Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEK: OMAIIA, TIimspAY, PKCKMUKK 17, 1914.
Campaign Planned for Spring it
Opened Now in Hope of Striking:
Tecisite Blow.
l.ooooa Aware ( tae Altm Moos
4 la Saw Welvalae: Move
ril of Trosps taat Com
mme4 Yestvroar.
(CopTrif ht W4, by Frses IMMIshlnc Co.)
LONDON, Dec l$.--(8peclal
Cablegram to the New York World
end Omaha Bee.) All along the
battle Una f rom Flandere to the
Yosgee. the allies began today to
move forward, with the Immediate
object of driving the Germans out of
The present onslaught against the
German tntrencbments ia heavier
(han anr offensive assumed by the
French, British and Belgian forcea
lace General von Kluck was turned
on the Alsne.
t Is the result of a complete
change of plan by Generals Joffre and
French, and means that the cam
paign which waa to hare begun In the
' ipring ia now under way.
HoK n ! Aooc4.
According to Information that
reached the World correspondent
.from a highly placed personage In
touch with the war offices, the
kaiser's troops, If this new movement
'he successful, would be thrown back
en their second line in Belgium from
Bruges to Courtral, a distance of
'twenty miles, within three weeks.
Mara Oaly Htt At.
j ' Ne word of thl momentuous hastening
"ef the allies' advene has bcn spoken In
official communiques and In tha an
nouncement issued this evening br ths
(London TTomu Bureau there U only th
barest hint el th manltud of opera
tion Jus berun. This announcement
After a Miiod. of comparative oulet.
t inhtlng ia northern Franoa has recom
tnenceJ. A combined attack by th allies
waa made yeeterday on th tin from
llollrbeke to Wjrteschaete. 8vral Ger
man trenchee and a number of prisoners
were raptured and substantial progress
has been snaoV
' ''
Rrsalt ef Saaaolaa; Oat."
The anthorlty to whom th Wort is tn
dsbtsd . for lu Information concerninr
this moat import ant asvslopmcnt pointed
out that th attack thus briefly described
is probably only on of th last feeling
out movements begun by General Joffr
about' ten days are. From th sea to
th t!wlss frontier th allied troops have
twn sounltng out th German strength
by small attacks at various points. 'EM
dnnUf the rsult of this process has been
hlshly ' satisfactory.
' " r i '
.Mar Saorteja the War.
The. eommanasrf la the field fjrur
that by their present strategy either Bel-
Ktum 'inay be freed of th Invaders by
spring. Or th Germans will b forced
to. withdraw to many men, from the east
ern theater of war that pressure on the
Russians will be relieved to such an ex
tent that their advanee lata Oermany
will be made practically oertaln.
They also believe, according to th
World's Information, that th duration of
the war will be shortened by fully three
months unless some unforeseen obstacl
overthrows their present plan.
(Continued from Pace Oae.)
barrnrks ore situated, which In times of
prsoe sre used rhlrfly as training
grounds. An excellent rare rouise makes
th sit eeperlslly ood for cavalry
It ha tieen point -vl nut that the ahallow
harbor there, which makes th entrance
of large ships Impossible at low tide,
wou!fl. however, be no ftbetaele asalnet
small draft hargrs or transports, such as
It la believed the Hermans might uee.
Krom Infnrmtitlon In poiwwIDti of the
Navy department It aliio would seem thst
Hcarboroufth Is not fortified or defr-nded.
The port of Hartlepool, however, la among
the list of defended harbors and conse
quently Is subject to attscs by a hostile
force without notice of bombardment and
without violation of The Hague conven
tion. Harbors Voder Martial l.ow.
The Hrltl'li privy council last Auguftt
Issued, In the form of an army order f"r
the benefit of merchant vessels, a list of
all th harbors on the BrHlsh roast Ihkt
had been plsred under martial lew and
which consequently were to be regarded
as In a state of defense. The list fol
lows: '
'Cromsrty, Aberdeen. Tay, Forth.
Tyn. Tees and Hartlepool ' number.
