Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 12

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14 A
PKCEMHKIt 20, 1914.
3 rv . -
thildren s Heart in
Gladden the
Omaha's Great TOYLAND
Bring Them To
fie Realm of Childhood JoyWhere Santa
Is King-TOYLAND, Third Floor
Genuine Imported Sfelff Muffed Animal
phsnta, Lions, Monkeys, Camels, Horw. tc
we jr
Made ol
with Indiana,
Horses and Animals OQ
on them. Special ... OaC
Bear. Dogs, Cats, Kle
at arestlT rrduced prices.
I?ub-a- dub luit
Drums, Drums,
25c to 50c
it i.a rt it.
''in I'l wi I
hl.Uuill i IUU Ubui kill Ol HIl
the boy, he knows. Special No.
set . . . . :
Other Up to 814.00.
w a
Ilahy Doll Hcadx,
With hair f)8c
Doll Arms Celluloid and Bis
que, 3i'c arms for
H e I I N o n
Itreakable Henri
at 490
II I a q li e Ioll
Heads . . . .2."5
to .31.50
Here Is
THE Gift
for Boy
liall Hearing, Ilea? Itubher Tired Tri
cycles Nickel plated handle bars,
with cork ends. Hard' fl?? r A
leather seat. Special price )O.OU
Handsomely Dressed
Dolls Pretty blue and
pink dresses, shoes and
stockings and hats to
.natch. Open and close
eyea, light or AQn
dark hair ....
, kind for
Celluloid Kewplc
25c, 49c, 75c
up to $2.50
Large Size Trunks
Will hold all of dol
ly's clothes. Have
key and are well
i Fine Handkerchiefs Alwavs Please Select Here
Specials on Main Floor
Women'a Extra Fine Sheer
Linen Handkerchiefs With
new long, script, block or real
small Initials. Also wreaths
and , butterfly effects. 8IX
In fancy box for
75c, or, each , . ,
Women's Ileal Hand Kmbrold
ered Armenian Lac IUndker
chief. With hand embrold
' ered Initials.
Initials. 25C
Women's KHk Crepe de Clilne
Handkerchiefs All the new
colors. Also pl&ln white but
Crepe Handkerchiefs
with Initials, Each. .
25 c
Women's Real Hand Embroid
ered Armenian - Iice Hand
kerchiefs With new QQ
long Initials. Each.. OVC
Your Full Name on Sheer
All Linen Handker
chiefs, 3 in Box, 50c '
Women's . Tissue Ilandknr
kerchlefs Fancy colored in
itials 8IX in box. worth
60c. special Mon
day ,
Imported Irish Linen Handknr
rhtefs for Men and Women
Sher hemstitched. New long
, Initials. OC.
Each uub
Children's IMrture Handker.
chiefs All linen. THREE in
a fancy hand-painted
box for
.Children's Handkerchiefs
With colored Initials. THREE
In a picture box
Specials in the
Basement Monday
Women's Llnenweave I Hand
kerchiefs With embroidered
Initials, embroidered corners,
corded borders; also lace
edges. Worth up to
8c each. Special, at. 02 C
Men's rialn Wlite Cotton
Handkerchiefs Narrow
hems. Good size,
. value. Special
Women's Fine Rheer IndUt
Llnon Handkerchiefs Wide
and narrow hems, with em
broidered Corners In colors
and white. Special,
Women's and Men's Pure Irish
linen Handkerchiefs Plain,
all widths hemstitch. Many
In this lot worth
2 Sc. Choice, each
l: 6ic
Toilet Goods. Manicure Sots,
Mirrors. Hair Brushed. Etc
Extra ' Quality Ebony
Hand Mirrors Worth
11.60.: Special .-..880
White Ivory Mirrors In
all shapes and sixes.
Prices from 85.08
down to z:-V&6.
Imported Hair Brushes
In ebony and rosewood-
Hand drawn, extra
J quality' bristle. At $3.08
and down to 49fc
Whit Ivory Dressing
Combs, worth 75c 24
1 0-inch Rubber Dressing
Combs Worth fl.26,
at G9
White Ivory Buffers
With removable cham
ol. at .444
Ebony Buffers With re
moveable c h a m o 1 s.
Worth 60b .. ....20t
Manleni'e Scissor All
sizes and styles, from
98e to 20
The Larjrest Assortment
of Manicure Seta, In Rolls
and Fancy Boxea At
.Cut Prices.
Imported . and Domestic
Perfumes A large as
sortment in fancy boxes.
