Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1914, Image 1

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The boo is The Paper
yon Mk fori if yen plea e
SbaaBt mora Um a law Say,
have The bm snails te ra.
Omaha Daily
VOL. XLIV-NO. 167.
Oa Train eid at
aTetel Haws gtanda, Se
Villa Sayi They Are Endeavoring- to
Take Advantage of Honesty ,
of Oatiemt.
General Asierti He Will Giro Pro
tection to All Foreigners in
1 the Republic.
Former- Bandit, in Signed .States
ment, Gives Hit Views.
Convention Troop Wreck Fas
eager Train andHalt Troops
a Dtvlelon ae Day
After Chrlatmna.
MEXICO CTTT. Dec. 27. (Via El Paso,
Dec. 9.) When the matter of frequent
execution and the lack of personal guar
antees was brought to the attention of
General Villa today,, he made the follow
ing statement:
, "Many foreigners have lately asked
me for personal guarantee. I am dis
posed to make every effort to give these.
Many of the requests hare been tele
graphed. Severity Necessary.
"Regarding the present executive of ths
nation, I regret to say that conspirators
are endeavoring to take advantage of his
sincerity and honesty. What I will have
to do is to treat this element 'with
"The country needs prudence at the
present time. It also needs energetic
measures.' As soon as these matters are
attended to I will proceed to direct the
campaign for the capture of Tamplco."
General Villa signed the statement.
Re.tarns from Mexico City.
EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 29. Judge Ramon
Frieda, a Mexican author and Jurist re
turned here today from Mexico City,
after having been arrested and threat
ened with execution on his Journey north.
He waa finally released by, order of
Mexico City officials, and after being
escorted to the international bridge here,
was told that he waa exiled from Mexico.
'Frieda recently wrote a book on present
day Mexican hlatory, which is held ac
countable for his experience.
Tamp too Railroad Blacked.
LAREDO. Tex.. Dec. 29. Troops be
lieved to be operating under General
Francisco Villa's orders, according to
dispatches received here today, wrecked
a passenger train and blocked traffic on
the Tamplco division of the Mexican rail
way US miles west of Tamplco on De
cember W. The paly foreigners on board,
m-i American and wife, were treated
1 '
Pittsburgh to Care
for Children's Teeth
TOTraBtlMGH. Dec. 29. Details . for
an ambitious program for physical bet'
hygiene announced the opening of five
fully equipped and manned dental
clinics.' Ten registered dentists will be
on duty six days a wee caring for the
teeth ofi children who enter the lower
grades. Arrangements were also made to
open an optical department, where child
ren in need of lenses will be provided
iwlth them free of cost ,
soldiers looking1 out of their dugouts on crest of the Car
pathian Mountains.
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Election . Commissioner Moorhead
Rons Up Bills Which the Water
and School Boards Sidestep. -
School Board Paaaes Diapate On to
New Board aad IloweJl Preaeata
a Counter Claim for Water -to
the Coaiailsaloaera.
The advent of the happy New Tear to
Election Commissioner Moorhead prom
ises to bring him a little tussle with the
terment in thelttsburgh public schools-j-school board and the Water board over
were made kjwn today, when director
(EI. B. . Burns of the department of
Landbank Started
in New York State
ALBANY, Dec: 29. The Land Bank
of New' York state has been organised
with a capital ot f 100,000 and soon will
be ready to begin Its operations, accord
ing to an announcement in the forthcom
the collection of the money to reimburse
what he has spent for them in the con
duct ot the last election.
To the school board Mr. Moorhead has
sent a bill asking that $1,268 be forked
over as election" expense,- which is about
40 per cent more than the usual cost,
and this bill - is being passed on to the
Des Moines City Council Gives Them
Six Weeks to Prove "Consent"
Petition Valid.
Licence Expire J. sat of This Year
aad Additional Tims Glrna to .
Dispose of Liana
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Dec. 29. (Special Tele
gram.) The city council today granted
licenses to the saloons ot Des Molncs
for six weeks, but made an order that in
case the saloons have not established In
court the validity of the petitions, now
pending, they must close. There Is an
Inference that if the petition is declared
sufficient then the saloons will be per
mitted to continue in business, but at
least two members of the council are
Gallio Infantry Sweeps Ditches
Near Leng at Point of -the
Charge of Foot Soldiers Follows
Violent Artillery and Mahine
Gun Fire.