Thames, Nedway, Harwich. Dover, New
Haven. Portsmouth,. Portland, Plymouth,
Falmouth, Milfordhaven, Swansea, Car
diff and Barry, Mersey, Harrow, Clyde,
IiOiigh Swilly, Belfast, Queenatown, Hire
Haven, DuWIn, the Orkneys snd tho
fchetlanda. "
Naval officers her were little sur
prised to hear of the appearance of Her
man warkhlps on tha Knfllnh coast
They had not only expected some such
demonstration, but have been) putzled lo
know why some such attempt had not
been mad before. Notwithstanding the
etrength of the British fleet which has
been blockading th German coast, naval
officers her hav thought th line i t
Investment could not he made absolutely
tight bnoaus of th stormy weather at
this season, with dens fogs. . The Brit
ish ships also have been obliged to ilo
many miles off th German roast to es
cape the fire of shore batteries, and par
ticularly to avoid th mine fields, which
II thickly sown Within soundings.
They hav considered It a hasardous but
possible undertaking for a daring com
mander to run his vessels through th
Una by night It might be possihli,
though mors difficult, for him lo bring
his ships back to port. ,
Retidement from Vicinity of Lodg
nd Cracow Part of It Strate
gic Plan.
Rrfeems Is t Conserve Army to Off
Vmfmfil to Wear Oot
the Raselaas.
Eussia Denies Report
Austria is Seeking
a Separate Peace
PCTROGRAD. Dee; U-TVI. lninnt-
Rumora which hav been In circulation
for earn Um to th affect that Austria
was seeking to conclude a aenarats nmu
agreement with Russia without (he con
sent or Germany, mat with emphatic de
nials In official circle her. A nerson in
a position to speak authoritatively on'thls
uujeti. ve too. oasio reasons -why In
his opinion such en arrangement would
be Impossible, "
Th dual monarchy Is bound to Ger
many by Indissoluble ties. anil Vi. ...
eumed such obligations that It la help
less until released by Germany, said this
'Furthermore the Russian attitude mm
announced at the beginning of th
waa that all Slave must b freed from th
German yoke. Therefore. Russia's de
mands are such that If the dual mon
archy should accede to them its action
would be suicidal. Austro-Uunaary's
Consent to separate peace Is, not at 1 all
likely until It reaches the point of utter
exhaustion." '
PETRCNJRAU (Via London). Dec. 14.
An ex-minister of the Ituaalsn cabinet,
explaining the military sltustlon. In in
endorsed the decslon of the Russian gen
eral staff recently announced regarding
the discontinuance of the Russian attacks
In the region of the Austrian fortress of
Cracow and the yielding of Lods lo the
Germans. The ex-minister said:
"It Is now apparent that the Austro
German aim Is not the taking or hold
Ing of certain towns, but by a continu
ous harassing of the Russian flanks and
by means of their extensive railroad sys
tem, to throw troops at various points
here and there In an attempt to weaken
and tire out our army.
Plan to Conserve Army.
'Hence th Russians decided to
straighten the line, abandoning all
places outslds of thst line, no matter how
Important or how populous. The Russian
plan Is to conserve the Russian forcea.
rather than to hold geographical points.
"This explains why, despite the new
Austrian offensive from the Carpathian
and the German attempt between the Vis
tula river and Txmlci, great llfe-sacrlflc-Ing
battles were not reported." .
The Army Messenger publishes a series
of communications from the front as fol
"On the front of Lowlcs and How vio
lent German attacks have had no success.
Onr troops hav repulsed the Germane,
rauvlng them to suffer great losses.
"South of Cracow the enemy attempted
between the 12th and 14th of December to
oppose our offensive by strengthening his
positions. On the lSlh the enemy de
bouched In large numbers from ths pass'
of Dukla and attempted to descend the
slopes on the north side of the Carpa
thians. Our troops, after a strong re
sistance, repulsed tha enemy.".
Caar Leaves rssrsiaa.
Official announcement Is made that Em
peror Nicholas, having finished his tour
of Inspection of the Russian army fronts
In the Caucasus, left that region on De
cember 15. . . . ;
A communication from the staff of the
army In the Caucasus, dated December
IS. says that recent engagements of the
Russian forces have been Insignificant,
lahattltaats Pie from Cracow.
WARSAW, Russian Poland. Deo. 1.
