Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1914, Image 12
THE BEE: OMAHA. DECEMBER 1914. WANT ADS TOniVS COMPLETE MOVIK riUMiHAMH Fxcliisl-rly In The) lr. Want ads wHvk) at any time, but to tnsu proper classification mrt b pre- LTRIC THEATER nemed hetore 11 o clocg noon ror evening edition and 7 SO p. m. for morning and Ponday editions. Want ads received fter urh hour will he under the heading, Too Late to Classify." I CASH RATF.S Seven consecutive times, 1 cent word each Insertion. Three time within one week, 1H cent word earn Insertion. One time, J eonta a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive tlmea, I cent a line each Insertion Three time within one week, 10 centa line each Insertion. One time. i. rent a line. Count six averar wordi to a Una. Minimum charge. 20 renta. ntk. KIT VINTON FT. Th District Attorney Brother, i-reH Hold Peal MnilT Key, No. 4, t reel. Plow Hut Sure, Rex. Blighted Spaniard. PASTIME, 24TH A l.KAVKN WORTH Human Heart, t-reel Bagott. Imp. An advertisement Inserted to ne run un til discontinued rouiit be topred by srrlt tea order. All rlatma for errora tnvrt be made within fifteen dsy after the last Inser tion of the advertisement Too ran place your want ad In The Bee ey telephone TELEPHONE TYLER 100, Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of ithr answer have been railed for and delivered during the laat week. It Ix reasonable to uppoee that all of the people below have made the deal red swaps, toerffore do not call for the balance of their answer. Bee Want AAm , . Manila 1M1 ir,i3 1M7 Jf.30 1E.W 1544 1K4 Ibui li.i.7 1671 1671 lfcXo Vt li7 BC tri 211 ri li m t- m r tat 231 Ut tea sc. 2T M 6 tna no m 114 217 124 ii r M PA B.C. 1W X4 1.V0 laort l.T"7 1311 1X14 mi DM 1.-J7 i: U D44 11 13.4 sc. i a 1374 1378 M IM 18. l:4 14 J 14.15 lew 1407 14o8 1411 1413 1414 141 B.C. 1424 1428 1431 14:4 14-8 1441 144u 144 14i4 14i 14 14b 1479 1471 14HJ VENEZIA. 1211 SO. lTTIl 8T. Four reel of Mutual pictures West. MONROE THEATUIt 2.VJ. FARNAM. An Aomrlran Heiress. Ar'hur Johnaon. Ills Nemcals, 2-r. Kaletn tlleien HolmeB). Andy Falls In love, Edison comedy. Bra. oa. BENSON. fM6 MAIN. Special feature, Clara L. Rum ham a fe moua classic, "The ( ipoited Khutlera, In 4 parts, Herb Itawllnaon. Anna Little toanell Mlafta. FLITB NO. 1. 545 BROADWAY The Girl of the Open Rued. Edison dra. In the Hllla of Kentucky. 2-reel Lubln. The Athletic Family, Vltagraph comedy. nUi'F. R T 1 1 KATE R 6T7 BROADWAY. Master Key No. , 2-reel special aerial. Carmen'i Romance, Sterling comedy. For I Have Tolled. Nestor. oath) Omahn. PEPPR THEATER. 24TH AND N. Sunshine and Shadows, 2-reel Vita. dram. Saved hy Their Chee-lld, Rio. burl. melo. The Stenographer, lvllaon drama. MAOIC THEATER. 24TH AND O. Master Key No. 6, I-r. Laaa of Klll krankee 2 reel Victor. Fldo Dramatic Career, I Ko.. Hla Poetor'a Ordera. Jok. Veeevllle. ORPHEUM, 4TH AND N. Key atone featurea, featuring Chaa. Chaplin. ANNOUNCEMENTS CI1K1M1 MAS) BARGAINS. In Jewelry, Watchea, etc. Many ratla fled cuatomera. ORORH JEWELRY CO. The a'o'e with the reputation." 2WH N, Kth and 410 N. lth. DK4THI AID rtJNKEAl WOTICBS THE funeral of Emeat R Eltner wlU be held at Dodder'e chapel. Saturday, De cember 26. at lo a. ou Ftlenda Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha Mike and Eta Bell. 2027 Pierce, boy; Frank and Mary Bouiek. Halt Uoutn Seventh, boy; Hubert and Ida Oavin. 2X14 North Mnetenth avenue, girl; Alvln and . Oenevleve Gualalaon, 271b Sadler, boy; John A. and Anna Nelson, 244 Blnny, boy; F. and llaiel l'arker. M0 North Thirtieth, boy; Thomaa and Tina 1'an eblano. W2V. North Thirty-third, boy; Henry and LotUe Rlfley, 1112 Taylor, boy. Death John A. Dempatar T4 yaare. hoepllal; Charlea Peteraeo, M yeara, 71 North Sixteenth; Edith Tucker, 1 yeara, 4bJ7 Leavenworth; Anna WaUoa, U yeara, hoepltal. HARRIAQU LICENSES. License to wed have been granted the following couplea: Name and Realdence. Age. Outierd Krir.aon, Omaha Id Litn llalvln, Omaiia U William Parm, Omaha.- XI Mra. Agoea Baaa, Omaha..,. U William S. Metcalf, Omaha-- Mra. Myrtle Morgan, bloux City, la.... 17 Theodore L. I laden, Crete, Nab 9 Nina P. JJrlcker. Crete, Neb Charlea Hemphill, Omaha 11 Ollle Anderaon, Omaha 22 Iavld Mltner, Benaoa 10 Ooldia McCade, Hockford, la 21 Marlon R. Frlaler. Qlanwood, la 42 Maggie Treon, Olean, Mo 21 Charlea A. Jerome, Eaat Bt Louia, IU.. Irene Thomaa, BouUi Omaha. U Guy S. Courtright, Oawego, N. T 24 Emma Frahm, Oinaha U Robert E. Elliott, Omaha. over U Jennie E. ilarley, Ontaba over 11 OKT a V. M. C. A ticket for Xmaa. THE OLYMP1A la shoeing a complete line of Xmaa candlea. IMS Harney. HAZEL leaf Pile Conea. Heat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pllea; Mc poatpald; aampiea free, bheruian A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha Wedding announcement. Dquar. l'tg. Co. H C'KY wedding ring at Rrodegaard a. FDlCATION.tL EX Pf RT ldv ptenoicrapher will take puplla. SHORTHAND touch tvpewrlt ln. sp'lllng. punctuation, etc., taught and complete tralnln g ven for buinea ca reer. Private instruction If desiied. 