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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1914)
THE ItKK: QMAILA, FiUDAV, DECEMBER 25, 191. Our Wisi io You A Merry Christmas THOMPSON. BELDEN & CO. FRENCH ADYANCE NEAR NORTH SEA I Paris War Office Telli of Success of Sapping Operations in the Danes. Cornell Boys in a Fox Trot Stunt GAINS MADE AT OTHER POINTS Atlarkji f Cifraua In Region llane and in ( hsanpagne Apr Rf pulsed flatteries on the Wfni tjenrral. French Families Make Sacrifices to Send Presents to Fathers and Sons PARIS, Dec. 24. Christmas at th front will b cheerful and comfortable as th love and self-denial of well-nigh every family In Franc can make It. 'ilia spirit of thote at home la not to tivo ! presents to ona another, but to unite and alve all to tha con. father or brother serving with tha flag. Many family In Prance probably will din meagerly tonight and tomorrow be cauae of the packages of soft woolen things and boxes of delicacies which have gons to the klnamen at the front Then there ax field glasses, wrist wgtebes, aleeplng bag and an amazing variety of cum palm convenlenrea. . The military admlnlatratlon haa been most eonalderat in providing transport ae that all thla monUi . numerou vana loaded with holiday package were among tha long supply tratna back of the army. Many a lone Bold tor without family hai received various package of thlnga to eat. wear, amok or drink from societies and from tha government The mtntitry of war, among other thlnga,. la ending a bottle of champagne for every four oldiera at th front. . ' All the plum pudding In tha ihop of Pari have len taken by the French military to end to th llrltlnh soldier. The Belgian refugee, especially the children, are being so overfed that Mm committee In charga of them have post poned by agreement various dinner and entertainment w u to extend them over th next ten day. King Albert of Belgium ha sent a box of twenty-five cigar to each of the Bel gian soldier. All tha hospital have srranged concerts, recitation and slere optlcon show tor convalescing soldiers. Th. American hospital I bright with holly' and mistletoe. Madame Folncare, wife of the president of France, ha sent 8,tU0 package of toy, candy and cloth ing to J.OOO Alsace-Lorraine children who live In the territories reconquered by France. Th French government I delivering great quantities of package from Ger many to prisoner of war. For tha moat part they are usoful things, like blankets, underwear and woolen sock. Similar do llverle. It I understood, will be made by the German authorities to French prisoner. I'AKIS. Dec. K.-Thn French o.'fMal bincnxnt given out this afternoon re cites a series of French successes of an- j I'un-m minor impnntnre irom me ses or. the north to the frontier of Alsace on the south. The location where Frtnrh troops have gained the advantage are given an along the L; In the region of the AJane; In Champagne, near Perthea; In the Argonne; In the forest of Apre mont, and near St. Die. Fog prevented fighting near Arras and Verdun, and there haa been artlllerr ac- ! tlvlty aoutheaat of Amiens, near Vllle- Kur-Tourbe, and In the forest of Apre mont The text of the communication follow: "From th sea to the Iye we made progress by sapping operations In th rttinos and we repulsed an attack In front of I,ombaertr.yde. At Zwartelen to the southeast of Tpres, we occupied a group of houses and we drove back aa far as the southern part of this village a coun ter attack of the enemy. This waa done In spite of a very spirited fire from the Oernian artillery. The Belgian army pushed forward cer tain detachment along the right bank of the Yser to the south of Dixmude and organised a defensive work protecting the head of a bridge. "In the region of Arra tha fog still made all operation Impossible. "To th east and to the aoutheaat of Amiens, especially In the suburb of Laulgny, there have been artillery ex. change. I "In the region of the Alsne the Zuaves. during all day yesterday, held back bril liantly a number of attacks. They re mained master at a point near the road to Pulslnlna of the German trenches oo cupled by u December IL "In Champagne we trengthened