Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1914, WANT AD SECTION, Page 5-C, Image 33

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    ! I
5 O
WMIS-Irresular; receipts, .4SJ; fmh
wrierea etra rtne, 4lifr.V; extra flrsta,
'ij40c.; flrste. IAa; seconde, IMiithe;
ttat. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery
whit-, afttniic; state, lenrvlvanl and
nearby gathered whites, &87e: tte.
Pennsylvania and nearby htnaxry brown.
43M4c; state, Pennsylvania end nearbv
gathered, browna anil miied color, jutj
POVL.TRT Mve, quiet; western chick
ens, litiUV: fowls, Uirl.Vc; turkey, li
i12c: dressed, quirt; western roasting
chickens, HVoHc; fresh fowla. HHWWc,
turkey. U420c.
Holdiflj of December Wheat Are
Beliered to Be Concentrated.
Wkul Makes Alyaam from O t
Tw Oats, Cora to One-Halt
C Higher Oats
On-tarte.r I'p.
OMAHA. Do. i. 1914.
Whll the open interest in December
wheat la not believed to bo large, th hold
ings ar concentrated. 1 his fait means a
great deal. In addition to tha concentra
tion of that future, the holdera of lecem
ber a aiao boiuar of tho caah articio to
a, large uegree. it ia suggested by aome
that much bit; her price are possible for
thia month, it la also expected that In
com of a sensational market in December
wheat there, is a likelihood of tho May
future trailing on. and advancing also.
Ther was no let up in tho caah business
on export account vesteniay. tale
amounted to aTO.ouo bushels, and all of
this Is to go abroad. In addition to these
transactions there were other aaloa' in
tho southwest. A round lot of fl6ur sold
for export at Minneapolis, and there were
exports of flour at Chicago yesterday at
advanced prices.
Advances were shown of WfMic In the
corn market yesterday and resting spots
wore shown at the beat pricea of the
- Oats ruled heavy at the opening, but
advanced late and closed VM7c higher.
The selling In the May came largely from
harflffAra mm Ik r.mmV, AmwnmnA U H rather
hlow. Cash calea tier wrt 256,000 bush
els for export.
rnorta were tne Dest ouyers
products yesterday and their purchases
were mainly of ribs and lard. There
- was further selling by amallcr western
packers and there was considerable real
ising by local long, which was led by
John and Charlea Roberts. Cash trade
In meata and lard waa rather alow.
Wheat waa 1Si2c higher.
Com was unchanged to Mo higher.
Oats were Wc higher.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour
equal to 974.000 bushels; corn, 77 .000 bush
els; oats. 238,000 bushels.
Liverpool closed nominal; wheat, Vt&
higher; com d higher.
Primary wheat receipts were 1.671,000
bushels and shipments 1,640.000 bushels,
against receipts of 890.000 bushels and
shipments of 1.2uS,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 1,761,000 bush
els and shipments S4!,(i00 bushels, against
receipts of 70fi.0U0 bushels -and shipments
of 402.000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 964,000 bush
els and shipment 1,029,000 bushels, against
receipt of 622,0i0 bushels and shipments
of 712,000 bushels lust year.
Wheat.CornOats. Barley. Rye.
Chicago 143 Mo 368 .. ..
Minneapolis .il6 - ... ... .. ...
Duluth 1M ...
Omaha 72 il S7 16
Kansas City.. 187 64 17 .. ..
St. Louis .....115 Ki 42
Winnipeg ...,2M
These sales were reported, today: Wheat
No. surd winter: car. ll.OWi; 1 car,
1.04; o eara, tl.09. No. t durum: 2 cars,
$UlH. No grade: 1 car, $106, corn No. 2 1 car, 6Vc; 2 cars. 68'c. No. J
white. 68Hc; 1- car. 58c. No. 6 white: I
cara. olc. No. 1 yellow:-1 car. 58Uc. No.
i yellow: ( cara. 68Vic No. i yellow: J
cars. 6M4e; S cartr. 6&c. No. 6 ylw: 1
cara. 67HC No. yellow: 1 car, o7fcq. No.
i i u, Nn. 3 mixed: 4-B car.
R8c; 1 ear. Slc; 1 car, 67Hc. No. I mixed:
3 C&rs, blc. a cars, oitiu. " "f- -cai
B7Her car. B74o. No. mixed: 1
cir 674c; 1 car, 67c. Bample: 1 ear 67e.
Oats-No. 8 whlte: cara. 45o. No. 4
1 V
BtTTER-No. I, l-lb cartons. c; No.
, 60-1 b. tuba. 310.
CHEtSK Imported Swiss, JSe; Amer
ican Swiss, 28c; block Swiss, tlo; twins.
Americas, lSc; blue label brick, 17c; llm
burger. t-lb.. tOc; l-lb.. 20c; New York
white, liyto; Imported French Koquelort,
BEEP CUTS-No. 1 rib. 18c: No. 2 ribs,
e; No. S ribs. UHc No. 1 loins, lio:
No. 2 loins, ieic; No. I loins, 13c. No. 1
chucks. 10Hc; No. 2 chucks, lc; No, 1
chucks, 9c. No. 1 round. lSc; No. 2
rounds, 12c; No. 1 rounds, like No. 1
platea, 4o; No. 2 plates, tc; No. 8
plates. So.
FISH Trout, 14c; large crapplsa. ISos
salmon, 8iK; halibut. Ifc; channel cat
tish. 12c; rike. 14c: pickerel, 10c.
PtiULTRY Brolfera, 144c: spring chlck
ena, llo; hens, HtiU; cocks, kc; ducks,
10c; geeae, fcc; turkeys, IKo rigvons, lr
dos., 90c; ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese,
full feathered. 8o; squabs, No. 1. U; No.
2, 0c.
Market quotations furnished by Oillnskl
Fruit company;
FKUl'io oranges: Extra fancy esh.
navel, t. Win, 22.00 box! extra fane)
Wash, naval, laua, ITtia, 2uue, Z10. Km,
$3.26 box. Lemons: Fancy awe mi. Bim
kist, $o.60 box; choice Red Ball, sous. .
$6.00 box. Grapefruit: Ms, 64a, 64 and ,
$2.76 box. Apples: Extra 'ancy Wash.
White winter pearnuitneat . sixes. $2.U
box; fancy Wash. White Winter Pear box; ex. fancy Wash. Wine
flap, $1.75 box; extra fancy Hpitannburg,
tl.M box; Oregon Spltxenbarg, $1.36 box;
Oregon Baldwin, $l.iO box: Colo, unwrap
ped fancy Jonathan, $1.56 box; Wash,
extra fancy and fancy Hoover, $1.40 box;
choice Colo. Jonathans. $1.10 box; fancy
Colo. Wealthys. $L10 box; fancy Colo.
