Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Tin: r.EK: omatta. itksiay. wxKMHKf. 20. inn.
Do You Consider Price Alone
Or Does Quality Interest You Also?
Is the price of a garment the only
point worth consideration?
Is excellence of style of no im
portance to you?
Don't you think a combination of
distinctive style and a low price is
necessary to make a garment of
real value?
The Thompson-Belden January Clearing
Sale of .Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel is
of greater importance this year than ever
before, because the market is flooded with
cheap undesirable apparel made for sale
purposes, whose only possible recommenda
tion is price and price without quality and
distinctivesfjrie 1 is an ."investment" best left
alone. 'i'SZ' :
We have bought nothing for sale pur
poses. :We will Include every garment in our
high grade stock of fine ready-to-wear ap
parel. This sale will commence Saturday,
January 2, 1915.
. ryou -won't to disappointed.
Official Statement from Berlin
Telli of Failure of Movement
on Nieuport.
Trrnrhn Pnata nt Yprea Are Take
nltk Many Prisoners r tha
FlaThtlna Forres of
the Kaiser.
PERLIV, Dec. CT. Bf WlrrlfOH to
fondon. 3:10 r. M.) Th fierman rffldal
atatPtTn-nt. glvrn out tunny, report that
th a11l yentT'ley marie an attack by
lanil and wa on the town of NlfUport,
at the etrm rlKht of the Ortrmn line
In Iiclirlum, but that no serious damage
Th Herman alo reporter! the rap
ture of sevrral trnrhoi and of num'
I'cr of prisoner to the aouth of Ypre
and the repulse of Frni'h Attack In the
regions of Arras, VrMim and fVnhelm.
The t"t of the communication reads:
"In tflj western theater, thn rnemy
unsuccessfully renewed hla attack on
Nieuport, aupported by warship, which
1id no damage to in, but killed or
wounded a few Inhabitant! of Wcjttenrl.
An attark on tho Hamlet of St. George
also failed.
"South of Tpres we captured one of
the enemy' trenches and some dozena
of prlaonera fell Into our hands on this
"Several violent attacka by the enemy
In the region to the northwest of Arras
were repelled.
"To the southeast of Verdun the enoi.iy
repeated It attacka, ut they also were
without success. A similar result oc
curred when thry attempted to recapture
height to the west of Benhelm, for
which we fought yesterday.
"There news from east Prussia
or from I'oland North of the Vistula
and on tho left bank of the Vistula our
attacks are developing, notwithstanding
the very unfavorable weather."
FKTRCKiKAD, Dec. 28. (Via London)
The Investment by the Russians of the
Austrian fortress of Cracow has again
been raised. Following the discovery of
an attempt made by the AuRtrlans to
divide the Russian forces In Galicla the
Russian retreated eastward for a dis
tance of fifty miles.
n ;
PRINCE EITEL FRIEDERICH, second son of Kaiser
Wilhelm, is being proposed for the throne of Hungary. It
has been put about in Hungary, says the dispatch, that
Eitel is the modern form of Attila. This, naturally, ac
cording to German reasoning, marks out the holder of the
name as the hereditary claimant to the independent throne,
which will be one of the results of this war for Hungary.
- . rl wis, '"ikT'v
r T aBV . " .Jtf. A
Small Area i Bitterly Contested by
. the. Austrian and Servian
' j,'V Fifhtinf Forces.
MUCH BATTLE , ygDEEOROUaiJ Hervla a rkhesf diatrict. would be sealed.
futile their brave defense.. Many of the
Austrian sheila fell Into the Servian
trenches and killed or maimed every sol
dier In them. But a dash for the position
by the Auatrlan Infantry brought the
usual hail of small arms and machine gun
bullets, and added hundreds to the pop
ulation of the vast metropolla that Paras
nice, haa cost.
The determination of the Austin-Hungarians
to take Parasntca waa no leaa
than tbo realisation of the Herbs that
SSacaatM l7Banle Each Otker'e I
rrearkes Va Evry laaasjia
Me' Hftii mt Warfare
Aedaee Mrs EagaeK-J.
.Correspondence of the Associated f reaa.)
MITROVICA, Hungary, Nov. K.-The
outbera . theater of the SXiropeart 'war
had Ita Taer canal and west Klanders-j
In a terrain, the possession of which
meant touch to the adversaries. Before
the Austro-Hungary army could mafce
headway against Henrla, it waa neceaary
to take-, tbe Macva Uatrtct. and before
thla could be Invaded the Parasitica
penlaaula In the Have, 'north of the
Irina'a jnouth had to be taken.
