Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Bringing Up Father.
Copyrtfttit. rl, Ictersatktaal
News brvtoa
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
I'LL. Rf iu.ut
OvrrDe of your
DOOR. TO ,re
l - - jw uont: i l
CROW UP ru. have
0- COLLX 1
"ERrt a cop-
, - -U-L. 1 1 7 T7 i 1
Iwi-E- Threw a flowth I macsip' Soicoulo it ?Svr
hkj ai-. . vnoov. JJ .rrLrc. wax pf
S , 121 J ttrbI v ' pjl
" i
Athletie Research Society Told It
Must Be in Positive, Rather
Than Negative, Mood.
Speaker Mlecaaarg t'olleae Practice
f ItrrraltlMK Athletea la Kaat
era aad Weater
CHICAGO, Dee, 28. "Amateurism nuil
be defined la positive Instead of nega
tive terms, and amateurism muat ba
thoroughly understood by the athletea
and tha public aa well If amateur ath
letic la to thrive." declared Wilbur P.
Bowen of the Michigan State Normal
college today In hia president'! address
to the athletic research society.
The meeting;, which preceded the con
vention of the National Collegiate Ath
letlo association, which opens tomorrow,
waa largely devoted to the subject of
Haw Looked On.
"In some quarters," said President
Bowen, "amateurism Is looked upon aa
petav Insistence on details to the extent
of Injuring sport."
Discussing the college practice of scout
Ing, or recruiting athletes, Mr. Bowen
said that In the east athletes are re
cruited often without the knowledge of
the school authorities. "In the west,"
he said, "the practice la sometimes open,
or with tacit approval.
"An amateur athlete la one who par
tlclpates In competitive physical sports
only for the pleasure and physical, men
tal, moral and social benefits directly
derived therefrom." This definition was
offered to the Athletic Research society
by a committee which since Ml has con
sidered the exact meaning of the word
Brawa's He pert.
The report presented by John Brown,
Jr., of New York, listed three ways In
which an athlete might bar himself from
tha ranks of amateurs. First, by teach
ing or coaching professional athletea for
pay! second, by competing under salary
or fee, and third, by competing for a
cash prise or for a stake bet.
A middle position for those not strictly
professional athletea was suggested by
the committee, which classed aa "non
competing amateurs" those who have
'maintained their status aa amateurs ex
cept having been engaged for pay aa In
structors In amateur athletics. Coaches
In high schools, colleges, clubs and Toung
Men's Christian association playgrounds
were classed under the head, "non-competing
amateurs" by the committee.
Late Bowling Scores
Hooater Leasee. Potter 143 113 1M 441 Zimmerman 1!M XX III KM
1CL, I'AXOfl Powell 1M )2 VI M Handicap ..31 31 31 93
lnt "d 'ltd Tot Johnaon ....1X7 IV! 147 51
Iarn 1V2 178 2 m Toman 17 Ki 1H 649 Totals 84 914 9M 2797
TKirothy ! 1! fM Handicap ... 24 24 21 72 MOOSE CI.t'B.
MoCaithy ,.K2 2fO 1KJ D21 , . r T 1st. 2d 3d Tot.
Conrud 14 118 1! 4l Totals WB 911 821 2fiol -orhran ....ikx m a R72
Kanton 1j 16 177 4.' MAUHEItS. f. 17fv 13 157 4!'4
lat. 2d M.Tot. Hartley 17S Y.t, 178 Bf.l
Totals 7W) Ml 61 S61J Vlaurer 17 177 W 625 Klegenchue ISO Ifil 14 618
riJCOS. Noigard ....144 14 17 4;l Klnnlman ..WO 101 146 407
lat. 2d Id. Tot Howell 170 K,7 2nj 64ft .
Itam'rstrom m 184 1M 630 Huntington in ICS 201-637 Totals 881 807 804 2692
Three Omaha Lads
Make Good on Yale
Athletic Teams
France Gaines. Malcom Baldrlge and
Frits Burhols, three Omaha boys, who
are spending the holiday vacation In
Omaha, are boaat'.ng freahmen athletic
credits at Tale university, where they en
tered school last fall. Oalnes, who Is one
of the golf cracks at the Country club,
Is a member of the freehman golf team.