the CAPTURE OF LODZ -IS TURNING POINT IN JASTERN FIGHT (Continued from Pago One.) of this exploit, which a member of tha general staff characterised aa ona of the most brilliant of th war, waa Btrykow, ten mile to the northeast of Lods, Battle la Chare Yard. About tha same distance west of todx la locaUd tha little churchyard, of Beach lei, where the Russlaaa. In ona of th final passes of th struggle for Lodg, showed that In spite ef their defeats anil discouragements, they knew how to fight and die. . Thla church yard lla on small emlnenc which formed a aallent Into tha Qermaa line. "Th Germans war abl to make aa attack from three side with Infantry and arUUery. All tha Russia trenches were enfiladed by shrapmal from - on Urectton or another, but the Russian olung to their position obstinately: Whan tha German finally captured the trenches 878 Russian corpse war found In a space about eighty yard equsre. It waa realittanM r.f h I t.l.l. the German had to overcome to capture Lad. Tha Russians are again offering obstin ate resistant, a was learned today from Qermaa taff officer along th Bsure and Rawka rivers, on their position run ning north and south along a Una thirty to tbirty-flv mile west of Warsaw. A captured Russian officer, who apeak good German, said that what Impressed him and hi men most greatly waa th Pruaaian "Anprall" the silent advance of the German troops, tha assault by line after Una of dark figure moving toward tha Russian position like wavelet of a Hslng tide, their utter heedlessness of th RuaaJaa fir, which appeared to be wasted en them. They saw men fall, but th gape were filled up Instantly by other from the rear line and the advance kept on. All this gave the effect of some. 1tlln lOTMlatlkl- t V . r i ... . oome on and on d.m.. .11 .h... JE!T. i 1?d' who ha b" cted by the .. . . ' " 1 PO we r to rule Albania. FEW.CHANQES AT EITHER FRONT ON .CHRISTMAS EVE (Continued from Page One.) Rawka and Bsura river, to th east of Ixwtca, are reported to have cost the Invader heavy losses. Tha German are aid to have left on the field near Bklernlewlo more than LOW) dead. This wa only on of a serle of stubborn n gagement. Th German appear to bo feeling their way (or a weak point In tha Russian de fen, but the operation are mad more dlffioult owing to th swampy nature of the valley. Th determined German attack are reported to' have been made In tho center of tha entire front between Rawa and Opocano, on a line thirty mile east of Plotrkow. These clashes are believed to have been between the cavalry divisions whlah are protecting tha rUht German flank and tha left Austrian flank, and a strong Russian column advancing on Tomassow. 1 Two Russian second lieutenants and even privates made a bold dash for a blvouao of German artillerist, resting after a day's retreat near Sold a u. East Prussia, and captured a 10-oentlmeter mortar. Believing that they were at tacked In force, the German fled. The ftusslan hitched tin th Oerman horses nd towed the gun Into their own Unea. .Ss. 1 ly m$m ft r:: . 11 1,11 . - iiiim wp tmimJl R. A. DOYI.E AVD If 1. DAN:i SrECIAT.TV. ADAIR OF THE CORNELL GLEE CLUB IK H. J. Adair. 'Id. dreseed In the most daring of feminine finery, and R. A. Doyle. MS, tho gentlrman. will Interpret the Maxixe, tango, fox-trot and original modwrn dances as a special number at the concert to be given by the Cornell Glee, Banjo and Mandolin club for local charity at the Amnrlcan theater on Mon day evening. The tango, most famous of modern dances, was imported by Pari from th Rarbary coast in Ban Francisco, but 8an Francisco imported or stole it from the danoe ball In Chicago. When It reached Pari and gripped the attention of every body It wa accounted a famous Ameri can dance from the Argentine. But no body In . the Argentine state ever had een It performed In anything like th performance shown by the dancers In Chicago and Ban Francisco. But, after alL tha dance wa only an expression of hilarity. A such It appealed to tha gay Parlalennea and. nf enuru. u position taken by u In our advance of taken up Immediately by tha gay "cap. the night before in the region of Craonne , Itallsts" of Europe. It became fashion. and