The Amtro-iiungarians first attacked
the Servia position In the farasnica early
In Aug act and dlsvoverea that the . un
dertaking waa too costly. Then after a
month contented themselves with what
may bevelled a slepe of the poattlon. By
the end of fee pt ember l became more ap
parent tbaa ever that the I'arasnlca and
Iacva would have te be cleared of Ser
vian treops and operatlona against the
entreactunent and redoubts on the penln
aula wre reaumrd. Toward-the end of
October tlie raraanica was finally oc
cupied after a most doaperate alruggla.
and froni that time on the advance of
the Auitro-liungariaa troops, while alow,
made steady headway, until "alJro waa
tn their hands, and Kraguievaa. the last
fortified position of the 8ctba, , .
Varewed with Treachre.
The area of the Farasnlca la approxi
mately two and a half square miles. To
day its level surface la furrowed by hun
dreds of enilea of entrenchment redoubts,
bomb-proofs and jen jr -passages trout
one trcftcb to another- Th-loeHty haa
the apaearaaoe of a tremendous mase,
and la seme parts the Impression la con
veyed that a .'whole" underground ctty
had existed there at one time. Not a
tew of the trenches have been used as
graves, for men and animals, but on
the whole the entrenchments today have
the appearance they had when still oc
cupied! by eitbr 'Aiytro-!ftjni(a.rlau or
Herb. - .
In many places the trenches are but
fifteen yards aart, and In but 'a tow
Instances they are separated by more
tbaa fifty yards eloquent testimony of
the severity of the strufgle for their
Bo well constructed were the trencheu,
belter ditches and bomb-proof, that field
SkrtUlary waa uaeleaa, aad so welt
defended were they by the. Herbs that
(Continued from Pairn One.)
The struggle therefore continued with
unabated bitterness and finally waa car
ried to the open country, beyond the
penlnsala. The resistance of the Berbi
collapsed after their positions near the
village of Csamabara had to be aban
doned. By tho time Valjevo had been
taken by the Austrlans the Herbs are said
to hate been completely demoralised.
.' Battle at Close qaartera.
The Servian entrenchementa In the
Farasnlia peninsula atartNon the banks
of the Pave and extend from there a dis
tance of about three miles, the trenrhee
around Csarnabata not Included. Owing
to swamps the terrain on which the bat-,
tie ranged la In some places not more
than three-quartrra of a mile wide. The
Servian treuvhes - faue northwest; the
Austrian works In the oppoalto direction
and moat of the trenches show they have
been used by Kerbs and Auatriana la
turn. This Is Indicated by a transfer of
the parapet from one aide te another,
some of the bricks the mat rial uaed
generally having been left where they
were first placed by the Herbs.
Bomb proofs were constructed by dig
ging a deep hole or trench and placing
liravy .beama and boards over It. Over
there earth waa then thrown, the whole
providing a shelter against which the
Aunt dsns' fluid artillery waa Impotent.
Concrete was not used, aa haa been
claimed, but brick was employed In lin
ing and retaining the walla of the deeper
trenches and covered paaaagewaya. All
trenches . and redoubta had connecting
ditches and tunnels, and by meana of
them, the Nerba. and later the Auatriana,
were able to take troops from one part,
of the terrain to another without their
betpg seen.
Everywhere the men adopted efforts to
make themselvea comfortable. Adjoining
the trenches one flnda email caves whose
floor are still littered with straw and
hay, upon which the men slept. While
during the day It was fatal to ahow the
location of a trench by the smoke of a
fire ovvr which food might be cooked.
the men seem to have managed to get a
warm meal at night. Many of the raves
lit the trenches-show fireplaces. Usually
a small hole in tne surface provided a
chimney. To prevent sparks being seen
a piece of tin resting on four bricks waa
uaed aa a chimney top. A large under
ground aweillng had at Icaat (our barber
alinpa and three baths uaed. It is sup.
poxed by the Htrvlan officers.
Gradually the Herb inhabitants of the
Mucva are returning to their ruined
homes. Timidly thry await the approach
it la claimed by military observers to be
a marknd advantage for the Russians,
the retirement, being due to the discovery
of the Austrian aim to cut into halves
the ltusstan forces in this region.
Object of Auatriana.
