. . .. I THK BEB: OMAIIA, FRIDAY, JANUAUY 1, 1315. - . - ' " - 1 - , - 1 1 1 1 ' " Fridays Afternoon r .. . .- '. ' - B, ALBERT HUBBARD "A TOV Ride" ' "8 Copyright, 114, Intern! Newg Service, & By Nell Bfmklcy Those were eplndia daya, tinged with J J Ja.JkVf'W H ' , no trare of blue, Whom I attended the V' ' . ' district school., wearing trousers but- V ' ' ' 1 11 . . toned to a calico waist. I had ambitions . . -trvrv - then-I was euro that some day I could -JAjTLvC? r' ' ' nell down the lv lACftA WTA hv. . V.ev. ami play checkers I Si I I . J At? f-WX 7 C ' !fWV W Vli-i 'v iXK r .i &i'Jl?l. XWWsl' 1 . V V. tf-l -Wt? A Friday Af- I .'' - t a,' H T . ,hT JKi 1 IWAW V.V TW in my line, and my big sister wa lav- . fetjErr. ZZt ' WJ 77 !M CP? ' ' MAN ' v axhool, propound a Drhlrm In frao-" tlons that would puzzle the tracher, and play checkers In a way that would cause my name to be known throughout the en tire toTimhlp. . In the inldft of these pleasant emo tion & cloud ap peal. 1 upon the 1 oi lison of my hap illness. What was ,'t? A Friday Af ternoon that's all. . A new teacher had been engaged a woman, actually a young woman. It was .prophesied that she could , not keep order a single day, for, the term before, the Uk boya had once arisen and put out of the building the man who taught them. Then there was a boy who occasionally brought a dog to school, and whtn the bell rang the dog followed the boy Into the room and lay under the desk, pound ing his tall on the floor, and everybody tittered and giggled until the boy had been coaxed Into taking the dog home, for If merely left In the entry h howled and whined in a way that made atudy Impossible. But one day the boy was not to be coaxed, . and the teacher grabbed the dog by the scruff of the neck and flung him through a window so forcibly that he never came back. Anrf now a woman waa to teach the school; she was only a little woman and yet the boys' obeyed her, and I had come to think that a woman could teach school nearly as well as a man, when the awful announce ment was made . that thereafter every week we were to have a Friday After noon. There were to be no lessons, everybody was to speak a piece, and then there was to 1 a spelling match and that, .was all. But heavens! It waa enough. Monday began very blue and gloomy. and the density Increased aa the week passed. My mother had drilled me well in my lines and my big sister wai lav ish invjjer praise, but the awful or deal of standing up before the whole school waa yet to come. Thursday' night I slept but little, and all Friday morning J waa in a turning fever.- At noon-1 could not eat my lunch, but 1 tried to, manfully,' and aa I munched on the tasteless morsels, salt tears rained on the johnny cake I held In my hand. And even when the girls brought la. big bunches of wild flowers and corn stalks, and began to - decorate the platform, things appeared no brighter. " ' " ' Finally, the teacher went to the door and rang th bell. Nobody seemed to play, and aa the pupils took .their seats some, yery Tale, " tried ' to amile, and others whispered. "Have you got your piece?" Still others kept their llp work ing, repeating lines that struggled bard lo flee ' ' Names were called, but I did not see who went up; neither did I hear what was said. At last my name was called. It came like a clap of thunder as a-rreat surprise, a shock. I clutched he Desk, struggled to my feet, passed down the aisle, the aound of my shoes - echoing through the silence like the strokes of a maul. The blood seemed ready to burst from my eyes, ears and nose. I reached the platform, missed my foot ing,' stumbled and nearly fell. . I heard tho glKKHnj thnt followed and knew thut a red-haired boy. who had just spoken and was therefore unnecessarily jubilant, had laughed aloud. I was augry. I shut my flats so that the. ' nuils cut my fluxh, and glaring straight at his red head, ahot out my part; ' ' " "I know not how othera may feel, but sink or swim, live or die. aurvlve-or per ish, I give my heart and my hand to this vote. It la my living sentiment, and by the blessing of Ood it shall be my dy ing sentiment. Independence now, and Independence forever." That was all of the piece. ' I gave the whole thing In a mouthful and started for my aeat, rot half way there and re membered I had forgotten