everybody Reads th) jr ttorpenfage every y U ToIXm doat m4 yowr tor " very day. It' you fanlt. HE Omaha ' Daily Bee BSBBWVaa'SBasaBBmev- assawwaaaaaassaSgS; eBBBaaaaBBBBBBEBj THE WEATHER. Fair VOL. XL1V NO. 170. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOUSING, JANUARY 2, 1915-TSTETAri: PAGES. Oa Train aad at otel Itaada, 6 SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. WILSON WILL YETO MIGRANT BILL IF ABC TESTHUNG ON Btronj Intimations Come from the iWMtt House that President Won't 1 Stand for Literacy Clause. GERMAN RAID ON BRITISH COAST-Signal station at Whitby, which appears to have made a good target for gunners aboard German warships. SOUSES WILL NOT BACK UP Kany Expect Congress to Pass the Measure in Spite of Disap ' ' proval of Executive. ' rCOITIXIlElTCE TO " BE PEACEFUL It Is Thought Both Bodies Will Get Together Over Matter. REED AMENDMENT NOT IN WAT Wateat tha Lea-tslatar Meete Tday After Naw Year'i Holiday Tkla afeject Will Be the Para, anoant Oae. WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. When congreii nweU tomorrow, after tha New Tear' day hoUdajr, the paramount aubject of legislation will be the Immigration Mil, Pending In tha senate. It ' la ,the pur pose ot senate leaders to bring the meas ure to a vote on Its passage before ad journment.' That It ' wllV b passed. In cluding tha literacy test, Is assured, al though the test provision Is still open to amendment. ' Strong Indications came from the White House today thai President Wil son would vetb the measure If congress submitted It to him In Its present form. President Taft vetoed a similar meas ure in 1913,' because of the literacy test The senate passed the bill over the Veto, but In the house the motion to repass the measure failed by a few votes to get the necessary two-thirds majority The eresldent doea not believe the literacy test Is a test of the quality ot an immigrant. Whetther the president Is to veto the measure seems to make little difference now to Its champions and there are many now who predict that tha bill can be passed this time In both houses over an executive disapproval. The vote of (forty-seven to twelve In the senate yen cerday against eliminating the literacy eat, was generally accepted as a test ivote. ' House leaders do not anticipate much trouble In the conference on Senate amendments thus far adopted, including tha Read amendment, accepted yester day, to Exclude persons of African blood or of the negro race. In the house tomorrow ' discussion will bo renewed on the Indian appropriation 1)111. Committees on the seaman: a bill will ba appointed by both houses. Before the senate Philippine commls alon. President Taft is aebsdulod to ap pear to discuss the bill lor enlarging the measure of, Philippine self government. Gets Ten;Thousaiid for Being Poisoned CHICAGO,. Jan. t-Mls .Mary . Sheets, who alleged she contracted lead poison, today was awarded a verdict of 810.0M ' in her suit against , the .International. Harvester company. The case la said to be the first In which lead poisoning In printing shops has been proven. Miss Sheet testified that after two years as a type distributor in the Har vester company's printing plant she be-' came ill of lead poisoning. The evidence showed she Is now a partial paralytic. More tha fifty printers testified, a large number of them aaying they never heard of lead poisoning resulting from work In a printing plant Austrian Guns Hit Austrin'Warship t . . . (Copyright VAt. by Press Publishing Co.) ROME. Jan. l.-(Ppeclal Cablegram to New Tork World ' and Omaha Bee.) It ii now known that the Austrian battle ship Badiasky has had to dock at Pola owing to holes In lta hull made by the guna of tha Austrian forts during the confusion of an attack, and the panic following it by the French submarine rurle. The forts opened fire against their own ships, which , lay . at anchor In the offing when assailed by the bolow-waier craft The commander vt the forts com- mittad suicide as soon as he discoverea tha damage which he had wrought. Eaeror Reeel-ea Greetings. VIENNA, Jan. I. (Via London. -Em-Francis Joseph today personally wmtived the new year congratulations of the members of the Imperial family and I presided at-the usual lamny dinner. POINCARE CERTAIN ENDOFGREATWAR French President Expresses Belief that Struggle Will Be Orer Before 1816. English Say U 5. Note is Meant for Home Consumption torn" 7 ,' ? T-w ;J. v.i Ju. i A'' NEXT OCCASION A JUBILEE Will Be Celebrating Establishment of Beneficent Peace Based on Rectitude. GREETS CZAR AND BRITON KING DC r;V. 4-:fi.