Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    Till: BEE: OMAIIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21), 1914.
Monday, December 28, 1914.
UITE a new feminine type has appeared in our midst, wafted, pos-
Qslbly on the wings of the first cold wave.
The latest turn of fashion's wheel has brought forward a
female dandy, niurh dandier than the male dandy or dude of years
gone by, and quite the opposite in every way of the slouchily dressed, rub-ber-eoled
shoe, no heels, creation so prevalent last summer.
Observe an Omaha maid of the advanced prototype, a girl of the
moment, swinging up Farnam street.
The shyness, the delicacy of our grandmothers bare dropped from ber
as cast off garment. She stalks supreme in her wonderful straight tog
aery, wearing raanlsh shoes with spats, heretofore the dashing prerogative
of the made dandy solely. With her straight box coat and stiff collar, she
looks like a handsome youth at first glance (and Incidentally, this is Just
what the dear little thing Is aiming at). Below, she affects a plain skirt,
as narrow as possible, and when she is really brave she will carry a walk
ing stick. This is of wood, with a turned or straight top and more or less
jeweled. The costume is completed with mannish gloves, not small any
more, the little hand, that last touch of feminine dignity, has been sacrl
iiced now. She will even risk a six and a quarter against a five and a half
If the gloves fire well cut and white. And lastly, but not least, she has
pockets; all ball such a convenience.
This new feminine protoplast is an ornament, something at least to be
looked at. Whether she has come to stay or not, we do not know and do
not care, but w'll enjoy her while she lasts.
Hair" Peters, six; Harold Pritrhett. st:
Frank Kronrdy, six, and Arthur (lulou,
Holiday Visitors.
Miss Ur-4 Ensy of Lincoln ii upend
ing; the holidays with hsr elstr, Mrs. C.
A. Isaksun.
Mr. and Mrs. Kileon Atkins and daugh
ter, Jan, of Tork. Neb., arc the holiday
a-ueau of Mrs. Atkins' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. I Allsman.
To Honor French Class.
Mis Mary Mahoney entertained her
pupils this afternoon at her home. The
pro if ram of aonra and poems was given
by her pupils and was entirely In French.
Miss Mahoney was assisted by Mies Marie
Meireath. Those present were:
Mlas Miners
l"orothv Ourkert, Violet Daniel.
Klranor Kfliintse. Frawrs Tasaart,
llnlen Wlnkelman. Charlotte McDon
Janet Rulllvan.
Natalie Uunlock, '
Pr-lly Robbins,
Kdwsrd Naah.
Mias Eula Scarce played the
linhenrrfn wedding; march. The decora
tions were In Christmas garlands and
colors. The out-of-town guests were Mr.
and Mr. William Itoagland from Cen
tral City, Neb.; Walker Barneber,
Omaha; Walter Btrettz. Millard. Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Putnam will make their
horns in Omaha.
Flora Marsh.
Wynne Fairfield,
Betty Fairfield.
Virginia Tare-art
Susan Harris,
M aaters
Rudyard North,
Cornell Concert Parties.
Mr. and Mrs. f. H Gaines wilt enter
tain at a box party at the Cornell Mimi
cal club'6 concert at the American the
ater this evening In honor of Mies Helen
Louise Croahy ot Topeka, who la the
guest of Mias Marion Kuhn. Follow
ing the concert the party will attend the
dance In honor ef the Cornell men at
the Rome hotel. Thoae present will be:
Misses Mls.ies
Helen lyoulee Crosby, IxjuIso Dinning,
France HochateUer, Marlon Kuhn.
Messrs. Messrs.
Fred Dangherty, ' O. J. Lord.
Casper Offutt, Fran-la Gaines.
Mr. anj Mrs. F. H. Ualnea.
Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis will enter
tain at dinner, followed by a box party
at the Cornell concert. In honor of their
son, Mr. Herbert Pavls, who Is a Cor
nell man. Two members of the glee
club, Mr. Frank Gerald and "Ilunny"
Worrell, will be especial gueata of honor.