4W 4 Do.iitla Hi Tel. Walnut 2327. MOSIIEll-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, Vnaurpaase,! Uic in business, short hand and English branches. Graduate guaranteed good positions. Place pro vided for young people to work for board. For free csta'ogue address, MciHIKR LA M PM AN COLLET? E. ltli n. 1'nrnam Hte.. Omnha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE Day School; Nlxht Pchool; complete bitaineas course; complete shorthand or tenotype cuurae; complete telciciaphy course; civil airvlce branchca and Eng lish. Htuilents admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1H14 i atalogu. HOT I. EH COLLEGE, II H. BOVLE3, 1'resldent. Boyle Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Tel. Douglas IBr. Tho Van !Sant School Stenography Day achool, tx tu 4 00. Night achool. :15 to IS. Ith and Ksrnsm Kt Dour' a M7. luli sale the following acholarshlpa In a first rlim Omaha Huslnesa College: One unlimited combination business and short hand course. One unlimited business course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three rnonlha' buaineia or ateno- grHphic course. v 111 be sold at a discount at the office of the Omaha He. Ex perlenced lady tutor In grade and high achool suhlects; make-up work a special ty. Bet referencea. 1115 Davenport. H.vA Mnslcal lastroctlon. RAO TIME piano playing taught In 20 lessons. Chrlstensen School, 4220 Cum ing fct.. Walnut 237ft. Call or write. FOIl EXCHANGE. ARE YOU SERVING A LIFE SEN TENCE In the city? Why don't you Join the back to nature movement? Why don't you go hack tu the farm, where you con beat the HIGH COST OF LIV ING? We have hundred of farnia, from to l,2(i0 acre each, we can exchange for your equity or your houae, or for clear residence property, or city Income property. Hee ua today. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY. 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MUST aell all trunk, aultcaaes, hand bag hair price. Bee HAItHY, aOl N. lbtn M. F. MORRILL, DECOHATED CHINA for Xmaa gifts. 1-4 Brandela The. Bldg. COAL 5 baskets, $1. L. 3546. Barker Broa. Paint Co., paint, varnish, glasa and GLAZING. Telephone Douglas 4760. 16ot Farnam. Free Delivery. AUTOMOBILES Industrial Oaratte Co., 2th A Harney 8 la. tluu forfeit for any magneto we can't i pair. Coll repar'g. O. liaysdorfer, lit N. II FOR RENT One-ton White truck wiih driver, by week or month. H. Pellon, ?V Farnsm. Call Douglas 3301. FORD cara paint d 122; other cara tcconl' Ing to sue, work gtd. Phone 8. aGifl. MODEL 14-e Delroller touring car wilt, aelf-atarter, run leaa than MO mllea; genilne bargain at J. The T, G. Norib wall Co.. 114 . Doug. 17U7. Oreenough Omaha Had. Rep. Co., KM Far. AUTO clearing houae, IAi Farnam. buya and sella used cara. Phone Douglaa 1310. FINK. ex;ert radiator repair. 11 S, 20th. Met are role. HARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLKS, Bargalr.a In uaed machine. Victor Rona, "The Motorcycle Man," 170S Ieavenworth. TODAV8 CO MP LET HI MOVIE rilOUUAMS ExclualTclj In rito lie Uwa Tu v a. CAMERAPHONE THEA. ltd DOUOLAS. A Recent Coniederate Vlctoiy, 2-r. Lub. Pure Gold, Vliagraph drain, itophle'a (Sweetheart. Esaanay W. com. ELITE NO. 2. lilll FARNAM BT. The Mayor'a tecrtarv, it-reel Ka.em dr. lie Made Ilia Mark, Lubm cotneay The Moonshine Maid and the Man, Vita. .FARNAM THEATEit. 14i& FARNAM. The Last of the Lne, S-r. Dom. dranu. Mutual Girl No. 4. Hd Nee'a Finish, Thanhouaer comedy. Hlirk" XafcAHtH. Uih AMD UA11NBI. Home of Paramount Ploturea PAiltt Tltt-ATkH, Feature program dally. Keyatone Conindlas. H N. MTU. PARLOR Til&ATLK, lUt DOUGUAb. A Page from Life, 1-reel Rex. The Baron' Bear Escape, L-KO comedy. PRINCE88 THEATER. 1317-19 DOUGLAS Love and bplrlls. Joker oomeuy. Fortune of Margaret, lrel tclalr. The Accusation. 1-reel Victor. Kira. ALHAMBRA THEATER. 14 N. MTH. The Desperado, 1-reel Broncho drama. Ktnel Root Party, comedy. Motherhood. Million Dollar Mystery. ALAMO. MTH AND S Ortf. 11 la rather" Bon. 1-reel Victor. The Close Call. Sterling comedy. Her Life' a btory. Power. CLIFTON. Military fcv. Uurdelt. v eeajy. For Uer Father" Bins, t-reel Maj. dr. Fatly Debut, Reliance comedy. DIAMOND 2U0 LAKE 6T. Terence O Itourka, Adv. No. 1, 2-r. Victor. trrnu oi me vaae, joker comedy. The Mountain 1 raltor, Eclair drama. FRANKLIN THEATER, Mtli-Franklln. The Plot at the R. R. rut. Kumn rtra. W hen Ilia tihip Came In. 2r. Kelig dra. . tr-i- . , . , ...... , HIPPODROME. fcTH AND CUMINtl. scarecrow, , ttuyai comedy. hberlff of Muacatlne. 1-reel K-B drains, left In the Train, Thanhouaer C-D. IT THEATER, loTH AND LOCCoT. Ixjrd Cecil Keep Ills Word, Lubln dra. The Girl and the Exp.orer, 1-r. Kal. coiu. Broncho bllly'a Scheme, Eaa. W. dra. WIS INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready: bargains In used machines. OMAilA BICYCI.R CO.. 16th and Chicago. D. 172. Undborg Bros., 26T2 Ieav. (Flying Morale). BUSINESS CTIANCES C, M. EATON, Buaineaa Broker, 110 Woodmen of the World, fiat vour bua tness for result. Doug. 1954. 1 FOR BALE In town of 1,400, 1 picture) show and 1 theater well eutilpped for picture and vaudeville; large atage, good aoenery; will aell both or either; busi ness excellent; reason for selling, must get on homestead; caah or no deal; don't anawer for ourloalty. Addres Y 0, Bee. FOR SALE Near Ix Angeles. Blx-chalr barber shop, doing rood huilneaa. Alan modern bungalow. Addres P. W, Cheney, v avina, I at. FOR SALE Stock In a corporation hav ing 1150.000 Paid UD and not a dollar In. dabtednesa. Btock I being aold to ex pand buaineaa. Have an order now for loO.oflO article at 4 each. Profit esti mated at 13V per cent net Try and think of something anywhere near aa good. C. M. Eaton. Hu si nee Broker. 110a Woodmen of the World. FOR SALE If you have the money to buy, the Havelock Bteam Laundry I foy sals. Including -room houae and lot; If you don't buy you will make the big geet mistake of your life; I started with borrowed money, and you knew what Interest one must Pay; It takea money to develop the bualness, which I have not. AflareMS Honert Hchuita, Havelock. Neh. GROCERY eTOHE fur aaie, only ex clusive one In live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa. Doing good buaineaa. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for selling Address Y-tU. care Bee. K B Y B UNITED SALES (XX, til City National Bank. LOTHROP. XtTH AND LOTHROP. No show tonight. Matinee Friday. Christmas . day. DOYALj " 24u CALDWELL. 6T Called Back, 4-reel apodal feature. One comedy. PALACE THEATER. 24 DAVENPORT. Peg of the Wild, 1-reel Imp. The Dog Raffle. Sterling comedy. SUBURBAN THEATER. 24th and A me. The Prodigal, 1-reel Kalem drama. 1 lie Curing of Myra May. VlUgraph com. The Ijist of the Hargrove. Edison dra. Boat a. ARBOR. 12D AND ARBOR. No show tonlirht. Mattnee Friday, Christmas day. APOLLO. 2si4nLEAVkN WOKTIl Iiearst-tellg No. 1J. The Romance of a Poor Young Man. I-r. Netty or Letty. Vltagraph comedy. 4'OLI'MBIA THEATER. 1710 H. 1TH. The berpent Comes to Eden. Lubln. dra. Mary Jane Enteruli., 1-reel Vila, com. The O'rl and the Mtm-r. Biograph drama. COMFORT THEATER, THVT'lNTOf Ttie Crosa In th iH-sert. 1-r. Broncho. The Hidden Measare. Reliance, Before and After, Royal. FAVORITE THEATER. 1T1 VINTON. khat Could She Do? 1-reel Edlaon dram. VllJif' K'" of Ixve. Vltajirapb coin. OEM THEATER. lej a. irrBTfiT. i.uste a FortuiiB, Sterling comedy, t-noemaker'a Eleventh. Rex. Atl l'roectlin la the City. HAVE you bank atook to eel I? If so, and by purchasing, will It carrv with It th position of president or cashier? Write me fully for particular. C. M. Katon. Business Broker, llud Woodmen of the World. LIST YOUR RTTgiNE8s ' with ua for quick action and square treatment QUICK BALES COMPANY. 4U Bee Bldg. Phone Red KM. I II AVE several parties repreeontlng over t.o,ijiO wishing Investment In going bus iness. Do you need a partner or money to finance your business? C. M. Eaton. Business Broker, Hut Woodmen of the World. NEWSPAPER For aale, a well-estab-llshed newspaper In town of I.Ms). Have large rural list, well paid up. Well equipped job plant. Iktti't anawer unless you have cash and mean buaineaa. Ad- oreae x xsu, nee. FOR BALK or trade, meat market; aplen did loratlon, good bueiness; will take land or residence property and pay dlf- iioit, nave oiucr Duatneaa mat re qulrea my time. Write Y-316, Omaha f.eeA rOR SALE Foraltare. New A Id-hand furniture, cash or imi' reasonable. Ainer. Furn. Co.. 005 N. Kth. LIBRARY table, rug, mirror, sanitary couches, gas plates. hand-painted china, piano. Must aell at once. itii7 Dodge. STOVES and furn. at coat 1703 N. 14lh. Musical laalraaaeata. ELECTRIC Planoa A Playera. 119 N. ISth. FOR SALE Fine Omaha Bee. old violin. Y-116, Typewriters. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. nuns irpewruer, imin rarnam. u euJl. RENT An Oliver typewriter, month for 11 The Oliver Tv Da writer Co.. n tilt. . . . BENT Remington. Monarch and Bmltb Premier of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited It you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chine sent -out. Rates, three month for 15 for understroke machine or 11 per month for latest model visible writer. HELP WANTED MALE tlerleal and n I fire. A MERRY Christmas and a happy New Year to all, are our wishes, will be i lose.1 all dav Christinas Watt Ref. Co., MM2 Brandeia T'.iea Bldg. YI'LKTIDE greetlnk to alt our friends and patrons. Will he closed all day Christmas. WESTERN RKF. BOND ASSN. INSTALLMENT collector; stte experi ence, reference, and salary expected Ptesdv position for right party. Address M 170. Hre Syl'ARR PEGS F'R Pvl ARE HOLES. We fin! a position thnt tits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., lui-ll Cltv Nnt. Hank Hldg. H1GH-OH Apr commercial positions. WEST REF. A BOND ASSN., 77,1 Otnsha Nat, nank Bldg. Aa-rnts, nalesmea aad Sollettore. NO clnsslflcstlon; liberal contract; new policies. Mutual Benefit Health and Ac cident Association, 423 City National Bank Bldg , Oinaha. Neb. Wanted Reliableand Responsible Men We will greatly extend our agency force during 1915, and we want several men of standing and ability for good positions. Commission agents, who make good, will be given better positions. Write for par ticulars, giving referencea. Will only consider men with good clean records. OLD LINE ACCIDENT IN SURANCE COMPANY. Bankers Life Bldg.. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Several neat appearing man for aulicltlng. Money daily. Call at once. t(33 Brandeia Theater Bldg. WANTED Agenta and solicitor In every locality for Tho Twentieth Century Fanner; either sex; all or spare time; no experience necessary to earn big money. Write at once for agency. Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. ARE you going to be a hired man all your life? You furnish the desire and we'll furnish the opportunity to get -out of th hired man clans. Nebraska West ern helling Company, Inc. Howard Ap plegate, Gen. Mgr. Bo3' Bee Bldg. WE want first-class aaiesman beginning January 1, 1915, In nortnweatern Iowa, exclusive copyrighted, hand-painted d luxe and hanger calendars, novelties, cloth and leather goods; we are manu facturers; exclusive territory; most lib eral commissions; line so complete that It furnishes work throughout entire sea son and requires undivided attention; give selling experience and all partic ular In first letter. Address Sale Mgr., Kemper-Thomas Co., Cincinnati. WANTED aaleamen of ability, hustlers, to sell our line direct from factory to dealer. Our prices enable you to sell the largest trade In the country, aa well as the smaller dealer. Are you worth 6,01)0 per year? We sell both the premium and regular trade; a good Job and good money for the right man; we also have some A-l propositions for side liners. What we want are producers. Would advise ex perienced premium men to get In touch with us. Address W. B. James, Sales manager, Trltt China Co., Nlles. O. o. SPECIALTY salesmen In and out of city; expenses dally; call evenings. Fast Selling Household Specialty Co., 2ul3 Douglas St. 1 Y PEW RITERii sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange 307 3. 