WHEJC AIT AT FROM HOHM The Deo is The Paper y-e Ml fori If yea plea VI b tktttt nor Um law ys, have Th Baall t yew. HE Omaha Daily B"TTX jl IRE WEATHER. JLvJlV , Cloudy VOL. XLIWNO. 157. OMAHA, FRIDAY StOftNIXG, DECEMBER 18, 1914 TWELVE PAGES. On Trains aaa a SINGLE totals lm Staaae, Se, OlVJUIZi COPY - TWO CENTS. AUTO BANDIT SLAlH IN GUI! DUEL AFTER ROBBIHGTWO BANKS Frank G. Hohl, Notorious Motor Cat Outlaw, Killed in Battle with Police: OFFICES PROBABLY WILL DIE SCOTCHMEN AT HOME IN THE SNOW Members of the First Battalion, Scotch Caraerons, in snow-clad Bel gium. - Oyer $13,000 Missing, and it is Be lieved Accomplice Secured This Money. WOMAN CONFEDERATE SOUGHT Holdup Man Loots One Money In ' stitution After Another. 'ALSO STEALS Tklnf Feattive Well Known AN AUTOMOBILE from Jnstlee te Antboritles Tkrfn Coffer ta Gaard'a - Face. ltd ; CINCINNATI. O.. Dff, 17.-The life o' ; Frank O. Holit, notorious automobile bandit, ended here today following a three houra" career of crime which In cluded the robbing of two Cincinnati banks, the theft of an automobile and a .pUtol duel with policemen that, resulted In probable fatal wounda to otie officer and tha death of the bandit. Thirteen thousand and one hundred dol lars are missing a the result of the bank robberies and the nlollce are confident that Hohl. In hla wild automobile drlvea, managed to pass thla money along to some confederate. The beginning of Hohl end started shortly after 10 a. nv, when he entered the West End branch of the Provident Savings Bank and Trust company, fired two ahots at Cashier Edward .Hughes, scooped up $8,000 In currency, packed through the door. Jumped Into a waiting automobile which had been stolen and disappeared. While the police were searching for the bandit he entered the liberty Banking and Savings company, ten blocks away, fired two ahots al Cashier George Winters, grabbed what proved to be $5,100 In currency, ran to his automobile and again disappeared. - The " .hot. ware so close to wint. that n-lj Eiecti0n is Held" and Omaha was powaer-vumea, uui uinvr man ferlng from the shock be was uninjured. Almost two houra later Harry Lurk ahorn. whose mother conducts an apart ment house on West' Ninth street. In formed the police of the similarity of a man who rented a room there yesterday with a description given of the bandit. Three policemen called at the room, and upon knocking the door " was suddenly jthrown open, though the bandit opened 'fire, at the aame time brushing past the officer, one, of whom, Policeman Edward Knoul, was probably fatally wounded. .... - i aa ill Bk . f " ' ' ' ' ' - , f f : : ; ; ; ' i ; : . 9 t h . .. - - ifij ' . - t',M . V -f ;:' A I '"' , - " I - ,f ' mini latimwtTmiMii'iaiii mnrai 4J jMrina.ai;M CZAR'S MILLIONS ARE EVERYWHERE IN FULL RETREAT Armies of Russia Reported in Flight All Along Front in Galicia and Poland. MOVE AGAINST PRUSSIA FAILS Musoorite Offensive Aimed at Posen and Silesia Has Completely i Broken Down. AUSTRIANS ARE VICTORIOUS Forces1 of Teuton Allies Make it Hot ' for Bear in Both North and South. ' Russians and Turks Win the Same Battle, According to Official Reports PETROOnAD, Dec, 17. (Via Indon.) ater's Telegraph company, gives tha fol- A communication. Issued by the Rus sian army ataff In the Caucasus, says: "Tha Turka, considerably reinforced from Bagdad and by a new formation, asaumed the offensive In tha Euphrates valley and the Van region, which resulted In a number of engagements of seo ondary Importance. In thesa battlea the Russians were Invariably victorious, with tha result that the Turkish forces are de moralised and In soma cases have lost their effeJlvenVsa." IiONIXN. Pec. 17. A dispatch from Conetantlnope,' via Amsterdam, to Reu lowing Turkish statement "Heverat days' battle near tha vtllayet of Van has ended In our favor and our, troops have entered flarat "A British cruiser unsuccessfully bom barded a Turkish watch tower between Jappa and Gasa, In Palestine, on the Mediterranean. "Tha Russian cruiser, Askold, sank two small ships off Beirut, Pyrla. "Tha loss of the old battleship, Mes stidleh, after a final examination, must be