Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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To Get Ready for Christmas
Do Part Tomorrow
The Question of What to Give It Answered by
This Store in Some Thousands of Different Ways
Courteous, efficient salespeople are hero to servo you
intelligently. This modern building is alive with its spirit
of Christmas, as expressed! in decorations and bright, new
stocks of merchandise.
Deliveries Are Made by Auto ON TIME.
Come Tomorrow Come Early!
Silk Hose
A large variety of styles
all noted for their excel
lent wearing qualities.
Silk Hose with lisle tops
and soles, with flare tops,
But-I-No.-l tops, Tointex
heels, lavender tops and
all correct shades.
Waste Baskets, 98c
A special for Saturday,
$1.50 Waste Baskets, 98c
Art Inrt mont Third Floor
Every imaginable kind
in all colors and all widths
for all purposes.
Many made up ribbon
novelties, flowers, caps,
ornaments, etc.
For tying packages,
holly ribbon, red and
green ribbon, etc, are very
Hair ribbons la many de
lightful new patterns and
Main Floor to the right as
you enter.
Toilet Goods
For Christmas
00c Perfume in fancy bot
tles, special Saturday,
At 25
Manicure Sets 15
Sachet Powder
' ..25 a bottle
Vanity boxes with puff,
special Saturday : . .5
Statable and Ineipensife
Gifts for Men
Frost table, center aisle, a
great variety of gift
V suggestions for men,
priced. . . .17 to 35
I .
Daintiness of Crepe de
Chine ia; Scarfs
'White, light blue and
pink, hemstitched ends,
Trimming Dept.
A Wonderful Variety of
Neckwear Styles
The Unusual, Original
and Novel Creations not
to be found elsewhere in
Organdie, Rolled Collars and
Cuffs. . .
Organdie Vesees.
' Clover Lett Lac Collars,
with velvet band,
t i Pique Collars and Cuffs.
' ' Plauen Lace Collars, Flauen
Lace 8ets.
. Men buy neck fixings bore
because our advice concerning
styles Is not given merely to
sell -rather It's a sincere ef
fort to help.
Special Value
Colored Satins, S3 inches
wide, $1.00.
GsannteeJ quality (or -x
, Petticoats.
. All colors, has a beauti
ful soft finish and good
lustre, and will not cut or
erack. ' ; '
GLOVES-Ideal Christmas Gifts
First Quality Gloves
One and two pearl clasps,
full piquo sewed, heavy
felf or contrasting embroi
dered backs, finished with
half-inch welt at wrist to
match the embroidery;
made in all finger lengths;
serviceable, and most
pleasing to the eye; black,
white, gray, tan, brown,
t navy, new plums, taupes
and pastel shades.
Issued for any desired
amount, at Glove Section,
South Aisle, Main Floor.
$225 and $2.50 a Pr.
The Store for
Christmas Blouses, Thou
sands and New.
Lace blouses, satin blouses,
silk blouses all cheery, use
ful gifts. Hundreds of styles
to suit the individuality of
the person whom you wish
to remember.
Today's express brought
to us some new crepe do
chine blouses which will go
Saturday for
4.05, $5.05 and $6.50
Tea Gowns, Kimonas,
The finest kind for gifts.
Moderately priced.
"Don't Forget
The thought of pleasing
others at Christmas time is
certainly a beautiful one.
But don't forget your own
personal appearance counts
for so much Christmas day.
The beautiful gown worn by
any woman is not of much
consequence unless the foun
dation is correct.
We can furnish you with
a Warner Rust-Proof Corset
at a very small cost, which
will furnish you grace and
ease, which you cannot al
ways obtain in many other
makes at even higher prices.
Warner Rust-Proof Corsets
Prom 1.00 Upward.
Warm Underwear
For Women
Women's Cotton Fleeced
Vests and Pants to match,
at 50
Women's Heavy Cotton Un
ion Suits, Dutch neck, el
bow sleeves, high neck,
long sleeves, ankle length,
at .......,$1.25
Women's Wool Tights, and s
These Prices Mean Savin;
: (1.75 te $2.50 Drew Goods,
98c Yard.
Make handsome gifts.
These are! very unusual
values; colore, gray, new
. green, and black with pin
stripe of green.
New Broadcloths
In the Scarcer Colors
Certain rich greens,
navy blues, browns UiU
year's favorite shades. If
not a color, black is won
derfully popular this sea
son; you can make no mis
take, black is always good.
