Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1914, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4-C, Image 32

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a-i'Ht t-A I -- properly, net 1 per
aaat. $n,(i i first mrrtge. net
ent- threat rm House, m'n
tt ht Marn. - l.'i, rented per
f 'Ki'ik Trwdn or rent. II room mn-lom.
r. Arf- T. A. HI'KNCER, a N.
iln Pt , onncH iiff, M.
vl4'M family hotet tna-tina; l-O a
rtwnth above all etnona-a. O. nee mixl
easy term.
r.oom 44Ticc lid, r'hnrie Imngla JU77
PAI.KS manaret warted lo open tiffin
nil mui. hIwiik-b throughout n
ate. New. but thoroughly provn article.
I li Ovm require. In carry stneH. fully
wnitn!. Ic-tnllltlea nnHr-lted. Haftff, i
'M Vlory HMg Chiri;n,
ElON. nw crl. 'lar t n, U,l.i"
f HKHKncvr a a letter time t" ft
Into buaincs. V, hat attractive
nrnlnjra; Hardware end groceries, dninv;
VV peer te-tnln!a intcrret lor
l.i. A going restaurant In Omah.i.
lettln( ei a mntitn. hnlf lnterel for
J2fl. A very III tio tMttl will let you
Into a new ennr venlini machine that
will ma e-nie man a millionaire. A
Inaim tilmv,. good town, good farm
ing country, n.!Y !n't overlook a
Px1 thine Perliap w have nlut yo:t
1,100 Iba., UA
A OOoli team. hora. .,.
t&i Harrimin Bt.. South Omaha.
Telephone Bnth Jn?.
NoTICK fo a caiiJa l,'W-uin.init
team of young mare, both wild foal,
absolutely sound and good worker,
owner rhsnirlng bii-lnes. Call at resi
dence Jon Howard St.'
TO Ofc'T In or nut or business. ( all on
TH "ATRliA Buy. Jeaaeor your the
ater, machine 'end airUea through
Theater Kxchanr. Co., 1405 Farnaiii St.
iKmalas iX'i;.
TRAVK1INU aaleaman to represent lead
ing eastern union overall ho ie In wrl
ern states; stratgnt commla on; refer
ncea requlreil: nta" territory coveted
and Una carried. Tha lvy Ovarall Mfn.
Co., Clnr I n n nii . f.
VK IIAVk reariftered with ua a numli't
ot men wh want to ajt biiiii-a
and thy have the money. Her ara tha
On ha flri ft,r controlling Intareat
lit a, hank; another haa rf..C" anl ona
haa for aonj hnnk opanlnc. V
bava an airjierienced mrrohant who haa
fc.0W to rt Into ftnin. I'Kyliix huslne.
inn with in,) another annul R'JM
for tiianufadurlnp with tteoutlva poi(
tlona tooth caliabla men. A atleiulUl
(wnman, caal.U atnl txMtrincr bual
neaa man. haa tio.fc for oanUlnar or
loan bueineea. A aood malt order man
haa about tl.OnO for a huklna neeillnaT
that iort of promotion and many of them
do. Here' a a mnn who haa t!. for
general rnerrnanniaa una anntnar
ntwHl a partner? Writ" fully what youJ-nodel; both a-rlpa hraen off
hava nl let m r"t you In toitrlt with, NETJUA PKA CTt.'I.K CoMVAST
M ! I aaaMa
ACCTIOV aale at Mleourt parlfte Bal'
wy. If'th and Mrholaa t., le-enior
M. Ii Kour (!n plowa K, K, t I Haa
llrrowa K IV, f WalKtna; Cultivator.
iTAMiFTT.TayM ton. ""Waan'ar. H N I.
fon. PAI.K lttrpraa and eUcant
at and rplandH wtiii tinti: rta I t r ca
l'jw III ae f.ic 1 Addrea A 27... et.
f-l-rie'1 mrh ilmtj Wt"rk i 'n . tl A Haul.
I'ltl'erv anl turn. inl Tel. e'lorenc )!.
ITkaCTI Kl I. mineral rVl lev t Inn. epel
men. Inde. il ctblnet. II; BK-ky Moun
teln pol rerna, t- drt'-n; eml-prerloui
Mrth Komi; Iniilerny. Plnaon MlnmR
Co., Ienver. Colo.'