-M BRYAN-HITCHCOCK BREACH GROWING Protest Made Against Senator's Can didate for Land Office Register ; . . ' . . .. . . at Valentine. RANCH AND " LAND ; OWNER ' ' s 4. C. Q,lgley, Recommended for the ' Place, la Cstllrmts wild later- ests fa' Corporations Doiaar ' Has! nr la District. . SEEK AMBULANCE CHASERS' TRUST Authorities in New Tork on Trail of r Organization of Lawyers Su ' ' ing Corporations. CHARGES; MADE IN CONFESSION Porenaaa of 1.1 sense a Arrested ! ' He Makes Allegation Asatast ' .Attorneys Basy la Aecl. - f .. .-- deat Cases. ' WASHINGTON. Jan. J.-f Special )-The fight over Nebraska patronage threatens to gat larger Instead of smaller, as It Is disclosed that the 'candidates recom mended by Senator Hltohcock are chosen specially because of their known an tagonism' to Secretary Bryan. A protest has come In now against the appoint ment of James C. Qulgley of Valentine as register of the land office there, for which he has been endorsed by the sen ator, which draws the curtain from some of the condltiona that have created the patronage deadlock. ' lfltr-cork's Favored Candidal. According .to-the narrative In this pro test -the Hitchcock favorite Is one of tha incorporators and also a director of the Bar T Cattle company. James H. Qulg ley, an Incorporator director and presi dent of Hie company, and reputed to be; Its heaviest stockholder. Is the father' of James C. v Qulgley, the f tentative ap- pojntee. 'Hliam D., Bachelor is also an Incorporator director, 4 vice president, treasurer and active manager. . This 'cat tle , company, operates : In this. Cherry county, owning several thousand . acres of land, holds large leases for graxlng purposes on' Pine Ridge reservation and runs several thousand head, of cattle. Again James :H. Qulgley is -the. sole owner of a Barge ranch property consist-' Ing of several 'thousand, acres,, whereon be runs a private brand ot cattle. .This ranch Is located south of Cody in 'Cherry' (Continued on Page Two,' .Column Two.) The Weather Forecast of the weather for Saturday and Sunday: v Tor Nebraska-Saturday, fair; Sunday.' cloudy and warm. ror Iowa Saturday, fair;, Sunday, partly cloudy. ' , . Unuka Yesterday. Tesaaeratare a EME Hour. Deg. 6 a. m 84 t a. in Hi 7 a. ro S p. in..., M a. in 85 16 a. m M 11 a. m 13 in. 85 K W .. M M , IS 81 1 p. m t p. m 8 p. ni 4 p. m. t p. m. t p. in. T p. m. Comparative tooal Boeosd. 1915. 1914. 11J. 1M2. lowest yesterday .16 ff . U 4 Mean teuifcruiure 30 ) 8.' 4 )HiH.t lerlay i 3T 43 11 PietWtatwa .W .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from tha normal; Normal temperature II Kum for the day Total excess elnco March 1 5S6 Normal preHltallon .Winch Ieiti wricy for the day & ln-h Total rainfall slncn March a 23 M inches Itrfictency silica Mart h 1 146 Incites IVifuenry, cor. period. 1M3.... (.57 inches Jolit'tt!ncy, for. ieriod, It 12.... i.U Inches indKotes below sero. i A. WiLtil, Local Forecaster. Kaiser's Condition Worse Than Thought . . . . LONDON, Jan. t The Amsterdam cor respondent of the Times says he lesrns that (he condition of Emperor William of Germany, who was recently reported as having recovered from an illness. Is worse than is generally supposed. The correspondent says he was Informed that sooner or later the emperor must return to Berlin for an operation on his throat.' but is deferring the trip because he Is anxious to return only after securing a crushing victory. ' " NEW TORK, Jan. l.