attributed to a floating mlna or tor VIENNA . ANNOUNCES TRIUMPH FARMER SHIPPERS HOLD CONVENTION Selected as Place for Holding Next Convention. VINCENT ON. WAREHOUSE LAW Clifford Thorss Talks on Railroad Bltaatlon aad TelU of Flgat . Against Proposed Rate ' . Ratal a sr. J. 8. Canada of' Mfnden waa yesterday Th4 bandit agalrf iran 'to hla autoniolHr Farmers' Co-operaUvs Oralii' arid "XA va EGYPT IS DECLARED BRITISH ROTECTOR Official Press Bureau Announces Britain' Made Over Lord of African State. ' - ' '"( TURKISH SUZERAINTY ENDS r.forse Approves . Appolatmeat of I.lratr.aant Colonel Sir Artfcar ' McMahosi as Raler of New' ' ' " Depeadcacy. which was staadlng nearby, but In round ing a corner tha machina crashed into a telegraph pole and was wrecked. Thj bandit jumped out and opened fire on the two officers who had pursued him. In tha battle, that followed Hohl fell with four bullet wounds In his body and died shortly afterwards at the hospital. Stock Shipping association., J. W. Short hill Was . re-elected sei-retay-treajiilrer, Ouf F. Brlgss, Colrldge, vice president, and John.cr Miller,' St. Mary's, and E. -E. Price,' Btlckley, 'ihew members of the board of directors. Omaha Waa chosen as the next meeting place. The convention has another aesslon today. ' ' C. Vincent, grain dealer of Omaha, read Hohljs-as well Known 10 ine p'hiuu aim - Th I'OliPM ! l'r VII HIO yuunv; raivuvun ' " Is opposed to the warehouse law and has gathered a great deal of data to prove claim that ho was wsnled In connection ! with a diamond robbery In Kansas City, Mo., a year ago, where he had assumed the name of Howe. The police say that Hohl usually Had a woman confederate, for whom a search la being made. WILLIAM BARTfl DENVER ' CAPITALIST. IS DEAD was a fugitive from justice. claim that he shot up an Altoona. Pa., I O .,.MalAi1 at rtl m'Vtflftji oann OB ,i his convictions. ' He had letters from being .conveyed to the j.l! n.wly.lected ,cmber. of the tegls- threw a cup of coffee In hut guard s face omlon. on ...in aarnft. He u. in n caoJ ....... i . i r..a IT." .. " -I .- .h- iaiatioii tor a warenouse. Artnur lurea, out .uuKMUC..r., . ...... - , fvored ., ,nd ,om opposed It.' A -Hollidaysburg, Pa., jail. The police also , pmi.lahU nroDortlon- of them -dmitted I that they Knew nothing aooui u; inai they had had no opportunity to study the question. Reviews Farmers' Congress. Mr. Vincent reviewed tha two actions of tha Nebraska Farmers congress of a week' ago. In which It once voted down the proposition and then reconsidered and endorsed the warehouse. "This," Mr. Vincent said, "was reoon- side red and pushed through by a vote of about a! doien persons there being leas than forty, remaining In tha convention hall. This action has heen widely pub- as a' reveraal by tha .congress -of j '.LONDON. Dec? 17.-The ; official pre tlpirVnu t,oplfct: JtsUed'Thf ' fonowlhg' stato- ment concerning the. making , of .Egypt a' British protectorate: . "Hi Brittanlc majesty's principal seo. rKarjr of state for foreign affairs gives notice that tn view of a stats of : war arising out of the action of Turkey, Egypt is placed under the protection of his majesty and will henceforth constitute a British protectorate. "The sezeratnlty of Turkey over Egypt la thus terminated and his majesty's gov ernment will adopt all measures necessary for the defense if Egypt and tha prvieo tloa of Ms Inhabitants and Interests. .' , , "The king has been pleased to approva the appointment of Lieutenant Colonel Blr Henry ? MacMahon . to be hla majesty's high commissioner for Egypt." Assert Enemy Upon. Run from One End of. Line to Other. BIG BATTLE WEST OF WARSAW DENVER, Dec. 17. William Fsrth, ninn.r ' anil csDltalist. ' died early tbts morning of pneumonia He suffered j j,hed Keokuk Dam Builder. , Offers Amendment To Water Power Bill a fall last Saturday night and was taken down with pneumonia, Mr. Barth cams to Colorado In 1862 and amassed a for tune In mining and railroad Investments. He was 8S years old. " The Weather For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity Cloudy, possibly light snow; rising tem perature. I J. 1 . .I... ii.. f TosBperatara at omafca irjiemaj. . sons wno cnooss iv; Its former action when It was in reality nothing of the sort; It wss nothing but the execution of an unfair trick to secure the appearance of endorsement of ware house legislation by the Nebraska. Farm era' congress." ( s . , Mr. Vincent produced figures 'to provs his points agtilnat the warehouse proposi tion and In concluding said: "We believe tha we should b permitted to attend to our legitimate- business of buying' and selling gralnand wa will, not attempt to dictate ths terms of Storage lor per- 4oi Casapaitlvs Hour. Deg, & a. m 0 a. m 1 a. m t x a. m 6 a. m 7 10 a. mi . 11 a. m. 10 11 m 11 1 p. m U S p. m 14 '3 p. tn..... 14 4 p. m.... i p. ni 10 p. m 17 7 p.m IS p. in Is Local Krcorrt. ui4. ws- mi. 1W1. IS 43 M 2) 2 24 25 W 3 r, T .t .W .08 precipitation depar- Hlgheat yesterday Lowest yeaterday . Mean temperature . FreciplUtUoa ........ Temperature and turea from the normal: Normal temperature Z7 Jieflulency for the day ., U Total axxesa since March 1 fe9 Knrmil nriini ta I inn 03 Inrh Deficiency for the day .03 inch i Total rainfall since March 13 Inches Deficiency since March 1 I ll inrhas Deficiency for oor. period, 191.1.. i ?,1 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1914. . 3.W Inchea Reports fran stations at T P. M. business, Clifford Thorne, clialrmsn of tha Iowl Board of Railway Commissioners, spoko at tha evening sesalt on the railroad situation, explaining aomething ,of tjie proposed general advance of freight rates by the western roads and ths proposed fight that ' the railway eommlsaioria of fifteen middle western atatee are to make before the Interstate Commerce commis sion against the raise. . , ' 1 Big Stores Will ' Be.Open Evenings Until Christmas WASHINGTON,- Deo. ' 17. Amendments to the water power site leasing bill - de signed in his view to make lt-a "work able meaaara" war presented to the sen-' ate public lands committee ' today by Hugh I Cooper, ' builder of the Keokuk, la., dam. "If congress will enact., a, law ofj a ' character under which members of congress would place trust funds la their custody in water power development - terp rises, there will be ao mora trouble," ho. said. ., r . i- ' : -v - The 'Shields water power bill as a-substitute for the house general . dam bill was recommended today by ths senats commerce committee. ' rlehators reserved rights to offer amendments on-,the floor. It is distinguished . from the A dam son bill In that It gives the light of eminent domain to developers Of power, provides for no annual charges for the govern ment, makes the fifty-year leasea revoc able after the - expiration of that period by act of congress. Instead bf expiring automatically at the, end of fifty years, and provides for "recapture"-, after fifty years by ths ' government an the "fair value," Instead of at "actual cost." . ' ' , Station and State of Weather. Cheyxnne, clear iMsnver, clear Dea Moines, rlpudy .., lender, clar .......... North riHlte. clt-ar Omaha, cloudy Pueblo, clear Rapid City, clear Salt Lake City, snow Puita re. cloudy ... Hherldan. clear fctoux liy. cloudy .... aieotina, clear Temp. High- 7 p. in. est. 2( 1 j K , IS SrJ i: v; K M 4 i IS ; M as Rarra. tali .00 .Ob .1 .00 . T .44 Ml M Ml M .00 indicates trace of pre.clpltctlon. La A. Wa.tH. Lwval ForecasUr. Americans in Japan ; ,to Answer Iltimors TOKIO. Dec. IT. The American Peace society of Japan -at. Its annua meeting held here today voted to appoint a com- mlttee of -fifteen- Americans ; living. In Late opening of the downtown stores merit on - th various questions bearing now prevails, Beginning last iugm continuing untU Christmas, to give aliop para who hav a hard time to do their buying in the day time an opportunity to prepare for Christmas. The stores whlcK sill not be open evenings this week (ex cept Saturday night) are Burgesa-Nash, Thompaon-Belden se i?o., Klng-1'eck and Kllpatrtck. Co. Fleree ; Kaaaaemeat la rronrmi Thirty Miles from Pollsk City nasi Kalser'e Me.a Gala - realties. BUI.l.BTI'V. VIENNA (Via London), Dec 17. An official announcement ays the Rosatans are