CALlKi'llNlA hntfl a ronnnodnlion "r
tlflrate for tiee durlna lair rar:. Inrae
cnmtnlaaion; atrona; -oinpany. Write at
ontf. California Motel h'aervatlnn Co.,
Ukanar IUJk., 1 xa Aaire:e, Cnl
f hava an operatlna tabln
Irrlrator ami aet of ur-
arern'a lntntnvnt. never -en uel.
W II e very rhenp. ftriiM. Ki Par
Ara.. On .11. a. Phona Harney ;.
Ilaraea and Vehlrlea.
JIKAVT toamtti near, farm' wamn A
liarnea: Ursa tm k Ac nttraetlva prk-ea,
Johnaon-ranforih Co. t,"..'-!! y fit.
HKHiSH, bav mare, we h'n aoout .
Ilia., for aale. Huy her at your nvti
prl -e. I look her In on mrtae; have
no iim nor place to krep her. rintna
t'ouala 471
Pron havlnif loet antna arllrle wotill
do well to i all up tlie olfloe of tha Omaha
A Council I.tuffa Ktr-et Hallway tmntn
tr aNcertaln wneUtar thy lod It la lit
atreet rara.
Many article ecn day ar tttnied In
ml tha rompnny la anxlivia to rratora
tl.em to the rightful owner Call r.o:u. .
. ti.;n.
Ona Frira'alnr iniiinrAu i.u ...t',
I dee. nV ( . ri.iv, i j . . . .
' ' -. .-.-' .lumi limn in ironi oi
vho .tha Omuha n iiih ... fc w..
wui put, a-vi." ui nwrutara noi iiirniiiiTr. utnH jno. uli44; haaollaHt
iniainc ror hit wo you lank. The waa nulla ruetvi luti
tn"n wno urn lonktna" foe roit,
vxcp, .
WANTED Toung huitler who dooa not
drink or amoka, who know aomethlns
at tha meat or arocary bualnaa; ono who
haa ll.ttXI to MjO to Inveat In a frowlnn
bulaoaa. Addratm ttaakat Store, Uonaial
Office, If O Pt., Mncoln, Neb.
.vm nntR
VA C( M cleaner far aato.
cteanln! done In llut hom.
cVr ( e Ca , n pe HIH.
frr eak. Tacitann
Ha Repalrlwaj.
fanltary , Fleet rlc fhoe Wp, Co . 1"T Pf. Maey- At.
llfB rent, rrpalr. aell need lea and part
VY for all a-wlng machine. N B
' HrtASK CTCI.B CO.. Mlckela,'
lr.'h n.l Harney. Itotiglaa 13-
imhtiim kitchen uten-
tom tunatlon. not aold
ctory Salesmen. Web.
ilia. Topular
in to re a. Kac
iMi. i itv rai. nana tuna;, lyicr
IV. A llUUHlk' 1' P A
4'Oj'tam Bldg. Ooufla
HA K FR. V A VV TK W W orTr1.""
t Pama Pld. Iim-glaa 7Kd
Addlna Maeblaaa.
I-alton Ad1lnr Hchlna. !!
AoMer Mch. Co. (Waleai, W
JR. t 14 1
o w. f.
Everett . Indda, l Pavton Plk.
D. 7M.
OMAHA Flint E., 14th and flour. Motion
ptctura machln and rum harnalna.
Aaln anil Ma(t Hepalrlaa.
Maimeto rrpair work a apeclalty. t-MH.
A act loner re.
Do wd A aHloa C.. I1B W. O. W. Red :
lilaa I'rliitlaa.
Nn Pank Hldg.
It Chalra, 10c Hhare, ner-li ahave. KIT far.
Hraaa I'oaadrlea,
Paaton-Mttrheil Co,,
?7th and Martha Pt.
Ilulldfaa; aad llepatrtaat.
B. FJIANTA, (II Paxton Hlk.
rmi(t. nw.
( literal an Writ Dlctjlna.
JCFIKII well or cittern cleaned or dut
HCHAFKKIl 1"e It. Phono Web. tVJl,
(nllforala Laada.
W, T. Hrolth Co., nil City Nat. P.k. D. 2Sl.
teal ilealara.