Kuchols la on the freshman crew and
Baldrlge on tne freshman foot ball and
track teams. All are expected to make
varsity squads In their line of sport In
their sophomore year. Baldrlge is devel
oping Into quite a hammer thrower and
can now heave the heavy pill 146 feet
Bresnahan to Meet
Herrmann Tuesday
CINCINNATI, O., Dec. . President
August Herrmann of the Cincinnati base
ball club received word today from Man
ager Roger Bresnahan of the Chicago
National league team, that the latter
would be In this city tomorrow to discuss
several proposed tradea with the Cin
cinnati owner. President Herrmann said
he knew of no specific deal that might go
through and added that there Is little
probability of any deal concerning Sec
ond Baseman Qrob of the local team.
President Thomaa of the Chicago team
had stated laat week that he would like
to obtain Oroh.
Seventeen Bounds
Without Decision
MERRIT. B. C. Dec. 2S.-Joe Bay-
ley, former lightweight champion ot
Canada and Johnny Moore, battled seven
teen rounds of a twenty-round match
here on Saturday, but were unable to
finish the fight before Sunday arrived.
They agreed to continue the fight on
Monday at 11 a. m. There were no knock
downs, and the fight was even for the
seventeen rounds.
Zuppke Signs New
Contract With Illini
CHICAGO, Tfx. .-Robert C. Zuppke.
coach. ot the University of Illinois foot
ball eleven, has signed a five-year con
tract with the State university, accord
. ing to a story published here today.
The contract supersedes the three-year
agreement entered Into when Zuppke ac
cepted tht offer to coach the Illinois two
years ago. He is reported to have re
ceived a large salary Increase. Illinois
won the U14 championship ot the Big
John Sudenberg, a former Omaha lad
' and pupil of Paul Murray, knocked out
. Bob Oraham In the eighteenth round of a
twenty-round bout at Obldfleld, Nov., on
Christmas day.
ifudenberg used to be a special delivery
messenger at the Omaha postofflce, and
is the son of Albert Budenberg. assistant
engineer at the federal building. Ha will
aooa go through Omaha on his way to
Kaaaas City. Since gaining weight, he
baa been boxing as a heavyweight
Merle Howard, formerly one of the
star foot ball athletea on the Omaha
High school team and a brother ot War
ren Howard, en on the Cornhuaker
eleven. Is In Omaba spending the holidays.
Howard played on the Omaha eleven
la 1904, i;J6, Uu6 and 19UT and was coach
lu lMa, He is now living at NUea, Mich.
ATCHISON, Kan., Dee. 28 -John Da-
laney, Indian tighter and scout from 1849
to 1S64 and for many yeasa In tha gov
eminent service as an overland freighter,
died at his home near here today. He
as rl years old.
AlUSiatUula Wla.
BAN rlfcXJO. Cel., Dec. Jg. py ae
fi'aung the All-Aiuerlraiis here lodsy 1
lu . in the cutiteat ot their lour
the All-Nationals wim two inoia gamrs
ti.nn iner uciAneiiia 1U ine Ilfty-m
.uinri. w-orti Kilt
AU-.Sattoaola 1 k a
A-U-Axoefiua-t f I J
CHICAGO, Dec. 28. -The date of the
heavyweight championship boxing eon-
test between Jack Johnaon and eas
Wlllard has been set for March 17, In
Juares, Mloo, It was announced today
by Wlllard's business manager.
Eti PASO, Tex.. Deo. 29. Jack Curiey,
promoter ot the Jack Johnson-Jess Wll
lard heavyweight boxing contest, today
said the date and place for the bout had
not yet been selected. He denied a re
port that the fight had been set for
Juares, Mexico, March 17. although he
said the Mexican border town might be
aelected. He thought the date probably
would be March I or t
Navigators to Meet
in January on the
Proposed River Line
No bigger mass meeting of business
men haa been held In Omaha In many
years, perhaps, than Is now being
planned for the evening of January 8 at
the Commercial club, In the Interest of
Mlartourl rlvor freight navigation. The
trade extenainn committee la hustling
hard for this meeting, and Is urging
every business man who has any Inter
est In this proposed project to be present
Speakers from Kanaua City and 8t
Joseph, men who are at the head of the
Kansas City-Ft. Louis barge line, are to
tell the Omaha men something of this
project. They are enthuaiaatia for they
have made a aucceas of the river naviga
tion In Kansas City, and they tell
Omaha there la no reason why Omaha
cannot make a success of It here.
