10 THE OMAHA SrXDAV nV.K: J A NT Any 3. 1015. , ... ' - j" t i -. nAli ESTATE XORTH SIPE Sayings Accounts Drawing .1 to 4 Tor Cent It not a good business proposition for any renter who can take th turn money and make It yield every year FROM 15 TO 25 PKR CENT t" the purchasing of home tnr himself elf M family In th Heart of Beautiful Prairie Park abd other location north, northwest and aouth. NEW HOMES 1 Five, etx and seven roorne- All modem, iisvte-date tn every reepert. mmrr fnY.rafcl r with th beet, at prima, terms ad euelttv to msk it A BUSINESS riiOPOSITION A HOME PR0iOSITI0X A MONE Y-M A Kl NO PROPO SITION Tww food ewmfartnhl machine at ywsr ervlc ay (Sunday) or any ether day, at any hoar. We ara selling tbw new and atttacttv. homes to keen, shrewd, good business Mao. It l worth whlla for you to try u j none lor any inrormatma desired. SAUNDERS CO. mm vr. a w. B1d. Building Lots $10 Down $5 Per Month W ktn uxt pvrehaaed and toy crier for aala lota t and 7, and U and . blo'k 4. and lota K and , bloc i. aH in ((anndera lllmrbauxha Addition walnut H1U. Lota and 7 frnnt north . oa Raw and. 10 aot t of ftk atreet. iaa elty and newer, and tha prtora are only tm Hch. Uou 23 and at front otith on .Charlaat tiava per ma uent aide walks, city watar and aewer. and are nly 3W for tha eaat ana and turn tnr tha waat ana. Lota 16 and 1 front aoHth wa Chart, fee weat ef tth, and tha prleea ara $2.a ab. Theaa lota ara situate In a dalrabt yaaldanea ran of the rlty, anly a little er a block weat of tha Military lUarf, where there are two or three street rar lines. Itemamber tha terrost llu down and fS per monih. JL P. Tukey & Son !-- Board of Trade Bid. Phone I. Ho. Beautiful Mercer Park Where erery lot fronla en a boulevard, AU 8PBCIALF IN AND PAID, Inolud ln paving. Served by three car line. Kin natural timber. Our prices ant terms mr reasonable. No f raino houses per - milted. Let us show you this properly. Also tha bautlf u norms now belnc racl4 here. , , 'V. FARNAM SMTTII & CX., Sole Agents Farnam HL Tel. Douglas fnM.e ; $150 Down $25 Per Month 5-Rooms and Bath Practically new, si modern eieept fur riace; large lot 60xl.v; near .ld and Sew ard, two block from car; house I va cant Owner warite to sell Immediately and ha made very low price n-and woadarfuily easy terms. This ta a snap. Armstrong-Waist! Co. Tyler 1UW. Ft at Bank Bldg Fine 6-Room House TlIOXIOUnHLT MODERN AND HIOH CLAFM. Located aorth. near Miller Perk. Built few yaara ago and occupied a a home vr prominent physician. Klx rooms: oak ftntvh; hand-painted walla: finished basn raent; oement driveway to private gar age) good exterior finish nd built aftr ' the bungalow style. Tost K.UuO. t'n be 'a-dd for !. on terms to suit buyer, 'ee this high class house before buying. Shuler & Cary! State Bank Bldg Five Rooms $2,400 $100 Cash : J:. Balance Monthly " Located a our line In th aorth part i of. the cttyk in, good louatiun, voitalaUng . of l rooms on one . floor, modern except heat and In good eonditlon. tlood lsd lot, paved street, with paving paid. Thla five-room cottage la one of the best hr gains being olfereA at this time. The . ahov price ta considerable lee. thitn what It would bo possible to duplicate a )ropery of this kind. Call ua up for lurther aartioulara. - Hiatt-Fairfield Co. ' n. sr VINANC1AL clrcuniaianvf a coiiiihi m to sell new i.3m bungalow tor tZ.fiV rented for 14. Uwnw. Addrrs U 4U. lie. ' i : NEW HOMES Miller Park District W hav four fine new homes m th Is rapWiy deve4oi dortiV t. i NOW 1 the tlmo to buy, as prices will be iMgher la the spring ., ... : $3,750 MU Laurel Av... beautiful new fram and afaee bMnaoiow, modern ta -very re.pe.-t ; several bum-In" features, fta oaa ftnleh, ..it rtooiw. Ur ax tle. Easy terms ta goo4 party. $3,850 ' K3T Crowa Point, bungalow, with Urge living room, dining room, kitchen, bath aad to ftuo bed ruoms; bewutUul oak ftnish. full basement, brick flreplsce. outitr4a Suttet and bookcases. ( $5,000 ' Kansas Ave., fronting Miller Park. In Bel! Die addition, west of S4th "t . a fin stuoo house, sis Urge rooms, beau tiful finish and floors: svery mod.rn I'TTrTi-JV rnr ioi' heauutul doooraUon. You wlH Ilk this house. It $5,300 Vt Florence Blvd.. a six-room, all sturc heuK. with sa extra fin lot, xl'V. east front oa tli ' Prrttle.t WlU." Th. hous U eoinpl.t and spleu uly buiil, ail rooms ar targe, (toe kitchj haa butit-ta abinela and ood wrk U whit eeaiiMl; pressed brick fireplace, full basein.nt ecieas complete; 'T, ?"tr vr'A)'. If you at an ideal home In aa Ideal loratiou. a vatu abl M, V4 bouse. Vp Uday. . CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. IlEAL ESTATF NORTH SIDE Only $2,850 We have a practically new house, wltir reception hall, living room, dining room, kltcnen, t entry