The Auatriana, reports from tho Rus
sian southern front say, began advanc
ing December 23 from Tymbark, thirty-
five miles southeast of Cracow, with the
apparent object of swinging the left of
the Ruaalans along the river Blala, north
ward of Tarnow, and joining forces with
the army of Oeneral Boehm-Krmolll,
which waa advancing along the railroad
from Banok to Llsko.
The premature appearanca of Oeneral
Boehm-Ermolll'a army to the south of
Frseraysl. however, put the Russians on
their guard and the Russians concen
trated along the Blala liver, moved down
and attacked the Auatriana at Tuchow,
fifteen miles south of Tarnow, where they
were aucoessful In preventing a Juncture
of the Austrian armies. Meanwhile the
attention of the Russians waa directed
to the Auatriana advancing from Banek,
which movement waa checked. After
their auocessea In this district, the Rus
slana took the offensive along the Blala
Wla Chrtstsaaui Day.
Christmas day the Russians won the
battle of Tuchow, the Auatriana retreat
ing throughout the following day. The
Russian captured I.GOO prlaonera and
eighteen machine guns.
Later, divisions crossed to the western
bank of the Blala and successfully
ttormed the heights of Bledllska, four
mites aouth of Tuchow. The Ruaalans
took possession of a twenty-mile strip of
territory and thus succeeded In separat
ing the two Auatrlan forces.
Oeneral Bochm-Ermolll'a army Is said
by the Ruaalans to be In full retreat, and
the western army of the Auatriana is re
ported to be badly crippled.
' - mjS Z f v.r A itx J-n V-:- i i f. I
War Office Tells of Capture, of Sec
tion of Defenses by Germans
Near Hollebeke.
Geraaaaa Yield Elsnt ITaiidrr
Yards ! Fire Lla at Treaeaee
ear Careaey More Ar
tillery Flaatlagr.
PARIS, Dec. 2S. (2:16 p. m.) The French
official atatement. given out today, con
cedes the toeing of certain trenches to the
Germans, but otherwise claims advancoa
for the forcea of the republic.
Advances have been made in Belgium,
and near Lena the French progressed 800
yarda. Near the Meuae there haa been
slight progress, and a German attack In
upper Alsace was driven back. The
French lost trenches to the Germans near
The text of the communication follows:
"In Belgium we have continued to ad
vanoe. To the weat of Lorabaertiyde we
are actually at the foot of the sand
dunes, on which the enemy haa estab
lished hla line of resistance. At a point
aouth of Tprea we have lost $ section of
trenches near Hollebeke.
"In the region of Lena, near Carency,
the enemy yielded under oar attack SOQ
yarda of first line trenches.
"In the valley of the Alsne river and
in Champagne there ha been Intermittent
artillery fighting, which waa particularly
severe In the vicinity of . Rhetma and
around Perthes. Hera the enemy directed
hla artillery fire especltlly against the
positions to the west of Perthe, con
quered and occupied to us.
"On the heights of the Meuae there ha
been alight progress by our troop along
the entire front.
In the Vosges the enemy bombarded
the railroad station at St. Die, but the
railroad service ha not been interrupted.
"In upper Alsace, to the northeast of
Stelnbach, a counter attack, of the Ger
man waa repulaed."
Innocent Man
Hanged in Chicago
Twenty Years Ago
CniCAGO, .Dec That an Innocent
rnan waa executed here In 1KM when
George If. Painter wa hanged for the
murder of Alice Martin. Is the statement
mad in a letter received today by Chief
of Police Gleason from a person signing
himself "R. W. Baxter of Buffalo, flan
gamon county, Illinois. The writer
aoked that Talnter'a relatives be found
and promised to remove tho stljtma from
the family. Palnter'a last words on the
scaffold waa a declaration that ha was
not frullty.
Insurgent Chiefs Army on the Gulf
Coast Concentrates Efforts
on Tuxpam. i
f '
Sapata aad Villa Dlsaa; Over
Matte mt SSxeaatlaa- Fm-aaer
Federals- Gatlerrea Still
ia Mexico City.
very attempt by the Auatro-IIungariana , . ". . . ,.' , ., , V T. V .
..... .u.l v.- ,.. u ....... i. .,i I Little la left of their sun k. Here and
. ki. i. t k. . I there one sees porkers on the point of
tn terrible elaughter. in the end a Pc .,... . . .... .