retreating, along the en tire front in Galicia and Poland. MM. ' VIENNA (Via Amsterdam to London) Dee. 17. Tha following official communi cation waa Issued today: "Tha latest newa permits of no further doubt that tha resistance of tha Russian main force has been shattered. After ths defeat of the southern wing" In tha battle of Llmanovo, which lasted several day a, our allies also gained a victory near Lodi. . Ths Russians are now completely routed on, ths River Besura. "Thrcatened by our advance across tha Camathlans from the south, ths enemy began a general retreat which they are trying o cover by stubborn ngnung in the regions before tha Carpathians. "Our troops ara sttaeklng on ths Una of Grodno-Zakllciyu.' ' "Along ths other parts of tha front tha pursuit has begun.". Hi Battle la PrwsTf-aaa, . WARSAW.. Deo.. 17.-Vla London.) A sreat battls ,1s In prfigrew at Bochaoaew, thirtv mUaa-waatot U'arsaw, The Oerman f wiMltre, -whloh in prooeaOtng -In a aouin- easterly Jlrectloft from How Has manage a, aft.e hw flahtlng. In which serious losses are reported . to have been In flicted, to establish Itself a quarter of a mile meet of Sochaosew. The Polish. cam paign now centers at that point. .The German' column was met at. Sooh acsew by fierce resistance on the part of the Russians. The fighting was ex tremeiy severe, at points leading to hand to hand ancountsre. Artillery Are on both sides waa heavy and eontlnuoua. Oerman aeroplanes are constantly olrcllng over the town. .Reinforcements are. being poured In rapidly on both aides. The Russians are bringing In troops by highway and by the railroad from Warsaw. The Germans are moving forces from the region about Loda. . . Have Fle AFtny Carps. Notwithstanding-vthe conflicting nature of reports concerning the character of ths German operations. It Is evident that their maneuver, which according to some re ports. Include as many as flva army . . . . . ... . 1 . Mm corps, are Being conau---.ru - to the north of Lowics. A new flrat-eld corps, consisting ef nerve specialists ior me v soldiers who have become Insame during battle has been organised. Tne necessity for this form ef treatment Is growing as a' result o the Intensity ot ins nervous strain under which the soldiers are ngnt in a-. An instance in point Is the ease of a second lleuteoent who escaped vnwoundad from, a fight 1 whloti there were oniy thirteen survivors out of S40 men. He Is a mental wreck." it Is said that there are many almllar cases. Geraias CI I a Victory. BERLIN, Dee. 17. (By Wire! ess. V Army headquarters today Issued the fol lowing statement: "There is no change on the east and west Prussian frontiers. The Russian offensive against Bllasia and Posen has eomDletQly broken down. In the whole of Poland tha enemy was -forced to re treat after fierce and stubborn frontal battles, and Is being pursued everywhere. "Yesterday the French continued their attacks at Nleuport without success. At tacks were attempted at Zillebecke and (Continued on Page Twe, Column 6i.) AUSTRIAN RETREAT TERRIBLETRAGPDY Times Correspondent Describes as Awful Scene of Huge Army of Invaders Leaving Servia. SERBS AROUSE ADMIRATION Hepnrls Reaching Heme, fttlr Inter- eat ef tltlsena There for the iireat Snfferlaa the Troops Are t'aderaolna. LONIX)N, tec. 17. A correspondent of the Times, who Journeyed over the path, of the great Austrian retreat from Bervla, telcgrapha from Valjevo as follows: 'There are a myriad of evidences of the completeness of the great debacle which far surpasses almllar Incidents In ths Balkan war. 'Thla retreat Is a terrible tragedy. The roada along which the Auatrlana fled are littered with corpses and impedimenta ot every description. What Impresses one moat Is the spelling filth which the.Aus triana lert behind them. The hospttala containing their wounded are In a pes tilential state. It U impossible to enter many of the rooms owing to the stench. The Servians are busily engaged In trying to restore order." , I.aad the Serrlaas. ROME, Dec. 17.