Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Gain. Reputation by Hii Willing
ness and Energy at Front
In France.
At Fire Was Ordrred Back aad Was
TrrriMr Aaaoyed, ortu
Was Cfcaaered tor Ills
(Copyright. Wl. by Pppm Publishing Oo )
1VONTJON, , Der. n.VPpeelsl Cable-gram
to New Tork World and Omaha He.)
The Weekly Despatch sars: "A (rood
soldier and sportsman," Is tho reputation
that the prince of. Wales has gained for
hlmiwlf during hla comparatively ahort
experience of active aervlce. and he haa
gained It amomf men, who are among?
the finest soldiers and oest sportsmen
In tha world. The prince of Wales did
not go out to the front to taks up some
ornamental and Inglorlously aafe Job on
the general staff.
Hla royal hlghnrss hat been tinder
fire with the Brltlah troop at the front,
although he wa ordered from tha dander
ion on first arrival. Annoyed f thta
preference to him, he later waa per
mitted to share tha perils of tha otdlnary
DI4 Streaaews Work.
Aa a matter of fact, the prince became
a transport officer on the general etaff,
and as such he put la rarely leaa than
fifteen houra of atrenuoua work a day,
and sometimes twenty-four, or even
forty-eight houra work at a stretch.
Aa transport of floer It waa sometimes
the print' a duty ta attend tha loading
of food wagon a. In which the rations are
conveyed to tha trenches. Each wagoa
contains, aa a role, two day's rations
ror um soldiers, made up In aa many
separata packages. In loading tha
wagon, ona packer stands in It and an
rtber throws hint a packet, aad at each
throw says, "one, two, three," etc., un
til ha has thrown In twenty-Ova packets,
when tha officer supervising tha pack
ing, shouts, "stop" and enters tha num
ber ta a aote book.
Prodding Lasy Oaaa.
This process Is repeated until 1.600 pack
ets bar been loaded Into the wagona
Tha packers sometimes ars careless and
lasy, and In order to get over their work
quickly, unless supervised by an atten
tive officer, wlU skip numbers when
eouating tha packets, with the result that
the soldiers la trenches get short ration.
packer tried this dodge to get through
his work quickly, when the prince was
supervising tha packing. "Twenty-five,"
shouted tha packer and glanced at hla
royal highness. "I make It twenty,"
said the prince quietly. "Nov juat unload
tha evhele wagon and count all tha pack
eta again " .
There war M packets by that tuns la
the wagon.
Oaia New Billet. (
After a couple of weeks of work as
.transport officer the prtnoe went on
to the Intelllgenoe branch of tha general
staff. As an, intaHIgeace officer ha had
ta alst In marking out aa maps the
various changes that take plaaa la the
position of the British troop every
day. When amptoyed la this way the
Brines several times has baea under fire,
Tha first time this happened tha prions
waa ordered out of the danger sons by sa
affloer In charge of tha mapping party,
which terribly annoyed him, but, of
course, he bad. ta obey orders promptly.
Subsequently, however, his royal high
new was allowed to share tha risks run
by his brother officers, when engaged
ta this particular work. Tha prince by
tha way, sine hla arrival at tha front.
bag taken to motorcycling, and two ma
chines have been sent out ta him l;y tha
king. The prince, when at tha head
quarters, shares a villa with four ether
1 officers. The ' prince" s ' knowledge of
French sad German has enabled hint to
fulfill from time to time tha useful of
floe of Interpreter. Tha prlnos oa mora
than one occasion has acted a Inter
preter at conversations between Sir Joha
French and captive Oarmaa off leers.
Last Report of Corporation! Depart
ment Given to Public.
Jfrw I.avr fa ta fit Into Effect
Will ;lve Lara rwn for
WASHINGTON, Dec. n-Crmmlsrner
Joseph E. Davles made to Secretary Red
fleld today, tha last report of the Bureau
of Corporations. At the close of eleven
years work. It soon Is to be absorbed by
the new Federal Trade commission, which
will carry forward Its activities and de
velop new fields according to the act of
congress, which created It.
