Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1915, EDITORIAL, Image 15

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PAGES 15 TO 28
ahe Omaha Daily
By advertising in The
Uee the storekeeper takes
his show window inte
the home of every reader
Oa Train asd at
total Stands, 80
Thre-e Police Offictn Jind Four
Mexicans and Locate Large
Amount Stolen Property.
Polls Sneak late Ilease an 4 Catch
Them Hiiwirri Seate a Floer
' Flavin Card Kxanet
to Land Mora.
Pedro Carlo, upected of being com
panion of Juan Marrno, who was shot
by the night watchman of the National
Fur and Tannery company, was arrested
by Detective Ring;. Van Dusen and Dev
"Vreese In tho company of three other
Mexicans In a vacant house at CIS Pa
cific street early Thursday morning;, A
quantity of stolen property was recov
ered by tho officers, who found It hidden
in the basement of the house.
When word was received at headquar
ters that the quartet had been located
at the above number the police were
warned that the men were armed and
would fight. As a result the three de
tectives approached tho house with great
caution, and fortunately took the Mexi
cans by surprise.
Oevereese located thorn In a room that
formerly had been the kitchen. Vai
Dusen rained entrance through the front
door. Ring; made bis entry through a
side window of the dining room and ap
proached the kitchen , by way of the
pantry, while Devereese. made his way to
the kitchen through a storm-shed. Mean
while the unsuspecting Mexicans were
seated on the floor busily engaged in
drinking and playing cards. At a given
signal from Devereese the three doors
leading to the kitchen were thrown open
and the offenders covered by the guns of
the officers. AU four Mexicans reaohed
for their weapons, but seeing that thelt
chances were more than hopeless they
hoisted their hands in the air and calmly
submitted to arrest.
Find the Loot.
While Ring and Van Dusen guarded ths
four,-' Devereese made a search of the
house, and in a corner of the basement
under a pile of rugs discovered the stolen
property. Goods taken from th follow
ing establishments which were robbed
the week preceding Christmas wars
found: Broil Toldbot's saloon, 1101 South
Ninth street, from which, cigars, liquors
and money to the value of 1100 were
taken; Mm Alta Elder's restaurant, 101
South Tenth street, where clothing, gro
ceries and cash totaling $71 were stoleni
A. O ore man. storekeeper at SOS South
Seventh street, who lost shoes, clothing.
tobacco and groceries valued at S10O; Alex
Orant, saloonkeeper, 984 Douglas street.
who was robbed of 150 worth of merchan
dise: M. Cohn, 908 "North Sixteenth street 1
Alfora MoriUo, 1219 South Sixth street,
and Vitro Cashlca, "914 Pierce street, all
shoemakers, who each lost shoes amount
ing in value from 3S to $50.
All the aboce numbers were entered; by
breaking windows, which Is one. of, the
facta that leads the authorities to sus
pect Carlos, who answers the desorip
tton of the man who accompanied Mareno
n Wednesday morning, when ths latter
broke the window of tho National Pur
and Tannery company, 193 South Thlr
teenth ' street, and as he attempted . to
make away with a valuable set of furs
was shot through the left thigh by Night
' Watchman Mike Mlkrimovltch. MUcrlnv
ovltch has not positively identified
Carlos, although tho poUoe are confident
he la the man.
The other three men gave their names)
at police headquarters - as Rafael RodV
rlgures, . Astora August and John OaU
legos. The authorities have reason to be
lieve that they have not yet rounded up
the entire gang of thieves, owing to a
remark make, by Mareno at PtA Joseph
- hospital. Mareno Is 'n a serious condi
tion and during a fit of delirium spoke
In a manner that has caused the polio
to believe that further arrests will be
road shortly. ,
. . "There hu been an unusual number
. of Mexican In the city during the last
month; and we have received numerous
complaints of their activities," declared
Chief of Detectives Maloney." "We are
going to round up the entire outfit, and
if the rest of my men are as fortunate as
Ring, Deveress and Van Dusen, I will
be satisfied. I fear that serious trouble
will result before the work is finally
c. " - f ' ....
