TIIKTJKFj: (ttfAHA. MOXhAY, DECEMBKR 7, 1914. THOMPSON, BELDEN' S CQ 1 o our Begin your buying now when you rail shop in n lcisiirely manner nnl choosii carefully. There is nothing fcj be gained by waiting. T., B. & Co. Headquarters for Christmas Handkerchiefs New Fur Trimmings The bent qualities of black marten, black and brown Coney, Fitch, Opossum, Chinchilla Hare, Sonl, Mon key and Mink Vl to 3 ins. wide. Prices moderate. Main Floor. Silks and Dress Goods Will Make a Gift of Elegance and Beauty A Waist length or full dress pattern is always ap propriate as a gift. Larger Stocks than ever from which to choose from the simpl . est to the finest all of Thompson, Beldcn standard. ra; i 1 The Fur Shop New Arrivals of Furs in the Latest Styles At prices approximately less than last year. Genuine Mink Scarfs $20 in $150 Genuine Mink Muffs ' . $50 to $150 Japanese Mink Scarfs $6.75 to $35 Japanese Mink Mnffs $10.00 to $47.50 Fitch Scarfs now $8.00 to $27.50 Fitch Muffs now $32.50 to $67.50 JANITOR WAS AN EX-CONYICT Mm Suspected of Killing: Girl Often in Iowa Prisons. ' ALSO IN EffSANE ASYLUMS Coafreatadl with Body of Ten-Year-Old Victim, Ho Ikom No Blsrnii f Emotion, bat Talk Valably. SACRAMENTO,' Cat..' Dee. T.-Davld Fountain, Janitor of the cliurcH here in which the bodr of tba murdered 10-year-old school girl. Margaret Milling, wtl found , Ut yesterday, admitted to the polio today that hs had (pent a year and a half In Iowa Insane -asylums and had served flva term! In Pennsylvania and Iowa prisons for burglary and cafe robbery. Fountain waa arrested laat night When first ' taken Into custody, he talked volubly, but under a steg of vigorous questioning by the police and diatrlct attorney he waa taciturn and suilrrr. Ha was Jed to the little room under th belfry of the church, where the mur der la believed to have been committed and where the floor still bears traces of the tragdy. ' NJ 'emotion waa exhibited by tho Janitor. Tha police also took Fountain to ft. moving picture house, frorri which he aaid laat night ha had just returned when he found tho child's body, with a cord twisted : about -lie -throat. Me said ; the picture, lie . had aeon. ..waa. ftn Indian romance.'tn which a murder waa' enacted. "If all been killing With me today," Fountain la said by Mrs. Charles OJiler, wife of the pastor of tha church, to have told her after tiln return frorri the show nd after ho had reported to her the discovery of the body In the basement of the church. 1 One of the statements Fountain' la aald to have made while being sweated today waa that he hod left his work at the church yesterday ftfternoop Intent upon ateallng horse arid buggy. "I, have had no luck here," he la reported saying, "and I wanted to get back to Texas, where I used to live." Fountain exhibited a, trace of 'dismay when several blood 'spots were 'pointed out on hla trousers He aald he had killed a chicken, but Taut Oehler, eon of the pastor, araerted that Fountain had killed a turkey Thanksgiving day and that blood waa spattered on hla clothes. . Kara pea from Clarlarie. David Fountain, the church Janitor held tinder suspicion In connection , with tha murder of the Milling girl, la a fugitive from tho Clarlnda State Hospital for the Insane in Clarlnda, la., according to his confession made tonight to Dr. F. W. Hatch, head of tha state lunacy coro miaeton. , , "I learned from him," aald Dr. Hatch, "that he waa first committed to tha Mount Pleasant asylum In tha city of that nam In Iowa.' He waa transferred from there to Clarlnda, He says he made a darlng escape and came west. He told ma that Ms father waa an Inebriate and that ha undoubtedly Inherited aome of hla tendencies. Ha told mo nothing of hia antecedent or hla family otrer than