Mo Mahona, $1.10 box: fancy Colo. Utter,
$1.10 box; fancy Colo. Maiden Hlush, $1.16
box; Idaho fancy Grimes Oolden, $1.60
box; Idaho choice Grime' Golden, (1.26
box; Idaho fancy Jonathan, $1.26 box;
Wash, fancy Grimes' Golden, 1.60 box;
Idaho fancy Fulton, $1.26 bx.; Idaho fancy
Strawberry. $1.25 box; Idaho fancy Wolf
River, $1.2o box; Wash. Wagner, $1.26 box;
N. Y. Baldwin, ftSa bbl.: N. Y. Greening,
$1.00 bbl. Urepes: Calif. Emperors, $3.00
bbl.: Calif. Jtmperors, $1.76 trt.; choice
Malagas, $5.00 keg; extra choice Malagas,
$6.26 keg; fancy Malagas, $6.50 keg; extra
fancy Malagas, $8.00 keg. Peara: Anjou,
$2.60 box; Lawrence, $3.00 box: Jersey,
$2.25 box; Boaco, $2.50 box; Sheldon. $2.60
box; Easter, $2.26 box. Bananas: $1.76 to
$3.50 per bunch. "
VBUETABLK8 Cauliflower, $250
ert.; cabbage, lWe lb.; eucamber.
$1.60 box; celery, Mich., 36c dos.; Calif.
Jumbo, 75c dos.; head lettuce, Calif. $1.00
dos.; leaf lettuce, 40c doi.j onlcn. yel
low, 2c lb.; red, lyc lb.; white, 2ftc lb.;
peppara, 60c basket; tomatoea, 1.26 crt ;
onions (shalloU), sOo dos.; radlsbej, 60o
dos.; horseradish, l.5 cs.; garlic, Italian,
20o lb. Potatoes: Idaho, 70c bu,;. Red
River Ohios, 65c bu.; Minn. Whites, 0c
bu.; Kan. sweetpotatoes, $2.60 bbl.; Jer
sey sweet potatoes, $1.76 lump.
NUTo No. Calif, walnuts, 18c lb.; fil
berts. 12ttc lb.; filberts, Long Naples, 3Sc
lb.; pecans, llrtic lb. pecana, Jumbo, 19o
lb.; almonds, 20o lb.; Braslla, 11c to
J?" is
MISCBLLANEOUa-Bhelled popcorn. 4o
kerjack, $3.60 '.: crackerjack.
cnecxera, cs.; cnecxers,
m n-w rtafrM HTl ln If '
limes, fl. ,5 dox; sugar wainui aaies, ti.w
Host Kinds of Cattle Sharply Lowerr
for the Week.
Fat Skeen Steady aad Fat
Fifty Cents Lower Tfcnai Week
Asro Feeders Tea to Fif
teen Cent lllaaer.
Official Monday....
Official Tuesday ..
Official Wednesday
Official Thursday..
Official FrMay.....
Batlmate Satuntay.
SOl'TH OM.VH. Pec. J, lit 4.
Catrie. llog Bheep.
... .0"S ia.y uu-ih
... 6.641 S0.77!l JS.1-12
... 4 S.l .14
... 2,127 6,64 4..U2
... 7M .4.1 6.5J6
W .2W .....
Six days this week.20.2T flO.WO 49.W7
fame days last week.. 15.144 .T,"A2 4S.741
Same days 2 wks ago..l2,li0 M.Stl 66.642
Same days 8 wka aero.. ai.ri'i 41.142 M.K10
Same days 4 wk ko..' ;a 2:i.!W
Same days last year..l!l.47 46.iK7 6o.
The following table sviows the revelpts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South
Omaha live stock markot for the year to
date, as compared with last year:
1314. 1S1J. rec.
Cattle boo n x.t0 40 4V7
I Hogs .0.?79 t.,215 t.4!M
fheep , 2,:il,Wl 3.0K5 17 l,216
The following table shows th eaverane
price for hog at the South Omaha live
stock market for the last few days, with
time was on Min1y. The tops for the
I wck were $ 15 on lana, 87.10 on y ear-
f.'otwlthstaniling the shlpmenta fixm
Iowa thl week th week a reco'pt have
ln-en no better than normal and a little
short of the corresponding time a )CHr
nro. As ntel al'ove the receipts showed
an increase on the first day, but later
In the week fell nff. Wheatflel.l grade
from Idaho and fed westerns from Ne
braska, Iowa and Colorado feed lota have
been most numerous. Qtialttv aa a rule
has been very fair, hut Included com
paratively few etrlrtly eyrima killers.
Vhtle few fewiere have teen coming
all the week prices are strong to bu lf
higher than a week ago. No aged feeders
to speak of hav been on SHle. The
inquiry continues strong and actlvo for
what feoders show up. The best feeder
lamba hare ben elllng at 7 2Ti7.KO,
Juotntlen on slieeti and Iamhs.
rood to rhnli s, $.0itiS60; lambs, fair to
tood, $7.fiiR0t; feeders, good to choice.
.''f?.40; leeilem, coinmon. H Vsii.!i6;
yearlings, good to choice. $7.0Tr.?'.; year
lings. fair to good. $ti fi 7 .00 . yarllng.
fecilera, 8.V5mhh.lO; Wethers. goo.l to
choice. $r,.7.vii;.(: wethers, fair To good,
$iSv,i5.R5; wethers, feeders. $4 !Wi4.RV,
owes, good to choice, $4 fMi&.i' ewes, fair
tuod, $4.404.85; ewes, feeders, $S.ti5
tate. 1914. 11913
.11312. Wll.l19.loa
Nov. It! 1 u 7 S3 31 7 Mi T 6 5)
Nov 17 T 6Ma T 63 S3 7 44 7 M 5 64
Nov. lst24TOTW807S3iw6J
Nov. 1 t 76!7 71 7 20746 70
Nov. foi 1 44' T 7U 7 7!l 1 7 96 6 69
Nov. $1 7 4tiS 7 7 7i 1J 7 98 6 7$
Nov. 22 i T 67 1 XK f 18 T S "
Nov. I3 7 00 I 7 87 8 XS 6 83 7 8 87
Nov. 2(1 f 4M 7 61 $ 24 7 87 8 78
Nov. 25) 7 6iS 7 W 7 6 191 $ T7 68
Nov. 21 7 M 7 441 7 47 8 881 $ 04
Nov. 27 7 664 J is 111 $ 04 ( 6$
Nov. jr 7 41 7 47 $ ooj 6 99 6 67
Nov. 2M 7 51 7 5 8 Oli 7 7 8 0!