"Down With All the Enemies of
Germany", Kaiser's Xmas Toast
Assault Made Upon Front that is
Twelve Miles Long.
Aftcrvrard at latervala of Two Roda
Kera Kyea Pecrias; into Pcrl
acope Watch Kdaca of
Hostile Defeases.
ARRAS. Northern France. Doc. IT.
(Via Paris, Doc. J).-That portion of the
French army which is holding tni lines
near Arras today attacked the ticrmana
on a front twelve miles long. . They
carried half a mil of German tronrhea
near Lns by assault, and tonight they
are holding these positions In force.
The way for this attack waa pi-epamd
by violent artillery and machine gun
fire, which swept the German, positions
from a point to the forth of Lens to
the suburbs south of Arras. The German
batteries everywhere replied heavily to
this French fire.
While the Germans were thus engaged
along the entire line of this part of their
defense works, the French fire opposite
Lens suddenly ceased. Instantly French
Infantrymen leaped ;'rom their ttenchea
and charged the German positions, which
were from 100 to, 200 yards distant. A
brief and furious bayonet encounter
brought victory to the French. The Ger
mans were routed and the French "oc
cupied the German diggings.
It was all over In twenty mmutes. The
artillery fire on both sides died, down
and silence fell on the field of battle.
But vigilance was in no sense relaxed.
At intervals of two rods In the trenches
keen eyes peering Into periscopes watched
the edges of the German trenches, the
observers themselves being well protected
below the level of the earth.
BERLIN (Via Amsterdam and Irfn
di n), lvc, 29. Kmperor Williams' Christ
mas celebration at the German military
headquarters Is drsTihed In the Koel
nlsche Zeltung. which rnya a larce num
ber of officers and m'ldlors attached to the
headquertera participated In the festivi
ties. The celebration was held In a laras
room which was decorated elaborately
with Christmas trees. Ths emperor, on
entering tho room, greeted the soldiers
with "Good evening, comrades."
After a short sermon had been delivered
Kmperor William made the following
"Comrades we are here assembled In
arms to celebrate the holy festival, which
otherwise In peae we would be celebrating
at home. Our thoughts go back to those
whom we have left at home, to whiwn we
owe all tho presents on the tables be
fore us.
"11 has been permitted by God that the
enemy should force us to celebrate Christ
mas here. We have been attacked. We
defend ourselves with God's help. We
hnpe that for us and our country rich
vlrtory may spring from the hard fight
"We are on hostllo ground. The point
of eur sword is dlrectciV ognlnst the
enemy, our hearts to our God. We Bay
as once the great elector did 'down with
all enemies of Germany!' Amen."
Note of President to Great Britain
of Deep Interest to Country's
.Meat Industry.
British Ambassador t'ltlra Instance
of ftelaare la Civil War Which.
However, Docs Mot Oppose,
a Be Mm liar.
lection expense was $1,707.64, and ln'l912l,n closing thoni anyway, and
$2,087, including In each case both pri
mary and the election, so ihat the school
board elections heretofore have coBt an
average of around S900. This year there
was no school board primary whatever,
cutting, out half of the expense, otherwise
Mr. Moorhead would be demanding $2,600
Instead of $1,268.
Howell Not Pleased.
Mr. Moorhead's bill to the Water board
calls for $3,300, which is explained by .the
fact that it embraces both primary and
election and further that the water dl
ing report of the etate superintendent of ; w - b , , . . .
banks. The bank has been formed by j ,n more voUng ilBiTictt. General Man
building and loan associations through- ager Howtfll not plelJlBed wlth the
out the state and is intended to extend t nHaU)l whlcn the '"honest -elec.tlon" law
the benefits of such associations to
strictly agricultural districts.
The Weather
Forecsst till I p. m. Wednesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
.-Fair, with rising temperature.
