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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1914)
TO tiie m:i;: ow ana. friday. iki-:mi:kij iou. Debutantes Honored at Party A S. fr- '''''4r i r1 s ' -I- i ranch at MolMho. Ten. Minn Adah Klnpp returned from Fycamore. 111., Monday, amf Arthur Klnpp returned from lha N braka university Friday. Mr. Phillip Chaao la homa from lha t'nlvrrelty of Nebraska to apend tlia holiday with Ma parent. Christmas Visitors. Mr. F.dward Iirnok and daughters Mis Prooki and Misses Oenevleve Brook, from Washington. t. C, arrived today to be tha guest of Mr. Brooka' sloter, Mr. M. T. Barlow, and Mr. Barlow. Mr. Thomas C. ! Hhane, who (a now locat'd In Peoria. 111.. returned to Omaha Tuesday to spend the liolldava with hla j parent. Mr. nnd Mm. James If. Mo . Hhane. I JudKe and Mia. Cornish and lamlly of Lincoln, h mmpanlcd by Mliia Anna Tlh- OMAHA CHURCHES OBSERYEYULETIDE Christmas Services with Special Manic Will Be Celebrated at Varioui Hours. ircnt, this eenln Ml T.. o'rloik. pronram will bo inatle up of onir, rlr and recitations. The excr- BISHOP SCANlfZLL TO SAY MASS Will Preald at Pontifical lMMr at OVInfk KpUrnpallan A re o Have MnmliK errlrea. RjierlHl rrrvk-es will he icW.hratcd In hinliv f "l ... ,.Kb . . Ii i i ... . I. r, 11,1a ' V. -1 1 bett. arrived this morning to be guests. , . ..... ... - . ........ - 'morning. Music brflttlna the orraaion will tf. -p. ..i. "ii nil iiT.-r nifii'iiiy. of Mr. J. M Ir. and Mm. W. H. Spatildlnir and chil dren of Keraev. C:olo., will iend the holiday with Mra. Hpauldlng'a parents, Mr. and Mra. John J. C'anwell. Mr. and Mra. J. K. Haum and Mlaa Katherlno Bantu of PlillarU-Iphla arrived thla morning and nro uneta at the Kirkendall home for the holiilaya. Many affalra have been ) lannrd for every day of their atay In On nha. MlHa Julia Kaftree, elater of Mra. .t. II. Reaton, and Mlna Kva Hunt, both of hlcaKO, will be the guenta of Mr. and Mra. Beaton over the holiday. Mr. and Mra. Mllea 1). llouok, Jr.. and aona of I.lneoln are here to apend tli liolldaya with Mr. and Mra. M. p. llourk, ar. li-maes Hocks teller ANN OIFKOni). By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, December 24, 1914. CHRJSTMAS dlDner crlebratlona are to be most popular with Omaha society folk. Dr. and Mn, C. C. Allison will entertain at one of the largest partiea.' Around their table, which will be decorated with holly, greena.and Chrintruas noveltlea, will be Mr. John D. Crelghton, Mr. and Mra. John M. Daugherty, MeaHra. John C. Daugherty, Frederick A. Daugh erty, Edward A. Daugherty, Claire Daugherty and George Daugherty, Mra. F. A. Nash, Master Fred A. Nash, Jr.; little Miss Kmma Nash, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea H. Crelghton, Miss Ellen Crelghton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crelgh ton, John D. Crelghton, 2d; Edward A. Crelghton, Jr.; William Connell CreJghton. Mr. .William Agnew of Lexington. Ky.; Dr. and Mra. C. C. Alli son, Miss Grace E. Allison and Mr. Charlea C. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhn will give a dinner for their house guest, Miss Helen Louise Crosby, of Topeka. Kan. Miniature Christmas trees will be used as the' table decorations and will mark the places of the guests. Red satin ribbon will' be atretched across the table and red flowers, combined with Christmas evergreens, will make a low mound for a centerpiece. Covers will toe placed for Misses Helen Louise CroRby, Stella Thummel, Eu eenia Patterson, Alice Jaquith, Harriet MeU, Ann Glfford, Gertrude Metr, Elizabeth Reed, Marlon Kuhn; Messrs. Francis Gaines, John IiOomls, Oerrlt PVrt. PhlHn Meti. John Ravler. Drezel Sibbernsen. Harry Koch, Jack Summers and E. T. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dixon will entertain Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, Mr. and Mrs.-Charlea Stewart, Mrs. Victor II. Coffmnn. Miss Daisy Doane, Miss Marie 8tewart; Messrs. E. W. Harte, C. W. Hull, Luther Drake, Charles Saunders and Dr. W. O. Bridges. Wita Mr. and Mrs. T, B. McPherson -will be the members of their family, who bav returned from elsewhere to apend the day together. At th,. dinner corera will be Dlaced for Mr. and Mrs. win McPherson or Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McPherson of Wyoming, Miss Louise Mc Pherson and Miss Margaret McPherson. Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall will give a family dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J E. Baum of Philadelphia. Covers will be placed for sixteen and the .(inner will be followed by bridge. Mrs. E. W..Nash will entertain at a dinner of eighteen covers at her homa. Her guests will be Mr. and Mrs. George Myers of Dubuque and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot and family, Mr. and Mra. Louis Nash and family, Miss Frances Nash and Miss Proulx. Whether Na. Hard tlmea la It, Feelln' pore; ' . Wolf a kutkln1 Hound the door; Markot laKSlnK. Money tight, Cot of llvln" Juat a trtaht. Vakea no clKfrunc Whal'a the awme Paiita a romln' Jutit the aainn. War a waalln' Korelsn ahorea War doRii bayln' At our doora; 1 , L)lcord tlirlvln". I'eaoa entoomi-d; , , People atarvln'. Commerce dopmed; Makea no dlffnmoe Vhat'a brewln Banta Claua la up an doln. Mexlranoa 6UI1 a brotlln1. Uenerila For flsht a apollln'; Complliatlona Cm the border Disregard For law and order But the doga Of war are bayln' ' Thla here mow la prime for ah-l(hln't And ganta'a toola Have not been ruatln' Fnr here he atanda With park a buetln. Otraha. SAYOL-kNETnELK. rlctta Irexl, Frank Drexel and Herman Umxel. Mr. an! Mra. T. N. Croaby will enter tain at dinner t'hriatmaa for Mr. nd Mra. A. K. Oompton of South Pakota. Mr. and Mra. I n. Compton and MUa Marian Compton. Mr. and Mra. J. V. Prentlaa will have aa their Chrlatniaa dinner sueata iMIaa Marguerite IVentlaa and Mr. Henry Adama of Sheridan. Wyo. Uthera who will hold family dinners on ChrlDtmua are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bun derland. who will have twelve . suea'a Mr. and Mia. V. O. Fuller, eight; Mr. II. D. Keed. and Mra. K. M. Fay, nine. Mr. and Mra. W. E. Reed and Mr. anl Mrs. W. W. Ftaher will give a dinner hrlatmaa day in honor of Mra. 3. M Oulld of Payton, O. Covers will be placed for eighteen. Et-A-Virp Chriitman Party. The Kt-A-VIrp club give their Chrlet- nian parly at i hambers this evening. Thoae preaent will be: Christmas Sinners. Mra J. M. MetraU will give a family dinner ChrUtmas day. The table will be decorated with dark red carnnltona and Chrlatmaa greena. 'Covers will be pl".l for Judge and Mr. Cornlah o( Lincoln, Mlaa Virginia Cornlah. Maatera Jod and Albert CornUh. Jr.': Wins Anna TlbbetU aad Mrs. Metcalf. Mr. and Mra. K. R. Ram d ale will en tertaln at dinner rhrnrtmaa Mlaaea BlacK- more. Mlaaea Itedfleld. Kara Kan' bom. Ida Ularkmnre. Florence llath away, Meaara. Krneat Ramadaie of Mill' oeaota, R. K. Harrl. W. Ualbreath. Pr. and Mra. La A. Derniody will havt a family dinner Cliriatmna. IUi tlieM sueata arcund the frfctal board: Mr. and Mra Jobn Hurley, Mr. and Mra. Johi Patroody. Louia . Permody of Julien an Jack Huriey. . . Pr. and Mr. J. P. Anaon will enter tain at a family dinner Chrtatma. Cov rs will be luld for euihtran, and out-of town rueala will Include Mr. and Mns. A. 1. Kuhlmail of NMraaka City, parent of Mrs. Anaon, and Mr. Malt by of Cedar Raplda la. Mr. and Mra F. n. Chlokeiing hav laauad Invitation to eat ChrUtmaa din Bar at their houne to Mr. and Mra. A Croaaman. Mr. and Mra. Chai-lea