T1IE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 20, 1914. COFFEY- OUTTALKS MEM AGAINST HIM Delivr rt Two-Hour Address on labor Topics and No Fight -sleft in Opponents. IfOBMAN SHOWS HE'S THESE Mttlo Inlrrrhaaire ( , ANit All Firework (bat B plode at Mcli.Alrrtlwl ' Platform Darl. A terrlM irruelllns:. planned for Secre tary Frank M. Coffey of the Nebraska Federation of Labor before th Omaha Central I-abor union, largely flitted out tleors Norman told Coffey that ha would Dot "trust him scroes the street,'' to" whloh Coffey replied that what Mr. Nor man thought rauaed him no lost . of aleep, and the firework wars exploded. It appeared that tha Antral Labor union hat harbored a grievance- against Secretary Coffey for refusing to publish a communication In tha federation paper. Coffey said the publication would merely "hava advertised to the atata that thera waa another division In the oounoila of labor" and that ha deemed It proper to auppreM It. No Carbine; for Coffey. "If you don't like tha way Tra running tha paper, you may hsve tha Job," aald Coffey, "but aa Ion I'm running It I'll run It tha way I think It ought to be run. My opinion la not for tale or trade and It can't bo Jrbd.M Coffey talked for nearly two hours be for tha delegate to the union were given an opportunity to present their grievance." Ha discussed tha proposed amendmenta to tha workmen'a oompenaa tlon law and the action of the executive committee of tho Federation of Labor. "I waa opposed to tha workmen'a com pel nation law oa p." sJd Coffey, "but w gained four yeara by paaalhg ly for we cjvn amend It If we go about It In tha right manner." Solveaer of Employer. Over the question, "How can the sol vency of an employer. bo guaranteed, o that the workman ran collect under tha compensation lawf lengthy argument were made, and no conclusions reached. Under the present law the compensation doctrine may ba adopted or rejected by the employer and the employe has a chance to sua and then fall back on the compensation. CcXfcy recited the' amendments agreed tipon by the executive committee of the atata federation. Ad clubs, welfara commissions and the "rotary clubs" were roasted by Secre tary. Coffey. He said they dictated to their members the advertising mediums ihey should. patronise. The coming session of tha legislature, aid Coffey, can. make a master stroke by providing for a state printing office. Such an office,' ha said, would sv tha tate thousands of dollars and do away with a lot of political printing lobs that were most a Joke. J. p. Murphy, delegate from tha Holler makers' union, secured tha passage of a "resolution recommending to tha legisla ture that the city charter of Omaha ho amended to change the present qualifi cations for tha offloa of city botler In spector. The. purpose of the change la to ' place the ffi'c In the hands of practioal bollcrmakera, the holder of the office to have served ten yeara aa a bollarmaker and to hava bean employed at hi trade within three years of bis appointment to the place. ' ; '. ' Thla resolution carried, , oa ft standing vote. 21 to S, George Norman and two other delegate opposing It. W. A. Chrtusmnn. a Central Labor union man, not a Boilermaker, now holds th office. ' , rUa'o Representative Jerry Howard ap peared to tell tha union that he waa the people's, servant and Intended to Intro dure a minimum wage bill at tha next legislature. He Invited the laboring men to get busy tf they were Interested In this bill. , The matter waa referred to the several locals, to bo considered and reported back at tha meeting on tho econd Friday in February. . .. . Louis V, Guye. speaking on tha com plaint of