Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1914, EDITORIAL, Page 20, Image 20

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Tin-: ni:K: omaiia, Saturday, di;cemiu;k ia, wu.
ahethrr another p-nl n examiner wilt
h( ass gnHl to Omnha. or whether pen
sion matt.'m mill herenfter lo h(inr!ll
In Washington fur this part of the coun
try. "The rapidly icrtaiiig number of
tfilpral pensioners. du to many deaths
anions iM veterans anil tnelr widows,
may lead to the abolition of the Omaha
pension office," soya Custodian Cadet
Taylor of the federal bu.'.dlng.
j January, Id.
Record at Dollar and Half. .
Tfcre Mlllloa Baskets Are Sol 4
wor Arroaat Primary
elala Kail Off Cora aad
Oata A re lllaker.
" record hiph price were made for
durum wheat )ilffuy, the highest since
tne war out. Durum aolti In I'lul
Jje.pi.l at 1.W and at Uiruha at
1 tut tire innrktt waa strung and
higher all around.
" am transaction In whoat on foreign
account were around Vp,h bushel In
all poaitlona. tn thin ainiuini there wero
.W,o bushels at Chicago. 'ati'e udMcea
ft the auarcity of breailuiT n mmiy of
the Importing count ma were loi'lo-tej by
the urgent uemanrl Irom ail : jreltsiiera.
nul only lor the an article, but for ire
tutura aa well. Advanced prUeti fur lu
turea had no terrora .'or tlx foreinn
buyer, aa tliey continued u abnoro ofli:r
In aa rapidly aa they wero .naie
w Vorit reported the .usl-jnt day on
the crop for exporter.
Hull were pleaaed yesterday ' y the bin
decrease lr primary iceipl. Minneapolis
ani Liululh reorted Xi cars Jointly yes
teruay and Winnli; only 14! cara, how
Inn that the wheal ia pretty wall mar
keted olf the farma and that ihve wurt
!ng this araln will be obliged to pay hlsh.
The government crop report poated yes
terday waa aa exprn ted and failed to
create any disturbance.
Corn and oat were hlKher, the former
resting at advance of Vtflc .and the lat
ter at Rain of Vftc. l'ah aalea were
SW.OOO bimhela coin and 47(,O"0 buhel
-twta, buahel corn and .00 bush
el of oat being for export. Heculatlve
trade waa light. Haltlmore and New
-Vorlt bought corn In the market. The
country ia Belling little corn and oat.
Provision were higher on the a lead
hoe- market and a general broadening; of
speculative Interest. Hoc; at the yard
were MjIOo hlaher, and the receipt t
western markets yesterday were 1M.0U0
head, compared with 1"7,0 a year ago.
Hard winter wheat waa 1 til He higher.
iMirum wheat wu He higher.
Corn waa H&V' higher.
. Oat were higher.
Clearance were: Wheat and flour,
equal to l.KM.Cm bu ; corn, 1,000 bu.i oat,
I Liverpool closed nominal.
Primary wheat receipt were l.OfiO.WO bu.
and shipment Tll.flnft bu.. against receipt
of bu. and shipment of JI3.0UO bu.
la at year.
Primary corn recelpta were BTd.OoO bu.
and shipment 616.W) bu., against receipt
ot bu. and shipment of fififi.ono bu.
last year.
." Primary oat receipt were sM.OOO bu.
and shipments Kfi.WO bu.' against receipt
-of SU.oo bu. and shipment of 732.000 bu.
Jt year.
Wheat. Corn. Oat. Barley.Rye.
Chicago I.V. U Hi
Minneapolis 306
iMiluth 1
Omaha 42 M 77 I 2
vKansa City ....HI 1
Ht. Iul fil 17 8
Winnipeg 23 ....
' These cash sale were relmrted today:
Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $l.l:tH
No. 1 hard winter: 1 car (dark), l.UHi i
car, No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.12;
1 car, II 10. No. I mixed: 11 cara, II.12H.
'No. 2 durum: 1 car. tl.2i. No. durum: 1
car. 11. 28. No. 1 durum mixed: 1 car, $112.
:orn .No. 2 white: 1 car, tllAtc; No. 3
white, 2 cat, lic. No. 2 yellow: I cars,
tlvr. No. 3 yellow: i car. 6c. No. 2
jnlxl: 1 car, Hc; 2 cara, hc. No. 2
mixed: 1 car, K-; 7 car. Wc. No. t
mixed: 1 car. MH- No. mixed: 1 car,
tUVsc Oata Standard : No. 1 white: 15
tan, 4ic. No. 4 white: 2 car, bc; I
cara, 4no. No grade: 2 car. 44c Uye No.
2: 1 car, 11.04.
. Omaha l ash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard,
tl.Ufcl 14; No. t hard. ll.liitfl.iaV. No. 4
)ard. II 0i 1.12: No. 2 spring, il.13ttl.14;
No. S spring. fl.llWd.U; No. 4 spring,
ll.02Hffl.ll; No- 2 durum. llHl-V; No.
S durum, $l.27H1jl 2". Corn: No. 1 white,
filM'c; No. 2 white, 61H'3lc; No. 2
.white, ffl'jlHc; No. 4 white, SlSeic;
No. white, 60c: No. white. Wyir
H4c; No. 1 yellow, 61Hlc; No. 2 yel
low, l.fllHc; No. 2 yellow, lH4e,
No, 4 yellow, 0fnllc; No. 6 yellow, tat
fj80c; No. yellow, flOMWOWc; No. 1
'mixed, V4ti80c; No. 2 mixed. tfHo;
No. I mixed. NtH!"1; No. 4 mixed. WW
Mc: No. ( mixed, 6!36Hc; No. mixed.
fa'-Hc. Oat: No. 2 white. 4f)tt';
taudard. 46Vn6Vc; No. 2 white, 464tf
46Hc; No. 4 white. vff4&Ho. Barley: liais
ing, M)70c; No. 1 feed. SofljCac. Kye: No.
2, l.ftiH4Jl.04; No. I. ll.OJHtfl.O.
F ear tare ( tke TradlaaT aa4 Closlac
Frtcea Roar of Trade.