llobart Mr. and Mr. Raymond Croaaman, Mia laabel Oitenbtrg of Mead. Mlaa Ida Pearl Stewart of Newt-aatle and Mr. Henry Oaten berg of Mead. Mr. and Mra. T. P. Doyle wUl enter tain at Chriatnt dinner for- Mr. and , Mra C. M. tlubner of Kebraaka city, Mra 11. Moi larty and Miaa Nell Morlarty. Mr. and Mia. Walter Pals give a fam ily party Chrlatmaa v. Eighteen gueats are bidden for the Chrbitmaa tree ctli) braiion and for aupper. ' . Mr. and Mra. If. G. Harte will hav a family dinner paj ty, Including Mr. and Mrs. John Hart and family. Mr. Fred arte Drexel, Mrs. O. B. rMep, Mlaa Hen- Debut Dance. Pr. and Mr. Harold lilffnrd ami Mr. ami .Mra. rrank H. Hochatetler enter tained at a dancing parly laat evening- at the Rome hotel In honor of thrlr daugh ter. Mlaa Ann fiirford and Mlaa France llochatetlcr. Thla party was tho debut of Miaa Ann Clifford and the lebut dance of Miaa Ilochatetlcr, who waa In troduced at a tea at her home early thla fall. The ball room was without decoration. but the supper room was profusely dec- orated with palms, Christmas tree and potted plants. Supper was served from small tables. On each was placed a small miniature Chrlatmaa tree and Chrlatmaa noveltlea marked the places of the sueata. Mlaa Ann Clifford wore s gown of white net made over white aatln, the bodice and aklrt being trimmed with French flowera. 8h carried an arm bouquet of Klllarney roaea. Mlaa Hochstctler wore her debut sown ot blue faille made with an old-faahloned basque of blue velvet She wore a cor- nann bouquet of Mrs. Phawyer and the. Cecil Bronner roses. Airs, uirrords sown was of lavender brocaded atln, made with tunla of lace. Mra. Hochatctler wore black aatln. made with an overdreas of black Chan til ly laoe. To Honor Mill Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chae will en tertain at ainner Christmas night In nonor or Mlaa Harriet Huntlnaton fimlth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith, preceding the dancing party which Mr. and Mr. mlth are giving for their daughter. Chrlatmaa deooratlons will be uaad and covers will be placed fori Muea Mlae 2rrii Huntlnton Cenevlve Brooks of Bmlth. Marlon Howe, Meilora Pavla. Mildred Roger, Meaara Charlea Hamilton. John Chadwlck, Robert Hum, Herbert Connell, VVaahlnaton. 1) Helen Bcolile. Margaret Haum Carmellta Chaae. Meaar. Caaper Offutt, Robert Howe, Philip Chaae, Pake Deuel. be slven ani wrmnni pertinent to tho birth of Jeaua Chrlat will be preached. Pontifical hlph ma will be celebrated at Ht. Cocella'a pro-cathedral at o'clock In the morning- by Rt. Rev. Blahnp Hcan nell. Other muane will be at 8, and 10 o'clock with solemn high man at 11, The orler of aervlcea at other Catho lic churchc win be aa follows: FT. JOHNS-Hljih mastics at 6 and 11 o'clock, and low manors every hour. HAf'KKD HEART High masses at 6 and 10:30 and low masse at 7 and 9 o'clock. ST. PHIIiOMBNA'S High masses at 5 and 10:30 and low tnnssea at 8 and o'clock. HOI,Y FAMILY High maa at n and low maaeea at 7, 8, 9 and 10 o'clock. fT. PETERS Hitch masse at S and 11 and low lnasdes at 6:30, 7, I, 9 and 10 o'clock. At F.ptaropnl C'horrhea. The Christmas dny aorvlces In All PnintV church will be at 7:30 and 11 a. in. The Christmas music will be sung at the 11 o'clock service by the full chorus choir, as follows: Processional Once In Royal David' City tiaiintlntt Itneilctua In B flat Williams Anthema Glory to God In the Hlgh- osi Adams A Joyful Chrlatmaa Bo nit Onvaert Carol Chorus bleep, Haby Hleep (from the cantata tho Iloid Child) Recessional Hark, the Herald Areola Sing Mendelssohn The music will be repeated at the 11 o'clock service on Humlay. Trinity Cathedral At 7, choral cele bration of tho holy communion, with the full choir; 10:30, morning prayer and second