ami rrsr entry on the I first floor; two nice large bertrooma and Imth on the second floor: larue closets, .good furnace; full basement; shades, eater meter, etc, paved street, close to ri.o. i Terms ii ceeh; halan-e very low monthly payments. $l Amu Are. Norris & Norris We Hxla. Tel. Douglas 4TO 200 CASH balance on esy payments, will make mj tha in'r of an ilmont new t-mnm cottage, modern except heat, wmTt walk and baaewient; lot HO; located near 3th and Boyd tte. Prl e only C. 0. CAR LB ERG 811 WraH Ttrnkr Hldg FOH THE MAN OF MODERATE MEANS $3,250 Buy 6-oam buncaluw, every modem convent. m and severs! built-in features fiwier la really aacrifielna at thla prlre; I'no down; balance Uk rant; nax KounLaa OALIAQIIER & NEISON, D. (3n 44 Brandota Oldf VACANT IA)T e anhvaat eornar of f4iratrira and Hh Wi rtty water; lot 0alZ7 ft. Prtre only C. 0. CARLBERO rj Rrandela Theater Bid. HIOll-rLAfiS KOCNTZE Plate's H(MS Da yotl want snmetblna extra n-ood, h a new, well built, ap-to-date R-raom battsnT We are fortunate In hav'tnff Jual the borne yen ara look lea for. It et reptbmalry well bfiilt The roawa aea all ro4 aim and well arranaed, with a ulreplas norrh, extra toilet In le mt, fine eentent Rarar and niMneroua o ber feat tires added. A reaaaeutbla payiwent down a 111 b swffletent. Ttie owner la rtn arli to lUlnota aad wants to sell at wk-. TATHH IKTESTMRNT CO., THraitlBa 17M. Ware BWek. .Motlern Homo Close In Easy Term, ISU X. Zlat M., ( larre mm, modern but furbaee, In excellent repair. Close ennwf h to town so that you ran aatre car fare. Prtre 12.an: t2M raeh. 4J6 a month. , klontMy naymenta Hp)4e intreat. tiAHTlRt.' HETPKM, 114 Harney EAll 24T1I AND CUMING Nms-emnt houee. m4em except heat, paved Street, li.000. C. G. CARLBERG 1I Brandets Theater Bldg. KIVK ROOM COTTAGE lot vtrt. ONLT itaift At Stlf Blondo Pt., torn hloett ta awd of Harney car, and a big kargaln for some enx. W. H. OATE8 ff Omaha Nat. Bank Wdg, T). 1KH MUUT have money quick. Will sell it.AOO equity hi 7-room all madera home for $3tn cash; give you warranty deed; bat anew mtg, ll.Kia 4110 Ke. 2Hth Ave. REAL EfiTATE HOITII RIDH $1,500 3 Lots At antt and Doreas, era of them torner. Room far four ar five heases; sewer, water and permanent walks. On block from street car. Best bargain la this district Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler VM. fttate Bank Bldg New Year's Bargain ' IXO TO V)0 I AHH. $.1,750 for fine ew 4-room, etrletlv td crn and up-to-date bungalow, rooms In eak, ak floors throughout; fine, elus In; east front lot. on boulsvard, 4.t7ba also buys 4-room, ml modern, oak finish, bungalow; Hvlng room 13x32; three bed rooms, tkimethliig out ef tha ordin ary. Large comer lot; atree paved: ttanscom park district. lood lot taken a first payment, tmll Web. ttXl, ar sea Rasp Bros. 104 McCague V-ufk Dougla WA $15 Per Month Makes th monthly payment Mil room house, with large barn, room for 4 horses. Just the pla for a teamster Convenient to work ta Omaha, ar Houth Omaha. Situated If.th and Bancroft 81a. fries ii.ffio. U cash. W. FARNAM SillTII & CO., 1K Farnam St. Tel. Pong. If. Hanscom Park Home Modem ami cholon 4-room dwelling on fcorner lot tn th beat part of Haoseoin park district. Lot MxltO feet. wUh plenty of room for anothur bone or a flat. House Js In tlr-top comKtlon and I a bargain at WQ. Hut make ua an offer. You oan buy a snap here In a fin bom. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Ty imet. flUt a BshM Hldg - Fiold Clab District Five-room preaa brlok cottage, modjcrw, east front lot . , C. G. CARLBERO US PrsndHe Theater ldg alt MODERN UO.MB AND INVKSTMsIN'f ! UAROA1N. - I An eastern company authortsea a to sell th treeia m adorn house and grnnd It120 feet ot th aotrtbweot cosiwr of s.th avenue and r-lcre atreet. A hlgn and sightly close-la local Km at a bi bargain XI. BKN30N t MTEftS CO.. 424 Omaha National Uank HUhs, 141 CkoaakA Nat. Bank Uldg. KKAIi F8TATK ROCT1I S1DK Start 1915 In a; Home of Your Own Pay $30 Cash and Move In Thla house I located south of llrnu- . com rark. one hlork frnm M t'st kAm ' car line. It la a brand new. all modern 6-room bungalow, well built and very sonvememiy bits need I Also Have a Pretty b-Koom Bungalow la a beautiful North Hide bxatlon. which. yeu ran move Into after makln a rash, I I ayment of tT) i. ; Thla house tronta enat and la modern tkeouKhout, wlih principal rooms fln lahed In oak. The monthly payments on elthpr of Ibeaa houses are low enough t'i plB'e them with, n the reach of any man who would like to miike Ills rent money do more than pay fur the mere prmlegn of living In the hnuee of a landlord. If yen want to Inspect these houses, telephone In today and 1 will arrange to semi a car for you. E. P. WRIGHT Today phone Walnut W2. Phone Touylaa '. any day next week. New Modern Home Fine Location j 7-Rooms ! At 873ft Mason M.. I have just Pteted a modern home, built by day labor and constructed In compliance with the new building laws of Umaha. The side walls up to tho window sills are brick veneer' double floors throughout san-j 1-r.ti lUBiliRiinj FiniIlB1. fit I. ami i:UIQ with flaxllnum and linofelt. ahlngle f. to I first quality red cedar, siaine.i with ntid roof Ihh ulated attalnst heat and cold roof preservative first flnl.hea In fumed oak, except kitchen: second floor, shite :hout" ,r'i rail! " enamel; polished oak floors through except kitchen:, which has vortlral greln yellow pine, and bath room tiled; large living room with beamed celling, arils. lo Navajo brick mantel, built-in hookraa Thla Is a f ne piece of property, located ot the besT'rvs'ldendlstrUit' and surrounded by native treea. in one Omaha W have set out some selected shrubbery In fact, th property Is developed snd i Is a real hasae. Irtc. I5.7W , on reason able terwi If. desired. Open today for In spettlen. .Fred W. Shotwell, 4 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. rhrKs: Office, Doug. 122!; Res., II. Must Be Sold Good Home at a Sacrifice This I a well constructed -room. two story nedent house, with finished attic, having hot water bent, piste glass win dows throughout; full cemented basement, laundry connections, etas oak finish first floor, with brick fireplacn In living room: four comer bedrooms, second floor; iRrge Mouth front lot tfixl.B ft., with fine shade trees and Iran fence In front; excellent neighborhood. This Is a S7.0M place priced at o.809, but owner must sell at one and haa Instructed us to accept any reasonable offer. This la your oppor tunity to buy a good home cheap. Do not fall to look this up and make us an offer tt Inters at ed. Immediate possession. George & Company 103 City National Dunk Bldg. Phone Ioug. 7i. Hanscom Park District Six Room Houso W hav a vary pretty new home, only two blocks from Hanscom park, that can be sold on easy terms. This house la oak finished, with beam ceilings, built-in hook cases and buffet, fireplace; toilet add lauwdry tn basement; large garage; lot tMial. tries, 6.m Located at 3.i3 Ltneein ,Ave. A aiaall cottag would be nceepted in trade. Norris & Norris 4t Be Btdg. Phone Doug. 4770. 33d and Woolworth Avenue 6-Rooms, $4,500 ThU U In tha heart of th fine Field club dlstrlwt and 1 on of th cosiart Ultle Mounts as wU as una ot the beet baigalaa to be found aaywner m Omaha. Iteuso la aly tlvs years old; la finished la oak and has recently been beautifully decuraWd throughout. U ara re. Kaat front, tot. Onlv on and oa-half block from West Kid rsrk ear line. You couldn't buy a let within a radius of three blocks' anj build the house for anywhere nenr thla money. Terwa can a arranged it renilred. irmstrong. Walsh Co. Tyb tM, fttate Bank Hldg 8-lioora Homo , Closo To Depots and Wholesale Houses SO Hlehary Pt. ; nlc aeuth front lot; hewa haa cah fleers in part; all modern, neaty minted; will sell on a email pay ment down and the balance about the KMsive as rent. One-half block to 8. ItiUu kVt. car line. Good location. MABTINOa it HKYDKN. 114 Harney N SACRIFICE KALE New 7-room strictly modern house, osk fbtleh. Lovely light fixtures, south front, gue location, new homes all around, price reduced for quick stile, see owner en premises, no agent commission. 2M1 Woolworth Ave RliAL PSTATB WEST RIPK Best Double Corner Anywhere $1,400 In Clairmont. On the hill. East front, overlooking the city, louxns feoC City water. Sewer, gas, electrio IIkIUs and side walks in and paid for. Discount tot all cash. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tylor LK Plate ilank Hldg I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern house recently luulmml by me. Tbla houte is loiate.1 in the Weet Farnam uutrkt, ie bloi k from I-eovtnw vrili car and four bioks from armini. Dak finish duwnatuir. aiilte enamel bath, weeping porvlt. beautiful ian. You can fcuy this house at a big aa.'ni it's, Addr.s M 'A Bee, er alter 4 k ni. phone Webster 4IM. $3,000 $rooia oottage, elegant lot. close t West 1-eevenworll. car lin. pevod street; prW., $i,wu. C. G. CARLBERO aU randl Tb.aUr Bldg. . .led wall, plat rail and built-in buffet; b "V'0" "htln tMarr,. Driveway f geod-alxed den leading off from dlnln l lVS;. 