TUB RKK: OMAHA, TJU'ltSDAV. DKCRMUKU 1 I'M I. Nebraska TAX SHIRKERS CONDEMNED Radical Change in Attesiment Laws Needed, Say Boards. COUKTY OFFICERS IN SESSION SIR JOHN FRENCH, British field marshal, who lias taken over - command of the entire allied force in the western theater of war. rommtwlonrrii a tad Supervisor Are Valt la Declaring l.ealalntare hoald Par Pnrllrolur At tentlta to Thla Matter. 1 FREMONT, Neb.. Deo. 9.-S)ec:al Tel gram.) Radical changes In the asses? ment laws, abolltttn of the office of road supervisor and tho creation of a public highway commissioner were among the subjects discussed by the commissioners and supervisors at their sessions today. The meeting was coiled to order by the president, P. J. Kennedy of York, this morning after an address of welcome by Mayor Herre. ts. R. Barlow of Cheyenne county vig orously attacked tho present assessment system. He declared hlmielf In favor of a law making notes and 'mortgages uncol- lectable unless stamped with the omclnl seal of the county assessor. Th bulk of such property, he said, escaped taxation entirely. He also denounced the present bridge laws and the road supervisor sys tem. His address started a lively dis cussion and It seemed to be tho opinion of all taking part that the present assess ment laws are weak and more stringent lawa for uncovering taxable property were needed. Tax shirkers were roundly scored. T. 1 Matthewe of Fremont favored en larging the duty of county boards by abolishing county clerks, assessors and treasurers and Imposing their duties on the supervisors or commissioners. He plso explained the new regional bank law. K. R. Ourney also, discussed the bank law. This afternoon tho bridge question was brought up. Mike L.aVery of Boone county spoke on the twenty-ton bridge law. It appeared from the discussion nai mere win no some new laws on bridges and roads will be Introduced at tho coming session of the legislature and ome of them will be radical. FRONTIER COUNTY FAIR . HAS BALANCE ON HAND STOCKVIUE. Neb.. Dec. 9.-Speclal.) The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the "Frontier County Agricultural society was held at the court house here Satur day afternoon. The reports show that the debt which this society has carried for more than two years last past has been fully paid, Together with all pre miums, bills and expenses of the current year and a balance In the hands of (he treasurer at this time of $248.80. By unanimous vote the rules and con stitution were amended so that exhibits I i i I IS' : , i " ". " Vs . , . . . 1 -yjjt vx s-4'y : Nai B ( - fa Nebraska jFamily Split Comes Up in Court Hearing KAIRIU'RY. Neb.. Dec. .-(Ppeclal Tel egram. -A Jury Is dellleratlng tonight whether Alfred T. Kids Is guilty of aban doning his wife and children here and going to Horton, Kan., and while there paying attention to a yomg unmarried woman. Miss Berths Fisher. The pros ecution alleged that Olds, a Rock Island brakeman. shipped his household gou.ls to Horton and deserted his wife. Olds, on the other hand, asserted that he was still supporting his wife. and parents of the young Horton woman were In court to uphold Mm In the position that he was not paying court to their daughter. MUSCOVITES WIN FIGHT AT CRACOW Official Report Say, German Right Wing Was Turned and Many Gum Disabled. OTIIER ENGAGEMENTS ARE ON Rattle Neae Knit Praaslan Border llaa Not Terminated a4 Bum alana Are Oaly Partly ressfat at IMotrkow. transported here from Belgium, opened this combat rllh an automobile battery in Its advance, which was partly dis abled and partly put to flight without striking blow. Following this we suc cessfully put .out of action several pieces of hravy artillery, silenced five field bat teiiea aad raptured several cannon. "The Oerman prisoners affirm