Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Ueporti from Exporting Cities Say
Thty Arc Asking for Million
' Bushclt Per Day.
rm Whml Wakre nillifr llUh
Mark nerd R-clf llertv
i light Brcanse ot rrevell
I In loM Wralkrr.
r . .. .
The Omaha Oram exchange luck on an
agricultural airport ' whn Inembers
of tha Nebraska. Fanners' . drain nd
Lire Stock Shipping- an"' Intlon. '.nlillng
la annual convention In tli city. In a botlr
visited the trsd'ng floor' and spent most
t)f the rnornlne tber equina- an Irlslgbt
Into how big deal In srstn are cnmluctrd.
They were the guests tl tha Omaha ex
change. Th Omaha market continued strong to
higher on reports from ec-me of the big
treat exporting honors of New York.
Ponton and Baltimore, each and all as
serting that the countries of Europe, now
at war. would take al'i the wheat that
eould ba dtlivere.1. New York reported
that exporters there were In the market
far t00, bushel . per Iay for an In
definite period.
Omaha receipt. oln to had weather
In tha Stale and western Iowa, for sev
eral ceye were llt. tng sixty ar of
wheat, forty-three of corn and eighteen
f oata. .Whrat soU around $1.11 to 11.12,'
with corn 5?"4 .cents to renta.
Durum wheat made another new high
record pr)oe, Roiiig up to II. 18V per
tuahe4. with the bulk of aalr at II .
HerreUry Manchester of the exchange
baa Installed In hia Offli o one of the larg
it mapa.ever manufactured. It ahowa tha
grain belt , of the I'nlted State, 'taking
1n tha territory between the Rocky, and
tha Allegheny mountain' and fronvCan
da to the Gulf of Mexico. It la. fifteen
feet long and thirteen feet wide,: allowing
the railroad-llnea In colora. All eWeaand
towna on all. line of road, are given.
Largest Train of V..
Mail Ever to Leave ,
Omaha Goes to Coast
The largest- elngte train or fast ' mall
that haa, gone out of Omaha i In a' year
left for Pan Francisco Wednesday 'at 1
p. m, over the lnlon raclflo, aaya.Super-Jnlendent-C.
M. Reed of the railway mall
service. It conslsteJ of three , regular
mall cara and seven baggage eoanhe
torad full of moll. Caually only' six' or
even cara are needed, whereas this train
frad ten 'exclusively -for1 mall. It ia
t San Francisco In two, days. It la. ex
pected that tha extra cara will be. needed
tintll after the holiday ruiih la-oyer;'
Pig storm between' Chicngo and 'the
Atlantic coast are delaying the malls and
making them from two to eight houra
lata In getting Into Omaha, Superin
tendent Itoed declare. Much congeatlon
teauiu, ha say, ao It la a good thing
that people are mailing their Christmas
parrels early thla year.
Tna dlapoaltlon of the American FUauty
rosea Intended for Mlra Katharine Kaet
red, which when laat heard from were
repoalng In tha box office of tha lirawlcls
theater, waa a aubject of Intereat to looa'
.uffragUta Wednesday. With the ap
proval of Mra. H.- C Kumney, Mar.ago:
SutphVn aent them to the children' wart',
of the Wise hospltul with the compllinen'i ,
of th one for whom they wera Intcndeo
Temperatoret Slowly and Surely
Ruin; in This Locality.
i - .
rtnllroaa- neport l.labt Fall In
Munr riaeea ( Between Rocky
. Moaatala and (.real ,
'. Fliphlly 'warmer weather now prevella
throughout NehrakK nd the Mleaourl
valley. roteranler Welsh says, but tem
peratures are etlll low enough to make
doubtfuL'tho use of the term "'warmer."
Omaha' official mln'mum thermometer
rword durlrig the laat twenty-four houra
waa Juat sero, which occurred at I a. m.,
and the mercury ha rlaen considerably
ilnce then.
' .IV.alng, temperature la predicted for
Omaha today, with mostly cloudy and
possibly .light snows.
' The liackbohe tit the present cold snap
la broken," Colonel Welsh says. . .
According to the reports to the- rail
roads liKht snow flurries were pretty
general last night and continuing today
In many sections of the country between
the mountains and the Jakes.