Commissioner Pavles reports that be
fore the bureau Is absorbed by the new
federal commission. It plana to complete
additional arid final reports on tobacco,
farm machinery associations, taxation of
corporations, oil, trust laws amd" conflicts
of corporation laws and leave Its force aa
free aa possible for the new work of the
trade commission.
During the last few months, tha report
says, tha bureau has been maOTng a gen
eral comprehensive survey of tha whole
industrial field with the view of having
Immediately available for the Trade com-
"mission, the general facts of the processes
of manufacture organisation and domi
nant financial control of any line of In
The report thia year contains a com
prehensive review of tha law under which
the Trade commission will work. The
new body, It explains, will have, not only
those functions of Investigation and pub
licity which the bureau of corporations
exercises, but also other functions of
publicity. Investigation and recommenda
tion and powers which are quasi-Judicial,
which distinguish it in a marked manner
from the bureau of corporations. It will
have much broader discretion and will
act, when requested to do so by ths
courts, as master In chancery In the
preparation of trust. decrees.
In view of the Impending merger ef
the bureau of corporations with the Trade
commission. Commissioner Davles makes
no recommendations . as to policies or
plans for the future, and in addition to
a lengthy review of the functions of the
Trade commission, his report Is confined
to a review of the year's work in his
bureau, which has been previously dis
closed from time to time la partial re
ports upon Investigations at various
Orders Given Cruiser Calabria to Aid
North Carolina at Beirut if
Ready ta Steam ta Any Part Where
They May lie Heeded Pro
tect Aaaerlcaa In
terests. ROME, Dec. 27. Instruction have been
sent to the Italian cruiser Calabria now
at Beirut, Syria, to ssslet the United
tSates cruiser North Crollns If the
necessity should arise as the result of
further demonstrations against the de
parture of Europeans from Turkish ter
ritory. Tha cruiser Tennessee, the fuel
ship Vulcan and the gunboat Scorpion,
of the United Mates navy which also
are looking after American Interests
along the eastern Mediterranean are
ready to steam to any placo where they
are needed, according to reports received
According to a dispatch from Athens.
the cruiser North Carolina recently
threatened to use Its guns as the result
of an Incident at Tripoli, Syria The
cruiser convoying the American ateamer
Virginia, entered the harbor of Tripoli
and the commander requested the Turkish
authorities to permit the British and
French consuls to depart with their na
tionals resident In the city.
This request was refused, but several
of the French residents boarded the
Virginia. They were attacked by a mob
who wounded the captain and first of
ficer. The North Carolina then threat
ened to fire and the mob fled. The Vir
ginia and ths North Carolina then left
for Dedeagatch. Later the cruiser pro
ceeded to Smyfna.
(Continued from Page Ona)
Stirring Songs of
Warring Nations in
Your Own Home
"The music of a nation la the key to a
nation's heart." a great orator once said,
if this be so and who will deny it?
the surest way to appreciate the thrill
and the paasion of the Great War la Eu
rope Is through the battle songs of the
Victor band music receives two nota
ble additions In the German military airs,
"Krvpp March" and "Grand Duke of
Bafiea March" by the V- S. Marine band
led by Eantehnan. Vesaella'a band gives
the fire musio from Die Walkure and
Fryer's band the Kienil Overture, a mag
nificent Wagner record.
tranquility, no matter what their mili
tary, financial or social positions may be.
Constitution and reform!
"MBXICO, Deo. M, IMi
(Signed) , "E. GUTIERREZ.
"Provisional President of Mailoe."
The mention la the censored Mexico dis
patch of two rival conventions and three
rival armies probably refers to the op
posing Carransa and convention govern
ments and the now reported estrange
ment between the leaders. Villa and
Bapeta, which with Carransa would
form three independent revolutionary
.- Itarfclde Disappears.
EL. PASO," Tex., Deo. tf.-Eduarda
Iturblde, the former federal governor of
the federal district, whose welfare has
been the subject of diplomats represen
tations by the present Washington
government and a dispute betweea the
Villa and Zapata officials, has appar
ently disappeared. Leon Conova, a spe
cial seat of the American mate depart
ment, who arrived here early today from
Mexloo City, said so far as hs knew
Iturblde was at the national capital. It
bad been reported from Mexico City
that Iturblde waa flying under the pro
tection of the American representative.