Included In the party, which will later
attend the dunce at the Homo hotel, arc:
Dorothy Myers,
Jren lnseren.
Frank Uernuld,
"Hunnv" Vorrll,
Dr. and .Mrs. II.
Mr. mid Mrs. J.
Cochran, the president's
little grandniece, aged 3,
reigns supreme as the
"Sunbeam" of the White
House for the Christmas
To Honor Visitor.
Miss Georgia Trimble gave an Orphenm
matinee party today In honor of Mrs.
Thomas Hey ward of Pittsburgh, who Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
Future Affair..
The Coronado club will give a watch
party Thursday evening at Chambers
academy. A cabaret entertainment will
be given during the supper.
Treii Kaideka Party.
The Trels Kaideka club will give a
dancing party this evening at Chambers
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. George Kvana, manager of the Cor
nell Glee club, Is the guost of Mr. Frank
Belby while In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Leonard of Lincoln
spent the week-end In Omaha as the
are spending the holidays with their Mr. and Mrs. Leonard left this morning
parenta, and for Miss Louise Hutm of ... w
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ernst and Miss
Gertrude Ernst, who have been visiting
frienda In Lincoln, have returned home.
Mr. and Mra. O. C. Walt went to Lin
coln Thursday to join a family reunion
dinner Christmas day at the home of Mr,
and Mra. Frank Farrell.
Miss Ruth Bewaher of Dea Motnea and
Mias Lola Mitchell ot Lincoln, who are
the guests of Mlsa Alice Duval, will re
turn to their homee the middle of the
Mr. and Mrs. George Condon went to
Club Luncheon.
Miss Margaret Getten entertained the
O'Dlx club at luncheon today, at the
Loyal hotel in honor of Miss Katherlne
Paunders and Miaa Karen Sears, who
Lincoln Saturday to attend the wedding
of Miss Grace Salisbury and Lieutenant
Harry C. lories, which was celebrated
Paturday at the home of the bride.
inicago. The table was decorated with
red carnations and narcissus and covers
were planed for fourteen. An Orphenm
party followed the luncheon.
Putnam-Wasiung Wedding.
j A Christmas eve wedding In Lincoln
, was that of Mlsa Grace Luclle Waasing
to riilllp H. Putmnn of Omaha at the,
home of the blrde'j parents, Mr. and Mrs.
, Herman H. Waaaunff, Itev. J. W. Hilton
ui.k mind, nerore the ceremony Mias
Esther Van fflckle aang "1 Love You
Many Packages at
Postoffice With
Addresses Lost
A number of Omahans to whom Christ
mas packages were sent through the
malls may not receive them for a con
siderable time. If at all. Tags and ad
dress labels were lost, so the postal au
thorities do not know to whom and where
the parcels should be delivered. A good
sised pile of such parcel post matter Is
heaped up en the floor of the offloe ot
Superintendent of Mails Mctland at the
Of the many thousands of Christmas
packagea which escaped loss of tags and
labels the last are Just now being deliv
ered. Many arrived Christmas day f:r
Saturday, so, although Intended for the
holiday, were two or three days late In
reaching their destinations. Moat of the
carriers and parcel post wagons had
much Christmas mail to handle all day
WhSii the Nebraska Association of
Tale Alumni holds Its banquet at the
Omaha club, the genuine Tale colors will
be present in the shape of a Tale pennant
forty Inches high and seven feet six
inohes in length. This Is the pennant
presented a year ago to M. J. Oreevy of
Omaha, by former President Teft, now
president emoritus of the Yale corpora
tion. President Dixon of the Tale Alumni
has borrowed the pennant from Mr.
Qreovy to be part of the decoration at
the banquet.
Defendant Change, Term "Im
proper Belationi" in Her An
swer to "Indignities."
the Admits Crosa-Esamlaatloo
that She Did Net Knew of Ilia
Meeting; Mr. Martlaes I'n
tll Moaths Later.
I Friends, she said, later told her ot the
"Did you have detectives watch Mr.
Tetter after the separation In December,
1512?" the attorney asked.