Nov. 30) 7 1641 I 7 7 7 00 8 12 68
Ioc. 1.1 6 4l 7 SRI 7 74 6 04i 7 87; T U
lec. J. Hl', 7 401 7 57 6 01 7 131 8 06 6 75
fec. 74.1 7 42j 7 R4 7 u; 9 OCI 6 65
I'ec. 4..F6 75 1 T 34 7 66 6 03 1 8 03 5 W
pec. 5.. 1 7 411 7 M 5 13 7 281 6 68
lb. i cracker;
V, cs., $1.75;.
u.. A mm' A CM rl. aTl7t:
Trade; ,a7. oT 48o; X car. 42c
HVsw.Nn. a: a i-ars. mx,w ... . iiiiitBsi. u. o i
Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat: TJO z naro Honejr. M75 yj,. lg u oa 8!So
$1.09tri.l04;' No. 3, naro, box; bulk figs. 70 lb. Clfleri Per keg.
il''vi ft, fan 1 nrlnz. W.WI IMBT. . WIMmiWIft
to. IK saca;
4 hard no. a sprin;, - -y-----. pumpkin 1M ID. uocoanuis:
tt.01.07t: No. 2 durum. -Hfl)L22 No. r 00,., Tlc.
white, 5iSR8He; No. 4 white. ;W5i
No. 6 white. 67HSo: No. white. 6J'4
4 yellow, S7t68oi No. 6 yellow, 67H
67c; No: yellow. WcjN rMx,
72fic; No. 2 mixed. B7 Wi,1-
mixed, 67ttW7ct mo. mieu, umjuij,,
v" .',ivJ AifiKMe,! Mo. mixed. 6.45
r.74V. Oats: No. 2 white, stan
dard. 46Hi5We; No. I whit. 444c; No.
4 white. 4HM4le Barley C Malting.
69o; No. 1 feed, 50!?68e. Ryei No 2, tLOBVtj
pi.Ot; No. 8, 81.03iftl.O3tt.
Feat ares of the Tradln and Cloalnc
Prices mm Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Doc. 6. Wheat roso in prtoo
here today, helped by advancing: Quota
tions at Liverpool and by reports that
Italv waa Dtirchaaing on a large scale In
Argentina. The market closed firm, 1&o
to He above last nigni. v;orn nnianea
unchanged to 1-18 down, oats .unchanged
to c up and, provisions at VMUha to 1W$
lOo decline.
Reports of increased speculative buy-
1. - . T I ir.,ru...l whlh mtmm will (A llHVA
accompanied a material upturn there int
th price of wheat, had a tenaency 10
draw rather more attention that usual to
the foreign outlook. Assertions in re
gard to the Italian government having
contracted to take one-third of the es
timated surplus of the Argentine crop
added to bullish sentiment, although not
by any means given full orVoonoa. On
the contrary, a majority of traders here
seeme.d to lean, for the time, being, to
the Idea that hlarh ocean freights ana
war risks would prove an effectual bar
rier to heavy Argentine shipments, and
that the United States would not have
any burdensome competition during the
next two months.
Profit-taking sales on th part of lead
ing holders of wheat checked to a notice
able extent the upward swing of th mar
ket. The fact, however, that receipts
were decreasing In all quarters and that
Argentine weather had again become ad
vert for the harvest operated to pro
vent any Important reaction to th bear
Corn, at first, hardened with wheat,
' and as a result of rrJn and of active de
mand for feeding. The bulla were handi
capped, though, by knowledge that re
ceipts for the week had been about the
largest on record at this time of the year.
Oats kept to a narrow range. Country
offerings were llKht and the seaboard
demand fair. Predictions of generous re
ceipts of hogs next week more than wiped
out early gains in the provision market
Paokera led th aelUng. ,
Grain prices furnished by Logan A
Bryan, office 315 youth Sixteenth street:
Article! Open-I Hlgh.l Low. Close ! Tes'y.
t hard. $L0Hfl.i0tt; No. 2 red, $1.0H;
December. $1.0feVl May, $1.14.
CORN No. 2 mixed, 6224c; No. I
white, 2o; December, 61!44JWlHc: May,
intiic. .
OATS No. 2 white, 7Hc; No. 2 mixed,
BUTTER Creamery, f lc; firsts, 29c;
seconds. 2flc; packing stock, 20Hc.
BGG8 Firsts, 81c; seconds, 24c. ,
POULTRY Hen. 10c; roosters, lOc;
turxeys, Ufto.
Oats I
Ribs !
1 M 1 17il 1 1V 1 IT
ltl 12141 lliKIl
1 1 1
48 '
18 82H
9 76.
10 00
10 12V4
64 i 83l63HaK 34t
89 8U eSN',r 6oVi
48(,S! 48 I 48i i7u
8Vi MftS'1 . 62il 62i4
18 rV4l 18 10 1 18 10 1 It 15
18 62M18 47-60j 18 6241 18 6
f 75
10 12HI
9 70 1 9 70 I 9 715
9 5 19 96-7MI JO 00
9 TO l ' 9 74 I 9 80
10 0a llO 06-071 10 12H
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red.
Sl.litatl17k; No. 2 hard, tl.l44'1.174.
Corn: No. 2 yellow, MfVte; No. 8 yel
low, (24fW4c. oats: No. 8 white,
4DCI standard, 4'tf4iMc. Rye: No. 2,
nominal: No. 4, $1.0HW. Barley, 604j74c.
Seeds: Timothy, $3.764a.50; clover, $12.fio
14.60. Provisions: Pork, $18.60; lard, $8.70:
ribs. $9.12Sttl.75.
BlTTTKR Easy ; creamery, 24i2c.
EIKIS Steady; receipts. 2,022 caaea; at
mark, ranee Included, 2ojXic; ordinary
firsts. Sbvi'ilf.; flrata, 24Jac.
POTATOES Kaay; receipts. 82 cars;
Mlchltran and Wisconsin, isVa44c; Minne
sota, 3043c.
POULTRT-Allve, higher: springs, Uc;
fowls, 10c; turkeys. lSc. '
Nw York Gestrsl Market.
NKW YORK. Dec. l-8l'(MR-Kw
tsady; molasaes. $.24c: ceDtrlfugal, l.suc;
refined, steady.
Bt'TTEK Firm: receipts. 4.844 tabs;
creamery extras, 92 score, 334890; cream
ery, higher scoring. :4c; creamery flrata,
to3!c; aeconda, 220; proceaa extras,
tt.W i,ic; ladles, current make, flrata,
itviW, aeconti. 2iv4i;2i-; packing stock,
current make. No. 2, JoSiUc.
CHEEf-K Steady- receipia, 2.10$ hoxe;
State, whole nink, held apeclala, I6'ic;
state whole milk, average fancy. I4fil!,
stale, whole iniik, freab colored apeclals.
liS, 154c; late, whole milk, fresh, white
specials, la'itiluVt! State, whole milk.
Liverpool Onls Market,
firm; No. 1 Manitoba, 10s Id; No. X 9s lid;
No. 8, 9s 8d; No. 2 hard winter, 9s eftd;
futures, firm; December, 9s 84.
CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed
new, lid; futures, strong; December, 6
4d; January, 6s 9'4d.
t. Levis Ural a Marke.t.
ST. "IXjms, Dec l-WHEAT-No. 2
ted, $1.141.16: No. 8 hard. n.lWJLlfi;
December. 3LiaVi; May, 81.19V4.
CORN No. 2, 83e; No. 3 whltej 44Hc;
December. 634o; May, dlc.
ua'is-o. a. 4vmks; no. z wnite, o.
Mlnneapolle Orakk Market. .
cember, $1.14; Mey, 1.18: No. t hard,
$1.20S; No. I northern, $1W3UJ; No.
2 northern, $L W4!1.17H.
Loom atoeka a4 Boads.
Qnotatlaa ntraiahaa by Bum, Brlnker A Co.,
4 Omsha MsUoaal bask kellaisg. Omaha,
eMuke Bid. Ank4.
BmotIo Oaamerr ml Ik Ml mm
CammHVHitt Lira InraranM
Cilmoot CYauaary, 7 a. . std...... M 00
Ineola Om and Electric .0g
Molln Plow 1M Pti M M
Omaha Q. B. Hr. a Bride pti., at.og
Omh a . 6UTM4 Ry. aid 94.44
Uulaa Btook Vaids stock H )
Chlrae Ry. 8s. Ust 44 74
Oolumbua, Neb.. Lt. Paw. ts. IkM. M M
riorvno. Ntb.. r(. , 1M... 104.M 1V7.M
Iowa Ry. Lt. 1st A nr. ta, 1M.. M.OO 9IJ4)
Uncoin Du aaa eim. ka, isit 11.00
0hkih, Nb , nb, , 124 104.00
Omaha A C- B. Street Rr. U. 1921.. 44.00
Onuna whaol im, tin M M IM.00
City Oowha wur 4Ha, 1941 .M 100.0
I ac. OM A Klee. en. a ret. U. IM1. M.OO
Port 01 seauie ft. ui-iM
Sen Franclaoo, Cat., ts, 1M1-1MW.
SwIH A Co. ft. ISM
Scrlboev, Nab., water , 1M ....
eluperlor, Ne.. water 4, 1M4
Wbarto Uo.. Ttui, 4t4. 14...
W 04
47. M
94 00
M 15
95 44
M.M 100
M 40 101.00
. 94.00
, MM
. MM
Hi 00
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Deo. 6, The Commercial Bul
letin says: "While ther has lie a a fair
amount of activity In the Boston wool
market during the week the volume of
business accomplished has hardly been
as large as lt was a wek ago. Prices
nevertheless, have been very firmly
maintained on everything. Scoured me
aium wools have been In very good re
quest at firm rates. Advices from the pri
mary markets Indicate a talriy steady
market for crossbred, alightly easier In
New Zealand, but a little stronger lata
this week In Houth American, . where
prices eased a bit earlier in th week."
Cotton Market.
ket opened steady; December. 7c; March,
J.Bic; May. 7 6lc; July, 7.o; October, 7.94c.
COTTON j pot, quiet; middling uplands,
Cotton future closed steady; Decem
ber, 7.0fo; January, 7.20c; March. 7.89c;
May, 7.59c; July, 7.74c; October, 7.99o.
Tbe cotton market closed, steady at a
net advance of 2 to 8 nolnts.
dull;' prices quiet: American middling
fair, l.27o; good middling, 4. Sic; middling,
4.5o; low middling. 8.89c; good ordinary,
I241 : ordinary, 2.79c: sales, 8.000 balea,
including 2.800 American and 200 (or spec
ulation and export
r- 11 " 1 " ' 1 "
' Cofle Market.
cot fit market was firm and higher today
on reports of a better spot d tin ant, and
the continued strength of the primary
markets which some local traders at
tribute to an Improving European de
man. Trading remained quiet In futures,
but after opening dull at an advance of
1 point, the market closed firm at a net
advance of 7 to 11 points on buying by
trade Interests. Hales, 6.000 bars. De
cember. 661o; January. 6.7c; February,
S7Jc; March. 6.76c; April. $.b6o; May, 5 98c:
June, S.78c; July. 8.6Bc; August. 6.79c;
September, 6. Kmc; October, I.WAc; Novem
ber. 701c. Spot, firm; Rio No. 7, $hic;
Httotos No. 4, KftlOc. f
Dry Goods Market.
Cotton goods, fluiel; yarns, dull; wool,
good for domestics, was firm, but bul
nm waa tractive. Utiens, quiet; burlaps,
:lla Batter Market.
ELGIN. Deo. l.-BUTTER-2.
Sunday. HoUday.
CATTLU There were no cattle In sight
this morning, at loast none of any con
sequence, ror the week receipts have
been larger than for several week back
and slightly larger than for the corre
sponding week a year ago. Owing to the
large receipts and demoralised condition
of the market at Chicago during the first
half of the week prices here on all kinds
of killing cattlo broke sharply. Corn-fed
steers were quoted as 36nbOo lower the
middle or the week, but during the latter
half prices strengthened up so that at
the close of the week the market is not
over 150'.'5c lower than a week ago. Range
beef steers, owing, to th fact that they
kill out a better percentage than half-fat
corn-feds, have been given the prefer
ence, as usual at thia time of th year,
and they have remained about steady
all the week.
Cows and heifers experienced about the
same decline as beet steers during the
first half of the week, but later on
firmed up and are at the cloae only
about 15i'25c lower than last week.
Feeder have been in good deman'l and
very moderate supply all the week and
are at the close Lvdi'io higher than a
week ago. On the other hand stock calves
have been in large supply, and in conse
quence are 2,'iQ&Go lower than a week ago.
It would be well for shippers to thor
oughly understand that the break In
cattle this week at Missouri river points
nas been due entirely to the folly of
jnippers In flooding th Chicago market.
In conscquenc of the large receipts at
the Chicago market pricea broke badly
and forced wssvern markets down. Th
best thing that could happen to the mar
ket would be a falling off In receipts at
Chicago for a few days.
Another thing thai shippers should
bear In mind Is that stockers and feeders
from states reoently under quarantine
cannot be sold In any market for res hi p-
ment to the country. In other words, all
th stock under present govemmoni reg
ulations shipped to market from terri
tory recently under quarantine can b
sold only for Immediate slaughter. On
the other hand, feeders from territory
not recently under quarantine can be
shipped from th South Omaha market
Into any territory not actually under quar
antine at the time of shipment.