-A campaign against tha "ambulanoe chasers' trust," so called, by District Attorney Martin of tha Bronx, was begun today by the ar rest of Dennis Murray, foreman of line men for the New Tork, New Haven tc Hartford railroad, at his home In Bride pert, Conn., on a warrant charging per jury. He was released on 87,&00 ball by Judge , Ulbbs of the Bronx county court. A -confession obtained from Murray, according to the police, and backed by other evidence, it la alleged, revealed that an organisation of Influential lawyers ex ists for tha purpose of suing large cor porations, particularly the New Haven road, for alight or Imaginary injuries In accident casea. The members ot tha "trust". District 'Attorney Martin said. generally have settled" these cases out of court for large damagea, SO per cent of which Invariably went to the lawyers. The . alleged perjury In Murray's case concerned - his testimony at. a .coroner's inquest a year ago regarding. the death of ' James vFIetchor, " who had been acci dentally -electrocuted.- Murray,', who was Fletcher's foreman,' Is said to .have, testi-J ilea mat although it was his oustom to warn -the linemen dally against, the 'dan ger ;of 'live 'wlrea,. he. faUed to do so on the day of tle accident. v , : The verdict .of .the .coroner's -. Jury de clared the New ' Haven '-road had been negligent. Suit for damages-was started In, the supreme court by Fletcher's estate. but the. case was settled ,out of court by the payment of 820,000 by the road. I Exchanges Word with Joffre, Nicho las, Albert and Serb Ruler. NEW ARMIES FOR ENGLAND Half Doaea Freak Forces Wilt Be Raised y rat Britain for . War Against Germaa Kmplr. TARiS. Jan. l.r-Th belief that the year now beginning will see the ending of the war was expressed by President Polncare In an address today to members of tha diplomatic corps who went to the palace of the Elysee to present New Tear's con gratulations to the president. ' "I do not doubt that next year, at this traditional reception, we shall celebrate together the estabBahment of a benefi cent peace, which, solidly baseA.on recti tude and respect for International treat ies, will give necesary security to tha nations," said the president Presents Coa;ratlat(one. ' The British ambassador, 8lr Francis Bertie, aa dean ot the diplomatic corps. presented the congratulations of his col leagues and- himself. In his address Blr Francis 'remarked five diplomats present at the reception comprised "representa tives of the nations fUMlng at the side ot France and of other nations upon which neutrality lmposee special, duties In the grave crisis which Europe im tra versing." President Polncare exchanged New Year's greeting by telegraph with General Joffre1, the kings of England, Belgium and Servla and the emperor ot Russia. Six New Armies. IONDON, Jan. 1. -An army order Issued tonight announces that tha present organ isation of the army will be further deval oped by the creation of six armies, each of which will consist generally ot three army corps. Tha first army will be com manded by Lieutenant General Blr Doug las Halg, who headed tha first army corps ot the expeditionary force; tha second by General Sir Horace I Smith- Dorrlen; the third .by Lieutenant General Blr Archibald Hunter; the fourth by Gen eral Blr Ian Hamilton ; the fifth by Gen. era! Blr LeslTe Hundle, ami the sixth by General Blr Bruce M. Hamilton. ' Major General Kir Charts O. Monro. Lieutenant General Bl Cit ies FrgMi snd Lieutenant General 11. C. O. Plainer have been given command of the ftrst. second and third army corps respectively, This reoraantsation follows en tha ah. sorption. of Lord Kitchener's army .Into the regular army. WASHINGTON, Jan. 1. Ambamador Walter Hinea Page. In a long report from London, received today,' following his conference with high officials there, described the general attitude of the British government and Trie people to ward the Ameraan note ot protest con cerning shipping aa entirely friendly. He said a reply had, been promised within very few daya The ambassador detailed the British press criticism, whose ton he regarded as on the whole reasonable