to bow, turned, went back to the platform, bowed with a Jerk, started again for my seat and, hearing someone laugh, ran. Reaching the seat, I burst Into tears. The teacher came ever, patted my head, kissed my cheek and told me 'I bad done first rate, and after hearing several others speak I calmed down and quite agreed with her. t Nell, Brinkley Says: ' Scattered about this broad land of lake and muddy plains rivers and clear, cold mountain ones that leap like, live Jade and lace, of waving, fields and vasty-reaching prairies where the wind, rides In .waves like the sea, of pine and hemlock and oak forests, villages and smoky towns and riotous cities there. must be many a little woman grown gray now who might nod her head and smile and say, "Sure enough that was a Joy ride sure sure enough! Many's the time I've gone through bottom-field runnln' with my bonnet on my back and the red In my cheeks (for your father does say that I was the prettiest girl in the v'llage and I never had to worry about a beau), 'takin' the short-cut to ride home on your father's sorrel (we called her Maud) Irom the fields. And he'd h'lsl me up anil there'd be laughln' at that, and then we'd come home In the twilight with the birds callin' sleepy. And your father'd tuck a flower la his hatband and his shirt front and give me one tn my hand and Maud would step along slow and easy, and the harness a-Jlnglin' made the same music as our laughln. Your father's hair waa yellowthen and wavy and'he had the roadest shoulders and the nicest laugh of anyone 1 knew. It was a Joy ride not speedy dearie me, no! But Love trailed along 1 reckon In the path behind us and filled his hands with the flowers that lay there like snow. Seems to me the country was prettier then!" NELL BRINKLEY, Udvi Advice to Lovelorn By WILLIAM F. RIGGE. RASH BREAKS OUT Oil BOY'S HEAD Tour Days After iBirth. Cried Day and Night. Disfigured. Hair Came Out. Used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. In Four . Months Head Heated. Hair Grew. ' Flats. Neb. "My second-child, a boy; bad what is called scrofula of the head. The wbule. top of hie head and forehead broke out In a thick rash the fourth day after ha waa bora and formed one whole crust He criod a good deal both day and aight. It seemed to hurt him. It disfigured him aad I lelt asharawd to have any body see him. Hair came euC "I used home remedies for about six weeks and the crust got dry and cracks formed, then eruptions the alxe of a pea would come out la the crarks. A kind old ladr told me about Outicura Boap and Ointment so I begaa uiong them. ' I bathed bis head with the Boap and the used tbeOiatmentt Ba begaa to Improve right along. In four months his bead was healed up as nice as could be and hir begsA to grow." (Signed) &lra kammorer, June 17, 1014. By BBATBXOB r JUST AX s To Teok Te Mack, far Granted. Dear Mlna Fairfax: At a party I met a gentleman who had taken me out a few timea before. I spent most of the evening with him, but he did not aak me whether he might escort me home. Thinking that he would do so I told another friend that I had an escort. We all walked home together, I walk ing with this particular friend, and when we came to the corner of the street where I live one girl said she was tn a hurry to get home, aud since tho rest of the crowd went the same way, they left me on the corner. Don't you think that this particular man should have taken me to the house In which I live. . . T. D. S. You should lUve accepted the offer of the young man who waa gallant enough to wtah in take vnu home. However, that does not alter the fart that no chivalrous ""' ". i Aiuenoa. , Heavens in January The year IMS Is probably . one of the Vfry poorest In the line of eclipses. There are no lunar eclipses at all visible any where in the world, and there are only two solar eclipses, the least possible number that must , occur, and they are both only annular and vlsiW, one might almost say. over the least land surface. The first of these occurs on February IS In the Indian ocean, Australia' and the weBfPacltto ocean. The second, on Au gust 10, spreads over the whole Pacific bead his h, f. II. Sample Each Free by Mail vVub 32-p. Fktn Book oa request. Ad Aiw rioatcard. utlcurm, l)epl. T, Boi luo." i)lA thrjufc'lK.'Ut lliC ' ' or even decently courteous man ougnc