Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    ' A
Official Report of War Otfioe Says
& l A? AW A? "
Our January Sale Means Lower
Monday, 8:30 A. M., January Sale of Coats
A Genuine Clearance of Our Coat Stock
Every coat offered is from our own stock.
Every coat in ptock is reduced. It is a value
giving event of fine merchandise that is un
equaled. It is a continuance of the policy of
a thorough clearance twice each year.
The Winter Season of 1914 has been a
tremendous successful season from the selling
point of view. Our coat stock is the smallest
it has been for years. Wc have marked these
coats, to decided reductions in order to secure
a quick sale. It behooves you to come early.
1 V'.,'
There are exactly 338 coats in our stock.
They are offered as follows:
43 Scotch and English Mixture Cocts
$16.50 to $19.50 Coats, $9.85
$22.50 ' Coats, $11.25 I $23.0 J Coats, $12.50
56 Broadcoth Coats in Black, Navj,. Green, 'Brown
$24.50, $27.50, $29.50 Coats, $15.00
$35.00 Coats, Monday, $17.50
12 Hindoo Lynx Coats, in Blue and Black; Plain
and Far Trimmed--
$24.50 and $29.50, Coats, $14.50
$35.00 Coals, $18.50 I $43.0) Coals, $22.59
6 Atahian Lamb Coats
. 1 , - ,',.,
.; Formerly $28.75, $14.50
The January, I " M IS?
ClearinSale ' . ; --r- W
$45.0DSiiits.; $22.S0 r i
S35.Q0 Suits;
We Are Offering Linen Values that Can't Be Duplicatedat the Present Time---Elsewhere
in Qmaha or in the Future by Any Store in the United States
January Sale of Table Cloths
$2.50 Table Cloths. . . 7:. $1.75
$2.75 Table Cloths. ..... .$2.00
$3.00 Table Cloths. ..... .$2.25
$4.75 Table Cloths. '. $3.50
$3.00 Table Cloths. . . . " . .$4.05
$7.50 Table Cloths $5.00
$10.00 Table. Cloths $6.89
January Sale
$1.75 Bleached Napkins
$1.39 a dozen
$2.50 Bleached Napkins
& dosen
$3.50 Bleached Napkins
$2.75 a dozen
$4.50 Bleached Napkins
, $3.00 a dozen
$60.00 Bleached Napkins $45.00 a dozen
Hand Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases
$3.50 Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases .$2.00 a pair
$5.00 Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases. $3.89 a pair
$8X0 Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases $4.38 a pair
$7.50 Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases $5.89 a pair
January; Sale Table Damask
$1.25 Bleached- i' '
4 Damask .....$ 1.00 a Yard
7 $1.50 Bleached-
'1 Damask $1.10 a Yard
I $25.00 Suits, $12.50
$12.00 Table Cloths. . . .$8.89
$15.00 Table Cloths $10.00
$20.00 Table Cloths $15.00
$25.00 Table Cloths $17.50
$30.00 Table Cloths. . . . .$20.C0
$50.00 Table Cloths $37.50
$100.C0 Table Cloths. . . .$75.00
of Napkins
$5.00 Bleached Napkins
$3.75 a dosen
$G.OO Bleached Napkins '
$4.00 & dozen
$7.50 Bleafhed Napkins
$5.00 a dosen
$10.09 Bleached Napkins
$7.50 a dozen
$1.75 Bleached
Damask '.$1.25 a Yard
$2.00 Bleached
Damask 91.50 a Yard
70 Coats of Cheviot, Cut
Novelty Weaves, in Street
$19.50 Coats, $12.50
$24.50 Coats, $14.50
J Evening Coats, in Capes, Cape Coats, and Light
Evening Wraps, Popular Evening Shades, Exactly
One-Half Price
$25 Evening Wraps, $12.50
$35 Evening Wraps, $1 7.50
$45 Evening Wraps, $22.50
3 Jungle Coats, imported from V. Manheimer, Berlin
1 Civet Cat Textile 885.00 Coat $45.00
1 Seal Textile $50 Coat 827.50
1 Tiger Textile $35 Coat,$19.50
36 Chinchilla
Automobile Coats
soiled and shopworn, misses'
and women's sires; $12.50,
$15.00 and $16.50 GC
values, at
Watch Monday's Paper for
Details of Dress Sale
300 Dozen $4.50, 5-8
Bleached Scotch
$2.75 a Dozen
Extra Special
John S. Brown & Sons
1U4 doaen SIO.OO 94 Napkins,
January Bale Price $3.00 dog.
i:(H) doara 4.75 H Brown'a
Najklna, January hate
Prlr $3.80 doa,
(Limit: On down to a customer)
Extra Special
1,000 Dozen 12jcHuck
Towels, Sale Price
5c each
(limit: On dose a to a mMomrr.)
Prices, but
Chinchilla, Zibeline and
Styles and Sport Coats
$29.50 Coats, $16.50
$35.00 Coats, $18.50
84 Coats of var
ious cloths and
prices, too many
to enumerate.