and amicable. In some quarters, not among officials. s found a disposition to search for a motive behind the American note, some Englishmen suggesting that the Wash ington administration had been compelled to yield to pressure from members of congress representing constituencies vit ally affected by the interruptions' In trade. , This portion of frngltsh public opinion seemed to think the note was intended to some extent for home consumption. High offlclala of the Washington gov ernment pointed out tonight that there RASP AT WARSAW . AGAINA. FAILURE Second Attempt to Strike the Polish Capital Frustrated by Russian Force and Craft. n ' TERRIFIC ONSLAUGHTS VAIN Russ Enter Hungary - From Four Points Van Dyke On, Ship is Passed;;Teutons Safe , LONDON, Jan.' 1. Through considera tion for Dr. Henry - Van Dyke, American minister , to the Netherlands, the British government , permitted, the steamer Nleuw .Amsterdam, on which Dr. Van Dyke : was a psssenger during Its last voyage , from New . Tork to Rotterdam, to proceed without being aearched, not withstanding certain auspicious circumstances. Carranza's Firing Squad is Almost as Busy as One of Villa EIj PASO, Tex., Jan. 1. Tha recur rence of the Agues CallenUs convention at Mexico City, set for January L prob ably will not occur for more than a week, according to advices received her today, It was said that the delay was1 caused by the friction between the Villa and Zapata elements over the matter of pro miscuous execiitioas. Zapata remained at Cuernavaca and Villa at Mexico City, ' At the meeting of the chiefs support ing the convention government an elec tion of provisional president was to have been field! Tbe delay will leavo General Outlet-res In the offtoa of chief execu tiv. It was admitted that the Zapata element would oppose his re-election. ' From Vara Crus came reliable reports that klUlngs for political reasons had been almost aa frequent as at Mexico City. There was reported much friction between General Obregon. oommader of tha Carransa troops, and some of the Carranxa cabinet members, which th first chief had been unable to mediate. THIEF RETURNS MONEY AFTER SEVERAL REQUESTS SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Jan. l.-J. R. Weaton, proprietor of a small market, begins the new year as ths originator of a new method to recover stolen property, Three holdups entered his place, locked a clerk In tbe Icebox and took 840 from the cash register. Weston slipped unob served out of ths back door and fol lowed one of tha men. Ha overtook tha hold-up attar a chase of two blocks and politely rsquested th return of th money. Th hold-up mad no answer and Weston kept up with him, continuing 1 his request. The hold-up appeared to be The British consul general at Rotter dam subwquently discovered that five pu1!lled by Weston's action and finally members of the crew were Germans who , tsrtd to return tna tf Wton LONDON, Jsn. L Th Daily Mall's Rome correspondent sends a telegram re ceived there from Budapest which say that the Russians are Invading Hungary from four points. , ( "Refugees are flocking, into Budapest'," the dispatch adds. . "There Is a panic ' throughout Hungary as a result of th ' rapid retreat of the Austrian army before thta now Russian advance. All . public ! meetings have been prohibited in Budu- J nest" . worked their way over and then pro ceeded to Germany.' - It Is said here that there were also among ths passengers several other Ger man reservists with false passports from nsutrsl European countries ' and they went from Rotterdam to Germany. ' would stop following him. He gave Wea ton a roll of currency that waa sabs quently found to contain 830,- Tha clerk had escaped from th Icebox meanwhile and summoned ths police, who were nn- abla to find the robbers. TAKES CHICKS, WISHES A "HA.PPY NEW YEAR" Wishing the owner a "Happy New Year," some chicken hungry thief took twenty-four pullets, from the Loop of Mra C. Kasslr at Thirty-fifth and K streets. South Omaha. Tbe thelf left a card expressing his good wishes for tbe "Nesr Year." - Tomorrow the Best Colored Gomics with The Sunday Bee NEGROES'TRY TO LYNCH MEMBER OF OWN RACE CHARLESTON. Mo., Jan. l.