CH1CAUO. Dec. Ui.-Heavy proflt-tak-lug
and a little talk of peace and of dlf-fU-ulUc
hampering export nearly wiped
out today a aubstanrlal advance In the
wheat market price and oloaed unset
lied with gaina of Ho to o net- Com
Jinlehed Ho off to He up, oata unchanged
to He lower and provision a ahade to
J0r down.
' Holder of wheat' did not manifest at
' first any general disposition to sell out
4Uid It was not until the market had
risen an average of 1c a buahel that
jnuch unloading was done. Vague hint
ot peace which had been discovered In
' some of the European dtapatohe were
at this juncture made capital ot by peo
' ulatnra working for a decline. There
-t-amed to be a widespread dlapnaitlon.
however, to avoid a far a po"tblo no
ticing crude rumor, with which the
.trade ha had of late considerable un
" welc.ome experience. Uoaslp, though, of
a check being not' unlikely un the sailing
:.4tt Kngllali shin from American gulf
-Iwirta aa given some attention and had
-nr. unsettling effect. A New Orlean
freight authority wu 'quoted as saying
VMrHlsh vessels were not to leave port
-without having official sanction to do so.
" Kefuaal of many country dealer to sell
Jwhea; except at a decided further ad--vanta
kept actual transfer to exporter,
"flown to smaller proportion today than
Mia recently been the raau. One of the
, leading cash concern her was said to
bave withdrawn from the market for the
present, having disposed of to foreigner
'a'l the wheat readily available and being
..without any expectation of replacing the
-etock In an advantageous manner.
Milder weather, tending to diminish
'feeding and to enlarge rural offerings,
acted a a handicap on the bull la corn.
Export sale formed more than an offset,
'4 hough, untlt the wheat market suffered
-a down turn. Oat held to a narrow
Grange. fluctuating only with other
cereal. Primary receipt were larger
than the shipment.
Generous arrival of hog weighed down
provisions. There was an outlook also
for a further heavy run aa a result of
the lifting of the Wisconsin quarantine.
Oraln price furnished by ltgan A
Bryan, office 215 South Sixteenth street:
Arilciei Open. I High l lxw. Clos. Yes'y
BVTTFR No. 1, 1-lb. carton, 31c; No.
2, Hh tuba, 2!
CM KKSB Imported. Swlo. !Wc; Amer
ican Swiss, 2c; block Swiss, 22c; twin,
pi.-: rlnleic. 17'tc: triplets. 17c; Young
America lHc; blue label brick, 17c; llm
burger. ?-4b.. 20c; 1-lb. 20c; New York
vhite, lc; Imported French Iloiuelort,
KRVIT8 Oranrea: Extra fancy Wash.
nael, fOs. ass. per box; extra fanf-y
Waah. 112a, f2."5; extra fancy Wash.
1. Vs, U.5,; 17a, 2n0. 21fta. 3.00. Lemons:
Kanry, SunkJst, (sis and IWs, 12 Tfi;
ls, 2? S; 17fis. 2s, 21s, Stfit,,
tl.iiO; 3if(a. anoss $:M); choice Red
ball, s. 3W. f..0u. Orapefrults; 3t;.
Ma. 4 and AOs, 22.76. Apples: Kxtra fancy
Wash., White Winter Pearmlana, 12.00 r
box; fancy Wash. White winter Pear
mains, 11.7: extra fancy Wssh , Wine
sap. 11.75; extra fancy Bpltxenberga, tl.HO;
Oregon Spltxengerga, 31 36; Oregon Mald
wlna, 31 60; Colo, unwrapped Jonathan.
31 36: Wash, extra fancy and fancy
Hoovers. 31.40; o. K. Jonathan. 31. 10;
fancy Colo. Wealthy, 31.10; fancy Colo.,
McMahona, 31.10; fancy Colo. I'tter. 31.10;
fitncv Maiden Ulush, 31 16; Idaho fancy
Orlmea (.olden, 3 f'0, Idaho choice. Grime
Oolcien. 31.25; Waah. fancy Orlmea Onldnn,
31.50; Idaho fancy Jonathan, 31.26; Idaho
fancy Fulton, 31.25; Idaho fancy Ptraw
brry, 31 2.r.; Idaho fancy VJlf Klvar, 31. 25;
Waah. Waaner, 315: N. Y. Baldwin.
13 00 rer bbl.; N. Y. Greening. 33.50 per
bbl. Grapes: California Emperor. 33 50
per bbl., 31 75 per crate; fancy Malagas,
3' 60 per keg.; extra fancy MalagHS, 34.00
per keg Pears: Anjou, 32.50 per box; Jer
sey, 32.26 per box; Hheldon, 12.30 per box:
Lawrence, 33 00 per box: Boaco. 32.60 per
box: Kaater. 12 25 per box. ftnnanaa, per
bunch, 31.7ri3AO. I-lmes, 3173 per box.
KlJF.r fl'TH No. 1 rib. lHc; No. 3
ribs. lc; No. 3 ribs. llHe; No. 1 loin,
1'-c; No. 2 loins, ly; No. loins, 13c;
No. 1 chucks, loHr: No. 2 chucks. SHc;
No. S chucka. ftr- No. 1 rounds, 13c; No.
2 rounds, 12c; No. 3 rounds, HHc; ,'CT,
1 plate. -tc; No. t plates, SHc; No. 3
plates .
FIBH Trout, 14c; large crapple. J5ej
snlmon. HHe; halibut, lie: channel cat
fish. 12c; pike. 14e; pickerel. 10c.
POULTRY Broilers, 14Hn; spring rhlck
n. 11a; lien, O&llc; cock. 8c; duck.
10c; geese, gc; turkey, lo pigeon, tier
dog., toe; duck, full feathered. 10c; geese,
full feathered, 3c; squab. No. 1, 3X60; No.
2. 60c
Market quotation furnished by Olllnskl
Fruit company:
VKGKTAHl.ES-Caullflower, 33.00 per
crate. Cucumber. 31.50 per box. Celery:
Jumbo, 75c per bo.: Michigan, S5c per
dnx. Lettuce. Head, Calif., 3100 per do.;
leaf, 4"o per do. Onions: Yellow, In per
lb.; red, 2c per lb., white, 2Hc per lb.