Watched Husband Herself.
"No: I watched him myself," Mrs. Tet
ter replied.
"I visited the house next door to the
Ctute home, where he was boarding, and
asked them questions," Mrs. Tetter said.
She went on to say that she had no ob
jection to her husband boarding, but she
did object to his being the only boarder
In the home, as was the case, when the
Clutes gave up their family hotel and
moved Into a cottage.
Mrs. Tetter said the neighbors all knew
Mr. Tetter as "Uncle Billy."
KANSAS CITY, Dec. K. (Special Tele
gram.) The charge of "Improper rela
tions" against Wllllsm L. Yetter, whole
sale wall paper dealer of Kansas City
and Omaha, upon which Mrs. Tetter based
the defense In her husband's suit for
divorce, wss settled to the general term
of "Indignities." when the hearing be
fore Judge Keehorn was reaumod this
morning, after a recess of four days. The
term "indiscretions" was discarded as
too harsh. The bearings probably will
extend through today and a decision is
not expected until tomorrow.
Mra. Yetter Contradicts Self.
On cross-examination, Mrs. Tetter was
asked to review her husband's conduct
with other women.
"Did you believe your husband's cold
ness in December. 1912, was caused by
Ms meeting Mrs. Martinet?" Mrs. Yetter
was asked. Mrs. Alma Martlnes ot Dead
wood, 8. D., was named as a co-respondent
in Mrs. Yetter's answer.
"Yes," Mrs. Yetter said.
Then, by a series of questions, Mr.
Yetter's attorneys obtained from Mrs.
Yetter a confession that she did not
know of her husband's meeting with Mrs.
Martlnes until the following spring.
Hundred and Fifty
Thousand War Tax
is Collected Here
Almost UuO.000 extra revenue from the
emergency war taxes recently Imposed
by congress has been collected In Ne
braska through the local department of
Internal revenue, according to Acting Col
lector E. W. North.
Documentary and proprietary stamps
brought In $SS,000, wine stamps, 1X2,000
and special taxes or licenses on various
lines of business netted 145,000 In this
spite of the addition of the
emergency revenue to the year's receipts
Collector North states that the total rev
enue collected for 1914 will be only $32,000
more than for 1913. This year's total will
be about :.743.O0O.
Constipation Potaoas Yea.
Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate your
bowels, prevent constipation and stimu
late the liver to healthy action. 25c. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Katherlne Gould,
Itnih AnrVrson.
Itnhett Edwards,
Herbert Liavls.
R Davis.
W. Towlc will enter
tain mmbcrs of the Alpha Tau Omega
fraternity st Cornell college who are
with thv musical cluls at dinner at their
home till evening, following which there
v.111 be a box party at the concert. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Towle'j cursts wl later at-
i nd tho Rome hotel dnnre for the Cor-
ill mn In t!io party will 'be:
Misses Misses
' a y Ti ters. Mai ion Towie, .,
1. Ilia Council, Nitoml Towle.
J r. mid Mrs W. H. Hucliols,
Al nnd Mr. 11. (). Kdriards,
r. am! Mrs. J. V. Tom l.
.Mr. on' Airs. J. J.' Hants hen will give
i. il.nuer. followed by a box party at the
ii"crt, this evening, in honor of their
. i', ir. John Honlghrn. who la a mem
lr of the Cornell munlcal club. The
la 1c will bo decorated with the Cornell
lukrs, crimson and white, and red shaded
umiUs. The centerpiece will be a mound
at crimson and white flowers and a large
kturr of the Olee iub will lie decorated
t rd hunii in the cllnlim room, making the
wnole a churacu-rlatlc collogo setting.
C vers will be placed for:
Ma Misses
liclen Knstnmn, 1 Hirolhy tfinlth.
tliia liarte. Florence Neville,
vi ce .taiiniOi, Mary Luulae Laten-
-lic Me's, ser,
.M.-ssrs Messrs.
. T. Hohson, pres-J. I. MrCutcheon,
Irt. n' of club; 1.. V. Hicks.