Quotations on cattle: Uood to choice
cornfed beeves, $8.fi0i&9.&0; fair to good
corn fed beeves, $7.u0uS.5O; common to fair
cornfed beeves, $6.txcii7.6o; good to choice
range beeves, $7.7fui.4o; tair to good
range beeves, $7.40 7.75; common to fair
range beevea, $6.2o4'7.40; good to choice
heifers, $6.2&U7.00; good to choice cows,
$&.6ot.2; fair to good cows, $6,003)6.00;
common to fair cows, $4.5Oca.O0;, good to
choice stockers and feeders, $7.2&iix7.76;
fair to good stockers and feeders, $b.60i(
7.26; common to fair stockers snd feed
ers, $i.5OU.50; stock heifers, $4.'i&ti.25;
stock cows, $4.60j6.60; stock calves, $ti.6o(j
$.25; veal calves, $8.0010.00; bulls, slags,
etc., $5,0047.00.
HOGS The total supply was hardly as
heavy a on Friday, there being some
thing like seventy-four cars, or b.jJO head,
received. As twenty, cars of these came
direct, however, the actual offerings
amounted to about he same as yesterday.
For the week receipts total 60, (wo bead,
being 23.000 larger than last week snd
16,000 heavier than last year. The week's
run la the heaviest since March, when
over 61,000 were received
Trade opened out this morning, with all
grades commanding prions that were just
.i.nm tho umc aa Fr.oay s. rihipiiera and
ape.tiiators bought a number of hoga early
at TUliy sieaay prices aim winw moir
,.kmmmm not so hivv ka yetrday.
they accounted for a fair share of the run.
Packera ' firat uia were Loauy 10 irons,
and while sellers held off for some time,
they failed to show much change, so that
in the end th bulk of the offerings
moved on a steady to strong basis. As
was noted yerferVkJr. there were two dis
tinct markets, one for shipping grades
and another for strictly killers. Condition;
wre about the some today and good
shippers brought a premium of from iho
to art much as a quarter. Most of the
nacklng hogs sold around $8 70. while the
bulk of all the ea!e again covers a
scread of $6,6646.90. There were several
bunches of real light stuff weighing
around 140 to 1 pounds her and as
shippers will roi "y .".
and packers do not want them, they
"ontin .to sell around th bottom of
...j nr.wi.v , more desirable
grades of 1 ghtwelShts brought $8.60 with
Some st $ 50 Trade waa not active at any
time" but the light supply was practically
cleaned nr. by 10 o'clock.
lixtremelv heavy runa th first of tho
wJek sorted a break which lighter sup
plies never checked and ths week s trsde
Shows a decl'ne of W.f;6c. Bulk a week
ago was $7lf7.50, while today s top of
$7 09 Is Just 6O0 under the high prio -at
the close of last week. Thl break is gen
eral, ft opening up of quarantined dis
tricts and th heavy runs that ''"'d
at all points being the direct cause. The
sharp discrimination against hogs from
quarantine district that have 'matured
the market at some points have been en
tirely lacking here and all hogs , look. d
alike to the local buyers so far as their
originating point was concerned.
lleureenrtive saie-
A. 8h. rr.
Z ltiO w
e 4 44
lao 9 40
.. IN
10 60
.. 8 40
.. ( M
144 190 b
. ...IH9 ... I &
..... M III
..,.174 ... 4 ec
,...)H3 40 44
....274 la 9 70
....17 130 4 79
....W M 87
...24: ISO
A'. Sh. Tr.
..SS4 M 70
, 1M 6 It
44 ...
40 7
40 4 7b
... 6 74
.214 904 6 40
9 49
1 u
7 40
1 4
I 45
m ,t in i ...
iHKLl' As usual i.u a baiurduy ther
wer no freab arrlvala of sheep or lambs
This week s trade has been In .marked
contrast to that of last week In that
prices have lost all of last week's sharp
advano. A good trod in lambs with s
normal supply on hand took plac on
Monday when Colorado lambs sold up to
t'ji.i 1 n that v lambs were steady to
a shade better and aged sheep fully
uialv 1'nder the Influence of heavy
rm'lnta and eitremelv bearish advices
from ouWI'le putnts Tuesday and Wednes
day's merk-t on lambs dropped fully W"
70o and potslbly more on th ln-b;twen
grades. Ewes went clown lo415c. llot'i
hern and lambs had a strong snd up
ward tendency on Thursday and Friday,
the bullish f. -slurs being licht receipts.
FYldaVe trade, however, closed slow n1
wak with iambs fully 60o off compared
with the close of the previous wrk. while
aged sheep wer about steady. Th high
Cattle Weak Ho t asettled
"beep Weak.
CHICAOO. Dec. . CATTI.K Receipts,
heaj; market weak: native Steers,
$;.70;i10.i); western, $6.2.fl 6"; cows and
heifers, $;t.2i,49.0; calves. 9ii.7543w.76.
1 KM 58 Receipts. 10.000 head; market un
settled, bet grades unevenly higher,
pthere weak to 10c lower; bulk of sale,
!":7wti7.; lights. $8.n.a6; mixed. $n.(Mi
7.401 heavy, $ti.,V,h7.2:; rough, $t.5Mfii.70;
piss. $4 507.10. t j ,
HHBKP AND LAM BS Receipt 1, 1,000
head; market weak: sheep, $f. lOfltl.JO;
yearling. 86.264T7.80; lambs, 84.2o4J8.7e.
Kansas City I.lve Stork Market.
ceipta. 2.SO0 heiul; market steady; prim
fed steers, 8.6ty 10.50; dressed be.-f steers,
$7.60ti9.i!6: western steers, $J.wifi.26; block
ers and feelers, pt.O041S.lO; bulls, $6.26iiii6.U);
cslvts, $A.004itt).u0.
HOGS Receipts, lfOO head; market,
higher: bulk, $i;.90fif7.16; heavy, 27.00.1715;
"ackers and butchers. $6. Kg 7. 20; light,
.Wfl71S; pigs, $.0tj 50.
tiHEEP AND LAKlIia-Recelpis, none;
market stead; lamba, $s.2.'l'!iH.7ri; year
lings. $6.2&T7.50; wethers. $5.25(iiU26; ewes,
t. Lonls Live fttftrk Market.
ST. IjOUIS, Dec. t CATTLIC-Recelpts
400 head; market, steady; notlve beet
steers. $7 60ai0.7R; cows and heifers. $5.00
4)9.25; southern steers, $5.75ti7.75; cow and
heifers, $4.00((S.; native i-alves. $U,t.r
10.70. 1
HOG 8 Receipts S.000 head: market,!
steady; pigs and lights, ii.oi.ifii7.S.'.: mixed
and butchers, $7.1.Vy7.45; good heavy, $7. ID
tj7.45 i
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none:
market, steady: native muttons, $4.7Kt
6.00; lambs, $8.00$8.5; yearlings, ti.ftKgl.X.