Cabbage, lHc per lh. Pepper. 60c per
basket. Tomatoes, 32.00 per crate. Onion
(shallots), 50c per do. Horseradish, 31 65
per case. Garlic, Italian, per lb.
Biiiaah, lVe per lb. Pumpkin. IHc per lb.
Potatoes: Idaho, 70e per bu.; Red River
Ohloa. tc per bu.; Minnesota Whites, an
per bu. Pweet potatoes: Kansas, 32.260
2.M rwr bbl.; Jersey, 31.75 per hamper.
MI8CEM,ANEOl'8-Nuts: No. 1 Cali
fornia walnuts. ISc per lb.: filberts, 12Hj
per lb.: pecans, 12Hc per lb.; Jumbo pe
can. 180 per lb.; Brazils, 1lfy12Hn per lb.;
almonds, 20c per lh. Figs: 12 12-os., 85n
per box.; 50 t-o., 32 00 per box.; 7-crown
Imported, 13c per lb.: bulk, 7o per lb.
Dates: Dromedary, 3310 per box.; Anchor,
32 26; sugar walnuts, date, 31.40; Hallowl,
Kc per lb. Shelled popcorn, 4o per lb..
Crackerjack. 33.50 per case, H-cas, 31.75.
Checkers. 33.50 per case, H-case. 31.76.
Honey. 33.75 per cae. cider: l'er keg, 3-t.oo;
H-bbl.. 35 00; N. Y., 33 60 tier keg. H-bbl.,
3"i.00 per bbl. Cocoanuts, 3176 Hck, 7uc per
do. Caaaba gema, 31.752.00 per crata
Blew York Oe.aeral Market.
NEW YORK. Dee. 1. f UGA R Future
ruled steady with little demand. At noon
price were unchanged to 7 points higher.
Ppot market firm: centrifugal, S.ttic;
molasses augar, 3.30c. Refined grade,
teady and unchanged.
B UTT 10 H Firmer; receipt. l.KVt tub;
creamery, extras, (92 score), S4c; cream
ery, (higher scoring), 84HTlfic; creamery,
firt. 30't33c; aecond. 274I-29C; process,
extras, 2fiJ!Hc; ladle, current make.
flrt, 23Ht4c; seconds, 22H2V: pack
ing stock, current make. No. J, 21Ho.
EGGS Bteady; receipts, 4,609 cases; fresh
gathered extra fair, 4604c; second, 359
Stc; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hen
nery whites, fancy. H'WMc; gathered
wH tee, 40tf 53c; hennery brown. 474i4v;
gathered brown and mixed colors, 3$a
4c. . w
CHEEBR Irregular; receipt. 73
boxes; state whole milk, held specials,
!r.i'lo; state whole milk, average fancy,
15Hfjl6Hc; state whole milk, freah. pe
dal. IV; stste whole milk, fresh average
fancy !4Hfrlo.
POULTRY Dreased. steady: western
roasting chicken. lAifflDc; freah fowl.
12H'17Hc; turkey. liiji2o. Live, weaker;
western chicken, 13o; fowl. 1S014HC;
turkey. 1MIc.
Kansas City Grata and Provtelons.
K".01! Mo - r0-. m-wheat
--No. ( hard. tl.l4ri.S; No. 1 red, $LWAO
114H; nec-mber, 31.13; May. 31. 15.
CORN-No 3 mixed. W3S4He: No. 3
white, tamc; Uecember. 62,c; May,
JiA77!LJ wh,t' MIHo; No. I
mixed, 4SHfl4ltHc.
IiirTTEU-Creamery, lc; first. c;
econd. 2; packing, 20Hc
EGGS Firsts. JOHc; second. 2Sc.
POULTRY Turkey, lto; rooster, lOcj
hen, llo. r
Cattle Receipt! Light and Prices
About Steady with Thursday.
Fat gheeg) Ten 4a Tse0-Fle. Oat
Lower Pat I. a tabs Ksfremely
Blow and Sharply Lower
Than Tharsday.
SOUTH OMAHA. Iec. IS. 1914.
Receipts rre: Cattle Hoes. Sheep.
Official Monday 9.37 4.0T.4 4.6
t'lfi'ial j Pcsuay o.iHJ . 1
frflc We.lneday... 3"7 13.3K7 5.3 1
Official Thursday 3,- ll.M'i
Estimate Friday i&tO '.V
Five days this week. 24,44 4...m 3.V3M
Same days last week. .lH.fi9 20.BkJ 3-t.2v9
Same days 2 w'ks ago.2i.)S M.fts) 4!i.l7
Hame days 3 w'ks agu.16.Mn ir'.471 4:.747
ame day 4 w'k ago.l2.w T. 141 h't.frr,
Hame day last year. . .1.W bi.SM 44.24b
The followli g table shows the recelpta
of cattle hogs and sheep at the Houth
Omaha live stock market for the year to
date, aa compared with last year:
1914. 1!U3. Dee.
Cnttle K12.514 P12.M9 Sn.0J5
Hogs 2,1KH,I62 2.4"il.KT.4 303,7.'6
Sheep 3,3,luO 2,Pj4.31l Hll,l".l
The following table shoes the average
price for hogs at the South Omsha live
stock market for the last few days, with
Data U14. 113. 1812. 11911. ll.illKI.lK.
Dec. 3 .
Dec. 4..
l ac. 6..
Dec. 6..
Dec, 7..
Dec. ..
Deo. 9 .
Doc. 10.
Dec. 11.
Dec. U.
lec. 13.
Dae. 14
l-c. 1ft.
Dec. Id.
Dec. 17.
Dec. 18.
I 6H
8 HI
6 H3
8 (H'
7 r,i
7 00
I 7 CH
7 6S
7 4o
7 42
7 341
7 41
3 20
7 9
7 67
7 44
7 44
7 4H
7 40!
7 75
7 74
7 4.'.
7 42
7 3'.t
7 4
7 74
7 671
7 64
7 561
7 64,
8 711
7 66:
7 64!
7 si ;
7 1
7 S3
7 62
7 09
7 id
7 02i
6 Oil
6 021
( 431
i 7
8 01
7 :; 7 72
7 Ui 8 Oh i
7 1H 8 03
1 l ' I
8 4HI ? BYI
6 97
6 00
6 90
7 32
7 4u
7 6b
s f
7 441
7 68
7 63!