'Ln J room through French doors; three good- , h " ".Zi u urVZXI olsed bedrooma. with ample ventilation. ; h'.use. m California St. a rl IV nlflw tubsat- rl n n fnnm wl i mark- ' " " - t v.hwj, HEAL ESTATE WEST SIDE .uler & Cary IIOMH-ITK A N'D PI P-DIVISION SPECIALISTS. Secure n lot in niir of our addition and we mill furnish the money for bulla In a home on tha lot. DON'T FAIL TO SEE Popploton Park Addition PI residence lots, sdjoinliis; the Went rarnam and Cathedral districts. f,2i5.00 to $095.00 110 I-VN-4i TO 110 PERMOXTH. fA Few Sllfc-htly Higher.) These prices Include water, sewer snd sldewaik, all streets sad lota to estab lished grade and shad trees planted. Now is the time to buy. Every unsold lot will he raised from 10 per cent to M er cent In price on March 1st Huy direct from owners and save the events rjmmiwl"n. Huslnesa conditions nre linprovlaar and the wide awake Investor Is becoming active. Voi'r wife and children will be proud to own a home on one of these choice lots and in this locality. Don't delay, but take advantage of I present prices. Oo to our office today at un and Chicago sts., or phone us any day and we will call for you. SShuIer & Cary, Owners, PTATE BANK BLDQ.' One Block From Harney Car Fine Home, $5,500 Leaving the city, our new home and 1 ,,'?. '.,1 "... vi.,7,' 1 'w' ' i.Xei'tL t' m Ci ' V"""!1 A "' J?" consisting of 7 rooms Ion hall, with nLh mlrrtir In ." '. ..,f",Vy' ""'rraior room, nice "X " JST" "l1 " T l.gsir. .11 la. aasKli m, " ' " "hl JT5; J? .L1H'r" ,UJ',1 airs and down: fine k"u."". ?' Jr,.-T"X-.uU " " ' ' vwuavnnvs niuma UV a mill xlestal oienlng between dining snd llv- ; ImJ 'w ' Z ;V..rk'-iift; ' S ' . . " . dUn,.i1'" .fln" '" In plural; hot and co d water; ram Te lo th tf f)fVl JlflH LJlr- LW """1 U.1XU Farnam For $575 43x132. tlA cash, $1 per week. Can you beat this? O'Kecfe Real Estate Co., 1 flirt Omaha National. Phone Douglas 271ft. Near Cathedral $6,000 for $5,000 7 rooms, thoroughly modern, with hot water heat: good garage: thoroughly well I luillt and cost over ftMKW three years ago; s.sw ran win nanaie. uwner muat gtv up on account of sickness. Glover & Spain H19-30 City National. Douglas S9ft. 14,800 9-room, 2 4 -story mod ern house, electrio Ushtg and gas, hardwood finish, full cemented base ment. Splendid location. Terms made to suit. $3,200 7-room, 2-g.tory modrn house, hot water heat, south front lot. Full cemented basement with laundry. Good location, Imposing neighborhood. Terms if desired. W. T. BMITH CO. D. 2819. 1111 City Nat'l Bk. Bldf. 0 REAL EST ATE MISCELLANEOUS Real Bargains Start Right $;,2U0 and a SNAP. 104 8. 37th fit. just off Karnam car on WMT FAR NAM HILL, rooms, quarter oak finish downxtairs. larga tyandaorne living rouin, flreinaca, beautiful stair, large dining room, big kitchen, pantry, built-in lo box, good full br.ck basement. 4 bed rooms and bath on 2d floor, with finished maids' room on 3d floor. Owner notites.dent; reduced prlc from $S.0ft for quick sale. Might take even money to close out Quick. THINK It over. OO OUT TODAY AND OO THROUGH; It will b open In th cuternoon. Dundee t.MO has been the asking prlc. aad It . Is cheap at that, but want to sell quick, 4W3 Capitol Ave., tha BEST , BUILT house In th DISTRICT for the PRICE; fin rooms, large living room, with flreplaoa, fin dlnlmf room with built-in BUF FET, large pantrv and a great HIO TII-ED RATH. You slmslv CANNOT BEAT IT for the NOT BEAT IT for the price. WANT OFFER, CASH OR We TERMS. Field Club -Two of th BE.T REAL BAgU 11A1NS In this up-to-dat reatdeaoe HKCTION UNE aa EAST frnt beautiful home for t.2M, that Is th real thing for th WON Elf; I rooms, besutlful Interior; cost th owner 17.600. It Is a snap. Tha other a choice EAST front oorner. 7 rooms, and a GREAT SNAP H-N-A-P Do you get th Idea $"CU0 plunks will buy this, and you can more in tomorrow if you like. Trackage .... 3x1S3 feet on 4th and Jone Sts. THE CH1CAFF.ST and the BEMT lAROE TRACKAGE Site left In the downtown section. Ws are AhHAMED to tell you WHAT niixht buy this property. Nonresi dent here and WANTS to sell Ql'lCK. Would cons der $4,000 cash and some CLEAR property. Would b of leap at $U per foot, but we want tv sill- Oet buay. D. V. Sholes Co. Tel. ikiuslaa 4 1S City Nat. Bank Hldg Sixty Day Exclusive We have an exclualv contract with th owasr of thbi plsce. Eight rooms. Karnam car. Ten minutes to town. Paved street. Nto lawns. Finish oak and map!. Servants' quarters. Large sleeping rooms. Fireplace. , Full basement. Fruit room. Call for appointment. American Security Co. lHuia suit. v al, m, liar. U4i $10 CAell. BALANCE MONTHLY We have several house., modern and partly mod.rn. Inrce and small, north land south side. Why not be your own lanniorar itaven l you noticed that the proiwrty owner seius to be better olf fiaantially than yourselff Coiu la and talk the matter over. PAYNE INVESTMENT tO.. IoiiKlas i;l. War blok B Want Ads Ar the Beat Buslnaaa Head Dally by People la Search of Ad rertlawd Opportuaittea REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE F'R tvALK Yscsnt Iota, located in 8un ders A Hlmebaugh'a addition to Wal nut Hill, and aim In Okahoma addition, both In Omaha These are desirable lots and will be anid for much leas than their V th8 own" ' a nonresident. Will sell aetmrately or together ss de alrad. For further particulars address J. 0. Harris & Son, Ottawa. 