$"i rif Johnaon'a aneclal, alao Victor nut,
'J.OVJ y up Phone 1). 170 J.
f b I raarar tors.
L. Otdd a, IV c, rue pidit. rou;. 4?W.
China Pal at la.
Ruth Ietrhfor.l. decorating. flHna. R.'442.
(Irl I Ksialaeera.
M. J. KAl.'Y, Ml PER TLnO.
notra. 47H.
( rcawt 'panttara.
Tha Pharnie flcpnrator Co., 12th ft Farn.
( lark llepalrtaa;.
lirrn- f'rr rii riora repairing.
T . Wr l'.. la . i. . . 1 1 .
' ' inniwn I'liii , r nr, linn.
ills, white faca anil hraaet; bat eara; ' lir tee Urea,
louio i iiTvi. j ei. ii. i as or w. u
Kury, Herman. Nb.
Weh. 11! i.
ataa aad khowearaa
r. m H-tN, m n. uttt rr
atore and Offlaa Flatare.
DESKS, aafea, acaUa. ahowcaaea, ahet-
ln, etfi W a boy, aell. Omaha Flutnr
and fit., 414!-in a y y Q. fr".
el t rlllaara.
CARTER Ktept Metal MforVa, ltd W imh.
Taerel Supplies.
OMAHA Towel Huppty, m H. 11th. P. ?
flTA.MP.1 Pok of fora.m alarn s; wH
awap for victor recorfla. Ad" B
C. m. Po.
fHOT fil'N-W hat hava you to awa fr
a atngle barrel .lfVgauaa ahot
W! sell rhaap for cash, Addreaa. Se C.
gut. Bea.
jaflt aad laata rat T: wilt awap fo, )
norre. Aiinvmm n. t . we.
IO.R, ahowcarda. Oark Ar f4on. I. IXTK
Traaka aad alteaaea.
F R FI.INO d- "TF.lNT.ri, iw Farnam H.
t.ANfiERTOI', in V. 1rth ft.
O. OIKN 4k CO., 112 H. Mh 8t, 2d floor.
I)H. O. R. TOI.'XO, 4W Center Wat .
Wladsw gkada ( leaaara aad aafarra.
OLD ahailea mada tike pew. Mldwent
Hhade Kartorv , it H a ml i tow. Wal. alul.
Wfaea aad Llajaara.
At. EX JETESt. WM 8. 1.1th Fi. Wnea,
liquor, clsara. Plate dinner. II to I. Vw.
ilobo ll'iunr houae, iv'4 N. lath; CalJ.)rn!a
win. II. b per fnl. V rrtefor prp-e list
henry poT.iTiclc Liucoh HOirsrc,
lVh Niid Cupltol Art. Ten-cent lunch.
Ht'V vo'T family llq'wrt at Klein a
Uqtior liotiac. ill St. lGlh. Iou! UOt.
8irEHOARD fkilld, uuarter-aawed nak
aldabnard; coef IT; would awap
for Vlctrolre. A'Mreaa f. C 1.VM. rW.
WATCH Oentlemana amall else. 15
Jewal. Kicln, Js-year caaa, new. Will
awap for ahntguiv er target rifle. A 1
draea . C. KM-
WII.Ij eachanaa for an auto, part of my
atuck In an A 1 mrporattoft of Omaha,
doing a laraa tMiainesa and paid 1?. per
cent dividend last year. H. C. J"Y Poe.
WILL trade my equity In -r oattaga,
3tth and Curtis. Call Weh. r7.
kodak or eamara of aonua klrxl, or what
hava you. 8. C. 2S6, Baa.
BLOCK or 24 LOT9
t4fx$ cash, lift par month. A aouare
block of a)oi. dry. ravel land. Naar
I'nton Pacific Trarwfar. Not aubje:t to
overflow. ulraM fnr- gardan or chirk
ana, and, cloea wnrujjrht ta wort ao you
can llvo on It and uaa your apara time
bi adrvantaga Hs;ht a hnnt
)ilu Peart St.. Counrlt Bluffa,
Three) mile at Council Bluff. A good,
all around placw. All gned gardan lamt.
nut anoirt lira acrea, which la m grapor,
and U an excollent rlneyarel Hand. Flva
acrea liesrtng archard. flva acres, alfalfa.