Out In the atate and to the west the
weather continues cold, but there has
he-n a decided rise In temperature since
Wednesday. Erlcaon thla morning waa
the coldest spot In the state. It being t
degree ' bolow aero there. OtlAr place
recording below , aero were Bridgeport
and ' Randolph;. Sidney and Scott'a llluff,
4: Alliance, : Fairmont, Button and
punning,. 1. 1 Wednesday morning there
waa ar-arcely a place In Nebraska where
the temperatnura Waa above gero.
Another told Day Cftnlii.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 17. Cold weather
continued today everywhere east of tho
Rocky mountains, and the weather bu
reau . predicted It would continue for 'at
leaat thirty-six houra more'ln' m,ost sr c
tiofia. Below-aero temperatures were re
ported In northwestern Ohio,1 northern In
diana, northern Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, the -Dakota. -Wyoming. Mon
tana and 'Idaho,' While It was below f reel
ing "at ' far aouth as extreme - northern
Florida. In tha east 'gulf states, Tennes
see and' the Ohio valley, however, It waa
predicted the temperature would rise
lowly tonight and Friday.
. Generally fair weather will prevail to
night gnd Friday east of the Mississippi,
except' In tha lower Mississippi valley,
where rain or snow will fait, and Florida,
where rains are predicted.
Millionaire's Son
Leaves Home and is
Found in Omaha
Offended because a a parental rebuke.
Marry ' Kahn. 20 years .oil. acton ,.r
millionaire Clary, Ind., merchant, who ran
away from home Inst week and was bring
Being sougtit throughout Nebraska by
corps of expensive and fa motia nriviti
detectives, waa found In Omaha at the
Young Men's Chr1MIn aseoclotion by
Detectives Dunn and Kennelly.
Toung Kahn. It la ald, waa upbraided
about apendlng top much money and time
upon Chicago chorus girls, and In a
wrathful fit disowned hi paf-nts, who
were heartbroken.
Detectives Dunn and Kennelly last night
made a flne-tooth-comb search of all th
local hotels, and today located tha young
Kahn graduated from tha University of
Chicago last year, and la also a graduate
of a Gary academy.
', The' attachment of tha Pavlowa com
pany's share of tha receipts of tha char
ity ball secured by Robert Bhlvericlt In
an effort to collect a Judgment secured In
Canada will be returnable In tha oourt of
District' Judge English. According to
Judge English It wilt be assigned for hear
ing. In th same manner aa lawsuits which
have no International' complication.
- r
Good Spirit
can only be enjoyed by those) whoa
digestive organa work naturally and
regularly. Tha best correctlva and
preventive yet discovered for Irregu
lar or faulty action of stomach, liver or
bowels, Is known the world over to be
SeM avetywawra, la
This Opportunity Was Made for You
nuy thla ttaiialn Aeolian Player
IMjtno the rorll' bet and well known
ntke, equal to I'larer Pianos gold else
where) for $600.
ImporUnt f:very Iluaineng and IWnaaional Man's home should
nave one.
a Necessity tP
of our best home have pnrchaed thls'seat Aeolian
Player laat 14 dava.
EXTRA-5 Slightly. Used $500, $550, $650
Player Pianos How Offered at
$250, $35
Today we will place oh sale an aaaortment of. new and naed
Pianos of unosaal excellence. Ntelnway, Knabe Chickerlng, Htrer
& Hons.' Enifmon. Klii.ball, Davln Hons, Iindeman A Boos, Hard
ntan, MrPhall and Hchmollcr A Mneller Planoa.
SanspScs of Used Piano Bargain
Former -vjRale
IVlce Price
f.-HH) fhltkering ......'.$100
$275 Mueller S125
430 Htecer A Son SlfH)
$.100 Norwood - S155
$300 Sclunoller A Mueller
Former Bale
Price - Price
WOO RteKer A Sons . . .
$2fto Kimball 8135
$3.-VO Schmoller A Mueller
.. .v. 9if5
$noo Sieger A fiona ... . .250
$32fl Mueller 8148
$300 Knabe SS50
Come or -write) us at 'once for full particulars. Free Stool, Free
Scarf, Free Hallmad Fare. Vft llanoa for Knt at
83.50 I" Month.
Schmoller u Lluoller Piano Go.
Store. Open Evening. .
i "i wrK
I MM'- Baas
I 4 ,2 . 0'
It - - "Iv 1 I
If I a eaaainanBMaBaBmNMM M
- - i a - s 4 - f
I t X J - MX. . XJ
U - 21 V
W Je " flSBJ . , JJ - ii
n n nntr
Feast and Be : Happy! .