J. 11. Kvuns.. jr.. Frauds Hanlghcn,
manager club; John J. Hanitflien.
Hamilton Voae, jr. ;
Mr. Charles c. Allison, jr., will give a
box party this evening st the Olee club
concert. The guests will be entertained
at dinner preceding the concert by Mr.
Burdctte Klrkendall. Those present
will be:
Mlasea Misses
Ksiher Wllhelm. Lrna Heed.
Katlitrlne ttaum.
Messrs. Mesara.
Charles Allison. Burdette Klrkendall.
lnmua Kountze,
Mr. Wayne Belby will give a dinner be
fore to Usee club concert this evening
at his noma. Mr. Belby played first
' mandolin with the club last year. Illness
prevented him from continuing his studies
this year, but he expects to return to
Cornell In September.
To Honor Cornell Glee Club,
Mrs. Bartoa Millard entertained at tea
this afternoon at her home In honor ot
Mr. Joseph Millard and the men of the
Cornell Olee club, who are to sing In
Omaha tonight. The rooms were deco
rated throughout with. Christmas greens
and holly wreaths, and In the dining room
a red color scheme was used with red
shaded candles and red flowers. Assist
ing Mrs. Millard werei
Mesdamea Meedamea
John Madden, Olnnn Wharton.
J-ouls Clarke, Herbert French.
"Waiter Kobwts, George HUck,
W. H. McComiick, John Redtck,
Deniae Ua.rk.aiow, Jloss H. Towle.
Misses Mlsaes
' Klisabeth Congdon. Stella ThmnmeU
Prairie Park Dance.
The following were present at the
Prairie Park club's ' wee-end dancing
party Saturday evening:
Mesara. and Meadamea
C C. Haynea, Cliarlea Boetel,
'eorge W. Uardner, Dr. II. Moss,
M. J. Scannell, K. It. Brulnard,
K. Coutey, 8. M. Kent,
H. Q. King, 1.. Peterson.
vm. is. mwart. jr.ji. (ieorae.
CI,', dVfl
k ' .
(..-,, ; -v. X
: v ... ' - H : .., r.
4-Tard Bolts of Oct. fp
toa Tape, for Iw
BO Votlon Boxes inn
8peclal. at UU
Xlastlo Bemaaats
1 to 2 yards
King's Best Maohlas
Thread Doson . I t.
spools I Oil
m m
I JROSt-rrOOf Sresa f n ft .': w m.mmmm, m.A ui ii iiuimi in mil 'i i.wwsiisaj
Clasps Card Iw f"ir ft C Hl
KeroerUed Oro- OIA QJ II I C
chat Oottoa Ppfc 2U V Jl VV
liarsre BUe Hair Jfett ."...yH?y-. V;,1' . V, ';' , ,
Next Monday Begins
Our January White Sale
It will be the biggest In our history both In
point of quantity of merchandise and money-saving
opportunities offered.
used and covers will be plsced for eight
Mr. and Mrs. A. C). Beeson entertained
at supper Bundiiy evening at their home
tor Mr. and Mra. lMum.
Beta Phi Sigma Dance.
The Zota Alpha chapter ot the BeU Phi
Sigma gave Its fourth snnusl dance Sat
urday evening at tho Home. The hail
was decorated In tho, chapter colors.
About 100 couples were present. During
intermission cabaret numbers were given.
Thoae presont were:
Mlsaes Misses
Kath'rne N'ebranch. Nellie Uallasher.
Mary O'Mcl, Frances Cieiand,
Phyllis Humor. Florence. Hlley,
Ixiulsw White, Irene Walker,
Nina Oarrett. Klisabeth t'arr.
Helen Dutwiler. Annabelle Hlnclalr,
Marram Hi if man, Kuth leader,
Klargaret Oetten, Oertruoe Donovan,
Klisabeth benyman, Maud Clark,
Dorothy Hcolt, Margaret ixiomts,
! rancea Waterman, Aiarie Chabot.
Lvelyn ilorton. Urace Klabaugh.