St. Joseph Lle Stook Market.
ceipts, none; market, nominal; steers, iT.Oi
CflOOi); cow and heifers, W.60(i.76; calves,
HOGS Receipts 2.400 head: market,
steady: top. $7.00; bulk. $G.XiVj'7.00. -
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none;
market, steady; lambs, lii.HOpS.Tb.
f'learlnsr lloose Rank Statement.
NEW YORK, Dec. 5 The statement of
the actual condition of clearing house
bunks and trust companies for the week
shows that they hold $ll!.4fi6.K) reserve,
In excess of kxral requirement. This is
a decrease of $11.710,4t4) from last week.
This is th first report of the actual con
dition of the bank atnee the full state
ment was discontinued by the clearing
house at the beginning of the war.
Actual Condition. Decrease
Loans, etc $2.lw),lw,O0O 922,482,10
Loans, etc $2.wi,lW.(iO $2,4S2,OiK)
Reserve, own vaults. f K46.ll6.issk ,.'V:.i)iw
In federal vaults.. W,178,Oii l,470.ou
Other depositories.. 2D,5!i6,0ut l,7M,0iK
Net demand deposits l,9t,047.0i 16.193.0OJ
Net demand deposits 1.W9.O47.O00 16.1'WOOI
IVet time deposits.. W,S,(HI 4,67.000
Clrculauons ,21,)0 N.777.O0O
Excess- reoerv Hi,4(i6,6;0 11,710,400
tOf which $201,628,000 Is specie.
Aggregate reserve , ..$458,890,000
Summary of state banl:s and trust com
panies In greater New York, not Inoluded
In clearing; house statement:
' Decrease.
Loants, tc $6fi8.1,mo $l,453,N0i)
rpci 42,142.000 , :no,m
eoral tenders U2H2.10O VK.300
Total deposits 638,061,400 '3,105, W0
Banks cash reserve in vault ..$11,988,90)
Trust companies cash reserve.. 42,410,100
Nwr Tork Money Market.
PAPER 4f4l6 per cent Hterllng ex
change, weak; sixty day bills, $4.tib4; for
cables, $4 .87; for demand. $4.8726.
HI L vER Bar, 4944c.
lA)NDON, Deo. 6 3 I L V B R Bar,
23 l-18d per ounce.
DISCOUNT KATES 8 months, t&2
per cent.
Bank Clearlags.
OMAHA,. Dec. 6. Rank clearings for
Omaha today were $2,842,4k1.83, and for
the corresponding day last year, $2,421,
607.72. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails
i1I"B8rK'm,?L..,,c, 7Hiuc; choice,
Willie: prime, 54iff6o.
DRIED FRUITS Prunes, steady. Apri
cot and peaches, quiet. Raislne, steady.
Carranza Planned to
Wreck English Road,
Says British Charge
WASHINGTON, Deo. l.-8lr . Cofl
Bprlng-Rice. the British ambassador, In
formed th State department today of a
dispatch from British Charge Hohler In
Mexico City, saying reports were current
that General Carranta was planning to
destroy th British-owned railroad be
tween Vera Cms and Mexico City by
blowing up certuln tunnels.
The ambassador also Informed the de
partment that Carransa had seised at
Vera Crug British cotton consigned to
Interior mills a well as other shipments
of British goods. Ha la understood to
hav made no specific request of th
United States and his action waa In lln
with th staKltshed policy of communi
cation to tha department all reports from
Mexico City.
Aviator Drops Four
Bombs Near Frieburg
BERLIN, Dec. . (Via London, Dec.
I.) Hostile aviators dropped four bomhs
this afUrnoon In the neighborhood of
Freiburg, In Raden, not far from ths
Bwlas frontier. The intention of the
aviators apparently was to destroy the
railroad bridge there.
Cattle Quarantine
is Again Modified
WASHINGTON, Dec. B. Th federal
foot-and-mouth disease quarantine wa
modified today to permit shipments cf
live stock from unquarantined arsas
Into tha Indianapolis and East Buffalo
stock yards and other portions of Iowa,
Indiana, Mich bean and Nsw York.
. CHICAGO, Deo. 6. -A $52,000,000 con
tract for steel raits for spring delivery
was placed today by th Atchison. Topeka
Fanta F railroad, according to W.
E. Hodges, vie president In oharg of
purchases. Th Illinois Steel company
will rol) 12.000 tons of ths rails t Gary.
Ind ,' and th Colorado Fuel and Iron
company will furnish th remainder from
Mlnnequa, Col.
luuea Move Contrarily, Jonda Evin
cing: Greater HeaYinesi.
Cntnsnlttre In Charge of Karfcanat.
Jays Plan 4 Heaim Open
lleallna (ion Re-
yon A Tentative 9tae.
NEW YORK, !. t Bonds and stocks
moed l ontranlv today, lb lonner evlno
111 K greatMi' liKavtniMw, hue tne 01
stock prices lavueo by (lie exrhmuie alter
the close of the session uulbated a tinner
tendency. The oniy pr.iouneet eaceiHIou
to the biwnwara ieiuiek,u in ootids a
again fuinistied by tlx svveral IIihK Is
land Ikswcb, wnlch roae tiom 1 to S point.,
the ltter measuring tho gain in tne col
Imernl 4a.
Dealings In bonds, while relatively
larger in vol u mo than on tee two pre
ceding dt, involved a smaiier itomher
of the isaucs, nuuny of the speculative
bonds being unqutned. There were many
lots of more than moderate .se and in
sveraK transacUoit was in to to fir
Rid and aekevl prk-n of stocks Indi
cated not only a rising tendency, but a
broader Inquiry, intra stocks holng etidea
to the already tnrmldahlo list. Torinv a
bus.nes In stocks, whll not dlscioeed.
wa reported to show an moreae for the
two nourt' over tuo sam period of the
early days of the week.
Contrary to rep.nta. the apcelal rommlt
tee in charge of ttie stock exchange to
day announced, tliat plnns to effect a 1
sumptlon of oeu dea.lnga in stork had
not yet gone beyond tn Aenlallv stage.
Pending more drflnlts devkpmenls.
which may be aaumed to Include th
att.tude of th London exchanse, there
will be no departure from existing regu
lations. The only feature to foreign exchange
was the tnereaaed strength of Rel h
nmrkr. wli!vh rum ve o'er yesterday's
quotatloi;. The movement again lacked
explanation, imihor than the belief that
It reprenled further elllng of our -ourltles
by tiermany.
This, week's bank statement was espe
cially lntreeUng. in that It wa the first
full and complete exhibit made lnc the
outbreak of the war and the first rompre
hensive repcrt of Its kind alnco tne new
rcibtral reser' system tecsm opnrative.