Many Omaha buslneas men consider
a water route as a means of cheap trans
portation between Omaha and the river
citiea down the Missouri and Mississippi.
Some are confident ot this and there Is
now practically a unity In the Commer
cial club membership on the matter of
going ahead with tho project
Boy is Shot in Eye
by Air Rifle Given
Him for Christmas
Mlchaol Halley, 10-year-old son of
James Halley, 409 North Sevonteepth
street, suffered a painful Injury when he
waa shot in the left eye socket by his
brother George with an air rifle which
had been given the victim for Christmas.
The boys were having a brotherly pat
when the gun waa discharged.
Fortunately, the shot did not hit the
eyeball, and after some probing Dr. A.
J. Edatrom of the police department lo
cated the pellet and extracted It
Pitcher Hat Not Tet Received
$6,000, but Won't ake it
When it Comes.
Harler Aaaerte II Will Not Toaek
Money Intll He Haa Talked
with Maaasxer of Wash,
lactoa Clab.
COFFETVILLE, Kan., Deo. 28. Wal
ter Jonnson, the base ball pitcher, has
not up to a late hour today received
the $6,000 which dispatches last Saturday
said President Weeghman, of the Chicago
Federals was returning to him. The
money was sent to the Chicago club by
Johnson to pay back a bonus advanced
for signing a contract with the Federals.
Johnson said, even if the money came,
he would not accept It until after he had
the advice ot Manager Griffith ot the
Washington club.
E. C. Baldy Dies from
Stroke of Paralysis
E. C. BsJdy, for twenty years a resi
dent of Council Bluffs and Omaha, and
for twelve years connected with Armour
& Co., suffered a paralytic stroke at
in o'clock Christmas morning and, with
out regaining consciousness, died Sun
day afternoon at I o'clock at his home,
2709 Bristol street
Mr. Baldy was born In Danville, Pa..
December 4, 1849. He came west In 1883,
and since 1894 haa lived In Council Bluffs
and Omaha.
He Is survived by his wife, a son, I
H. Baldy of Fort Crook, Colo., and a
daughter, Mrs. W. E. Roberts of Kan
sas City. All were at his bedside at the
time of his death.
Funeral services will be held at the
family residence Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Interment will be at Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Carranza Agent
Says Villa Forces
Leaving Mexico City
WASHINGTON, Dec .-The Carransa.
agency here today published the following
telegram received from Carransa repre
sentatives ot Galveston:
'Semi-official reports here, although
not confirmed, say that due to lack of
communication, the Villa forces are evac
uating Mexico City. It Is believed they
are doing this on account of the crying
need of forces In the north, to save lines
of communication and to prevent Tor
reon. Chihuahua and Juares from being
raptured. Villa would prefer to engage In
battle outside of the capital with Car
ransa'a army of 100,000 men lying be
tween here and Mexico City.
"Eulallo Gutterrex, through a commis
sion, has authorised Antonio I. Vlllareal,
aa president of the now extinct Aguas
Callentes convention, to accept his resig
nation as provisional president and to
notify Carransa that his services will be
at the orders of the flrtt chief.
"The whereabouts of Gutlerres Is not
now definitely known, but it Is believed
he Is making his way toward San Luis
Potoel. This action on the part of
Gutlerrei, which la being followed by
many ot his subordinates. Is thought to
account In part also for Villa's hurried
concentration In the north.
"It was officially reported to the War
department that half of the Torreon gar
rison, which Is enveloped by loyal forces,
has revolted against Villa and Is fighting
the other half In the name ot Carransa,"
NEW TORK, Dee, 28 Columbia uni
versity defeated Tale four games to none
In the opening round ot the annual inter
collegiate chess tournament here today,
while Harvard's match against Princeton
resulted In s, victory for the Crimson. 2
to m. Columbia's clean sweep came as
a surprise Inasmuch as Yale won the
championship last year. The second round
will be played tomorrow, when Columbia
will play Princeton and Harvard will op
pose Tale.
