Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1914, Page 6, Image 6
T1IK 1U;K: OMAHA. FiflDAY, DKCKMHKIt 1!U4. THE, OMAHA DAILY DEE FOUNDED BT EDWARD RQ8KVATER. VICTOR ROSEWATEK, EDITOR. The Be Publishing Company, Proprietor. FEB BCILDINO. TARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Entr4 at Omaha poetofflce second-class matter. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. ' Rjr csrrler Br mail per month, ptr mt. an. Sundev... ... I uo rliy without Sunday....' e 4 W FVsnlng and ftinriajr 4"n on Evening without Sunday too .. 4.00 Sunday Bee y a 1 00 Pend notice of ehsng tf address or complaints of Irregularity Is telftary to Omaha Dee. Circulation Department. REMITTANCE. Ftmlt hv draft, press or postal order. Only two rent (tamps received In paynjant of small as rountt I'moul checks, except on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted. omcis. Omaha -Tha Boa Building -out h Omaha N street. Council Bluffa 14 North Main Street. Lincoln Lmla Bulldlnr. Chicago 01 Hearst Bul'tllrg New York Room lin, PI Firth evsnn, St Lnuls M New Bank of Commeree. Washington TS Fxnirteenth Bt., N. W. CORRE8PONDENCB. Address pommanlratloaa relating to tiawa and edi torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. NOVEMBER CIRCULATION. 52,531 State of Ntbrasks. County of Douglas, (a. Dwlght William, circulation mmiaaer of The Bea Publishing company, he I nit duly sworn, says that the average dally circulation fur the month of No vember, 114, waa I2.A31. DWIOHT WIL1AMS, Clriulatlon Manager. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before me, thli 7th day of December, 114. ROBERT HUNTER. : -tary Public Hutwwrlbers leaving the city temporarily ahould have The Uce mailed to them. Ad dress will be changed as often as requested. Merry Christina to all. In time of war prepare for peace. Tbe bouse baa decided to continue taking Its "morning's morning." King Albert of Belgium Is not a bad news paper reporter, at that. Be sure and keep a "safety-ftrst" sign on tbe tree until every danger spot la past. Speaking of the law's delays, tardy Justice is bad enought, but uncertain justice Is -worse. Secretary Bryan and Senator Hitchcock are for universal peace except between ourselves. "Do you believe the boot will ever come back?" someone asks. No, too much kicking as it Is. "Let the people think" ought to make equally as good a popular slogan aa "Let the people rule." At least it is too late to do your Christmas hopping early unless yoti start right away for next Christinas. Between floods and ttray bullets,, our sol diers on the Artxona border most be hiving 'a tough time of It. The letter carriers and. the postofflce clerk are entitled to special credit marks as Santa's indispenslble right-hand man. Still, the advent of Christmas r.liould not mark the end of your efforts to help the tin fortunate by practical charity. Scrvla Rafuaea to Treat -wlthf Austria,-Headline From all accounts, they seem to have been treating with the Austrlans rather actively of late. t t Our Congressman Loberk Is coming home to spend the holidays, having been away from home for lo, these two weeks past. Great home man. It would seem that the poetical. plti iu are not for tbe Nebraska faithful -this .year at least not for those In disfavor with the honor able secretary of state. A city ordinance requires property owners to Veep thfr aidewalka cleaned of anow and the police are expected to enforce the ordinances. A word to the wise Is sufficient. The Germans announce that they hold French territory valued at two billions of dol lars. Yes. but that la an asset rather difficult to. market under present conditions. Ex-Congressman Shallenberger is chautalk lug In Pennsylvania. That's far'enough away from home to find an occasional audience that ha not heard those laush-provoklng stories of ls. No charge for thla free ad- After all, what a lot of rot and nonsense creeps into a public debate of the liquor ques tion from both sides, as wttnesa some of the foolish utterances on the floor of the house whea the Hobsoo resolution came up, and Mr. Under wood contributed his share. - 11 4k aaV 7 Christmas day was duly celehratad by tba various churches. At BC Phlloraana'a Blehop O'Connor eel, brated high maas aaalstad by Fathaaa McOj-Mh. Murphy, and an elaborate musical program was , rendered, under O. F. Meyer, organist; VlUa Fanma Arnold, choir leader, and prof, llorrm-m ,r-h...,. leader. Trinity aJa bad aa extraordinary musical program provided by J. IQdiauact Butler. organist, s.o4 Thomaa J. Pennell, choirmaster. Tba amusement bUl at Boyd's was n.nel Tom's Cabin" by the Boatoa double company with twa "I'nola Tom's" two "Eva a." two Mark s" and two donkeys. Mrs. Bells Durtsux held tha lucky aumber which ' draw tha priio dressing case raffled off at O. W. taxes drug store