7 64
8 22
8 SO
3 33
7 88
8 n
8 14
J 601 8 2b
I 8 21
6 75
6 65
5 59
6 U
6 31
6 42
t 48
5 41
5 3i
6 74
6 37
6 30
f 31
5 W
resulting In a sltiEclsh market most of
the forenoon and a good many offerlngit
being unsold st 1 J o'clock. Finally a
, break was made with Inrnhs shown, g s
siump at least or i-ci.-.,r on inn otst
grade, with even a greater decline In
lasea on the less desirable kinds. Th
entlre receipts mere tn.t cleared until late
In the Any. Most of the lamb sales were
made 37.r((g no, with the bulk or the
ewes r.nni at 35 fi 2T
Today's slow and lower market makes
Inmb 2r.f7ftc lower than the close of the
prenus week, with sited sheen barely
steady A snrlnkllng of yearllnut ar
rived on the market this week, and on
Wednesdsy, the hlkh time, some old up
to 37... Since that time, however, year
ling have been In poor demand, and
current sales show at least a decline of
fOe from the mbldlf of the aeek. Mod
erate recelpta dunns: the fore part of
the week gave the trade a healthy tone
and a higher trend to prlres orr some
days, hot later In the week hnivy re
ceipt here and elsewhere, coupled with,
hearish reporta from the eas'ern trade,
gave value a downward temp'ney, with
the week market cloa vy. In a wens;
(quotations on sheep nnd lnrnlw: Ianiha,
rood to choice tVOn, J5; tulr o Rood.
r.rWJS.on; feeders. f;ilr to hoik!. V.'.ftd
7.75; yearling, good to choice. NTS' Si. 26;
yearlings, fair to good, JH 5-"it . 7n ; year
ling. fe1ers, fT-!f('-10; wethers, good
to choice, f;.'Vn;.2f; wethers fair to good,
36.7iK44.4s; wethers, feeders, f 4.4o-i: Oi;
ewes, gnl to choice, 3-"'.3i(i.1."iO; ewes, fair
to good, 3o.'J "'if ",.: ewes, feeders, Xi Vfa
6 00.
14") Wyoming feeder lambs 455 7 50
?12 Nebraska feeder lambs 64 7 475
434 Wyoming feeder lambs 7.1 7 85
124 Wyoming feeder lambs W 7 li",
Wl Wyoming feeder lambs W 7 76
134 Wyoming ewes 10K S )
29 Wyoming ewes 113 5 0)
1M ewes ill 4 75
14 feed ewe 15 6 25
121 fed eves lor. 5 25
18 fed lambs 8 00
10 fed wethers 10 6 3
25 fed yearlings 13 7 25
124 fed yearlings 101 75
100 fed yearlings H'2 8 75
51 fed eves 104 6 25
1" fed lambs 79 .. 7 50
118 fed lambs 77 7 50
18 feeders 547 26
10 cows 27 8 00
6 heifer Wo 8 60
U teer 1290 7
Wheatl I
Itc.l 1 Z0H!
. 24H1:
4 H
Uay.ll 24rwi
Corn I I
. Iec.l 64HI
Oat I I
Dec. 4H'48Ti4Ha,
i 1 T
1 SHI 1 JO 1 H
1 34H11 HV1 23 VI
4H1 4H' 4M
70H iB i H0'. v; T0HU H
I . I
62 bir,
1 son
. 3HH
Mlaaeapoll Grata Market.
rrecember, L16H; May. 81.20; No 1 hard.
21H; No. 1 northern. l.l7tlH; No.
northern. 81 14H4JM8H.
FUl!R-Flrm; fancy patenta. 30;
first clesrs, 36.00; second clear. 34.00.
RYk)-31.0f.l (Id,
corn No. 3 yellow. eOHifWlc.
OAT No. 3 white, 4H846c.
Toffee, Market. '
NEW YORK, Dec. 18. OOF FEB Mar
ket we quiet but generally firm during
today trading. The opening was at un
changed prices and there were a few De
cember notices In today's transactions.
The close was at open prices and thera
were a few December prices circulating
In the street, but after some little switch
ing from December to later month they
appeared to have been taken care of with
rumor that the receiver would ship the
coffee to Europe. At any rate, the mar
ket became more active later In the day,
and advanced rather sharply In the ah-
An r t I.....,....... it. . . . .
-... . ,wll,i senilis;, wnn in nose
fia,Dtt ,v"n'-o t H to 1 polnta Males
12.2.i0 bans. raMm)., suT... i .
February i.3ix; March. 45o; April'.
",Bi ; June, awe; July. 7.43o;
August, 7.69c. September, 7.65c; October
7 c; November, iMtv. Hpot, Urm; Klo 7a
7Sc; Samoa 4s. 10c. No change waa re-
r" ana rreignta lilo. 60 re Is
lower at 43luO; riantoe, unchanged; Rio
. , Ki-, uui-iisiiKea.
Wool Market.
LONDON, Deo. 18.-WOOL-A sale ot
Capo of tkod Hope and Natal .heep-
!,k'!!". w" heU, her today. There were
36J.804 Delta nff.r.H .n. i ',. "
- - j: - wuvu nan were
old. Skin ullable for lining coat were
ui me rest were
low Price of lon wooted declined 1,
but thort and shorn skin advanced fron
Hd to 1H4.
18 20
18 6
18 40
18 87H
May.i52V.SHI -SJ
JJan. 18 50 1 18 60 18
ilv I 18 8a I 18 67H 18 4u
Lard f 1
Jan. 110 00-12 10 17-2)01 10 10 10 10-1J1 10 Wi
' May. 10 27H W 27-40(10 27-30 10 27-jW 10 17H
Rib, I 1 i i i
' Jan.llOOO 110 0IH! 96 1 95 1 10 ttt4
May IIP 32-35 10 35 10 25-271 10 27HjlO 32-36
" Chlcsgo cash prices: Wheat. No. 2 red.
81 atil 21H; No. 3 hard. I1.sjH4t1.21H.
