Tin; nun: ovAtiA, Tn;siiAY. dcckmuku :o, mi. BRIEF CITY NEWS Vitality atorftO Co- XXv- oo mat It Now Rrn pra BirpH-Onitn Co. UeMHif fu tures. Bsaatlfal AH Korm Horn lor W on tha cur payment plan. Bankers Raltr Investment Co. Fhona Pout. tinr4 of bettsr ousltteim for 1IU by locating your off loo In Tho Be build ' In, -tho bulldtng that la always naw." Offlca room 101 Tor"a Oonpteta Morto cram elaaalflod section today, and appeara In Tha Be EXCL.CSIVTEL. rind out what tba rarlcaa mortal picture tb.ea.tera offer. JT.w Commercial Glnb Member tr. C. H. Newell, J. M. Coan and R. H. Shields were last week elected to mem bership In the Commercial club. XOiaa of tba Xaoeabeei Gate City blva No. t, Idlea of tho Maccabees, will hold a retriilar meeting on Wednesday afternoon at their hall at Fifteenth and Douglas atreets. Travalorna Called Off The travelogue to have been Riven Wednesday evening by C. J. Roberta at the Jennings Mem orial church haa been called off because of the defective heating plant. To Bsasw Membership The Com-' nierclal club haa been Invited to renew Ita membership in the American High way association. The matter will be given attention by the club s good roada committee. Steals a Bible William Waves, ad. dreas lodging housea, was arrested by Special Officer Finn for the theft of a Bible, scales and a mouth harp from the Brandeis stores. He was sentenced to fifteen days In the county Jail. Choir Oives Sacred Conoert -The Har. ford Memorial United Brethren choir .of twenty-five voices gave Its annuat Christ mas sacred conoert Sunday night. The church waa well filled and every num ber on the program was rendered very acceptably. Tiolatea Elt rarole William Roberts, paroled from the state penitentiary, was returned to that Institution Monday morning by reason of the fact that his daughter. Mrs. George Delph, 1712 Web ster street, complained to the police that her father had broken his pledge by drinking. Girl Worried Over Loss of Relatives in the War Arena Worry of Mary Malacha, a ball girl at Hotel Rome, over tho fate of her five cousins In tho Austrian army now fight ing against the Russians, has been In creased by a necessary delay In dispatch ing a quantity of surgical cotton, which she mailed through tho Omaha postof flce and was held up by the postal And customs officials. She constantly feared that she would receive bad news of her relatives at the front, but no word came. Healing of the dirth of absorbent cotton and ban dages in tho European hospitals, she wrapped up two big bundles and sent them by parcel post In the care of the Red Cross society at Caslav, Bohemia, and Olamouo, Moravia. As Superintendent of Malls Metland and Collector of Customs Cadet Taylor did not know the contents of the parcels, they held them until Miss Malaoha could explain. Now she is more worried than ever, the postal and customs formalities required by law having added to her nervousness concerning her soldier rela tlVes. She has been In' America only- a short time. The absorbent cotton Is now on Its way, however, and the girl's associates at the hotel are trying to console her aa best they can. The whereabouts of her cousins is not known, and all may have been killed or wounded In the fierce fighting.. Pioneers to Watch the Old Year Out and New One In Members of the Douglas County Asso ciation of Nebraska Pioneers have laid their plans for seeing the old year out and the new one in. With this end in view they will gather Thursday evonlng at their 'rooms in the court house and remain there until after midnight. The watch meeting of the pioneers of Bouglaa county and Nebraska will be conducted along the lines of those of years ago, when the members of the as sociation were young men and women, and when Nebraska, too, was young. It will be something of a smoker. Besides, there will be a good-sired keg of hard cider, several bushels of doughnuts, any quantity of mince pies and a great boiler of coffee. During the evening there will be a literary and musical program. On the side there will be some fiddling and a chance for those who feel like It to do a little dancing. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve Prevented blod poison on Mr. G. w. Cloyd f Plunk, Mo.; this soothing salve healed a dangerous wound. 26c, All drug-Elsts.-Advertiement. Hoyt Offers Homes to Many on His Big Ranch at McCook Lynn B. Hoyt of McCook. Neb., ranch man, in a letter to City Commissioner J. J. Ryder undertakes to help solve the problem of the umemployed by giving idle single and married men homes on bis ranch the year around. "We have a big ranch," says Hoyt, "and employe a large number of farm hands. We can give men work here and provide them with a home all the year. We " can care f r married men with families." Hoyt, in. his letter to Commissioner Ryder, says he saw In The Bee a atory of how strong men wept when Dean Noyes, foreman for Commissioner Ryder, discharged them after the snow had been cleared from the streets. Commissioner Ryder aaya be has vis ited the Hoyt ranch and that it Is "big enough" to provide homes for several bundred families. Ckeeke Cram saatmatlr. . Tou know croup la dangerous, And yon should also know tba sense of security that comes from always having Foley's Honey and Tar Compound In the house. It cuts the thick mucus and clears away the phlegm, stops tho strangling cough and gives easy breathing and quiet sleep Take It for cough, colds, tickling throat bourscnefs and for bronchial and h srlppe couughs. Contains no opiates. Every Uiter la a friend. For sale by all dealers. Advertise msu LAWYERS' ACTIONS ARE TOBE PROBED District Judge to Name a Commit tee Which Will Hare Author ity to Investigate. NOT MERELY RECEPTIVE BODY Will .Not Into Any Previous Wrong;, a It U Takes for Granted (hat the Last Grand Jnry Did That. the personnel of the new committee to be selected. Appointment of a standing committee to be selected annually to Investigate charges of unT(feslonal conduct on the part of lawyers arising In lawsuits or elsewhere Is to . be made by Judges of the district court at their annual meet ing at the close of the old year, accord ing to authentic information secured at the court house. This committee will differ from previ ous similar bodies named by the Judges from time to time in that, it Is said, it will be expected to assume an attitude of Investigation rather than to remain merely in a receptive position. The com mittee will deal only In future events, the last grand Jury being assumed to have wiped the slate clean so far as past history Is concerned. Answer to Grand Jnry. Although this action, it Is said. Is not In the nature of an answer to the request of the Omaha Bar association that an Investigation be made of the last grand Jury, which indicted several lawyers, it is likely thnt no other reply will be made to the request. It is practically certain, it Is asserted, that the lawyers' request will not be granted. Previous committees named by the Judges for the purpose of dealing ith charges of unprofessional conduct against lawyers have been without result, ex cept that the results of their investiga tions were used by the last grand Jury. The committee now in existence was named two years ago. Doubt haa existed, ii is declared, in the minds of some of its members whether they should take the initiative in beginning investigations and no secret has been made of the fact that they are anxious to be relieved of its responsibilities. No announcement has been made of Jacksonian Club is Divided on the Annual Observance For so many years has the Jnrktonlan club of Omaha been annually tvlebratlng the anntverKary of the victory of Andrew Jackson over the British at New Orleans, that this annunl banquet has been taken as a matter of course. Now on the eve of the anniversary of this bnttle the an niversary that has the greatest meaning of all. since It Is tho centennUI anniver sary January S. this long established Jacksonian club Is somewhat divided as to whether or not to glvo the annual banquet. It Is entirely