Mrs. 6. P. Mora has arrived horn from Ns York A-reatly Improved la health. XV. O. Shrivar of Baal at Bhrlver U eating Christ pas dinner with Dr. ahriver of Qlanwaod. Ia. Emit Burmaistar, son of E. Burroetster. Is boma jiora cotiege to spend Christmas with bis parents. G. A. Brewer, the wU knows banking man of 1 aJthnure. has ate pled a poeltloo In tba Omaha Na- Christmas. ChrlMiiins with Its ppare on eiirth. Rood will to men. rninlng amid tbe mogt terrible of wars, deepens the contrast between Its own spirit and conditions of the day and finds many men pro claiming the breakdown of civilization Yet If we witness more want and woe we see also more philanthropy to relieve it and more service for the spirit of Christmas than ever. This Is not the only time Christmas has caught the old world off Its guard. According to secular and sacred history, the first Christmas damned amid conditions unspeakably worse than any existing today. Civilisation seated at Rome, never more vaunting In Its achievements, was corrupt to the core, rerklnr; in tbe vilest forms of vice and crime. Civilization may have halted, certainly has cgreglously blundered, but has not broken down. What student of history with faith in the future denies that civilization will emerge from this Eu ropean eclipse wiser If not ntrongc-r for Its chas tening experience? We look back a half century In the life of our own republic to a day when clouds of doubt overshadowed the promise of America. Then It was more than nation against nation It wan state aRalnst state, brother against brother, father against son. But the prin ciple at stake was fought out, the war ended, the union was saved and the nation came forth from the crucible mightier and more compact. Civilization has survived and will survive the severest tests. World-wide sro the effects of this war and universal the demand for mercy. But mercy has caught the call and flunp back the response. Never have men and notions more eagerly and extensively taken up the work of humanity. The world moves toward the Ideals of Sinai and the sermon on the mount, despite all setbacks and obstacles. It recognizes the fundamental principles of peace and brotherly love. Neutral nations de plore and condemn the war, belligerents apolo gize for It. The message of Christmas lives and strives to overcome the baser influence. "I am my brother's keeper," shout millions, who are at this moment offering up their most cherished sacrifices to the dictum that "pure religion and nndefiled before Cod and the Father Is this, to visit the fatherless and widows In therl afflic tion." With the Christmas reminder, men may not shut their eyes to all this altruism, even though dazed by the awful spectacle of war. Patronage Fight Just Getting Good. To a man up a tree, the democratic patron age deadlock in Nebraska looks as If It were Just beginning to get good. Nebraska democrats are fortunate, or un fortunate, In having two distinguished and over weenlngly ambitious leaders occupying high pub lic office, and heading bitterly opposed fac tional foliowlngs; As a consequence we have senatorial courtey drawn up In battle array against cabinet comity. Through the president, the secretary can ap point, but cannot confirm, while the senator can reject, but cannot enforce his recommenda tions. For positions usually conferred as special rewards for party service, the senator has taken particular pains' to urge only men known to be personally distasteful to the secretary in fact, It would take a microscopic search to find any democrats In Nebraska mors odiously objection able, or whose proferment would bo more hu miliating, to the secretary. Instead of being In vitations to compromise, the senatorial recom mendations for the most part look more like studied Insults to the secretary of state, and there are no signs yet of surrender on either side. , . ( If it is to be a fight to the finish, we speak for front seats In the spectators' gallery. ' One Mark of Civilized Warfare. Without n formal armistice, the opposing hosts of Europe have planned, each to itself, to obxerve Christmas day by resting arms, and re fraining from battle, thus giving one mark at least of civilized wurfare as contracted with the conflicts of (savagery. By no means do all the combatants called .Into the field profess a re ligion which mokes Christmas their recognized holiday, hut despite the divergent religious creeds, they all seem to accord a generous tol erence to the faith of their comrades. In what other war, which history records, can be found a similar voluntary truce respecting a religious festival and its celebration? While so-called civilised warfare may be as relentless as un civilized warfare iu the destruction of life and property, we have here one limit which It sets for ltsulf to heed without overstepping. Industrial