Corn, No 3 yellow, t','ja,c; No. 8 yel
low, 4H-twc. Oats. No. 3 white, 4ta49Ho;
tandard. 4:Hii",Hc. Itlce, No. 2, 3l.ia
- liarley, ci.7uc. Timothy. 81.76is 50. Clovr.
Ii:uyl4w. Pork. 316.5(1. Lard. 310.12.
.Itll-s. 3
- HITTER-L'nchanged.
- l.KJ(v Lower: recript. 3 491 case; at
"maik. case included. 2iJc; ordinary
fu-l. aiwiajc; firsts, XfaMC.
luTATutS Unchanged; receipts. 13
t. I.eals tifala Market.
. 1ST. liil'18. Uec. 18. WHEAT No. t
red. 31 1mi'1 WH; No. X bapj, 81.18HJ'1.1H;
DM-einber. 3L17; Way, 11.21-v
CtJltN No. 2. uuKye; No. t whit,
ts'c: December, tsV4.-; May. lOSHWo.
OATB-No. 2. 48c; No. 2 whlt 4He
Liverpool Urala Market.
I.IVEHPtmU Ie. 18-WHKAT-apot.
lino. No. 1 Manitoba. 1(1 6Hd; No. 2 lu
Metal Market.
quiet at 33.7M186. Londo Sit 8pVTter
ton luta tu btiiu u f ' V :
Iron, quiet and unchanged.
At London: Spot copper. 57 10c Root
tin. 147; futures. 145 IS Ppot
r.hT- Hi18. J?; is M ETA I A Lead,
firm; 33.67HV170. Spelter. 36.5c5.o
Cottoa Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 18.-COTON'-8pot
quiet; middling uplaad. 7ic. Ftiturw
Hosed steady; December, 7.1- Jsnu.ry
7 Sic; March. 7.60c; May. 7 kc j JZ'
!.Mc; fK-toher. 8.10c. ' ' July'
I'lAy-irk- teady: American middling
fair. 6. Sod; good middling, 4.iM; Dildd Ing
low nuaaiing, j.,a; good ordinary
3 3d; ordinary, 1 WJ; sale. 7.0uu bale.
Dry Uooa Market.
Domestle cotton good were being or
dered steadily by Jobbera today. Print
cloths firmer. Carpet wool weie nought
freely for future dellverv. Improvement
la silk continued.
Bvasrat4 Apples aaa Ilrlea Frail
APPLEB (julet and steady.
DRIED FRI'lTS-Prunes, steady. Apri
cot and peach, firm. Raisin, quiet.
at the Union stock yards. South Omaha,
for tuenty-fuur hours ending at 3 o'clix k
yesterday :
O.. M. A Bt. P 8 3
Missouri Pociflc 1
Union Pacific 14 .. J
C. A N. W., east lo 17 4
O. N. W , weit 5 r 4
C., Kt. P.. M. Ac 0 2 11 7
C, II. & Q., east 1 7
('., II. Q.. west 4 17 8
C, H. I. t V., east 1 4
C, R. I. ft P., weat 2 41
Illinois Central 10 .,
Chl. Great West 1 S i
Totals 28 134 29
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
MorM Co li'4 7M 40
Swift & Co 85 1,878 1,611
Cudahy Packing Co.... 81 2.435 1,333
Armour A Co 155 1,630 1.2U8
Schwarta & Co 75
Cudahy, Sioux City.... 250
W. B. Vansaiit Co 7
Hill & Son 2
F. B. Lewis ,.. 2o
J. B. Root & Co 81
Werthelmer Degen.. 7
H. F. Hamilton 42
Sullivan Uros 28
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 1
Hlgglns I
Christie 52 4
Raker; Jones A Smith.. 18
Tanner Bros 8
John Harvey 62
D. A F 8
Killne 10
Other buyer 38 2S3
Total 1.339 8.884 4.483
CATTLE Receipt of cattle were very
moderate thl morning, only 800 head be
ing reported In. Still for the week re
ceipt foot up 24,484 head, being much
larger than any recent week, and larger
than a year ago by almost 8,000 head.
Owing to the light receipt today and
the fair demand, practically everything
In eight changed hands at an early hour,
price being steady with yesterday.
Beef steer for the week are not far
from 3100 lower, taking the market a a
whole, at tha vory least they are 7&4r1.00
lower than tha best time Inst week. Cow
and heifer have declined around 75c;
some klnia ahowlng more and some tea.
There was a very good country demand
yesterday afternoon for stockers and feed
er, a gojd many of the surplu cattle ot
that description were cleaned up o that
tha market wa really a little higher than
tha day before. Still price on the gen
eral run of stockers and feeder la
around 26ff60o lower than last week.
Quotations on Cattle. Prime yearlings,
88.76419.75; good to cholc cornfed beeves,
38.0iirii.75; fair to good cornfed beeves,
.6018.00; common to fair oornfed beeves,
.otkjVMO; good to choice range beeves,
n.&twiS.OO; fair to good range beeve. 87.00
f7.50; common to fair range beeves, Wt.Wtp
7.00; good to choice heifers, 88.orvoi7.0o;
good to oholoe cow, 86.6(fr8.S5; fair to
good rows, 86.0Ob6.5O; common to fair
cow. 33.76iir6.n0: good to choice stockers
and feeders, 87.4('(i7.76: fair to good stock
ers and feeders, 38.754r7.40; common to fair
stockers and feeders, fi.0ir,i.76; stock
heifers, 36.2iii'8.25; stock cows, 34 7Mt6.7r:
stock calves. li.iii7.W); eal calve. 37.00'u)
9.00; bulls, stsfgs, etc., 36.01KO&75.
Kepruaentatlve sale:
Ms. A. IV ha A. Pt.
m t 00 w 7 9&
9 I 1 M 13 lout 1 m
i'.l;t ANo HSIFEKM.
I 1004 7 M II.. 114 I M
1 W 111 T 10M I BO
I awl 4 00 , 1(M I
1 07 4 1. I aw I M
4 t 4 T Ui t 40
s M 4 It 15 1'K.J I M
I lOc.'J 4 t,0 10S ( IS
K7! 4 71 1 I 40
4 nt 4 71 1 11TO 4 75
10 K1 4 80 11 la IM
:il- '.wd.