that ha waa aa American, bora la Illin ois." . Measagea rre sent to the aeveral Iowa state hospitals urging Immediately de tail concerning the committal of Foun tain to any Institutions there and the d talla of hla' releuae or escape. Two Swedish Ships Are Sunk by Mines Off Finnish Coast LONDON. rVo. T-A' fllajiau-'i from Stockholm to Router's Telegram company atatea that the Swedish atetmers Luna and Evtrl id a siruck mines off the Fin nish coast and that both steamer tank. The crew of the Luna was eavtd. but all seamen aboard the Evertlda, except one matt, were lost. RUSSIAN LOSSES AT LODZ LARGE German Official Report Says Details of Capture of Polish City Are Not Available. MORE HOHTIfta IN THE WEST French War Office Telia af Con Ha wed Attack on Otrmaa Trenches In- Yaet Region Art lle.ry Fight la Champaarne. BERLIN. Dec. T.-(By Wireless to ton don.) The German official statement given out In Berlin thla afternoon says that In northern Poland German forces were successful In prolonged fighting around Lods In defeating strong Russian force stationed to tha northwest and to the aouthwest of thla city. The text of tha announcement follows: "No eapacJai report hava bean received from tha western theater of tha war, nor from the region to tha east of tha plain of tha Masurian lakes. "In northern Poland wo gained Imoor- tant Successes In nt-ninna-art lhln around Loo's by defeating strong Russian forcea atatloned to tha northwest and to tha southwest ot thla city. "Lods la In our possession. Details of tha battle giving us Lods cannot yet be mac puuuo because of tha extended field over .which tha engagement waa fought I Tha Russian loae were very large. An 1 attempt by the Russians to coma to'thaj asistanoa of their threatened armies in' the north) front northern 'Folmd waa' Colled by tha activity of tha' Aoatro Hungarian and Oerman troops in th dis trict southwest cf Plotrkow." ' Preiwh l'ollt Attacks. .PAK1S. Deo. 7. Tha ITranrh mrmr gave out aa official communlcatlnn thla afternoon aa follows: "In the reaion af tha TfllP wa fnnftn , , to attack tha few entrenchment, .tin held by the enemy on th left bank of th canal. " "In the region of AmentWaa .i Ara-onne there la nothing to report, ex- rpi io rercr in general terma to th auperlorlty of our offensive. "In Champagne our heavy artillery on several different occasions has shown marked superiority over tha enemy. "There la nothing new on tha aaatern front of our line, what- k. . previous daya have been maintained. V , Making Plans for Distribution of the Harvest Laborers KANSAS ClT. D. -Piana for a thorough distribution ,rf harvest hand in the grain' growing state ot th Mis sissippi valley were discussed at a con ferenca begun "her lata today under tha auaulcas of ' the United States Commis sion of Industrial relations., ' V.'. O. Aahtbn. -assistant labor commis sioner of Oklahoma. ph proposed th conference, pointed out that there are enough harvest hands , to go around If properly distributed. lla asserted th harveet starta In Texaa usually about June 6 and by teit-dav Intanala north through Oklahoma, Kansaa, Mia- j aouri, jNeorasRa, the iekotae and Minne sota. - - The same labor Can handle thn harv est." he aald," "Hut If It is left'to-hap-hasard metbuda, on Mate will hava mora hands than U can ua and will m i.,m wages, while Bhuther at.,- tem ...... starclty and will be ohllged to ay too mucn for Its harvvsllntr. Cattle Quarantine is Again Modified WASHINGTON, pet. 7,-The federal foot and mouth disease quarantine waa modified today to penult stuck from vin 1 )rntind areas to be shipped inter siAta from portion of the St. Loula and Houx city (la.) yards, tt-t aside for the purpoa. Youf.a gIrl"burned' AS RESULT OF EXPLOSION MASON CITY. Ia, lc t-rSpe-lal