The train which brought Conova was
stopped and Its passengers Inspected at
several points on tha way to the border.
Down Killed Dally.
The test of the circular of Provisional
President Outlerres received tonight ad
mitting thst wholesale executions at the
national capital were beyond the control
ef the civil authorities confirmed the re
ports reaching ths border here recently.
It had been estimated by well-informed
refugees that an average of twenty-five
persons had met their death dally at the
bands of aaaaealns.
The three-cornered estrangement be
tween Outlerres, Villa and Zapata over
the matter ef executions caused a con
sternation In offloial circles here. From
semi-official sources It was learned that
Zapata and Villa, the two armed chief
tains, had quarreled over whom each
should dispose of, while Outlerres had
stood out for amnesty to all unless publlo
trial was held before the prisoners were
U. S. Seeks to Find
Ex-Yankee Countess
WASHINGTON, Dee. .-Secretary
Bryan is endeavoring through the Ger
man government to locate Comtesse De
Bulaeeret, formerly Miss Caroline Storey,
of this city. When last heard from she
waa In Brussels. The. Germans In con
trol of that elty would not permit her.
Is said, either to loin her husband.
who Is Belgian minister to Petrograd, or
to communicate with her mother In this
Mrs. Storey recently received through
friends Information that her daughter
was dangerously 111 la Brussels as the re
sult of aa operation. Since that time
nothing has been heard fromher. Sec
retary Bryan forwarded a cablegram of
Inquiry through dlploinatlo channels, but
thus far has received no response.
Count De Bulsseret was one time Bel
gian minister to this country and at the
ttms of his marriage was an attache of
the Belgian legation.
SALT 'LAKE CITT, VUh, Dec. 17.-
Bpecial Telegram.) Harry Edrr.ondson,
linotype operator (or an Osden paper.
whan In a despondent mood, tired a bullet
through his brain this morning, dying
sis hours later In an Ogdan hospital.
Edmondson spent part of Christmas
day at the home of Mrs. Agnea Black,
leaving late In the afternoon. At 1 o'clock
this morning he returned to the Black
home and asked to la admitted. Mra
Black told him he could not enter and
he salt that If she would not let hlro In
he would kUI himself. She did not think
Ms threat serious, but when she closed
the door he walked Into the yard and
fired a bullet from a small revolver Into
bis brain.
Edmondson was Injured In an aeddent
August 7, losing one eye and bad not
txen In good health since that time. lie
was despondent about being away from
his relatives on Christmas.
Harry Ednwmdeoa waa the son ef Al
Kdmondeon, one of the well known old
time printers, at present la the employ
of the World-Herald. The son served
bis apprenticeship In the same of
flue and since then had traveled generally
over the west.
Turks Rush Troops
To the Bosphorus
ROME!, Dec. ST.-Tho Turkish military
authorities have removed the troops and
artillery from Adralnpole and are send
lng them to defend the Dardanelles and
ths Bosphorus, according to a dispatch
from Athens.
BAN rRANClSCO. Dec. ST.-Most Rev
erend Patrick William Piordan. arch
LUhop of the diocese of Fan Francisco
uf tl. Catholic church, died at his home
in jhts city at 4 05 a. in. today. Archbishop
i'.lordaa contrartrd a severs culd five
) ao, hih deelui-d iuto pneu-itvjuia.
IXNDON, Dec. ST. A Reuter dispatch
from Warsaw says that 400 men were
killed and too wounded In a collision be
tween troop and hospital trains at Kallss,
The troops were coming from Prussia
and the hospital train waa proceeding to
Germany with wounded officers. Ths
trains were running at full speed when
they collided. More than twenty ears
were wrecked.
A a Investigation disclosed that a rail
way switch had beea changed at ths last
moment The station master, switch
men snd others are under arrest.