that their units sustained enormous losses, some of the companies being reduced to forty men. V are pursuing the offen sive. "On the morning of IVcember 7 the Turkish cruiser Breslau was discovered In the vicinity of Bebastapol. Our cruis ers and hydroplanes started In pursuit. but before an attack could be made the Breslau disappeared out to sea." GAGE COUNTY ORGANIZES BELGIAN RELIEF COMMITTEE DKATKICK. Neb.. Dec. 9 (Bpei lal.V- Beatrice and Oage county will participate In the relief wark f.r the people of Bel gium. A decision to - orpanlxe for that purpose was taken at the meeting held at tho Commercial club rooms Tuesday evening. The- following committee was nnmed to have eharre of the ts rk: C. B. Demrstfr. chairman; Peter Jan- sen, l. H, nalliey, j. r.. t r isner, i. W. Mayer.. K..M. Jiarvia. A. 11. iioi. Miss Oertrutle Miller. Mrs. W. II. Kll- patrick and Mrs. E. J. Khlnn. The committee plans to have a carload of flour rendy for shipment to Belgium by December 20. The committee will hold an early meeting and organise the work of raising and expending the relief fund. ACCIDENT COMPANY SUED FOR SEVENTY-FIVE HUNDRED . MADISON, Neb., Dec. 9.-(Speclal.) Maude Allen has brought, action against the Travelers Insurance company to re cover on a life Insurance policy for $7,500 on the life of -Zacharlah Cuddlngton. Ac cording to the petition of the plaintiff, Cuddlngton died an accidental death from asphyxiation on October 30; that Anna K. Clark, tho beneficiary originally named in the policy died April 12, and thereafter Cuddlngton made Maude Allen, the plain tiff, the beneficiary, the proper endorse ments therefor having been made August 11 1U11 f T.' Marrlnrtnn nf D'Nelll In of stock and poultry and the premiums i . ,' K i,,i ; rliui lit: j iui tut; fiatuiui. . ITJHOaRAD. Dec. 3. tDelayed In Transmission.) An official communica tion, given out by the general staff to night, says: 'Engagements wl lch have developed In the region of Priasnyss and Clechanow, (east of the East Prussian border and Mlawa), have not terminated. "In the fighting which took place In the region of Plotrkow we were only par tially successful. "The battle, which commenced Decem ber 5. southeast of Cracow, In the region of Wlellcxka. on tho Derulty river, baa developed In our favor. After having courageously forced the passage of the Dounaets river. In the vicinity of 'Nowy flandec, our reinforcements pursued the offensive and Inflicted a serious defeat on the Oerman troops., which had formed In the valley of Lososxyna. The Oer man right wing, which was pursued, was turned. I 'The twenty-fourth German corps. News Notes of ticneva. GENEVA. Neb.. Deo. 9 (Special.) The Business Men's association of Geneva, was entertained at dinner last evening by the Signal management at the Jame son hotel. Mr. Youngers went to Kansas City yes terday to attend the National Agricul tural meeting being held there. Kaiser Again Says Heaven is on tho Side of Germans BERLIN, Dec. 9. (Via London) There Is puhlished here today a speech made on Iccemtcr 3 by Emperor William at one of the army camps, composed of Germans and Austrlana, which he vis ited on his recent trip to the eastern front. "You are fighting for a Just cause, for liberty, for the right to exist aa a nation and for a future of prolonged peace." snld the emperor. "Even though the war should last for a long time, we shall not allow tho enemy fo have a momenta quiet. "We shall continue to fight with suc cess, as heretofore, for heaven Is on onf I side. With God wo shall achieve a pro longed peace, for our nerves are stronger than those of our enemy." to all comers alike. have been limited to thereon are open Heretofore these the county. The election resulted as follows: Presl dent. W. C. Wollam: vice president. Earl