorman saw the
sled coming and slopped hlr, car, hop
ing thereby to avoid confusing the
counters. Before he had an opportunity
to back his car from the corner, the sled
hit the front truck and the boya were
thrown agalns tho ear and to the pave
ment. The skull of the dead boy, Russell
B. Latter, 7 years old. wns crushed; his
brother. Fulmer, $ years, suffered a
fractured skull; Harry White, 1, struck
the street car with his head and suffered
concussion of the brain and other se
rious Injuries of the head and hoy. The
ether injured are Kenneth Itynn, 11 years,
spine Injured; Lyman Xebeker, lfi years,
leg broken, body badly bruised; Phillip
Halvorzen, 17 years, log broken.
and that thu Turks have abandoned all
Idea of taki'ig the offensive.
"The Holy Rt'lics." the dispatch con
tinues, "have been removed to Brusa.
Asia Minor, where the sultan and porte
are preparing to follow'. All available
forces, about in0.rto men. are concentrated
In the city.
"Adrlancplf has been practically evac
uated end the heavy guns removed to
Tchatalja, which Is near the Turkish
capital. Frenzied entrenching la in
progress along the shores of the Dardan
elles and the Bosphorus, and preparations
are holnir made tn resist the passage of a
hostile fleet.
"The attack m Kgypt haa been defin
itely abandoned and the troops have been
recalled to defend the Asiatic side of the
straits and Brusa.
"Everything points to Constantinople
being thu f'rst inemy'i capital to fall."
Bee Want Ads Are the Best Business
Read Dally by People In Search of Ad
vertised Opportunities.
I5lrj.18.20 FARNAH STREET.
( i I
JOHN A. SWANSON, President Sfca WM. L. IIOLZMAN, Treasurer
Monday, lie "K WMT Mai ComSffflies
The most sensational, most overwhelming January reduction sale ever held in
Omaha or the west. Positively nothing like it elsewhere because we place on sale
CO.D.'i '
fofnndg f h
nonnc Uiii
O tulip Emtilro
jp- nTer carrj
W roods f rorr
VI 'Vf season to
"Every Fall and
Winter garment
must go. We must
keep this new
store new. We will
carry over
from one
other," says the
"I Will" Man
1 i'- "
s mi
3aX - fc. III! II 1 I aT Y
Consisting of More Than
Ten Thousand
High Grade, Fashionable
Fall and Winter ,
225 OTFS1I
Greatest Assortments of the World's Best Clothes go at
ANY $10.00 to $40.00 SUIT or OVERCOAT $
la our entire stock at hall price now and until all are sold at
Fur and Fur Lined Overcoats and Black Suits Alone Excepted.
All Boy's and Children's $2.50 to $10 Suits
and Overcoats at Half Price, Now
Men's ana Bare rtetaia Dept.-
$1.25 to $5.00
The i Will" Man Smashes Furnishing Goods Prices
Shirts ! Shirts ! !
Bny Exeello, Bate Street, Yorke, Arrow and
other leading shirts at big reductions, Ifclp
yourself Monday.
Men's Shirt 17 a
Reg. $1.00 Tal.. JC
Man's Shirta
Reg. $1.50 Tal.
Men's Ehirta
Reg. $2.00 val
$100 Shirts at $2.85
Men's 25c Hose
Pine Quality Fibre.
Silk, a few ban
light miswraves.
pair for 0c per pair, 17c
Msti's Shirt A 4 OO
Reg. $2.50 val.. 1.00
Men's Shirts (ft a (r
Reg: $3.00 val. $&.UO
Man's Shirts frf fit'
Rg.$3.50 val. ..OD
$5.00 Shirts at $3.55
$1.00 Meas Union Salts, 60
$U0 Mea'i lalon 8alts, 91
$1 Flanlte Klght Robos, 59e
60c Men's Work Shirts, 35
76c MssUa Vlght Bokea, 45
Gloves ! Gloves ! !
Warm gloves and gauntlets. Lined and nnlind
cape and mocha gloves, also fur and fur-lined
gloves. Out they go I
50c Neckwear
Beautiful new SUk ass
wear. 60c quality,
Monday, at 2 fa".
Men's Gloves nr.
To 75c values. . . vC
Men's Glove ir.
To $1.00 valuea.dC
Men's Gloves ftrA
To $1.75 values. tfdC
Men's G
To $2.25 valu
Men's Gloves 4 f A
Men's Gloves
To $3.50 values
Gloves, up to $5.00 values, for $3.00
7So and $1.00 Men's Wool Drawers For quick clean-up, at ftp Men's 50c and 75o Fleeoed Shirta Clean-up price, each, 85c
OeJli Men's COc Shirts or Drawers Fleece lined, ribbed, each, 85s
75c and $1.00 Men 'a Ribbed Shirts a few $1.50 grade, at
MaC rarenlaksai
"Mala VI aer.
"Forget Cost or Value" Sajs the "I Will" Man--"CIear Out
AH Women's
j Choose from Our Entire Stock
All $9.85 Coats, Half Price, now $4.90
3 o cjocdo arm o crza o
its, Coats, Dresses, Furs
All $12 85 Coata, Half Price, now $0.40
All $14.85 Coats, ITalf Price, now $7.40
o All $17.50 Coats. Half Price, now $8.75
H All $19.50 Coats, Half Price, now $9.75
All $24.50 Coata, Half Price, now $12.25
u All $29.50 Coats, Half Price, now $14.75
I All $34.50 Coata, Half Price, now S17.25
All $39.50 Coata, Half Price, now $19.75
U All $44.50 Coats, Half Price, now $22.25
Choose from Our Entire Stock
All $14.85 Suita, Half Price, now $7.40 O
All $17.50 Suits, Half Price, now $8.75 f
All $19,50 Suits, Half Price, now $9.75
All $24.50 Suita, Half Price, now $12.25
All $29.50 Suits, Half Price, now $14.75
All $34.50 Suits, Half Price, now S17.25
All $39.50 Suits, Half Price, now $19.75'
All $49.50 Suits, HaK T- "mv R?4 75
iv now .S27.50
AU $55.00 Suita, Half
nAU Evening and lfe Childress Warm 1 All Fur Sets and lyU
Mreei uresses. winter coats at prCe mr coats at..... fr tt
Women's Wearing' Apparel Department Third Floor.
r. Hdren's
ses, at.
jor ioc":.'oc
DOC womeni ri tc
Sweaters at. ...lef7
50o Women'i
Vasts or Pants
3 O
&0e Women's
Neckwear at
S5o Ecri' Waists, r
luxtrn Special 1C