Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    THK ItKK: OMAHA, WKDNKSDAV. 1K KM UK 14 J.l. l!14.
Council Pastel Resolution of Rnpect
for Mn. Herman Beal.
MRS. LAURENCE TOWNSEND, whose husband was
United States minister to Belgium for six years, has writ
ten a patriotic song; entitled "Belgium Forever," especially
dedicated to Mme. Frances Alda, the great prima donna.
ji Wilson May Defeat
Immigration Bill by
pnlntmenu an. I Inter rM"tr.l l-v tha
aeinats Wr Oregrorw rift-line! to nay
iwhat conclusion hH.I l.fn rsailir.l at lh
conforcni'f .
LiteracyTest Fight Echoes of the Strife
llwlldar Wnk Brlrias Ur-tai Riah
a RppoH t I. oral Postof flr-e
For re, Wklrh la Snorrril
' fader.
Jr William, courtdlman from lha.
Wsth ward at tha meeting of the. city
council last night Introdurel resolutions
f ronfl iuca upon ths death of Mrs.
Herman Heal, wlf of City Engineer
Herman Bal. The resolutions were un
animously pasfted by the mayor and
council and City Clerk Wheeler was di
rected to nend a copy to the bereaved
husband nfter spreading the same upon
iht council minutes.
Mrs. Beala funeral will ha held
Wednesday morning; at .30 o'clock from
her late resllencc. 1313 North Twenty--lhth
street. Bervlcea will be held at
ft. Bridget's Catholic church and Inter
ment, mode at Holy Sepulchre cemetery,
Omaha. ,
The resolutions adopted by the council
m as follows:
Whereas. The All Seeing- Father has
"en fit to call frcm the loving clrcln of
lanilly and friends Mra. jterman Heal,
the d-voted T.1fe of our clt engineer.
Herman Heal, thereby removing from
our midst a shining: example of devoted
wifehood, tender niotherhoo.1, and splrn
lld cttiaenshlp. whose loss will be keenly
lelt by all those who have the honor of
her acquaintance, and
Vherea. We who are, unable to fathom
4 lie mysterious ways of the Master of
Mfe. enn only stand toRether as brothers
snrt bow our heads In submission to His
tvMI. and
Whereas. We have been associated with
Herman Heal, the bercuved husband, in
:iis official capacity as city ensrineer of
Smith Omaha, and In the closer tie of
friendship and brotherhool, therefore
be It
Resolved. That we share with him the
sens of hla great loss and with his chil
dren, who will most keenly foci the lo.-w i
of the wise counsels and the lovliiK care '
if their mother, and to this end we
I ereby make public expression of our
sympathy and condolence, and as u fur
ilirr mark of respect the mavor his dl
i' ted that theete resolutions ho published
i ud reatt at this mcetlnK of the city coun
cil, nd that the city hall b cloned h.--tween
the hours of and HI In the morn
ing of I (eeoine-her til. 1M.
Baatlea Would Mpread Joy. I
In order to prevent any misconception '
of the Kagle Christmas tree program
the committee In charge of the work
haft announced that the Christmas tree
1s not a charity affair. It Is Intended
for the children of the city whoso par
ents tor one reason or another have
been unable to gather enough means to
provldo the usual Christmas festivities.
But the idea sought to he Impressed
by the Eagles Is that while the affair
i for poor people It is not meant as
charity. Kathtr Is It Intended to come
j a gift from the lodge members who
v lab. to commemorate the season in a
Htting way.
Secretary C Christiansen yesterday
i .:teJ the following statement to the
fcr In reference to the Christmns
Ice program:
The committee In charge of the 'Fra
ternal Order cf'Kaglea' Christmas tree
loohretloii for the children or tnc cl.v
. ounces that the affair la essentially
th vhl.drrn. hut adults wl'l re ad
. :l.tnd If it is found mat there Is
i oai.. Whon it is stated that the cole
i n'lon is for children, the fact is taken
I 1.1 I nlwlrinrfellnn nf V. M
. v. ........ .... i, ... iwikoi;, .Ha. Jli&Iljr
the little ones must bo accompanied
'I their fathero or motlinra.