Troupers tare at
H ft
produced for himself as to O. K. the bill
forthwith, but is concocting an offset In
which the county is said to owe the water
district for water . used in the county
poor farm, detention home, court house,
etc., on which the balance is $2,690. Unless
Mr. Howell changes his mind be will
offer Mr. Moorhead $700 and ask for a
receipt in full. 1
-j Of course, these little postscripts to the
election do not obther ths election com
missioner, because all the indebtedness
(a. m 28 , no contracts is payauie out oi xne county
1 a. m 23
8 a. m IS
a. m.. 14
10 a. m 14
11 a, m 13
12 m 11
1 pin 10
I p. m 11
I p. m 10
4 p. ru I
6 p. in 8
t p. m... 7
7 !. m
8 p.' m 5
Comparative Local Record.
1914. 1911. 1912. 13U.
'Iligehst yesterday....... 29 3 39 27
lowest yesterday , 6 20 28 1
Mean temperature 17 h) 32 13
tTecipluUlon 01 .00 .00 .01
Yauipeiaiure and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature U
Deficiency for the day.
Total excess since March 1.
Normal precipitation ....4...., .03 Inch
Defic-tency for the day 02 lni-h
Total rainfall since March 1.. 25' 81 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 , 3.38 inches
Deficiency, cor. period, 1913.. (.51 inches
lriciency, cor. period, lSil.. 4.26 Inches
Reports fran stations at T P. M.
Station and Stats Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. ' J p. m. est. fail
i.neyenne, part ciouay...
Davenport, cloudy
Denver, cloudy
Des Moines, clear
DodK City, clear
North Platte, clear ,
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, cloudy.......
Mieri'lxn. cloudy
Kloux City, clear
Valentin, cleur
indicates brlow sero.
T indicates trace of precipitation.
I Jl. WLLfcSlL Louai Forecaster.
24 30 ,00
22 34 .84
34 40 .00
10 32 .16
2U 3 .OJ
2u 2a .110
i 29 . .01
20 24 .CO
24 34 .01
4 14 .01
14 14 T
treasury without any questions, asked and
it is up to the county to get back from
the other bodies like the city, school
board and water district whatever It can
Blease Gives Forty .
Prisoners Freedom
COLUMBIA, 8. C. Dec. 29.-Forty-four
state prisoners. Including' ten serving life
sentences for murder, today . obtained
clemency from Governor Cole Blease,
making a total of L488 that Governor
Blease has liberated in the last' four
years. ' One life-term prisoner w'-as- par
doned and nine otbera ' were paroled.
Twenty-three of the prlsonerswere serv
ing sentences for homicide. '
Counterfeiter is .
Held at Waterloo
WATERLOO, la., Dec. .-J. J. Lyons
and Fred Miller wers arrested last night,
charged with counterfeiting. Lyons con
fessed that he knew counterfeit"" dollars
were bade by Millar and another man,
now at Qelwatu. Lyjns said ho gut
knowledge of the counterfeiting through
furnishing Miller with copper ad zinc,
which he got while at work at the Illinois
Central shops.
: The drys claim a big victory today in
the order for only six weeks' life for the
The order affecting the saloons Is one
of the tangible results of the recent re
ligious revival campaign conducted by
Rev. W. A. Sunday, the base ball evange
list. The anti-saloon forces presented a
petition bearing the signature of prac
tically half of the voters of the city, in
opposition to the renewal of the saloon
licenses, which expire December tl. In
the -council, which is composed of five
commissioners, two of the members were
in favor of closing the saloons January 1,
but the other three voted to give them
six weeks iff-' which to close .out their
stocks. , k
A suit testing the petition of consent
under which the saloons have been op
erating, is pending In the state courts.
Mrs. H. M. Caldwell
Dies at Tioga, Pa.,
Will Be Buried Here
Mrs. Henrietta M. Caldwell, widow of
Smith 8. Caldwell and mother of Victor
U. and Samuel 8. Caldwell of this city,
died yesterday at Tioga, Pa,,- after an
illness of about three days. Mrs. Cald
well was 74 years old and had been spend
ing a large part of her time there for
the last . sen year She came to Omaha
as a bride in 1863 and had made Omaha
her home ever since.
' Mrs. Caldwell was one of the pioneers
of Omaha and had taken an active in
terest in ths affairs of Omaha ever since
her arrival. She was a member of Trinity
cathedral.' Her husband was one of the
fpunders of the first bank of Omaha, the
firm being known as Millard, Caldwell at
Co. It was afterwards the Caldwell
Hamtlton company and later the United
states National bank,
Interment will be In Omaha In Prospect
Hill cemetery, the time to be announced
as soon as arrangements can be made.