Arrivals here from Cracow report that
the civil authorities of the Austrian fort
ress have gone to Vienna and that the
middle class population Is fleoing into
Gangs of workmen and soldiers are said
to be busy preparing entrenchments and
barricades of all descriptions.. Art treas
ures have been taken to places of safety
and tho museums and schools have been
converted Into hospital.
The newspapers of Cracow hav sus
pended publication and the absence of
news reported to e Increasing the
alarm of the Inhabitant. . , i : ,
Ammons Wants
Constabulary to
PutDown Strife
DENVER. Colo.. Dec. Is. Governor E.
M. Ammons, on the stsnd before the
federal commission on Industrlsl rela
tions In the Colotsdo coal miners' strike
Invent Irs t Ion today, said he favored the
establishment of a atate const rabulary
to put down civil strife. He derlered he
Intended to fight for the Introduction of
such a system In Colorsdo.
The governor said he did not heller
he could have handled the strike situa
tion otherwise then he did. He sail that
because the strike agitation had come
from outside the state he hsd no apolo
gies to mske for calling upon the fed
eral government to aid In keeping order.
Governor Ammons was followed on the
stand by Attorney General Fred Ftrrar.
John R. Lswson. Colorado member of
the executive board of the United Mine
Workers of America, was excused from
testifying because he la under Indictments
charging nineteen criminal charges. He
read a statement In which he said he had
desired to testify, but that his attorney
had advised against that course.,
Dawson's statement contslned a plea to
President Wilson that he send Keth Dow
of the conciliation board, recently ap
pointed by tha president, to John D.
Rockefellow, sr., to urge that the coal
operators accept the federal mediation
plan endorsed by the president and al
ready accepted b the miners.
German Warships .
Attack'the Forts
Along Tees Bay
REDCAR. ToTk, England, Dec. l.-(Vltt
London.) Heavy flrlr.g was heard off the
ceast here between S and I: to a. m. today.
The forms of three cruisers could be
discerned looming out of the haxe and the
flashes of artillery fire could be easily
observed from the Redcsr promenade.
The people of Redcar sought the water
front, but they were driven back from
the promenade by the military authorities
to a point beyond the (one of danger.
It appeared from Lore as If the hostile
warships were attacking tha forts on Tecs
The csnnonadlng was kept up for more
than half an hour, when the booming of
gune gradually grew less. ,
. During the height of the .bombardment
as many as half a dosea flashes of guns
were counted within the space of two
Redcar Is a seaside resort In the North
Riding of Yorkshire, ten miles to the
south of Hartlepool. It has a population
of about 1.000.
Score Upon Scores Secretly Ex
ecuted in Capital, Many Vic
tims Being Officials.
t olled States Will Do .MotblosT to
Protest A m last Wholesale Hatch
ery, hot Utah Officials Are
ery Mark Urleved.
WASHINGTON. Pe- lS.-Betaeen PO
end 15 Mexicans, many of them once
prominent officials, have Been secretlv
executed In Mexico City within "ie last
few days, according to sn effiolal report
which reached the United States govern
ment today from one of Its agents there.
Just who ordered '!e executions has not
been disclosed, no. are any of the names
of those put to death known.
Except for the executions, which are
understood, according to the report, to
be happening daily, conditions In the
city Itself are quiet and Provisional
President Gutierres with the allied Villa
and Zapata forces Is maintaining order.
No foreigners have been Injured or In
timidated and business conditions sre de
scribed as Improving in the capital.
As the American government has taken
the position that It will not Interfere In
the disputes among the Mexicans them
selves, it was not believed here that there
will bo any remonstrance from Washing
ton about the wholesale executions of
political prisoners unless foreigners are
annoyed. The reports, however, were
said to have deeply disappointed high of
ficials, who had expected that general
confiscation, and arrests would cease with
the entry of the Gutierres government.
Further demonstration was made by
tho government today of Its determina
tion not to tolerate continued firing by
the Mexican factions at Naco, Konora,
Into American territory.
President Wilson after a brief discus
sion with his cabinet Instructed Secre
tary Garrison to comply with the request
of Rrigadler General Tasker H. Bliss at
Naco, Arlx., for reinforcements to handle
a possible emergency situation. Three
regiments of infantry and three batteries
of artillery were ordered to Naco.'
A Regular Necktie Party
Every Day at
Benson & Thorne Co.