Peace. We want peace In American Industry, but we di not want peace at any price. We want peace to rest on thane primal rights that are the baMc reason fur government. A settlement on any other than the happiness and rights of the man I will always pro test. Prank P. Walch, chairman of the fetferal com mission on Industrial relations. And every sober-thinking; man with fixed opinions on the subject will agree with Mr. Walsh. Industry and government are so co related in human affairs that they must rest upon the same principles of justice or they will not rest at all. A basic principle of free gov ernment implies a sense of mutual interest and Inseparable welfare. This same rule must gov ern relations In Industry where success and pros perity rests entirely on the point of mutual In terest. Two of the most notable obstacles to indus trial peace today, aside from the abstract lack of mutual confidences, are the absentee control of big Interests on the one hand and the self-seeking walking delegate, or paid agitator, on the other. Fortunately the menace of both have been brought forcibly to the attention of this com mission and will be specifically dealt with In Its report to congress. Surely enough economic power and resources have been wasted In this country on fool devices that keep labor and capital constantly estranged and make distrustful enemies Instead of mutual friends of employer and employe, to be ready for a sane rearrangement of tbe whole industrial system. But let no one be so simple aa to sup pose that the mtlleunlum Is to come in a day, or a year, even after this commission completes Its Investigation and ktibmits its findings to con gress, but all the indications point to steady progress in the right direction. Old-Time Christmas Dinner The Christmas Muse A l east Won b W hile. The following account, somewhat abridged, of th banquet served by the squire In the old aneentrnl hall Is taken from Washington Irving' "flketch Book:" The dinner was served up In the great hall, where ' the pi til re. always held Ms Christmas banquet. A 1 hnrlnr, crackling fire of logs had been heaped on M j warm the spacious apartment and the flame went sparkling and wreathing tip the wide-mouthed chim ney. The greet picture of the crusader and hie white j horse had been profusely decorated with greens for 1 the occasion and holly and ivy had likewise been wreathed round the helmet and weapons on the oppo site wall, which I understood were the arms of the same warrior. I must own, by the way, I had strong doubts about the authenticity of the painting snj armor as having belonged to the crusader, they cer tainty having the stamp of more recent days: but I wss told that the painting bad been so considered time out of mind; and that as to the armor It had been found In a lumber room and elevated to Its present situation by the squire, who at once deter mined It to be the armor of the family hero; and ns he was absolute authority on all such subjects In his own household the matter had passed Into current acceptation. (iergeeat Display of Plate. A sideboard was set out Just under the chlvalrlc trophy, on which was a display of plate that might have vied st lesst In variety) with Belshaszar's parade of the vessels of the temple; "flagons, cans, cups, beskers, goblets., basins and ewers," the gorgeous utensils nf good companionship that had gradually accumulated through many generations of Jovlil housekeepers, liefore these stood two Yule cand'es, heninlng like two stars of the first magnitude; other lights were distributed In branches like a firmament of silver. We were ushe red Into this banqueting scene with the sound of minstrelsy, the Old harper being seated on a stool beside the fireplace and twanging kls In strument with a vast deal more power than melody. Never did Christmas hoard display a more goodly and gracious assemblage of countenance; those who were not handnome were at least happy, and happi ness Is a rare Improver of your hard favored visage. I always consider an old English family as well worth studying as a collection of Holbein's portraits or Albert Durcr's prints. There Is much antiquarian lore to bo acquired, much knowledge of the physi ognomies of former times. Perhaps It may be from having continually before their eyes those rows of old family portraits, with which the mansions of this country are stocked; certain It Is that the quaint fea tures of antiquity are often most faithfully perpetu ated In these lines, and I hsv traced an old family nose through a whole picture gallery, legitimately handed down from generation to generation, almost from the time of the conquest. Something of the kind was to bo observed In the worthy company around me. The table wss literally loaded with good cheer, and presented an epitome of country abundance tn this