Uorothy Dahlman, Jessie McDonald
Ji. K. Dmitri,
K. J. Clay.
William Kck,
t'hariea Neff.
F. A. Pardun,
Dr. C. H. Ballard.
1 r. W. B. tlster,
Kiiwln Cole,
si a Pniltn,
O. 8. Fell.
(Waiter !. Blackett,
C M. Cochran,
Joseph lngfuliner,
(I, H. Hiieam,
J. M. Morris,
IxHils Nelson,
J I. J. Slukler.
A. I.ui Ke.
Mrs. W. A. Dll worth. Holdrefr, Neb.
Tkirts Peterson,
Florence Potrraoo,
Frances Watt,
Kihel Weidner.
Measrs . ,
F. C. Lee.
Raymond Poaell. .
ljeonard Peteraon,
t. J. Bralnerd.
Deadwood. S.
Nettie Felt,
Kansas City, Me.
Margaret Conley,
Kathryn Kinlth,
Lthel Morgans,
Richard Klster.
1'red Wedenieyer,
Harold Clay,
Fred Schoeffler,
New Vork.
To Honor Bride.
Mrs. WUluun Coppock gave a luncheon
today at her home In Council Bluffs In
honor ot Miss Marion Matrae, a bride vt
next week.
For Mr. and Mrs.. Eaum.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wattlea will enter
tain informally at dinner this evening for
Mr. ead Mra. J. E. Baurn of Philadelphia,
who are the guests of Mra. F. P. Kir
kadall. Christmas decorations will be
Marion Pearaall
Marie Hixenliaugh,
Dorothy Clark,
old!o Oarvln,
Huth Slabaugh,
Doris Duncan.
Helen Walker.
Adele Keel ins,
l.uclle Brown,
Fannie l.ydell,
Margaret MoCoy,
Ourald Utryker,
1 'wig lit Danfnrth,
Joseph Adama.
F.rneet Trimble,
Mlllam Ntcholson,
naroio i.angaon,
Hurt Parker.
Ward Parker,
r red r;yier.
Mount Bums.
John Payne,
Jay Burna,
Harold Hteere,
iuy r.mrldKe.
Kay Kldrlilge.
MarsliHll U'.Nell,
Karl BaKer,
Kobert Danlols.
William Keuston,
Halan Kerr.
Fverett Kussoll,
Kent Mind,
Howard Douglass,
Ralph Dunn.
Flovd Harding.
Carlisle Allan,
Mr. and Mra. F.
Mr. and Mrs. W.
KMr. and Mrs. W. U Mryksr.
Pleaiurei Pait
Mra George Keebler entertained the
Las Amlgas Whist club Saturday after
noon at her borne. Prises for the games
were awarded to Mrs. D. J. Crane, Mrs.
H. L. Buckles and Mias Rheta Raa-
mussen. The club will be entertained In
two weeks at the home ot Miss Grace
Mk-kel. ,
Miss Qisdys hainp entertained the T.
N. D. club at a Christmas luncheon Sat
urday av her home. Red and white
flowers decorated the table. The Mem
bers are:
Misses Misses
Quito Eddy, ' tWtrude Klauck,
Hue Moiearity, Kuth KUInshuaen,
father Kllinghusen, Roberta Coulter,
Ixiulse Damon, Flsle Ceil,
Alice Carr, KHhel Anderson,
Kdna Thrane, Oladys Shaoip.
Katherlne Sunder.
lorothy Balbuch, "
Sulla Robinson,
Beatrice Johnson.
Geraldlne Johnson,
F.dlth Hamilton,
Pauline Ensign,
Ann Hermansen,'
Ruth' Fitsgvrald.
Leonard Beana,
Kulpli Benedict,
Calvin Webater,
Roy Ooulil.
Roy Hiiincr,
Jean tinowilmi,
Frank Walker.
Daniel Moore,
Herald Elliek.
Fred Knlwltt, '
Harry hearle.
Marvin Van Deytr,
Daniel Rourke,
Kdwln tlould.