possible and even probable that the club will yet get together on the proposition and give this banquet, but at the last meeting Saturday night, they could not are on It. Pome wanted to celebrate. Others wanted the occasion to go by default this year. The meeting adjourned without any definite decision on the matter having been reached. There is one more chance, however. Another meeting Is to be held next Satur day erenlng In the Patterson block. The proposition of a banquet is to be brought up again at that time. If It should be decided upon them, there will yet remain nearly a week in which to make the ar rangements and engage some speakers. OMAHA PRINTER INVENTS A NEW STYLE "STICK" A new printer's "stick," for use In Job composing, has Just been patented and prepared for manufacture by C. t Stu art, 82 South Twenty-first street. He Is employed by the Festner Printing com pany. Fritilers assert that his invention will prove a great help to improved work in that trade. Its advantage Is that it can be set ac curately to a fraction of a point, whloh Is only one-seventy-aecond of an inch, whereas the old style printer's "stick" can be set only to one-twelfth of an Inch. Stuart secured a patent in his own name and has made up a number of the new appliances, but haa not decided whether to manufacture them himself or sell his rights to a company. MORE THAN 2,000 MEN CUTTING ICE Dealm Are Hurrying to Get In Part of Crop Before Warm Weather Spoils Ice. MAY HAVE TO STOP HARVEST l.arae Gangs re at Work at Carter Lake and at All the Ire riaata of the llallronria and the. I'arklna' llonsea. So far the warm weather that h.s re turned has not interfered with the Ice harvesting In this vicinity. However, should temperatures continue to rise dur ing the next two or three days work will have to bo discontinued until another frigid spell. The Ice harvest is going on all over Carter lake, where sonio 700 men are at work. There the Ice Is a little more than twelve inches thick, and of the boat quality that has been harvested from this body of water In years. On Carter lake the Omaha Ice and Cold Storage company has some Jnn men working; the I.akesldn Ice company av, and John Ounderson 150. If the weatTier turns cold these forces will be materially increased. At Meadow. Ashland. Memphis and Seymour Park lake, the South Omaha packing houses and the Rock Island road have something over 1..KW men at work, so that all told, right now tho loe harvest Is giving employment to more than 2.00J men, the wages ranging from X to 30 cents per hour, depending upon the char acter of the work. WANTS CERTIFICATES OF BIRTHS OF HER CHILDREN Mrs. Agnes M. Rankin. formerly of Omaha, now at the Hotel Curson, Curson street, Mayfalr, London, hns written the city health office for the birth certificates of two children, which she says are "urgently needed." One of the children of Mrs. Rankin was born In Plattsmoiith and the other In Omaha. The physl"lnns she nnmes as attendanta are dead. The children were born In 1892 and 18P6. i Store Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M. 1ZZT-ZZZZZ urgess-Nash Gompawy 'everybody's store" .Monday, J)ec. a, 1914. STOKK NKWB KOH TUESDAY. Phone Douglas 18 Just As We Predicted, This Great a ' MteirliiiFigfcnnia8 Sal off Itoidly-to-Weaur Suits, Coats, Dresses, Wraps, Etc. Brought Forth a Wonderful Response AT tbis writing (Monday 9 A. M.) the department is crowded with shoppers engci to share in the wonderful values afforded. It's a sale you can not afford to over look if. you have a ready-to-wear need of any sort. Below is an idea of what the sale means to you. Women's Coats at ) Price and Less Women's $35.00 to $45.00 Coats . . . .$17.50 Women's $15.00 new Cloth Coats $7.75 Women's $19.50 Curltex Coats $9.50 Women's $45 Plush or Cloth Coats $22.50 Women's $25.00 Ural Lamb Coats $12.50 Women's $29.50 Arab'n Lamb Coats $14.75 Women's Gen. Sealette Plush Coats $17.50 Misses' $20.00 to $35.00 Cloth Coats $12.50 Children's $7.50 to $10.00 Cloth Coats $4.50 Tailored Suits Women's $35.00 Tailored Suits $14.75 Women's $55.00 Velvet Suits $19775 Women's $49.50 Broadcloth Suits. .