Riley; treasurer, M. T. Ward; secretary, "I H. Cheney; general superintendent, J. T. Bailey; speed superintendent, C. C. Crawford; marshal,' D. D.' Awtry; super intendent expert to atato fair, W. b.. Hick man directors, A. G. Williams, A. ,B. Mahaffle, R..F.TPhllUps. F. B. Kerr, and J. E. Simpson; delegate: to attend the an-' nual meeting of Nebraska State .Por.rd of Agriculture. H. Cheney MJDIS0N FAIR SOCIETY RE-ELEQTS ITS OFFICERS MADISON. Neb.,' Dec. . (Special.) Tho annual meeting of the directors and stockholders of the Madison County Agri cultural society was held in the office of Secretary Blackuuxn yesterday after noon. -The following officers were re elected: J 1,. Davis, president; S. C. Blackman, secretary; Ed Frlcke, treas urer; W. R. Martin. Kenoral superinten dent; Oscar Sundermaii, A. A. B'ey, Fred Volk and 9. M. Dowllng, vice presidents; directors, William Busteed, Ben DaVis, J. Q. Wakelcy, D. Q. Nicholson. J. O. Trln. H. C. Hasklns, T. E. Huldcrson. E. T. McHehee and J. J. Mattlson. Fair dates for tho coining . fall . wer fixed for the week following the . state fair. Considerable discussion was had relative to a night lair and Secretary Blackman directed to Investigate the plan thoroughly with a view of Its probable trial. j P0LZKILL ACQUITTED UiM MUnULK unAnut STAPI.ETON, Neb..' Dec. 9. (Special.) Frank J.' Polsklll, who had been charged with murder In connection; with the death of W. W. Thomas, -who lived near hore, on September 24. was acquitted of the charge by a Jury on Saturday night. The' jury was out about four hours and returned a clean bill. ' All evidence was In last Friday evening and the, whole of Saturday was given over to the pleas of the attorneys. 7 . " ,' " Bee Want Ada Produce Results. " Thirty-Six Cases of Cholera Last Month in Germany ROTTERDAM'. .(Via London.) The Berlin board of health, according to Information reacnlng Rotterdam; reported thirty-sis cases of cholera In Germany during the month of November. In Austria, especially In Gallcla, cholera is spreading rapidly. Eight hundred and four cases were reported during the first week of November, In which period there were 331 deaths. There were ninety deaths lr. Vienna. In Hungary during the earn week there were 432 cas of cholera. IVom each mining district we buy only the hlitheH wade of coal. That l why we ran offer all of our 31 kinds mm: SUNDERLAND'S "CERTIFIED" COAL Iowa Hut, t-4.50; Oherokea Hut, 98.0O Walnut Block, 5.50; Economy Coal, 3 sliss, $6.80 1 Yellowstone (Wfo.), $7.0O Bine nam (Col.) Hat, $8.00 lump, 8.60 Fenn. Bard Goal, all sixes Osark Bpadra, 99.50) VETBOLETnaT COJCB, .60. Phone Douglas 881. l(HlDEt.LA.iD BROS. CO. Sntlr. Sd Hoot Btat. Bank Bid., B. B. Oor. 17ta and Harney.. Stores With tho Christmas Spirit 4 CARSON REPORTS VIEWS Of STATE'S CONGRESSMEN (From a Saff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 8. (Special Tele gram.) According to a statement Issued by H. F. Corson, superintendent of the Nebraska Antl-raloon League today, all three. of Nebraska's republican congress men will vpto for the submission of na tional prohibition when it comes up in th. house next week. 8loan In the Fourth, Barton In the Fifth and Klnkald In the Hlxth are the congressmen whom, he says, may be depended upon, while there Is some chance that Magulre, the democratic congressman in the First, may vote the same way. Stephens in the Third, has expressed himself 'already as agains the movement, while It Is generally conceded, according to Mr. Carson, that Lobeck of the Second will be against the submission , of the question. Madlsnn District I'oart Note.. . MADISON, Neb., Dec. 9.