17 LB. Mlsoellaaeoas. &i 00 nuy best coal for th money; try ipU.VU ,t Wet) til Harmon Weeth. 1x7 ORAFLEX newspar camera, with 11 plat boldera, carrying caa for camera and carrying case tor plat hold era Th outfit In good condition andia big bargain tor th lot at 1110. Address A JSKI. Bee CORN cob for kindling. 3enco Mills. I BASKETS, tl Wagner, Ml N 16th 8L l-lianil nich. ttross v reck Co.. 21 at Paul. FOR SALE New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. Th Brunswick Bslke-Collemler Co.. 4O7-400 S. 10th St Bakery .. turn wood. 'lei. Florence 401. LADY'S fur auto coat, slse 38. W. 4W0. CITY WOOD YARD. Hickory, oak and maple wood of th beat Quality, sawed, aplit and delivered to your door for 17.60 per cord. Flrep.aoe. tov wood and bakery wood a apeclalty. Full cord guaranteed. FOR SALE Small base burner, cheap. tulU lecatur St. HELP WANTED FRMAXB Clerical aad Office. YULETIDF. greeting to ell our friends aud patrons. Will be closed all day Christinas. WKdTER.s 11LF. eV BOND AtkJN. 7Wt-o4 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. A MERRY Chrlatmas and a happy Now Year to all, are our wisuea. Will be closed all day Chrietmaa. Walt Ref. Co., 0-4J brandeia Thta. Bldg. OUR office will be closed all day Christ maa. W wish you all a Mrry Juna and a Happy New Year. BUSINESS MEN 'is REFBRRNCB ASS N., Uls-20 Woodmen of the World Bldg. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, aoroe stenog raphy. Aply 5W mate Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and olfic assistant who speak and write th Boheiuiun language. Law and at. tract work. Ad- dre 1-310 Bee. A.eate a Saleatvaaaea,. WANTED Agent and solicitors In every locality for The Twentieth Century Farmer; either aex; all or spare time; no experience necessary to earn big money, write at once for agency. Address j. W. Reel, care The Twentieth Century Farm er. Omaha, Neh,. Telephone Tyler RM). Experienced salesladies. WANTED kin Bros . 3l 8. ltith St Or- Kaetors aaa Trade. LEARN halrdresslng. Oppenholm Pari ore Ueasektevers and Dunaeettea. THE bervant Girl Problem Solved. Th Bee Will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired result. This applies to resident of Omaha. South Omaha and Council bluff a Bring ad to i m pee omce or teiepnone Tyler 1000. WANTED-A second girl at ouc. Dixon, 4L' N. SMh Si. Mra ONE of the best retail bakeries In the city; no competition. Call Web. 7694. or address K t7. Bee. ! WANTE1 1 A girl for second girl. Mrs. "mmrmi, lit r. , iMn ci. SIGNS, show card. Clark A Son. D. UYt. TO GET In or out of bualneat QAXOKHTAD 404 Bee Bldg. . Call on D a 77. THEATERi Buy, leas or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co.. 1404 Farnam St Douglaa ltc.7. I HAVE one young man 23 and one 25. Each will Invest from tl,oti0 to 12,000 In a manufacturing bualness with services. C. M. Eaton, Business Broker. 1101 Wocd nien of the World. Doug. Iw4. YOl.'R bualne or real estate quickly aold. JIM WRAT. Sioux City. ETHER bualness puts my Intereat In a en riini nee Business on the mar ket V0 will buy same. Addres nee. K am. C. J. Canan can 11 your farming land. EDUCATIONAL MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLHGE MONDAY. JANUARY 4. Day achool; night achool; completa bua ineaa course; complete shorthand or sten otypa course; completa telegraphy course; civil service brandies and Engllah. Stu dent admitted at any tune. Write phoue or call for 1D14 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. H. B. Boyle. lreaident, Boyle Bldg., Oinaha, Neb. Tel Douglaa Ibafi. WANTEIV-A girl to asaiat with house work. Mrs. Charles Marsh, Harney 44. WANTED An experienced girl for geu eral housework, no Ixuudrv work. isl B. 3M Wt. tl. 11HC. atlsoellaaevws. YOUNO women to Omaha aa Stranger are invited to visit tlie Young Women' Christian Aasoclat.on building ai Ht. Mary Ave. and St.. where they will be directed to suitable board ng places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers guioe at union station. LADIES' A misses' coats, suits, dresses A skirt samplra at wholesale prices. Bon- oi niw i ore oampie More, sua n. Itttn MANY government loba oiea to women list free. Franklin Institute, Dept. to. . nounesier. n. i. HELP WANTED -MALB Clerirat aad Offlwe. BOOKKEEPER, CREDIT MAN. with wholesale expertenoa; this position ta with an old. reliable Omaha firm. Is a good connection and worth Investigating. For full Information and Interview, Call at ! State Bank Bldg. OCR office will be rkxKxl all CT7 Chrlrt maa. We wish vou a Merry Xine and BUSINESS MEN S REFERENCE ArtS'N.. ivwuu w to aiag. Factory aad Trade. A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Begin At Once Learn a Live Trade TUB BARBER TRADE Good th Tear Around. . Tuition, $26. Bet of Tools Given. "WD TEACH YOU RIGHT," Wages Paid Whll You Are Learning-. Call or Write. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE, 1134 Douglas St., Omaha. 