Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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a, 101
Befc to M
Take Line Monday and Newest Paige
Model, a Six-Cylinder Car, Will
Be Here for Exhibition.
ATTTO rnwpw
And light applications of Cuticura
Ointment are most effective.
Catfcmrm Soap sad Olntmsat sold Tliw,
UtMral npl of mm aitUed trw with JJ-P txvifc,
Atdrwa pm tart "CUtleur," Df pi. TP. Bwtoo.
One Delivery Wagon Four
Years Ago Now a Dozen
Conveyances Are
"Al" "Sam," "Chas." and
"Dent" Are Hustlers Who
Have Thrown Aside
All Obstacles.
A "quartet" of "live ones" will
accomplish any legitimate object;
overthrow any obstacle and (airly
amaze the business world by what
they can bring about In a few short
Dresher Brothers, the Dry Clean
ers and Dyers, with the $57,0001
plant at 2211-2213 Farnam St., or
iginally conducted a tailoring estab
lishment only; in fact the tailoring
establishment still grows and thrives
under the Dresher management at
1615 Farnam St.
But there came a time when the
tailoring .business could not "hold'
the energies of the entire Dresher
quartet, so the Dry Cleaning business
wu Ukeo Into consideration. Dry
Cleaning' was chosen because it
worked in with the tailoring business
quite naturally; the experience
gained In one serves very well in the
So when the "qurtet" decided
upon the cleaning business it was de
cided that the venture should be a
"world winner," a "record breaker,"
a. "big hit" as it were. Just an ordi
nary little every day sort of an es
tablishment would not satisfy the
Dresher- boys after once they had
gained the knowledge of the art.
But even with lofty ambitious, the
start in the cleaning business was
quite modest. To give an idea of the
start as contrasted with the present
operations let it be said that at first
one wagon was quite sufficient to de
liver the garments cleaned at "Dresn
ers." NOW it takes nine wagons and
three automobiles and more are com
ing. Take into consideration also
l I. Rood, Maaaajer for West,
Makra This City llada.narers
for Danlnrti from Mlaaoarl
River to Pacific Coast.
The Murphy-O'Brien company, Omaha's
nrwrnt automobile firm. ha tnkrn over
the agency for the Paige ar and Monday
: morning will have on exhibition the eec
I ond of thn now Paige six cylinder .ears
to b displayed went of Chicago. Fred
L. Oood, district manager of the Paige
company, who makea Omaha hla weetern
headquarters, considering Omaha a dis
tributing gateway to the west, put forth
every effort to bring one of the new nix
machines here and he was so successful
that when the Murphy-O'Brien company
takes over the Paige agency Monday
they will on that day have one of the
new cars here.
The new six has been on the market
two weeks. Heretofore the Paige people
have been content to make four cylinder
machines. The Chicago agency has
taken orders for 123 cars since they re
ceived the first demonstrator and Dea
Moines has taken seventy orders In the
ram time.
One of Five Phenomenal.
Speaking of the new car Mr. Good de
clared: "There have been four or five
phenomenons In the automobile Indus
try since its birth; the new Paige six I
consider one of these phenomenons. It
Is fifty-horsepower and. has all equip
ment For the price it has anything on
the market beat.
"Last year the Paige company was
seventh among American factories In
point of production; thla year, with the
new six line In addition to the four, we
should be , much bigger. Last year we
made lfi.000 machines;, thla year's output
will exceed by far that figure.
Omaha DUtrtbatlaft Point.
"I have been in the automobile game
fifteen years, seven of which I have
spent in this western territory. I have
charge of all the territory between Chi
cago and the Paclflo coast, from the
Tennessee line south to Canada north.
While Chicago la my headquarters,
Omaha is my western distribution center.
All business west of here I do out of
Omaha, all between here and Chicago, out
of Chicago.
"That is why I brought one of the
new Paige six machines here. With the
Murphy-O'Brien company handling our
line, I predict we shall en)oy our most
prosperous season In Omaha and the
territory adjacent
K arLTi 5
- JM.
Biu Saving to the County 'Effected
i by Fight Made by the Com
i missioncrs.
nrutjal Kuropean countries and
went from Itnttenlam to Uermaay.
Sheriff Had Attempted to Collect at
n Rale of FWIr Tenia Pay,
hat the Conrls leclded
Aaalaat Hint.
great as the number sold In the sa ne
period last year. A large part of thla
Increase can, of course, be accounted for
In the way In which automobile buyers
are taking to the new eoupelet and sedan.