eTl erm.) Ntllw Cartr, ad M.' is dead ar4 i'miiM Carter, IS. is serloualy burned aa a result of a. bervaene asploalon in Starting a fir. Servians Resume Offensive and Drive the Austrians Baok PABia. r;. T. A dispatch from Nlsh. Bervla, to the Havaa Agency reports that the Servians.' since IVceinber S, have re sumed a vlgi-rous offensive. Th Be'rvlao troops on Friday, th dispatch aaya. pur sued the enemy right wing as tar a the Kolubara river, and It was there tha Austrian abandoiwd four of their bat-i teriea' ' ' ' -t . , . .. .! Meet fa' Make' tatarMuatatt, . . P1KKHK.- g,. D .'Dec 7. (Special Tela-graia.-Th cRalnnea of th republican and demacratie btato' commute with' at number of county committeemen are bar tor tha meeting required by tha primary law tomorrow to matte endorsement for appointive places, eta la and national. On aucount.of tha Indefinite provialona of tha law ho one apard to be uat oertatn aa what will be dona at th rue Mag uxnor-row. H)IA ROAD LAW WORKS FINE Creation of Commission Fully Jmti fiel by Reiulti. ELEVEN MllUOira EXPENDED Adequate Orvanlaatloa Reaalta in Setter Bridge, Mara Permanejit Road and Greater Booaonay la Malntenaaee. (From a - Staff Correspondant) DE3 MOINES, la.. Dee. 7. Special.) Th highway legislation or th stat of Iowa and th highway commission created hav both been fully Justified by venta of th Last two years. Th re port af th commission Just filed la con vincing of thla fact 1 v "Th highway legislation of the Thirty- fifth general assembly waa planned' to form th foundation." aaya th report "on which would be bullded m- sane, prac tical atxuctur of highway administration for Iowa. It waa not expected at that tint that a perfect maasur would be written In It every detail, but th two years' use ha proven It to ba In many respects a model piec of legislation. It atrongly written, vital principle ar not obscured by minor detalla and indefinite language, and In the laat two years not a aingl controversy under It provialona haa reached tha courts." Better Reanlta Everywhere. . The net results haa been better work atl alotig tha Iln better bridge, ' ntor permanent ' work, Intelligent " work, econorny." ''The " greatest problem which face the atate in the matter of building a system of hlghwaya Is that of adequat organisation. For a long period Iowa must depend largely upon earth road and these need Constant maintenance. It la therefore Important that a system of maintenance ba adopted that will be ef ficient ' Th patrol system la favored, a system In us In soma ot tha countries In tha stat with auccess. For any heav ily traveled road having earth, gravel, macadam or similar surface, nothing leas than contlnuoua maintenance will pre aerv th integrity of tha surface or con serve the original Investment Th travel ing publlo demands contlnuoua upkeep. Th commission, in It report filed today with Cfovemor Clarke, atrongly urge that a step he taken toward permanent high way by authority for th formation of district In which may b undertaken th work of building permanent road under contract, with due regard for tha distribu tion of benefit aa between the property owners, th countlea and the stat. In this way only will It b possible to get at permanent road. ( Klavaa Mllllaa Eapeaded. During tha last year th road and brldg work don la Iowa under supervision of th highway commission aggregated about Hl.000.000, Of this $4,000,000 waa ex pended on th county roads, 13,000,000 on 1 th township road, and between S3,B00, 000 and $4,000,000 on' tha bridgea and cul vert, , . Tha report will ahow that tha ooat of tha commission and alt It eupervlalon over th road work of th stat la much leas than tha actual saving In money by reason of th economlea secured in road and