NEW TORK, Dec .-The New York
exchange established today, effective to
morrow, new minimum prices In which
certain stocks may be traded In, as fol
lows: "International Harvester. 73; Louisville
& Nashville, 112; Seaboard Air Line, pre
ferred. 3S: Virginia-Carolina Chemical, 18;
Virginia-Carolina, preferred, W.
Form Organization .
For tSate Belief of
Stricken Belgians
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. . (Special Telegram.)
At a meeting called by Governor More
head about forty mayors of cities or
their representatives met in the executive
offices this afternoon snd organised ths
Nebraska Commission - for Belgium Re
lief. . .
J. B. Miller of Lincoln wss elected pres
ident of the organisation. Earl D. Malloy
of Alliance, secretary, and W. C. Wil
son of Lincoln, treasurer. Reports and
suggestions were received and communi
cations . were read from the mayors of
towns not represented urging 'action and
offering assistance. Mayor Zehrung was
present from Lincoln, Mayor Cutsall of
Wymore; Chadron, Mayor Fisher; West
ern, Mayor Dolan; Plottsmouth, Mayor
Battler, while other towns were repre
sented by persons 'appointed by the
It Is probable that tho legislature will
beasked to furnish only enough for clerk
hire sufficient to run the headquarters,
so that all donations made may go direct
and in full to their destination. An execu
tive committee will be appointed by the
president tomorrow and a proclamation
Issued to the people so that all desiring
to donate anything of value will know
bow to proceed.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, Dec. .-(Spectal Tel-egram.)-The
administration hae finally
notified Great Britain in a very em
phatic, and at the same time respectful,
manner that the selsure of American
ships carrying cargoes of foodstuffs and
other supplies for neutral points must
cease forthwith. During ths last four
months 800 vessels sailing from American
ports to neutral porta in Europe and elae
where have been hold up by the war
ships of Great Britain. .
Recently representatives of Chicago and
Omaha packers spent two weeks here in
an endeavor to get action by the State
department, or some assurance front tha
Bcltlsh embassy aa to protection to their
consignments when shipped in neutral
bottoms to neutral ports. It Is said nearly
$12,000,000 worth of foodstuffs, principally
beef and pork products, have been de
tained by the British authorities and in
several Instances prise courts have been
Instance from CItII War.
Within tha last day or two Sir Cecil
Spring-Rice, when spoken to concerning
these seiiures. called attention to the
fact that during the civil war two Brit
ish vessels were captured off Bermuda
by American men-of-war and ths cargoes
were Belted by the Americans without
protest of Great Britain. But .an exam
ination of the records discloses the fact
that ths vessels referred to by Sir Cecil
contained actual contraband ot war in
tha chape ot guns and ammunition, so
that the. orecedent which he pointed out
is not applicable to the present Instance
where cargoes purely of food supplies
and non-contraband supplies have been
Shipments May Cease.
Ths action of the administration, which
was announced this morning, was taken
only after a careful consideration of all
the facts covering a period of several
weeks, and after the strongest sort ot
representations had been mads not only
by the parties, directly Interested, but
by members of the house and senate, who
proposed a congressional Investigation of
the complaints asslnst Great Britain.
Ths British ambassador has insisted
that his " government has no desire to
Interfere with the commerce of the Unl'Ud
States, but on tho contrary, desires to
encourage It, but In spits ot this assur-
j ance the gelsures have continued, day
j after day until at last it is said that
1 there is a movement on foot among ths
1 combined packers of the country to refuse
I all orders for shipment to any European
ports until assurances were obtained from
the Slats department that neutral car
goes, would be respected.
France Admits Loss
Of Submarine Curie
In Harbor of Pola
PARIS, Dec. . The Ministry of Ma
rine today Issued an announcement con
firming the loss of the French submarine
Curie In Austrian waters, aa has been
previously reported In newspaper dis
patches. The text of tha, announcement follows:
The French submarine Curie was sent
alone into the harbor of Pola, the Aus
trian naval base, against certain Aus
trian warships.
"Not having returned within the time
expected, the Ministry of Marine as
sumed that ths Information of the for
eign press is correct, namely, that the
Curie had been sunk and Its crew taken
prisoners." '
The Curie waa 167 feet long and carried
twenty-four men.