-Speclal.) In the nctlon of Fitch against W, R. Mo- Farland and others, county canvassing board, the motion of respondents to strike certain paragraphs from relator's petition was sustained and overruled as to other paragraphs. The cause was set for hearing Friday,. December 11, when , more than likely the Issues Involved will be pre sented. . In the case of Swindler against, th Chi cago & Northwestern Railroad company for damages alleged, to. have, been sus tained by the plaintiff by reason of ex posure resulting from riding on top of a sheep car In the city of Fremont, the Jury found for the plaintiff In the sum Of I1CT.E0. The remainder of the session was occu pied with the case of J. William Bobb against Herman Schwanke. A Practical Gttt From Woman to Woman ,-,.. - - - MM it F ditaaft Embrasleairat Chars Preferred. FREMONT, Neb., Dec. . (Special Tel egram.) J. R. Mahnker. at one time a ales agent for the Olds Mobile company at Fremont, was arretted at Lincoln yes terday by Deputy Sheriff Lowry on the charge of the embezilement of 1.3&I from the Missouri. Kansas A Texas Railway company at Muskogee, Okl.. and brought to Fremont. He was traced to Fremont and the arrest was made at the request of the Oklahoma officers. Mahnker was In the lobby of the Lin coln hotel when arrested. , Klkhorn Pioneer Dead. RLKHORN, Neb.,' Dec. 9. (Speclal.) W'llliam .Schmidt, an old settler of this vicinity, died Sunday at his home in Elk horn after a few ' days' illness. Mr. Schmidt was ' born In - Mecklenburg Schwerln, Germany, May 18, 1850, came to Davenport, la., In 1570 and to Nebraska In 1873, engaging In farming. He was married to Mary Hagga In 1878. Five children were born to them, four of whom are now living Mrs. 'Herman 'Bull, Mrs. C. C. Holllns and Mrs. Henry Kroeger of Elkhornand Henry Pchmldt. residing i near Dematn, Saskatchewan. Canada. Mrs.! Schmidt died In 1900. Funeral services will be held at his late residence , in Elkhorn Thursday at 1 o'clock. Burial will be In Prospect Hill cemetery.. . K. LOSriT PETTICOAT ' Notea from Lyons. LYONS. Neb., Dec. 9 (Speclal.)-The r.ew Odd Fellow officers for the ensuing year are: C. W. Phillip, noble - g'and; ; Dr. A. T. Hill, vice grand; J. K. Adams,. treasurer, end Peter Hclntxelman, secre- I tary. .. ! James Keel died at his farm north of here and was buried in the Lyons ceme tery yesterday. He-Was 64 years of age and was born In lows, Lyons Is to have a. winter stock show. At a meeting held In -the city hall for, this purpose A.'J. White was chosen as chairman and W. S. Newmycr secretary. The committee In charge is J. J. Newell, Q. W. Davis. W. J. Stone. W. W. Kobblns and F. B. Rhoda. THEY are the most practical of all petticoats. TheKlos fit petticoats fit exactly right at the waistline without strings. . No puckering, no bulg ing but smooth and even. We are showing complete stocks of Klos jit petticoats every good popular shade is here to match any color suit or dress, .: - While Klosfit petticoats will fit any figure perfectly they are especially adapted to stout figures no cords no ruffles a smooth, even fit. Kiosfit petticoats are beautifully made with the new ruffles, corded, pleated, tailored flounces. All Silk Jerseys, Silk Jerseys and Messalines, $5 Good Sateen, Cotton Jersey, in Black $1 to $2.98 Each Petticoat Bought Before Christmas Will be Put up in a Beautiful Holly Box. Answering That Ever Perplexing Gift Question of "What to Give Him is the sole busines$ of every de partment of thi$ store for Men, from now until Christmas Day. House Coats $2.50 to $12.50 Lounging & Bath Robes $5 to $15 Beautiful Neck, wear 50c to $3.50 Stylish Shirts $1.00 to $5.00 Dress Gloves $1.15 to $2.50 Silk Hosiery 25c to $1.00 Fur Gloves $2.00 to $6.50 Silk Pajamas $5.00 to $10.00 Manicure Sets $1.00 to $5.00 Leather Novelties, 25c to $15.00 Stylish Quality Suits $10.00 to $40.00 Elegant Warm Overcoats, $10.00 to $100.00 Mackinaws for Men and Boys, $3.85 to $12 Warm Sweaters $1.00 to $10.00 Safety Razors, all makes. . . .