the motion-picture operators' union, suggested that tha Hipp and Prin cess theaters be boycotted until they had ooma Into the union. MISS LUCILLE PUGII, the faiV Portia who won a de cree for her client, Mrs. Kathryn Brown Decker, shown at right, in woman's garb, in contrast with costume of the lady lawyer who affects men's styles. V Ci'- Ja I CHARITY FORCES KEPI BDSY Mr. Donne, Secretary, Ajki for More ; , Assistance in Her Work. WILL INVESTIGATE ALL CASES Vrwa . tha . Beaevoleat Peoplo of Omo.be to Lot Aasocfatlo Handle All Caere, Rather Tkta for ledlvlaaals to Do It. . Mra. Oeorge W. Doane, secretary of the j Associated Charities, has her hands full ineao aaye ana ner rorce Is kept on the move' handling all the charity cases whloh aye brought to their attention. Hundreds are applying for work and many are seeking for relief, colls com ing also on" tho telephone from all quar ters, f , Mrs. Doane urges the benevolent people of maha to make tblr contributions through her office, rather than to trp to help Individual ease. The machinery of the Associated Charities Is at vhe dis posal of the people of Omaha, who are assured tjiat- their mony will be placed whero It will go farthest, and given only to tlioae known to be worthy. , Mrs. Doane told of a distressing case of .a mother and eight children, whose ages rangf rom 17 to 6 years. The father, a laborer, is dissipated, and not only does not support his family, but abuses them. He has not been regularly employed for nearly a year. Mrs. UeAne has ordered coal and food for the use of the family, and Is taking steps to require thi hus band to contribute to their support. The mother Is a neat little woman, very In dustrious and deserving. She decs her beat to earn something by washing and Ironing. ' Thla is a typical cane. There are all too' many like it at this time. Tho situation calls for tho earnest con sideration of every benevolent person. Two re Indicted in Jaff Murder Case NEW YOKK, Pea M.-Two .brothers, Joseph and Jacob Conen, poultry men, wero Indicted late today by tho grand Jury Investigating tho murder of Ernest Baft, wholesale poultry dealer, controlling stores' In New Tort, Boston and Phila delphia, who waa shot dead In the street three weeks ago by men who escaped In an automobile. Tho charge agalnat them waa assault In tho first degree, but so important were their Indictments oon tdared by tha police that Assistant At tomey Delehanty asked Judge Melons be fora the pair were arraigned In tha court of general sessions to hold them fh ball of $3,000 each, In default of which they were remanded to the Tombs. Mr. Delehanty intimated that tho pres ent Indictment waa only a moans of hold ing them and predicted that on Monday tha tnon who actually killed Baft and 'thoso higher up" who hired them would bo under arrest By that time, he aald. tho police . department a Investigation would bo virtually ended. Lifa Imprisonment For Frank 'Green, Says the Trial Jury . Tho Jury In criminal court last night returned a verdict In tha case of tha tat against ' Frank Green, coored. charged with murder and fixed tho pun ishment at life Imprisonment. , Following a quarrel last summer. Green tabbed and kllloi his wife. II was charged with first degree murder and without bonds, held to the district court Washington Affairs Efforts to fix todav as the time to vote on the houtti Immigration bill or amend went failed in the tenuis on objection of Senator O'Uonnan - hkmator Kinllh of Mouth Carolina announced, however, that he would renew his request and repeat it until he was successful In fixing a limit on the Ottukte. Myron T. Merrick former ambassador to France, lett for Now