Extra Special
Brown and Bleached
4,000 yards 10c Brown
Crash 5c a yard
2.C00 yards 10c Bleached
Crash 5c a yard
(LIMIT: 5 yards each to a ens-tomer.)
Tea Toweling
15c Tea Toweling 12V0 a yard
17c Tea Toweling. .15o a yard
20c Tea Toweling. .17c a yard
22o Tea Toweling. .18c a yard
25c Tea Toweling. .20c a yard
Guest Towels
100 dozen 40c Guest Towels,
Sale Price 25c each
200 dozen 50c Guest Towels,
Sale Price. .' ..39c each
Never Inferior Goods
Our Annual Sale of Bedding
This annual sale always attracts enthusiastic buyers
because we offer high class, dependable bedding at reduced
prices. For Monday we mention a few of the many bar-gains:
91.60 Blanket, full size, In
(rru. j or tan, with fancy bord
era, extra hear? . .$1.83 a pair
$6.00 Wool-flUed Comforts,
fall size 72x84, fancy silk
ninll coverings in pink, bine,
yellow and hello, at $5.20 each
Clearing Sale of Corsets
Interesting to Every Woman
Monday morning at 9 o'clock: This hour has been
chosen to give every woman an equal chance at these great
bargains. Many who have attended these sales in previous
years are again awaiting this opportunity. This sale will
include up-to-date goods in all popular makes: Redfern, Lily
of France, Veronique, Nemo, Thomson's Glove-Fitting, R. &
O., W, B., Kabo, Warner Rust-Proof, and many other styles.
We do not quote prices simply state that this is a GENU
Special Showing Newest Millinery
Correct Styles Attractive Prices
The present voerue in
New York and Paris.
The New Tipperary and
Chin Chin Hats, trim
med with the latest
flowers and furs, special
$5, $6.75, and $8.75
TheNewOval Toques,
veil attached, are the
latest flying fashions.
$5, $6.75, $8.75 and $10
Millinery Department Second Floor.
January Silk Sale-Extraordinary
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50
Plaids, Stripes, Satin
Novelties; your choice
59c a Yard
Nothing Ilk Uies Tallies haa 9Wsr
been seen in Omaha. Not a piece 01
Me In thta great collection bnt what
was taken from our regular stock.
Erery piece a beauty and OUR
standard of quality. Tour choice
59c a yard.
Turkish Towels
Oa Bleached Turkish
Towela 15c each
25c Blrh4 Turkish
Towela 10c
45e Bleached Turkish
Towel ZSc
60c Bleached Turkiab
Towels 28c
05c Bleached Turkish
Towela S9c
75c Bleached Turkish
Towela . 60
91.00 Bleached Turkish
Towels 9c each
Wash Clothes
SOG doaen Tnrkish Wash
Cloths IHc each
500 dosen Turkish Wash
Cloth Sc each
500 doses 5c Turk nit
Wash Cloth 9 He each
500 dosea 8 He Turk nit
Wash Cloths 8c each
10OO doaen gtte Turknlt
Wash Cloths ...5c each
Clearing of Wool Dress Goods
One-Half Price
Nothing sensational about it! These are prices
to clear our counters for another season. No matter
what they cost, they all must go. They will be placed
on one long counter. You can inspect them all at your
leisure. . One price just half of original price.
8V Seamless rted Sheets, full
size 81x90, extra hear?
grade 00c
50c Seamed Bed Sheets, 72x00,
mad with patent seam, extra
fine quality of sheeting 8 for $1
Best quality shower
proof foulard silk,
$1.00 quality, 69c
$1.25 quality, 79c
Suitable for any formal or in
formal dress, morning, afternooa
or enlng. All pure silk, proof
against dust and water; won't
spot and will not spilt or crack.
Drapes perfectly. In a choice
suit of style.
Your choice 60c and 70c a yd.
Crash Toweling
17c Bleached
Crash 12 c a yard
18c Bleached
Crash 13c a yard
20c Bleached N
Crash. 15c a yard
22c Bleached
Crash 18c a yard
25c Bleached
Crash 20c a yard
Huck Towels
ISc Hack Towels, Sale Price 12 He
85c Huck Towels, Sale Price lc
45c Huck Towela, Sale Price S5c
50c Huck Towels, Sale Price 20c
75c Huck Towela, Sale Price 50c
1 Huck Towels, Sale Price 75c
91.50 Huck Towela, Sale Price 91
German Attacks and Counter
Attacki Are Repulsed.
French lafaatrr Oecaay Tfcree Mre
Llaee mt II ana ra la ateiabaek
Artillery Eebagea at
Severed Folate.