$24.75 Evening Wraps Women's $25.00 Evening Wraps. . . .$9.75 Women's $30 to $35 Evening Wraps $12750 Women's $40 to $45Evening Wraps $1175 Evening. Afternoon Gowns, Party and Street Dresses $25.00 to $35.00 Aftrenoon Gowns $14.75 Beautiful $50.00 Spangled Robes for $24.75 $45.00 to $75.00 Afternoon Gowns $2500 Women's $29750Party Dresses for $14775 $95.00 Evening Gowns, sale price. . .$34.75 Women's $15700 to $25Tancy Dresses $9.95 Economy Basement Fur Coats Reduced Women's $15.00 to $25 Winter Goats $4.98 $30.00 Caracul Fur Coats, this sale, $10.00 Women's Good Warm Winter Coats $1.98 $40 Russian Pony Fur Coats, choice, $19.50 Women's $15.00 Chinchilla Coats for $3.98 $90.00 Marmot Fur Coats, this sale, $39.50 Women's $15.00 to $25 Party Dresses $4.98 $98 Tiger Cat Auto Coats, this sale $49.50 'hildren'B $6.50 Coats, 0 to U years, $2.98 $KX) Hrook Mink Fair Coats, this sale $59750 Children's $1.9 Curly Pear Coats at 95c $115.00 Xearwal Coats, in this sale, $69.50 iBURGESS-NASH COMPANY, ml 'i nt m im (Continued from yesterday) Try, if you will, to express an emotion with your hands. Joy and sorrow, hope and despair, the whole gamut of human emotions can be expressed by the hands. The eyes, the lips, the whole face cannot be half so eloquent as the hands. Watch the hands of the man or woman you arc trying to impress, or who is trying to impress you the rest of the body can be immobile, but the hands give away the secret. 0 Prayer Supplication 7m The devout woman praying to the Al mighty, the traitor supplicating his cap tors for life, the stricken girl wringing her hands, tho joyous mother clap, ping her hands to her child, two lovers clasp ing hands at parting, can tongue or pen give even an approximation of the intensity of feeling felt by the man or woman in such attitudes ? ff X ft. Menace No writer, no poet, no orator has ever been capable of ex pressing the inner most feelings of the heart, the Innermost thoughts of the mind, in as true and unmis takable a way as is ex- it pressed by merely a turn of the hand. Im agine a pair of hands appearing to you out of utter darkness. Imagine a pair of clutch, ing hands! The light is on the hands the Blessing rest is murky blackness. These two hands can speak to you. They can tell you a tale that will freeze the blood in your veins. They can relate to you sorrows that will make you weep and your heart ache with sympathy. These hands in the dark. ness can fill you with a horror that will turn your hair grey in the twinkling of an eye. Yet, not a word, not a syllable, not a sound has been uttered. Eloquent with all and more than man or woman can think or feel are simple human hands. What does it all mean ? Man since Creation has stood at the door of this Mys tery of the Human Hand. The door re mains locked he can only wonder. i 'ii (Further diselosures later) 3E ll ill - u. ITT itzL The European Telephone Only two European cities, Stockholm (Sweden), and Copen hagen (Denmark), have as many telephones per population as th average American city. In no other city in Europe is there half as many telephones per population as in United States cities. Here are the 1913 statistics of several representative Ameri can and European cities. CHy Country Oprd By pr 100 Population. Omaha U. 8. tall Caaftpaay 20J tockfcalm Bwadan Private Campany ijj Chlcaff U. t. BM Campany 14.4 Minneapolis.... U. a. Ball Campaay tlj Daa Mainaa. ........ U. B. Bafl Cmpajr 11.4 Duluth U. B. BcN Company .$ Naw Yatit U. B. Ball Company 9.4 Copanhataa).. Damarfc Prhrata Campaay g.4 Clavoland... U. B. Ball Campany ' a.4 Buffala ... U. 8. Ball Company a.1 Glasgow 8coJad Qovaramsnt S.S London.... England Qavarnmant 14 Llvarpool..... England Qovarnmsnt 3.2 Parla Franca Oavarftmant St. Patarobwrg rtoaata OovammaM tjt Vlanna Austria aovsrnmsnt 2.7 "IV Advertise So That the People May Know." NEBRASKA TELEPHOHE COr.lPAflY Get into business via the "Business Chances