fork to dUcui with bumiw men the formation of crnueJ committee to hava general super vuton over the colIecta of funds for the relief of Kuropenn war sufferer. lie railed at the While House prior to his departure, and was guest of honor at a luncheon given by Secretary liryan. Foetrrtaatcr Uvneral Burleson promised the public 'iicret,rij hiu-h and de livery" of Christmas parvus nd letters The vast bulk of malls, he aald. already lota begun lu niov ana was lln nan oled promptly and wll. The "mail your i.ari-i Kiii y eugitesiion, recently man I r tha driiarUiiviit, had good effect Traffic hrgan In l&rtte voluma earlier than last year, and officials believe It will gfettUy reduuo the uaual rush of the few days . Immediately preoodUx y. iirioimaa aay. lles.ded by" Assistant Secretary Brack Onrlde, a special board of army offtoera of high ronk l.-n lastn lu aeemon at the War department for eevaral daya consul eriiig the state of the coast dnfeusea, of the country and particularly the military s'luatiun in trie canal sune. 'roeedinK of the txmrd are aort. It Is xpuctd I nut tvidenci of its work will suon be Miaul through recommendations to oon- ra for funds to carry out and develop cji tn'n (Hans lor tiiv improvement tI th cutist ac.toinwi, probat-ly based In some liiKHBurw on the remarkable development in the siege operalious in the existing war. Comptroller of the Currency WUHairui nu iwiounrm tnal rbaiikes !iav leen romi'leled In the system of nation beriic eXHiniiiHtloiiS aulhorlxed in-41 fed eiul reoui ve act. The old fco etrm ui.uer Mib iviiu;r( Hi a lew ciiii t era visry hlshly n.ld. has been ab.il ami all exananera put on aaJary 'l oe iN.untry Itvu llvtdet into twelve ti.vtro-tii. corresponding to the twelve fed mil n-eerve uiairii u. i tier wiu le i.nf examiner lu each, dintrut. wit bfadius Hers In the city 1.1 re the fed nai t nK i lorated. rxcepl In the lUi li I'ku'id optiWt. where the examiners ll i t iHiciiif under the tomnjxilier, Willi (.ajj-iUfj la naaiilsgiou. , Dee Want Ads Produce Results. t Y"Wc WW tAt ' tr fr'sr; I This Xrnas, of All Year, Ucful Presents Are Most Appropriate. Here Are Some Practical Gifts That Any Woman Would Welcome 6 C-e, I FURS Black Wolf Black Fox American Miuk Jap Mink . . Iceland Fox Mole, Etc. ; Fronf $5.00 to $150 a Set. 207cDISCOUNT 20 PETTICOATS Very Acceptable Gifts . Messaline ; , , Jersey Silk Crepe de Chine $1.75, $2.75, $2.93, $5.00 EVENING COATS Broadcloth, Fur trimmed. In Evening Shades. . 1-3 OFF WINTER SUITS A Bpecial lot at $9.75. Worth to $22.50. COATS Everv Conceivable ICind. , Every One Reduced Three Special Lots. $5 $9.50 $14.50 WAISTS Special Reductions on Our . Entire Waist Stock. Crepe de Chine , Chiffon Lace , Satin Lingerie Price Range $1.95 to $12.50 KIMONOS Every One Reduced Silk-Kimonos $4.50,' $C75, $8.75 Crepe Kimonos $1.39, $1.95 PARTY DRESSES Dainty New Models Our Entire Stock 1-2 PRICE ) fJSHKA DOUGLAS WINTER SUITS A Special Lot at 9 S1 fi.f.0. Worth to 35.00 J I? I 1.1 'T ii'T I lllssallM I II IssHlllll listltllllarfsJIIIMIftll . J. . , .. . ..... It II sll&ss.s llllMUIniuHS lHtlaMSIUIVifirli s 9 ft nil sUksMssr aHAsMsMsslMssBV Pulls Receiver Down And Alarm Turned In SApULPA, Okl.. Deo .