season of overflowing larders. A distinguished post was allotted to "ancient sirloin," as mine host termed It, being, as he added, "the standard of old English hospitality and a joint of goodly presence and full of expectations." There were several dishes quaintly decorated, and which had evidently some thing traditional In their embellishments, but about whch, as I did not like to appear over curious, I asked no questions. The Wassail IIaotI. When the cloth was removed the butler brought In a huge allver vessel of rare and curious workman ship, which he plnced before the squire. Its appear mice was hsiled with acclamation, being the wassail bowl, so renowed In Christmas festivity. The content 3 had been prepared by the squire himself: for It was a beverage In the skillful mixture of which he pc-'""-larly prided himself, alleging that It was too abstruse and complex for the comprehension of an ordinary servant. It was a potation, Indeed, that might well make the heart of a toper leap within him, being com posed of the richest and raciest wines, highly spiced and sweetened, with roasted apples bobbing about the surface. The old gentleman's countenance beamed with a serene look of Indwelling delight as he stirred this mighty howl. Having raised It to his lips, with a hearty wish of a "Merry Christmas to all present, he sent It brimming round the board, for every one to follow his example, according to the primitive stylo, pronouncing It "the ancient fountain of good feel'nn, whero all hearts met together." 1 1 Thoughts of the Day Safety first requires asbestos whiskers for amatour Hants Chins. Red Cross stickers stick Just as well tomorrow 11 yesterday, ami do good any old time. If you can't pour out vocally rondos of happy sons, pour out something or get a machine. Neer look the price tag in the face. It is not in? quality but tbe spirit of the gift that counts. The true Christmas spirit is that which moves men's hearts to higher resolves for better living. Consider the weird shapes that rock unbidden in the glow of the morning after, and be wise before. Owing to clreumstsncei beyond their control th promised Christmas visits of foreign royalty to Paris and Berlin have been Indefinitely postponed. Hearts attuned to sympathy might send a trob or two to Nebraska's democratic faithful whose Christ mas socks failed to connect with the political Santa Claus. Do not repine because th day happens to be one of the shortest In the year. There are twenty-four hours In It just the same, and joy bubbles just as w:1 under the gleams of the Masda. "Under the mistletoe!" How pleasant It sound: What strings of rominc It conceals! But discretion Is needed as well as chivalry to Imprint the message Watch out for peeping eyes. Two Is jolly company; three may be a mob. Whit disposed to hid from th left hand what the right hand does, ss a nation w may point with prllo to th fact that $10,000,008 worth of food has been sent from the United State to the Belgians. Your Uncle Samuel Is the emperor f good fellows. More Impressive than any Christmas message sent to war-torn land waa th Christmas Ship and the goods It carried to soldier' children. It waa the visi ble embodiment of Uncle Sam In the role of Santa Claus. He looked the part, acted the part and filled the part In a way to make good old St. Nicholas scream with Joy. Above all other nationalities the American whose heurt Is In the right spot has the best of reasons for hearing and heeding the Christmas message this year. Beyond the nation's boundaries neighbors are gripped In deadly strife, countless homes are destroyed, their occupants scattered, orphans multiplied, and millions dependent on the world's charity. Her peace and good will abide. Back of th hands extending succor to the unfortunste are hearts throbbing with thank fulness for the joy of living in Qod's country. People and Events Those electric lighted Christmas trees fur nish another argument for lower lighting rates. Cheer up! It is enly 11 day to the opening of the base ball season. Whin doctor disagree, who will decide what la "a state of preparedness?" lion't let your left hand know what your right Is duinti lu behalf of the worthy poor Christmas boxes know no law, not even th law eu,ulrtng a statemtnt of the content oa the label. A New Jersey bachelor, scoffing to his last hrmtli. left a will In which he offered prise of $M to any woman who could prove she was his widow, to by the board. 'Chicago manufacturers are going to send 4S.000 pairs of trousers to the rreiuh army. No the insktrs ar not members of a donation parly. It s business on a cash basis. , Three Christmas riaa&li-s. A eft as comes the ChrWmss time I tisd su-iiln, in proee or rhyme. Three 1 lulcs old of Christmas mirth OT rherr. Of varied measase, apt, sublime, One told In pro.