bridge work, taking Into account th better quality. Yet a very large part of, th work of tha f lrt year and a half b. been of a permanent or prwllmlnaay character and la uch that it will not hava to ba dona over again. Tha county road system of 15.000 miles haa bean lo- cated and mapped, with 2.S80 mile yet unoeciaea. Th brldg design prepared at a coat of f7.8uo.a represent structures of estimated cost of tl.023.Sn0. as. Minor (kanare Herommeaded. The commission recommends a number of minor changea la tha law. Provision hould ba mad for altering the county road system when that la found to be necessary. Th county road system should be extended within city llmlte and a city road tax ba levied for work on theae extensions. Official should be given greater power over removal of weeds and brush from hlghwaya Resolu tion of necessity should be for structures coating 11,000 or over, Instead of 1300. Poll taxes should ba paid In caaa In all In- stances. Permanent road work should ba don on tho township roads, it should be poealbi ttf form dralaag diatrlct a for road a. The altuatioa which faced tha commis sion at th beginning of this year was vastly cirtarent from that of a year be fore. Hostility had dlaappeared and county after county turned to th con truoUon of roads on broad line. Through th force of example In the countlea and by roaaoa of an aroused publlo senti ment It waa poaelble to make a etart even In th moat backward countlea In th tat. xn report of th commlaalon U th flrat report mad and It I a complete wor snowing every detail of tha vast ouame transacted. HEAYY GALE ALONG ATLANTIC COAST Extensive Dunag e Reported Along: the Shore from Korth Carolina to Maine. Colorado Magnate Refuses Name of Author of "Facts" Book SEABEIOHT TR GREAT FEBIL Town la Partly rader Water sad Faeea Poaalble Deatrwetlaa at Xeat Hlh Tide Forelaa Warship Aahore Geta Of. BtLLBTlH. PHILADELPHIA. Deo. 7 A dispatch to tha Maritime exchange from It sta tion at Lewes, Del., aaya that a telephon message at 12:S p. m. from Ocean City, Md., reported that the warship which had been grounded off that place had proceeded seaward. A forty-five mile gale waa blowing and tha weather waa very thick, making It Impossible to learn th Identity of th ship. NEW YORK, Deo. 7. A roaring north easter today awept th Atlantlo coaat at eixty mile an hour from North Car olina to Main. Chief among tha man anrti rut upon th shor waa an unidentified wsr- ahlp, with four funnels and a fighting top, which went aahora veaterdav near Ccean City, Md. Th Identity of th va. cl waa hidden by a otoak of fog. but it deaperat plight waa manifested by continual ahrieklna of Ita whiatu r help, which could not be given because of tha high seas. Lashed by the gale, tha ocean fcatiamd down tha aea wall at Seabrtght, N. 3.. during th night and placed th town In imminent peril of destruction on th next high tide. It street wera flooded, com munication by rail waa cut off, breaker were roiling over th chief thoroughfare nnd undermining th foundation of th principal buildings, and there anneared every prospect that th damag would i great. Ft re boat Sank. w Tork bay and harbor wer prao- wcaiiy cleared of all craft by th gala. One flreboat waa attnk at lLa i.:-e o. th New Jersey shore ot th Hudson, a new high water mark waa set Tha big waiting room of th Lackawanna ter minal w flooded and nearly all ferries discontinued. ' Along th coast of Nw England th gal waa especially violent At Point Judith, R. I., a amall schooner waa torn from lta anchorag and thrown on th breakwater. Llf savers aeeklng to ra cue th crew of a lx-maated ohoonr which atruck Tuckernuck ahnal m r. urday hava been unable for twQ day to luuncn meir Doate. ' Aadltorlaa ta Di ATLANTIC CITY.. Deo. 7.