Gift Suggestions
From the
Men's Section
A complete stock of
desirable Furnishing'
- Goods for Men at popu-
lar prices.
Misses' Dancing Frocks
For Holiday Season Wear
$16.50, $19.59 and $24.50
Inexpensive, yet possessing the
style and refinement necessary
for exclusive wear. The showing
will pleaso and surprise you, be
cause of the qualities offered for
the moderate prices.
Silk Dresses for Street
and Afternoon Wear
$18.75, $19.50, $2150, $24.50
An. attractive, showing for
these prices., . .
. Warm Coats for Winter Wear
$13.50 to $85.00
With, exceptional- values for
$19.50, $24.50 and $28.75
Gift Handkerchiefs
Though a handkerchief
may be an article of strict
utility, we offer many in
unusual treatments.
Priced from 5 Up.
Writing Paper, 25c
"bird table, center: An
other day of the special
writing paper and en
velopes 25 a box
Beautiful New
Boudoir Caps
Four bewitching styles
in nets and laces, be-rib-boned
in light blue, pink,
lavender or maize. Every
one of these will make a
delightful gift.
Corsage Bouquets
Large assortment of new
Flowers, for corsage bou
quets and sleeve bouquets,
25c, 50c, 75c and $1.25.
Flowers are used in
every possible place in
trimming the evening
Millinery Section,
Second Floor.
The December
Clearaway of Suits
New values at the
clearaway prices of
$19.50, $24.51 and $29.50
1 i
No Matter Wliat You iVant it Will Save You Time and Money if You Use The Bee Want Ads.
8 T
Time-Saving Suggestions for Late Xmas Shoppers
leT your card we'll do the rest.
1 1 very easy to select sifts at Beaton's, We dellTerfree, any and all packages. Just
8m eur Urg. display of Hair R.
eel vera. Putt Boim, Trays. Jewel
Boim, Combs, Mirrors. Brushes,
I'looks, Manicure goods, ate,
Tie Ivory Baby tattles ....42.
1. II Ivory Nail Hru.he. e7.
tl.fcO Ivory Mirror S1.T4
Ivory Hair brushes ai.Y.
llo Ivory Combe ,....
l.Se Ivory Toilet Seta S-M
(Otiiara Krora SO up.)
II. tS Ivory tvuej Mirror aSa
Ivory Clocks t Off Harked Price.
peelal Christmas Boss at Cray tT
Ml Cut Prloas i raw aoe a Boa sip.
IOo Conchas alia, bos
of li 1.0
10c Reglnal Bank, bos of sLA
lo fcdward Oato. bos of St....ll.Tt
ISo Principe L Qalea, bos
of a m m
to Little Toms, bos of la e&e
SO fc'.w Bachelors, bos of 0.,
IOo Heine loulsa. bos of U....II.S4
lluylcr'S, O'Brien's. Lowaey. Crane's
Johnson's and Dtnnlng's, In to -
lb. bosM, from 10s
A L.WAT8 vary acceptable. We
are making special dis
counts on ail Camera, thl
weak. See them before buying.
Hangs In price from SS.OO up.
Photo Calendars, all sisea. at.
each IOo
Photo Album.
. oo te as .oo
lluyler. Chocolate, and Bon Bona. H
to 4-lb. bosea, per pound Sjos
Claaa Nov.ltlea tn Lantarna, Train.
iuna Telephones, sto, filled with
candy, at. each .......IOo
Huylera Candy Novelties for Chrl.t-
maa traea, tc each as t aOa
tl.a. Uouoigant's Ideal Extract, per
ounce ai.4
11.11 Houblgaat'a Coeurieaaatte. per
ounce tlS
su ss Houbisaat a Gvatte Met
lU kO lioubiaut'a Ideal 8et..
ILSA R. a O. uiorla If 1'arta. . .
o lludnvt's aad other m.eea. all
I1.M Hadnafi
Ho Colgate1
ira, fancy package.
s urtgtnal
't have all the lteat odora of Ltm
Oraay. Houblgaafa, Cotya. Palmar'
Hodaafa Is utraet. toilet water,
rhat aad toilet powder.