Dam Gate Breaks,
Town Has No Water,
Another in Darkness
SHOtSHONt. Wyo.. Dec. 28. -Special. )
Fear that the Boysen dam across the
Big Horn river, twelve miles from this
piece, had been undermined by the
water of the great lake which the dam
backed up, haa been relieved by the dis
covery that the draining of the lake dur
ing the last week la the result of destruc
tion of one of the gatea In the dam by
Ice preaaure. Had the dam been under
mined It would have been merely a quea
tion of time until the entire atructure
collapsed, entailing the destruction of
the largest hydro-carbon plant In Wy
oming. But now that the sinking of the
lake haa exposed the inner surface of the
gates, repairs to tho damaged gate are
poaalbla and tn progress, lteaulta of the
escape of the lake through the damaged
(ale are that fhoahonl la in darkneas.
tho town deriving electricity from the
Boyarn plant, and that the town of
Theriuopolla la without water aupply, the
closing of the damaged gate In order that
repairs may be made having caused the
river to recede until It la below tho In
take of the town' waterworks.
starvation and hundreds of hungry dogs
bad to be resorted to-counter " , . . t " . , V, ,
- . . . . . . nabara a lonely hen stood In the door of
tlae common In the wars of the middle
log. The Serb had entrenched them-
salve te a depth of from five to nine feet
and due tunnefs from one poltion to an
other, and, where this waa not feaalhle,
tout timber had been uaed te render the
trench as safe agMnst the field artillery
of the Auatriana. But the Auatrlan sap
pers and pioneers dug deeper tunnel at
tight angles te the bervlan trenches and
parallel, through which their Infantry
would advance under cover of night la
Uila manner ground wa gained on day.
te be lost again, perhapa, the following
day by a almllar maneuver of the Berba,
traale ia IU Wteka,
For about six weeks this really subter
ranean war continued. It waa ended by
the bringing up of bavy mortar batterle
by Lha'Alutrlans.' The reaiatance of the
Barb continued, however. Aa hereto
fore, their trenches had te be take one
by an, but tU Urn artillery rendered
France and Russia
Buy 65,000 Tons of
Steel at Pittsburgh
a ruined horn and further on a few
geese honkud in terror. Kven the pruno
trees, abose fruit Is said to be famous
all over Europe, have not eaMped the
J" " rV" . PITTSBURGH. Dec. t8.-Order. for
ZV1 I rUller f,r" h"" 00 ton. of high carbonised ateel round.
I.;.: " " " appeared In the Pittsburgh district today.
" I MA ntA .. - . . . . J n.kA .
w tviia ivi . i .in . .iiu .v,vw .una lur
Ruaala. Recently 31.000 tona of thla grade
of ateel used in making ahrapnel ahells
were shipped to Europe. It Is understood
that Charle McNtght, president of the
Carbon Steel company, la now la Kurope
In connection with order for similar ma
terial It ia estimated that fully H.00 worth
of trenching tools, galvanised sheets, wire
and projectile steel have been bought In
Plttaburgh for the European belligerent
la the last tw month.
WASHINGTON, Deo. 2S.-Gonoral Vll
la's forces have suspended their attack
on Ebano, near Tamplco, and have con
centrated their attack on the seaport of
Tuxpam. where fighting I In progress to
day, according to advice to the State
Reporta Issued earlier today - by the
Oarrania agency here, aaylng that Gen
eral Qutlerrca hud resigned and left Mex
ico City were contradicted by dispatches
to the State department from the Bra
sllian minister In Mexico City, who yes
terday had a conference with Gutierres.
The general situation aa reflected In
official dispatches, was viewed a not al
together encouraging. Friction la re
garded a apparent between the Zapata
element and the Outierres-VUla faction.
Thusi far, however, it haa not resulted la
any serious break.
The chief trouble seems to have arisen
over the question of execution and pun
ishment of former federals. Gutierres
and Villa have been In favor of suspend
ing the executions and giving some fed
erals an opportunity to Join their cause.
Zapata, now at Cuernavaca, I repre-
aented aa oppoeed to that, aa la General
Palafox, mlnlater of the Interior In the
Gutierres cabinet and chief spokesman
for Zapata.
C'orepromls Wnaeatr.d.
A compromise t as been auggeated,
whereby former federals will bo given
fair trials. They aUo would be prohibited
from joining the Gutierrea-Villa army.
The American government haa found that
both Gutierres and Villa look with favor
on tta augereatlon for a general amnesty
for political offenders, but that the
Zapata element erms irreconcilably op
posed to It.