Eight room houae, small barn, Inrga m
rrvolr for water work or Irrigation. Will
all whnla plaoa for t$SA9 or dlvtda to
alt purchaser.
Paarl at.. Couadl Bluff.
VMIOW UTATION Trath aad Maawa
M Uaa art Pad Ha
Totert to Decide Whether liceaiei
ShaJl Bt Seroked.
Tltr Coraaell Haa Right ta Oectde,
kat Jltaleni Will AMI hr
Vota a'l tka Pavapla.
(Froirl Staff Correeponflent )
MOV NBA, la., Pac. l.-nparuU
TrVpgrara.V-Tha voter of Pe Molhe
wilt hava att opportunity to y whether
the 1 saloon Ueeasaa. which expire tha
first oC nasal month, ah all be revoked
or caattnuad. Tib raerandum will h
Januaa-y 1. whan tha voter will
be aat ad aay wh titer they favor
contlnotnc e( eajoon.
Under) tba law. th city council h
the rlrh to decide the mattor, but many
ber haw Indicated viilingn to abide
by tha Vote. It will ba taken at th
tlrnw of s. Aperlal lcton for Iraaehl
for tha sCeat car company,
!fcstrlr iTfcraa;! wltli PareaMiaa.
The tiOa eeuJa coupcll ha nearly
finish! thei pore haa of ground for the
cajjlLol extellon and tt land . agen haa
ceased ta Etirley ron with property
owner fog nrle. -AU the rest will be
ecured by condemnation and appralBC
ment by a Juryr. Tha Talue of the tract
aot yet eecarvd la eatlmated at about
KW.M& Th a flit may hav ta par
'aorrwrwhat larger prioe It the appraise-
mont la hltrh. Th atata haa bousht land
at oort of nearly tO(V0O and haa paid
for the aame. 8-me portion of th area
for which purchna waa aathorlaed re
main untouched. 1 The aUte haa yet to
aell eld "Governer1 aauare" and with
ALTOMOBIIJ'V-Buick auto, I pa-meager,
in perfect order; nW tires. Will aU or
exchunge for equity Ir. good cottage,
house or for desirable bldg kit. Describe
what you have fully In firat letter. An
il reaa H. C. .'4. Pee..
A 1,'TO Overland uuto coura for sala ar
. exchange at a bargain; ta In eacellent
conUltloji; please deaenbe what you have
fully. Aodr-e W. C. JtC. Bee.
AlffoMbBlLK Jlave new - h. p.
tandanl make, electric lighted and
starter. Will trade for lighter car or
clear Incline property, or will give die-
......... L . j - - a , . n
.--.- T- I tVnsrt Si-I ail
AUTOMOlILE- or ether automobile ;K. r. Ht. L . a I l a T l mm F Otrh-. Laala hma....t:Ms 1:11 la
bargain eta th Automobile ciaaalfi- k. C. ft. I., tum a 11 is pa at o am Mn Siprea... a : ia ii:iai
ration. ! K. C. a KU Paul a I 0 pa a t a) tai i tanbanr Lx-l troia C. p..h : pa bld:15 sjb
AUTO Overland auto coupe body for aale ( lca Ciaaatt Weal era i rktcagjo,
or exr.i.aiiBO ai n oargain; ia in eac-.- , Twta ntr IJmltet a S a a 3 am I nABT.
Rack lalaaa dk I'acLflc
AVlsH to sorreapoiid with a Proteafant
cultured ladv. X to M. with Rlrtni to
take one-fourth or one-third or one-half
Interest In A-l established hiiaine. No
Investment reiutred liefore fully aallttfled
of the buslnee Inttsgrily, Addres Y-302,
care Pee.
real eetute
Wong City.
Yiil K biieine or
aold. JIM WHAT,
font S-Vwnrd adverllsemant plncml in
Iml monthly maaailnea one month for
II. i three months for II. W. Write for
list. K. U, Miller. Syracuse, N. Y
' Iavetaieata,
mmm ' Our Nebraska farm morU
1 rsgca ara not affeotad by
V'- Kurnuean war or paatca.
Jit Amount Ij to J. W
collect all interest and
y lrlt.clpal fie of chtrtre. W
ear In th Nebraska farm loan field
wKhelt ior I our tecord.
171 Otnnha Nat. Hank Hiuu. Otanha. a.
tar at I are.