However, the sales of the open types
have made a noteworthy Increase and
the outlook for the biggest early spring
business In the history of the
branch Is moat promising.
LONDON, Jan. I. A dispatch to Rou
ter's Telegram company from Belgrade
"Four Austrian monitors bombarded
Belgrade on Thursday. Their fire did
slight damage.
"Reports received front Sofia, Bulgaria,
of a serious clash between Servian and
Bulgarian frontier guards are officially
denied here. 'The truth Is.' the official
report says, that Servian guards arrested
a number of inhabitants of Baganwaaws,
who were trying to leave the country to
avoid military service. There were no
casualties and there was no conflict with
Bulgarian guards.' "
The Board of County Commissioners In
accordance with arrangements previously
made to Par Sheriff F. J. McPhane. Jr..
K cents per day for feeding each prisoner
In the county Jail, allowed 177,75352 of
the claims submitted by the sheriff.
This actlcn Is In obedience to the supreme
court decision which. In defeating Me
thane's 60 cents per day demands, au
thorised the board to pay a reasonable
Rills for Slalem Monlha.
Sixteen months' bills were Included In
the amount allowed by the board, the
first alx months' bills being lied up In
court by McShane's suits. These suits
will be settled and Judgment at the rate
of SJ cents per day for each prisoner
confessed by the oounty.
For the sixteen months MeShane had
Omaha claimed MS.S27.1T at the 60-cent rate. A
saving to louglas county of lis.773.zs on
these bills Is the result of the new rate.
County commissioners are particularly
pleased by the saving effected in me
feeding cases as a result or tneir poncy
of fighting the sheriffs claims to a finish.
These feeding bills of the sheriff have
been pending for many months. Twice
the case was taken to the supreme court,
ending in a clear victory for the county.
The present settlement Is along the lines
laid down by the last decision of the
supreme court.
tlSetltT snorage Yea Ce.. Deng
are Boot rrtni It Now rtesron tree
argsss-Orendea COv Lighting na
tures. saatlal All Modtra Homes for
on the easy payment plan. Uankers
Itealty Investment Co. Phone Doug. WS.
Today's Complete atorto Frog-rasa"
classified section tortsy, and appears la
Ths Pee KXCLlTStVICLV. rind out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
A Happy and Prowperoaa Hew Tear la
the very least that anyone cum wIMi .!.
but an cfflce in The Pee building, "the
building that la always new," makes
l wishes come true.
Oswalt Oeta Twenty-five Days Jaks
Oswalt, arrested at Haydcn Pros, by the
manager for the theft of a fur coat was
sentenced in police court to twenty-flv
days In Jail.
nee for KnsbenA'a Insurance Mrs
Mlna A. Walton hss sued the Physicians'
Casunlty association In district court for
MAW Insurance on the life of the late
tr. Frank Walton, which she asserts Is
due her.
alooa Keeper ned flamuel Allls,
who alleges he was attacked by a bar
lender In the saloon of Spry Boynton,
623 North Sixteenth street, has brought
suit against She firm for t.0C0 damages
in district court.
City Attorney to File Motion to Dis
miss Supplemental BUI of the
Present Case.
the company fray do, the city contend
Mr. Mmhert said the long fight over
the power phasa of the com
pany's franchise rights may be repeated
now as the attempt Is made to find out
what tho l'nlte.1 States supreme court
Maxwell Reports
Big Gains During
Last Half of Year
A most interesting and optimistic report
on business conditions comes from the
Maxwell Motor company. Not only does
It show that the company made big gains
over last year, but also that the com-
pany's business and production has gained
every month since the first of August i
The Maxwell Motor company employed
an average of 4.30 men dally for the
months of August, September and Oc
tober, 1913. with an average monthly pay
roll of (29,S5.2t
The recapitulation statement for the
same months of this year shows a dally
average of S.81S men, with a monthly pay
roll of tt27.M9.62, or an Increased payroll
of ,136,853.28 per month.
Word comes to Burlington headquarters
that President Hale Holden has appo nted
A. W. Newton as hla asaiatant Mr. New
ton will continue aa chairman of the
federal valuation committee, with his
offices In Chicago.
W. M. Howell of the Milwaukee road,
who has been in Chicago for some time.
Is In town, returning to Salt Ike City.
where again he will take up the duties
of commercial agent for the company,
with Utah as his territory.