' "f:ie Christmas tree proa-ram will be
Ci Ollttnitta ill, Dnprtmlwr fm.v.
" : ntil n o'clock In the afternoon. Chll
.i'.'H will ploasc r member that thla
I no; the day bei'orw Christmas, but
Hie holiday.' There will tie g .good
I : ncram ' and every, child attending wtll
r ' Ive some aift.
It 111 be remembered that this cele
Irstion, the tree, entertainment and gifts,
's for th chllilren of the city, who this
year are lens fortunate thun in other
years, and who on account of the war
cr other rc.isona have been overlooked
L- .-'anta Claus. The object Is not char
ity, but nther the fulfillment ol the
piomlaea of the season of the year.
Lighting1 Contract Approved.
Mayor Hoc tor In a communication to
t. c city council last night approved the
pi (rr.3d lighting contract for the streets
and recommended Its passage by ho
Citnil. It is probable that the ordinance
rtlative to street lighting will be passed
at the nest meeting of the council.
The rest of the council work laat night
was routine. Tha body adjourned for two
v.oeUs. It was announced that the fire
ij en and police would be paid before
( In iatmas.
"Whar A iu Uat UookaT"
From the haven of a backyard at Twenty-fifth
and O streets, where she bad been
nourished, a glib' goose, the property of
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Washington, colored,
wandered by the South Omaha poUca sta
tion yesterday afternoon. Two men, both
servants of the city, one a copper, James
aiicahan. and the other a fireman, 'Tex"
Regan, saws the waddling fowl. There
was no brand on it, no string tied to It,
do address attached to It. Followed a
scuffle between the fireman and the
policeman, a wild run for the goose, a
flutter of wings, a choking squawk and
tlia fireman had the goose. The police
man returned to the police' station to
advise with Mr. and Mrs. Washington,
who, having missed the particular glory
of their barnyard, had come to seek the
aid of the polio. It appears that the
gate to the Washington yard was left
ajar. A dog chased tha goose. The goose
In a moment of Inadvertence walked past
tha police station. The question Is who
has tha goose. Tha goose waa a Christ
mas present to tha Washlngtons from a
daughter in Omaha.
Wester Iowa la Clear.
All western Iowa la released from quar
antine restrictions, under orders from the
bureau of animal Industry. Green county,
nli loh was the only county in western
Iowa where the government men kept
on the quarantine against th foot and
mouth disease when western Iowa was
r. leased a week ago, is now open. It Is
said that free movements of cattle going
and coming out of eastern Iowa ar new
I ad In all sections of east Iowa, with the
xceptlon of a few counties which are
siiU under supervision.
Record llallday Week.
For th corresponding date in all the
I revlous years South Omaha postofflce
employes registered the busiest day yes
terday. Long lines of people waited their
turn at th mailing counters all day long,
nhlle the dorks worked ilk Trojans to
get tha mall out. Besides th heaps and
heaps of packages carried by the regu
lar carriiira yesterday, three big wagons
of parcels were distributed about South
Omaha In the afternoon.
One wagonload of stuff waa delivered
' . ;
- '
w N' " ' i iiinl,llP
S rv."s " J - 1
I t ?yS f ' ' V-aNiV - ,V I
i tM i
WAPHIMITON. 1X-. it . restrtonemrnt
of action on the Immigration bill pending
in the senate, until after the Christmas
holidays, was made virtually certain to
day when Senator James Hamilton Iwls
of Illinois, after a conTerenrv with Presi
dent Wilson, gave notice that he would
offer an amendment to strike from the
measure tha proposed literary test for
As soon as Pen a tor Twts hnd Made his
announcement, champions of Ci bill
sought to have further discussion of the
bill delayed until after the holidays, i
Parliamentary tangles ere encountered. I
however, and, on motion of Senator Smltr I
of South Carolina, the measure wo tem
porarily laid aside to be taken up agnlu
The fate of the bill. It was declared by
several democratic senators tonight, la In
doubt as a result of President Wilson'
opposition to the literacy test. Iu th
opinion of Its sponsors, striking out of thii
provision would mean defeat of the Mil
because no substtute method of restric
tion has been agreed upon.
