The Omaha Sunday Bee PART ONE. THE WEATHER. NEWS SECTION PACES ONE TO TWELVE Cloudy VOL. XL1V NO. 20. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOHXIXU, JANUAliY, 3 !.") FIVE SIXTIOXS-FORTY PANES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ALIEN BILL PASSES WITH ABC TEST FOR ALL SAYESELGAINS immigration Measure with Literacy f ti : : m v a v Fifty to Seven. j REFUGEES GIVEN EXEMPTION i ! Educational Qualification Waivyd ! in Case of Albert's People Coming to Be Farmers. OVER TWO-TIHRDS MAJORITY I Tote So Overwhelming that Wil- ton's Veto Without Avail. SEVERAL AMENDMENTS MADE 1boii ThMC Honse I,fkdra Bar Probably Acceptable Oafi Re lating to NrTrofn and Polyirnmlnt. ' WASHINGTON. Jan. 2.-Th Immlgrat-I Inn Villi jnn(blnln? t . a rmt rir-t tvn lit-i eracy test (or administration of aliens, (Which has been the obitacle In lmmlgra tlon reform legislation for the greater art of two national administrations, passed the senate late today by a vote at 60 to 7. The overwhelming majority jwaa recorded despite the fact that Presi dent WUson had Indicated ho would veto the measure, as did former President Taft, if It should come to him with the durational test Included. I The vote In the senate indicated that the bin could be re-passed by more than the required two-thirds majority should the president reject the measure. Senators Vetlna No. I Senators who voted against the bill rere: , Brand- fee. McCumber. Martlne, O'Oer tnan, Randall, Reed and Walsh. I The bill passed the house on February i, last, by a vote of 241 to US. Although the senate amended the house bill In several particulars, - the Uteracy test was unaltered, sava for an . addi tional exemption to Belgian subjects, which was adopted today after prolonged debate. House leaders probably will ask tor a conference on senate amendments pn Monday, but administration leaders I vera confident senate . amendments Jwould be accepted and the bill . sent. to the president by the middle of next week. Among senate amendments which house leaders have said probably would be ac cepted is one to exclude from the United Btatee sit persons of the African race or f negro blood. Another strengthens the Ehraseology of the prohibition of polyga llsts. i . I Vote On Bela-taa Motlosu I Closing hours of the debate today were devoted to an amendment by Senator 'tad? to exempt Belgian farmers from .the literacy test and from the provision? (Which prohibit Americans from soliciting tor inducing Immigration. Already several American organizations are endeavoring to Indues Belgian refugees to settle In this country. The amendment, as finally adopted by a vote of 84 to 22, follows: ' "That tha provisions of the act relating to the Illiteracy test or Induced or as sisted Immigration shall not apply to egri cultural Immigrants from Belgium who Jcorae to the United State during the course of the prevent European war or "wlthln one year after its termination, owing to circumstances or conditions aris ing through the war, If it Is shown to the satisfaction of the commissioner general of Immigration that the said Belgian Im migrants come with the Intention of en gaging In agriculture In the United States and to become American cltliena." German Fiance of TexasGirl Killed ' JOrUN, Mo., Jan. . Infoimatlon of the death of Captain Ounther Welck master of the German aviation corps, to whom she was engaged, was received to day by Miss Virginia Hurst of Ban An tonio, Tex., an Instructor In a school Jiere. Captain Welckmaeter was) killed two weks ago with a noted aviator, IVohlmellcr. while making a flight at pclssons- Sur- Alsne. The Information fame to Mies Hurst from the (Herman government In a letter that contained an run cross, bestowed upon Captain Weick tnaster by the kaiser. Miss Hurst met tho German aviator while In Bertln a year ago. The declaration of war pre sented their wedding. LOCK CASHIER IN SAFE AND FLEE WITH THE MONEY NETE1.TVTLIjE, Mo.. Jan. 1-The Bank ,tof Neelyvllls was robbed of $4,000 today. The robbers locked the cashier In the .vault and escaped. When the bank failed to open, at the usual hour, depositors dis 'covered the robbery and released ths cashier. The Weather Forecast UU 1 p. m. Saturday: For Omaha. Council.Uluffs and Vicinity r-Part l.udy. Tesaoorntarc at Omaha Yesterday. HrS. Ieg. J '" j 6am T i pronaie nen 'Sty a. m.!"