to let a girl go home unaccompanied. Don't nsk for an explanation there id none but drop the boy who treated you ao. , . v KlMlag Games." Dear Mis Fairfax; Kissing game are introduced at many - of the parties to which 1 go. I have always stayed out of them, considering such games Im proper. Two weeka ago. at a party, one of the boya Insisted on kissing roe, and when I began to think the thing over, during the fortnight following, I came to the conclusion that thre waa no particular harm in what he had done and that my former viewpoint hud been very priggish. S. K. 11. Your former viewpoint wss dlnlfled and exactly the way a refined and high minded girl should feel. A kiss. Is a symbol of real affection, and Its value should not be lowered Neither love nor' any of Ita tokena ought to be demeaned by being used In a game or aa a mean i to pass an evening. 'Aa a partlul a pessimist would call it a grim compensation, we will have tn Omaha, oil the 17th day of this month, a close approach of the crescent moon to the planet. Jupiter. The moon will be only two days and a half old. The an nexed figure tells ua what we may ex pect, the little dot to the left of the orescent being the planet. The time when Cynthia and Jupiter are nearest together will be 5:1 p. m., almost at the very moment of sunset, so that, even If the sky be clear, the planet may hardly be glimpsed at alt without a telescope of ome sort. The daya are Increasing forty-eight mlnutea In length during the month, be ing' nine hours ten minutes on the 1st, nine hours twenty-sl minutes on the luth. and nine hours fifty-eight minutes on the 3Ut- The sun rises on these dates at 7 53, 1:a0. 7;3S, and sets at 1:03, alt, t:37. The latost sunrise of th whole year, 7:M, occurs on the td. The aun la three mlnutea alow on the lat, nine min utes on the IS'.h, and thirteen minutes oa the 31st, according to a sun dial. On standard time it Is twenty-seven, thirty three and thirty-seven mlnutea alow. On the 2lMt it entera Atiuarlus. Venus la morning star and attains Its greatest brilliancy qn the Id. It la some times mistaken for' the Htar of Bethle hem, which Is said to appear at long In tervals, but which, however, la only a popular myth. The original atar that led the Wise Men aiicared only once. Jupiter Is dlsapiearing from the even ing sky." It ania on the l.Mh st 7.M and on the tllxt at l:'i. VMurs U Invisible. mulu-s snd breaks sn-itlirr r:issonicnt Saturn Is In excellent pos'.t'.on. It la on have nmii!."i-' tn )o with h'm urti' he hsi jl1 l.K-rli ion st W:P;t p m on t!;e 10th. bolu' apjlt zed and tplaUcd i "operly. ' Ti t- n on is full oa the lal at .'il a ( lose approach ( of Jupiter ' to the crescent moon January 17 at 1:16 p. m. m.. In last 'quarter on the 8th at 3:1.1 p. m., new on the 45th at t-iZ a. m , In firnt quarter on the 22d at 11:23 p.ra and full again on the 30th at 10:41 p.'m. It Is in conjunction with Venus on the 12th, Jupiter on the 17th. and Saturn on the 27th. ' On the 2J at noon the earth la nearest the aun. Do You Know That The debris left from coral, after it) baa been made Into article of Jewelry, eta, la crushed, soentod and sold aa' tooth powder at a high price by Indian per fumers. The adjutant or marabout, a bird of India of the stork apeoia, will a wallow a hare or a cat whole. It standa five feet high, and the espanae of Ha wlnga la nearly fifteen feet. A curious meana of communication ia the' "drum language" of a tribe 'In the Cuno. Theae people 'can by this meana converse with each other at considerable distances. Nlrety-nlne per cent of the timber in the Philippines la owned by the govern ment and la worked through concessions and licensee, aa no land more valuable for timber than for agriculture can be bought, i When sugar first wag made from beeta It took about twenty tons of beeta to produce one ton of sugar; .now It requlrea but six tons, the change being due to sclent I flo breeding of beeta. The government of Chile haa established sn aviation school near Santiago, where army and navy' officers are being trained with good results. It Is proposed to fly over the Andes to Argentina, which calls for a sustained flight for an hour or more at an altitude of about 15,000 feeU' Taxicabs have proved a great success not only tn Colombo but In Calcutta, and timea are Indeed dull when