WASHINGTON. Pe-. 72 -Censorship on
a scale absolutely without a pre "edent I"
now In opcmtlon oyer the complli atcl
system of tallies connecting K,uroe with
America. After some friction the ma
chinery crested bv the Hrltlth govern
ment Is now handling an average of ,n
it'lt'Krsm each rtiiy ami even this llmire
iliies not represent the full volume of busl
ln, hetause n-anv of the rableartnis
lire from their privileged bunnies not
subject to censorship.
WASHINGTON. iec Si Aftei a
searching ln estimation of the activities
of the German fleet In 'he southern la
ilflc recently, the government of Chile
hus made formal protest to Gennsnv
ssslnst nll ed violations of neutrality In
. hilenn waters
WASHINGTON. Icc --Count Pern
stirff. Gcrtimn nmbassador here, today
leeched a letter through the State de
partment thanking his government fot
measures for conduit of ships loadcil
with food supplies for Belgian relief.
rAIll, TVc. DC. The mlnsterlsl derls
ration on the ml'lturv sltuattnn whirl
III be read tomorrow i pon the reopen
ln of Parliament Is understood to he itn
usually- brief, as now prenared. ssetrhlii'
the situsilon mlv n onttlre. Manr mem
hers of parliament 'Velre to ouestlon thi
r-'Vernnyerrt In riefsl eoncemtn yar'oii'
phse of the mlhtnTV onerwt'ema. It li
unite lively that a ,cr session will hi
del-min ted so I hat ennMentlal mforma
tion may be communicated.
Only Two ore
Piano or Player
lays To S
Piano for
elect Vour
Washington Affairs
y plans
of Col
orado Springs,
the Interstate Com
whose term expires.
Hemv Clav Hall
Colo., memlier of
nine commission,
January 1.
President Wilson nominated Gabe K
Park-T of Oklahoma to he superintendent
of the five cy llljied tribes In Oklahoma.
Parker, a Chin taw Indian. Is now registe.
of the treasury.
Spanish Ambassador Blaiio and Secre
tary Hrysn exchnnaed ratifications of the
Investigating commission peace trenty re
cently agreed to between the 1'nlted
States and Spain.
Appropriation of J2.50n.0nn for the fight
I agHlnut the foot and mouth dlscnse in
I cattle was Included In the urgent defi
ciency bill reported by the house appro,
prlations committee.
Kxtenslon of the indua:rlal mannenient
a stem to the Norfolk navy yard was an
nounced by Secretary Punlela. Naval
Constructor Watt, recently retired from
the position ol chief of the bureau of
construction and renair. will become in
dustrial manager of the Norfolk plant.
Kfrorta to straighten out the dispute be
tween President Wilson and some demo
cratic membera of the senate over fed
eral appolntmenta were made at a con
ference between the president and Attor
nev General Gregory. Several of the con
tested appointments come under Mr.
Gregory's Jurisdiction and he haa been
consulted by the president regarding the
legal standing of men given recess ap-
If you expect to purchase a piano or player piano for Xmaa it will pay you to investigate
our tremendous bargains. In our stock you will find nearly every famous piano of America.
Sieinway Weber Hardman
Steger & Sons Emerson EllcPhail
Lindeman & Sons Schmoller & Mncller
And scores of others offered on terms of $5.00 a month with Free Stool and Scarf and
twenty-five year guarantee on every instrument sold.