4 TT4 I 79 T ISS I to
1 I 7 4t 4 00
14 74 6 M It HI lit
1 M 4k 3 UM I 10
1 IN (N , 1 1C0 1 K
I t a 1 ill IU
I lltf I 10 1 1330 I 00
M 437 I M I IJ I 71
I 4 M 1 170 I M
U IM I 94 17 131 I TO
14 1st I 40 10 1001 T 00
I W 4 10 1 no 7 10
14 Ill 4 M 9 1)44 T IB
I P lit 4 971 7 m
22 cow 68 4 M) feeders.. 4S8 4 25
8 heifer.. . 933 8 00 T3 feeders.. 793 26
8 feeder.. 675 8 85 6 steer. ...1218 7 SS
4 stockers. 2J6 4 75 24 cows 812 4 25
' HOGS Chicago reported a very heavy
run and lower prices, but local receipts
were only fair, and the trade opened out
In good shape. A usual, the first rounds
were dull, but after the ball waa started
rolling everything moved readily at price
that wwro fully steady wttb yesterday's
beet time, or steady, to 6c higher than
Thursday's average. Current price are
only a nickel below Wednesday' trade,
which waa the high point of the month
to date.
Bulk of ale wa made at 88 95tJ7.lO. the
long string selling at I7.0lU'I oii. Top
old at 37.16, the same a on Thursday,
and Just 6c below the month' beat fig
ure. The market wound up active and
firm at the advance. For the week price
are fully 15c higher. Most of today' of
fering moved at 37.t"ti I (. a against
last Saturday bulk of sutj 90, and top
how a flat 15c gain.
Recelpta today amounted to lit cara, or
74) head, putting the week' total at
45.2i head. Thl ia almost 26.000 heavier
than last week, but Is over 7,uuo short of
last year.
Ns. At. sk. r N' at h. Pr
tl 161 ... IT! 1 M t gu
M 4 IS to tM TO
44 1 m im 14 mi ... t n
M 44 M M M. id t 1 am
II I4 14 IW 4 r4 U0 I 0?J
14 Il IM) 6 M 44 ... I s
77 K4 ... I M 44 feO 4 t 1
u so is is s ia si in
u ta ... t s i UI 44) l3
M 104 49 t mi
. 10a.
31 M ... 8M
SHEEP A run here, a liberal run
t Chicago and depressing new from
eastern point caused the packr to be
entremrly alow buyer again today. 1 here
were no bid on many of the offering
until late in the forenoon, and then the
owning bid were lower on lamb.
1 he ajted sheeu serine, I to h in kaiiu.
demand than the lanihs. and were fairly
, - '"ougn snoaing a aeoiine
1 I irom yesieraay. as fsr s
.-.,.. rrr concerned u was a csm of
the teller bolding out for belter price.
Share Dropping Before New
Rate Decision Come.
Time Money Is Easier, the Hale for
All Dates Being; Redaced to Poor
Per tent -Honda Heavy
nt Onlaet.
NEW YORK. Dec. !R Prior to the an
nouncement made shortly before midday
thnt the Interstate Commerce commission
had granted a restricted 5 per cent freight
advance to the eastern rallro;n1a, tha
stock marrit
which strong!
fnlon Tsrlflr pM 7
I nliM toatr Hi I t pen MS f-,l '"'1
I nit ed r'Hls Hi. el pf4 . xl 1' li4 I'M
fnlte I'.ppw I.asi K't 41 4
W.l.h pi.l , J',
" I nlon ft S7' ."
Westlnsi"i F.lertrlr . . f) 47 S
ifrTKl F.t-llliien4
Tottl sstP fur tns Aty,
RH.1 l"Tn EET'g
t arrenls Han 1 ing Irrranlnr Lines,
It 1 Reported.
NEW YORK. Dec. 18 Bradstreets
Journnl will say tomorrow:
Trade currents run along Irregular lines.
Tin the one hand, retill trade h:ts been
helped by two factors, hollduv buying and
cold weather, but In the larger line the
Immediate situation Is quiet, reflecting
pretnventory cond tlons. plus seasonal
Flowing down In industrial pursuits. At
the same time optimism as to the future
was dropping at a pace 1 18 more in evidence, thank to lower ralet
euanested lliiuldat on. In I 'or money. Improvement in financial mar-
6,iM,l'2 In the eamo week last year.
H. F. Oloetiner, speeid pension exam-
liner In the federal building, nas received
Instructions to move to Washington, D. C.
He Is now packing up his office papers
and will leave shortly. It Is not known
Cattle eady lines Mostly rive
t enia lllaker.
CHICAOO. Dec. 18. -CATTLE Receipts,
2.v head; market steady; native steers.
85.otii 10.00; western. 34.SHra7.fi5; cow and
heifers 32.S01J7.75; calves, 85.6041.25.
1 1 OH 8 Receipt. 4.7,000 head; market
mostly 5c lower; hulk of sales. 37.0iVu7.10;
llfcht 3.Kii7.0: mixed. 8.!sKu7.S5; heavy.
38.:S7.35; rough, 3.85.'(f7.00; pigs. 35.76'iH
silEKP AND LAMItH -Receipts. 22.000
head; market weak; sheep. 3n.Xff8.30;
yearling, 38.Vfi7.:v); lambs, S.488.0.
Kansas City l.lve X toe It Market.
-Receipts. 1.500 head; market lower; fed
steers, 39.0uJ)10 00; dressed beef steers,
37.00fiO.OO; western steers, 37.00fT9.O;
stockers and feeders. 3'l.O07.75; bulls,
3u.ftKJi8.60; calves, 38 0ofR.50.
HOOS Receipts. B.71O head; market
lower; bulk, 37.0n!T7.20; heavy, 37.15'u7.25;
packers and butchers, 37.10ty7.25; llht,
370Vfi7.1K; pigs. 8.6O7.00.
8HBEP AND LAMUS-Recclpts. 2.800
head; market lower; lambs, 7.8nfl8.00;
yearlings. 38 25(07.25; wethers, f.2trn.00;
ewes, 34.6Ago.60.
flt. lyonls Live Stock Market.