'- V" :; . i '
fc .w v - v -y . ....
Grace Krck
At theGaydj
Oiaha Socialists Talk Over Help for
the Unemployed.
Woild Have, Complete Socialisation
of All Collectively Used Indus
tries Socialism la Its En
tirety Is Needed.
'Immediate Relief for Unemployed"
was the subject of discission at the
Wednesday night meeting of the Omaha
socialists. State and government pro
ductive . enterprises, reclamation, refor
estation i, and permanent road building
were proposed as proper and profitable
solutions of the problem.
The socialists arranged to appoint a
committee to draft a plan of action to
be submitted to the legislature this win
ter. Methods of financing the projects pro
posed as a means of doing away with
unemployment were discussed and some
of the things proposed wero:
Direct Issue of government notes that
would be full legal tender.
A tax on land values.
And, chiefly, the complete socializa
tion of all collectively used Industries.
There "was a unanimous opinion that
conditions would only be temporarily and
Partially Improved until socialism in its
entirety was seoured.
However, th members attending the
meeting agreed that . "reforms" under
capitalism should be taken as it was
possible to secure them, rather than to
spurn-every effort at, alleviation until
the whole socialist plan could be adopted.
Hans Nielsen Has
Unusual Experience
With Angora Feline
"Hurry quick, ' there is - somebody Is
being murdered out here!" The preceding
cry waa sent through the telephone at
police headquarters and a wagon load of
stalwart "bulls" rushed to Fortieth and
Redlck avenue, from where the appeal
started. Amongst the number was Hu
mane Officer Hans Nielsen, with with
"cannon" la hand, led the charge into
the home of Ralph White, next door to
where the appeal was sent from. As
Hans approached the window the cries
increased In vigor. Hans cautiously
opened the aperture and was Immediately
struck In the face by a furry ball.
Following this onslaught th cries
ceased. Further investigation on the part
of Hans and his fellow "bulls" revealed
the staitllng fact that Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph White left before Christmas to
visit relatives In South Dakota; that be
fore leaving they took their Angora cat
to a friend's home in Florence; that th
cat ran away, came back home, gained
entrance to th house and then forgot
how t get out again.
Han speaks Danish fluently, and there
being a number of women present, ad
dressed the cat In this language most
New Year's Dinner
is Mistaken for a
.Eeal Live Burglar
Half a dozen policemen with revolvers
drawn rushed Into the cellar of Clarence
Barrowclo'jr' home . at- 2607 Decatur
street at 4 o'clock this morning where a
burglar was said to be hiding. .
As Detective Johnnie Dunn and Patrol
man Sch wager reached the last step go
ing down, they heard a board move be
hind the furnace. ,
"Come on out of there, fellow! We've
got you covered!" both exclaimed, cock
ing their pistols.
Police Chauffeur Lester Warner and
Motorcycle Officer I,yman Wheeler, who
were guarding the front and rear of th
home, moved in at the sound of their
comrade's voice. ,
"Come on out, I say!" repeated Dunn
and Schwager.
The "burglar" walked slowly out from
behind the furnace, blinked sleepily at
the police searchlights and then uttered
a discordant "quack."
It was the New Year's dinner for the
family and the duck had escaped from
Its crate.
Mail service thin (New Tear's day) will
be limited to two deliveries In business
district and one In residence districts.
Postmaster John C. Wharton says. AU
dnpartments of the postofflee will be
closed to the public all day. excepting
the general delivery, which will b open
until 14 a. ro.
other government offices in the federal
liuilding will also observe the holiday.
The army and navy recruiting stations
will be closed, too.
Many More Cars of
Horses for French
Commercial Agent Hennessey of the
Rock Island Is back from Sioux City,
where Wednesday he assisted in loading
out twenty-three carloads of horses
bought ' by the French government and
destined to go to the war none of Europe.