Actual caah losa of $I0.778.J0 Was much
es than general estimate, wh'l the
loan expansion erf about Ki.8tKi.sno was
ascilbed to various syndic l operations.
tlnalne: quotations on bonds today rra
a fellows:
U. I ref. Si. rf... 44 K. T. fl g $H.... M
do eaupoa N T, Pltr 4H 1SM..101S
' do CtHlDofl lit! m 1. . u 1
. 1 D iK'nivni. coa. 4
do rvupe , K)Kadln sen. ..
rtnarns eennna.. t an ia .
Am. HmelUjr. ... W114 j.f.
r .Tuc- 4-
Armour A Co. 4Vk.. to H. lUllwer ...
'? 1- I. 4... Mi nlm iriirio 4s.
v. m m 0 r a im. vi 17. a.Kha. e-
Governor Hunt is,
Asked if He Can
Suspend Labor Law
WASHINGTON, Dee. -On the pro
te.t by th British and Italian govern
ment aaraJnst th ArUona an tl -alien em
ployment law, th fttat department to
day asked Governor Hunt whether his
authority would permit hint to suspend
Its operation and whether he thought It
arivhMhUt to take other measures to pre
vents Its Immediate enforcement.
The Ft ate department also naked Gov
ernor Hunt to send a copy 4f lh full text
of the law, only the substance of which
Is known here, but which. It Is under
stood, require that at least 88 per rent
of those implore1 by any person, firm or
corporation In Arliona :i. ve citlirns
of the Cnlted BtaUa. Th oVnai tinea t
bases its fneseae In n.,veretnr 14imt .n
Information contained In the protest filed'
with the department by the British nail
Italian ambassadors which was furnished
by their consuls In Ariiona.
The British ambaasador Informed the
department that Tlrltish subjerts would
test th law In the courts. He did not
mJt any reference n this note to nay
treaty between Great Britain and the
l'nltd SlaaVa, tut based his protest on
tl revision In the constitution of the
Colled State which declares that no
states shall "deny to any person within
t Jurisdiction th equal protection of th
Th Italian protest was based on the
treaty of isfl between the I'nltod States
and Italy.
Enlargement of Bowling: Field
Brings More Men Into Game.
Midwest Tonnaey Prlif Money Re
reived on Prhertnle Tins mm A
All Joim la Pralee for .
f. M.
111. Ceo. ref. .,
., s
.. i4
.. Mi.
W West, Ilea. v. 6., 44 H
More Rockefeller
Telegrams Will Be
Placed in Evidence
DKNVHR. Colo.. Dee. "ia he nv
one else you communicate with. In New
York except John D. Rockefeller?"
Chairman Walsh of th Federal Industrial
itcietlons commission asked J. F. Web
bo, president of th Colorado Fuel and
Iron company, who resumed his testi
mony today in the Investigation of the
Colorado miners' strike.
Mr. Welborn said heh 1 h.
George J. Gould and others of th seven
iew xor directors of th company ,
"To save time, I shall ask you to file
with us all the telegrams you have re
oIvd from Mr. Rockefeller. Star J. Mur
phy and Jerome Green said tha chair,
"I will bring all the telegrams I have."
replied Welborn.
The witness then Identified a telegram
from John D. Rockefeller, Jr., mad pub
lic yesterday by John R. Lawson of the
United Mine workers. 'nm 1
car to have th telegrams given out as
m.s was yesterday." h said. Mr. Wel
born said the company had thirteen di
rectors, seven living In Now Tork and
si In Denver, that the meeting's of th
company were held In Dmnr n,t
munlcatlon was held with th Rockefeller
Interests as represented by Rockefeller,
urpny ana ureen. H was asked to
fll With th commission all eom,.lnn.
Uons between th New Torlt directors
mi ins uenver offlc. '
Cities Healthier .
Place to Live In
Than on the Farm
CHICAGO. Dec. S.-Cltla are a health
ier place to llv than a farm, according
i i.r. v-an 1 AisDerg, chief of th United
State bureau of chemistry, who spoke
here yesterday at a public health exhibl.
tlon at the City club. Precautionary meas
ures, he pointed out. reduced h
rate In th cities.
"Th larger cities." Dr. Alsberg said,
"need federal protection far leas h th.
small town or rural community. In many
isies in large cities are the only points
which hav any real sanitary protection.
"Our rural population of 49.000.000 per
sons, including the 80.000.000 that llv on
farms, recelv.4 little state health pro
tection and maintain no local protective
system of their own. Thy ax not safe
guarded from Polluted wat.r .,ir,ni
- ' , . j ...
sewag disposal, nor aralnst contaminated
mux, meats and other foods."
Santa Claus Ship
. Leaves 'Frisco With
5,000 Tons of Gifts
SAN rTtANClSOO, Dec. 5. -Carry glfu
to Belgium from China, Australia, Hono
lulu and California, th riiif m
Camlno put to ssa todav. auh ...
whistle of all th water front wiehin
it a safe and swift voyage, 't should ar
rive In about twenty days,
Eleventh hour gifts poured n yesterday
and today, almost to th mlnut of sail
ing, bringing th total value of the cargo
taken on her almost a i
Angeles harbor 800 more tons are to b
taken aooara. making a total of mora
than (.000 tons.
Chiefly th cargo consists of flour,
beans, rice, dried fruit, botatoea.
canned milk, peas, corn, tomatoes, mis
cellaneous food stuffs and 8,000 cases of
Congress to Hear
President's Message
Tuesday Afternoon
WASHINGTON, Dec. e.-Congrss lead
ers made arrangements today for a
Joint session of house and senate at 11:80
Tuesday, to hear President Wilson read
his annual addroas. Formal resolutions
to that effect will bo perfected when con
gress reassembles Monday.
Thirty-Five Killed
By Base Ball Play
During Last Season
CHICAGO, Dec. I. Thirty-five flouths
and 818 Injuries were reused by base ball
during W14, according to records made
public today by J. K. Vlckery, who ha
made a study of the effect of the national
pastime on the life and health of Young
Of th players who died from Injurloa,
twenty Were hit by pitched balls, five
were struck by bats, four wer In col
Unions, four over-exerted ' themeelvea,
one was hurt sliding to a base snd one
was killed In a fight.
Injuries to amateur players are classi
fied aa follows:
Broken limbs, S14; dangerous Injuries,
forty-two; serious Injuries, twenty-thre:
concussion of brain, eighteen; fractured
skulls, thirteen; paralysis, four; sprains,
thirty-seven: spikes, twenty-six; frao
tures, seventeen; dislocations, seven;
torn ligaments, t4n; eyes, seven; teeth
knocked out, four.
riuyers hurt In the minor leagues
number HA; American league, sixty-nine;
National league, sixty-one; Federal
league, fifty-six; college, teams, eight,
and prairie teams," elghty-slx.
Great Battle Said
to Be in Progress .
in Upper Alsace
13KRN K, Rwltserland. ' Deo. 5. (Via
Paris. The sound of heavy cannonading
In upper Alaaca has been heard aa far as
Basel and other localities near the Bwlas
frontier. The main struggle between th
French and Germans, according 1' re
ports reaching the Swiss ' frontier, Is
around Altkirch and Damcrklrch.