celebration, with special anthem and carols. Pean Tancock will preach at this ervleo. Church of the Good Shepherd Special aong net-vice by the choir at 7:30 o'clock In the morning. I.ntheran. The children's service of St. Paul's Lutheran church. Twenty-fifth and Kvans trects. Rev. E. T. Otto, paator, will be held on Christmas day at 7:S0 p. m. The progTam, mado up of German nd English selections and recitations, will be given by tho children of the parochial and Sunday schoola snd the choir. Morning service at 10 o'clock. Cantata by the choir. In the lrnmanuel Lutheran church Christmas Matin service will be held at i o'clock in the morning of Christmas day and will be celebrated this year a Toozer Finds Way to Stop Usury of the Loan Sharks How to beat a loan shark la Indicated by an Injunction suit filed In district court by John W. Tooier agalnot the Re liable Credit company. The law of the at ate protect borrowers provided they are wine enniiRh to take advantage of them, attorneys declare. Tooier borrowed Mn. giving his note for tVi InM August, secured by an assign ment of wsKea received from the Uniim Pacific railroad. When the loan company attempted to collect the amount by enforcing the as signment of waxes Tooier tendered tha $W borrowed by him with tl Interest and asked the district court for a restraining order preventing It from attempting to collect usurious Interest. Thl was granted, and, according to attorney, a permanent Injunction is sure to be issued when hearing is held. Toozer will thus havo had the use of the borrowed money at a fair rata of In terest. He alleges that John Katz, whose name appears In tho note, Is a fictitious per son Introduced to hide the loan company. The courts have sustained similar al legations In other suits. Passenger Travel is Heavy on All the Trains from Omaha Officials of the paasenirer departments of tho railroads are feeling pretty well satis! ted with the holiday business of this year, asserting that it has been the heav iest In years. All along during the last ten laya travel has been heavy from all point on the line and tha climax waa reached today, according to reports coming to the general office. YETTER DIYORCE SUITMAY END Some Indication! that Conple Will Become Reconciled and Pro ceedings Dropped. HUSBAND AND WIFE TALK Mr. Veltrr la U eepla and Mr. Vet ter'a Ke Are Molat When Con ference t:nil Hearing- la Adjourned Till Monday. Clontarf Omitted from Greater Omaha Annexation Plan KANSAS CITY, Mo., Pec. ii. (Special Telegram. A near reconciliation oc curred In tho Tetter divorce suit laat evening. When the attorneys gathercJ around Judge Seehorn'a desk to dlBCuaa whether to continue the hearing this morning or to adjourn until next Mon day, Mrs. Bena Yetter left the witness stand and took a seat beside her hus band, who waa sitting outside the rail ing. For several minute in the semi darkness of the court room they te Iked In low tones. Then when tho attorneys had agreed to adjourn - until Monday ar.d the conference between husband and wife was broken up, Mra. Yetter waa weeping and Mr. Tetter's eye were moist. It has been apparent all through the trial that Mr. Yetter ettll care for her husband. On the wltnesa stand she said: "I still lnvo my husband; I am proud of him and his success." It Is generally assumed that Mra. Yet ter would welcome a reconciliation as a solution of the domestic tangle. Mrs. Edith B. Clute, whose name ap peared in allegations made by the de fenae in William L. Yetters divorce ault tried In Kansas City, waa divorced from Fred M. Cluto March 2, 1914. The recree was signed by District Judge Bears. Mra. Clute brought the suit January 24 of thla year, alleging cruelty and non support. She Informed the court that "Why Clontarf