Toast Old Santa's Health in. ; V
Fragrant with hop
Sparkling with cheer
No more welcoma gift to a good old friend than a
case of golden, bubbling Peerlesa none such perfect,
cheering beverage to put on your table dur-
mg uiis nappy, icsuvc uiik;. ,.cveiy tsi
mas since 1854 old friends have drunk each
others' health in Cundf' Famou Beers,
' Bmr Now Than Epwr. Ctt'm Co foe Tern,
Ditk oaV Harry amef One fr Yomr Ovm Ha Fotkt.
Wssm H Defas Hit M-
Tl S. Itk Su (. (iwk Nak.
wl4Msui .
Jobi Gcsd Brevrbg Co., U Croisc, TAi.
This Store Will Be Open Friday Evening'
And special on nearly all kinds of Christmas goods will make the "evening hours from 5
to 9 P. M. the most interesting from an economical view point of the entire season. Be
here Friday eve, look for the special tables. You'll find them in nearly every department.
Boys' Mackinaws; Suits p" TTTTFvvTT! Don't-Tail to Visit Our
and Overcoats are ideal gifts - fi sY 1 1 1 J? I ' ' 1 1 1 New Floral Dept. JVreathcs,"
for the youngster. . See the U If ) f UU lOUj U riant and Hdwers of all
many splendid special values M P' I kinds. Get your orders
ITiursday. . ' m ... . U U " , 1 for C?hristmas delivery.
Hundreds of Gift Suggestions in Fancy Goods at
Prtce Saving of About Half. Here s a Few:
j Gift, 25c
Baskets worth
. GIFT 8rOGK8T10N9
Ladlee' Fancy Neckwear.
Rerular II rallies, at . .
Included are fancy fur trim
med collars, vestees, novelty frills,
silk boudoir caps, etc.
Another Une of Fancy Neckwear,
rallies to 60c each, at. . . .25tt
Xmaa Handkerchiefs Underprlced.
Children's Embroidered Ilandker
: ill fancy box, at -15a
3 In fancy box, at 15
3 In fancy box. at 25
Mlvtea' Fancy Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs 3 in fancy box, at 25
4 in fancy box. at 25?
6 In fancy box. at 29
Ladle' Embroidered Boxed Hand
kerchiefs, 83c, BOc, 75c, $1.00,
$1.25, $1.50 np.
Single Handkerchiefs, Be np to
. $1.0O each.
Sereral big counters of new
Holiday Novelties priced at Just
Fancy Hanging
60c, I ;
Fancy-Work Baskets worth' 60c.
Fancy Pin Cushions, Ash Trays,
Hat Pin Holders, Jewel Boxes,
etc., all 60c articles, at .25
$1.00 Holiday Norelties, 5Uc
Manicure Sets, Pipe Sets, fillk
Garters, Library Sets, Leather
Collar Bags, Mirrors. Work
Boxes, Comb and Brush 8ets,
Hand Bags and many other $1
articles at 50
Several Other Special Counters.
A Wonderful Christmas Sale of
Timmed Hats $ H).97
$10.00 to $12. SO Values, qJ)
Friday at, choice
Trimmed Hat as a Gift?
mothers, sisters, wives would
immensely pleased with such
gift as one of these classy hats
would be.
Several hundred beau
tiful dress and street
hats included, in designs
suitable for all ages.
Although the majority arc
black you'll find all the
choicest new colorings and most
desirable trimmings, in fact all
hats in stock to $12.50 ro nr
values included. yle U I
Crowd Bringing Garment Bargains in Domestic Room Friday
Seldom, if ever before, have equal quality garments been offered at prices so attrac
tively low. .Broad assortments for your selection.
Winter Coats worth $15.00 and $17.50, in
cluding 52-in. Persianas, Sealette Plushes,
Silk Pomeries, etc. Some with quilted Sa
tin lining, high storm collars, at $9.75
Another Lot of Splendid OotJn, broken lines of our
regular-$7.60, f 10-and 113.60 Coats, in Chin
chillas. Hindoo Cloths. Chariots, etc., for quick
clearance Friday, choice 83.05
Children's Winter Coats, made to sell up (o $6.00, in
heary double textarea, Zibelines, Novelty Cloths,
etc., $3.98 to $6 00 ralues, yonr choice at $2.08
Wool Dreae Skirts,, made to sell at $3.60 to $6.00,
v black, brown and blue serges, norelties and other
desirable meares, long tunic effects, pleated, plain
or Dlald bottoms, on sale Friday, choice 911 .5SJI
An Immense purchase of Furs. Set. Scarfs. Muffs, etc. on sale Domestic Room Friday at Half Keg. Prices.