Former Pric. Sala Prlc
$1,100 Stolnway Grand $450
Ollll k'ln.hall I, net o 1,1 3 1 "i
,. i'i.iii 1 A X.9
Steger A Sons. upriKht $210
Knabe. upright 8250
Schmoller A Mueller, upright $147
Steger & Sons. uprUht $250
Davis & Sons, upright $1IS
Schmoller & Mueller, upright $105
Sieger Sons, upright $100
Chlrkering & Sons, upright $lOU
New Upright, $17o and up
Former Price.
$276 Mueller, upright ,
$360 Steger &, Sons, upright..
$300 Fisher, upright
$1,000 Steger & Bonn, grand ..........
$800 A. II. Chase, grand
$600 Schmoller ft Mueller, playwr piano.,
$4 60 Technola player piano
$700 Stuyvenant player piano . .'
$500 Clough & Warren player pjlano. . . .
$800 Vhelok player piano
New Players, $328 and up
Sule Price
A -s nm
Schmoller & Crueller Piano o.
north of J street, while another covered
the territory south of O street. Rupert
intendent I w Etter worked .'an r'.wuyi
wltli tho men of tho office. Iieltuii to
weigh and throw mall, while attrmflngl
to hlB duties as superintendent. Tho me;i
arc working late hours to try and keep
the mails clear. Csually the SnutH
Omaha office has been able to keep front
being swamped by the extra work dono
now attending tho Vnlversity ot Michl
K'in, l visiting with his relatives In this
city. Kdward Fittle. -another fermr lilnh
school student of past basket ball tame,
is at home with hta parents.
The local boal Order of Moose will
give a dance tomorrow evening at the
Moose home. I'nion music will tic played.
You get the best merchandise at the
lowest pliers if you purchase in South
Omaha. '
The ilavel el' h of the hlRh school met
by tho rcKular employes. The local mail i last evenina in a cIiikb room at the hluh say that this year promises to he a I c'ipol. It was doubled to have a bob
record yesr for holiday ma.i, l"1 part' next "'- v evening. .
...,.. ; I lundny school students are nttending
school Auditors Hi'iiorl. I church regularly drilling for their annual
After an extensive wait the Hoard of i Christmas programs. Prartlcallv all of
Kducution at Its meeting last nlgnt ro- i tn? Bun,ii,y choois of tho city will have
..- . - .u- .extra programs..
v.uru I HQ ltll t ui iiiu ayuiivi V t iltf i L
k V 11 ITsOuOKTSrxl Jrr
I I (aSArJeti I
cently checked over liie athinil imura.
The board took the report under advle
mcnt and will exumlne It thoroughly be
for presenting it.
Teachers, were voted their pay" In tlm4
for the holidays, which will extend from i
Thursday noon to January 4.. The teach
ers and Janitors will bo paid Thursday
at noon. Interest on school bonda waa
allowed in the sum of M.003.18. Adjourn
ment waa taken until January 4. ' '
Hag to City Gossip.
YOU CAN BUT IT at Fishers.'
The Mystic Workers of the World will
meet thla evening at the Odd Fellows'
Cherokee coal, unscreened, M.55; screen
ed, H75. South 7. llowland iAim. &. Coal.
The Doard of Kduc.tlon met last even
ing at the high school. Local business
matters were taken up.
Office space for rent in Bee office, 2318
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. (South 27.
Local students who attend th Univer
sity of Nebraska ate home on the Christ
mas vacations, bhlrlv Mencfee, star bas
ket ball player of laat year and who is
Continuing the thieving raid that has
been gotiiK on in South Omaha recently,
thievea broke Into the Last Chance saloon
in Albright last night and stole about
twenty-five gallons of whisky and fifteen
boxes of cigars. Within the last week
nbout half a dozen saloons have been
looted In South Omaha by burglars.
Give HIM
Well Known
Brands of
. DON'T make the mistake
of giving him off brands.