In a letter from her nephew. Dr. Wil
li elm Cammeran. physician with the
German army, Mrs. O. B. Gugler, 2605
North Twenty-fourth street. Is informed
that he haa received an Iron cross from
the kaiser for valient service to wounded
under fire at a battle in the Argonn
forest during the month of November.
Mrs. Gugler recently returned from
Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, where she has
many relatives. Contrary to some re
ports, she declares that the factories on
the interior of the empire are busier now
than they were before the war and that
on a whole the natives are aa happy as
they can be under the existing circum
stances of having relatives at the front
"But even In such case," says she,
"they look at absentees with a feeling
of resignation and a pride that they are
serving their country In a patrtotio manner."
Enlistments In the navy are more nu
merous this month thiol In November,
saya Lieutenant Thomas M. Tipton of
the local recruiting station. Out of 1U
applicants twenty-seven have been ac
cepted. Laat month eighty-two men ap
plied, and only three of them measured
up to the strict requirements of the serv
ice. The last two men to enlist wre
Edmund Wilson of Wofford. Ky., and
James O. Johnson ot Stillwater, Okl.
They were sent to the Great Lakes train
ing station.
The governing committee of the bo
real, of publicity of the Commercial club
has by unanimous vote re-elected C. C.
Roaewater as chairman of the committee
for the ensuing year.
Bee Want Ada Produce Results.
That much could be accomplished In
the direction of the development of trade
between the United States and Portugal
Is the burden of a communication re
ceived by the Omaha Commercial club
from the Americal consul at Portugal.
He suggests that various chambers of
commerce In America make arrange'
menu to Invite representatives of com
mercial organisations In Lisbon and other
cities of Portugal to coma to America
and speak before the commercial bod lea
The Commercial club of Omaha will be
the first to extend invitations to such
representatives If the matter develops so
that representatives actually begin a
tour of America.
Joe Hughes, plumber, living at South
Omaha, waa arreated by Detectives
Rooney and Ruch. while he was trying
to sell some pliers which had been
stolen from the store of Leo Baroch
U17 Howard street, which was visited
by thieves three tiroes within a week.
Hughes had formerly been employed by
Baroch and together with bis partner,
a P. Young of Elgin. 111., who was also
placed under arrest. Is suspected tf hav
Ing robbed the saloon of William Young,
2bUl ttermaa avenue.
Kldaey aaa Liver Treaties
Quickly relieved by Electric Bitters, best
remedy for Indigestion, dyspepsia, heart
burn and most kidney troubles. 60c and
U.O0. All dm,, lets.-Advertisement.
Prosperity Rules
All Over Montana
General Agent Bradt of the Burlington,
with headquarters at Butte, Mont, Is in
town, enroute home from visiting re
latives In the south part of the state
over Christmas. He reports Montana in
good condition and nothing wrong there
with prosperity.
According to Mr. Bradt. the only thing
In Montana that has been hit by the
business slump that has been sweeping
over some sections of the country Is the
copper Industry.
Dr. George L. Miller, "Father of
Omaha." rembered a few of his friends
with Christmas cards. To one who saw
that a copy of H. D. Estabrook'a hook
on his own speeches reached him for
Chrlstmaa, the doctor sent the following
Thank You Ifa good to be remembered
And in so nice a way;
I cp.nnnt flr.d words to express
The thanks I'd like to say.
Dr. Miller waa especially anxious to
have a copy of this book, ot which he
had read in The Bee, and Mlas Nellie M.
Johnson, his niece, who Is his constant
companion at the comfortable little home,
128 North Thirty-first street, with the
aid of the doctor's friend, saw to it that a
copy of the book left New York In time
to reach the doctor as a pleasant Christ
mas surprise.
An Increase of fully 76 per cent In this
year's Christmas parcel post business
through Omaha, over that ot last year,
is Indicated by figures now being conv
piled by M. II. Blackwell. assistant su
ptrintendent of the Fourteenth division
of the railway mail service. . Omaha rail
way mail terminals at the Burlington,
Union and Council Bluffs transfer depots
handle mall for many states east and
west The Increase In the number of
pounches of parcel post which they
handle Is regarded as a reliable indica
tion of the much more extensive use now
being given the parcel post system by
the public
J. William Harrta, colored, and his wife.
Jesse Harris, were arrested In a vacant
house at Ninth and Capitol avenue by
Detectives Dunn and Kennelly, where
they were evidently bent on robbing D.