ST. IXUIS. Dec. 18. CATTL.E Re
ceipt, 1.600 hesd: market steady;, native
beef steers, 37.fOrrl0.50; cows and heifers,
85.Ofkjf4J.3fi; southern steers. 35.7567.75; cows
and heifers, 4.0x&.00; native calvea, 38.00
9 00.
HCK38 Receipts 9,100 head; market
lower; ptge, 36.257.25; mixed and butch
ers, 37 Wtfl.V); good heavy, 37.2rySf.30.
SHEEP AND IAMRS-Recelpts. 8.300
head; market lower: native muttons. 34.00
fin. 00; lamb. 880028.25: yearlings. 35.50ft
the brief period between the opening of eta and the rendering of a decision In
the market and publication of a summary the eastern railway freight rate case.
! of the di.oiri .n. , rli ea crumbled 2 to 3 Itic dentnlly, buing of finished steel.
1 ixilnt and v. ere 4 to 8 points under the 1 a wc" nf cotton goods for future de
high level reached on Tuesdny, when j ''very. has expanded somewhat, quota
open trading In the entire list was re- I tlons being sufficiently attractive to in
established, j duce business. flank clearings for the
1 Borne shares were w ithin a ft w points j k aggregate 2-,,S'J7."62,O'0, n de -rease o:
of the minimum prices and seasoned Is- I ler c-nt rrom this week last year.
; siiea were (icc.lnlng for lack of auiort. lousiness failures for the week were 4M,
I Whnt made the movement more note- hist 878 in the corresponding week last
j worthy was the lact that It took very i y"r
iittl. i.l.,ci to affect the declines. The! Wheat exports from the 1'nlted Rates
1 average transaction at that lime was In I Hnl Cnnnda were 9.707.133 bushels, against
; l' ant! 20 shares, with losses being sale
extending to Vi point or more.
1 Although early received In the
1 llnancial diMilct tesiectlnf; the decision
were run ewlist tnlHleadlng, thev were of
a tenor lo liuiicate that manv of the
. more important demands of the railroad
had been granted. Thl was sufficient to
piecipltate a hasty covering movement by
;lh,i bears nnd Inuuced some long buying,
whlcn not only obliterated all eany losses,
1 nut rebtoicil the average of price well
j above tne previous day. Realiz ng in the
I final hour canned another shading of
I values, with lew net changes at the end.
Hy stuaer.ts of the railway situation tho
decision of the Interstate Commerce com
mission was regarded as a victory for tno
! roads, although Its Importance was nulll-
tled in large purt. It was said, by the
failure, to include coal, coke and Iron ore
in the list of commodities entitled to
higher rates. Most of the eastern rail
roads derive a large part of their tonnage
from these products, In some cases the
percentage running almost up to 70 per
Time money was easier, the rate for all
dates being reduced to 4 per cent. I.argo
amounts of call money were placed at 3
per cent. The local federal reserve bank
followed the lead of similar institutions
elsewhere by its diiwount rates.
Honda were heavy at the outset, but re
covered with stocks. Total sales, par
value, 31,3!2.onO.
I'rrited States government bond were
unchanged on call.
Number of sale and, leading quotation
on stock were:
Balee. Hlsti. Iv. Close,
l.ino 24V tt 24
Alfred (3 Wynne Vanderbllt will pass
through Omaha today In his prtvata
car. He will arrive on the Northwestern
fa.'t mail and immediately leave over the
I'nion Pacific for California, where ho
will spend the winter. He will be here at
about 9:30 In the morning.
Mr. Vanderbllt, according to people in
Omaha who know him. In some admirer
of horse and some horseman. In fact,
it is said that he has not up to dnte dis
carded his horses for automobiles. He
lives In New York and hi acquaintances
here tell of something of a sensation that
he created a few years ago when he
hauled tourists from tie Waldorf-Astoria
hotel through Central pnrk and back at
$5 per head and per ride. At the time
he wore a bright red coat and white plug
hat. drove eight horses to a coach that
would carry eighteen to twenty people.
flank Clearings.
OMAHA. Dec. 18. Bank clearings for
Omaha today were l2.W)o,085.06 and for
the corresponding day lout year 33.070,-'i70.67.
43 H
21 H
ftlonx City Live Stock Market.
Receipts, 800 head: market steady; native
steers, 38.5OtJ'7.50: butcher. 34 75(o.8); cow
and heifers, 34.75ff6.25; canners, 33.60?4 80:
calve, 34.60il7.00; bulla, stag, etc., 34. Wi
H.043fl Receipts, 8,200 head; market
weaker: heavy, 37.0Mi7.06; mixed, Jfl.&Mr
7 00; light, 38.903i.S5; bulk ot aalea, .90
HEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.500
head; market steady; awe. 33.671Ci.23;
lamb. 3.00(f7.75.
t. Joseph LIT Stock Market.
ceipts, 800 head; market slow; steer. 37.00
iu. im; cow and holier, s4.ib4rn.00; calves.
.IHWI 60.
HOOS Recelpta 8.000 head: market
low to lower; top, 37.26; bulk ot sales,
8HEKP AND LAM3S Receipt. 1,000
head; market dull; lamb. 38.O098.S8.
Flew York Money Market.
PAPHR 4m per cent.
day bills, 34 8425; for cable. 84.8760; for
demand, 34.57.
SILVER Bar. 48c.
MONEY Call, steaay; nignest. 5H per ;
cent; lowest 3 per cent; ruling rate, 3 per ;
cent; last loan, 3H per cent; closing bids, 1
8 per cent: offered at 8H per cent. Time
loans, easier; sixty, ninety day and six 1
month, 4 per cent.
LONDON, Dec. 18. SILVER Bar, J2Sd
per ounce. j
MONEY 14 per cent.
DISCOUNT RATES Short and three I
month. 2T per cent. 1
Closing quotation on bond today were
ss follows:
V B. rf. tt, rg... N Ma. Pas. rv. 5s SIH
do coupon 14 N. T. C. g. 71
V. 8. 3, 1"" N.T. City 4 Ss 1S4I.10SX
do coupon I'M) "N. y. Huue 4m.. lot
V. g 4". rM WN. Y., N. H. H.
do coupon 101 ct. 4h lfl
rnsms M rouwio.. No Pacific 4s
Am. Dmsltsrs s...lo:4 do Is 4 "4
A. T. T. er. 4Hs n. 8. U nt. 4s.... S41,
1 Armour A i. 4Hs.. a"sr. T. T. Ss... 44
' AirJiiton . 4s.... M1 Penn. con. 4s ss
lul. Ohio 4s us Itetdln n. 4a....