I.yman Phillips. -
Frank C'ami bell,
Porter Allan.
Morton Wakely,
Ieonard Hill.
Harry Oldeon.
Frank Malm.
Wynmn Bobbins,
Wilbur Fullaway,
t'harles Peraen,
Robert McShane,
' Kdniund Booth.
Kverett Westerf ield,
L. Dan forth,
0. Nicholson,
Our Basement, which is a store in itself and larger than most stores are altogether, offers
these wonderful bargains for Tuesday. Many extraordinary bargains not advertised.
n. onn ri n: i tj I Uress oods, Etc.
Sheets, Slips, Etc.
7flx90-Xnan Bleaohed Sheets
S-lneh hems. Special
81x&0-l3ch Blaaohed Sheets Smm
less. Torn and Ironed. Bic .C
value. Special, at Hilw
Blaso-Iaeh Bleaohed Hemstltohed
heets Marie of line quality Ktieet.
Iiim. 7&c value. Hpeclal, RQf
each vWU
a3-Inch Bleaohed FiUow BUpa
100 VMlue, euch '
36-Xaeli Vnblaaohad Xuslln Kxtra
ftnu weight and tlniHli. Cc l
value. Hpeclal, yard
Comforter Oovering 27 Inches wide.
Persian and Oriental designs. A
To value. Special, yard
39-Inch Dress reroale Neat prim
ings, light and diuk ffrounds. g
lOo value. Yard wu
fine Quality Dress Bsphyrs and ging
hams Value 10c. TAfl
Yard 1
M-Xaoh Genuine Amosksag rieeae
sown White ana piain innr
Koft, warm finish. Valus
1 3 Ue vard. for
ar.Iaoh White Domet and Zeovard
riaanel Kxtra weight; warm,
fleecy nap. Value7Vc A'AfS
yard, for tw
Blankets, Etc.
Fine Wool lUanketa Slie 66x80.
Ragular $4 valuea. rfjO CO
Special, pair PtJiJ
114 Wool Nap and German Wool
Finish Bd Blankets d OC
RegTr 93 values, spl.P X tJ
Genuine Uesvcon MlankeU Full
alt. Always sold at d1 QO
I2.B0. Special, pair P 1 eeVO
Fine Quality Sateen Covered Com
fortersBig variety ot new de
signs. Sanitary cot- d0 fQ
ton fiir. valuesPsiieVla
Fine Printed Sllkollne Covered
ComfoHera Large sUe. Hand
tufted or stitched. Beautiful
quality and weight, QO -1.60
value. Special at fOt
Bteamer Ruga Genuine all-wool
klud. Usually sold at tfQ QO
$6. Special, to clotwvOelO
Coots Worth f M Coats Worth
Vp to 5.00, p J illZ Vp to B7.50, tj)'
Tuesday, In ml mj Tuesday, in
UaHcment, at . w Hasemcnt, at .
Women's and misses' sizes. Every kind of material Chinchillas, Boucle, Car
acul. AH lined black coats; coats with fur collars and plush lining, etc. Hun
dreds of different styles.
IjartriiM - Cat .
Choice of Any Woman's Coat in Our Base- S
ment Worth to $20.00
Coats made of fine Zibeline, Fancy Rough Ma
terials. All satin, lined. Full length Sealettc
PIubIi Coats, fancy and plain. Fine all-black, all lined
and partly lined Coats. Extra size Coats for large wo
men. Values up to $20.00. Choice Tuesday, at
a All Furs in Basement Greatly Reduced
I Any Matched Set in the Baeement worth
K fclfl.OO. $12.50 and $15.00. is yours Tues-
1 F " W Sk m a V:
Arkr nr tm iVl
Fancy Sets of various kinds Natural Raccoon, Imitation Tiger,
Black Japanese Wolf, Marmot, Fine French Coneys, etc. Large Muffs
and fancy Neck Pieces.