-It Is difficult to say whether the news reaching here from Servia Is arousing a greater degree of admiration for ths herolo qualities of the Servian people than It does pity for their sufferings. While the assistance and sympathy of the entire world has gone out to carry relief to the Belgians, to the French peo ple, to tha Poles and to ths people -of Gallcla, nobody seems to realise that In Servia disease and tha cold weather are today finding mora victims than do the bullets of the Austrian soldiers. The con ditions In Bervla are such that the wounded die unattended on ths battle fields and are abandoned In Isolated villages. Thers Br a laok of ambulances, of doc tors and of nurses, of medicines and of Surgical instruments, even of bandage and disinfectant.. .In several Servian vil lages there are tod ay evsr 1.000 wounded In each sommunif. In some cases on slngls doctor has fewer than LOW men In his r '. Enough Submarines Gould Have Stopped Raid, Says Fiske WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.-An "ade quate" number of British submarines rolgilt have repelled the German cruisers which raided the English coast yester day, Rear Admiral Fiske, aide for opera tions, told the houae naval committee at today's hearing on the needs of the sea defenses. 'If the British had a sufflotent num ber of submarines they could havs stood off the cruiser," he said. "If th Ger man vessels were going fast, however, It would be very hard for submarine to stand them off. If ths British had hsx a dosen or fifteen submarines at Hartlepool they would have been pretty hard ' to taokle." Admiral flake thought that, judged by ths situation abroad, th United State waa "a well prepared today for control of the sea as ever before." Leaving aald tha fact that Europe waa at war, how. ever, he thought the I'nited State navy wa not as well l r" -nrcd, because other nation have bren . ahead In naval affair much raoi . i,IJly. Admiral Flake thought the real signifi cance of ths German shelling of th Brit ish port probably wa to draw out the British fleet and string It along ths North Sea in such a way that H could be at tacked by a German fleet. The Day's War News Seventy-four person were killed and 147 wounded, aceordtnc to the best figure now available. In the raid on the east coast ot England Wednesday by German warship. The success of the German in making their way put the line of .British warships and through mine field, and In escaping after the bombardments, lead England to expect another attack, prepara tions for which are under way. Berlin Is elated and the news paper there hint thAt Wednes day's exploit . may be the prelude to greater event on the) sea, 1 Germany'! new plan for the oper ations against the Russian annlea is unfolding gradually. Petrograd , dispatches say that the Auatro German flanking operations in the. Carpathian mountains, and on the . Vistula are being conducted on a large scale and that they threaten Russian lines ot commnnlcatioa. Russla'a Caucaeua army 1 having frequent encounters with the Turks, but official statement are at such sharp variance that it is difficult to form an opinion as to what is happening. -- One ot the greatest victories of -the war is claimed by. Germany, The Berlin official statement con tains these, words: "The Russian v offensive against both Silesia and Posen has been completely broken down. ' In the whole of Poland the enemy was forced to retreat after fierce and stubborn frontal battles and is being pursued everywhere." Four steamers were sunk ' by . mines off the east coast-ot Eng- land . in . toe territory ' covered Wednesday by the raiding Gaman warships. These vessels . were, said In England to have scattered mines ta cover their, retreat. . ALL ENGLAND IS STIRRED BY RAID Oil COAST TOWNS Another Attack is Expected and En- tire Machinery of Coast De fense is in Motion. SEVENTY-FOUR PERSONS DEAD , Maximum Estimate of Number Seri ously Wounded is About One ' Hundred and Fifty. DEAL AND DOVER ARE AWAfcZ NOT- ADHIHISTRAT'H BUT HITCHCOCK BILL Wilson and Bryan Hasten, to Assure England that They Don't Father Anti-Arm Export Bill. KEBRASKAN WON'T COMMENT Asabaaaador Palse Cables Waafclaar- Isgtsa Regarding Probable Oat . eesne af Aitesaptejsl I.eg-Islatloa. Carranza Troops.' Evacuate Puebla WASHINGTON, Dec. IT. Th city of Puebla, in the Mexican state of that name, has been evacuated by Carranse forces and now Is held by Zapatistas. A re port to the State department today aay Carranse Uoope burned the railroad eta en the relations between Japan and th United States. . i . The society ha made the .announce ment -that It deeirea to counteract certain unjustified . rumors now being repeated that Japan has hostile Intentions toward tha United States. Overdue Steamer Florida Reports Nit YORK. Dee. 17.