All the new odors from
810 to .25
We Specially Feature the
Genuine Thermos Bot
tles and carry complete
lines. Qt. sise .$2.39
Gillette Safety Raaurs
The $6 kind for 83.77
Ever- Ready Razors
With blades. Regularly
$1. Special 78
Shaving Brushes Spe
cial, at .24
Pretty Gifts &b0? Ribbons
Ribbons for Sashec and
Hair Bows In plaids,
plain, Moire and Satin;
also Warp Prints in a
great variety of beauti
ful designs. Prices
25c and up
Brocaded Ribbon for
' Sashes ins. wide.
Yard ..30e and G5t
The Same Patterns in
Hair Bow Ribbons
20t and 35 per yd.
Many pretty Kensing
ton Bags, Slipper or Cor
set Cover Bags can be
made of Valour and Vel
vet Ribbons, and these
make very pretty gifts..
Ribbon Roses and
. French Bouquets
Boutonnlers that are so
popular. These . make
vtxy pretty gifts. OE
- Special, each , . w
Also many suggestions
for Pretty Pillows and
other pretty articles for
gifts can be secured at
our Ribbon Department.
I Jewelry, Leather Goods, Silverware, Toilet Sets, Hair Ornaments
Solid . Gold Front
I inks. H w ith
Genuine Diamond
Chip In nice sa
tin lined M
. boSpectal 0 A
Solid Gold Ftout
Scarf Pin and Tie
with Gen-'
u 1 n
cial ..
1 Diamond
-Put up in
lined box.
Box Sets of
Jewelry 25c-50c
One Set LLnk In nice holly
box. 6O0 values, nr
at ZOC
Gold FiUed Scarf inns In
holly box. Special O C
at! ZOC
' Setfof Links and Scarf Pins
La Vailierefi, Solid Gold Pen
dant Beautiful colored
gold leaf and black enamel
designs; 14k 1-10 gold
chain. Values Q Q
to 13.60. spec ! V 1 jO
Jet Pendant La Valileres
, Regular price $1.60. Ex
ceptional values C C
at blC
Ladiei.' kld Filled Watches
Elgin, 7-Jewel movement.
Guaranteed 20-year gold
filled case.' tj7 QQ
Values to $16 p JO
Latie' Bracelet Watrhoa.
line 7-Jewel lever move
ment. Special
f Tf. .U M
Others, $7.50 to $50.
Graldlue Farrar (Xinb
Very fine hand carved
pierced denlgns. TTf
76c vals. Special at OUC
Men's Gold Plated Watches
American movement. Val
ues to $5. Sp- ") A C
rial at ..'
I f
: Litre liiint-r tloih 7i-lnrh size.
With beautiful embroidered and
i orawu wora centers. Keguiar I 50
Tr: .$5.98
Leather Goods
Collar Boxea $1.50 (M
values. SpecUl J 1
Bridge WhUt Set Two
decks of fine cards, with
score pad put up in tine
leather case. $1.50 4
values for 5 X
Manicure Seta Put up In
suede leather roil, with
green or red satin lining.
Values to $2.00. Spe- ti
Mai $ 1
Real Morocco Hand Bag
With two fittings, and
either pannier or regular
handles. Values to CI
$1 98 for ! 1
Real Leather Parv Cases
Mtn silk linings and six!
fine nickel fittings. $3.00
values. Spe- ki f o
clal Ol.tJo
Real Ebony Military Brush
St'ta Made of best quality
bristles. In fine real leath
er case. Special j QQ
Finest Ladies' Hand Bag
All leathera. Real Seal, '
Real Walrus, Real Pin Seal,
etc. $4.00 and $5.00 val-
Toilet Sets, Etc.
Sterling Silver Manicure
Sets Three pieces in nice
holly box. Spe- 7Q
rial v. ... i7C
Sterling Silver Comb and
BruMi Set -- Full slxe
brush and comb. $5.00
values. Special 2 Q8
Sterling Silver Comb, Brush
and Mirror In nice velvet
lined box- $18.60 values.
Special $g08 08
Quadruple Silver Plated
Smoking-Sett Fur pieces,
$4 values. Spi
cial af . . . . .
fViinntnn I a) nSllaa
VVU1UH-I1I I1UI1.I n til ,
make gifts - most sincerely
appreciated. The new Patri
cian and Georgian patterns.
La Vallers, Solid
Front Pendant and
Filled Soldered Link Chain
Values to $1.25
Gold Filled Pen Knives -
With, bail for chain
Quadruple Silver Plated Toi
let SetaComb, Brush and
mirror. $5 val
ue for , . .
50c J
$1 FJk
The Most Exquisite and
Startlinslv New Designs
The most wonderful and varied assortment shown west
of Chicago.
Our hair ornament department la a revelation In hall
ornament styles. For ChrUtmas presents the gift par excel
lence Ask any fashionable woman.