Rheima "In the vicinity of Perthea all the counter attacks of the enemy on the posi tions conquered by us December a were successfully repulsed. To the northwest of Mesnllenes-Hurlu we occupied Ger man trenches for a distance of 400 yard, and we drove back a counter attack. The Germans endeavored to take the of fensive In the direction of Vllla-flur-Tourbe. but our artillery dispersed then. "In th Argonne wo took possession of a piece of ground In the forest of La Orurie, and In tha vicinity of Bagatelle w repulsed a German attack. Coaster Attack, (kecked. "In the region of Verdun the prevalence of fog made Impossible the conduct of any operations of Importance. The enemy delivered a counter attack, but without success, in th forest of Consenvoye. "In the forest of Apremont our artillery demolished and caused tha enemy to evacuate several trenches In ths Woevre district the French artillery reduced cer tain Gorman batteries to silence. "In the region of Ban De Sopt, to th northeast of St Die, our Infantry ad vanced with a rush and established itself on the territory thu gained. "There I nothing to report from upper Asce. "Rusela-On the Bsura rlvP th Oer man have maintained themselves In two positions. On the contrary, at a point north of Bochacsew they ware driven back to th river which flow to th southwest of this town. Their ef forts to debouch from Bollmow resulted In failures. At ths present time th Ger man are essaying to cross th river Rawka to the aoutheaat of Bklernlewlce. "To the aouth of Raw, th German ar resisting stubbornly a pronounced Russian offensive movement, being de Itvered along the northern bank of the river PlUca." able la the best circle In England and America, to ay nothing of Canada. But wait until the cltie see the won derful figure cut by the foremost dan cing pair of the Cornell musical clubs. There Is nothing In tho terpslchorean art so far Interpreted that I not outdone by the two young men from Cornell Messrs. Adair and Doyle. These two youth are accounted the two best dancer ever turned out upon an unsuspecting public of debutantes. There is no dance with which they are unacquainted and there are several with which none are acquainted but they. They breath, eat, dream, read, exude, feci and acknowledge tha graces which gave Terpsichore a place In mythology. The two young men will dance when the grave close over them, according to the belief of their acquaintances. They have a brace of new dances with which the public never has been Inflicted. They do stunts which would make the most terpelchorlacal of terpslchorean turn enviously green, for, although one of them I dreaaed as a lady, h or ah is still a man, and possessed of all the agility and disregard of danger neeessary In the most modern of cabaret dances. WASHINGTON LAYS OFFFOR CHRISTMAS (Continued from Page One.) Palace ofEssad Pasha is Burning LONDON. Deo. J4.-A dispatch from Duraxxo, Albania, to ths Central Kiwi say that the palace of Essad Pasha at Tirana has bocn set on tire. Kssad Pasha, always prominent In Al banian "military and political circles, was I named provisional president following the tried them snap. terribly causing nerves tu Lda Qaletlr f!vaeaaled. The Russian evacuation of Lods was effected so quietly and was covered so well thst the German did not learn, of It Th next morning they found that the Russian troop has disappeared aa though they had vanished from the face of the aartlt. The usual Oerman night latrol Hid been seat out to keep In con tact with tha enemy, but the Russian threw a thin, but Impenetrable rreen before their front Major HoUeben battalion loat four at its most capable patrol leader. German officer say that volly firing I still customary with the Russians, where the German have eliminated It la favor of Individual firing. A large part of th population la busy Inr Itself In the Oernruui trenches, sal vaging the wood wbkn the German used for constructing their defence. Heavy fighting occurred at th town of Kontantlnow, ten mllea aouthweat of Lads. It Buffered mostly from artillery fir, the town being bora bared by both elde. I,!ttle wa left but naked wall. Th outer auburb of Ids suffered leas severely, and the city Itself, as far as xuld be ascertained, has not ben dam-aged- An efficient municipal administra tion) ha bee set up by th m.fltary au thorities, who hav inaugurated much needed sanitary measures. Including com I'Ulsory house cleaning. Eaaad Pasha was last reported as advancing on Scu tari, and It waa aald that he had pro claimed a holy war In Albania. Tirana, where his palace la located. Is about seventy miles south of Scutari. DEATH RECORD A lens. A. Walls. TABOR. la., Dec. S4.