HONOLULU, Doc. I.-An exodus of
Japanese Is assuming Noteworthy propor
tions her. Thousands or veteran of th
Russo-Japanese war aro preparing to re
turn to th colors. Word has readhed
them that they may expect to see serv
ice with their allies, the British, In
Egypt, Africa and' India.
CHICAGO, Dec. 8,-Thr club In tha
American association made money In th
season of 1114 it wss announced today
by President T. M. Chlvlnglon, who 1
berk at league headquarters, after his
wedding trip. Two clubs broke ven or
better, two others lost money, but not
discouraging amounts, and th eighth
city, St. Paul, undoubtedly was a heavy
loer. Mr. Chlvlnrton said.
Milwaukee. Loulsvlll and Columbus
were named as the trio which had a
profitable seaacn. Cleveland, and Min
neapolis bnkc even. Kansas City lost
money, so did Indianapolis and St. Paul.
The Kansas City club owners say their
loss was not heavy, but th Indianapolis
rlub lost 8l'i.l, according to th stock
holders estimate. Tresldent Chlvlngton
beileres park Improvements and purchas
ed players were Included In this state-
ment. St. Paul's losses hav been es
timated as high aa
'The American association is wall
fortified for another year of warfare,"
'resident Chlvlngton aald In commenting
on th outlook for 1315. "v ar not
worrying about the Federal league, but
ar trying to strengthen our teams. 'It
ts doubtful If the Federals hurt us much
In attendance, except so far as th p res
en m of a third league hurt base ball In
g-encrnl. lioth our Indianapolis and our
Kansas City clubs were affected more by
their position In the pennant race than
by the independent league's opposition.
We anticipate a prosperous season, with
affairs satisfactorily adjusting them
selves In St Paul, where a change ts re
ported na likely to orcur."
W Invlt your attention to
Administrator's Sale
48,039 Acres Louisiana Lands
Tie rleatu Trait A RSTlnw Rank ef Ie
Dirl-e, La., mi xtmlntatratnr of th estate f
Krenclx A. oit. aeaexea, ui on DmaMr
lith, 114, ef'er tor Mil at Dubll auvtloa to th
leet snd hlshnet bl4.ter undwr twelve month
t'milit, fortr-lnt ttiowmni arm el vlrgl pralrl
land, lort4 nlieul six mile Hevth of l,ek '
Cherle with orellrst alhwrtmvnlng ww,
bout el mil rrowt a rallrus ami about three
aille from th eroeejeri route r th Intereoasui
ranal, ailurillng both rail and water tranaporta
tton larllttiM.
A vminnr' Ilea will be reserved upon the prop
erty for th pares price, and Is eddltloa th
purrhaeer will be required t giv perennel secur
Ity. A wonderiul psartusttr (ar CIU1. -
freilni or fe gmwlag Ornfrs, Orape-Frnlt,
M.WII, l'coan, hire, aufer Can. C'utloa, Cera,
fril el e or any tlsrdea Trara.
l 'urihr Intorauttloa aiay k had 'by addranlag the
Ci!et4ii Trast S4iaf4 Bask, Lik Csallti, U.,
rr Ceatral WiatsssiifrtatCa Assists, Whi.
GOLD STOCKS LoonniG amd CBvrt fkkb. nw iu
Jit nut romment en th smepUonal lliun la
Jumbo Rxteailea from I rs to 44 a share.
Write 4 onn for FH RIB 8M'I.K CXPT of thl
phenomenally swnceeaful puMiailoa, edited sy
Harry J. Newtna. a rerosuiied leading aaUiorlty,
wh ha devnU year 40 a, study of sis ub
trt. 41 sport a . mm anlnlni eoajtMuiiee; tnlslog ea
Stnesea' dvemrtmHrtl lal dp.trtaaeat, Kew. sevel
nd tella th truth In unmdrtakanl lansuas.
Breeay and rellalil. Prwltlvair of terrle to you.
The bnat err puMlahMt. rRrSB DAMrui CrtfX
tr aditrln DtllJkKB ANls OtMTS, 100 Rall-
rarhanaj Building. DeaMr, Ooio, Jaw a
poat card will do. ,
7 Stock for Sa!
An omaha corporation In actlv bus!
riesa for twenty years dffers for sat
fifty shares guaranteed Seven pr cant
preferred stock redeemed) from former
swnurs. No agents. Will all aUnrat.
A 17 Car of
A Great Saving
For Every Coal User
Have you taken advantage of th Tecumaah Coal offer? If not, w
want to talk to you. W want to tell you how w can save monay for
you and what It means to bo a Tscumseh user.
Hundreds of people In your own vicinity ar. Tacumseh users, and
they have saved from til to ft per ton on their coal thia yervr. Here's
the reason: We ar tha mine owners you buy from us, and get your
coal direct from th mines. You eliminate th coal middleman. Their
profits become your savings if you ar a Tecumseh user. Then, our
mines located near Vincennea, Ind., ars close at hand. That means no
long, costly freight hauls for you to pay for. Tecumseh foal Is good
coal, guaranteed under a deposit bond as to quality and weight- Before
leaving ths mines, every pound of Tecumseh coal is run Qer our giant .
Marcus Picking Table, and that Insures
you against Inferior quality coal. You get
Tecunueh clean, and you will find lt to
be free burning and clinksrl.
We guaranteed Tecumseh Coal to pro-'
due 13,409 II. T. U.'s to ths pound, with
onlly e molstur and t ash. If you
are a snisll user, ask us about ths Te
cumseh Coal Club flan. Thousands of
ooal users who couldn't use a carload
have been benefited by this plan. Write
us today get mors information.
S7 !:
2 .&iA-v '8S
I YiftJ
In Carload Lot F. O. B. Mines
Inch Domestic Egg ...
i-incn uomesiio Mut ,.. per ton
. m.uu per ton
h IHimestlc l,ump 11.00 per ton
had MIn Run. any six nor ion
tioreenlngs $1.00 pr ton
lVfe-lach Lump n jo par ton
f reight rst to your city is low.
Mluars and Bhierwrs.
W. 1L Howe, Prealtlent.
Job r'reeman, Vle-Pr.
iMVld Ingle, Vlce-I'rea.
J. IK Coulter, Hec-Treas.
19 Mccormick Butldina-. Chicago.
Long instance Tel. Harrison 11 SI.
Have You Idle Money ?
Are you seeking a profitable and lucrative in
vestment? I HAVE IT
No Gold Mine or Oil Stock proposition. A prop
osition of merit. .
If interested I will esk in placing thi3 before you
that you give me and my proposition a fair and im
partial hearing. Address F280 care The Omaha Bee.
4 ;f