1032 N St, Lincoln. Drug stole nnsi,. ioi' rvne iu n-e i.i-ig WANTED Ten good harness makers and two good Campbell machine operator at once. - La Porta Harness Co., La Porte, Ind. LEARN BARBER TRADE. Be Independent; wage and tooia given. Electric massage. Strictly modern. Big demand tor burbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1124 Douglas lit.. Om. 1032 N St.. Lincoln. NEBASKA AUTOMOBILE" SCHOOL NIGHT AND DAY CLASS. Special holiday offer. Write for par ticulars. We have the largest and beat equipped ahop In the middle weat. 14, Csa) reet lloor apace. nu-io-n uoag bt Phone Douglaa 3043. Send For Catalogue C. MEN Increase your earning; learn th barber trade, for which there la always a demand, many lobs waiting at wages higher than you would expect- Taught In 1i few week by our system. Earn whll earning. Call or writ. Moler Barber College, IIP B. 14th St . BUTCHER wemed. Park Ave. market Henry Duve, 2i2) Leavenworth. LEARN TO BE A MOVIE OPERATOR. MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR SCHOOL. 104 FARNAM ST., 2D FLOOR. Mlacellaaeeae. PHONE Web. m for basket coal OMAHA Railway Mall Clerk Examina tions coming. x,6 per month, pun un necessary. For sample questions apply Immeoiateiy. T-soa nee. "000b FUTUltE FOR YOU or anyone who makes himself an auto expert We give expert work. Go right Into the auto business from here. Bust and finest equipped college. Opportunlt ea best here now, ever have been. Writ for Hal of opening. Free catalog. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2119 Farnam St.. Omaha VA NT E D SI T V A T ION S SITUATION wanted by experienced clerk In country town store, best references; rpesk German and low German. Address M 26. Bee; BUSINESS men, for your Christmas present this year and also, em- filoy me as you stenographer. Am young ady 1 years' experience and references. Address E SJ. Bee YOUNG lariy desire position In doctor or dentist's office: reference. For par ticulars address S 375, I! e. POSITION desired ne P. experienced; reference. Bee. B. X. operator; Address P 171. WA NTEI Colored lndv. general house cleaning work. Call Webster 7715. A No. 1 operator and wife, plan'st. vaude ville or pictures. Desire posltl m In or out of city. Rest of Reference. Phone Har ney 2iVr. A WOMAN of refinement wants position as nurse, companion or care of children. References. 1 . W6. YOVNG liidy wishes position as house keeper, city or country. 1). 3W6. WANTED To work on farm, man and wife. Address Mike Blagovich, 167 S. 29th St.. South Omaha. LIVE STOCK FOH SALE .Horses and Vehicles. NOTICE to a cash ale: 2,fi0n-pound team of young mares, both with foal, absolutely sound and good workers. Owner chsnelng business. Call at resi dence ?0H Howard St HAVING completed a contract and hav ing no other prospects for the future, will offer our large teams of marcs, 1,450 to l.odO pounds Veil matched, all good tnarce, right out of hard work, age 5 to 7 years. Some wheel scrapers, some wagons. Double harnesses, will sell elthor article separate. Must sell right away. Call 2503 Farnam. FOR SALE Team of young mares, weight 2.5un, both In foal, 6 and 7 years old. Price $250 If furnished good homo. Lady owner. Private residence, 2421 Dodge. LIVE WIRE III HI NESS MEN OK OMAHA WEAR-EVER aluminum kitchen uten sils. Popular combinations, not sold In storea Factory balesmen. Web. t'9. Aeeoantaals. MELVILLE D. THOMAS COMPANY. 12V-S Citv .ust. Bank Bldg Tyler 1,10. E. A. DWi'RAK, sccounts aud ted, open ing and dosing books, itistslilng modern' ofilie and coxt accounting systems. Ad dress 4t3 Rnrnxe Bldg. Phone D. 74J8. Addlasj .Machines. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 S. 15. D. 1441. Adder Mch. Co. t Wales), W. O W. D. bi. Ad Writers. APPLfcxiA l E writes ads, booklets, cir culars, on rcquist. Room toi', Bee Bldg. Tel. Dougias 4177. Architects. Everett 8. Dodds, C12 Paxton Blk. D. JW1. Attractions. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains Aato and Magneto Itepnlrlag. Magneto repali work a specially. D-241S. Auctioneer. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red S2S5. blue Printing;. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 102 Oniaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Barbers. 12 Chairs, loc shave, neck shave. 1K17 1 ar. Brass Possdrle. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Pts. Cistern and Wel Digala. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? SCHAFFER does It. Phone Web. 6G3L Vlalllor FOR SALE Team of mares, weight 2.3C0 pounds. $150; team of mares, weight, .300 pounds, $125; good broke single and double saddle horBe. $125: good work horses, $15. Call South S02S. 3322 Harrison St. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagons A harness; large stock & attractive prices. Johnson-Da nforth Co. 15-31 N Idth St. MANY well-matched teams; young mares: some In foal. Call nt Brewing Cd.'s saloon. 1214 So. 13th St. PAIR of bob sleds. 6306 Underwood Ave., end of Dundee car line. Walnut 3356. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha, Savs mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Live Stock t oinnluvon Merchants. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some article would dosell to call up the olflce of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway cBmpany U ascertain whether they left It In th Street cars. Many articles each day ar turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 49.' LOST Small box containing crocheted center-table piece, Tuesday morning on Dodge car, or between lth and Dodge and Kllpatrlck's store. Reward. Tele phone Webster "87- STRAY ED or stolen, one Blue Belten setter dog, about 6 years old. Return to Jo Johnson, Forest Hill farm, or 1310 St Mary's Ave., Omaha; $10 reward. LOST Bill book marked John Nesbitt, containing Maaonlo and Odd Fellow re ceipts and money. Return to Captain Neabit, Fort Crook. LADY who took pocketbook In Hayden Bros. store, containing watch. Initialed "L. O. O." is known. Better send It to 2716 N. 23th Ave., and nothing will be done. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. El H. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testlr onlals. DR. E. R TARRY. 4fl Bee. . Wanted at Once MEN to learn th automobile business; the demand la great tor our graduatea; w have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Writs fur free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Aes'n, txit N. 2otb St, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALrl AND KUM1LB. GOVERNMENT jobs open to men aad women; Pj6 to $lo0 nioittn. Write imme diately for positions list Franklin InsU tutu. Dept U W liuchetter. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending Boyle' college. Telephone lKiuglaa !&. Rnrvtnvn Cured In a few days without IIUJHUD? palm call or write Dr. Wray. $0$ Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1894.-o MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. KELlAtii.ts cnr.uir CO. 30k Paxton Block. Douglaa 1411. TET 8TOC1- 4 BOSTON terriers, 3 mo. old., engioie to register, sun m. inn., wep. u. A PAIR of thoroughbred Mexican hair less puppies, very reasonable. Inquire 1811 Cuming. Call Red 5166. PERSONAL YOUNG women comin a Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St and St. Mary a Ave., wner mey will be directed to suitable boarding place Or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture maga tlnes. We collect Ws distribute Phone Douglas 413& and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new nome, 1110-1111-1114 Dodg St , $7,000 TO PENSION INVAT.IDS We must have 143 subscriptions to Th Ladle' Horn Journal $1 50 The Saturday Evening Post... $1.50 Th Country Gentleman $1.50 In December or the $7,000 cannot be earned for THE INVALIDS PENSION ASSOC1ATON. Your order or renewal contributes 50c or mora toward the aupport of a acore of Invalids who have re reived pension checks for nearly two yeara. Gift subscription an nounced by beautiful Xmaa. folder to reach your friend Amas. eve URGENT PHONE D. 7163 OR MAIL. Gordon T1TE MAGAZINE MAN OMAHA, NEB. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrlcea make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry house. 1 hey are 17x2? Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 75c a hundred at The Bee office. POULTRY TOPICS, Lincoln, Neb., tells how to make money with poultry. Three months' trial subscription 10c. LITE WTRB . BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA YOUNG nun willing to work wants employment of any kind; can drive and take rare or auto; well recommended aa to ability. T.lii; WANTED Employment by middle-aged man. several year, railroad and office experience); prefer position as traveling salesman or office work; can us typewriter; not a steno. K 13. Bee. A B C of Omaha ALL watches, diamonds and Jewelry at actual WHOLESALE COST Quitting Jewelry business. "A E ST ERN WATCH AND JEWELRY CO.. Room 217, Karbach Block. JUNK We are th oldest Junk buy ars in the west W r.te for price list on scrap metal, rubber and rags. L. Harding A Son. D. l-'H 1501 Cum., omaha. W. T. a Lands. mttli Co.. llrt City Nat Bk. D. 2319. Coal Dealers. . $tl r.o Johnson' special, also Victor nut, lo.tsj. Phone D. 1703. Chiropractors. L. Oeddis, D. C., 228 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4293. tnlna Palatine. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4942. Civil Knaclnerr. M. J. LACY. 51S BEE BLDG. DOUG. 4715. (ream Separator. The Sharpies Separator Co., 12th Farn. Clock Repairing-. EXPERT clock repairing. Web. 1318. Decorator and Paper Ilaasrexs. BILGER does It. Phone Walnut 1622. Detectives. INVESTIGATIONS carried out in any part of United states, Canada or Mex ico. 60 Paxton Blk. D. 1373. Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLA- 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. THE H (innings Secret Service. Phone Douglas 7s0. Address L Bee. Drnsr. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Dancing; Academies, Turpln's Dancing Academy. 2Sth A Farn. CHAMBERS Academy, classic. D 1S71 Mackle'a Academy, now open. 1S16 Har. Dcntlata. Dr. Bradhilry. I.'o pain. 1506 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Hrandeis Bailey, the Dentist, 7" City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 2HS, Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat. Bank. Dressmaking-. Terry Dressmak'e college. ?0th sV Farnam. SKIRTS to order, $l.oj up. 612 5. 16th. MISS STURDY. 2416 Cass. Red 7320. MIfs M. Morln. Gowns. 240i Ca.ia. R. 7235. WATSON A LUND. 1911 Douglas. R. 6101. Electric Supplies. LEBRON Elec Wk 311 S. 12th. D. 2174. Everything for Women. Woman's Exchansre, 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4911. ACCORDION, side, knife, aunburst. box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes an styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal plestlne Co.. 200 Douglaa Block. D. liisb. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA siges and Khomrarri. B. M CLARK A SON. ill S. 1sTTI ST. Steel telllnae. CARTDR St eel Metal Works. 110 S 1"th. ftturm Hashes and Doors. Welrlch Co. Quick delivery. Webster 257 Towel Sappllre. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. P. 5. Tranks aad Ho I teases. FUELING A STE1NLE Farnam St. Tailors. CHAP. C. LANDERTOr. lot N. 15th St O. OL8EN A CO., 612 S. Kith St. Id floor. Veterinarians. DR. Q.'r. YOUNG, 402 Center. Wal. HOg. W indow Shade Cleaner aad Mfsrra. OLD shade made like new. Midwest Shade Factory. 