Knr 17. GO and 1 10.0(1
Black and Brown IfVench
I Coney Bets. L a r ft e
Muffs: various styles
Neck and Bhoukler Bcarfa
For choice of a lot of
ick and Bhouldor
leces. Values up to
.00. Also a lot of Ex
tra Larae 8ise Black and Brown
Coney Muffs.
rxr so.uv mac a -ony
Bets. Pillow Muffs and
Larre Shawl Collars.
Women's, Men's and Children's
Tan Hose, worth to 2Sc, Ol
at. pair C
Women's 85c SUk Hoot -
Hose Special Tuesday. 1 vJ t
Women's 33c Silk Lisle 1Q.
Hose Tuesday, pair... IOC
Women's 50c Cashmere Wool
Hose Tuesday, special, 1Q.
nr nalr lOt
Men'a 1-V Lisle Finished
Bex Tuesday, pair
For choice of a lot of
, splendid sample Fur
Neck and Shoulder
Pieces Fox. Imitation
Mink, Canadian Marten, China Wolf.
Fine Coney, etc. Values up to $6. so.
ror choice of s lot of 50
Fur and Satin Combination
Neck Pieces, called "Do
Collars." Just clasp around
the neck. Various kinds ot furs.
$1.00 values.
Neck and I
tra Larae
Coney Mufl
& All Women's and Misses' Suits in the Basement Marked Down
q 240 splendid stylish suits.
H Coats come in various
lengths. All fine mater-
S ials; fine All-wool Serges,
Broadcloth, Gabardine,
fV t 1-1
ropiins, r anoy nougn
Cloths. Blacks and all the
correct fall and winter
shades, $10, $12.50 and
$15 values, for
at at. w i miT i in
50c SorRes One big lot on fi
nale Tuesday, yard uuC
fl.25 Dress Goods Beauti- H
ful new patterns, Tues....jC
$2.00 to $2.50 Coatings fff AA
and Suitings Tuesday. 0 1 .UU
$2.50 Dress 1'atterns Sale Tues
day, in the Basement, r
yard il.DD
89c Velours Offered on ng
Tuesday, per yard. . . . . . aCOC
65c French Flannels For Of
Tuesday, Basement, yard .aw OC
60c to $1.00 Plain and OQ
Fancy Silks Yard OVC
f 2.50 40-Inch Brocade
FaiUe Sublime. .
1.25 to $1.50 40-Inch
Fancy Silks and Poplins. .XjVC
RemnantM of Salka Worth QC
t'p to $3.00 yard, for. . . aDC
Plain and Fancy Velvet OA
Tuesday, yard OaC km
Knit Wear
At the Orpheum.
Mias Oeraldine Johnson entertained the
Maderlan club at an Ornheum party this
afternoon In honor of the Mlaaee Helen
bckles, UlUan btilnn. Helen Johnson and
lxrothy Wood of Lincoln.
The mointmre of the Del Que club eu
Urlalned thla afternooa at the Orpheum.
IUservatkns for Orpheum partita this
wk have been made by Mesdamcs A. IX
McCcnutll, five, 11, V, SmtUt. Jr., live;
Women's $1.00 Jersey
lllbbed Vesta and I'anta
Infants' 25c CXtton
Vests ale price
CbUdren'a SOc lUbbed inl
Vests and rants.... IssJJt
Children's $1 Flat Wool -I Q
at ud Drawera .... 1 a7 1
Women'a and Chlldren'e OA
$1.00 Mercerised Hoods 047l
BOc Wool Crochet Hoods, i a
CaM and lgKings .... 1 O C
Men's and Women's 10c r)1
Handkerchiefs at a&2 C
Men'a and Wontea'a 15e stl
Handkerchief a at f 2 C
Men'a and Women's 10c (
Handkerchiefs at
so o
" mi
One Bis; Lot of Suits for
Women and Misses offers
extraordinary bargains Tues
day. While these suits are
not the very latest styles,
yet they are good practical
models that will give splen
did service for work suits or
to near under coats or dur
ing the bad weather season.
Various length coats. All
good materials. Suits worth
up to $8.75. Choice Tues
day at
43 c
Percale House Dresses Light
and dark colors. All eliea up
to 46, 75c values,
Special, at .......