New 6 ld-1:and furniture, caah r termt;
rsiuiuble. Amer. Furn. Co., Xrt N. lth.
LOST Black and white anetted Llewellyn
sitter; finder please Phone Wal, liOl or
btlng Uiv'.N Cera Ht Reward.
I, (1ST Fo terrier pup; 77lVtle tan on rlilo
of head; reward. C. K. Carlson, trll H.
ST,th Ave.
LOST Green handbag rontnlntng llvr
watch and IS, between Kllpntrlck store
nd 16th and Karnam or on West Bid car.
itewwrq. Harney W7.
UiT Biack'muffTtrTmmed witff marten
fur, Phone Harney 47.
Hanscom Park
Six Room
House k
V nv a rcry pretty new home, only
wo Mock from ttanarom Park, that can
he aold on easy tcrma. TV. Is home ia oak
flnlhcl, with beam tclllniia, built-in
hook caaee and buffet, fireplace: toilet
ami laundry In ba;-mcnt; large gnraK;
lot fc-xixi p,,.t ivt located at 140
Lincoln Are. A small cottnga would be
ccepti'U In trade.
Norris & Norris
W Ht HIHg Phnna loiig. 4I78
Gordon Van Co.
Furniture Packing
Phone Douglas 394
fcolJD. quarler-aaweil uk aldeboard;
al I.Oj, lor saie at a aaciitice; will
take 17. A blgjuiaiiAdilremM 8, Hoe.
ClUi FoNIKa. diesse'rVml buHet7"pric.
, rlma for caah. J. C. Itaad
"totii, i:i Farnam it.
Orf SAOc-eT.ndhTn4'l!sk, cliap fur
aah. J. heed Moiage, IXfl Farnam.
FOR ALCA11 niy houachuid
Pnorm M. in, evcnlna.
Masioal laatraaacnle.
tTSM BU. a Kimball uprWht piano,
first c)k cr.n.l.i.oa. Foley Luu Ca ,
IN-4 Frni:n, epntaira.
M MONKYT eVe ita 'Julck rvlr.
Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT
Co, M Paxton Block. Poncia 1111.
Piles, Fistula Cured
Tr. B, It Tarry eurea nllei. fistula and
other rectal dlsvasna without surgical op
eration. Cur guaranteed and no money
paid until cured, Wr'te for bonk oa rectal
diea- with toatiironlala DR. C. ft.
Runtlirn Cured In a few day without
-lUIJtUll ., rll nr vrlla fw Wr.v
K4 Be Bldg, Omaha. Established 1SW.-0
JAME ALLAN. 1J Neville Blk. Kvl
dfhea ecurail In all eaaea. Tyler 11M.
limning Mcret Kerviix.
InugU 7wm or Wehter flll.
Uanrlnf Aeaaeaala.
Tiirpln'a Dancing Academy, mth Tarn.
(letievleve llattflnire. phone Web. m
CHAMHKRH' Academy, clasxlc. li. Ik71.
Maikle's Academy, now open. 1K1 Har.
LATEST dancea, prl. or clam. Web. i,
Torry t'reMmak'g college, jftth A Farnam.
L 1 1 E sS M A K I NO reaaonabln price.
Mine oreen, Sflft sit. Mary's Ave. I. 44.'.
. ..,-(.. jr. .T : r -
wiwm fill maaa to order, H up:
aklrta, I3.W epi alo remodollng. Irwin.
8U Co. luth. Doug. ffog.
Ml M. Morln, Oown74(i Cass. II.
FAfilllONAPLI-; dreamaklng. Vn Corliy.
watwqn""s u;nd, ikii'lSoiiglaa.' rtTiToL
Ir. Brdbury.
No pain. ISO Farnam.
Iir. Todd' alveolar dentUtry. 401 Brandel
Pallethefentist, 7il City NatT'Hank;
Talt Dental Room. 1M? Dnuglaa. D. IIM,
Pyorrhea, Pr. Flckea. 7H City Nat. Bank.
W muat hav L40v ubarrtptiona
h tadfe Horn Journal..,, ..II M
The gnlurday Evening l't....!! ')
The Country Gentleman II M
In lecember or the 7,tt cannot
be earned for THE INVALID
Your order or renewal rantrlbute
40o or more toward the auuport of
a score of Invalid who have re
ceived nenilnn check fnr nearly
two years, (lift auhscMptiona an
nounced by beautiful Xmas. folder
U reach your friend Xinaa. ava.