-8peolaJ ) The funeral of Alonto A. Watta waa hold Wedneaday at I o'clock p. m. In th Christian church. Rev. John Clark offi ciated. The deceased was over W ears of age. Ieath resulted from old age. ovsiuea nia widow deceased Is survived by two sona and one daughter, Albert v ana or ataryvl ic. mq.. and fi.r Watta of Tabor and Mr. John Evans of Thurman. Mra. Klurearr ( nrltaa. BINGHAMTON, X. y., ic. 't.-Mra. France Curtiaa of Erie, Pa., noveUat and former editor of Uood Housekeeping, died in a hospital her today. Throat aad Lang Treat) la Will cease to trouble you by the timely use of Dr. King' New Discovery;, sure relief. 80c and 1100. All druggl(.Ad-vertUHtncnt. GREAT CITIES MAKE MERRY ON THE EYE OFjCHRISTMAS DAY (Continued from Page One.) -Mast teart for tkleato. CUK-Ano IVe 34.-A nigh, tourt wl l establwhed i.r. Jay Af! tirinsitve vou- on the ,,ki mi taken by the muulclpai judge, mi, aiurnoon waa widely adopted this year and to a degree supplanted ths display of holly leaves and mistletoe boughs. glosr In Streets. BOSTON, Deo. 84.-A light anow fell, presaging a. white Christmas greeted the opening of holiday fesUvltlea tonight With the flakes floating about them, lit tle groups of men snd women sang carols In ths treats of Beacon Hill and other districts, while householders kept lighted candles at the windows. Another old custom revived today was tha sound ing of hyms by four trumpeters from tha baleony of the old state house. It waa estimated that nearly tO.030 per sons would be cared for by charity in one form or another. Tree la Slat Hons Yard. COLUMBUS, o.. Dec. :i-Wlth charit able organisations prepared to feed all who ar without funds, and a big Christ ma tree In th state house yard to top off th day. thla city tonight began cele brating a typical anowy holiday season. Offlosrs of ths different charity organ isations said that th number of bomeles and poor without fund I largtr than it haa been for several years it waa also asserted that contributions for th relief of the war sufferers hav cut In heavily on th customary donation of money to local charities. Would Trade Briton For Five Germans LONDON. Do. I4.-Effort recently were made officially, says ths Dally Tel egraph, to ascertain whether Germany would consent to an exchange of civilian prisoners Interned In England and Ger many. The newspaper adtle that Ger many's reply, juat received, demand that tha exchange be on a basts of the release of five Germans to one Englishman. "Germany maintains." tha newspaper declares, "that thla Is tha only equit aoie cams, as mere ar many more German prisoners In England than there ar Englishmen la Germany. It la need- leas to say that Great Britain declined the proposal." H want Ada Are the Beat Kualnesa Read Daily by PeoHe In Sesrch ef Ad tertistd Opportunities. taking advantage of tha last few hours to see to It personally that everything was In order for Christmas day. Little Annie Goth ran of Philadelphia, th presi dent's grand-niece. Is a White House a-uest for the holidays, and for the first time In year a large fir Christmas tree had been set up. Th president was to act as "Santa Claus." Many Greetings for President. The White House mall continued In ver Increasing volume today. Postmen bearing greeting for the president and presents tor members of th family war frequently In evidence at tha White House during the day. White Hons employe to tho number ef IS, Including clerk, domestics and po licemen, were happy today because tho president had presented each of them with a fifteen-pound turkey as a Christ mas gift. Distribution of the birds to White House employes la a long estab lished custom. All of th executive; department had arranged