AMSTERDAM. Pec. ZT.-Oomparatlvc
quiet retgn everywhere la Flanders on
Christmas day, but yesterday gun firs
again co'iid be heard beginning In the
early morning, according to the Huts
oorrespondtibt of the TelegraaH He said
the ermaQas have received further rein
forcements, snd eaiclally st Nooks and
Tlrkllaar af the Throat
QulcUy relieved by Dr. King s New Dis
covery, the great rough snd cold rem
try, a safo and sure medicine, toe and
fl.OO. All drufsUts. Advertisement
Russians Report 10,000 Austrians
Taken as Prisoners in Carpathians
rETnOGUAD. Dec K.-The following
official communication was Issued from
general headquartere today:
"During December ?1, the fighting along
the lines of the Bfura and Rawka rivers
waa cinf Inert In general to artillery fire.
We repulsed with success verlous attacks
by the Germans.
"Along the lower course of the Micla
river, we otisted, towards evening of
December 2$, fmm the village of Wlsllca,
the Austrian who had obstinately de
fended It and who attempted to fortify
themselves on tho left bank of the Nlla.
We then drove the Austrians beyond that
"South of the Vistula, In the region of
Tarnow (Gallcia) on December 23, we
drove back the Austrians from the
Tuchow Olplny line. The enemy aban
doned ten rapld-flrers and we took forty
three officers and more than 2.M0 pris
oners. The next day we continued the
pursuit of the Austrians, who retreatedj
In disorder. We captured the heights
near Hledltska on the left bank o.f the
Blala river.
"In the direction of Dukla (Carpath
ians), there were engagements on De
cember 15 and SB, and the Austrlana,
driven from the Zmlgrod-Dukla line are
In full retreat. In the latest encounters
In this region, the Austrians suffered
enormous losses, and left In our hands
sa prisoners more than 10,000 men."
Preach Repell Attacks.
PARISH Dec. 27. 10:45 p. m. The follow
ing official statement was Issued by the
war efflce tor.lght:
".After having all last night directed
a very sharp artillery and Infantry fire
against our troops stationed at La Bols
selle and In the adjacent trenches, the
enemy delivered two successive attacks
without success.
"Wa hold strongly the trenches rwer
Pulsaleine. On the heights of the Meuse
we have consolidated our occupstlon of
the ground taken near the trench of
"Rt Die has been bombarded violently
from 9:30 o'clock In the morning to
Fresrh Are) Thrown Back.
BEKJjIN, lw. 27. (By Wireless to Lon
don.) The following official communica
tion was Issued today by the German
general staff:
"Nothing of Importance happened yes
terdav In Flanders. English chips sP
peared off 'the coast this morning.
"The enemy made an unsuccessful ad
vance movement yesterday at Albert In
the direction of Boiselle, which waa fol
lowed by a successful counter attack by
our troops early this morning.
"The French attacks In Meurlssons, in
the Argonne and southeast of Verdun
broke down under our fire.
Villa Commander Fulfills Pledge
Made to American Army
Hla Troops Leave Poslttoa Daring
Mgbt aad at Daybreak They
Coaeeatrate Fear Miles
4 Away.
NACO, Ariz, Pec. 27. Governor Jose
Maria Maytorena of Ponora, lifted the
slega of Naco, Sonora, apposite here to
day and retired to the southwest with
his troops. He destroyed his works,
burned his camps and removed all bis
During the night his troops on tho west
and south of Naco left their positions.
'and at daybreak they concentrated four
mllea to the southwest, where "they
boarded a train which has been there
"In upper Alsace the French -attacked lnc8 the eiege was begun, nearly three
our positions east of the Thann-Dammer- ; months ago.'
klrch line, but all these assaults were ! General Benjamin Hill, commanding the
repelled. J Carranza garrtoon of Naco, sent out
"During the first hours of the night skirmishers, who had a bloodless encoun
yesterday, the French gained possession ter 'wlth the Maytorena rear guard. Hill's
of an Important height east of Thann, men took three women prisoners and
but were thrown back after a vigorous picked up a shrapnel shell left in the
counter attack, and the height remained Maytorena camp. It was brought Into
In our possession today. - the garrison and exploded while being
"There haa been no change In the sit- I examined, killing three and Wounding
uatton either In east or west Prussia, i thirteen, two of whom died.
ninnv to make nosillva the liwlcntiru
tlon of the two gunmen, now In custody.
as me actum asasesins ci iau.