Fur Sew as low as , 81.08 Fnr Scarfs as low as -50
Dresses made to sell up to $7.50, choice $$.98
In Silk Poplins, Messalmes, Corduroys and
good assortment of most desirable wool
materials. Some la the new pleated tunic ef
fects. ' others In straight lines, wonderful bar
gains at i.. 82.08
Children's Wool Presses, all sixes from 6 to 14 yrs
Serges, Check and Plaid fabrics, etc., prettily trin
med, made to sell at $1.39 to $1.69, at,. ...07
Women's Hons Dr esses, - Percales and Ginghams,
sites 34 to 44, made to sell at 96c to $1.36, to close
Friday .49
00c Heary Fleeced Dressing Saoquee .' 25 1
$1.25 and $1 JSO Sweater Onata, good colors . .80
Sateen and Spun Glass Petticoat, black and colors,
60c and 69c ralues, at 39
Mens and Boys' Handkerchiefs
Linen, Silk, Mercerized, Etc.
At About Half Regular Prices.
Six " Handkerchiefs in Christmas Box
$1.00 box Handkerchiefs on sale. . . . .49
$1.50 box Handkerchiefs on sale. ... .75t
$2.00 box Handkerchiefs on sale. ... .98
$2.50 box Handkerchiefs on sale.. $1.35
Men Vor. Boys MOc .Hand 'chiefs, 6 for 25t
Boys' 15c Linen Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25
Boys 25c Initial Handkerchiefs, 6 fdr 75
Men's 25c Linen Handkerchiefs, ea. 12!4
36e and 60c Linen Handkerchiefs at 25c and 85c
Men's : Fine Silk - Handkerchiefs. . in ' three special
lots, at ............. . .98V49 and S5c?
Friday Linen Specials
! Excelsior Quilted Table Pads, ready for
use, a sensible gift;, regular $1.85, each,
at $1.50
Dew bleached Belfast Satin Damask, all
pure flax; regular $1.50 grade, $1.00
Webb's Pure Irish Linen Hemstitched
Towels, very fine, values to $1, ea. 75t
Hemstitched Napkins, breakfast or tea
size, half price, worth $4 doz., 6 for $1
Bed. Spreads, an acceptable gift, full size Mar
seilles, scalloped, regular $5 -rals., ea. $3.50
Irish Hand Embroidered Dresser Scarfs, full
length, ralues to $4 each ..$2.50
Furnishing Goods in the Domestic Room
Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns,
$1 ralnes at VVt
Men's Guaranteed Hose; . colors,
black, tan or assorted, 6 pairs
In box, special 40c
Ladles' Heary - Fleeced or Cot
ton Ribbed- Union . Suits, all
sixes, $1 ralues at;.....G0s
Men's Flannel Shirts with flat
or military collars.-$1.60 ral
ues at 08
Ladles' Part Wool Hose; colors.
gray or black, aU sites, worth
26x, at 10e
Children's Wool Sweater Coats,
alsee 1 to 10 yeara; colore, tan,
red and tray. $1.00 value at 4S
Man's Ties in fancy boxes, worth
to iOo, at Sftc lt, lOe
Ldla' Ileary Fleeced Underwear,
eats or panta, racuUr tOc- val
ues, at so
Men's Heavy Fleeced - Underwear,
all alaea, shirts or drawers, worth
to J1.00, at ..., 4S, Soa
Ladlea Square Knit Wool P haw Is
worth to I LOO. at e, aso
Popular Domestic Room
Sptc'h in Staple Merchandise
6 He par Indigo Blue . Gingham
Checks 3 Vic
10c value genuine Hone Muslin 6o
Ito Nurse Strip Glnxham, 82 rn.
wide So
I to Flannelette. 3 In. wide SVie
12 Vic Outing Flannel .5
lOe Comfort Prlnt,i all new pat.
tern .