Fine Silver Plated Nut Pick
Seta 1 cracker, 6 gA
picks for OUC
German Silver Cigarette
Cases Beautiful E re
designs. Special at OUC
Sterling Silver Military
Brush Beta Spe
ciaL at
Shaving Stand Quadruple
silver plated.
Children's Cup Quadruple
plated and gold QQ'
lined. 50 and.. OiC
Linens for Table, Buffet and Dresser Will Purely Please the Recipient
l valuta.
1 i- each .
Ir Dinner Cloths 71-Inch
1 bi'A Jnb.ilPtA fan t a a GUIU
regularly for $:5, -s r
. spci&!iy priced, tacb vlOtOU
V Iteuii-aure Center Pieces Plain
I ceuier, $0-in. size. Worth
60c. Special, each
,T-., -'.. -V-,.
Lac l!uf(-t aud lreeer Scarfs,
54 Inctvea With drawn work cen
ters. Very handsome patterns.
$1.$5 and $1.50 values. re
Very specially priced Uip
for Monday , . UL
Japaneae Drawn Work Tea Cloths
30 and 46-Inch alts. With beauti
ful embroidered and' draws work
designs- Regular ! r ,
values. Very spaclal at O 1 .O'
Japanese Drawu Work Lunch tloUu,
64-iuch slue Very exquisite em
broidered and drawn work pat-
t terns. $2.76 values 98
Renal5sanc Lunh Cloths 5 4-lnch
alxe. With pretty embroidered and
drawn work renters. Positively
worth $4.50. Spe- np
rial vmmO
24-inch Clun Ice Plecee Regular
8c values.- Special. r" O
each OUC
raucy Lace Scarfs, Square and
Round CVnter llecearr-Wlth lace
insertion and eyelet designs, eye
values. Special QQ
each OiC
Clun y Lace Tumbler Doilies A large
assortment of pretty pat
terns. 36c valuea Special
Full lUearhed Table Damask 72
inches wide. Scotch and Irish
make. ALL LINEN. In a range
of the most exclusive QQ
patterns. Special, yardspX.cO
IIS I n 1 1 I 1 "it-- . t- m, nTFrt.i iff VII -jr,
lT rlL vL-JL Ttr-iT ."r i ' - 11 Vl 1 It I II
Sale of Beautiful Oriental Rugs Monday i
Oar Entire Stock is Offered at Sharp Price Redactions
This sale brings an nn- TT tMM
expected opportunity to
all who desire to buy some of
these high-class Oriental
Rugs either for their own
homes or for a Christmas re
membrance where something
extra fine and of exceptional
t alue is to be offered.
The following numbers, taken at
random from our stock, will give you
an idea of the wonderful values we
offer in this sale:
5 Feet
- ; urn mbi&m
I ' V flV K 1 msw H Via-
. x 3 Feet
1 Inch x 3 B'eet
1 Inch x 4 Feet
9 Inches x 3 Feet
5 Inches x 4 Feet
.. 5 Feet
.. 6 Feet
.. 4 Feet
IRAN RUG 4 Feet 9 Inches x 3 Feet
KERMANSHAH RUG 4 Feet 2 Inches x 2 Feet
IRAN RUG .......... 5 Feet
IRAN RUG 5 Feet 10 Inches x 4 Feet
KERMANSHAH RUO 6 Feet 6 Inches x 4 Feet
6 Feet
6 Feet
6 Feet
6 Feet
9 Feet
9 Feet
6 Inches. .. . $22.50
tlnch ..$25.00
1 Inch $32.50
7 Inches.... $23.00
4 Inches... .$27.50
4 Inched... $32,50
9 Inches.... $37.50
8 Inches x 3 Feet 11 Inches. . . .$37.50
6 Inches x 4 Feet 5 Inches. . . .&43.0O
3 Inches. .. .$49.00
8 Inches... .$50.00
7 Inches.... $49.00
2 Inches $49.00
1 Inch $75.00
6 Inohes $85.00
.I........ $120.00
7 Inches... $300jOQ
8 Inches x 4 . Feet
2 Inches x 4 Feet
5 Inches x 4 Feet
4 Inches x 4 Feet
8 Inches x 7. Feet
6 Inches x 8 Feet
3 Inches x 8 Feet
Many Others Priced from $7.50 Up.
axs nuoa
i $35.00
Smartest Neckwear Novelties
That Will Make Ideal Gifts
To' Lady or Mi;
Lace and Swiss Dress Sets.
Just received. Very new
$1.25 and up
Collar and Cuff Seta In dainty effects
ed. Plauen lace
The Queen Elisabeth Neck
Band. Very newest effects,
from " i
&1 9C
Swiss embroider-
pretty girts. Prices $1-98 EQ
'.. Ja7W
Boudoir Caps Very
and down to ......