Bjrause he bad received numerous
snnnynmus threatening letters, Juilc
l oilman ws dls'iuulined and Judxe
James P. Klllott of Pi. nth Dakota, wa
aii"ln1ed to sit on the bench at the,
January term of the federal court at
Kort m(th, Ark., when coal miners
charged w;th t'onsplricy against the
government will be trlel. Tho appoint
ment waa mail, by Walter H. Sanborn,
senior Judge of. the United stales court
of appeals at St. Paul.
A sTw Horns Oar That Aayons Caa Vss
Witaoat D Is comfort or Loss of Tims.
hav" ew Methou mat cures
Asthma, ana we want you to try it at
our expense. No matter whether your
case Is vt iong-stanumg or recent devel
opment wnetner It Is ptesent as occasion
al or chronic Aatnma. you snould s-m)
ror a free trial of our method. No matter
In what cilmate you live, no matter what
your aire or occupation, if you are trou
bled with asthma, our method should re
lieve you promptly.
We especially want to send It to those
appaifntly hopeless cases, where all forms
of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations
iumes, "patent smokes." etc., have failed'
v e want to show everyone at our owri
expense, that this new method is designed
to end all difficult breathing, all wheeling,
and all those terrible paroxysms at once
and for all time.
This free, offer Is too Important to neg
lect a single day. Write now and then be
gin the method at once. Send no money,
feimply mail coupon below. Do It Today.
In Poland our attacks on branches of
the Bzura and Rawka rivers resulted in
slight progress. Southeast of Tomaszow
our offensive continued successfully.
"Russian attacks on Innowlodz. from a
southerly direction, were
heavy losses to them."
repulsed with
Bandit Killed as
Gop Chief Arrives
CLEVELAND, Okl., Dee. I7.-An un
known bandit was killed, Chief of Police
Fenton was shot through the leg and two
other citizens were wounded In a battle
here last night following aa attempt to
hold up twenty men In a pool hall.
Fenton was passing the place and hap
pened to see the men Inside with their
hands up. The police chief stood In the
front door and emptied his revolver at
the robber, every shot taking effect The
latter returned the fire."
Fenton waa shot through the leg. two
other men received slight wounds and a
bullet pierced another man's hat.
old Kills Three
J - 'In New York City
NEW TORK. Dec IT. A minimum tem
perature of four degrees snd a maximum
of only sixteen, today gave New Tork
Us coldest day of the winter. Tonight
ths thermometer was rapidly on the
down grade again with an official mark
ing of seven degrees at 11 o'clock. There
was Intense suffering from the cold in
the poorer quarters and three deaths oc
curred from exposure.
MAZATLAN, Mexloo, (By wireless to
San Diego. Cel.. Dec. IT. Heavy rains
have Interrupted railroad snd telegraphlo
communication between Ouaymas and
points both north and south of that city.
Miles of track and embankments And
many bridges have been washed away. It
is thought that it will be at least a month
before train service can be resumed be
tween Quay mas and Nogalea.
rtear Admiral Thomas B. Howard, com
manding the Pacific fleet, left Masatlaa
today oa the flagship Baa Diego for Baa
Diego, Cal-, to be present, aa ordered.
at the opening ef the Panama-California
exposition. It will be Admiral Howard's
first visit to the states after ten months
of continuous service In Mexican waters.
Britain Announces
A New Contraband
List Has Been Made
WASHINGTON, Dec. IT.-Oreat Britain
haa notified the United States govern
ment that a new list of absolute and con
ditional contraband has been issued. The
previous list of conditional contraband is
maintained, but sulphur and glycerine
are transferred to the list of absolute
The following additions to. the list of
absolute contraband were made;
Ingredients of explosives, namely, nitric
acid, glycerine, acetone, calcium, acetate
and all other metallic acetates, sulphur,
potassium nitrate, fraction of distillation
products of coal tar between benzol and
cresol inclusive, anllene, metylanenlne,
dlemathylanillnK ammonium perehlorate,
sodium perehlorate, sodium chlorate,
darlum, chlorate, ammonium nitrate,
cyanlmlde, potassium chlorate, calcium
nitrate, mercury.