Russian War Office
Eeports Victories '
' in Caucasus Region
PfJTROGRAD. Dec. 29. The following
official communication from the head
quarters of the army of ths Caucasus
was issued last night:
"In the direction of Oltl (Trans-Caucasia).'
our' troops,' having crossed tha
Laursln river, arrested the progress of
considerable Turkish forces. In ths region
of Sari Kamysch the fighting Is develop
ing. On December 26, la ths region of
Dutak, our advance terminated in the oc
cupation of the Una between Khamour
and Agadans. The Turks withdrew, hav
ing suffered grave losses.
FROM 110,000 TO 125.000 KACH PO.
MENTS. Pov further Information abont
this opportunity, see tbs.Waat Ad
saotiua of today's Bse.
St. Joseph Saloon
7 Keeper is Fatally
' Shot by a Bandit
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Deo. 29.-A. K. Ood
sey, a saloon man. wss fatally shot last
night by a robber, Godscy and the seven
other men In ths saloon thought it was a
joke when two men entered the place
with srevolvera. When Godscy realised
tha situation ha crouched behind ths bar.
One of the bandits reached over the 'bar
and shot him In the back. The men as
oaped without getting any money.
Smyth of Omaha
Heads Bar Association
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 29.-Speclal Telegram.)
Ths Stats Bar association closed its
session this evening with the annual
banquet at the .Lincoln hotel. Ths prin
cipal speeches today ware made by Will
lam DeBard of Omaha and Judge 8. E. P.
Perry ot Cambridge, the former speaking
on ths conduct of ths courts In jury trials,
actions, while the latter spoke on the
labor unions and ths tendency of law
makers to except- them from the pro
visions of certain statutes.
"If you belong to a labor union you
can resort to boycotting or other unlaw
ful acta," aald Judge Perry, "but if you
are an ordinary citizens you must obey
ths law." He said, however, that the
legal profession was not opposed to the
unions, but was their best friend.
Officers elected for ths coming 'year
wers: C. J. Smythe, Omaha, president;
R.. E. Adams, Dakota City; W. H. Kim
gar, Auburn, and George T. Gillan, vlos
presidents. A. F. Elllck, Omaha, sec re
tary; C. J. McDonald, Omaha, treasurer,
and B. B. Squires, Broken Bow, member
of executive committee.
PARIS, Dec. 19. A tablet has been
pUced in the court of appesls in Paris
on which Is Inscribed the Dames of forty
attorneys practicing in this court who
bava fallen in battle.
The Day's
War News
Another striking rhango In the
military situation In the cast,
where neither contending force
has been able to keep the ascend
ancy for aYiy considerable period.
Is Indicated in dispatches from
Petrograd and Vienna. On this
occasion the Russians appear to
have won the opper hand.
The Petrograd War office efates
that the Germans who have been
pressing forward in Poland have
been repulsed, with heavy losses.
In Gailcla the Austrian are re
ported to have suffered a com
plete reversal and to bex retreat
ing hastily. Their defeat appar
ently breaks up the maneuver
aiming at a combined Austro-Ger-man
attack on the southern forces
of the Russians, which, If gucceHS
ul, might have imperilled the
Russian left wing. Berlin, how
ever,, views the situation In the
east with optimism. Intimating
that Important developments In
Poland may be expected shortly.
Fighting in the west has been
interrupted by a violent storm.
Notwithstanding this hindrance,
further pragress has been- made
by the allies, according to the
French War office. . j
Recent developments have
given the United States a more .di
rect Interest politically in the Eu
ropean situation. Washington
has sent to the British govern
ment a note voicing its objection
to the methods employed In hold
ing up and searching American
vessels. 'Another important ques
tion is raised by Germany's, dispo
sition not to recognise longer
American consuls in conquered
" Belgian territory unless they are
acceptable to Germany. (
United States Demands that Inter
ference with Its Commerce by
Warships Mast Stop.
He Says Protest is Based on Inter
national Law as Previously In
terpreted Iby England.
Vigorous Protests Made Against Nu
merous Seizures and Deten
tions of Cargoes.
Representations Made in Friendly
Spirit, but U. S. Means Business.