precinct, the "Belgium v. Douglas county." haa been omitted front Greater Omaha plans to be made ef fectlve by compulaory annexation. Is question raised by County Clerk Dewey Clontarf haa been Invaded by th. kaiser's forces, who have erected the Gor man home there. It Is a small district containing;, according to the record twentv-eirht voter, twenty-four ol ! whom ct their ballots for Clerk Dewey ! There are no schools there snd the onlj I public Improvements sre those paid for by county funds. The precinct. howevr, la entitled by law to two Justices of tlii peace, two constables and a road over seer. An election board of five member counts the rotes cast there. It Is figured that out of Omaha today j ,ng a rooming house for her own support. more than 2.000 tickets were sold. Most of the purchasers were on short trips- trips that would enable them to reach destination, spend ChrtBtmas with friends or relative and be back In the city not later than next Monday morn ing. However, all week hundreds ot long trip tickets have been sold, the money derived therefrom aggregating snug aums. Right after the holidays, all of the railroad Unea reaching Into the south, or having southern connections, are prepar ing for an enormous passenger business. Passenger agents assert that there hns never has been a time when there were so many Inquiries relatively to rates to the south aa at this time. One child, now 13 years old, was born to tho couple. Christmas Dinner LOO Per PUt Served from 1930 to 3s70; 6i30 to 7i30. Caviar Canape Cream f Oyater or Consomme Aux Naveits Assorted Saited Nuts Wafer Boiled Salmon, Hollandalae Green Fens Prime Rlbn of Beef, au Jua Roast Young Turkey, Nut Dressing Cranberry Jelly FTled Capon a la Maryland Whippe.1 Fotatoea Macaroni Polsaon June Peaa Asparagus, Prawn Butter Hot Spicel Kee.ts Fried llnnilny Fruit Salad in Orange Baekuts Pin Monev Holla English Plum Pudding. Hrandy Sauce Cherry Cobbler, Southern Style, 1 sd Cream Cafe Parfait n la Flatlron Apple Pia Mince Pie Pumpkin Tie Cheese Assorted Cake Tea Coffee Milk Cocoa MUSIC. vrnuxraTOST caps 1S17 Par nam Bt. p. p. Killer, Prop. XMAS DINNER Prom 12 to 3, and from 6 76c. to 8 O'clock. Tom Flynn Given Christmas Surprise G. A. BAKER, JR TO BE STEWARD AT FIELD CLUB At a meeting of the directors of the Omaha Field club George A. Baker, Jr., Y'oungstown, O., waa unanimously chosen as stewart ami general manager of the club, to succeed E. A. Smith, whose con tract ha expired. Mr. Baker comes to the club with MgH recommendations and is said to be a man of wide experience in pleasing the most fastidious tastes of club men and women. Blue Points on Half Shell Celery Wafers Celery Conaomme Stuffed Olives Salted Almonds Radishes Pried Channel Cat Fish Hollandalse Sauce Roast Young Turkey Stuffed Cranberry Sauce Roaat Domeatlo Goose, Apple Sauce Spring Chicken With Pressing Roast Prime Ribs of Beef au Jua Whipped Potatoea New Spinach Sugar Corn June Peas Or Strawberry Beeta Waldorf Salad French Rolls Rome Mads Mince Pie Pumpkin PI Apple Pie English Plum Pudding. Brandy Sauea Bisque Ice Cream with Fruit Cake Cheese Crackers Coffee Tea Milk Ooeoo, Employes In City Clerk Tom Flvnn' i office presented him with a plumber's ' usual. Stenharamar's "Hosanna" will be kit for a Chrlatmaa present The mayor Mtasea Manivera Fulh r, Adeline Specbt, Klva Graham, Stella I.eai h, nea l.atey. Kslher Frl ke, Grace Junes. Kmma Iti-eae, Margaret Herman, F.ttiel Foyle. Catherine O'Grady, Marguerite tireenougn. Gertrude Weeth, Muv Jacoliecn, Cli'da Hrnn. Kthel l'yri, Irene lilKbv. 