Resinous products Camphor and tur
pentine (oil and spirit.)
Ferro-alloys, including ferro-tungsten.
ferro molybdenum, ferro manganese,
ferro vanadium, ferro chrome.
Tungsten, molybdem, vanadium,' selen
ium cobalt, manganese, wolframite,
scheelitee molybdenite, manganese ore.
slno ore, lead ore, bauxite. .
Alirmlna ana salts or aluminum.
Antimony, together with sulphides and
oxides of antimony.
Copper, part wrougnt and copper wire.
Submarine sound signalling apparatus.
Tires for motor vehicles and for cycles
together with articles of materials and
ply adapted tor use in manufacture
repair or wres.
Rubber, mriumne raw waste ana
claimed rubber and goods made wholly of
Thirteen Important
Witnesses Called
KANSAS CITT, Mo., Dee. Names of
thirteen additional witnesses who will be
called before the United States Commis
sion on Industrial Relations In Its Inves
tigation Into American charitable and
phllanthroplo foundations, to be begun
in New Tork January 6, were announced
by Frank P. Walsh, chairman, here to
day. The list Includes names of per
sons leading In the phllanthroplcal and
business world. They are:
Jane Addams, Chicago; Jacob H. Hol
lander. Baltimore; Henry C. Ford, De
troit, Mich.: August Belmont. New Tork
City; Samuel McRoberts, New York;
Amos Plnchot, New York; William H.
Alren, New York; John Haynea Holmes,
New Tork; Royd Fisher, Detroit, Mich.;
R. Fulton Cutting. New York; Charles
P. Nelll. New York; W. L. McKenrle
King, New York; James Mackaye, Boston.
Liner and Cruiser
Crash in the Downs
LONDON, Deo. ST. The steamship
tManttou of ths Atlantic Transport com
pany is undergoing repairs In Plymouth
sound as the result of a collision with a
warship in the Downs. One of the
patrolling cruisers desiring to examine
ths liner mora closely approached so near
In the darkness that a collision occurred.
Only ' good seamanship, . apparently,
averted a serious accident
SIOUX CITY, la., Dec. tT. Charles Pe
terson was shot to death tonight by Will
lam Flanagan In a saloon In the eastern
part of the city. Flanagan knocked Pe
terson down and fired three shots at him
while he was lying prostrate on ths floor.
Two bullets entered his abdomen and he
died on the way, to the hospital. The
shooting waa the result of a quarrel on
Christmas day. Both men are laborers. ""
Taxi Plunges Twenty
Feet Down; Kills One
NEW TORK, Dec. 17.-A taxlcab con
taining three men tonight tore through
the Iron fence which separates the Long
Island railroad tracks from the roadway
of Atlantic avenue In Brooklyn-and fell
twenty feet into the path of a passenger
train. Tho machine was struck by the
train and Charles Robeck, 21 years, was
found dead In the wreckage, while Oeorge
Place, II. and Michael McManua, IS, were
seriously Injured. It Is thought tho
steering gear of the taxlcab was, defective.
Train Disappears.
Hill's scouts reported tonight the train
bearing Maytorcna's ' army had disap
peared. The railroad leads to Nogalea
and to Cananca, and. the scouts did not
learn which of the two towns was May
torena's objective.
Detachments of Hill's men visited
Maytorena's vacated trenches and
returned tonight with considerable aro-
smunltion and a few rifles. Twenty-one
cases of cartridges are said to have
been found at one outpost. The unburled
were reported lying all along the line
that had been occupied by Maytorena.
In one spot Hill said hla .men -found 13
bodies; at another, eeventy-elght The
total. loss of the Carranza garrison dur
ing the siege was placed at 185 by General
Hill tonight. . Maytorena's total loss was
figured at 800.
Ballets Over the Border.
