T1IF, HKK: OMAHA. NA'lTltPAY. DKC.'KMHKH 1!. 1DU. Come to BEATON & LAIER'S For the Greatest Values in Toys and Xmas Gifts Kewpie Dolls 19c A big shipment just received dressed in winter fur coats, trimmed with ribbons exactly like the cut something new and very attractive. Imported Kewpie Dolls The cutest things you ever saw with little fat arms and legs and funny eyes 19c, 45c and 75c Each Our Prices on Dolls Are Worth Comparing Yesterday we heard many exclamations of surprise at how fine these dolls were how much lower in price and they certainly are. This is the doll store our prices on toys are the lowest in town. GET OUR PRICES OV DESKS, SEWINCJ CABINETS, IjAMTS, BOOK BLOCKS, TEA TRAYS, MAIKXJANY NOVELTIES, LEATHER CHAIRS, IE8K CHAIRS, Etc. BEATON & LAIER CO. 415-417 South 16th Street LW-nnjxAjtxj-injuTjTj'Vtru " Your Christmas and New.Year's Dinner i a disappojntment. to have a dinner, prepared with Bpeciar pains, upset on account of poor butter, mUk or "i'A 1 il',V' . . 11 . 1 1 1 J J cream. Ana ine discovery is .generally maae too iaie to secure a new supply. No matter how much care you give to your cooking or baking or how competent you may be in this respect suc cess depends largely on the ingredients you use. Alamito products are pure, rich and safe. They will take away 50 per cent of the worry generally experienced in making your Christmas dinner a success. If only for this occasion Use the best. ALAMITO DAIRY We Ship Everywhere Stni For On 1309 FflffllAn St SS-wS X DOORS CAST OP W3.fi. BUftk SH0FP1NG . ,rt nrtrtr- - - - - - n n - n njTJnj jnTUi JlJXTUi JTJTJIJWi r il ,-- mm aaaas ejaa SL t aa V & -Sfe. WW 1 k- 4 mmm - w M M 111 .W mtmm k I E; W mTt'T " I . .r..v-v-J-AV-r - - - - i - 9mmm I lMsf l BENIPIT. BY 1 r?sTP rPs-l DAYS UBiteer Stocks e0f(tS&&S VSSf' HI iGreateVoriefyl 8 Ml FJE2 UQUORS 8 IOx jCM c?Jc X una cnnnnri ct Z 1 RakW Dish i bte E ' i lihub WrWlHHN!!. 1 O C St P-A I pan' " ii i I ii I H ilrf Yl wow or wo.. buns, u i ' 1-1 n c FREE Every Pt Fancy Xmas Boxes Xmas Novelties Decanters, Wine Sets, Steins, Playing Cards, Traveling Flasks, Glassware, Cigars, Etc. ur- HU. Itr't wiil rci'v a Xmat toavonir. Purchaitrt of $2.00 or ootr will roctivo a nice bottlo port win trot. Hiller's Fine Wines California Winat 35c, SOe and 75c par bottlo. Import d Win 75c, SI and SI. 25 par belt!: I A f) I C C partic larly invito d to vitit thi$ modorn ttoro. L 11 II I mt d Many utoful pratont for man and for thm horn: "BTtrytMoff that's rood to drink from CnampMTa flown to or." A Free Baking Dish with every new order for Kxcello coiil. Will give nwny Tree t our offUe a beautiful bakltiK cas serole. Kxcello la the blue flamed, lonn-laMtlnic. Rmokelesa furnnre coal. Ask your neighbors about Kxcello V'e are sole meut. Coal Hill Coal Co. UNTIL XMAS cbolo of Bin and Faai Mlstoroa of ChoTiota nt WoM tods, all 114 wlatar modala, kaa tallorod throofliont, adlk aonra UaUt(r iala boflnnlBf Momdar, djf IF yoar oholoa t i itv 1S.00 Moa'a Ovorooata. koto of Broad- olotha, Thibet, fancy shades, It, ehawl and military oollars or Mr collar. SUB swrw or enlltod Unliurs. la all siass ami Unatha. Orsatast Talna la town. On sal bs- dkJ IE ri.4ar Hiiiln. vour oholoa ' Sl M aors' Hnlta aad Ovsrsoata, slsas 4 to 1. at fl.4.1 Boy a' Bttlta. the latost styUs i w... lutt rimooa Xdnad TTnlon BnlM tie BO ftuapandars la Bollday eoaos i mi auk nmm and Moaa In Bollday boas va tlSO Zadls' rait True Trlmaad BUppsrs iXtjxrijfsrsrvtaOfaJrM"i - - j LA CaO j I J s Otto JT" "V (J : ; COAL at ctr PRICES Busy Xmas Shoppers Ours 1b the Ideal Place The Corona Tewriter An Ideal Xmas Gift- Weight 8J4 lbs., complete witn case. TERMS IF DESIRED. Call us for demon stration. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 1805 Farnam Street. BUTTS y D 25 to 40 off Established 1876 Being out of the high rent district enables ua to sell at the very lowest prices WATCHES AND HIGH GRADE JEWELRY FOR THE HOLIDAYS Telephone Douglas 6031. WM Inven- tory iiV Special Sale Wa eurraat yo any naafwl , . J y durable Ohrlstmac OHfta. Sj: A.iiKVN Hi.00 vaiaoa la Maa'a Baits. r jvi isasj'. sy f V1 S Rosen- p-i f o i blatts vFV S r5 4 Tel. 1 -1 Vsfc. WW lira! . A IL fM yr V- I , I t I III C I I i ' GIFTS OF QUALITY Individuality, Character, Endurance and Design Tho kind of gifts that will be appreciated by the recipient. The klad that will last a. life time and be prized more highly each year. We Sell at Retail Many of you good people do not know we sell at retail. We with to inform you and invite you to visit our beautiful show room. just received a Iwje shipment of Fin Cut I"k. WrtU the will 1" sold from S&.OO t0 Sl&.UU STATIONERY The finest and largest display of stationery In the city - to aelect from. ... . . . n. - nriin'." nualltv first atatlanerr. wa aifio are hoowiuk n uin iwi w "" " - to Lunch when Down Town. Noon Lunches, 1 5c Dutch Mill Opposite Boyd Theater. Goldstein's Old Stand 1315 Douglas Street. Closing Out a Wholesale Gtock of FURO BIG' &"r"ent- Come and See B. G. BILZ, Mgr. H Howard EAUTIFUL AHDinOHS and Other Pieces for tho Hearth for CHRISTP.1AS GIFTS For your own homo or for use upm the hearth' in some other home, why not do as many others are doing! SELECT. FOR LATER DELIVERY. A Fair of Andirons A Spark Screen A Basket Grate A Set of Fire Tools A Fancy Coal Hod A Fine Wood Holder A Foot Rail Fender A Log Roller A Bellows Blower A Metal Hood In Our Sole is Room We show hundreds of the latest designs, standing upon the hearths of many differ ent full size fire places. Tou can see them as tbey would look in your own home. UNDERLAY Entire Third Floor llj Otato Dank Oldg.. 17th & Harney Our prices range from 75c to $8.00 per box. toeotlno; Cards. Engraved Cards, Brief Cases, Pocket Books, Mn a Hmoklns Bets, Iioatiier Connnorciml Cases for Uie Traveler, OWlce) Chairs, Office Desks, Office Tables, Kmerllt Desk Lamp. Water man's Ideal Fountain Pens, Macy BreUonel Bookcases, Loose Leaf Memo Books, Belf-Cloalng Ink Stands, 8U1 Safe Cabinet. Desk Sets K - whare In Omaha or the tut can our dlaplay of f 1 n Burnlsh4 llraaa Daak Bata bo aqualad For Suallty, daalans. urabllltv; also prieo. Ooma in and Allow ua to prova this statmant is trua. Tha prloaa ran from I MO to Ml. 10. , OMAHA PRINTING CO. 0ORNEE 13TH and IAENAM ST3. apijtsusjiinjijAri ..SPECIAL XMAS.. SALE OF QUALITY c WINES ajto LIQUORS FINE MELLOW OLD WHISKIES Old Taylor.' 8 years old. regular $1.25. full quart .... Old Crow, ii years old, regularly f 1.26, full Quart Spring Hill, full quart Sunny Brook, full quart Pony Creek, 6 years old, full quart ImDerlsl Special Whiskey, full quart Private Btovk, fine old whiskey, full qusrt .... Fine Old Kentucky Whiskey. 4 OS quality, a gallon M.SO jj oo quality, a gallon aa.ao t a e e I I It. h0 quality, a gallon 1M I 12.60 quality, a gallon ta.00 FINE BRANDIES 11.25 Ilenniay Frenly. qt...Mc tl Huperlor Brandy, quart . .eso 76o Cognac yrandy, quart . .6 Juperlor Blackberry Brandy, full quart o WINES and TONICS California Port Wlna, full quarts at aso, So aaa 4 So 7allfornta Port Wlna, per gallon at tut, ii.m, aa.oo 3ol'ltn West Malt Tonic, hot. tie 10o Home Made Wine, per gallon S1.23 Holland Oin, 52 ox- bottle. 81.00 Old Tom Gin. $1.25 bottle, G9f Apple Cider, per gallon .-30 Two Quart Bottles of Ber for 25 . CACKLEY DROTHER6 The Quality House ' 16th and Capitol Ave. ft Stylish, Sensible GIFTS for XMAS LADIES' WHIST WATCHES Watch Bracelets have become very popular among good dressers. We offer here a truly remarkable showing of dependable models ranging In price from $7.50 up to 850.00 DIAMOND HTITDDED OOI4 KX1VES There Is no present a man appreciates so much as a beautiful Jeweled knife. It you want to make HIM happy buy one of our , beautiful knives. Prices from 91.50 l'p BRODEGAARD'S