II Vic Dreaa Gingham, stripe,
checks and plaids Vi
The uauai large amount of. rem
nants but at a greater reduction
will be on sale on four large
counters at aVi. , 6c, TVi
Good Things to Eat for Christmas
ITat, Oram-, Tagetable. Caasved Ooods, Oraokars, Pnei Traits, Bauer,
rraaaaa Teaa M4 Oorfee. Quality Oooda aa4 a SarUg of to M
California Moor Park Apricots,
rW Seeded Kaislna. pkg. 10 ISVi
Condensed Mince Meat, pkg SVsO
It Ike. tost OraMlated ugai, 91--00
-lb. eacke beat hign gnuie liianionU
H Flour nothing finer for your
Xmaa pudding plea or oaaea, per
4 Iba. fancy Japan Klc. 10 quality,
barker House Tomato Catsup, bottle,
for t TVi
Worcester Sauce. Pickle aaaorled
' kind. Iloreeradlah or Prepared
Mustard, bottle aHc
Aaaorted Soups, per can SMi
U-oa. JkJra Pure Fruit Preaerve. .as
K-os jaxa Pure Fruit Preaer ve . . lo
10 -os. Jar Pur California, troney a
Imported Sardine, per caa......aH
cana Oil fardlne .S5
Fancy Queen Olive, quart a
MacLaren'a Peanut Butter, lb...laVk
Tall cana Alaska Salmon 16
1-1. can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn TV
t-lb. can Wax, String. Ureea or Lima
Brans ,.,TH
lt-oa. can CoVUnaed Milk. . . ., ,TVe
c rana Condensed Milk..'. S&
Ked Jat-ket pur Apple Cldr, jug In
eluded , Ss
Fancy Sweet Cookies, It vartetlea
per lb. 10. IS He, la
Xrle4 rrnits for Tons mtddlaga, rise
aa4 Cakaa
I Crown Muscatel Raialna, lb....SH
Cleaned Currants, lb lSV4a
California Seedlea Ralalna. lb.... loo
California Seedleaa Prunea. lb. ..1SV
California Sal ay Peaches, lb.... 10
California Cooking Flga. lb 10
The beet Lemon or Orange Peel, per
pound ao
Th best Leghorn Citron Peel. lb. S6
Tk k Mixed BTw Mats, I.. . . .16
XlgBlaAd Havel Oranges for Xaaa
Nothing finer, awaeter or juicier.
H'a the orange of quallt; at, per
doaen IOo, aoe, 86, au
Fancy Country Creamery Butter, tap
Uood Dairy Tablq Butter, lb... ,..
I lba. good Butterin SAO
t-lb. pail Good Luck Butterlne. . .
If lba. best Red Klver Minnesota po.
tatoea to th peck ao
II lba. fancy Cooking Apples to the
peck r ....ase
Item and your wslgrht the law re-
oulrea H. v
f ancy Holland Seed Cabbage, lb. 1V4
FYeah Beets. Carrots, Turnips. Rad-
Ishea or Shallots, bancb
Wax or Oreen Beans, lb
Fancy Rip Tomatoes, per lb...
t etalka Fresh Celery
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb.
J large Soup bunches
t bunchea fresh Parsley
S heeds fresh1 Leaf Lettuce for... .4
I lba.- Fancy Jersey Sweet Potato
for rt'.
Fancy Read lettuce, per head.. .TV
Old Carrota, Beets, Turnip or Ruta-
bagaa, per lb IV
it rnJ fj Af fctici cmCT it
lTt I U 1 OW I fcaw-S-ssBM W IIUy PAT!
Drugs ana Toilet Articles
1 1.00 Sal Hepatic SSo
efto Sloan' a Llnament 8o
Phenaphalax Laxatlv Wafera, 100
for sso
11.00 Plngham's Vegabl Comp. T4o
IOo Jar Menthalatum
A spin Tablet. 1 dosen SSo
60c Java Rice Powder sso
Lor.Me Toilet Water Too.
Cut Glaaa Perfuro Atomizer, special
at i-OO
0o Grave Tooth Powder. . . ...8
tOo Daggett RamedeU'a Cold Crenn.
ISe Jera-en'a Lotion IS Family Combination Byrine:.-
and Bottle. 4-qt.: special 81.29
10c Jargon's Violet Glycerin Soap.
cake In box SO
Bird Cages, Special Friday
T.n.n fftMI. S coin
at rs. at, se. gut
Fancy Japanned Cagea. t colore
at . r 81.4S and ts.11
Fancy Brae Cace frwu I7.0 ti
low aa . IU1