-Th north east storm, which haa been raging for two daya, waa laahlng tha New Jersey coaat today with less fury than yester day. Tha terrific pounding of tha aea ha caused considerable damage, but In no or place waa It very aerioua, except at th stoel pier In this city, where th musto pavilion on th ocean end of that struc ture Is threatened with destruction. Th piling under th hall ha been weakened and If tha storm doea not aoon abote tho auditorium may ba wrocaed. DENYEH, Coio.. Dee. T.J. F. born, president of the Colorado Fuel and iron company, clashed with Chairman Walsh of tha Federal Industrial Rela tione commlaalon today over tha . right claimed by tha oal operator to withhold th nam of th man who wrot "Fact Concerning th Struggle In Colorado for Induatrtal Freedom." Mr. Welhorn, who had been called to reaum hi testimony In tha coal miner trike Investigation, Insisted upon aa aumtng full responsibility for the pam phlet, aald he had given hla. word that th author a Identity would not b dis closed. and finally asked for tlm to eonult counsel aa to th right of th commission to fore him to glv th In formation demanded. "Th writer wa engaged for tho work on th promise that hi nam would not Wei- b used In connection with It." aald Mr. Welborn. "My word la given upon It, and I think the writer ha com right In th matter." . . "Without going Into the reason for the commission's request," said Mr. Walsh, "that la no proper reason, so far aa th law la concerned, for not giving the In formation." "He waa not responalble except for the detailed explanation," protested Mr. Wel born, "any more than a stenographer to whom I dictate a letter." "If you dt-cllne to give tha name, the commission will, of course, take such action a It deems best" warned Mr. Walsh. "I do not decline," replied Welborn, "but I ask the riuht of consulting coun sel. I consider thla ft very serious matter." Slippers MAY BOYCOTlALL FEDERALS Organized Baae Ball Magnate. Are Coniidering Dratio lleatnrei. BIO 'ITOHT GOES MEEEIL7 ON CONGRESS BEGINS : ., ITS SHORT SESSION .' . . i - . :! . (Continued from Fag On.) .. ., Baa. Want Ada Ar Vaaaeus a Result. utira prehenslv plan of dealing with water way improvement and 'conservation of natural reaourcea. "" ' '' ' A general waterway bill to establish a nation-wide system of broad scope, which has been Indorsed by a committee of th cabinet will probably b urged. Immigration sad Prohlbltlea. Many other important subjects ar pending. Included in th list i th rural credit bill prepared at th last seaalon. There hava been intimations that tha measure might not bo pressed at th short session, the view being that th federal reserve system should be given a chance to perfect llaolf before any other financial legislation should be under taken. Th immigration bill, which failed at th last seaalon with It literacy teat, I pending In the senate. Representative Hobson has begun to urge action on a resolution for a national prohibition con stitutional amendment and a constitu tional amendment to provlda for woman suffrage. I loth ar pending in th houa. Good road a legislation, reorganisation of tho civil service and a bill to regulate th output of radium also await action. Foreign affair ar certain to occupy attention of th sonata Tho administra tion 1 said to desire action In- th Nicaragua treaty, through which th (United State would acqulr no the Inter-oceanle canal rout and naval ata- tlon rlirhts In th Bay of Fonaaca for $3,000,600. It also hope for action on tha pending treaty with Colombia, to setu th partition of Panama for $26,000,000, by republicans of th foreign relation oommltteo, - 'Rivera aad Harbor Bill. In nrellmlnary discussions of appropria tions, th eatlmatea for th new Federal Trade commission