1ki y ll.iiiaeii. r.una Dodge, ktliel Anderson, M'-KBIB C C. limrd. Onoar Malftlrom, Hurley 1 if chip, A. S. Nurae. OIUi NieUen. Willi:ni MulMlxer. J. U Itrecroft. Mti'hall Dillon. C. K. Hall. II H Miller. C 1.. Kwum utt. ('. N Moulin, w. A. jiorii.ii, Pr. N. 11. AlwtMid, G. W. Steele. A. F. Brown, Fret-man Bradford, W. J l'alnu-r, William Hlaaon, V. ('. Mann. Pr. ard Mr. Have Osantner Mr. and Mra. Percy K. Gwynna, Pr atvi Mra. Fred I.age, Mr. and Mra W. H. Thcpe, Mr. and Air. II. K. FUhvi, Mr. ami Mra. W. K. 1 rait Mr. and ' a. A. F. KelbUrom, Mr. anu Mr. J. 11. HuvV Home for Chriitmu. Philip Donna, eon of Mlsse- Muy Grimea, Mary Hum, Naah, Mao Walsh. Clara Kohlff, Grace Barber, irace Walah, inlf red lxiree, ilia Mct'ullough, Helen O'l.rlen, Lillian Itohlir. l.ei! Hwlnney, 'lata S:tlllelel, Florence Tucker, lUKini'r I'uulftu, Ann Otferman, A Kites Meleen, Uerth Hwurt. 1 'oiil llaarmaii, HolMla Audieaen. Mesaia A. I,. KeynoMa, Thomaa Kruwu, t". 1.. Hlrch, '. M. Tex. A. V. Swanaon, t. Burnett, lie line Kow lea, Hai ty ! like, '. J. Aenman, A 1,. Id.-r. k Th.r Aii'lreaen, C. F. lUarmmi, J. T. Flo, I K. Sderbers. A. J. tf ferninii, Pr. a. Naiat ii, Pr. T. T. liarria, I W. Knight. Robert J. shields. C. A. I'ai-tun, At Orpheum Theater. The Orpheum theater will be a popular place New Year's eve. These reserva tion have already been made: Roger Keellna, box party for fourteen gucita; Rurgesa-Naah, twenty; E. Trailer, twenty; W. A. Rertlck, eighteen; Pouts Clark, eighteen; W. J. Pove, ten; W. T. Burns, eight; A. Dreyfoos, nine; C II. Aahton, six; Frank Boyd, six; Sam Burns, four; C. E. Hunter, five; T. F. Qulnlan, five; It Heller, two; C. Klrahbaum, three; C. D. Sturtevant. six. and C. fl. Camp bell, four. Future Affairs. Mlas Grace and Mr. Charles Alllaon will entertain at a watch party New Year's eve, at th Alllaon country home, Rose mere lodge. Miss Katharine Baum of Philadelphia will be honor truest. Mies Marian Ross will five a dancing party next Wednesday. To Honor Debutante. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith will entertain at a dancing party this evening; at Chambers academy. In honor of their daughter. Miss Harriet. Personal Mention. Mr. Edward Sommerfeld has gone to Chicago to be with his parenta and brother during the holidays. His brother has juat announced his engagement to Ml Ella ParUch of that city. Mr. M. C. Reynolds hss returned from sn extended stay In it Pouts to be the guest of her daughter. Mra. Charlea M. Richard, until after the wedding of another daughter, Miaa Virginia Rey nolds, and Mr. Ralph E. Cunningham, of Olenwood, la., which will be celebrated Wedneaday evening, December 90, at thh home ot Mr. Richard. Introltu. After the creed the choir will render "Sing, O Heavens," by Tours. Handel's Hallelujah chorus will follow af ter the sermon. In the evening at 7:30 the Sunday school festival will take place. The theme ot the program this year will be "The Lord of the City of David." The choir will Ing Gunnar Wennerberg's "Lift up Your Heads, O Ye Gates" as processional an them. Sir John Goss's "Behold, I bring You Good Tidings" follows further on, and by special request Stenliammar's "Hoiunna" la repeated. German Methodist. Service Christmas morning at the Ger man Methodist church. Eleventh and Center street. Rev. O. J. Jalaer, paator, will be held at 10:30 o'clock in the morn ing. A yuletlde program will be given at 7:30 p. m., when there will be a Chrlat maa tree, mimic and a program for the children of tha congregation. tvanellcl. There will be a apeclal service at the Grace Evangelical church, corner of Cam den avenue and North Twenty-aeventh made the presentation speech and Flynn stood speechless with surprise. Once upon a time Flynn was a plumber, and the gentle humor of the Christmas gift Intimated that after the storm clouds of the spring campaign had cleared away he might return to his trade, but the mayor assured him that hi friends har