Children's Sweater Coals lied
and gray. Ages 2, 3 and 4
years. Hegular 39c no
values, for sO C
Women's, Mlsaes and Children's
Sweater Coats Values up to
IJ.50. Special at. tj QQ
Women's House Dresses Many
samples. All fine materials.
$1.35 and $1.50 val- A
ues. Special, at.... f OC
Petticoats Look like
Black and colors. Val-
,Sp::u!.. 35c
ues to 75c,
A Ixt of White Aprons Fancy
and plain- Mussed from Christ
mas handling. 25c, 29c and
39c values. Specially i f
priced, each luC
15c and 25c Fancy Linens Lace
Dollies and Drawn-Work f
Centerpieces, special, ea. 1UC
SOc Scarfs and Squares Hem-
stitched and embroidered; QjJ (y
also crochet effect. Each S DC Vi
5c Wash Cloths The Turk- o
knit kind. Each OC
95c Orrsra or Full Bleached All
Linen Damask Extra "7C
heavy. Yard DC
25c Hemstitched Towels All
linen. Guest alze only.
Special each. ........
Wash Goods
Windsor Kimono Pllsae 2 S Ins.
wide. New designs. 1 q
Special, yard 1 OC
45-Inch White Organdy Worth
to 35c yard. Slightly f p
soiled IOC
40-Inrh White Tlald 15c Q 1
yard, at OzC
Fine Wash Goods Remnants Are
worth to 20c yard. Spe
cial, yard
40-Inch Pin Dot Swiss
Value 25c yard.
Boys' Clothing
Hoys' Norfolk Suits, Worth up to
$H.50 Ages to 14 1 QQ
years, at A aaO
Hoys' Overcoats, Worth to $3.00
Agee m to 7 tj1 7f
years. at aplefO
Juenile Suits, worth $8.00 and
$4.00 Aces t to 0 t Of?
yeara 9 1 tOO
Iloya' Sweater, Worth i 4Q
$1 Agea 6 to 14 yeara C
Hoys' Flannel mouses. Worth to
' ? 5c Ages to 16 years A r-
at OC
Hand-Made Window Shade
Worth 60e to 76e each, nr
special, at &OC
Bungalow and Novelty Nets
Worth 25c a yard. 22'2WC
10-Inch Etamlne and Voile 2
Inch ribbon edge. Value Of .
40o yard. Special, at.. ssJC
Choice of Any Bungalow Net
Worth 60c to $l.oo per CQ
Yard Tuesday OfC
5O0 Pairs of Fine Lace Curtains
Ar worth $2.00 per Q
pair. Tuesday, each... UiC
Men's Wear
Men's Ribbed and Fleeced Shirts
and Drawers ...Worth to on
69c, for 07C
Men'a Union Salts Extra heavy
riooea. tteguiar $l.oo
value; special, at
Men's Fin Wool Sweater Coat
Tan. maroon and jq
gray. Worth to $3.003 1 eOaV
Men's Negligee and Golf rf
Shirts Worth to $1.00 OUC
Men'a Fine Worsted Sweater
Coats Worth to An rn
$3.98; special at... $e.DU
Boys' High Cut Tan Calf Shoes
$4.00 values, Large fi0 QQ
sizes only J)wvO
InfanU' Shoes Hand turned
soles. Worth to $1.25; atCQ
per pair. aJ7C
123 Pairs Women's Shoes Tan
and black. Mostly small C
sizes. Worth to $2.00... OUC
Children's Shoea Sizes tOQQ
8. Worth to $1.50, pair. . VOC
Children's $1.00 Leggina Bear
akin, Astrakhan, Chin- OP
chllla. All colors, pair. .. a ejC
Women's Felt Slipper QQ
Worth to $1.75, for....i70C
Kabo Corset In Batiste and Cou
tll, long hug and medium bust;
$1.00 and $1.50 values, JQq
Brassieres, la back and front clos
ing, embroidery trim- j q
med, at