!!!!!.'!!!! liidica's wiil, in the gro t 7 a . m..., 13 it the time of the '. W S I "' T! ! tdfK Uinent. was not of 10 a! m. 15 11 a. m 1H l i ru . .. 23 .. .. W .. .. U .. 2 .. .. 1 p. m i P. m 3 p. m 4 p. m V. ni . p. m 7 p. rn L.-al Rrrord, Cossoaratlvo Highest today St 34 3? 7 1oweat today 11 SI 2J 5 Mean temperature Si 21 27 I Precipitation w .01 u) . Teniperature and proc-4pitMtlon depar tures from the noiimU. Normal temperature Jl Kxcess for the iliy O Total excess rlnre Maror. 1 fM Normal tirecipiiation Inch 1 il lencjr fur the da 01 Inrh Total rainfa'l slnre Marrh 1. .S 1 Inches lefetency rln Mareh 1 147 Inches LMftcienry for ror. p. riixl, litis., i U litciias XioXktancy Xur cor. period. 13a Inches .CLOUDT y ft V - - V - U-ri - a t L i J ' ' r. t IN i i 'osnt 'V t - I t r i ti : - J4TJ i,H -:1 . - - : - ,Mt( L.v -A,?" : - . ' ; -1 1 ) . , , - IMPLEMENT MEN HEREJOMORROW Midwest Dealers Start Annual Ex hibition at the Auditorium Tomorrow. ' TRACTORS "TO ' BE AT FRONT Apparatoa for Mechanical Pa I II off at Gang- Plows One- of the ' .Newest Ffstam to Do Pwt Exhibition. Perhaps the finest Implement show ever held In the central west will start in the Auditorium Monday and lasting until Friday evening, when the Mid-west Implement Dealers' association holds this exhibition In connection with Its an nual convention here. The Implenmt show hns been a feature of this conven tion for a number of years, but kt Is stated this year that booth space sold more rapl II y and more readily for the show than ever before. Secretary James Wallace of Council Bluffs has for sumo weeks announced that space was becoming very limited, and that those still desiring booths must speak soon. Now that the show Is ready to open, every bit of space Is taken, and all is ready for the opening of the roost complete show the organisation has yet held. Tractors a Frature. Farm tractors are to be on exhibit this year in considerable number. These are coming more and more into demand oa the larger farms each year, and more they are becoming a substantial feature of all Implement shows. Especially Is this true since the great tractor show at Fremont for two years has been such a signal success. The show will begin a' day before the convention actually opens snd will con tinue a day after the convention proper (Continued on Phk Five, Column Three.) Nordica's Husband Is Contesting Will NKW YOK1C. Jan. t-George V. Young, husband of the late Madame Nordlca, was ordered today by Surrogate Fowler to appear on January 15 for examination as to what he may know concerning as sets of her estate, alleged to be under his control. The order requires Mr. Young to surrender to Islie Jay Tomp kins the temporary administration of the estate In New York, all cash and stocks and bonds of the estate that may be in his possession. Mr. Young lives In New Jersey. Mr. Young Is rontevtlng the document ,-. f - T,,.,,V,M f hfr cm Miluma Vnr. ground that his wife. execution of the ....... j not lapablc of making a will; also that at the time his wife was a resident of i New Jeisey, and for that reason the New Vnrlf r..i;ra u r- ttllhr.nt i II 1 I,, m In the matter. Murders Girl and Ends His Own Life GEItDKP. 8. P., Jan. 2,-August Nelson shot and killed Miss Mary Dndenbach and then turned the gun on himself, ending his own life, here last night. Nel son had been ts girl's sweetheart for several years, but recently ths girl re jected him. Ist nlKht Nelson dvmanled that the. girl marry him and when she refused bs killed her. The New Army Kipling Visits the Canadian Camp and Writes of a Colony Under Arms : : Copyright,' 1914, by Rudyard Kipling. ' By RUB YARD KIFIJ.XG. ' Fourth Article. This particular fold of downs behind Salisbury might have been a hump of prairie near Winnipeg. The team that came over the rise, widely spaced between pole-bar and whlfflotroes, were certainly children of the prairie. They shied at the car. Their driver asked them dlepaeaionately what they thought they were doing, anyway. They put their wise heads together, and did nothing at all. j Yes. Oh, yen! said the driver. They were western horses. They j weighed better than twelve hundred