11 SO Thermos Bottles.
quarla Thermos Bottles,
It"10 mTmt I ll I -piece MauU-ure Carafe U 1 Ft. Ivory
II JS l-place Manicure 1 1.&0 l-plece Manicure
est SSe I . bet ,
amwak. A aBBBa ..saaw asm am F
'rcUou,,k. DeatonPa,h" Bfc. A 1 ON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam 8
li.SO t-plece Manicure
And many othera at
rrloa Saturday, front
. S1.M
10 to
Wilson Does Not
Want Theorists for
Trade Commission
WASHINOTON. Do. 1.-Pr.ldent Wil
son has 1st it be known that he had
mads "common sense" the chief qualifi
cation of the five mea he Is to nominate
aa members of the new trade oomml.ilon
within the next two weeka. He does not
desire theorists for the commission, but
men who will be able to Intelligently deal
with bualneaa conditions In the Vnlted
Btates. Politic. It is said, will not gov
ern the maxe-up of the boa,rd. although
at least oa republican probably will be
Among the numerous men whoae names
ar under consideration are Joseph
Da vies, commlsaloner of corporations; A.
C. Tburman, aoltcltor of the commerce
department; E. N. Hurley, president of
the Illinois Manufacturers association;
John E. Rlchardaon of Tennessee.
Thomas 8. Pelder of Georgia. Oeorge Ru
ble of Now Hsmpshtrs, Samu.l I
Rogers of North Carolina. Prof. Henry
J. Waters of Kansas. E. A. Krauthoff of
Miesourt and W. B. Weetlak of In-dlaaa.
Druggists rsfund money If Paso Oint
ment fails to cur Itching. Blind. Bleed
ing or rvatrsdina Piles, rtrat application
lira relief. M cants.
French Airmen Drop
Bombs in Freiburg;
. . Cause Great Damage
PARIS, Dec. 18.-A Belfort dispatch to
the Havss agency says: , .
"Despite German denials. It . Is now
clearly established that the recent aero
plane raids from Belfort were productive
of real results. Six bombs were thrown
on Freiburg. Baden, on December 4.
"In order to mlalead the Germans, the
leader of the flotilla.' a sergeant major
of hussars, made a wide detour over the
Black forest, coming; back on Frelburir
without being molested.
"On December the flotilla, flying In
single file st a height of 1,000 feet, amidst
a furious storm of shells from the Ger
man guns, threw eighteen bombs, of
which fourteen caused enormous dam
age. The leading aeroplane wax .truck
by a shell splinter on the left nlana nri
several bullet, grased the gasoline reser
voir, breaking some Of the stay, without,
however, impairing the stability of tho
The aeroplanes, after undercnfnir
final bombardment, returned to Belfort
without further Incident.
German Emperor So Orderi Hit Staff
l To Proride Suitable Moment
for Proposal of Peace.
ITeaton. Overcome ftaprrlor amber.
y aperloP Mobility Flahtln
re.erla-r4 a. r.reedlnaly
LONDON. Dec. U-Nc definite news
has yet come from tho Russian aide of
the great German victory in Poland re-Pm-ted
In Berlin and Vienna. The Rus
sian official headquarters' report received
trnlKht gives nc Information on the sub
Jf ct and the customary long Tctroxrad
dispatches il.-alina; with the military op
erations In this district are absent from
the London newspapers this morning,
which wculd seem to indicate that a cen
sorship has been Imposed on FVtrograd.
A Petrograd dispatch to the Daily Mall
dated Thursday ic.vis at some length to
the alleged Instructions of the German
emperor to Ms staff that an attempt to
capture Warsaw he made at all hazards.
Rumors of su, n Instructions have been
current for some days and according to
the Novoe Vrcmya the plan Is connected
with the idea that the capture of War
saw would provide a suitable moment for
the propopnl of a peace conference. The
Novoe Vreniya says:
'The very violence with wnich, the Ger
man efforts are being made prove that
some grest gain Is sought."
According to other accounts Germany
Is employing 7DO.0O0 men In the movement
toward Warsaw.
The Dally Mall s correspondent says the
Russian retirement on Sochaosew Is gen
erally approved as wise. The position
there Is protected by swamps snd com
mands th surrounding country.
Unfortunately, the correspondent says,
"It seems as If German mobility ha
again given them superiority over num
bers. Tho Russian supposed they had
sufficient men present to check the Ger
mans at this point, but It is believed that
th Germans brought troops around from
Mlawa, thus weakening the fore there,
which has since been chased to th fron
tier. The Germans also were greatly re
inforced from another Quarter an,t .1..
fighting is described st extremely violent."