.On the Ameilcan side stray bullets from
the Mexican fighting lines killed five and
wounded forty-seven. Bullets by the
thousand flew over the boundary into
American territory during the siege,
which began October 10, 1914. I
The removal of Maytorena's army ful- J
fills an announcement made by Mayto- i
rena after his conference Thursday with
Oeneral Hugh L. Scott, chief-of-staff of
the United States army, who came here
In an effort to stop permanently fighting
at border points where bullets endangered
American lives and property.
Niagara and Hudson ts., Buffalo. N.Y.
Send free trial of your method to:
Armored Autos to
' Chase Seattle Yeggs
SEATTLE, Wash., Deo. ST. In an ef
fort to stop increasing activity of high
waymen and safe blowers. Chief of Po
lice Louis Lang ordered tonight six auto
mobiles equipped with shotguns for Use
In chasing fleeing criminals. The order Is
the direct result of an Ineffective pistol
battle Thursday morning between two
safe blowers and a squad of policemen.
The fugitives were wounded, but! the
bullets failed to stop the men and they
are still at liberty.
"sWssJSsszjsHS .-aiwi"
Beer You
Brewed aad
Bottled by
Mercantile Co.
raone Dong, lege
Culls from the Wire
Notices announcing a resumption of
full time In all departments were posted
In the factories of the W. H. MElwain
Shoe Manufacturing wmpany at Man
chester, N. H. Beven thousand employee
In the local shops will be affected. Only
lart of the plant: has been running re
cently, and not on full time. .
Foot and mouth disease la held re
sponsible for a decrease from last year
of il,000,000 In the value of live stock
received during 114 at the Chicago Union
Stock Yards, the largest in the world,
according to a report by the Union Stock
Yards and transit company, which
handled all the animals. The shipments
totalled 14,09u,CO head, worth nearly
Captain John Wickllff Kitchell, philan
thropist, civil war veteran and a friend,
of Abraham Lincoln, died at 'Pane, 111.,
aged 79 years. Business will be suspended
during his funeral as a mark of respect.
Captain Kitchell donated the city park,
state agricultural experiment station
Lincoln monument and contributed lib
erally to many other state Institutions.
He left an eBtate estimated at tl.OOO.OuO.
A truok driver, who declares he saw
the shooting of Bainet Baft, wealthy
enemy of the so-called poultry ring, who
waa murdered in New York last month,
was an Important witness brought for
ward by the investigator or tne crime.
The new witness, whoso name is Sulli
van, but whose full name was withheld
by the authorities declares he can iden
tify the murderers of the poultry dealer.
It was said that District Attorney
Whitman is relying upon Sulllvan'a teetl-
PARIS, Dec. 2T.-Tho French War ds
pertinent, which la still In Bordeaux, will
return to Paris January T.
COAL HILL LlTMPIllinoU $0.00
' 211 South 19th. Tel. Doug. 978.
Mrs. Vins!ows Soothing Syrup
R0MH. fiec, 17. Tha laughter bora to
the sine ana queen of Italy Saturday
will be named Maria, It Is announced.
It is expected that as a sign ef rejoicing ,
over the birth of ths princess amnesty
ill he created to a number of prison- 1
ers, including those rondemnd for. par
ticipation in the revolutionary movement
last June and othera not accused of or
dinary crimes.
Ws are showing
in sseeptlonally
large and , fine
issortment ef La
Vellieres for
Holiday present.
Loft I a Parfaetlon
Diamond Ring .
This exqutslts Dia
mond King- stand
alone aa the most
parfect and popular
ring ever produueaV
T ci n 3 1 1 B r i Mirk -m
f V J I A U Ilium.. l
HOSTS. Dee. ST. None ef the powers
have protested against ths Italian occu
pation of Avlona, Albania, and tha hone
Is tspressed by many here that no com
plications will arise whlih will force
Italy te abandon neutrality.
TO cvnm rein ta hat
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableta
Druggists refund the money If It fails
ta cure. E. W drove's signature Is oa
each box. It cents.
Oralal Island Is Ceded.
rKTRiiRAD, Ic. r. The Russian
govrn:nit has authorised tlie official
news a-n y to dvny in the most tale
anneal iiiNiiner the latm-itt Urn I Hus
si ha ri di d to Japan halt the island uf
Nil -La VaKiere.