-The French Una steamer Florlde, more than a week over due here from Havre, concerning whoa safety there has been much apprehension, reported by wireless 100 miles esst of Sandy I look at 7:lJ o'clock this morning. The Florida has aboard thirty-nine passengers. The National Capital Ifcaredar, Deerjmber lTt l14. The Senate. Met at noon. Kuloglee were anoken for th lata Sen ator liucoa of Ueorgla. ilea mips were conilnuea on tne water power sit land leasing bill and on charges of coal raue discrimination against south Allan tic ports. in rtsi'.t t tne memory of Senator Bacon, .r ', unenl waa taken at 1:31 o'clock (J 5oon Friday. 1 v ' T House. 4ttt at noon. Rear Admiral Fiske testified .before nnvsl committee. Consideration of ue esecutivo appro pristlun bill was continued on the floor. fretary Bryan asked the approprla tl is t iitnlt tee for additional funds to nwc-rt extra expenses of tlie dlplunmtU and consular aervU-e. , Healings on the bill to' regulate cold storaia of food and en the river and harbor and agriculture' bills were con tinued In cominllleea. Kllmlnated appropriation for agricul tural eenaua from letrlsletlve, executive and JudlclaJ appropriation bill. Klvera and harbors committee completed annual rivera and hartue appropriation lull, tarrying H.tJ. -. Adjourned at . p. a, to boos Friday. Hall County May Ask Governor to Rescind . Belgian Aid Request GRAND ISLAND, Neb,, Dec. 17.-(8pe-.dal Telegram.) The county board Is discussing a ' resolution requesting Gov ernor Morehead to rescind his proclama tion for a relief movement for Belgians on the theory that many Nebraska towns and counties have more poor and needy, this year than usual. No action has, however, thus far been taken. The city council passed an ordinance and ordered tta strict enforcement againat all card lotteries In stores and pool rooms. The ordinance prohibiting pool halls from opening, on Sunday passed th third reading. j WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.-Auranee hav been given th British government by the State department that th bill In troduced by Senator Hitchcock to prohibit entirely th export of munitions of . war and arm and war cuppllea to belligerent countries wa ont fathered by the admin istration. Ambassador Spring-Hie inquired about proposed legislation and was told by Seoretary Bryn that it was not intro duced at the suggestion of th executive branch of the government. American Ambassador Page in London, who cabled to ask about the probable- outcome of tha attempt at such legislation, also was ad vised that Senator Hitchcock did not rep resent th administration In presenting th ctllt Seoretary Bryan declined today to make any comment upon the merit of tha bill and no other official of th administra tion had discussed 1U ' , . Arrangements Are Being Perfected to Send All Civilians to In land Foints. GERMAN FEAT NOT BELITTLED Successful Venture Through Mine Laden Fields Great Feat. DRIVES HOME HORROR OF WAR Kaasi'ssacT Cesasaitteea Are at Work Everywhere and Steps Are He. ins Taken ta Or ranis a National Genre. ' LONDON, Dee. 11. All natural ised Germans in the seaport of Un- derland, a short distance north ot the English coast towns which were bombarded by the Oermana, yester day, were arrested over nlsht, accord ing to a dispatch, published by the Exchange Telegraph company. . LONDON, Deo. 17 The crippling , of telephone and telegraph wires by the bombardment yesterday of three ports 'on the east coast of England by Oerman ornisers, together with the precautions thrown about these towns by the police and the military