B. Wagner, who Uvea ten mllea north ot
Fremont of $6,282 In cash which he had
a his person. When the trio were
brought to the station Wagner attempted
to present the detectives with a i-cent
cigar as a reward for saving him from
being robbed. The negroes are being held
tor iavealgatloo.
Mitchell Talks of
Working of New York
Compensation Act
PHILADELPHIA, Deo. 2S.-The work
men's compensation law in operation In
New York state gives general satisfac
tion with the possible exception ot the
matter of Insurance rates, which experi
ence Is proving to have been too high,
said John Mitchell today In an address
before the American Association tor
Labor Legislation. Mr. Mitchell, who
Is a member of the New York's state
workmen's compensation commission,
said the high rate of insurance is the
common experience of every state adopt
ing compensation laws. "Lack of com
piled statistics," he added, "compels the
rate makers to put themselves on the
safe side, and a rate to be safely high
must be too high.
"In the administration ot the state In
surance fund the commission has been
able to declare a general average of 20
per cent reduction In rates and In add!-
tlon to that to refund IB per cent dividend
upon business ot the first semi-annual
Mr. Mitchell said that In the schedule
of compensation 664 per cent la not too
high. When the operation of the law has
settled to a firm basis of administration
he said it will entail little or no added
burden upon the Industries of the state.
Wholesale Liquor Dealer Given a
Permit by the Council.
Sqnabhle Over a Salooa Location at
Thirteenth and Howard Streets
is Heard by h City
Walter Molse. wholesale liquor dealer,
was granted a saloon license by the city
council by a vote of four to one. Com
missioner Thomas McGovern being ab
sent Commissioner J. J. Ryder asking to
be excused from voting for "personal
reasons," and Commissioner Dan B. But
ler voting in the negative.
The council granted ten more saloon
Protest of Albert Heltzman against
Louis Stalmaater and tha protest of S. J.
Howell against Ileltxman for locations
at Thirteenth and Howard streets was
withdrawn. The council heard arguments
in favor of granting Heltxman a license
to operate on one corner at Thirteenth
and Howard.
Heltxman has been running a saloon at
601 South Thirteenth street. Stalmaster
applied for the same location this year.
The Cross Realty . company, from which
Heltzman leased the saloon space, or
dered him to vacate, even refused to ac
cept rent money, and brought suit to
oust him. The suit haa been decided In
Heltzman's favor.
James Rait representing Heltxman.
sought to show that Heltzman waa en
titled to a license as the old saloon
keeper and that Stalmaster waa a new
man, although applying for an old loca
tion. The council has refused to grant
new licenses. Stalmaster waa given a
license for SOI South Thirteenth and Heltz
man's application waa taken under ad
visement I. J. Dunn appeared for the Cross
Realty company, declaring in a general
statement that Heitxman had not lived
up to his contract
Connell Gets New
Trial by Reading
Poetry in Court
To tell with the facta, and' to hell with
I the law;
To hell with the counsel who gets up to
I law:
To hell with the charge to the court;
' twas the vlewa
That the jurymen got of those little red
What cared they for the facts they're as
ury aa can be;
What cared they for the law lawyers
never agree
What cared they for justice, which can
never amuae?
All they observed were the little red
The foregoing verse was read to Dis
trict Judge Estelle by Attorney W. J.
Connell, representing the street railway
company, in arguing his motion to dis
charge a Jury which had seen Miss Helen
Alger, plaintiff In a 830,000 personal In
Jury suit against the company, faint In
Attorney Connell asserted that the
members of the Jury as a result would
be prejudiced In Miss Alger's favor. The
Jury was discharged by the court and
trial ot the case will be begun before a
new Jury.
The verso-was printed In a newspaper
tn Louisiana following trial of a damage
suit there during which the plaintiff, a
young man. wore a pair of red ahoes.
British Collier Uses
Wireless Within
Zone, Incident Ends
WASHINGTON, Dec 2S. -Additional re
ports to the British embassy today from
the British minister at Panama clarify
the situation as to the use of wireless by
British colliers In canal sone waters.