PARIS, Jan. 1 The French nfflri il
tatement on tha Progress of the
given out thla afternoon recltei a -i
of encounter! along the battle lire o.
comparatively minor Importance, cr -man
attacka and counter attacks hnv
been repulsed; French raJaa have Nc i
retained: the artillery exchange have
been spirited, and In Stelnbach, - where
street flshtlnK has been coin en for
several days, tha French say they have
occupied three new lines of houses. The
text of tha communication follows:
"Durlna; the night of December 31-Jan-uary
1 the enemy delivered at numerous
points along the front a aeries of at
tacks which wera repulsed m-lth eae.
"Tha region to tha aorth of the Lyt
waa during tha day of January 1 the
scene of a very spirited artillery en
gagement, which took place on the dune
of Nleuport and at Zonnebeke.
"At Pt. Georges the enemy did not
continue his counter attacks, and all out
gains have been retained.
More Artillery Daels.
In tha regions of Arraa. of Albert ana
of Roye there have been artillery duels.
l ne enemy blew up two of our cnlssonr
between fieaumeta and Achtcourt In
revenge wa demolished tha enemy' t
trenches at Parvlllera and at L. BoIp-
sells, and we stopped tha operations of
tha mine thrower aet up In front of
Fri court.
"Our artillery also obtained hanov re-
anlta In the region of the Alsne. wher?
It silenced the artillery of tha enemy
ana dispersed several concentrations of
German troops. Wo hava Installed our
aelvea on the plateau of Nouvron, In cer
tain excavations caused by tha cxDlonirm
of mines. Tha Germans were not able
either to advance or drive ua out. All
their counter attack wero driven back.
"In tha region of Rhelms there was a
lrly violent bombardment by the
enemy. '
"In tha region of Perth ea wa occupied
and retained a forest two kilometers to
tha northeaat of Meanll-Lae-fiurlua. The
aneaiy did not deliver a counter attack.
Iat Oieaal Rrwnplrd.
In tha Argonne, In the forest of La
Orurla, tha local retirement reported yes
terday has not had any effect. We havt
reoooujited a part of tha ground lost an.)
w are holding our positions strongly.
wn iu Doitun ot ma xueuae inere Has
bean an artillery engagement, but with
out great eeverity.
"In tha Woevre wa hava retained the
positions gained by us December W with
out experiencing a counter attack from
tha enemy, and In tha forest of LaPretre
wa hava made a slight advance.
"Ia tha Vosgea wa have driven back a
German attack on our positions at Bre-
mnl! t hp, bllAFMAtAM 1 - m IT. .
onvUler. Inflicting heavy loams on the
German a. Tha enemy has auatatned
heay losaea also at Stelnbach, where our
uuaniry yesterday occupied three new
lines of houses."
Germans Fortifying
Ground in Poland
Already Occupied
FBTROGRAD, Jan. t (Vlaj London. )
Tha inactivity of tha Germans 1n the
neighborhood of Warsaw for some days
past la explained, according to reports
reaching here, by the claim that they
have employed thla time In fortifying the
territory already taken up to the Bsura
river and along the left bank of the
lower and middle Vistula river.
According to reliable Information reach-,
lng here, Lods, Lowtca, Bklernle
wlce and Plotrkow are now aa strongly
fortified aa Kali as and Csenatochowa.
Tha Germans have attempted to make
thla territory as difficult to Invade aa Is
German soil.
Residents of West Poland who are now
reaching Petrograd state that hundroda
of factories hava been blown up by the
Germans and that all available building
material, especially 'bricks and metals,
hava been used la tha construction of
tba new fortifications. Recent German
attacks between Sklernlewlce and War
saw hav their base at . Lewies and
Plotrkow, which are said to be equipped
with rail road a, telegraphs and all the
necessary accessories of war.
Immunity Pleas
of New Haven Men
Are Without Merit
NEW YORK. Jan. 1 Tha federal ti.
trlct court overruled today the pleas or
Immunity Interposed bv John L. Biliary
James 8. Elton and William Skinner to
Indictments charging them with criminal
violation of tha Sherman law la connec
tion with their acta as directors of the
Now York. New Haven Hartford Rail
road company.
Elton. Skinner and Blllard claimed fiat
they wera entitled to Immunity bo. an
of testimony given by them before Hip
Interstate Commerce commission prior
to the return of the Indictments. The
court's dadaioa means that they will
now ba called upon to plead to the in
dictments, wtrtch Include eighteen other
well known men, all dlrectora or former
directors of the road.
Combustibles Are
Hidden in Hay on
Ship With Horses
NEW ORLEANS,. Jan. l.-CombuM:-
blea wera found in hay on board tU
Biitlah steamer Rembrandt, which re-
eently sailed from Baltimore and later
caught fire, according to a statement
her today by A. Ellin, its captain. Tha
ship sailed from Baltimore loaded with
horaea for tba allies, but waa forced ta
put back lato Newport News because of
tha fire.
0LT 0H "BROKII rilK."
To eat tha aenulue. rail fnr full
Laxative ftroino Quinine. Look for signa
ture of E. V4 . tirevf. Cures a cold In one
day. n ctita.