4010 Hamilton. Wal. aivU OLD SHADES made like new. Midwest Shade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Wal. aiil. W ines and Liquors. ALEX JETBS. 201-1 S. ISth St Wines, liquors, ciKars. Plate dinner. 11 to S, 10c. Globe liquor house, 424 N. 16th; California wine, ii.a per eat, w rue ror price list HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein' Liquor House, 622 N. 16th. Douglas 1S09. SWAPPER'S COLUMN A 56-IN. ROLL-TOP DESK In excellent shape. Will exchange for a large one; will consider a flat-top, but would prefer an extra large and deep roll-top. Also have a chair. Will swap that or no, to suit. Address S. C. 3.VS. Bee. AUTO An Overland coupe In good con dition, run only miles, cost $1,600 new. We are fearfully pressed for money. Will sell for $0. Biggest bargain you ever saw. First clods condition. $250 cash, balance time to right parties. S. U. 404. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. BASE BURNER High-class base burner, good Iron bed and springs, gas rane, new $10 vulcanlxer, Ford tubes and sun dries. Sell cheap or trade. Address S. C. 411, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE An excellent pay ing safe business for Improved farm lands desirably located, where Irrigation Is not required. Address S. C. 409, Bee. COTTA G li-Nearly new, well built, 6-r. cottage; will take a good piano In trade and take balance payments same aa rent. Phone Walnut 1518. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR will swap contract work for an auto, not too high priced, build a garage or repairing. Ad tiress S. C. 3T4. Bee CHECK PROTECTOGRAPH AND PIANO Swap na first payment on good, well located lot priced anywhere between $400 and $S00. Must have water, sewer, gaa, walks In and paid for. Will pay cash balance In from four to six months. I wlah to build a home. Ad dress. S. C. 4o3, Bee. EXCELLENT PIANO Swap for Vlo trola rcotds; must be a topnotch ma chine and have a large bunch of records If you expect an even exchange. Will take fidlson machine same way. No Junk and NOTHING BUT DISK machlna wanted. Will take good rifle or repeating shotgun to help make up the difference in value. Address S. C. 353. Bee. FOUNTAIN PENS Gross of fountain pens, retail at $3 each, price $288. Will exchange for diamond ring or auto. Don't answer unless you will trade. Address S. C. 415. Bee. FOR the best bargain yet offered by any one on new high-grade piano, address, until Jan. 1, S. C. 423. Bee. 1x7 GRAKLEX newspaper camera, wild 11 plat holders, carrying caa tof camera and carrying case for plats hold era Tbs outfit In good condition and big bargain for th lot at $110. Address S. C. 1511 GAS RANGE for grufonola, or what have you? S. C. 421. Bee. MANDOLIN-HARP, NEW Trade for a guitar or something of equal value. Box 74, Chapman, Neb. - Farriers. BEN FENSTER, 1410 N. Hth St Web. 7777. Florists. A. DON AGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florlsta. 1S04 Farnam St. Florists. HES ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St L HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Mtmucr Florist Telegraph Del. D. 1-A Assn. Hair Dressing;. Harper method. R. t. Balrd Bldg. P. 1611. Ladles' Tailor. LADIES' aults tailored to measure; popu lar prices; remodeling. Irwin Brecber Co., 612 So. 16th. Phone Doug. 6m Lighting- Klxtnres and Wiring;. THOMAS DUEKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing snd repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. i HAMILTON PIANO AND OTHER COL LATERAL for Virginia lana or lana in southern Indiana, or for lots well lo cated In Omaha, Kansas City, Indianap olis or Cleveland. WILL PAY DIFFER ENCE. NO WESTERN STUFF WANT ED. Please glys best description you can In first letter to save correspondence; also legal description. I am buying fur my sell. Address 8. C. 356. Bee. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Building Superintending and Construction Books, five volumes. Will swap for repeating shotgun, repeating -inn. automatic revolver or high power I Marlln or Winchester, or what hav you? Also Estimating dookb, pii nc h i m Drafting and Mechanical Book. Swap any or all the auove tor targe u, w luwiiee or larger Addres 8. C. 853, Bee. MANDOLIN Want to trade high grade mandolin for automatlo revolver. Ad dreaa S. C. 401. Be. OFFICE DESK Will buy soma good second-hand desks; must be cheap for cash. Address S. C. 264. Bee. Live Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 R 13th. Red 4261 Mask, Costomes and Lodgra Bappltes. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest atocli of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo, Lleben & Son. 114 Howard. D. 4US. Maascatcs. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., else. bath. D. 713. Open eve., 8 p. m ; Sundays, 10 to 2. MISS JACOBS, mass., manicuring-Phone Doug. 4:'7. Hours to ; Sunday 11 to 6, Clara Lee. bath and massage. Doug 8751. MASSAGE. 108 8. 17th St. Mr. Steele. Miss Fisher, mass., eleci. treat. Red 6038. MASSAGE i,b(e,e.tu2dino' CORA BELLING Y ""7 satisfactory eastern treatment; baths' daiiy and evening. 107 8. 17th 8t Notice: Private entrance, basement, cor. of bldg. Kathleen Mack, masaage A bath. D. 7582. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Iaura Wilson. 1W2 Farnam, K. 2. Douglas S75L Open evening and Sundays. MISS WALTON, bath, mass. Tel. D. 7. Hours v to I); Sunday. 11 to 6. Violet Buy, masa., 4J6 Bee Bldg. D. 6112. Millinery. SWITCHES from combing. $1.50. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 30uS Marcy. H. HAi. Ilenrsgrr a WHITE LINE, d Tra aster. 309 8. Uth. Douglaa S3U Marine, Mtirugt and Cleaning;. W. C. FERRIN. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Ucallsta. can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay i o. w as you Bid?. MAN and wife (colored) want positions In private family or club; wife a good cook and housekeeper; man as butler and do general work; can take care of auto ptobilea; qualified to manage any club. Will work together or eei-erste. p. A. Hayes, 2611 Burdett. Tel. Web. $. JAPANESE, middle-aged, chief cook. wants a position in hotel or restaurant In or out of city; have had 25 years' ex perience In California; referencta. 96th and L Sta, South Omaha. Ask for T Xura. ! A 1 ii EW and second-hand eiectrio ran and motors. Leuroa r.iecino worsen s 8 12ih. Douglas my. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. lt07 Cuming. Doug. 1447. Renovatea feathers and maitieeees of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. 'ACUL'M cleaners for sal. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary Servicu Co., S0 Be Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needlee and part for all sewing machines. N E BRASK CYCLE CO.. "Mickal'g," 1UU and Harney. Douglaa 1161 Osteopathic rh sir lana. Dr. Rerucha. ?3-4 McCague Bldg. D. 3626. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandeia Bldg.. P. 2144? Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St. Prlatlagt. WATFKS-BARNIIART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug tlW. ?4 . 13th St. I-OUOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY A M KENZIE PTG. CO, P. fr.44. R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol D. U02 NINE BELL BOTTOM JACKS 2x14 In. high, one 2x16 in . high, also 11 roller 6x24 in. llr.; all In first class order; roller painted and not crushed, but kept dry. Swap for a good Marlln -20 rifle up to Us value. I value Jacks at 12.60 each and rollers 75 cents. Swap for anything I can use. Address 8. C. 356. Be. OPPORTUNITY Her 1 a chance for someone to get Into a money-making little bualness without money 1 I have 6o0 sticks of mending cement Mend any thing and eel is rapidly at 16o per stick. Stock on hand and recipe for manufac turing for what havs you 7 Other busi ness keeps me from working It This Is no Junk, but absolutely good. Address S. C. 420. Bee. FOR th best bargain yet offered by any one on new high-grade piano, address, u n til Jan. 1, 8 C. 4-i, Bee. PIANO I have a piano; wish to turn It in as first payment on a well located building lot that is suitable for a homo costing around $3,0u0. Will pay difference In cash in from six to eight months. Ad dress, S. C. 4w, Bee. CFNTHAl. PRINTING CO. DOUG. S754. Patents. , H. A. Sturge. 3 Brandeia Theater BUg. D. O Barnell. Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red 7117. Palntlngr and Pa perl a a. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. 8728. PI a mra Renovate. PLUMES & flower made over, cleaned dyed. Bertha Kruger. 49 Paxton. D. 8104. Roach Exterminator. B. B. B. Roach powder at yonr druggist. Safe, aad Tim Leek KiprU. O A T7?0 Opened, repaired, eomh. A Pln thar.gid. F. E. Daven-V-'A A- --- prtltj is podge. D 121. shoe HepatriBK. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1307 St. Mary Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. .11 S. 14. tktara and VttUm Fix tare. DESKS, safea, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. W buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and fcupply Co.. 414-14-U S. Uth. D. 1714. PIANO A Story Clark piano, almost new, $144; cost $Jb0. our reason, ready caah Is needed. 8. C. 407, Bee. PIANO One almost new Connover piano, cost new $550. Will sell for much lees, or it you have a diamond we may trade. Mahogany case. S. C. 4ti6. Bee. PAINTING-CONTRACTOR will swap painting for" an auto, not too high priced. Wont car for my own use. Ad drt 8. C. 357. Bee. -PIANO Exceileut llano and cash for farm land around Mobile or New Or leans district: would like 40, 80 or 124 acres or more; am buying for myself; will give some one an excellent trade tor good land rightly priced; 1 am not look ing for high or fancy priced land; want to raise stock. Address 8. C. 412. Bee. PLAYER PIANO Virtually a new good player piano, coat new $660. Will aell for $J7i, with rolls. Reaponmbla parties can buy this player on payment, or would trade for diamond as payment Addres S.'C. 406. Bee. v LAYER MUSIC-Have extensive assort ment of latest popular and c aaalcal roll- for &8-note player piano. Will give good value In music for Victrola, Kodak, Ti-lb.e typewriter or anything 1 can use. Give full description cf what you hav . ... h, .i,..n npninul ,xi inalil ra Tl (1 QllVr 1111 ' -- ' - "- tlon. Address 8. C. 418. Bee. FOR the best bargain yet offered by any one on ne-v high-grade piano, address, until Jan. 1, 8. C. 4-2. Bee. RACING CAR 30 h. p. International, 1812 model, stripped for racing, with tor pedo hood uud two bucket seats; luggage box in re. Chassis just overhauled and a powerful machine; four-cylinder, water cooled, Schubler carburetor, dual Igni tion system, with Splitdorff magneto; new differential gears; two new Nobby Tread 35x4-lnch rear tires. Price $3u0, and will consider lirst class twin motor cycle or late model Underwood type writer as part payment and give you the beat of the deal aa have no place to keep th car at present Addres S. C. 417. Bee. SIGNS, showcarda. Clark A Bon. D. 1371. SHOTGUN Beautifully engraved, 11 gauge Martin repeating shotgun and case; cost $40, to exchange for chickens; owner has no us for It Address & C. 4J9. Bee. SINGLE CUTTER What will you trad for a single cutter, almost aew. Ad dress B 114, Be. .