A tralnload of thirty-eight cars of
horses bought for the war sons is en
route from Walla Walla, Wash., coming
over the Union Pacific. Here they will
be transferred to the Rock Island Sad
will move ease
The French horse buyers who were at
Sioux City, picking up a tralnload of
horses, are again at South Omaha, where
they are in the market for more animals
to be sent abroad.
En rout to Omaha with th body of
her husband, Mrs. Frank I. Elllck baa
left Los Angeles and if ahs does not
experience any delay rhe will arrive here
at :) o'clock Saturday night She will
be met at Ogden, Utah, by A. a. Elllck.
her dead husband's brother, who will
accompany her the balance of the way,
No arrangements for the funeral will
be made untd the arrival of Mrs. Elllck
but it is presumed that it wll b held
Vonday, though possibly Sunday after
noon. It Is thought that she may desire
that the burial b at Fremont, Mr. El-
tick's old horns.
Pronspt Action Will Stop Veer,
Dr. King's New Discovery will stop
your cough. The first dose helps. Uood
for children. W'. All druggists. Adver
Sale 2 READY - TO - WEAR
BfariumgB th Biggest arodl Etesfr.Vafacs f th Entiire Yearn?
AN OFFERING of vast importance to every woman or rmss who has a ready-to-wear need of any sort. Re
markable from every viewpoint because most every apparel need is embraced in tho sale and every gar
ment offered measures fully up to the Burgess-Nash st andard of quality and is authentic in style. It is in
deed a wonderful assortment of most desirable winter apparel, including
Tailored Suits, Coats, Dresses, Costumes, Evening Wraps, Etc.
Young Men and
Women Home
From College
WE address this to you be
cause we realize that
Saturday will be a splendid
time to replenish your ward
robe and necessary supplies be
fore returning to school.
We believe our stocks em
brace your every need. The
. range of selection Is very ex
tensive and we assure you thor
ough satisfaction with every
Do Not Fail to
Read Our Men's
Clothing Ad on
Page 9 Tonight
IT'S of vast importance to
every man, yonng man and
woman who shops for men.
It tells of a remarkable pur
chase and sale of men's and
young" men's fine hand-tailored
overcoats. Including $30, $35,
$40 and $60 values, for $16.60.
Sale starts Saturday morning
on our Fourth floor.
Women's and Misses $35.00 to $45.00 Coats, $17.50.
High-class garments in a variety of fine materials, all $17
lined with silk or satin, belted effects with large collars. I
IIIWIIUCU IU I L'lHll 1UI jp.JO.W W .J" oaiu
Women's and Misses' $19.50 Curltex Coats at $9.50
The season's most favored material, lined throughout with yarn and dyed satin.
Very lateBt models, intended to retail for $19.50, sale price'
. Women's and Misses' $45.00 Coats at $22.50
Wonderful values. The very latest styles in plush, Terslana cloth, broadcloth
and imported mixtures, fine silk and satin linings. Intended to sell for $46.00;
special at t.BO
$40.00 to $45.00 Evening Wraps, $14.75
Fine materials with large mufHoon fur collar, all silk lined, light evening shades.
Intended to retail for $40.00 to $46.00. Special at $14.75
Women's $35.00 Tailored Suits, $14.75.
Late short model suits, plain and fur trimmed, including such materials aa
broadcloths, gabardines and cheviots; all color. . Intended to retail up to $36.