to close at noon for the holiday and the thousands of employe Jolneed In real Christmas celebrations. Wilson Gc Gojrtnsr. President Wilson went golfing early today despite a heavy snowstorm. Chil dren living along ths road he takes to ths golf club were made happy by tha arrival of an automobile filled with pres ents from the White' House. Th president hsd no callers scheduled during th remainder of th week and planned to go to the executive office as little as possible. With the exception of Secretary Garri son, who will spend Christmas at Atlan tis City, all th members of the cabinet will be here tomorrow. Th president ha exchanged gift with each of them. City against , Chicago, Burlington A Quinrv railway; traffic bureau of Houx City Commercial club and Council Bluffs Commercial clubs against Chicago & North Western Railway company. SUBMARINE RAIDS FRENCHJQUADROH Austrian Boat Attacks Fleet of Six teen Shipts in Otranto Channel. RESULT OF FRAY IS UNKNOWN Oallle Below-Sorfaee Croft Reported Sank hy 9b or Batteries, Ac cording to Word from Tirana. AMSTERDAM. Dee. U .-(Vis London.) An official telegram, received here today from Vienna, says: "The French submarine Curie was fired upon by our roa.t batteries without hav ing been able to deliver any attack. The members of its crew were Imprisoned. Attacks French gqnndron. "Our submarine No. 13, attacked on December 21, a French squadron composed of sixteen ships in the Otranto channel. The submarine twice' successfully tor pedoed two bnttleshlp of the Courbet type, but the consequent confusion among the hostile squadron, the dangerous proxi mity of some of the ships and the high sea running, rendered it Impossible for th submarine to establish with certainty the fste of the torpedoed ship." Con firm Vienna Report. WASHINGTON. Dec. 2t.-Forelgn office dispatches received tonight by the Austro Hungarlan embassy here confirmed the Vienna announcement of the submarine attack upon Frnnch battleshlpa In the Otranto channel, gtvlng the date as De cember 21, and told of the sinking of a hostile submarine by short batteries. The message added: ! In Oallcla and In Toland stubborn fighting continues with success for th Austro-Hungartan troop." Dsmsgt Only Slight. LONDON. Dec S4. (8:X7 p. m An of ficial statement given out In Paris today states that an Austrian submarine tor pedoed a French battleship In the Gulf of Otranto. The battleship was dam aged only slightly. No on was Injured. Statement from Paris. PARIS, Deo. H An official communi cation. Issued todsy by the French min ister of marine, saya: "An Austrian submarine fired two tor pedoes at a French armored cruiser In the Gulf of Otranto, one of them ex ploding forward. The damage done to the vessel was unimportant. None of the cruiser's crew was Injured. The Gulf of Otranto Is In the Adriatic at the southern end of Italy. 5 I We Wish You a$ mefmic Xw uvyuuo win ioiiiiui May the example of the One to Whom thia day i dedicated be more impreutively brought before ua than 8 8 3 a PS' ever before. a a George Afenagh E" J t Kf4 & The House of Menagh a. 7ft St or for Gentlewoman' Bae "Want Ad Produce Results. With Best Wishes to All for A MERRY CHRISTMAS SHERWOOD R. MAGEL IS' TRADED TO BOSTON BRAVES PHILADELPHIA. Deo. 24.herwoo4 R. Mage, th hard-hitting outfielder of the Philadelphia National league club. waa today traded to the Boston Na tionals for cash and some player. The deal was put through at a meeting held In New Torh today by President W. F. Baker of th Philadelphia club and Pres ident Gaffney of th Boston. WE ANNOUNCE Beginning Saturday, Dec. 26, Our Great Annual HALF PRICE SALE Women's and Children's Coats, Suits, Furs and Dresses and Tremendous Bargain Of ferings in Nearly All Stocks Previous-to-Inventory See Ad in Friday Papers for Particu lars and Prices Watch OurWindows. Closed All Day Friday '-Christmas HA YDEN BROS. f HYMENEAL Ferrell-Wllllama. FAIRBURT. Neb.. Dec. 2.-(Speclal.)-A quiet December wedding waa solemn ised at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. 