-A gang of negro levee workmen attempted to lynch on of their number here today because he sad stabbed th foreman, a white man. A passing train rrew Interfered and saved the negro after th gang had placed a rope around his nsc.k, prepara tory to hanging him. Tonrjlit William Pod -on, foreman of the negroes. Is st Birds Point twelve miles aaat of here. In a critical condi tion as a result of the wounds inflicted by Andrew Wiggins. Th latter, with two gun shot wounds In his arm snd on In his head, received while resisting ar rest ts In jail her ponding th outcom of Dodson's Injury. was not tha slightest foundation for aurh a suggestion, ss th note wan not originally Intended for the press. It Is understood that Ambassador Page had anticipated such mistaken Impressions by assuring th British government In formally that the 1'nlted States wad thoroughly In earnest. The .note waa phrased In a candid and frank manner, he Is understood to have explained, particularly because It was not written with the Idea of publication. As the synopsis leaked out, however, the ambassador had been Instructed to arrange for the publication of the com plete text to aatlafy the desire for more Information In both countries. Incidentally tha ambassador cabled that the British government had corrected some English newspaper reports, which apoks ot a discourtesy In premature pub lication. 1 Mr. Page reported that Lord Haldane. In eharg of th foreign office. was Informed of the purport of the conv munloatlon befor even th first Intima tion of th contents of th not waa pub llshed, ' ' - ION BATTLESHIP SUtlKlllGIIAIItlEL, SIX HUNDRED LOST Mine or Submarine Sends British Kan o War Formidable to Doom in Home Waters. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ADMIRALTY Thus Far 150 Men Are Known to nave Been Eared of the Crew Aboard Fighting1 Craft Ninth Teatoa Army, Carter General oa Hladeabersj, la Reported v . IQ lllTf at jn-JTry Farther Soatu. ' (Copyright, 114, by Press Publishing Co.) PETROGRAD. Jan. l.-(Specle! Cable- gram to New 'York World and Omaha Bee.) The second Germun sttempt.to grasp at Warsaw Is now definitely repelled- All the terrific onslaughts of all th armies they could bring Into central Pvlund to burst through the Russian de fense hav been worn to exhaustion. Th only candid New Tear's mesnsge Oeneral von Hldenberg and the German staff ran give to th kaiser Is to confess that th task set before toera is beyond their strength. Evidently this la recognised, for It was established today that th Ninth German army, under General Macklnon, which for six weeks has been the heart and nerve of all furious fighting around Loda and Lorltch, and th swaying lines of contact where the Russians held and sent them back, has moved considerably outhv This followed th action of Wed nesday south ot ' Tomashev, when th Russian right wing reached out toward Velrosh and th retreating army below tl Ptllca. To Transfer Energy. BivrVthii-T now point to Oonwal -on Hlndenberg transferring his energy to supplying fresh strength In this area, II even prevailed upon the Austrians to mak soma stand in tha Carpathian passes.' t The Russian combined armlea ot .me south ar well supplied and in victor ious strtrlts. for the solid advance posi tion Is so satisfactory that military opin ion generally agreea with th eatlmat of th British ambassador. Blr ueorge Buchanan, at the New Tear banquet of the British colony In Petrograd last night when ha said that he could look Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) Wife to Let Chicago Mayor Run Once More CHICAGO. Jan. L Mayor Carter Har rison, who said recently that his candi dacy for re-eleotion was contingent upon obtaining his wife's permission to maxe th race, announced today that she had consented to his becoming a candidate: Mayor Harrison is concluding his firth term. HU father, Carter n. iianaou. sr., also served five terms. Mrs. Harrison occupied a seat on in platform with bar husband at th meet ing today at which he declared he would seek a re-election. 