111. o REAL ESTATE SiniRB AX D Big Sacrifice on Dundee House .r1? ch buyg 1-)0 'lultr In prac tically new hOUSn 111 ntlndee- ! T.r rooms, besides bath, and extra large sleeping porth. full two-storr and attic: oak floors throughout; larva living room I ... ,.Kii-im wnn rirepiace. Tho house a well built, and only 1 year old; full lot. on h ah ground, one block to car; ti0 f!' w1th eM' aceesa. Price, It ..loo; t,'o rasfc, balance per cent, pa a ble H every three montha. This Is one of th best buys ever e- fcred In Dundee and muat be sold at one at this figure. If you want ta look Bum day, call Harney 2. or WsJnut 0l. Glover & Spain 919-20 City Natlowal. Douglas 3S2. IUE A L EHTATKIN VE9TM ENTS3 100 Ft. on Farnam NEAR MfT ST.. i12S On A mor Harrison & Morton High Class Investment Income, ill.Oiw per annum. This property Is only 7 blocks from court house. In city's business dis trict. Location has shown steady advancements. Will bear a con servative investigation. Will cost alder exchanges if clear to per cent and cany balance back. Full Information at office. Traver Bros., 70S Om aha Nntlonnl ti a n k Dldg. Investment Income $1,320 Price $12,000 56x110 feet, with double stucco and frame house, new and up-to-date, beau tifully situated with fine view, in good neighborhood where nearly everyone owns his own home. Income $1,320. Price 112,000. Fairly easy terms. J. H. Dumont & Co. W08 Farnam St Phone Douglas 69u. J40 ACRES near good lows, town, will trade for good Omaha Income property. American Security Co Duustas mi14. a.ciiiu4a: uuuiui 4tvsi or Harney 3846. SUVitaN FEK CENT MOHTGAOUS FOH BALE. I hav two first mortgages of 12. KM each, bearlag seven per cent, interest payable aanuaily; run until February 18, 1;H9; secured on good Nebraska farm. A second mortgage is carried on this farm of U.W0, and there is still a good margin of security left. I want to sell the first iurt"ag. J. riTZGERALD, 827 Board of Trndo Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATU ACREAGE FORTT ACRES. Five mile from city, thlrtv acres un. der cultivation, two acrea orchard, seeded to clover, flvo or six acrea alfalfa, six room house, good barn, chicken riousa. two wells, good cellar. Owner Improved thia ptae with Intention of making It hi home, but owing to health and chanaw of plans . offers to sell It; prlco $a,2Ui. Would trade for good lacoane city prop arty. A. F. SMITH CO. Faoa 9. . (Fay Smith.) 23 Pearl St CooseU Btaffs, Iowa, 40-ACRB FARM. I miles of Council Bluffs. Good S-room hous. bars. 6 acrea bearing grapes, f acre orchard, b acre alfalfa; b&lajaee all fln rich garden land, auitablo for any purpose; near gnuied school. Good road to city. Worth the price of $,btw. Will dlvid aad sell 30 acrea with build ing, $6,MJ. Other M. $4,1). Terms if de sired. McOee Real Eslut Co., luFj leart St., Council Bluffa REAL ESTATE f OR EXCHANGE 10-Acre Fruit Farm, Provo,Utah For Sal or Exchange Owner of this property Uvea In Omaha. II bought it about t year ago. Intending to make it rrfa home. II now desires to sell it, or will exchange It tor Omaha property. Th Improvement consist of fivo-year-old fruit tree ( standard coat njercial varieties acres pacn trwes. now beating and ft acrea apple trees, it la Irrigated aad perpetual water rights hav been acquired and tha uroDertv ianoed. It lies 4 mhes from Provo, Utah, a thrlvtag clt- or ll.ou to Li.iW Inhab Itania, th count' seat of Utah county, and Is 3 blocks from an intcrurbiia car 11 n and Is in fh midst ot highly de veloped fruit farms. Price. $.. 'For farther particulars inquire of Fred W. Shotwell, Agent, Si Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. TeL D. !. A DIK ECTOR la oae of the aervatlvely financed oorporatloa ta th weat wishes to retire aad will eschaag hi stock, which will pay strong llvi deads, for clear western or aorthern lands or reatal property. CHv gJ number and price in first letter. Ad dress Owner, Rem M, Banford Hotel Rlock, Omaha. Neb. A BEAUTIFUL MODERN DUNDEE HOME Seven large, ELEOANTLY FINISHED rooms and hall; garage; Bon lift ft lot; Pived alley; H block from atreet car. or aale or trade for well I mo roved Hu- acr farm close In.. Call Walnut 1067 or write J 407, Bee FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN. Highly Improved farm of 166 aora Land at lays fln and Is excellent soli. Will exchange for good Omaha reeideac. C. R. COMBS, (11 Brand. la Theater, Omaha, Nee. Douglas fcl. In ACRES Tripp county. 