Poller of Empire Aeaerteel t'anae of
Depreaaloa la Many Industries
In'Rcptibtle and Situa
tion Serlens. 1
Austrians Along Entire Front from
. Biala River to Dukla Pass
Are Falling Back. t
Base with 1Tnl-h German Airmen
' RnuikMl Ccihsvrs Adda Addi
tional Terror to Possibility
ofy.eppelln 'Raid. , -
' LONDON, Dec. 29. BItish observ
ers of the progress of the war point
this morning to the admission In the
Austrian official announcements that
Russia is once more master ot the
passes In the Carpathian mountains
and that the troops along the entire
Austrian front from the Biala river
to a point northeast of the Dukla
Pass seem to be falling back. -This
means the withdrawal of vlr
tually all the forces which swept
across the mountains to form the ex
treme right in the concerted Austro
German attack, on the Russian ar
mies, and it marks another surpris
ing reversal of form on the part of
the Austrian soldiers, whose battle
fortunes since, the outbreak of hos
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Petrograd Safe from T
' Foe; Beer is Tabooed
LONDON, Dec. 29.-A Reuter dispatch
from Petrograd say a an order has been
issued there prohibiting the sale of all
alcehollo drinks In the city, including
beerv This order applies even to the
clubs and high grade restaurants.
Early in the war an imperial decree was
Issued prohibiting the sale of vodka and
Other spirituous liquors throughout Rus
sia. Traffic In lighter alcoholic drinks,
such as beer and tight wines, however,
has been permitted hitherto.
NEW TORKi Dec. . Ths contents of
ths Madison avenue residence of J. Pier
pont Morgan have a valuation of 11,000,914,
according to a .deputy state appraiser in
a report filed yesterday with the attorney
for the state controller. The Morgan
library is valued at 3.745. Silverware
found In ths vault of the residence is ap
praised at SluS.ttl and "miscellaneous
jewels" at W,rji. The most valuable oil
paintings were found In ths Morgan
library In East Twenty-sixth street. '
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29. -Presi
dent Wilson today, referring to the
American note to Great Britain in
sisting on better treatment for Amer
ican commerce, declared that large
damages eventually would hare to
be paid by England for unlawful de
tention of American cargoes.
The president coupled a confirma
tion of thm morning's publication of
the sending of the note and of its
contents with the statement that the
government could deal confidently
with the subject only if supported by,
absolutely honest manifests. He said
the great embarrassment to the gov
ernment In dealing with the whole
matter was that some shippers had
concealed contraband inj the cargoes '
of noncontraband articles for ex- '
ample, under a cargo of cotton. So
long as there were Instances of that
kind, the president said, suspicion
was cast on every shipment and all
cargoes were liable to doubt and bus-.
plcion.' ...
The ' president pointed out that
many protests previously had 'been'
sent in specific cases, and that if the
contention of the American govern
ment were correct, as he was firmly
convinced it was, claims for indemni
fication ultimately would have to be
met by Great Britain. Supplemen
tary to previous protests, the new
note, President Wilson explained,
represented fully the position of the
United States, saying that so far as'
the principle .was concerned there
really , was no debate on tht. point
raised, because England Itself, in
previous wars, had taken exactly the
American position. ,
The president was eaker if the commu
nication sent to Uicat Britain was tho
result of the recent gathering of the pan-'
American dlploma.s here, lis said "it was J
not,: but that the position ot the United
States would apply to any neutral, and '
that the contentions advanced wers not
peculiar to this country.
Based en International Law.
Ths president added that the note of
protest was based on tha generally ac
cepted principle pf International law. ,. t
Foreign diplomats, especially those '
from neutral countries, discussed , the ;
note totiay, and' members of congress, 1
who hal protested to the Btata depart- 1
ment on behalf of mtrchanta and ship
pers of copper, flour, wheat and othar-t
products in which trade has been re- ,
strlcted, expressed satisfaction with the
attitude of ths government.
Some administration officials expressed
tha view that whn Great Britain real-
Ised the tone of opinion on the subject
In the United States Its attitude would
be modified and American Industry ,
hitherto halted would go forward.
Christmas '
N'ow's an appropriate time
to swap Xmas presents. Just
be honest acknowledge tliat
you have some presents you
don't want.
Simply swap with others
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