8b refused to re spond to a request for a speech. JMSWMaBB Revolution Breaks Out in Paraguay BUENOS AIRES, Jan. t La Prensa today prints a dispatch received from Formosa. Argentina, stating that a rev olution has broken out In Paraguay, an artillery regiment having taken ths field. Ths dispatch adds that Dr. Eduardo fiherer, president of th republic, Is a prisoner. , KANSAS WILL JOIN IN FIGHT ON RATE RAISE TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. l.-Kansas will Join Nebraska, Oklahoma, Iowa, Minne sota and th Dakota In opposing th incrsased freight rate on grain ordered by tbe western railroads and suspended by th Interstate commerce commission until March 81, It was announced by th Kansas board of public utilities today. Ths increased rates would cost Kansas farmers more than 8000,000 yearly, mem bers ot tho commission said. War Pictures From the Front Full Page in The Sunday Bee Tlie Day's War News The outstanding feature of tha war news continue! to be the sinking by a mine or a t rpedo In the Channel of the British bat tleship Formidable with a proba ble loss of 600 lives. Only 150 men of lta crew of 760 are known to have been saved, as the vessel sank beneath the heavy tfaves kicked up by the gale that ' was raging. Eighty men were rescued with great difficulty by a British cruiser and seventy by a trawler. Eight officers and six midshipmen were among, the rescued. The British admiralty has not made known the spot where the ship was blown. Nplther has It made a definite assertion as to whether the disas ter was due to the vessel striking a mine or to an attack by a Ger man submarine. There is a paucity of news con cerning the fighting on land, where the armies of the allies and the Germans are carrying out the maneuvers which have been In effect for many days. In the en trenched ; line In Flanders and France artillery duels and In fantry attarfts continue, but with out decisive result, In Poland the Germans ar tryinjr to get through 10 Warsaw and th Russians ara disputing vigorously their every move. North of the Vistula and along the east Prussian frontier fog envelops the arm'es and hin ders their actions. In, Galicla and the Carpathians the Russians and Austrians are battling hard for supremacy Vienna says conditions in the Car pathians are unchanged, but that In Galicla the Russian attacks have been repulsed with heavy casualties to the Muscovites and a loss of 2,000 prisoners and six ma chine guns. Four Austrian monitors bom barded Belgrade. Servla, on Jhursday, but with slight damage, LOCATION HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN London Believes Torpedo tAg-ency of Destruction Employed Again to Humble Britannia. ' BOAT WAS HEAVILY ARM0REL Had Displacement of 13,000 Tons and Carried 750. Men. FINISHED FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Vessel Cost Ahaat Five Million Dollars sal Carried Foar Twelve Inch Gams, Beside Several Smaller Batterie. Six r.lillsons of Hen, ? Billions f.Ionsy, War Cos (Copyright, 114, Press Publfshing Co NolW YORK. Jhn. 1. tSpeclsl Tele gram to New Tork World an Omaha Bee.) At th end of the old year for eign statisticians computed thst five months, of the greatest war ot history had coat the nations Involved S,0u0,0u0 men (killed, wounded and captured), and 17,000,000,000. Losses ar subdivided as follows: a OR RAT BRITAIN-800 officers killed 4.0UI wounded; men, 16.0U) killed, ' .Vi0 wounded, 2u.0u0 mlaalng. FKANCb-Total casualties 1.100,000, of whom INO.OUO have been killed. RUHSIA Total casualties, l.ftuO.VUU, of whom SMi.Oui have been killed. BKLUll'M-W.OUO killed. U.OUU wound- e-k, 3f,0(i0 captured. -SUKVIA Total casualties, 170,000; ssld by Austria to hav beea captured, SO.orjO. GERMANY K0.000 killed, KO.0O0 wounded, H),iu missing. AUWTHIA Total casualties. 