Saa solid gold,
tenuis oaya cca
is', jsarl ea4aat,
tot Diamond: coca.
lark rkaia.... 19
U a MsaUs
(M-Ladi1 tHaataad
King, 14k SOJ14 solil.
Lofui "Perlcc- Bfl
0 a Menu
Saealal Bargain
m-Solid Gold Lacket.
Koae eawa, apace tot
two pictuit. ha 1
Our enormous Christina!
sales bava left mauy broken
lines In Diamonds, Watches,
Jewelry, Silverware, etc., which
we have placed oa sale durini
Holiday week at greatly reduc
ed prices. Now is the time tc
buy a handsome Diamond Ring
8tud, Ear Screws, Brooch. La
Valllere, Pendant, Bracelet,
Watch, Wrist-Watch. Chain,
Charm, etc.
. Many persons, unable to darlda
Just what Christmas prnseut
would give the greatest pleasure,
luaJie a present of money. Tlie
recipient usually desires to Invent
tlie amount In some article ot real
worth. To such we suggeat the
purchase of a fine Diamond, If
four gift of money la not suf
iclent to cover the entire amount,
vou rui make first Daynxent and
' balance can be paid monthly.
Diamond Rings
J M n'i Diamond
King, prong Tooth
mounting, lk SOS
solid gold 3a
tM a Meath
, M.. a
Sc.rl Pia, aolid
geld, Engli.h nnUh
-6aD.a. j I ft
aiond m '
it a Meath
7SS Ladies'
King, solid
U a Meath
rtuita, ha Dii.
in Star if
in. Special. I"
II a Meat
nn"i?ns nsiionni CREDIT JEWELERS
JJ Li li II Mala City ITatloaal Beak Blook, Ot . lata
1 j nnAC e ff -, r- araey Sta, Osaaha,
7t Uea's Ring, Flat
belcher, half (rayed,
14k solid cold. .15
due Diamond ,J
HM Meath
St Diamond-Set
lie pass, J
Opposite argese-sTash Bepartsasat Btere.
raese Douglas 1444 and Oa
aleeuaaa Will Call.
Call or Write (or Catalog No. 101
Open Every Evening
ffollday Week and Kew Yitr'f
Devoted to trlot: Clean. Classy
TWICE DAILYwc Mat. Today
Introducing tbe Biggest Surprise
Novelty Urn 8ea oa Any
Omaha Stage.
New Year's Day 3:00
cocpei'j GYPSY MAIDS
Aad livery One of Them an Konest-to-Ooodness
fortune Teller.
TOM "dMUrlE" McAE gt
Including Belle Mailette James
Dixon, XjoHIs Blackford, Murray
Karris, Vaany St, Clair, SI J safes,
Jennie Boss.
r f
Dfnr Reader:
The, tiirpir VaJae are set the kla
to cauae you to lock us yeur kide aod
valuable they'll steel only your heart.
I auppoee you'll wtan your friend
t'Heppr New Year" at our Extra Mid
night Show iartlas at 11 Thura,
siflit. TMre'll b aomelhln' Sola'
wuaa th elork atrlka 11, believe ma.
K. U JOHNSON, Mgr. Oayety.
Bvealage, Snaaey Holiday stats.
I60, a So, soe end Too
VMATl 15ciRd25l 7
Chew I' re like, ket a anaatog
Babv Carriage Oarage in the Lobby
w-. i,i (mill- wt ,..g.
U.lly Matinee. 1 It: Night. I ll
I BAT AanjBI.S I -
I Edita i-yis a Co. llrctu, Mlt
and Ue Hoi. Harry DeOoe. orphan Travel
Weekly. Price. MaU. gallery, 1 :: beet seal
til. aad Sua.) night. 10c. IK, I. Jic
Tonight, atats. Wed., rrt. Sat.
The Boyd Theater Stock Oo.
With Prof. Chambers' FnjHleV
ClnrXBBIIVA. Tuesday, Sooiaty
Might. Mrs. Benlaa Dala Varaer
la Sea's Betweea Aota.
1 JTrloea feoo and 50s 1