W. H. Cundy, who for the last ten years
has made this territory an traveling agent
for the Denver & Klo uranfle, the first
of the rear was promoted to assistant
general passenger sgent with the same
road, with headquarters In Denver.
Pnrpoee of I.nmbert'a More to Hare)
Franchise Lltlaallon Finally
RronaM t p for Disposal
In tllaheet Tribunal.
Read the ' For Sale" ads If you want
bargains of the minute.
Motion that the supplemental bill of
the Omaha Klectrle Light and Power
company In the ease now pending be dis
missed will be filed bv Assistant City
Attorney W. C. Imbert for the city.
The purpose of the motion Is to start a
new case, which may be carried eventu
ally lo the t'nlted Ptatea supreme court
As the case now atsnda the United frtstes
circuit court of appeals will be the tribu
nal that will pass Anally upon the ques
tions Involved.
Mr. Lambert did not state Ihe reasons
uin whim the motion will be bnsed.
The electric light case Involves the
company's right to sell electricity for
power purposes. A misunderstanding has
arisen over the meaning of the supreme
court's decision in which It was held
that the company has a perpetual fran
chise, but limits the power business which
Carranza's Firing
Squad is Almost as
Busy as One of Villa
F.L PASO, Tex., Jan. 1 Thn recur
rence of the Aguas Callentes convention
at Mexico City, set for January 1, prob
ably will not occur for more than a week,
according to advices received hers today.
It was raid that the delay was) caused
by the friction between the Villa aad
Zapata elements over the matter of pro
miscuous executions. Zapata remained
at Cuernavaca and Villa at Mexico City.
At the meeting of the chiefs support
ing the convention government an elec
tion of provisional president was to have
been held. The delay will leave General
Outlerrea in the office of chief execu
tive, it waa admitted that the Zapata,
element would oppose his re-election.
From Vera Crua came reliable reports
that killings for political reasons had
been almost an frequent as at Mexle
City. There was reported much friction
between Oeneral Obregon. commander of
the Csrrania troops, and some of, the
Carransa cabinet members, which -first
chief had been unable to mediate.
Van Dyke On, Ship is
Passed; Teutons Safe
LONDON. Jan. I. Through considera
tion for Dr. Henry Van Dyke. American
minister to the Netherlands, the British
government permitted the steamer
Nleuw Amsterdam, on which Dr. Van
Dyke waa a passenger during its last
voyage from New York to Rotte.dam,
to proceed without being searched, not
withstanding certain suspicious circum
stances. The British consul general at Rotter
dam subsequently discovered that live
members of the crew were Germans who
worked their way over and then pro
ceeded to Germany.
It Is said here that there were also
among the passengers several other Ger
man reservists with false passports from
Store Crowded All Day Saturday with Enthusiastic Buyers
3.52. UOTUGIaiS ST
i --- - - -' - i
Apperson Installed
in Quarters on Eow
The Apperson Jack Auto company,
which formerly occupied the location at
120 Farnam street, has entered its new !
quarters on the row at 2417 Farnam
The new quarters are much more
spacious than the old ones and the dis
play room is well qualified for an ex
tensive exhibition of the new Apperson
that immense quantities of goods are ,,ne- 3- M' De LonT' " of the
not called for by wagon, but are left
and called for at the Dresher tailor
establishment at 1615 Farnam St.
and at the Dresher Dep't. In the
Brandels Stores.
Dreshers' entire force at the start
a dozen people; NOW the busy sea-1
son finds ONB HUNDRED operatives ccc AM TRIP A PIRQT
company, has received a shipment of the
various Apperson models.
A large shop and work room is a part
of tha new location, and Mr. De Jong la
prepared to accommodate all repair trade.
Several new service ' features will be
added now that the new location Is occu-
bee. Then, too, Dreshers have twice
extended their building since the In
ception of the business. A rough es
timate places the Dresher working
spare and office at 12,000 square
feet, and even now Dreshers are plan
ning to build upon the adjacent lot.
Quite a jump from the time when
"Al" Dresher himself occasionally
delivered cleaning work assisted by
one little "jailer" horse and a single
dinky little wagon. Isn't It?
Think of tuch a growth in a period
of time that covers but a little over
four years. Wonderful. Isn't It? Must
be that Dreshers turn out a far bet
ter class of work than the ordinary
cleaning establishment, must It not?
Dreshers were the first to really
feature an "out of town" dep't.
Dreshers are today and every day
cleaning work sent In from dosens of
burroundlng states; customers send
in work freely by parcel post or ex
press, knowing that Dresher Bros,
will pay the return charges on any
sired bundle to any point in America.