to supervise th busi ness of industrial corporations ar prom inent. The board will be ' organised In th near future. President Wilson haa aald h wilt appoint lta flva- members arly in th winter. Lively debate also Is Kpctd over th river aad harbors appropriation bill, which ha been under consideration ver since tha old bill wa filibustered to death in th laat seaalon and a blanket appropriation tof t,000 waa substituted to tarry on publlo work a I read v under way. In the main, how ever, it la believed that chief attention will hav to be given to th usual supply bills of the government in order to com nleia them before thla congress and by operation ot law on March 4 next Skunks Helpful in Killing Caterpillars WASHINGTON, tao. v. Th much ma ligned 'wkunk" ha been found to ba on of th moat useful member ot th mam mal kingdom, a an enemy of th full grown rang caterpillar. Thla waa an nounced today by th Agricultural de partment bureau of biology, after exhaustive Investigation. Examination of food la tha stomach of 000 birds, to datrrmln whether their faedlna habits wer helpful In destroying th eatrplUar, aeem to Indicate, , according ta th bureau, that birds ar of no valut a enemies of this Insect. Aa a result of it studtos, th bureau added eleven bird to th list of bird enemies of th cotton bell weevil, snak ing a total ot sixty ous thus 1st discovered. Federate Asseatte Thar Will plac a Clab In New York Kemt tea - sea National Coaamlsalon Meets Taeeday. NKW YORK, De 7. In advance state ment on what should b done is In dicative of what to expect, drastic action will be taken' by the National commis sion, the National league and tha Interna tional league her thla week with regard to method adopted by Federal league promoter to encourage tha Jumping of player to tha new organisation. Without exception very club owner on hi arrival her has had something to say concerning th Federal, and tha Federals, not to be outdone, hav let It ba known that a club may b placed in Now York City next season. August Ilerrman, chairman of th Na tional commission, characterized th sign ing by th Brooklyn Federal of Mar quard "a a great mlstaka," adding, however.. that It was th New York club's loss and unless President Hemstead de manded action 1 . wa no commission affair. Herrmann also stated that hla negotia tions with Charles H. Weegham relative to th purchase of tha Chicago Cuba and Incidentally peace bet wen the old and the new base ball organisations, would ba laid before tha .National com mission which I expected to meet today. Th National commission chairman in timated that one of the defensive meas ure to ba adopted would be a rule to bar from organized baa ball player who are now, or may In th future, be identified with th Federal league. Owner DTeyfu of th Pittsburgh team and his manager, Fred Clark, also had something to ' say about th Federal league, , th former declaring that he would not have a player on hi team who had ono deserted organised bas ball for tho outlaws. Other club owner expressed similar opinions. Indicating what I uppermost on the program at th National league meeting tomorrow. ' A change In tho International league circuit will be the main topic of discus sion when th club owners get toegther late today for their annual winter meet. I Beatrle and Odell meets. The Judging snd slipping will be done by two of the promoters of the meet. Karl Morlnn will be the Judge and E. G. Bonta the slipping. The meet will be held in a canvas en closure south of the Rock Island locomo tive ehops In this city. IF The BOTHERS YOU Doctors SAys "Use Mat Latin's MusUrd Cerate." For Christmas The Comfy Kind It Is not enough' that you remember your friends with a gift if the gift is not something of practical value and us to the recipient. , What could he of more use than a pair of com fortabie slippers. They will be a pleasure every day of the year. We have all styles for all the fam ily from grandpa to baby. $1.50 to $5.00 iSEXElL 1410 Faraam Hitchcock's Arms Eesolution Adopted - by the Upper Huse WASHINGTON, Pac. 7.