authorities, made It impossible even today, more than twenty-four hours after the shelling of Scarborough, the Hartlepool and Whitby, to ob tain more than an' approximate esti mate of the civilian dead and wounded. . According to an official statement given out; today, fifty-five persona met death in the Hartlepool, while lit were wounded. At Scarborough seventeen dead and thirty wounded was the toll. . Both of the last un official estimates place the Whitby casualties at -two dead and two wounded. , .Of the Hartlepool casual ties seven of the dead, were soldiers, while of the wounded fourteen men belonged to the military. The maxi mum of wounded Is close orf to ISO peraons. ' ' This does, not Include the slightly wounded civilians, who ban daged their own hurts and left town on the first train. . r , All Eaalane- la Astir. Bristling , with wrath . and resentment at this attack on unfortified towns, .Eng land la astir today sa never before since war was declared. Another raid Is con fidently expected and the entire machinery of home defense ha been put Into mo-n tlon. On the eaat arid the southwest coast of England emergeVn-y committees are at work, while In London plan to organise a national guard of men too old for military ae.rvloe are under way. Although to the-British, , mind a raid' op .Ixmdon ; oom ; remote., .yesterday's , episode drovs home the realities of wir as little else could. Arrangement hav been made at Peal and Dover t6 ex pedite th removal of the civilian pop ulation In case of an attack. . These ineas-i urer are primarily to forestall anyN panic, or congestion . on the railroads and thoroughfare which might Impede mili tary movement. . Germans Hear af Raid. Through wireless teleeraphy - Berlin promptly heard of the outcome of this visit of German cruisers to the English Fifteen Transports Land British Troops , Every Day at Havre (Correspondence of the Associated Press." HAVRE, Deo. S. Thousands of British troops ar arriving her dally on trans port and are being moved to tha north a rapidly a possible. The British are making the port of Havre their main base of supplies. On th average, fifteen British transports arrive daily her from Southampton. Large catnpa hav been leased on the heights along the Seine for periods vary, ing from two to three years and Jarracki are being built. Kxtenslva supply depots have been eslatUsUd hers. Stone Says Railroad Heads Shift Blame CHICAGO, Dec. 17. -Charges that rail road operating official shift responsibility for the mishap of those below them; that "safety first" I a joke with some rail road and that minor official disregard agreements signed betwen, the man and th railroad heads, were made today by Warren 8. iHone, grand chief engineer of the Brotherhod of Looomotive Englner. at today session of th railroad arbitra tion. ' -. , . ' ' 1 Stone Insisted that tne demerit system as applied to englner 1 unjust end. de manded ' a "square deal." , He contended that demerit marks are never forgotten by railroad heads, although the engineer may In the meantime acquire many merit mark. (Continued en Fas Two, Column Five.) GERMAN STEAMER SUNK IN BLACK SEA BY RUSS CRUISER PETROGRAD (Via txindon), Dec.' 17. It wa officially announced today that the steamer Derentle of th German Levan tine line waa ound navigating off tha Turkish coast near Keraaunt and- waa unk by a Russian warship after all on board the mechantmaa had been ordered to leave. Only two Turkish officer and twelve soldiers obeyed th ordar and th other went down with the ahip. Kera aunt la a seaport of Asiatic Turkey, sev enty miles west ot Theblsold, on the Black Sea. , Who Wants Some Furniture ' Cheap? You can often pick up. some splendid bargains in the "For Bale" columns of Tne Bee. People are . frequently J compelled by carcumstan- ces to sacrifice the furnish ings of a whole house in cr : der to raise money quickly. The lucky person is the oua who looks out for these bar gains and who acts quickly. If you want to be that one, read the "For bale" column of llie IW every day. .. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE 0UAHA BEE Ewryhidy Rada fissWavrf Ad 5 .1