8mlth Williams In this city when their daugh ter. Miss Halite, waa married to Edward Ferrell, also of this place. Rev. J, T. Parker of th Baptist church officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell left for Morahead. la., to apvnd the holiday with relatives. They will return to Fair bury and go to housekeeping. Th groom ha a position with the railroad her. Wilson-Webb. SAC CITT, la., Dec. M. - Special) Hiram L. Wilson and Mis Mary Jean netta Webb were married Thursday evening at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mra. A. E. Webb, six miles north of Sao Stty. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will be at home after March i on a farm owned by Mr. Webb and adjoin ing ths ons on which he resides. ladlceatlon and Weak taaaacas. Take Electric. Bitters; It gives appe tite, strengthens ths digestive organs, lessens the work of liver and kidneys. 60c and 11.04. All druggists. Advertise. ment. Uenartaaeat Orders. WASHINGTON. Dec. St.-8pclal Tel egram.) Nebraska postmasters appointed: llonowl, lioyd. county, Donald Helvey, vie K. It. IU, resigned: Palmyra. Otoe county, sitae Orpha Hall, a-lco Mrs. M. E. Seet; Rulo, Richardson county, Daniel B. Waggoner, vice C. J. Hubar. Pustmaatera reappointed In Kebmaka: Hallajn, Lanoasteranunty, V. J. Kovarla; Hickman, Lancaster couuty. Jama W. Jones. The Interstate Omnwret commission onler hearings to be held on February IS at Omaha, will be held in the fol lowing place: Traffic bureau agauiat Commercial clubof 6t. Loula and Atrh Ikoii. Kan.. KKalnat Chicugo North Weelern Railway company: department 01 irainc 01 couuunrcial club of You Ought to be in Fry' Shots Our illl Christmas Greetings an Good Cheer to Many Friends and Patrons Through out Nebraska. ,s&r Good Shoes at Lowest Prices 'SHOE-OQ IOCS A. DOUGLAS. A LETTER The following Is taken from a letter written by a prominent business man to TUB MIDWEST LIFE: Explaining why I am borrowing at this time on my policy will say that I bave quite an important business project on hand taking all of my available means for the next four or probably six months The other day in running over my re sources, I found that by calling on all of the companies In which I held pol icies, I could borrow about at this time. I mention all of this because It has shown me a new and valued use of an old line life Insurance policy. I have always been a believer In Insurance of this character, but I am more confirmed In It now than ever especially when I contrast it with my assessment policies, all of which bear no loan or redemtiim value." TheMidwestLife N. Z. SNELL. PlIRIDKNT A NEBRASKA STOCK COMPANY SEOIHC N0H-? ARTiaPATIHG LIFE IH5DTU5C! 0KLT FIRST NATIONAL MNK BU11PINC, LINCOLN. OMAKA AOENCV CITY NATIONAL BANK BUILDINg SINflAL AGENTS GI0KCI OROCgll, F A.HNNIT AND I.J.KIFSCISTIIN I Typewriters I For Ren t muj VH wiuuv .f $1 and Up Per Month t Central Typewriter Exchange Inc. 307-300 South 17th. j Phono Dong. 4121. " ' j 0 J l5 in COMMERCIAL ENGRAVERS PHOTOGRAPHERS ELECTROTYPERS All UNDER-ONE ROr OMAHA:DEE ENGRAVING 'DEM: OMAHA-NEDR. AMI'S EM EM TS. ORANDEIS TODAT, Mat., 3 T. at X vising, g:30 V. at. Also gat. and Iuil THU PHTHCI OF PIXBGV. With JOsTBT W. BAKSOBTB. Igatlne. 85o to 1 Evening, 60o to 91.50 est Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. mo a so to i.6o, Gala Matinee Wednesday BLUE BIRD Original Oompaay and Frsdoetloa. 14 Bit W t K BOYD Oougllt n Ti'nlgPt. Mat. Xmas. , Eat, J5c. Th Boyd Theater Stock Co. Th Woman In tho Caoo Price, as aad SOc Next Wk. Cinderella, loo Vaopl. Tuesday. Horlety Klarht. ICrs. Beniah Pale Turner la gongs Compi Our To Our Customers an etitors Christmas Merry Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. 1223 Nicholas St. DougU 530 J "OMASA'S TtTsT CXsTTBB, rAYOBiTB, MA1T RLNXtDY UotiHfY GIRLS RBS-M AUroor Club." TraeklM ef Atelaa." aatira ea Ollbart A ulll Opra, "I MlkaJo '. fljrlns gkanpoada la Koo.aarejr Bxvkaltt, Uaoe baaaet. , rotwta Artiu. bl Baaiv Caarea. Xaaa bay aiaUaee at O'e.eak Sun. and Wk.; "The liypsy Maid." Pfcea Sg. AOVmiD VACMTOII. Daily Matinee. t:li Nights, t il. TMa (.Taaa A JaaalM. BHuass A Mar- hll. Hrla MH l. LffSalL Ronn a, l.rU. Tat Mrea Cutoalal iMIiaa. kaAM 4, Kimwlii, Joa a Lmw c'oupar. Ofpaeaai laavai Price: MatiaM. sallarr. ISn: Wst In1 fim.i aiuiaar as SatUai, SVa, Nilgai, is. ft.