bored no such thoughts against him. Ia addition to the kit of tools the em ployes gave Flynn a beautiful, fint leather traveling bag. B J. J0BST GETS CONTRACT FOR REMODELING MERCHANTS Dan Gaines, new proprietor of the Mer chants hotel, has let the contract for the remodeling of the Interior of the hotel to B. J. Jobst, general contractor. The contract calls for lowering the floor of the basement two feet and fitting It up for barber shop, lavatory and storage room, remodeling the dining room and tho Installation of a grill room at the rear of the present bar. The alterations will coat about $5,000. Christmas Greetings ome Builders ffiishes fo cknowlcdg To Its shareholders, its patron-home owners, and to all others who have contributed to Its success financially and otherwise, its stneerest appreciation for every confidence bestowed in word or act The duty of Home Builders is one of publlo service and its val ues public confidence its greatest asset. Faithful service in return for this Is its highest aim. Upon public confidence and faithful service rests the perman ency of Home Builders. This is Its creed and this is Its rule of action in the future as in tho past. The DIRECTORS and MANAGERS hereby desire to extend to all friends of Home Builders its sincere greetings and the compli ments of the season, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Home Builders Inc . A. KohrbonRh, Vlce-Pres. C. C. Shiiner, SeCy. Dl if ipip r r- itn r a r ol.i .1 Ti w Q ... . T V .... '.!.. a a w ... ..ww Saturday, Dec. 26th The Bale that all men wait for and profit by. "Society Brand" clothes, Hirsh Wlckwlre & Co., Schloss Bros. & Co., Adler's "Collegian" Brand, L. Abt & Sons, Rosenweild & Well and other high grade manufacturing tailors. In and Out of the Bee Km. Mr. Herbert Daniel has gone to New York. Miaa Gertrude Keating will leave Sat urday for Lincoln to apend a week. Mr. Theodora Zlumbach of Minneapolis . will ipend the holiday with hi parent. , ait. ji. 11. noiro no nu aone 10 i. ill- i .. . - In cago, where he will join Mr. Holcomb , nJ and together they will apend Chrlatmaa , with their daughter, Mr. Frank Euati. ', Mr. Royal l. Miller aad family hav ft gone to De Moines, where they will ui De Christmas with Mr. Miller's apend mother. Dr. and Mra. C. W. Ferclval of St. I I'aul, Neb., hava arrived to remain over the holidays with their parenta, Mr. and Mr. W. D. Percivul. Mr. C. W. Down; Foy Porter, son of Mr. and Mra. J. B. Porter, and Guy Beckett aon ot Mra J. w. Woodroush, arrived homa thla morning. Meaira. Down and Porter are sophomore at Union college. Schenectady. N. T., and Mr. Beckett is a frrahmaa at th ame school. Mlas Carmellta Cba arrived horn thla moruing to spend th holiday with her parent. Mr. and Mra Clement Chaae. Mia Chaae la eecretary lo Ml Jane Addania at Hull House. Mr. A. T. Klopp and hi ona. Walter anl Lester, have motored home from the Mine Loulae F.M'lln haa gone to Topeka. Kan., to remain oxer the holiday with her mother. Mra. Max Burkenroad returned laat night from New York City, where ue went to be preaent at the opening night of th Metropolitan Grand Opera com pany, with which her aon, Bylvto Burk enroad. la to aing. Mrs. Tboma McCurraa of Chicago haa arrived and will remain over tha holi day wltrf her mother. Mra Hueatia. Banator and Mr. Norris Brown and their daughtera leav today to apend. Chrlatmaa in Dea Motaes. it iwiOT war Buli odd yir Stek Whothor tho Former Price Was 520, 522.50, $525, $27.50, 1530, $35 Or Even $40 YOU HAVE YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE FOR . r Saturday, Docombor 26th, at He Want Ada Ar tha Bed Buinea Read Dally by People in Search of Ad vertleed Opportunities. jy III 5SSJ See Them in Our Windows Look Them Over in the Store. f