It's Money Wasted
UV carry all woll known standard brands. Here nro a lew:
El Principe de Gales La Preferencia
Sanchez & Haya Chancellors
Websters Cincos
First Consul Hand Mades
Also a big line of Pipes, Humidors and Smokers' Articles.
Niles-Moser-Rogers Co.
1506 Farnam St.
C "Pop" Moran
1614 Farnam St.
Old Taylor, bottled in bond $1.00
L. M. C. Kwerve, fine old whiskey, full quart 70$
Warwick, bottled in bond 89
Special low prices on Clark's Rye, Guekenheimer,
(ireen River, Cedar Hrook nnd Bond & Lillard.
White Tokay, full quart ...50
Port and Sherry 25
Cojrnae. Brandy , 49
lyow prices on Chamjn.true nnd all imported "Wines
and Cordials.
Luxus Mercantile Go.
109411 North 16th Street.
Phone Doug-. 1889. FREE DELIVERY.
The House That Saves You Money.
"TIvms Urrtbls Kar
Kola Iists stoppsd" la
what hundred of letter
r ttilttig m. You re
aratsr that mm tlm
SCO I ofrrt .in) Trent -mnu
for Hs4 NoK,
KrM. lo Utnsi He
rosier and this is ih
hspur rooult.
llo4 Noises! What puiurs of latolerbl
autlcrlnf tbeso words bring to nil nil. Header. If
ru hT Head Notm, I know well that no words
of mtna ran deaciina tha weary mlvery. Hut you
re l ho on apprarlato ths hleterd relief In the
words -'sly Head Noises lsre stopped." and toere
are the words wMen every day's mall brlns sie.
The r a-rnl sratllude c4 the people wdo re
oeiv.4 tbe free INtlwiU erfererl la I hi pa
per I Met month haa been so great and I heir appeals
tor Iriend so urgent Hist 1 uu going to oiler age IB
200 Treatments Free
Think what It would mesa to no longer mrer i
with these Intolerable, roaring sola the whist- !
I'i the esrsping the bum ot luect the j
bulling all tb weary raulogu of souki. whuii '
u..-a make r fetl thai they sauet stop, or
you will go Insane. i'eroapA too, your hearing
la beginning to fall, but whether It has or not. i
yon know la your heart et hearts that It will gu
and the veloe ot acltsu-e warn you la unmit.
able terra. If yeu bsv Head oiaea, soeoer or .
later, you wtll be 6f. i
'Irre la vour opportunity. Send for one ot my 1
fre TresiawsUi sad my WMMhod whim km
..,.n ub..url I luat your coiMiltio. Juet drop f
ute note or a post rard, giving your full name i
and oudreea, sking for a Treatment for Head I
Nolee Kree. You will sever regret It. I
Thla offer 4 UMi I for Y'H . peekaps yow
hare tried other thing and become tllacouraced. 7
1 -na you bav been told tber la no belp.
rerbape you are rsreleealy neglecting your e
.. .y to Aay Ihlamng II will get well ol I tee II.
Make rust thla en. 11 etfort. Send for one ot my
Free treatment. II woa't eit you a peany. See
tbt auereeatul new treatment and thv met bed
wbh b ha cured many, niaoy people wltb Head
Nmiei y iM Ilk your. ,
Write Inoiy fur r'ree Itesd Nolaee Treatment
laid 'i'traaa B tuttuu;, atostoa, scaaa.
at aw
The Ideal
A Real Gift
For the
Entire Family
0 $1600 'W
Give one of these hand
some cars to your wife
or daughter and you'll
make it the happiest
Christmas of her life.
2101-3 Farnam
It is just as convenient as any
electric; just as handsomely
finished and appointed; just as
easy to drive; yet it costs you half
as much to purchase and maintain.
If orders are placed
mediately, deliveries can
be made any day
hour you stipulate.
Orosilhiai (Coinapairiiy
J. IL Jamison, Pres. Omaha, Neb.
3 it?i