8. D. for sal. or trade. Will trad for city property, eaah or gents' furnishing. For further particulars address B est. Bee. FOH EXCHANGE IS4 aors near Clarks villa, $lt,4uu; Incumbrance ti..); fine; want merchandise, hotel. Kansas, Ne braska farm, or what? Owner, Box 647. Van Burwn, Ark GOOD lucome properties accepted tvt part of my Ckiifornla property. Ad dress. P 411, Be. ABSTRACTS OT TITLE. Rf.ED Abatraot Co.. elaaat absuact ot flc ir S.hmsna V njel Theater. KtkK T1U Uuaraate aad Abstract Co. a mod ..' a abstract oXftc. M aV 13th at, Phon Douglas $4.7. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY aad farm iwaus. i, par r.at t. It. Dumont Jk Co.. 14 Farnam. Omasa. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. W'ANTaD City loaua aud aarraala. W. Farnam Uu.uh Co. lX. karnam. OMAHA hoiiMs a.ast Nrixa.ka fan U eRCrS REAL EaTAlei CO IN U.'.ba Natl Dougla 1711 tiJ is Ho.uwJ inau. brumutis. F. D. W Wead Bldg, isih and Faiaant Bta. REAL ESTATE IJANS OAliV'lN 1SHOS "oa- and v. u"' ll Omaha Natl Hank. 6 rIrr 'A.8, C. O. Carlberg Co.. y ' IIW-3H Branclels Theater Bidg. CITT property. Lara loans a special y. W. H. Thomas. 2? Htate Bank Bldg. afONKT on band for city and tarin loans. H. W. Hinder ritv Natl Dank Hlrta. &R us first If you want a farm loan. Ualted States Trust Vo.. Cmvar.a. Neb. REAL ESTATE rARM RAXCIl LANDS FOB lALl Arkaaaaa. LITTLE River Valley lands, rich and cheap, on railroad. Sessions Co.. Wlnth rop. Ark. -a FOR 8ALK 36 acres fine, level land in the heart of the Oxarks. 7 apple trees. tood Improvemeats. John McUili, Blloam rlnga, Ark. CaOJ torn lax. CALIFORNIA. Far Sale: In Tuiar county. Califerala. farm of 1.12 acres, two miles from t tioa on Southern I'aclflo railroad, on oiled road. Land la all fenced alid Is level. Has been In grain, but soil is well suited to altalfa. aad there la abundance of water. An esceilent syndicate or sub division preposition. Price 110 an acre, -'J.(M cash; balance may remain on snort gag at per cent. O. L. PRENTISS), 1IM Title Insurance Bids., . Los Armeies, Cal. a per cent down and 10 per oant yearly, will buy you a horn in California. Our land in to Kacrameato Val ley Is tha equal of any in . the state for quality, loca tion, railroad service and de al rabie netghtbora. Price low and oa the above terms your land will pay for Itself. W hav tracts of all si sea; $ secures you any tract until you make Inspection; money back If any misrepresenta tion Is made In our litera ture. Only 304 acres will be eld at present prices, and above terms. Call or write to day; this is your opportunity. r literature. W. T. SMITH CO., 1111 City Natl Bonk Bldg., OMAHA, NEB) SAVE YOUR RAILROAD FARE TO SAN FRANCISCO EXPOSITION. We are California a largest land deal ers; Improved farms, any sire; all kind of land oa terms; long list satisfied buy ers; our 6,0uO-acr home ranch. Califor nia's finest dniry and fruit farm. Just jubdlvlded. Transact business with us and WE WILL REFUND YOUR FARE. Fre information bureau; correspondence solicited. Buena Vista Farms Co., Balboa Hldg.. S.-in Francisco, Cat o HAVE several thousand acres, best ctt rus section. California: consVtar mnA city and country properties for part Ad dress B 413, Be. Florid. FIJRIDA 329 acres, divided to suit near .lacxsonvme; good investment at S.50 acre; money returned if dissatisfied. A. Koellner, 181 Congress St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Loaiaiaiub RICH farms and colonisation laatU cheap; railroads and good markets con venient: healthful country: Dure water: good schools. Write for list DaSeto Land t-o.. naton Houge, Iji." Mlaaoeota. HAVE two unusual offering ta Improved farms at easy terms; one near Minne apolis; soil best In stato. Lee, 706 Lumber i.xctianKa Hldg., Minneapolis. Mluoari. IMPROVED farms, $26 per acre. Alfalfa, enrn enrtnn llllnnl. C.niert -,.-! mentai farms show land very productive. c7.tr-iiuiu viiimm, u. jr. Dieoosn. llun Chicago. Moawssalisw SECTION Kimball Co. Pros. M01 Paul. Her la that ranch van hav been look ing for and a chance to turn in your city property. KOBEHITD LJtNIl COMPANY, 414 Barker Block, Omaha. 1.8K-cre faem, alfalfa and stock ranch at ilZbt per acre, all la a body: iust west tt Valentine, Neb., in Cherry county; corn ers sa a guoti lows on w tj. at w. w. It K. Thia place haa S house on It aad I of them are in town; there ar 6 walla, windmills and double tanks; fenced off In six different pastures; nice grova by th houses in town. Thia Disc la ail a ranged with large barn, sheds aad cor rals; out plenty nay; t,w acres finest farm land on this place; 80 acrea bow la cultivation: th corn yields 4tt buehei to th acre: 10 acre rva that look. fia This to where they are raising th high fissd beef a th native grass; binder, mowers. dkM, plows and all hay aad farm machinery goes with th plane; owner is retiring and will take good Omaha uroo. erty and give time