-e snd two In chime Of verse that, like the holly, crowns the yesr. The flrt of these In time and place. Most fit the ChrlMmas eve to ursce. Is youthful Milton's wondrous Christmas Hymn. Wherein his genius dared to trace The mysteries of time and spare. And soared a on the wings of cherubim. And then I srhKlly turn to scan On m. kene' ps:?e the miser mnn, Old fti-rooKc, with heart like London s paving tone. Till Msnv's ghost, that for a span On Christmas eve escaped the ban Of drcndful h 0111, had shown to Scrooge Ms own. But when the Christmas spirits three, Th Past, the Present, the To He, To Scrooge had shown their visions, made them clear. No longer miser Scrooge was he, Hut went about most Joyfully With Christmas in his heart throughout the year. And Inst I turn araln to rhyme. By children loved at Christmas time. Anil read "A Visit from St. Nicholas." Agsln I hesr his reindeer climb The snowy roof, with silvery chime Of bells that soft upon the midnight pass. O poet-sers! Fo may you lonir In magic prose snl Christmas song Still tell the stury of the world's great night: And msv your visions fair prolong Their charm till from the earth ill wrong is banished by the Christmns spirit br,BM- H. D. SUDDUTH. Christmas Carols. (First line of nine carols Included.) It came upon the midnight clear. In the little town of Bethlehem. While shepherds watched their flocks by night. A star appeared to them. Calm on the listening ear of night, Mark, hear the angels sing; Hark, what mean those holy voices? Glory to the new-born king. Angels from the realms of glory. Sing, O sing, this blessed morn, Once In royal David's city. The Prince of Peace was bom. Omaha. -"BEIA.VIEW." A Boy at Christmas. Edgar A. Guest. In Judge. If I could have my wish tonight. It would not be for wenlth or fame, It would not be for some delight that men who live In luxury cUim; But it would be that I might rise at 3 or t a. m.. to see, With eager, happy, boyish eyes, my pres ents on the Christmas tree. Throughout this world there U no Joy, I know now I am growing gray, So rich as being lust a boy, a little boy Christmas day. I'd like once morn to stand and gaxe en raptured on a tinseled tree. With eyes that know just how to blaze, a heart still tuned to ecstacy; I'd like to feel the old delight, the surg ing thrills within me come; To love a thin with all my might, to grasp the pleasure of a drum; To know the meaning of a toy a mean ing lost to minds blase; To be Just once again a boy, a little boy on Christmas day. 1 I'd like to see a pair of skates the way they looked to me back then. Before I'd turned from boyhood's gates and marched Into the world of men; I'd like to see a jackknlfe, too. with those same eager, dancing eyes That couldn't fault or blemish view; Td llko to feel the same surprise. The pleasure, free from all alloy, that has forever passed away. When I was Just a little boy and had my faith in Christmas day. Oh. little, laughing, roguish Isd! the king that rules across the sea Would give his scepter If he had such joy as now belongs to thee! And beards of irrny would give their gold and all the honors they possess Once more within their grasp to hold thy present fee of happiness. Earth sends no greater, surer Joy, as, too soon, thou, as I. shall say, Than that of his who is a boy, a little boy on Christmas day. A Question ( Faith. Ted Rohlnon In Cleveland Tlalri Dealer. "lo you believe In Santa Onus?" Why, yes of course I do; Your question Isn't sensible and. fur ther, isn't new, My answer Isn't, either. Hut unless you're more than dense , You know that bromides may contain a lot of common sense. As long as children long for him, as long as artists draw him, I do believe In Santa Claus, although I never saw him. I never aaw thla cruel wind that shivers me and shakes me I never saw a Tariff Law but see how poor it make met I never saw a purple cow-but I've a friend that haa; (Ho saw that and a snake, which put him right on the Paszazs.) I never nursed a young gasell I never hope to nurse one But this I know, that anyhow I'd rather nurse than curse one. I never saw the gentle Muse that dally doth Inspire me; I've never seen The Boss and yet he's liable to fire me! I've not aeen Prexle Wilson but that Isn't any cause That he ahould not believe lu me, nor I In Santa Claus! Pass It Oa. If some trinket you've been given. Pass It on: Make some other's life worth llvln' Pass It on; To not keep It In the garret. Take it from your trunk and air It Maybe some poor soul would wear it. Pas It on. If a laundry list you're hoarding, Pass it on; To some kind soul where you're boarding. Pass It on; Brush from it the flecks of grime, Mske It truly serve Its time, It has cost some one a dime, Pass It on. Tho It's but a hair-receiver, Pass It on: She worked on It Ilk beaver. Pasa It on; Perhaps your hair' all been