The Famous Quality Store
at 1516-18-20 Farnam St.
It's a Christmas picnic selecting classy neck
wear that particular men will gladly wear.
Greatest line in town, 4-in-hands and 2f (ft
the "Once Overs", at ..... . . . . 3UJ'4e-
Others 75c, $1, $1.50 and up, ajl nicely boxed.
' Beginning. Thursday, De
cember 17, store open
evenings until Christmas.
Americans in Turkey
Are Not in Danger
BOSTON, Mass., Dec. IS. The following
telegram from Secretary Bryan was re
ceived today by the American board of
Commissioners for foreign missions, in
reply to an Inquiry regarding the safety
of American mlsslonsrlee In Turkey.:
"The latest reports from Constantinople
Indicate that American Institutions, and
American r It I sens are not In danger. At
present , conditions are somewhat dis
turbed ln the Interior. 80 far nev report
baa' 'been" received of violence toward
American citlsena,"
Austrians Lose Two
Entire Army Corps
in Servian Battles
ROME, Dec. 1C Particulars received
here from Nlsh regarding the fighting
n Scrvta, emphasise what Is termed the
enormous defeat lnfltcled by the Servians
on the Austrian army. More than two
entire army corps are said to have been
lost In dead, wounded and prisoners. '
The soldiers captured Include 8,000 Aus
trian soldiers of Italian nationality, whom
ervla la reported to be ready to send
to Italy if the latter wishes. Almost all
these prisoners belong to Infantry regi
ments recruited from the ' district of
Pola. -
Descriptions of the hardships suffered
by the' Austrians now In ths hands of
the Servians are ' heartrending.' When
taken prisoners most of them. It. is said,
had been without food for from forty
night to seventy-two hours;1 They say
that several ef their comrades died of ex
haustion aod cold. '
T. L. Combs & Co.,
La Vallieres
.up to $1,000
See Our
La Valliere
solid gold, at
Scarf .
Pins ,
to .
also have been across the North Sea
against the cities of the north coast of
England, although Napoleon's projseted
Invasion was to bave been from Bou
logne and Calais against Folkestone
and points along the southern coast
Against such movements British sea
power has teen counted on aVthe chief
h.k.U. la I w
.in the best posted naval circles here
today's mombardment Is regarded as a
trategie cnanauvre, which may have' far
reaching; consequences. The first pur
nose, as explained by one of the foremost
naval strategists,. i te create a "soars."
which will lead to hurritd conxeiU ration
and change 'of 'movement of the main
BriUsh battle fleet end expose those
shine to attack from Unexpected quarters.
An examination of the latest naval data
ehows.- this expert rays, that the bom
barded ports era without dockyards or
defenses and O-r therefore of no mili
tary value, fos purposes ef capture or
occupation. -Tor that reason he holds
that the chlsf purpose of the bombSrd
rhent.waa strategic first to produce a
condition ef excitement and panic among
te English people and aecond lo serve
M a bait .by whlch the foar Oerma
Tulorrs making the attack will at once
ojraw a large force of British ships away
from Pivlr.aatabUahed Unas of defense.
The four Oermsn cruisers could not
themselves, this expert holds, be a serious
menses to ths British coast. '
I . ' '. May StlasalajUi Recroittsa.
' C'Ui-ussioa of the raid among diplo
matists, friendly to the elites, led to Uie
expreseton of opinions that the rirst
direct attack on British soil wou,ld in all
lirobablltty develop advantages te Kkig
lnd by bringing the English peeple face
U' face with actual war and would per
lisps : sttmulste recruiting. ' Those In
touch with the development of the
marine eUuatioa so fsr In the war were
of the opinion that the raid was rather
a piece of naval strategy than an at
tempt to land troops on British soli.
At the British embassy hers today it
wss said tht Scarborough was In no
fciife a fortified town, but l the ab
sence of admiralty reports of the German
raval raid, embassy officials did not rare
to comment on the attack. Scarborough,
military observers say, might logically
La the objective of a lauding force because
of Its poeitWa ea the two railways Wad
ing to d In burg gad Hull.
' Tow I'artly Fortified.