ScarfsIn many new and pretty effects. Onr
assortment is complete we have them at all
prices ,
Plain Hemstitched Crepe de Chine 1 O C
Scarfs .3l.a0
Brocaded Hemstiched Crepe de Chine j 1 fA
Scarfs J 1 .OU
Silk Mull and Crepe Scarfs, at '
50c. 39c and 25c
New and becoming styles In Military band col
lars, also collar and cuff sets. In nr
pique, hemstitched Swiss' OC
4 Ss, SJ L 4
1 X' fieV-
liWSBK ...
S3 4.
Vestees, with soft rolling collar and military
effects. In Swiss embroidered and pretty net
and lace effects. Prices range
50c and up
Ladles' Collars Splendid variety in pretty
Swiss embroidered. Wired lace. Dainty de
signs. Pleated back. ..Very charming:
50c and tip
Beautiful Imported Organdy Collars. New
shadow effect. Most 01 Cf
dainty 3JL.OU
Xmas Gifts for Men and Boys-rFine Furnishings
Christmas Snspendns and Gar
ter S.ta Special at . Ffl.
gl.00, 7 So and OUl
roar Pairs of X.a's Bilk Bos
Qray, tan, navy and black col
, era, put up In fancy , C I P.r
Christmas boxes, at ' Box
Von ralra rtaa Usla BIo.
Auocted colors, put up In
fancy Christmas bolts, tfl
apclal. box OJU
M.a's Sample Bwoator . Ooato
V-neck style, larra ruff-neck
collars, mad. of fine quality
wool and worsted. Worth uo
to te.60. special at 61 O C, S3.SO and O I lOU
Ckrlatmaa Beta of Tls, Boso,
Banakarchlofs, also Tlo,
araf tin and Cbaia, l MAC
PoerUI at V 1 Wtf
BpaoJal Yaln ii PA. i
Bilk Bos, a ... wUU
Men's BampU Bata Bomb Made of
fin. quality wool and cotton blank,
eta; also Tarry robes worth to
$8.60. Special, $S.8, 04 AO
S4.S8, 93.S8 and ; VtiUO
Stan's Pajamas Mad. of fine qual
ity. Solsette and outing flan- I
nel. Bpeclal, 9S.OO, 91.60 and V I
B.a's AH Silk Pajamas In blue,
white and pink. Worth tJC Cfl
tolS.CO. Special, suit.. VDiUU
Perxla's, PowaeT and D. ft p. Olov.s
for ac.a We are ahowlna- all the
new shades of' Ql Cf) to 04
leather, at pair QlsOU 90
Boys' FVmr-in-handa or
Windsors. , Special. In fancy
-2Sr?.M...: 25oto50c
Boys' Initial wl Belts Single or
monogram Int. FHa and OR a
tlals, av...
-rm n 99 V IV I f
$1.98 $3.98
Boys' Bats. Bob.s New ' pattern
Dianaet robes. Ages to i7
..ssi on to
Uaajamaa Tor Boys Most practi
cal pajamas, made of heavy out-
iiann.i. akm to IX
years, O I to
at VI
Jnv.ail. Sweater Bets ConsistlnK
of Jacket. Legglnga and Toque: la
white, red and si an
tan V I .9 0
ors' Bweaten A Urge assortment
for small or large lade. In era v.
. maroon, navy QQ. to AQ OO
tan and brown
Boys' and Girls' India a Salts, Oow
oy aaita, nremea Bolts,
men Bolts, Soldier Bolt
choice Monday A I to
at P
ts, Oow- f
, PoUoo.
s Your 'jf
ma nn 4
Put a Victor Victrola in Your
AaBBBSBSBBssBBassBBBBBBBBBBBsss) fBssssBasBt maswmmm mmmmsmmmammmmsmmmmmmammmmmm mammmm BBsjsBSBBaaaaaaaBejsBsaaavjBaaBBaaaaaiBBjj
Own Home This Christmas
A VICTUOLA is the greatest source of entertainment you could possibly have.
1 A -1? i ' L .11 il i . . . V.tV
luie peneciion; 11, gives you a repertoire 01 an me urana uperas, tne best music, !f
the irreatest Comedies and Dramas, the Finest Band Pieces -all At. n p.nsh ro lnw a zC
D ' - w .
to be within the reach of all. A Victrola in your home means that you have enter
tainment of the very highest grade within .reaching and hearing distance at all
times. These two special outfits show you how reasonably we price Victrolas:
This Outfit
Illustration shows
the new style Vic
trola XI, which is
offered at $107.50.
This Outfit
Illustration shows
the new style Vic
trola X, which is
offered at $32.50.
With either of these outfits we give
you your choice of ten double-faced 10
inch' Victor Records, making twenty se
lections in all.
Pompeian Room Brandeis Stores
J 14-r i