apiece. He, himself, was from Moose Jaw way. The camp? Why, the camp was right ahead along up this road. No chance to miss it, and, "Sa-ay! Look out for our lorries!" A fleet of them hove In sight going at the rate of knots, and keeping their left with a conscientiousness only learned when you come out of a country where all the provinces (except Brltlnh Columbia) keep to the right. Every line of them, from steering-wheel to brake-shoee, proclaimed their nationality. Three perfectly efficient young men who were sprinkling a golf green with sifted earth ceaeed their duties to stare at the line. The riding boys (also efficient) on racehorses, their knees under their chins and their saddles between the horses' ears, cantered past on the turf. Hard oa "Private Gallops." The rattle of the motors upset their catsmeat, so one could compare their style of riding with that of an officer lor'ng along to overtake a string of buck-wagons that were trotting towards the horizon. But the riding boys have to endure hardship nowadays. One gentleman has already com plained that his "private gallops" are being cut up by gun-wheels aad "irremediably ruined." Then more lorries, contractors' wagons, and Increasing vileness of the battered roadbed, till one slid through a rude gate Into a new world, of canvas as far as the eye could reach, and beyond that outlying clouds of jtents. It is not a contingent that Canada has bent, but an army horse, foot, guns, engineers, and all details, fully equipped. Taking that army's strength at 33,000, and the Dominion's population at 8,000,090, the camp Is Canada on the scale of 1 to 240 an entire nation unrolled across a few square miles of turf and tents and huts. - Life nowadays Is too full to fuss about Teuton opinion, but one almost wished that some of those unhappy theorists could study at close hand a "colony" yearning to shake off the British yoke. For, beyond question, they yearned the rank and file unreservedly, the officers with more re straint, but equal fervor, and the things they said about the yoke were sim ply 'lamentable.- From Nova Scotia to Victoria, and every city, township, distributing center and divisional point between; from sub-tropical White river and sul try Jackflsh to the ultimate north that lies up beside Alaska; from Koote nay and Nelson of the fruit farms to Prince Edward island, where motors are not allowed; they yearned to shake It off, with the dust of England, from their feet, "at once and some time before that." One IVophecjr That Failed. I had been warned by an eminent German that when Armageddon came the "colonies" would "revolt against the mother country es one man," but I had no notion 1 should ever see the dread spectacle with my own eyes or the "one man" so ta'.I. Joking apart, the Canadian army wants to get to work. It admits that London is "some city," but says it did not take the trip to visit London only. Armageddon, that so many people in Europe knew was bound to come, has struck Canada out of the blue, like a noonday murder In a small town. How will they feel when they actually view some of the destruction In France, these men who are used to marlng and owning their homes T And what effect will It have ou their land's outtook and development for the next few generations? Older countries may possibly slip back Into some sort of toleration. New peoples in their first serious war, like girls In their first real love affair, neither forget nor forgive. Cermany, it would seem, has forgotten to keep friends with the young. And such young! They ran inches above all normal standards, not In a few companies or battalions, but through the whole corps; and it was not easy to pick out foolish or even dull fa:es among them. Details going about their business through the camp's much mud; defaulters on fatigue; order lies, foot and mounted; the procession of lorry drivers; companies faring (Continued on Page PLAYMATES OF THE SOLDIERS Typical Dutch children in the little town of Hardewijk, where the internment camp fs located for troopers who fled across the Belgium-Holland border. Ten, Column Two.) FIFTY MORE MEN ESCAPE DOOM AS SHIP GOES DOWN Anothtv Cutter from British Battle ship Formidable, Sunk in Chan nel, Reaches Shore. TOTAL OF RESCUED IS 201 