In sntictDation of such an event Bear
bo rough, like eisuur other English coast
towns, has been protected by barbed wire
entanglements along all tke roads leading
frum the Cfcast Inland. Tha famous "foro-
clibre roadway." which formed the
' promenade of tho summer resort along
. the water's edge, has been protected by
smtltjag entrenchments.
On tlie North tliff overlooking the sea.
of Wholesale Stock of Diamonds
Watches Jewelry, Etc.
.DAYS' ONLYrr-Fri Saturday
. ve erreaa-ed with ear wholesale konae to bave on display at onr store an additional 940.0oo.00 stock of -te-date
holiday jewslyy, rOB TWO DATS OBTC.Y, TsVIDAT AJTO SlTVSSiT, DXCESCBEB 1STM and 1STX. Ton will have aa op.
portn&lty to select your Christmas Gifts front this stook at special sisooants. xvery article is marked at a considerable
eUsoonat from tte original rains.
Our aim has always lnn to give me very best values at the lows -t n-lrea " lb a. We sre enable 1 to do this owing to the fact
cur expense Is much less than those doing business In the high rent districts. This is particularly noticeable In our prices on Diamonds.
j- wjuiimiiwn ui prtcro convince you.
1H carat Blue White Solltare Dla. SJ07C
mond, absolutely perfect, per carat..va19
1 carat Blue White Rolttaro IHamond, commer
cially perfect, per carat S3 35
V Karat Blue White Diamond, abao.
lutely perfect $110
3 Dlamonde to thfe karat, commercially
perfect, each $50
150.UU values at S-W.OO. $10D values at Sttt.OO.
1 2o values st 10. $500 values at Moo
$800 values st , ;....S640
A fine selection of Gold and Diamond Pen
dants from ; .f3oo up
10 to 25 Discount
All the leading- makes can be found at our
atore such aa Howard, Hamilton, Elgin, Wal
tharo and Illinois, at greatly reduced prices
unleea restricted by the manufacturer.
Here is your opportunity to get a standard
watch at less than regular price,
A a up-to-date Una of Bracelet Watches at
Similar reduced prices.
11 -n
10 and 25 Per Cent Discount
The stock in this line Is of the very newest designs and Includes
Itracelets, Jeweled Rings, I'lalu Gold
lUnirs, llaby Hinge, Fobs, Watch,
Chains, Waldornier Chains, Knives,
Cuff Buttons. Tie Clasps, Hoarf inns,
Brooches and other
new and distinctive) -
artlclea too numer
ous to mention, at
10 to 23 Discount
In the Court of the
Where ladies of 24 churches have a large and beautiful
selection of useful, ornamental and fancy articles suit
able for all purposes.
Mothers and Sisters
Always have and always will know how to make and se
lect the beet there is in Christmas Gifts let them do it
for you nowsave time, money and disappointment by
buying from them, this year as thousands did in past
seasons. Satisfaction guaranteed is their slogan,
.This Incomplete List Shows the
Horn Made Caved
Mine Meat .
Fruit Cake
Stuffed Date
Pressed Dolls
IIorm Cooking, all kinds
jkmorcaaered Towels
A ptosis, fancy and plain
Corset Covers
DoU Clothes)
Leather Goods
Fancy Bags .
Children's Muffs
Hand Painted Chine
Comfort -Pin
Dust Caps
fttorkine Bag
Waehabl Rugs
Dolly Rolls
Napkin Cneea
Table Mate
Infanta Wear
Bargain Day at the 1914
Christmas Fair
Our line Is complete and up-to-date and at
the right price. We carry the leading active
patterns In flat -ware from such prominent
manufacturers aa The Gcrbam Co.. Whiting
Co., Aivtn Co., Rogers, Lunt and Bowlen Co.,
Towle Co. and the International Co.
FF"& If'Tr 6 a ut'u 2-stone
ifC mm Ha diamond ring will bo
given away at our
store Christmas morning. Ask about it.
At Greatly Reduced Pricce
10 to 25 Discount
Here Is a good gift suggestion for a woman'
and at a price that'a right.
506 South. Sixteenth Street
Canvass shows
business in Omaha good
The Omaha Commercial Club's recent canvass
shows business in Omaha "as good if not better''
than at the Banie time last year.
Do not delay longer
but get your business well under way before
January 1st, by locating your office now in
" "Th building that u alway$ nu"
Inquire Room 103.