-The senate today adopted a resolution Introduced by. Banator Hitchcock, requesting the secre tary of commerce to report on th extent of shipment of arm and other munition of -war to belligerent nation of Europe or to Canada. . Senator Lodge Introduced a .resolution to create a national security commission to Investigate tho preparedness of th United State. Senator Lodg asked that his resolution 11 on th table until to morrow. . , i bo many Rheumatlo sufferer have found relief through MacXarea' Mus tard Cerate that you owe it to youraelf to buy a small jar and try It, Rub It on with tha tips of th fingers I run it in th first sensation will be s-entle glow; It la reaching th spot: then ' WJtS&iiAftvl you will experience a delloloua cooling WWWhiiaffi comfort Mactarea's Mustard Cerate does way with th fussy, musry mustard plaster and win not blister th tenderest skin. Try It today, tomorrow you will be a new man. Don't ruin your stomach trying to cur Rheumatism with Internal remedies. Rec ommended for Stiff Neck, Sore Throat. Pleurisy, Colds and Congestion. Bronchi tis, Neuralgia, Headache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Sore Muscles. lame Back, Chilblain. Bprain and all kinds of Achas or Pains, and often wards off Pneumonia. At all dnieTSlsts-2Bo and 60c, or mailed. postpaid, oy The MacLaren Drug Co., Lo Angeles, Oil. For a generous sam ple by mall, postpaid, send 10 cent and Oils advertisement. Bold by all Sherman & McConnell Drug stores. Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale" column; read it. Quit Sneezing! A little Rondon'a Catarrhal Jelly placed In the nostrils will bring relief. Your druggls -guarantees It. Money ack If It tails. A Z5t or SOo tube of EaONDftN'S Original and Genuine ' CATARRHAL JELLY Don't delay. Uae it at once. Its cooling, soothing, healing effects are wonderful. Best thing you can use for chronio nasal catarrh, colds In head, sneesing.dry catarrh, sore none, nose bleed, etc. 16.000,000 tubes have been sold. Write us for generous free sample. 35,000 drugglata sell this splendid remedy. Avoid dangerous substitutes.. KONDON MFGL CO Minnaapolle, Minn, Student Grasps Live Wire and is - . Instantly Killed AMES, la,, Dec. T.CSpecial Telegram.) Ralph B. Sherman, two-year agricul tural student, waa electrocuted yesterday afternoon on' tb atate college campus when ha grasped a guy wire on a 1,000 volt circuit HI horn was at Jessup, law Relative took tha body home today. Another student narrowly escaped th same fate In attempting to rescue Sher man, but ho throw hi body against the guy wlr breaking it and the current which was going through Sherman's body. ....... British Ship Sunk by German Transport Off Coast of Chile VA1.PARAI90, Chile. Deo. 7. Th Britlah steamer Ch arras, from New Tork October I. ha hn sunk at aea off Port Corral, Chile, by th Oerman transport Prtns Ettel Frledrich. Th crew of th Charcaa haa bean landed at Papudo, for-ty-flv miles north of Valparaiso. .Y?l. iPfl TliPBESTPSINTWGOrES: TWeiPfJNEST IflKAPEWi III limililHillliillilflliiilihlHIiliillllifiii PFTX'KfciWmv: 7 n't A M tTSKMlt JTTi. AUDITORIUM Tfcar8day, Friday. Saturday Dec. 10, 11, 12 MATINIaT ON ATUNDAY' Auspices of tb "Shriners"! . SAN CARIO J COMPANV TKVEUSfi OPEST! 