V.hen Eoat Leaves Wrecked Mun-o'-War It Fes About Sixty Sailors Aboard. OTHERS DIE OF EXPOSURE Jfany of Vessel s Crnft Launched to Pick Up Survivors Swamped. VIOLENT STORM IS RAG IN 0 All "rnntllr la, nntl Buffer Ter ribly In Twenty I loom' tflont Captnln on n.rltlr nt fatal Mottieiit. l.ONTtON, Jun. . Another entter from the itrltlsh battleship Korn'rtrjl.le. which was stink In the English rhannel yester day, has rrai'hml I. .vine-Iter. in. Irwt shlre. with fifty men. bringing the total of savml up to 2ft men. When tho cutter left the Formidable It hsd sixty or more men aboitrd. but all hut fifty succumbed to exposure, havlna been in an oven hont for some twenty hours In a violent storm. ame tlnatn Wmaninad. Albert Edward Cooper, master-at-arms, one of tho survivors landed at l.yme Rcgls, said tho exploninn occurred be tween 1:JI and 2:30 o'clock In the morning. When he reached the deck the ship had begun to scttlo on the stai hoard side. Boats were launched and remained near the ship to pick up survivors, but some of the bonis, which stood about twenty yarns , were swamped by wreckage. Tho moi were scantily clad and Buffi-red from the cold during the twenty hours occupind In reaching shore. Die In Voat. Some died during the day and were panned overboard. On ths arrival of the cutter at Lymc-ReRls at 11 o'clock last night six more were found dead in the bottom of the boat. A policeman on duty heard crlea for help and, going to the beach, found the cutter with the men, none of whom could land without assistance. Borne of them were so exhausted that artificial respiration had to be resorted to. A terrlflo southeast gale was blowing all tho time, and, although the men took turns at the oars. It was Impossible for them to keep warm. Canenis) oa Brlilsjfs B KUCHA M, Jan. t-(Vla London.) 8urvivor of the British : battleship Formidable, which went down in the lEagllsb channel yesterday, after having struck a mine eg been torpedoed by a German ssbraatiae, have been , brought ashore hers. They relate that the warship was struck baft the raagaaiao. Thi explosion was terrlflo, bat the mescslae was not reached. Had this also blown up the ship would have foundered without there be ing time to savo anybody. Harry to Demlc As the water rushed In, tho men on the Fonnldabla hurried to tho dock. They found that the vessel already had a heavy list to starboard. Tlw. small boats were sent out. 'A 'cutter foundered In getting away and ths men In it were drowned. A launch and a pinnace suc ceeded In getting away. Almost all the oars were broken In trying to prevent ths a mail boats from being- dashed to pieces against tho side of tho ship by the tremendous seas running. Captain Loxley1 and hl3 signal man were still on the bridge when the battleship keeled over and went to tho mottom, Mlae Probable Caue. BERLIN, Jan. l-by Wireless to Pay- rille, I I.) The news of the sinking of tha British battleship Formidable In the English channel yesterday reached Berlin too late to permit of comment by the German newspapers generally. Only tho Taffeblatt discuss sea the disaster saying briefly that while German submarine already have shown ability to reaoh the chsoaol It also In possible that a mine was ths cause of the vessel's destruction. Chicagoans Besent Pig as an Emblem CHICAGO, Jan. 2.-The head of a pig as emblematic of Chicago' s Industry would be resented by Chicagoans, ac cording to a letter which tho committee promoting tha International Christian Endeavor convention to be held here next July, mailed today to a New England badge company. This committee had advertised for ds signs and bids for the convention medal lions and the eastern concern's design had la ths center of the bar on ths badgo the head of a pig as smblematlo of Chi cago's Industry. Tho badge was rejected and a letter sent to ths company says: "We take exception to the fact that you have placed In tha center of tho bar on this badge, the head of a pig, merely because, as you say, Chicago leads tho world In the meat packing Industry. We suggest that you learn that Chicago stands for something besides pigs and acktng ' BELGIAN RELIEF FUND REPORTED AT LINCOLN Following la a list of the subscriptions to the Urlglsn relltf fund received at Lincoln: Amount