-Kato Nurrell. telephone . operator at Mount, seven tnllps south of hero, sat before tho switch, board early today. Tho annunotator of No. 411 dropped. Miss Nurvoii piu&sea u ajid called. "Number, please." There, was no answer. Bhe star led to replace the drop when she heard a woman's voice aay: , "Don't! I'll toll you where It la." Alarmed, Miss Nurveli called tno police. who went to tho house of Fred Allen, a hardware dealer, and found a negro chok- ln( Mra Allen because sho would not tell him whero she kept tho family valuables. Mr. Allen was alone In the house. In her struggle with tho negro she pulled tho receiver down, which iavo tho signal to tho telephone offloo. ; Inn wilt Horry i stated. go to Ban Francisco with mii sucoeud Del Howard is tho not Culls from the Wire Arthur HodRes. tl years old. was oloe trnouted in the Arkarutas penitentiary at Little KocK. Hodges was tha fh-st whit man to die In thin manner In Arkansas. I The receiver of tha Pt. Iouls A Ban Francisco railroad wero authorised by JudA Han born In the Ht. Louis district eourt, .to. borrow a.OOO.OuO on receivers certificates, paying per cent Interest A plea for universal peace was mad at Chicago by David Btarr Jordan, presi dent of Iceland Stanford university, who said In an addreaa to tho Bout hern . club that-the United States waa tbo only world conscience left., ' , William Cobby, former president of tho CotlMeral Loan, .company, pleaded not riullty when arraltrned at Boston on an ndlctment charging larceny of tfi9,000 from the company. He furnished, JJ6.000 bnll. . , THE FEV7 SAMPLE OFFERINGS SIIOWH BELOW PROVE THIS STAT EH EOT you cafi ouy on our open cuARCE-nccourn" SYSTEr.i if you desire As a Special Inducement We Will Accept Payments of $la Month on Any Article Shown In This Advertisement Store Open Evenings Until Xmas. Ok WB ARB) OFFERING FOR THIS WESK OtTO. SPE CIAL AUTOMATIC ONE-MOTION BED DAVENPORT The framo is of plain heavy design, with boaaU ful eanrvd heo oa tho front posU. Tha npbolsterinK la of guaranteed latpertal leather, beautifully diamond tufted error heavy steel aprlng construction. On motion easily convert it into JJt a full alsed ped. Beautifully finished in golden and ipo-H OUR NCWBST if AM AMAZTNtl VALUE IN DRESSER Tbi dresser is constructed entirely :j of genuine solid oak, finished golden. Base has T three roomr drawers, fitted with wood pulls. The k mirror is oblong and made of French beveled f plate,' set In neat curved stand- small Quantity lasts, at.. daily prioed at, only, , A SOLID OAK $6.25 FRENCH CUIM ADVANCE; TAKE TEUTON TRENCHES WASHINGTON. Doc. II. Additional de tail of tho French advance In Flander and northern Franco, announced today by the war office, were given in official dispatches to th embassy hero. , The message said. 'We hav reached th rood from Tom- baerUy-Lea-Batns to the east of eteen treat. We havo captured th enemy's trenches, gained SSO yards, made 100 prisoner and taken three mitrailleuse. "In tha realon of Flxachoote wo have gained 600 yard, made eighty prtonrV and taken three mltrailleusee. To tha nortiTof Notre Dam Do Consolation our progress has been about BOO yard. - HAPPY HOLIDAYS "We iwish you, 'many happy returns" bit happiness is really t only a reflection of health: It depends largely on the digestion. , If you are poorly as a result of a weak stomach, inactive liver or clog ged; bowels we urge a trial of liOSTET.TEO'S STOMACH BITTERS It brings back appetite, aids digestion and is beneficial to the entire system. Start today, ft. umut vyi.. .r.tftwW HJWi. .',S ' Boles to Stcoveai Dillon. Tteporta from Ix Ahseles have It that. WalUr Boles will suiced Frana Dlll . as nianafter of th lx Anaeles ti.. under the new ownership. Whether Dll- jr nil lV m w Mfflsfl U Oktaai are Ui IMy- gfre kfaa Conkey Comer kraCsrUtsusfnMeat. There's nothing that would please bint bet ter, and nothinir that would help hint mote. Conkey's .Poultry Remedies are standard and every poul try owner need them. sianiware aao fooltry 8aoly btut as Omaha and averrwhere. "A And have it delivered the day before Xmas. Open evenings until 9 P. M. ; e ( Hundreds of Pianos to