received. Ami that fact your soul baa grieved. Don't waste time In being peeved Pass It on. BAYOLA. NE TRELE. Christmas Message Charles Pickens: Look on the merry faces of your children Cf you have any) aa they sit round the fir. One little seat may be empty; one alight form that glad dened th father's heart, and roused the mother's pride to look upon, may not be there. Dwell not upon the past: think not that one short year ago, th fair child now resolving into dust, sat before you, with the bloom of health upon its cheek, and the gayety of Infancy In Its Joyous ey. Hedect upon your present blessings of which every man has many not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. Kill your glass again, with a merry face and contented heart. Our lift on It. but your Christmas shall be merry, and your new year happy 00. CHRISTMAS CHEER. "Is Plifglns learning to dance?" "No He says he a too young." "Why, h s 4C." "Ves Bu he says he won t be rh-h, " """'i ' s' in mr iinririnq for at least ten year." H:Itlmore Amer ican. , tl'-e"'" Dr ri!"r" nJoy ' 'r l'rnc "No. He has to work so hnrd he doesn't rave time to enloy snvthlng. but Mrs. Plllers enjoys it." Birmingham Age Herald. "Teg," said Mr. Crowcher: "I like an early winter. I'd like to crowd the cold weather in so a.1 to get through with most of It before Janusrv." isn t that rushing things a little?" "Perhaps Hut 1 enn't help noticing that the lanltor seem more generous about turning on the steam along about Christ mas time." Washington Star. "Don't you think your boy is getting too old !' eniov a Christmas tree" sskeil the w.nmiii who Is always looking ; l"r a (ha:c to tell hi t news. "Well," r-M'Hed Mr. Wnrmliart, "maybe be is. Bi;t I'm not." Washington Star. , Mr. Mrthusal-h sighed wearily. 1 OBI S i"" Tl.HI' V n 'r mm i - In the Inst venra. she protested. "Tills servant question is getting on my nerve" Whereu ion she read of Joseph In bondage nnd grew envious Philadelphia, I-dgei'. "My bnsl-and ays he IflRht than eat Proves It rather would too." km in lift' i "lie alwavs spends the meal hnor 1 scrapping with the cook." Ixutsvllle 1 Couil r-Journal. fine nid von see w here a Judge In New -. . . . . . . . . 1 .... ,k. 1 ... 1 ora sa s trial ine nusiinim it mr controls the fnmllv finances? He Anv tlmetableg about the honoT She What do vou want them for? H, We're going right off to live there. Baltimore American. Rare Drugs and Chemicals For Prescription, Hospital and Technical Use The wonderful advancement that has been made within the last decade or two In pharmacy and chemit-try has naturally placed upon the market hundreds and thousands of new chemicals and pharma ceutics Is and special foods Tor infants and InvalldB. Our system In regard to stocking these articles has been and Is now an absolute fixed one. We place in stock EVKKYTHI(i In our line for which XY DEMAND exists even by Indirection. This policy enforced for 25 years by the Fame management In tbe conduct of our busl uens has been productive of the SIII.ttM.IV McCOVVEM. DKlCi NTOOK OF TODAY which -e are quite sure is the most complete stock of Drugs, Medl cine, P.annaceniticnl Preparations, Mineral Waters, Rubber Goods and Sick lioom Accessories to be found In the entire west. We especially solicit orders for ttare Drags and chemicals and believe we shall in almost every case find the most difficult pre scription an easy one for our prescription department. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Dealers in Rare Drugs and Chemicals. Corner Ifltli and IKtdge Streets Prescription Room Down Stairs. Corner 16th and Harney Street-1 Rescript ion Room In Rear, loyal Pharmacy, 207-0 North 10th St. Harvard Pharmacy, JMth and Farnam sts. EARLY CHRISTMAS DAY STREET CAR SERVICE First cars on the various lines as follows: FARXAM LIXF Leaves depot at 3:62 a. m. Dundee 4:20 a. m. 46th and Cuming Sts., 5:45 a. m. HARVEY LIVF Leaves depot 4:20 a. m. 33d and Parker, 4:45 a. m. 6th and Center, 6:20 a m. DODGE LIVE Leaves depot, 6:05 a. m. 80th and Spalding:, 6:35 a.m. PARK LIVE Leaves 24th and Ames Ave.. 5:05 a. m. Leaves 32d and Valley, 5:55 a. m. leaves 29th and Dupont, 5:50 a. m. Leaves Florence, 5:36 a.m. Leaves Kansas Ave., 6:30 a. m. SOUTH OMAnA LIXR Leaves 42d and Grand Ave., 6:20 a. m. Leaves 43d and "Q" Sts., 6:37 a. m. BEVSOX & ALBRIGHT LIVE Leaves Benson, 5:36 a. m. Leaves Albright, 6:25 a. m. WEST LEA VEX WORT II OXB Leaves School for Deaf, 6:32 a. m. Leaves Elmwood Park, 6:49 a. m. CROSSTOWX LIXE Leaves 24th and Cuming, 5:32 a. m. Leaves West 6t32 a. m. . ' : . .. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company CHRISTINAS GREETINGS To and still our those patrons who are to-be our pa trons we extend the genuine old-time wish which carries the fullest, truest meaning A Merry Christmas! Omaha Electric Light and Power Co. VL ah