0Kiifi7CY9l IH iurwi ttATIC SMSUS ANB 6AANOOPIMII OKrCSTAsT Thursday, Lnola 1M Z.anunnaoor. Friday, Tenet, Saturday Mat., CavaUerfa-Pagllaccl. Saturday Sra, n Trovatora, With a Different Cast.) Xmberhi Tlokata for Vntlrs Sea oa, il.oo. Kaervatlou. loo to 9sa axtra, Wagl Beat now on sals at Sox Office, Me to v m m DOPE A aa i "OMAHA'S nrw CEBTTSS" Rosey Posey Girls Peter Clark's Sally Mat., 1 VBS-SOe. SvgSn X5-aa-o-76c Musioal Burlesane Yeuth, splendor an beauty la the' s-aet bur letta, "Tba Lore Club." Barbery Coaat dance ot Trioo (ha ml Taofoetta, aa Gala a Uatse (fonnarly vtih Mr. nd Mrs. Caatla.) a.adi' Pint Mat. Bvary Week Pay. Fruii'Vigor haa Cured Yorso Cases of Constipation than yoursafter physics havo totally failed. Ptmtuonl to foAe and rmally corracf dig' ordmd condition. Thit it what phytic, pUU and mineral watcn cannot do. Only $1 JPr jar from your draggUtor by mail from org. Information on rvaesf. STEWART FOOD OOMPAHY ' 441 Towffjr Binding OMomgm AMUSEMENTS. HIPP THEATER 15th and Harney 8ta. , ZJLftT TZXXa VOPAT AT lllOO, 13110, lt30, 8:45, 4:00, fttlS, 6:30, Ti48, tsoo, 10:15. apxvarp BKszsa la "The Walls of Jericho" Tomorrow Hay Irwin in ' BItAOK IS BACK." ' ' ' DOYD'SDOUCrrA1919 TOBTiaST AU WSllat. Kattaea Wadnesday and aatardayi Tha Boyd Theater Btook Oo ta IVIodtiix- X Prices i aTlfhta, aso m 50o; Matinee, DBo Heat VHk "H OWN MOBTBT" Bhoas Soag. 44. . ABTAJTOBP TitTDlTOLB. Dally Matinee, j!;la Night. J3. Bans Xronold Tothar acts this irrak: Charley Orapawln Tba i Art iBauiitai, , aii a I Mr. and Mrs. Uraae'J10"!?' Orphum Traval Waaklr. meaai Matlaca. sallarr, btat aaats (uetpl 8aturda aad BundaJ, Uo. Nlshta, it, 15, M, U. BRANDEIS-l-y, "SaW' cxcuseTSe Mat., BSo, aOe Bvenlnga. 8Bo to gl.oo. JEWSJ3ET COMMISSIONS ;, IN THE GERMAM ARMY RERLIN. Deo. 7. (By Wireless to Lon don.) It was announced officially today that twenty-six Jew had received com mission in th Oerman army. Twelv of thee ar from Prussia, twelv from Bavaria, on from Saxony and on from Wurttanberg. In alt 710 Jewish soldier hava received Iron crosses, three of them ef th first ciaas. i . It was also announoed officially that th Oerman government la releasing Rear Admiral Reginald Neeld, th retired Brit ish ffloer, on whoa behalf President Wilson mad representations through Am bassador, did not ask England for any equivalent concassioa. ' i . rosurslaai Meet at Falrbary. FAIRBURT. Neb..' Dec. T. (Speolal) Kstenalve arrangements are being made for the second annual Coursing meet to ba heM In ratrbury, December 17. II and li. The promoters include Meeere. K, O. Uonta, John aod Kurl Morlan, t'bauncey Parker ani D. Lalley. Five hundred dol Ura In eaah puraee will ba given; also th skiver trophy tha Blue Valley cup. The first r-ourslng meet waa held at the base ball park. New Vear'a day. when a large datamation of Fair bury people witnessed tho dug rarea There will b doga hore from all over the west, the yli k of the racers which won at the YVymore, Four Pay. Commencing Thnrs Bee, 10 Matinees Saturday and Sunday. George McManue' Lateat Hit ORINCIMC UP FATHER Mats., 85c, BOO, 75 Bvgs.. S5o to S1.00 WEEK SoW DEC. 14 1 Bvsalaa Tha Greatest Flay of All Tim JOSEPH AND HIS BRETHREN Stool V. Parker's Thrilling momance of Old XaraeL Original sTew Task Chicago Production aad Company of Over BOO, Beaded by JAMEa O'HEIl, BBABPOK TTBAB UO atATKA. RIBB XABZ.KBP. The Xdablar Oo Maaagera. BATS OB BAXB VOW. aright an Saturday Mat.. 60o to 93. .Pop. Mat, Wd Beat Baata, $10. tl if-.-i w j( a ; ' t (CSQ. A. IPlP(BB gf3IP(0II3 To further introduce our Excello Lump, wo ar giving away with each new ton order, a beautiful flaied covered porcelain, alx Inch, baking dish, enclosed In heavy nickel case, knowing that once using Eicello, it will be your only furnac coal. . EXCELLO is sootiest, smokeless, blue flamed and extremoly lasting. S8.00 Per Ton .. Thla Souvenir mut be called for at our offloe. Coal Hill Coal Co. 211 South 19th St.