1.600.000, of whom lsO.OtX) have bnen killed. Expenses are subdivided as follows: GREAT BRITAIN Z.000,000 a month, or l,2ii.o(X,0B0 at the end of the year. FRANC'M-I.ioo.000,000 a month, a total of 8l.fiOO.i,&0. , RUSSIA-iao.UMOOO. a -month, a total - of 11.750,000.1)00. , GERMAN Y too, Of iO.ooo a month, a to- tal of 1. 6oo.iiO,o0 at home, in addi tion to paying the expense of her ally. Turkey. Al'STIUA-itlmated to total $1,000, U0,0UU. ..... In adJitlon. all the waning nations ar said to hav tost as much as they hav spent by tho paralysatlon of com merce and Industry. Owing to thla tre mendous cost, financial authorities . aay that th war must end within th next flv months. . Bryan Seventh Time Becomes Grandfather LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. t-Secretary of Htat W. J. Bryan became a grandfather for the seventh time with' the opening of the new year, when a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bryan, jr, It Is tbs third child In the homo of the younger Bryan, ail dughters. liOXDOX, Jan. 2. The. Rally Chronicle states that survivors of th battleship Formidable . report that the vessel was torpedoed both fore and aft oa Friday morning and sank almoflt immediately. , The' Chron icle's Brlxham correspontlrnt, who I authority for the foivRoiniT. says the captain of th trawler , lYoridwire, which rescued seventy survivors who havl escaped from the battleship In cotter, states that ollur fishing boats were close at hand. The captain ex presses the belief thai other survi vors have been rescued and taken to Dartmouth, lie saw no other boats belonging to the Formidable how- ever. ... LONDON, Jan. 1. The destruc tion of the British battleship Formidable In the English' channel today by a mine or a submarine boat, although one of those events Englishmen now realize must be ex pected so long as the British navy la compelled to keep the seas, has caused widespread grief. This Is due not so much to the loss of the ship, which was fifteen years old and cost about $5,000,000, as It is for tbe men COO in number who are believed to have gona down with the battleship. Thus far only 150 men of the iormidable's crew of 750 are known to have been rescued. . A light cruiser picked up eighty and a Tor bay trawler sev enty. Among the rescued are eight officers and six midshipmen. , The British admiralty has not an nounced tbe locality where be dis aster occurred and declares that it is unable to say whether the ship struck a mine or waa torpedoed, but' the Inclination here Is to believe that' a submarine again has been'success ful In an attack. Rosea. Woric of Peril. " '. The rescu was made under dan gerous ad exciting circumstances. The crew of the trawl.tr were amazed while running before the . gale for shelter to find a snail open boat driving under their lee through mountainous seas with an oar Hoisted bearing a sailor's scarf. After desperate efforts those on the trawler succeeded In getting a rope u wt vuncr ana nrougni u wun great skill to their stern. The naval men began to jump aboard, but even then there was dan ger of losing men as the seas were running thirty feet high. After a half hour's work, however, all were safely rescued. One lad of 19 was so exhausted that he required imme- dtate treatment to. save his life. When all bad left the cutter Its rope was cut. as it was full of water, hav ing a hole upder its hull, which had been stuffed with a pair of trousers of which one man had divested him self for the purpose. Soma Wlthoat Clotklas;. Some of the rescued men had no clothing and they were cared for in tbe warm engine room. The navy men had been in the cutter for nearly twelve hours. The crew of the. trawler distributed hot coffee food and tobacco among the ' be numbed sailors.' When they landed the residents brought blankets,, clothing and boots for the survivors and boused them in comfortable quarters. The experience of these survivors from the Formidable is almost indescribable- For hours before being rescued they had been battling agaluBt the storm, hoping against hope, until the brown sails of tho Providence hovu in sight. An announcement given cut by Continued uo l'e To, Column 1-uui.)