8ale price, .per suit " H4.7B
33 to 8B Afternoon Gowns, $14.7fi
Made of charmeuse with lace and chif
fon velvet. Intended to retail tor $26,
$30 and $35; for $14.75
$,V.(K) Spanned Bobes, $24.75
Spangled robes, plain black with let and
crystal trlmmlngB. Intended to retail
for $50.00; special $24.75
Itaautiful $05 Evening Gowns, $34.75
Rich flowered gold silk, with bodice of
chiffon and panne velvet, rose and
green. Intended to sell for $95, $S4.75
$20.50 Vmrtj lrve, $14.75
Dainty creations of chiffon, charmeuse
and lace; pink, light blue, maize, light
green and white; special $14.75
There's Nothing So Very Desirable
aftd Serviceable as These Wirthmor
Model WAISTS We Sell at $1.00
YES, desirable, for these vaists are cor
rectly styled, always embodying the very
latest fashion tendencies; and likewise ser
viceable, for unlike most inexpensive Waists,
they're so carefully and dependably made
that they'll bear repeated trips to the laun
dry, and always return fresh, crisp and un
harmed. - Many women have learned to buy several of
these Waists, and they return to our store again and
again to see 'the new models as they are placed on sale.
There's four new styles to chose from weekly;
they're always just one dollar, though they're always
worth more.
Without question the finest Waists ever sold at
this low price, and In this city they can be had only
at our store.
The New Arrivals on Sale Saturday.
' Bnrgess-sTasa Co oond rioor.
Table of Fancy Neckwear, Including
Pieces Formeily Priced at $1 for 25c
A CLEAN-UP, and If the prices have anything to do with It, it will
be a whirlwind. The lot embraces fancy vestees, with roll collar,
lace and net guimpes, fancy Persian and velvet collars, fancy satin
stocks with lace Jabots, etc. A remarkable assortment for selection
and every one an extreme value.
B org ess-Hash Co- Mais. Floor
10c to 15c Soiled Handkerchiefs, lie
WOMEN'S handkerchiefs that have become soiled and mussed from
display. Pure linen initial, colored border .plain and embroid
ered effects are Included.
SarfMS-sTask Co. Msln Floor
Fancy Silk RIBBONS at 25c Yard
Next Monday Our
First Mid-Winter
THE RESULT of careful pre
parations big generous
stocks varied assortments
extreme values.
Be Windows and Bandar Fapers.
These Women's
GLOVES at 95c
Are $1.50 to $2.50 Vals.
THEY'RE broken and odd lots
from our women's section,
including long white or black,
short kid and short cape, also
short mocha gloves in the differ
ent shades. It your sle is here the
values are simply remarkable.
Bnrg-ess-sTssh Ca. Main Floo
Hand Luggage
IF you're going back to school
or on a trip you should have
one of these
Hartman Ri t e - Hite
Wardrobe TRUNKS
A BIG LOT of fancy silk ribbons, including fancy flowered prints,
satins, moires, taffetas, etc., widths that range up tft 6 Inches,
We consider them very unusual values.
nrs;s-ira)i Co. Main Floor.
These UNION SUITS atc Are
Exceptional Values for Saturday
WOMEN'S extra fine quality white cotton union suits, fleece lined,
high neck, long sleeves, ankle length. They are subject to slight
Imperfections, but at the price are very unusual values.
Women's $1.00 Underwear, 60c
Including white ribbon vesta and pants, part wool; very special
values Saturday.
Women's 50c Underwear, 25r
Misses white ribbed vests and pants, part wool, sizes 24 to 34.
The saving is just half.
Women's 50c Corset Covers, 25o
White cotton knit corset covers, high neck, long sleeves, fleece lined.
Burgess-Baaa Co Mala Floor.
Women's Smart New Gaiter
Boots at $2.95 a Pair
T1IE NEW stage last gaiter top button
boots. Made from fine quality pat
ent leather with fast black cloth gaiter
tops, very flexible welt sewed
soles and half Louis leather heels.
A very special value IQ Qf
for Saturday, pair. . . p0
Borr ess-Bash Cov Mala Floo
! Top
There Is probably nothing that
will prove of more convenience.
Very compact, yet the great num
ber of things they will hold is
simply remarkable. The prices
range from $20.00 to $65.00.