previously reported, Sfi.254.80. Entertainment of charity bridge commit tee at the horns of Mrs. Woods, Lin coln. Mi. City Young Men's Christian association, Lincoln, Xzl.Vi. K. C. lien Malben, Palmyra, 110. The Exploits of Elaine Mart the alory by reacting; firt installment in MaKaxlue aectlun of Uxlay's Hnnday lixo. The Day's War News The Cerman attack In France and Belgium, Initiated In reply to the offensive movement of the al lies, has developed to auch a point that the allies now are on the de fensive along the greater part of the line. The extent of the Ger man movement is shown by the French statement, which speaks of night attucks against the allies all along the front. These on slaughts apparently were not in great force, however, and the as sertion Is made that hey were all repulsed with rase. The Russian War offlec an nounces that another defeat has been inflicted upon the Austrian forces In Oallcla, whose advance from the Carpathians recently was chocked with serious conse quences to them. It Is asserted that fortified Austrian positions near Gorllce were destroyed and that 3.000 prisoners were cap tured. The.' 'lusslan statement snys, howe that the victory was won oil tcr a hard battle, and that flf. .g still continues, indicating that the Austrlans are still capable of offering deter mined resistance. In Poland the German attack apparently has shifted to the southward. The Russian state ment mentions fighting of partic ular Intensity at Rawa, which. Is thirty miles south of Sochacsew, the recent center of German ac tivity. German attacks there, as well as In east Prussia and in the region of Mlawa, In Poland, near the east Prusssan border, are aald to have been repulsed. Austrian warships have bom barded Belgrade, the Servian cap ital, from which the Austrlans were driven shortly after they had occupied It. According to ,a report current in Paris, the lost jBrltish battle ship Formidable was sunk off Portsmouth, England's chief naval base, by a German submarine. OMAHA DELEGATION HOYES-OH LIHCOLH 1 . All Expsct to Hake the Jourao to the Capital the First Thing Monday Morning. RICRMOND FIXING FENCES la Spite of Letters from (Jovemor and Chairman Thompson, Candi date for Speakership Itnvo Been Most Active. Most of the Douglas county delega tion to the legislature, expect to leave for Lincoln Monday. As the legisla tive session opens January A, they want to get there In time to get acquainted at loast a day before tho gavel fails and the body of lawmakers assemble for a long hard grind of work. Henry Clay Richmond, has been there for several days off snd on, looking after his fences for tho speakership of the house. He has been buttonholing hard for tho place and expresses him self as confident that ho will win It Home of his rivals, iT. M. Itroine and George Jackson, however, have also been on the ground looking after their Interests. LetteM Caaso Uncertainty. On account of the letter that went out from the governor and from Demo rratlo State Chairman W, H. Thompson of Grand Island, asking tho ' members elect from all over the stats to avoid ,pledg1ng themselves to any candidate for organlatlon positions, tho candidates for tho places, especially the speakership, are finding It rather difficult sledding, In advance of ths opening of the session. Tbs democratic caucus that will get Into action at ones will begin to do busi ness In regard to organisation. Pledges Have Been Made. Just how far the various legislators have pledged themselves In spite of tha plea of the governor and of Chairman Thompson, will probably reveal itself at that time It Is certain that the various candidates for places continued their ef forts to secure pledges Just the same even after the chairman's plea went out. Wool Crop is Less in the United States WABII1NOTON, Doc 1-Wool produc tion of the United States In 1914 touted 290,182,000 pounds, according to estimates today by the bureau of crop estimates of the Department of Agriculture. This Is about 8.000.000 pounds less than that of ISlt, as estimated by the National Asso ciation of Wool Manufacturers. Tha estimate of wool production ts the first ever made by the Department of Agriculture. The estimated production for 1914, as compared wtih 1916, is given by states for tlte entire country. Montana ranked first In production of raw wool in 1914, with an output of so,. 