Ch.s. A Unto 4it. U 8. F. r. 4s. o
C. P. 4 Q J. 4s....4S8o. P. ry. 4a 1044
C M B P I 4Sl. MS do raf. 4s 14
' H. I. a P. o. 4s tb do ct. 5s
, sf. a . rt. 4Ha., Iw go. Rsilwsr Is.
' T. A R. O. r. I. . 41V Union Psilflc 4s.... M4
Prl mrn. 4s It do CT. 4s (TV
lieu. Kin-trio U..lc2Hr. g. Rubber Is... .101
Hit. No. 1st 4I4S...X"' t'. 8. gtml la 100
111. r.n. tmt. 4s M Wshaah )a Is tH
K. C. Bo. ret. Is... 0 sweat. Union 4vs.. 7
U A N. unl. 4s... 41 West. Elso. ct. la.. II
M K. T. 1st is. T4
Bid. "Offrrod.
Alaska Gold
Annlsamated Copper .... 14.700 61 13 64 Best Kusnr ...1 1.300 SI "4 S0t MUj
Anerloan tlsn 1600 24
American 8. A R 400 f.SW 47
Am. 8. A R. pM 400 ICQ n
Am. Oussr Retlnlng 0 107 11 106
American T. A T 0 1184 118 117
American Tobacco find WH iris 120
Araconda Mining 400 Kit 34 K4j
Atchison 1.600 M M14 1314
iHitiiiors - (mio I.fcfio 70s, tt ft
Brooklrn Ranld Tr COO M sK m.v
iswioiiiis Peiroleum .4., ..... 164
Canadian I'aclflc 4,300 16744 W,
Centra I leather 7.100 IS4 l'A tVi.
. nesapesKe a onio suo 431
Chliaso O. W
Chicago, M. Bt. P....
Chicago N. W
Chlno (dipper
Colorado Fuel A Iron....
Penver A Rio Grande...
Iener R. O. pfd
Diatlllera' Securities ....
treneral Fitertrlo
Great Northern pfd
UreM No. Or otfs
Gussenhelm Kxpioratloa.
Illiiiols Central
interhorousb Met. pfd...
lnslratlon Copper
Intemstlonal Harrsster..
Kanaaa (Ity go
Uhlh Valley
Iouievtll A NashTllI..
Meilran retroleum 200 tl
Miami Copper 100 lt
Missouri, K. T 400 1014
Missouri Pscltto 1,400 1014
National Biscuit
National Ljead ......
Nevada Copper
New York Central
N. Y., N. H. H....
Norfolk Westers.,..,
Northern Paclflo ....
Pacific Mail
Psolflo T. A T
Pullman Palace Ow.
Rar On. Copper 000
IKeadlng 16,400
Itepubllo Iran Bteel
Rock Island Oo L40A
Rock Island Oo. pftl S00
Pt L. A . F. Id pfd
Southern Paelflc 1,100
Southern Railway 1,100
Tennessee Copper 1,100
Texas Oimnanr
Union Pacldo ...
100 13
3,100 1X4
1.800 114
4,9110 U
1.600 61
00 101
1,400 101
100 lt
4,000 10414 107
... 1,700 11114 UH
, T"
r g
It is not too late to J?uy a USEFUL
GIFT for that good friend of yours.
You may be certain that a good
looking gas table-lamp will be appre
ciated. Not only now, but for many
years to come.
Stop at our office, look over our dis
play of lamps, domes, table lamps and
gas appliances. You may select the
kind of gift at just the price you want.
Our salesfloor will be
open every evening
until Christmas, begin
ning Saturday, Dec.
19 th, until 8 P. M.
1509 Howard St.
Ilend the "For Pale" ad It you want
barcatna of the minute.
1 in
7 Stock for Sale
Am omaha eorporatloa la actlv buai
aesta (or twenty eara offer for aal.
(lit jr aoare. vuaraoteeMl .ven per oaal
prefsrrsd .Ickk redeemed from former
wner. K atconta Will sail direct.
V lT Car ot BesV
American Telephone &
Telegraph Company
A dlvidrnd of Two Dollar pr'hare
will lie paid on Friday. January 15. 1311,
tit stockholders of retard at the rluae
tiUHlnea on Thursday. I eceniter 31, lilt
O. V. UlUiH, Treaaurvr.
Our Stores Are Full
of interest to the
6hristmas Shopper
Whether you need a hot water bottle or a bottle of
medicine, a tooth brush or a package of tooth powder,
a box of candy or a cigar, you can save time and money
by trading at the four
Military Brushes
$1.50 to $5.0D per
pair in various woods
and in celluloid.
Toilet Articles
6O0 Pebero
Tooth Paste
BOc Pompetan
Massage Cream...
SOc Magila
Cream for
10c Graham's Olive
Cream Soar for....
60c Mind's IKmey
and Almond Cream.
10c Williams'
Shaving Soap.
26c Packer's
Tar 80a p., ,
31.00 Vloletta
Louisette Pnwria
EOc Soclete Hyirienlnue Son
In purple wrapper,
....V. 14c
When la doubt what to give, choose per
fume. You can not go Tong, as perfume
are always acceptable. We have been Import
ers for oer twenty-five years. The newest
odor are aure to come to us first Our line
consists of all the famous foreign and the
domestic makes, in dainty bottles and in bulk
the very
1?.- w
Statuettes of Mutt and Jeff.
33 fm
CIGARS by the box, 50c
to $10. Standard brands at
just about wholesale prices.
The $5.00 Razor Sat
urday for S3.40
Mark Cross IUzors in the lied
Shave perfectly and will
$1.00 Ever Ready Razor Out
fit for G9t?
Sherman G EllcConnell Drug Co.,
Corner 16th and Dodge Street. j LOYAL DRUG CO., 207-209 N 16th St
OWL DRUG CO., 16th and Harney Sts. HARVARD, 24th and Farnam Streets. '