The situation Is expected to develop fur
ther at the national convention called for
January 1 in Mexico City, when a new
provisional president will be chosen.
Only meager advices are In the pos
session of the Ktiite department aa to the
military activity of the Carrania force,
but latest dispatches say that Zapata
forcea have advanced to Poledad. near
Vera Cru and In co-operation with Villa
forces aro operating in the vicinity of
Tuxpam and are driving the rarranxa,
troops to the southeastern portion of
Advices from Consul Canada today said
Tome Branlff. who went from Washing
ton with credentials from Rafael Zubaran
Capmany to discuss 'measures of peace
with Carrania. ha been re-arrested at
Vera Cru. He had been taken Into cus
tody on hi arrival, but waa at once re
leased on representations from Consul
Wilson is Selecting
Members of Federal
Trade Commission
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. President
Wilson expects to send to the senate
,thto week nominations. of the five mem
.beta of. the federal trade commlHelon. t
It wa eaid at' the-AVhlte House' to
day that while he haa not final! chosen
the commission, he ha narrowed hla list
of eligible down from, 300 to a few men.
Among the men whom the president
ia understood to be now considering are
Governor West of Oregon, Joseph K.
"Davloe, icommisaloner of corpora Uona;
Albert D. Nortonl, a ft, Louis lawyer
and former progressive candidate for
governor of Missouri; Henry J. Waters,
president of the Kansas Btate .Agricul
tural college; George F. Peabody, a New
York banker and business man; Edward
N. Hurley of Chicago, president of the
Illinois Manufacturers association and
an export on foreign trade, particularly
in Bouh America! former Attorney Gen
eral Thomaa S. FelUcr of Georgia,
former Governor Ansel of South Caro
ina, and Governor Hodges of Kansas.
Millionaire Fish .
is Again on Trial
CHICAGO. Dec. 28. -Joseph Fish, mil
lionaire fire Insurance adjuator, who wa
acquitted on a charge of arson Chrlotma
eve, waa placed on trial again today on
another arson charge. Twelve veniremen
were sworn and adjournment taken for a
A. G. Jeaafaaa.
JOPLIN. Mo., Dee. a.-A.Q. Jenniaga.
who aa a contractor built many of the
railroads In the middleweat during the
last thirty years, died at hi home her
today, aged W yeara.
Five PrMH Bare Death.
Harry Alvey, his wife and three children
were buroel to death ettrty today, wbea
fuw destroyed their hotne near iwtr.
Ceagha aad Colds.
Weak, sore lungs Quickly relieved by
' Dr. King' New Discovery; the first dose
1 helus. Beat remedy for cougha and cold
and all lung dlsi-asea. 60c and 1100. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Be Want Ad FToduc Result.
Deaartsaeat Order.
WASHINGTON, Dec St. Special Tele
gram.) 1 he Posiofrice dparlmnt haa
accepted the propoaiU of William V. At
Un to lease quarters for the ioatoffice
at Madteon, Neb., located on Main, be
tween oecond and Fourth streta. for Uu
The postofflc at Poader River. Nit
ron a county. Wyoming, la discontinued;
mail to VNaJUiuui.
Attempt to Kidnap
Youth is Foiled
TORRl NGTON", Wyo.. Dec. 28. (Spe
cial.) An attempt by Mrs. Marie Angler
ton of Grand Ialand, Neb., aided by her
aon, John Nolan, and her niece, Mrs.
Annie Edwards, both of Scott' BJutfs,
Neb., to kidnap Mrs. Angterton'a gTand
son, Harley Cannon, aged 14. who I liv
ing with Frank J. Cannon, .wa frus
trated by Sheriff Havre after a wild
automobile race which ended within half
a mile of the Nebraska line. The Ne
braska party were arrested and held In
Jail for several hours, pending a hear
ing before Court Commissioner C. P.
Johnson In regard to guardianship - of
the child. The court decreed that Can
non should have custody of the child
until h la 14 year old. an age at which
the Wyoming law permit him to - ex
press a preference a to his guardian
ship, and thereafter Mrs. Anglerton, Mr.
Edward ana Nolan were released re
leased, with a warning from the court
not again to Interfere .with the child
v rWAit For?
Our January
Clearance Sale of
IV ginning '
Monday, January 4 th.
We firmly believe this
sale will offer oppor
tunities to save money
on Lace OnrUIni,
Cnrttln Materials,
Furniture Coverings,
etc, th&t exceed an)
ever before offered In
Omaha. The goods
are from our regular
stock, all bought with
the careful scrutiny as
. to quality and design
that attends every pur
chase made by this
If you have curtain
need COME.