177,004 pounds; Wyoming was second, with 28.476,000 pounds, and New Mexico third, with ID, 017,000 pounds. Many Miners Are Entombed at Fernie VANCOUVER. R. C, Jan. 3-An ex plosion occurred at the Coak Creek mines at Ferule, H. C, today. It ts believed a large number of men lost their Uvea Government Inspector Evans entered the mine equipped with rescue apparstus and was Immediately overcome. Ills re covery Is doubtful TEUTONS RENEW OFFENSIVE ALONG WESTHN FRONT German Troops Making Sporadic At tempts to Break Through Lines of the Allies. FRENCH PLAT WAITTNO GAME General Joffre Apparently Avoiding General Attack Until Arrival of Reinforcements. . RUSSIANS POUR INTO HUNGARY Petrograd War Office Says Aus trian! in Galicia Were Forced to Retreat Sixty Miles. TURKS ARE FEARING ATTACK Athens Report Says Sultan is Ready to Leave Constantinople. - KAISER WTLHELM IS AGAIN ILL It ts RiasreS that lie Mast Re. tara to Berlin Soon for na Operation Vpon Hla Throat. . LONDON, Jan. 2. The latest news available from the western bat tle front shows that little progress is being made by tho allied forces, and rather indicates a sporadic re newal of the German offensive, with resultant alight gains In the Argonne and French Flanders. These opera tions can hardly be classed as a Gen eral offensive movement In the west such as is tail being conducted In Poland, but the strength which the Germans are showing seems to make it plain that they have not weakened appreciably their western army by transfers of troops to the east, nor has the pressures of the allies broken their grip on Belgium and France, from the North Sea to MeU. General Joffre apparently still Is avoid ing a general attack. Except .for their tactics of feeling out the Uernn line by attacks here and there, the allies are playing a waiting game, pending the time when, with the assistance of reinforce ments, they' can deliver a concentrated blow at some strategic, point ... Russians pons' into Bauamry. The Germans are stilt attempting to press forward In Poland, but to the south the Russians have driven the Austrlans further backmore than sixty miles In alL It Is again reported that the Russians are pouring across the Carpathians Into Hungary, causing the Inhabitants to flee. . Driven out of Bervla, the Austrfans nevertheless are again attacking Bel grade. According to dispatches from that city, four monitors have bombarded it. It Is still exceedingly difficult to obtain any clear Idea of the Turkish operations, but according to an Athens' dispatch the aultaln and his court are preparing to leave Constantinople, fearing the early fall of that city. The attack on Egypt seems to have been abandoned indefi nitely. Various reports concerning the condi tion of Ennperor William's throat are again In circulation. According to one version, the emperor must soon return to Berlin to undergo an operation. Training Big Armies. With full knowledge that vast numbers of men now are being trained In Eng land, Germany, It Is recognised here, must be preparing to meet their entry Into ths war. It Is agreed that much depends upon tha quality of the new formations on both sides. The English view Is that Britain's new troops will be the cream of the country, while Germany, having sent. In Its finest forces at the outset, must de pend for reinforcements upon those less fit physically. There are many reports of the move ment of German troops from the west to tha east Advices from Amsterdam statu that 200,000 Germans passed through Cologne on the. way sast and It is'sug-" gested that they are being sent to Gen eral von Hindenburg preparatory to an other great effort to batter through tha Russian lines to Warsaw. Rock Island Brewer Is Dead. ROCK ISLAND. 111., Jan. 2. Otto Hu ber, owner of brewery Interests here ic Iowa and in the state of Washington, died at his home here today, aged H years. What 50c will dp It will carry a 25 word WANT AD to over 4.5,000 subscribers to The Bee tomorrow. Write your Want Ad out now, make it as interesting as pos sible, and leave it at The Beo Office, or Call Tyler 1000 and place it by phone; a bill will be mailed later. The Omaha Bee I