Dress Trunks, $3.08
Good, strong fibre dress trunks,
black, with hard wood slats, brass
trimmings; 3 sizes, 32, ZK and 36,
also steamer trunks, at $5.98.
Hult Cases, $3.08
Cowhide suit cases, extra roomy,
riveted corners, brass lock and
catches, 2 4 -Inch size, $6.88.
Hand I WW, $0.00
Neat black crepe grain, silk
lined traveling bags; special value
at $6.00.
arg-sTask Co-Fourth Floor.
$10, $12.50 and $15 Values, $6.98
ats for $12.50
in a variety of
ors. Coats that
t $20.00. $25.00,
special Saturday T7i
Drugs and Toilet
Specials Saturday
Make your own list and come
here Saturday.
Jap Hose toilet soap, cake, ,5c
Palm Olive
toilet soap.. .0c
Sanl Flush. 23c
size, can . . 17c
Borax Chips,
large pkg. .10c
Abonita tooth
paste, 26c size,
for 14c
Horlick's malt
ed milk, $1.00
size Oc
I'ebecco tooth paste, for. .2Uc
20 Mule Team
Borax, 1 lb.,
Cant hrox foi
shampoo, 5 0c
size 20o
Jad Salts. 76o
size for . . .40c
8 c o t t's emul
sion, 60c size,
for ale
Hal HepwUcst, &Oc size 2
Beef, Wine and
Iron, 1 pt., 42c
Household am
monia, 1 pt. Oc
Duff y'a Pure
Malt, bottle 70c
Java Rice pow
der, 60c size,
for U2c
Old Mission
olive oil, 25o
size 13c
A REMARKABLE collection, all late mod
els, made of chinchillas, boucles, mix
tures, plain and cape styles, sizes 13, 15 and
17. Regular $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00
values. Very special Saturday, $6.98
Misses' $20 to $35 Coats
AU high-class garments
styles, materials and colors.
were intended to retail al
$30.00 and $35.00. Very special Saturday
at $12.30
Children's $7.50 to $10 Coats, $4.50
A big assortment of coats for children.
Fine zlbel i ties, mixtures and boucles; vel
vet trimmed. Blue, brown, tan, green,
etc. Intended to retail for $7.50 to $10.00,
at ....$1.50
Barrsss-Vash Co. . sjseond Floor.
Entire Stock of Grained Ivory Toilet Articles
In a Clearaway Saturday at a Discount of 20
THE OFFERING Includes a big assortment 'of articles from which
complete sets can be selected, as well as an odd piece or two to
complete some set. Included are:
AU grained ivory of a splendid quality and at the discount of 20
per cent from the regular price represent unusual values.
Bare-. CoMala Floor.
THAT'S the way we offer you. our entire line, of novelty party boxes,
in black and colors. A variety of styles. For instance::
$3.00 Party Boxes $1.50 1 $10.00 Party Boxes ....... $5.00
$5.00 Party Boxes ........ $2.50 $12.50 Party Boxes $6.23
$6.r0 Party Boxes $3.23 $16.00 Party Boxes $7.50
$1.50 Hand Bags, Saturday, 05c
Real leather hand bags in staple or novelty shapes, regular $1.60
values; special Saturday at 95c. . , Co Mala Floor
Women's Good, Warm Winter
Coats, Formerly to $12.50, In
a Clearaway Saturday, at
YES, they are broken lots and odd gar
ments from lines that were original
ly priced to $12.50.
Good warm serviceable coats, made of
such splendid materials as Persiana
cloth, mixtures, plaids and plain heavy
winter weight materials.
The sizes aro for misses and small wo
men, but if your size is here you'll find
the values are' without doubt the biggest
you have whared in for a long time.
BarrM-BTah Co
Free Lessons in Em
broidery for Children
are given by a compe
tent instructor Satur
day morning from 9 to
11 A. M.. Co
Tiara Floor.
Burf us-Basa Co Mala Floor L
All Mail
00A1W Orders
Are given our
prompt and careful
attention always.