Dreshers can prove by shipping books
that their work has already been sent
to every state In the union.
It's all because Dreshers put
knowledge, hustle, vim, enterprise
snd a sincere desire to please back
of their work.
Next time you have anything to
ilean phone Tyler 345 that's Dresh
ers' private exchange number and
it reaches every enterprise in Omaha
that is managed or presided over by
the Dresher boys.
When Dreshers receive your call
they will send out a delivery wagon
or an auto at the fastest speed pos
sible without fracturing the speed
laws or Injuring a pedestrian. Your
work will be taken rare of In a hurry
and when you get the job buck you
will ssy:
"My! What fine work. No won
der those Dresher boys. built up so
huge a business in so short a time."
We are wishing you a pleasant journey
through the coming year.
A Journey that shall not be marred by
A journey In which there may be few
rough spots.
A journey In which you may hare
safety first, last and all the way.
A Journey which may enable you to see
America first In the galaxy of nations,
first In prosperity, first in peace and first
in honor.
A Journey that shall bring you all the
comfort all the safely and all the steady
going that accompany Goodrich tires.
A journey during which every day
may be a continuous round of pleasure.
Just as each Goodrich tire Is.
And may all your ventures prove to be
for the beet In the long run.
Makers of Everything that's Best in
George F. Kelm of the Cadillac Com
pany of Omaha has started an Innova
tion on automobile row. He has procured
a stereoptlcon machine of the latest
model and Is shewing pictures and slides
of the factory and plant of the Cadillac
company, and also of the different parts
and how and where they are made. It
is attracting a great deal of attention
and each night a large crowd of people
stand on the outside and watch the pic
tures as they are tbrowa on the screen.
Loral Ford sales for the month of Ie
rember show an Increase of mure than
per cent over the corresponding month
of inn. The number of Ford cara sold
and delivered to Omaha purchasers since
the beginning ef Ihe Ford flsal year,
October 1. is more than four times as
HUDSON Six-40 for 1915
With 31 New Features
New Price
F. 0. B. Detroit
Your Model Car
At an Unexpected Price
The HUDSON Six-40 for 1915 brings out 32 sur
prises. There are 31 new features each an important
refinement. And there is a new price $200 less than
last year due to a trebled output.
This new-type Six came out last year to mark the
HUDSON conception of the coming car. The HUD
SON Engineers headed by Howard E. Coffinhad
devoted three years to tho model.
By clever designing and btrlter materials they at
tained a remarkable lightness. By a now-type motor
they reduced operative cost about 30 per cent under
former cars of like capacity.
It was the handsomest car of the year.
It offered many new ideas in equipment.
And the price $1 ,7.r0 was the lowest price
quoted on a quality car, either Fours or Sixes. That
car was so welcome that the enormous factory output
was 3,000 cars oversold.
31 Refinements
Now these same engineers iS of them have
spent a whole year on refinements. The new model
for 1915 with 31 important improvements.
The output has been trebled. And the quantity
saving $200 per car has been taken from tho price.
Now this quality Six the finest HUDSON pro
duction sells for $1,550 f. o. b. Detroit.
This new HUDSON Six-40 will meet your ideals of
a car. There was never built at any price a morn ex
quisite Six. It will place any four-cylinder car out of
the question at a price above $1,200.
This new model is here now. Don't buy until you
see it.
January Clearance of Suits, Boats and
Presses at Exactly HALF PRflE
This annual event started off Saturday with a rush, and the buyers came constantly
all day. We believe the bargains offered during this Clearance Sale surpass any
shown elsewhere if you consider style and quality, and of course you do. "Every
garment a good one," is the motto of the Julius Orkin store. Come tomorrow I
That formerly sold
from $19.59 to $65.00
$9.75 to $32.50
That formerly sold
from $12.50 to $45.00
$6.25 to $22.50
That formerly sold
from $7.50 to $39.50
$3.75 to $19.75
"Strvict Fitit"
2561-3-5 Farnam Sc., Omaha.
this is to announce that the
Apperson Jack Rabbit Auto Co.
are now located at
4-40 5-Passenger
6-45 5-Passenger
6-48 7-Passenger
6-60 7-Passenger
1915 models are now on exhibit on an J ready for immediate delivery
Live Denier Wanted
Apperson Jack Rabbit Auto Co.
2417 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb.
Phone Douglas 381 1
(We will exhibit at Auto Show with a full line of 1915 models)
. !
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