a ear fails to bring the owner a clear profit of tioa a month. The total area under wheat tn Western Australia this year amounted to LW.7W acres, being an Increase for the year of 811,757 acrca. Now York adds about 140,000 to. Its popu lation each year. ' ' USt! HEARTS TREATED FREE Sr. rrankUa Miles, the Great Bpeclallat, leads a Mew and Bemarkabla Treat, meat, Tree, as a Trial. FergettlaaT Eaages.ts. Pear Miss Fairfax: I am a young girl of lv years and am keeping company witn a young man one year my senior. tie has a way that annoys 'me vety much. He is very forgetful. He invites ntm to places of amusejiiunt and whuu the time comes he never speaks of It. . What I want to know is if he really cares for me or is Just passing the time away with met '1. W. f Do not permit any man to sHght you. Simply tell blm quietly the next time that he Invitee you anywhere that you will make no engagement Jlth him unless he Is quits sure that he intends to re- spevl it. Asd keep your word. K lie ever Heart disease is dangerous, hundreds drop dead who t-nuld have been sivtd. Many have esn cured after doctors fail ed. To prove ttie rerparkahle eifliacy of his new special Personal Treatment for heart .disease, short breath, pain in a de, shoulder or arm, oppression, irregular pulse, palpitation, smothering, puffing of ankles pr dropsy, also nerve, stomach and rheumatic symptoms. Dr. Mi es will send- to afflicted persona a $2 W free Treatment. Had cases usually soon re lieved. These treatments sre the result of 35 years' extsnslve research and remark able success in treating various al.nunLs of the heart, liver and stomach, whi:h often complicate each case, snd for jasinarkable Cures tar Year State, o wonderful are the results that h wtithea every sick person to test this famous treatment at bis expense. Af flicted persons should avail themselves of this liberal offer, as they may never have sui-h an opportunity agala. Delays are dangerous. No death cornea iaor suddenly than that from heart disease. Bend at once for his new Hook and Free Trial Treatment. iMsi-rloe your disease. Address lr. Kr:inklln Miles. UetH. J!i' iJ U Tli Ml bt, K.kuarl, lud. LaYallieres We are show ing an excep tionally large ami fine assort men of L,a Val-' Here for our January sales. A llil-. La Vsllisre, has .solid gold, gtauis oayx cca Ur, pearl psadsat. has limonl; com lets with U tacb chain. . UM a Meatk $15 " y a , ' . IkBSoTa MljQ n II l if Special Val A 4 ,A J a I i m n i X i Loftia Per lee Man Dfamontf Rli This stqulalto Dlsiai Ring stsnds signs sa tue most Bcriect ana opulsr nog ever pco- uced. tM Ladies' Diamond King. 14k solid fold. I-ofin "Write. icA tiua mounting. M s Month Spol Bargain THSoiU CM Leckst, kose Snub, space tor two sictures. Bi eiotv 6tua as Pis tar fin w . w BEGIN THE HEW YEAR RIGHT ""oVcd",?"0 Our Annual January Clearance Sales. are the event of the year, and afford you an opportunity to buy Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, at a very great saving. The bent resolution you can make for the NEW YKAU Is to "Save a Dia mond" otr our easy payment plan. Every ' iaytnent made on a dia mond Is yo much money gaved. Diamond increase in value 10 to 20 per cent a year, and this In crease alone makey a diamond a gilt-edge Investment. Open a charge account with us NOW, and you will find It a great conven ience all through the year. Extra special values In every diamond, watch or . Other Jewelry tn this great aale. Come TODAY and ae lect anything you may need for future wedding, anniversary or birthday presents. By the time needed you wtjl have them paid for and never raise the money. nr. Spscisl. fl i MmU fOifYil THE mml CREDIT JEVELERS J i i li MAXaT rieOOB OZTT aTATXOsTAA BASTE VXeOOX, L-3Enos&ca;.w oe m. ltk at Cone lata a Harney ana, Omaaa, OppeaJte Baxgess-lTesa Oe-'e Pepartasaat ate re. Vald. len's DIAMOND RINGS The Young .Man's Favorite. Mi Ms n's Oismond King, e-eroiig Toot.t mounting, 14k iK solid gold IMS a Meat 1 Srsrf Pla. salid gold, English hni.h line Dia mond , SIO SI a Mont Faacv Diamond W Ladies' Balchsr King, solid gold.. a Mearoa 323 L J -i M Disatoae-Sct lis Cl. f t sulid Klili ww 7-Mca's King. Flat Ukkr, kali engraved, Stat a Meate Paos Seagiaa 1444 aad Our tilaa- asas Will Call. Call or Write for Catalog No. 3. Open Daily TU1 8 P. IL Saturdays TU19:S0 s