French Yellow Book
Accused of Trying
to Mislead Neutrals
BERtLIN. Dec. 18. (Via London anA
Amsterdam.) The official press bureau
today save out th following:
Th Norddeutsch Algemcdne Zeltung,
commenting on the French yellow book,
cop! of which have Juat been received,
says that It consists of documents ob
viously selected and prepared to prove
that Russia did not provoke th. war n
plao th responsibility on Germany, to
create dissension between Germany and
Austria and to turn neutral nations, es
pecially Holland and Denmark, against
"It can be stated that tho pretended
official German secret reports concerning
the increase In the German army which
the French war minister Is said to have
received In March, 1913. Is only a clumsy
Invention, this newspaper says."
British Destroy
Turkish Barracks
PARIS. Doc. 18. -The Hsvas agency has
given out a dispatch from Its correspond
ent at Athens, who quotes a message from
the Island of Tenedos to the effect that
the recent bombardment by a British fleet
In the Gulf of Paraos, immediately north
of the Dardanelles, comletely destroyed
ths Turkish barracks on shore and seri
ously damaged the fortifications. The
Turks", panic stricken, fled to the interior.
France Has Plenty
Funds to Fight War
to Successful End
PAflH. Iec. 1.-Mlniter of Flnanrs
Rlhot explained the 1915 budget today tp
the appropriations committee of ths
Chumber of Deputies, lie said In part: .
"When the war besan the French
treasury had not taken any precautions
to enable it adequately to meet the ex
penses involve). This is one of th
proofs that we did not want war. It was
forced upon us, and I aver that we are
not responsible for the unchaining of
these terrible evils from which the bel
ligerents ss well as neutral countries
are suffering today. The Interests of all
peoples are so Interwoven that the na
tions not actually engaged In the hos
tilities nro deeply affected by the war."
M. Rlhot said he thought the moat
pressing need today was the re-establish-In
of credit tempore rily paralysed by
the first shock of the war. Th intricate
system of commercial snd Industrial
credit, brought to perfection after cen
turies of labor had been stunned for the
moment, hut was now recovering.
"France will not lack resource, to con
tinue the war. which It did not seek, but
wnicn It Is resolved tn ntir.u. . .v.
finish without fslterlng," M. Rlbot con
tinued. "From a financial vlewpoln
Franc' . . .
regard without anxiety the prospect of
prolongation of hostilities. Th. it
the war will not depend at anv ttm nn
the status of our financial power."
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
A Sale of
that will prove interesting
to every woman in Omaha.
These coats are priced at
They are plushes, wool
velours, corduroys and
three velvets. They are
worth to $45.00 on sale
Saturday at $19.50
The House
of Menagh
"The Store for Gentlewomen"
1613 Farnam St.
"A Merry
is my wlBb. for
all the kids,
whether they
are D r e x e 1
kids or not."
The DrexelKii
For the Boy
Any boy will like a pair of
real shoes the kind Dad
wears made just as weU,
In Just as good style. One
pair of
Will outwear two pairs of
ordinary Boy' Shoes. Boys,
1 to 6 H, $3.60; Little Gents,
9 to 12, $2.23. In Button
or Blucber.
Parcel Post Paid
1419 Farnam
FARIsi, Dec 13:10 p. m.) An ener
getic protest against the press censorship
was msde at a meeting today of deputies
snd senators who are journalists. The
meeting drafted a formal statement of
objections to ths censorship, which Is to
be handed to ths minister of Justice,
Arlstide Briand, as president of the coun
cil of state.
A committee of journalists was formed,
beaded by Georges Clemeneeau. former
premier. Associated with him are Stephen
Klnchon, former minister of foreign af
fairs; Jean Dupuy and Admiral Blcnaime.
A Good Complexion
Means Pure Blood
Everybody that wanta a fine, glowtng.
youthful akin, should take old reliable
Hood's SarsaparUla. a physician's pre
scription, which glvea a clear, healthy
color. When your bload la mad. pure,
pimples, bolls, hives, ecianaa disappear.
Languor, Iocs of appetite, tired feeling,
weakness are symptom, of impure, un
healthy blood. .
Hood's SersaperUla purines the blood.
Oet a bottle todar.
Important . notice!
Anyone who wants to buy
Wines and Liquors for the Holi
days should go to a reliable
house which sells all goods at
one price.
As a means of bringing our
selves before the public, we offer
the following special offer:
With each $1.00 purchase we
will give a very fine Imported
With each $2.00 purchase we
ill give a large bottle of Wine
and a very fine Imported Calen
lar. With each $3.00 purchase we
will give a bottle of choice Wine,
Calendar and very fine Fruit Dish.
1S07 Douglaa Street.