Orchard & Wilhelm
Began as Rash. Itched $o Had to
Hold His Hands While Steeping.
. Clolhmg Irritated Trouble. Face
and Scalp Covered. Cuticura
Soap and Ointment Healed.
70 Blgh .. Oehkoah. WtaWhen
about two months old aay nephew had sorat
tweak out eat different parte of hla bady.
The trouble Aral began as
a rash which Itched so
a night sutaeone always
Ml tue hands even while
sleeping a at the foaat
srtwWihlnc It would run
' tegether and fcra scabs,
tTls nlRht-elnahos bad t
have mittens oa them or
the scab would be raw
and bleeding by morning. Bis doehtag ee
the least friction Irritated the trouble. Hla
ftoe and scalp were covered. They calleil
It eromne,
" VT tried different treatment but none
cured htm. At three years oM we commenced
the usa of CnUeura Heap and Ointment,
We rootd see an Improvement after the
first month's treatment. It took nearly a
year ta eOeot a complete euro and be never
had anything ttke It atnee,' (Signed) Mr,
r. SooAeld, Mar, St. 11.
Samples Free by Mall
Oar ror your hair wtth Outtour Soap
and Outtour Ointment, They keep the
scalp dean and free from dandruff, allay
laohlag and tovitettaa aad promote natural
hafcvgrowtng modi Mobs when all else fall.
Although Onwem Soap (Mo.) and OutJ
eura Otntmsnt (SOe.) are sold by druggists
everywhere, a sample of each with 89-p.
aktn Book will be sent free upon request,
Addresas "Owtaomra, Dept. T, Boston."
TonlgHt, t:90 T. X.
ico. o
' UV. , l'tf , , K .J : -J. -
The Ford Sedan Is a car of high class in appear
ance and appointments. All the luxurious conven
iences you desire in a family car. It carrtea five
passenger most comfortably. The seats are very
restful, and splendidly upholstered with cloth of
the highest quality. . Large doors give convenient
entrance on either sie. Large plate glass wlndcJws
raised and lowered, quickly give the car all "the
qualifications of the closed limousine for Inclement
' weather, and vlnty of fresh air when open.
With high quality in detail is economy. In main
tenance. . ' , . ' ' ,.'' -'-'
Ford Sedan $975: Coupelet 750; Town Car $690;
Touring Car $0; Runabout $440. All fully
equipped, f. o. b. Detroit.
On display and sale at 191$ Harney St.
Buyer will ahar in profit If w ell at retail .
new r vra car miwiw auf --
MArrrBtrnrcars woud taxed
taixt rtsiArr
Original Company and lrodnotloa
OaL BSo; aX 60-75o-gl; Orch. gl-1.50
Hew Year's Attraction
Friday and Saturday, Jan. 1 and 2
Matinee Each Day
flip tiiwm QsnnsT'
mm mB
UliIi CV" B,iaa ! floor, S3.
inlLta1-50' Baloony, H, 75o, 60ci
vk.w (jx. B8o. itate. Mew Tears
aad Bat. Lower Floor, Sl.SO, Sit Bal.,
76o, 60c; Oal.. 85c, SCATS SKLZ.ISTO.
BOYD twit nn
Tonight, Society Wight, Added
attraction Mr. Banian Sale
Turner tn Bong Between Acts
and Boyd Tneater Stock C
Xata.1 Wed TrU Bat., SSo.
Wlrht. ISO and SOc
stkxt win niNCs xail
-OMAJtA'a rxrm cBarrxm1
(JBSl I LffJTl Daily Mat, 15-15 SOc.
J7-Sry Xvaga X5-B5-60-760.
Hare's a Brand Blew Show
ttUTCH CYPvY MtlD& atuloai
Tom I'tMiioke" McRae and St other fun
sters. lU-auty Chorus of r'ortuue Tell
ers. Big Novelty (surprise at Xtra Mitt,
nit bbow atartliig at 11:30 New Year'
H.lly Mtln, t U: klftl. I II
I BAT SAMUELS I t1 wefk: Owrs:
HdUa I.yle Co. tttmmt (llU h,,ij
m l Luu ' HoU. Hirry I'o. uivhtura t
Wklr. Prica. Mai., sllrr)f, 14;: W- u
Velcipl 8U aad tuu.) Bllt, lc. u. Mc. -.