en IIO.BUO at per cent Small Ranch For Sale or Trade 88$ acre In Hooker Countv. four miles from railroad town. Has a 4-roor house, barn, cattie shed, well and windmill. One-half of thia ranch good farm land, balance good pasture. Will take one half or mora in aood cltv nroDertv. Price $1& per aora. O 'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agcy., 1506 Farnam Street. Tel. Tyler I0B4I 40-A'KB HOME. miles west of city limits of Omaha: land lay gently rolling; IS6 acre alfalfa. aoous acrea pasture ana aoout one aor In grapee, balanc In cultivation; new $ room aoua aad other good lupror- leot. rrio. $23$ per acra C. R. COMBS. CIS Braadat Theater, Omaha, N.b., Douglas 1 par cent down. In per cent yearly wl.I buy a farm in th North Piatt valley. Neb. Our land is th equal of any in tha state for quality, loca tion and fln class of nelgu bora Prices $46 to fe per aero, and on th above terms your la ad will pay for itself. W have tracts from 46 acrea up. tat secures you any tract until you can mak inspec tion. Money back If not satisfied. Call or writ to day. This 1 your oppor tunity. W. T. 6MITH CO.. 1111-13 City Nat l Bank Bldg., USAMA, NEB. O MR. LAND BUTTER, Hfc:iE IS A SURE SOUTH OMAHA. 110 acre In Cass county. Neb.; 60 acre fin nlow land .'Wl acre. rs llintr amaU improvements. K-acre orchard, t miles from Stout h Bead. Ow n.r M.e1 money; will sacrifice for 86.60; td.Dut cash, $2.60 mortgage, running for 4 years, at per cent. Good Man will make the land worth HO per acre la two year. J R nnuivi-iv Phone Dougla S0;. ai Be Bldg. FOR 8 ALE Good ranch, farsa. Irrigated farm, $15 to $110 per acre; time given. For Particulars write owner. W. W. Nortna. Alliance, Neb. New York. FOR BALE A productive farm of 368 acres, good bulldlnga, 300 grafted apple tree la bearln condtton; good auitar buan; good water (never railing): land easy to work; on R F. D. route; tele phone connections: easy railroad con nections; wsnt to sell before Feb. 1. 1915. If purchased of the undersigned owner there will be no events' commission to pay. Price $i per acre. Terms easy. C. G. F.ldred. H. F. D. 3. Oneonta. N. Y. Oklaheasa. $.000 ACRES, larg and small tracts; ab solute title; Pittsburg Co.. terming, pas ture. Oil, coal land; $ to li per acr. Write J. E. Cavanagh. McAleater. OkL oath Dakota. FOR SALE 160 acre. H cultivated, ad- Ai 1 ..it.. - i.V., t.. t 1 .M'llllll 1IIIHIV. WJ , u., IR IVM, IIIHW alfalfa land la weau Bargain from eaaer. J. R. Hanson. Yankton, b. I. o WlawwMtaw Upper Wisconsin Best dairy aad general crop state in th union; settlers waated; lands for sals at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let 84 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant niete acrea waited. Write about our graslng lands. If Interested In fruit lands, ssk for booklst on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land tspt, boo Lias By , Minneapolis. Minn. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LA5I) FOR ALF. Orttua. FOR RALE 21 acres very choicest val ley land In Joseehtn eotmty, Oregen practically all tillable; 1 acre und cultivation,; Ideal climate; no ? weather, tor full particular write A II CARSON, I Mu rph y. Or. o M larellaairaaa. FARM for sale: must sell my Felletnera farm. 20 acrea, muck prairie land, f phoff. Times Bldg , Ht. Louis. Mo FREE Land, Renlty and Business Bul letin; seller, buyers, Yerywher. brought together; new plan; no cnmiiistvn; quick ' transfers: write for copy explaining all Buyers 4k ScLera' Union, Llnd strom. Minn. o I TRADE farms and ranches for city and town income business properties, ranKing in prlc from afi.OPO to $;sj.0l'. Send for list showing Incomes. I get many pieces of fine land in trading WMcn enables m to sell or trad you aa Iowa or Nebraska farm or ranch at th rhrht trice. Tell me what you have and whut you want and I will mek you an offer. Latham Davis, First Nat Bank Bid.. Omaha, Neh. -j FOR 5 A LB. at a bargain, l.SW acres of Dakota land; actual valuation $S3,0: bargain price, $17,0n. On quarter sec tion Mountrail county, N. p.; on quarter section McLain county, X. D.; one quarter section Stsnley county. . D.; eight quar ter sections Perkins county, & D. Terms cash. Inquire 10M Security Bask Bldg., Mianeapolls, Minn. FARMS FOR RENT 4M ACRES 2 rail from Kadoka. Po. Dak.. Jackson county; good tor stock. dalrv and farmlns. Plenty water. Key te 1.0 acres ssor land. S years at-e ra.t. iu. acre win ..ii eM ill imj iun $7 pr sere. A. Ie Rtcoard. Je jaotnss. li FARMS WANTED WANTED To hear from owner 'of good farm or unimproved land for sal. C C. Buckingham. HousUn, Tex. IF YOU hav a farm for sale, writ L. R. Murray, Box 615. Mason, HI. FOR RENT Apwrtnaeata aad Fta. ST. GEORGE apartments. located In Ba led West Farnam residence district; on 5-room suit for rent; heat water, janitor service. Phone TTebster H74. HOrSES MODERN. B-r., Ktt$ Ohio, hot water heat $30. 