select froin.'". . Liberal terms. I m O rl4', Hr A QrTNOTNB SOUD OAK MISSION 8TTLB LIBRARY TABLE Table top is unusually large, raeasurtng 28x41 Inches. Fitted with two large drawers and roomy book shelf below. The legs are unusually massive and sides are neatly paneled. Offered in CJ FJJ g fumed finish only, and a de- tl cided bargain at s.. . t- I fFTTTTlA MA9- f ZAtfr OAK PEDES- TAL Finished -m.l?a anS as f m u v vy. a e- high. Has heavy 1 'ill .lff RED ROCKERS For the Little Ones A WELL MADE AND DURABLE CHILD'S ROCKER Seat . meaa urea lVix9Vi Inches and stands 16 inches high. This is not a toy, but a Cairly large rocker. Will specially please little girls. XJnly 100 of them at the Jow price quoted. rat 1 II 19 H 1 119 0 II 1 1 1 4 a I WW CABINST, feature are aiidlnir 8ANTTART Exaotly like illustration. nicKeioia Tho aDoaisi roetaJ top, sanitary metal and glass (lour bin with sifter, metal sugar Din. metai uui dux, wir snainr handy aoloo can. woiie enamel iinoa. ment worth $J9l. lUi wok China osmport' 1 lined. FullT Omr very low prloo Is and $18,851 Ba Pear Rooaa Owtfit la AU OaaahaX Soie A MOUTH. m IVA I II m ft i 1 1 1 1 'column I Jl I$1J8 and, broad flat base and top. A limited number on sale at, only THE IMPROVED MAR- lM.il t tl P a O WAt) M . Easily adjusted to w-S am m A ass vwi a at ai ' , . l, M WtWte V IWVww- urement Just the thing for fixing over old dresses. S It will Instantly duplicate f aay feminine figure. Spe- X dally prioed for, this r fc,u " iiT i'r it r-' t 1 B rB OUR NEW MODEL TWO-fNCH POST BRAS3 BED Extra massive and heavy bed in a beautiful co lonial design. Your attention la called to the follow ing - dimensions; 2-inch poets, ten 1-inch fillers. VA inch top rod, inch colonial ball caps, six hand some fancy mounts, head end 68 inches, satin finish only.' All sizes A RARE BARGAIN IN A SOLID OAK EXTES. RTON TART .SI RrHftill Mnl.hl I- uu.. ' w ui eviuou , svua Bjueuuiaiy. conavructea inrongnoau lias vol large size 43-inch top, which extends to six ? feet The pedestal is heavy and supported by ,3 four handsomely earred claw ! f b Q feet. Greatly nnderprieed for SA this week's selling at, only... 1 817.85 Iff SOLID OAK DIN ING CHAIR Has -ereU ponoi j be, c k, roomy seat, stoutly . braced 3" and upholstered in guaranieea imperial leather. Beautifully finished in golden. Our very low Vfe J ' M A V M iiriuo iw nil week only SlatSd fcuifif iff f inriirrrrrrrrnrrrr"rx """"-r--rrirr- (Open evenings to P. M ) AdJtuU HilAonl 'w-TrrTW. ' LmiMng k f L, Stat SOLID COMFORT RECLINING ROCKER A patented rocker equipped 1 a with foot rest. Upholstered in Im- perial lethr over steel spring con Xv structlon. Yam 1 made entirely of ' solid oak. Has adjustable back. Cannot be duplicated r flO Greatest Sewing Machine Value In Omaha. 10-Year Guarantee Rxactly Ilk tlon. CaMiint tho ebolovst luarteraawed n v tomallo drop head. qua six ruumy lllustra maUe cf selected oak. Haa drawers, au- an absolutely guaranteed for ten yeara. U4 are not allowed to aell It wader Its real name, but It la a celebrated make. feelling t other stores at almost duublv our prlco. Compl-t- w'th all iivuurtN ana attachment. At this low price ...... Viel ' "'a fl SOLID BRASS SMOKER Fitted with large top, remov- f TSf able glass ash tray, match holder and cigar rest Has square brass pedestal and heavy weighted base. A tt.00 value at, only tNEItlCAl OBUBATfclST HUUKFlRHISUtni mwdi MmaIvJ. f t a ' IP n r -a i 51.98 HP .,b.. CARD V4 MM HIGH GRADE FOLDING Tinr p in-i.i.v -n., -H& . , with billiard cloth or imitation leather. ' Frames are of birch mahogany, solid oak, finished, fumed. Brass corner fittings. Folds com 'pletely as shown $U5S "is"1"'!