$1.00 and Up ffilG b HOWARD Iffl '.- fcr -: v i-s.-i?T,",ar' "frraT-" -tt-jtj - r Z-Mt l'i'ifr vrryrTTT, avanvajssjaf '. U ? . S . saV-j.-.' ansjc aie-:awfi. 0 1 vw-t ffl'.'itZllir: 'ZZ. FRED S. HASSLER, EDITOR OF PAWNEE PAPER, DIES PAWNEE CITT. Neb.. Dec. .-(Special ) Fred 8. Hassler, one of the pioneer newspai cr men of the state, died at his home in this city yesterday morn ing at 5:2 Funeral arrangements await Information from his two sons. W. 13. and W. Nr.- Hasater. who live In Washing ton and Montana. Girl Barned'to Death. M'COOli, Neb.. Dee. (Special. i Rachael Lenhart, the 8-year-old daughter of Henry Lenhart, who was terribly burned last Saturday, died Monday. In terment was here this afternoon. Mrw. Lenhart was severely burned In attempt ing to save her daughter, but Is recover ing. - Strena-thena' Weak Kidneys. Electric Bitters will more than surprke you after the first bottle: get a bottle today; safe ar.d sure. Vc and fl.CO. All druggist!. Advertisement. - Pea Want Ads Produce Results. Check rroan Instantlr. Tou know croup Is dangerous.. Aad you should aUo know the sense of security that comes from always having Foley's Honey and Tar Compound .in the house. It cuts the thick muous and clears away the phlegm, atops the strangling cough and gives easy breathing and quiet sleep. Take K for cough, colds, . tickling throat, hoarseness and for bronchial and la grippe couughs. Contains no opiates. Every user ts a friend. For 'sale by all dealers. AdrerUaeroent. Speak for your winter home now Before another month passes, a great many desirable apartments, flats and houses will be spoken for by Omaha people. It is a good plan to make your choice now. Dee readers mke desirable tenants and they are accord ingly offered f rst cho ce of the good places to live. These offers may be found on the Want Ad page. Advertisers in The Bee like to know Bee readers as such. Tell them you are one. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads Buy Christmas Presents Without Wasting Your Time By Visiting the Church Fair Jn the Court of th BEE BUILDING Where ladies of 24 churches have a large and beautiful selection of useful, ornamental and fancy articles suit able for all purposes. Mothers and Sisters Always have and always will know how to make and se lect the beet there is in Christmas Gifts let them do it for you now save time, money and disappointment by buying from thern this year as thousands did in past seasons. Satisfaction guaranteed is their slogan. This Incomplete List Shows the VARIETY OF ARTICLES FOR SALE Homo Made Candy Mine Meat .,, Fruit Ck Jelly Staffed Date Ctekea DougjuraU We Pr wed Dolls Homo Oooktit, ail kin da Embroidered Towel Apruna, fancy and plain . Corset Cos-era ; Doll Clothes Leather Goods Fancy Bags Handkerchiefs Children's Muffs Hand Painted China Comforts Pin Cushions Underskirt Dust Caps Storking Bag Waahabla Itnga Doily Rolls Napkin Cases Table Mat Infants' Wear EVERY DAY THIS WEEK IS A Bargain Day at the 1914 Christmas Fair Boys' Sled Free No. 1SS S Dreadnaupht 8terlng Bled ISxliztU weight It lbs. each. Stamped steel knees. Best crucible spring steel T shaped runners, so curved in front as to give a maximum length of steering surface. Steering bar works perfectly, the alef re sponding instantly to slightest bend In steel runner without retarding speed of sled a Particle. 1 ear and runners finished la red enamel. Top of Hock Klin, beautifully painted and decorated. Th picture of the Sled will be in The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pic tures la their .paper for you, too. See how many pictures you can get and bring them to The Bee office. The Sled will be given Free to the boy that sends us the most pictures before 4 P. M. Saturday, December l