5- r., 3127 Vinton, new bungalow, $22.50. B-r., 2Tog Fort, hew bungalow, $2R. . B-r., M'J Hamilton, Bemis Park, $38. I 6- r., Hawthorne. Bemis Park, $. $-r., 2S17 Ames, ideal cottage, $2& 8-r., .tat S. lSHh. good cottag. $2S-E0. -r., !Wi2 N. Dth, good locatloa, $22.00. 6- r., 8129 Larlmore, ht wt ht, garage.M 7- r., B46 8. 26th Ave. Steam ht, close-in, $25. 7-r., 9o3 Chicago, ht water heat $25. 7- r., 1902 Emmet Kountie Place, garage, (35. 5- r., WkJ Hickory, oak floors, Hd. 8- r., mo a 2Ath, Hanscom Park, $3. $-r., $13 N. S3d, Bemis Park, hot water teat tZS. 8-r.. 2010 Em met beautiful home, Kounte Place, $.12.60. 10-r.. 1003 S. 20th, close In, $35. HOUSES MOD. EXCEPT FTJRNACBC 6- r., 4020 Seward, nlcelv decorated, $30. ' 6-r., 3123 Vinton, cholc oottage, $1. , B-r., 2&) Maple, practically new, $S. 6-r., Zx Maple, nearly new, $J0. 6-r., 4013 North 2Sth, A -No. t $30. 6-r., 1621 Mandnrson, snap, $18. 6-r., 2619 lilondo, choice cottag. 8U. 8-r., 42U Burdette. Clifton Hill, $u HOUSES PART MOEJLN. , 4-r., 1143 N. 16th, close In. U- 1 4-r.. 1&1S N. 84th, water, gaa, HA. 6-r., 3UM Evaria, well water $13 B-r., 314 N. 26ta, water, eloctrte light, toilet $16. 6- r., is7 Corby, gas, water, toilet US. 7- r., 1123 N. 16th, gas. water, toilet. Ilk. FLATS-OtODEHN. $-r., lm Em met t Kouatse Ftaoe, gas raago $87.80. 6-r., 2H27 Davenport, eteoa la; g rural ow style, new, $3. 6- r.. 6M & 2tht Av,, walking dWtanc, choice flat V2M. 7- r., 6& S. 19th, oak finish, close ta. $44.50. 8- r., 2S10 California, hot water hat. $40. FLATS-MODERN EX. HEAT. 8-r., 9MT Webster, nlc and warm, $11. 6-r.. i H N. 21st close in, $24.60. 6-r., 1.13 N. 37 th. choice flat $13. IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING MOV ING, call or sood for our weekly printed list . HASTINGS aV HETDEN. 1614 HARNB7Y. START THE YEAR RIGHT. IN WARM OOMFORT CHOICE STEAM-HEATEtD HOMES. STANDARD FLATS Full modern 6 roams, fin finish and decorations; private hall, bath; FAKE HOT WATER; janitr; good, close In location. NOTHING COMPARES WITH THEM. Summer '. $1 V '- Winter, STEAM HEATED.. M t HALF THAT OTHERS ASK. Be them at once. Reference T. J. HOOK. 1101 N. 18th Ht Highland Court Northwest comer 8srb Ave. and Harney St: one finely finished 7-roora au&rtmMit if two baths; every modern convenlenof new Diuiaing; aeoorat on to suit; fa for laspection today, $&5. Page Apartments Heated 21 Ht aad Farnam Sts.. Just sooth of Clarinda apartments, facing the boute vaid; two vacancies; each haa five rooms and sleeping porch. Building thoroughly modern anc. new. Decoration to suit. Sc them now. 866 each. A. P. Tukev & Son 441-3-3 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. D, et2. 7-R. apt. 1816)4 Maple t, close to car; heat, water and Jan. aervlue; 866 win- ter. $25 summer. r HASTINGS 4V HETDF.N. I4 Harney t. FLATS. 1!3 rtikaae, t reoms, close In, artek, 623 N. 24th, corner California, 6 rooms, heated, $. 11 N. aoth, 8-rom brick, 83S.M. 201 S. Snth. B-roem brick, $2. Modern homwh on faknam line. 4UJ) Burt 9 rooms, hot water heat, $. 'M Cass, full 3-atory, bedroom. $40. Ilu9 S. 33d, one block from Haaaoatu Park Use. ft rooms, garage. UK CKEKFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Wt Qmaha National. Phone Dtfugla ITlfi. NICE 6-r., steam heated apartment at 18th and Farnam Sts., only $& 7-r. flat, VM Cuming, fiae repair. 82B JOHN W. ROBBlNg. 1M8 FA K N AMIT MODERN stam-hatd apar.meala, aar postofflce; low rent O. P. Stebbine. B-R modern flat S. Utb; to. lbvr r'lnMf if li . 3U Ixcuat 6 mod, mis. Call Web. 611.1. GordonVanCo. Moviag. Packing. au n. nth st Phone U 84 or Web. lie. tiUUEN ANNEX. Coan.il Bluffs. om with ktwhenette. stesm heat. Phoaw 4W. LINWOOD APARTMENT. An excellently arranged 4-room apart ment with built-in buffet; larg clothes ursiues unen Closet; fins, larg a rooms. East front second floor. Very i desirable apartment at a very low prlct i See It before you locate. 1 ERNEST feWEBT. Office 3611 Harney St. Douglas 14T.V FIVE ROOMS, HUDSON, 207 & 36th Ave.; built-in buffet; panelled walls In dea; rooms beautifully decorated: first floor; very choice; $46 summer; winter. HASTINGS dt HETDEN. 114 Harney 8t VERY DESIRABLE. ONE 4-ROOM AND BATH. MODERN APARTMENT. IN THE CAUFORN IA, DOWNTOWN; SAVE CAR FARS AND TIME. BEE JANITOR. DOUGLAS 6J3T. FOR new, modem, up-to-date 4 and 6 room apartments at reasonable rents those at 9U Forest Ave. (first atreet south i icri cm i ue dhi it. v. aieat i ale. i i privaA e warr It will neai, gaa siovr, refrigerator, prtva rxrtur.. j..iir service, i ney are In winter and cool In aummnr. I pay you to as them. Janitor will sko CREIGH. PONS A COMPANY. 60 Be Bldg. Dougla .