In regard to the alleged unneutral use
of wireless recently. It Is said the British
collier Protesllaus while in the canal
waters received a radio message from
outside the three mile limit The collier's
captain did net undertake to reply to
the message, which was directed to the
British consul at Panama, but endeavored
to forward It to the consul through the
i American port captain. The latter of
ficial refused to transmit the message
and caused the wireless apparatus of the
Protesllaus to be sealed until It departed
from the sone.
It appeared that the captain of the
Protesllaus had not received Information
of the regulations prohibiting the use of
radio outfits In the canal, except upon
canal business, but notwithstanding that
the British authorities concede the at
tempt to use the wireless waa Improper
and therefore the Incident was regarded
aa closed, by report of the facta today
to the State and Navy departments.
One Immediate result of the Incident
was to send American naval vessels to
the canal tone to safeguard neutrality.
J. H. Himes, special pension examiner
for the government at Spokane, Wash.,
has been assigned to make his head
quarters In the federal building at
Omaha. He will take the place of H.
T. Gloetzner, who was recently trans
ferred to Washington. Mr. Himes Is ex
pected here Jannary 4. according to Cadet
Taylor, custodian ot the federal building.
E. V. Parrtah haa returned from Kirk
vllks. Mo., where he aud Mrs. Parriah
spent Christmas at his old home.
Harry Rlgwart, a prominent railroad
mail of Chl.aso, Is spending the holidays
wtlh his lather. Police bvrgeant A. T.
Htgwart. at the family rt-kUeoce. 12jQ
Park Wilde avenue.
1 aSBSgiflTllT i ft II-''' ' 'T' iMffaasJB SaV ti i laaa-JaaT-ii "e'tosfea -H
"f Ill -111111 ifl
What U the World's
Finest Whiskey?
"",EDAR BROOK, to be surer
I. That's a question quickly an-
swered by those who know
good whiskey. And the result I
that CEDAR BROOK is the largest
Belling brand of high grade Kentucky
whiskey in the world. If you want
to be certain, say, "CEDAR BROOK,
to be sure" st
AB leading Clabt, Bar, Jf?rr
anti, HottU, and aUo mt alt
Umdwg Drntdur
StyVZ- Iff! Si. 4W
9 '
Serb Army Found
to Be in Pitiable
Plightin the Cold
MITROVICZA. Hungary. Dec. 21-It Is
stated here that the supply department
of the Servian army has proved unable
to meet the demands made upon It and
that In consequence the troops have suf
fered the greatest hardships.
These assertions seemed to be born out
In part by the condition of 600 Servian
prisoners who were standing today about
one of the three market .places of MJtro
vicza. It was a pitiable spectacle 609
men In rags, unwashed and unshaven.
Though the ground was frozen, a score
ot them had no boots and were busy try
ing to avoid contact with the cold earth
by lifting one foot after the other. None
of the men had good boots. Most of them
wore contrivances of ra&a and leather
peculiar to the peasants of the Balkans,
and these had become useless from long
Want was written on every face. Many
men .were so weak that they had to be
assisted by their more robust comrades.
The younger men were In worse physical
condition than the older ones, though ail
of them had gone through the same hard
ships An Austrian officer said It was his ex
perience that young men are more easily
affected and broken down by the want
of food than those who have reached
middle age and whose alimentary system
does not have to provide for the demands
of the "growing habit"
Somebody handed cigarettes to the
Serbs. Expressions of gratitude were
many and the men brightened up a little.
"Too much war," said one ot thorn
through an interpreter. "We have been
fighting for three years now. First the
"No conversation with those men." od
monlshed an Austrian officer. "Abso
lutely prohibited."
Terre Haute Mayor
Sleeps on Straw on
A Cement Floor
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Deo. 2S.-Donn
M. Roberts, mayor of Terre Haute, who
with ninety-two other men, was arrested
on a federal indictment charging con
spiracy to corrupt the. election of Novem
ber laat, waa still In Jail early this
afternoon, unable to furnish bonds ot
$10,000. Because ot the crowded condi
tion In "federal row" In the county Jail,
Mayor Roberts last night waa forced to
sleep on a straw tick on the cement floor.
Twenty-one others of those arrested
have been unable to furnish bond. It Is
said 126 Indictments in aH were returned
and other arrests were expected today.
For Sale Everywhere