VKKK KAMPLK niarvcloua Halcuia M(n
enil poap, made from water of wonder
ful Lake of Mystery Heat toilet cvtn
Pleiun; plmpica, skin eruption; , for
beautifying; women's coloring, A bath for
the elect. No eoi-c'lor for all toilet uaa.
K . cur Co., Ki ytn. Horn Bank Dldg..
Milwaukee, Wla,
UrJNTAL work, half price for short tlmeT
yeara practice, newly located.. B 2t.
rare !.
Tlll-j tlvatlnn Army Industrial home
h It your old clothing, furniture nie
ylne. We collect. We rlstribute. l'hon
loiigia 4)31 and our wagon will ca'l. Call
fnd Inapevt ur BW baine. Ultt-lllMui
Ktitse nt.
, In new and used piano.
Our lociu.y imreastiia nuinia-r ol aHtla-fk-d
CuMomars are our only salesmen,
l.fiiee. no eatarUs or coiiiuiiBlon.
New rionoe. some of tiie wuild'a best
make. Oranda. I'prighta and I'layera.
from . lo lM lee than other pianos ol
etiuai merit. riliKlitly Uaed stamlard
l-ne Ktory A Clark Parlor Organ.
I Teyl'ir A Horn eiija Trombone.
I ) hHib MamJulin.
AU pruoilcaliy new at a sacrifice.
g1 yinnr foton r toTe Itliia. IV aoi?
EUI K THOMHiiNi!. foreign Msake. very
reasonable. ii Hiandela illdg
Gordon Van Co.
Piano Moving
Phone Dou glas 394
t j ttenrttere.
TTPVWFnUui sold rai.leU. fe-.l..e.t
Cei ti si jTypev. r.ter K iiai :e rt' t i, n
lii"sT Kim olittu, Iirci4 atui auiiift
1 l ':.-r cf ttie.e ea.krr. The luuun(,
tin 1 ! writer ". 'llephon Laug,
J 4. l;.fntai ndlu-d It yen pur.nas. aJ
er.if tty liawt r.d hitit !,
r! jncs lit out. Kaicr, tine iiK-uin lur
li I r uiiJvi'stroke tr.MChltiea or II per
I'lr n f'.r tai-t .mw-I lpl,l writers
TOCNO women commti o Omaha a
stranacia are Invited te vialt the Young
1 omen Christian Association building at
lilh KL ant tt. Uirvi Ave., her tbey
will be directed to suitable boarding ptacva
Or oilier wtsa asatsted. Imk (or our trav
elara' aid at tli L'ulon atatlua.
f TitKKoTYPK make the "b-'nt
nd cheapest lining lor pou.lry house,
lliey are Ux'JX liulna, Biniiik'.r and mors
lutalle than tailed felt end practically
''.a nunorm at i ne iee office,
itUed grain,'per liA""w'agner.'rrN 1
URt'OM at rut prices; freight paid on HO
order; catalogue free, cfiertnan Ac Mo
Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
Bilaetria heaipllea.
LFBRON Fleo. Wka.,
m . nth. d. ma.
lent condition; pled describe what you
have fudy. Addtesa n. C. w. Bea.
Al'TO Overlnnd auto coup body for sale
or exchange at a bargain; 1 in excel
lent condition; pie describe what yon
have fully. Addresa 8. C. Ktt. Pea.
A t'TO Want to swap for ome aecond-
hand 31x4 auto rase and Inner tube.
Address .. C. SH, Bee. '
AirTO Will wap a late date high-grade
Mtanlav aiaamer runabout. In perfect
condition, for material and contract work
on house, 'ini is in tune o m j
to secure a snap. Addresa B. C. 818, Bee.
Twta Ctfy g
Illlnal Centra
CMrate Ltatlte a 19 aei a : a
Oteass Use- a I'M sal a trie pal
CbleaireH Sluwaakt 4t t. faai
a B tl aat a aaa ' Rockr Moaaeula IJaikad.
l a :! rhirseo u al rungir
.sit U mat 1 1:06 pm
.aJO 00 am bl:U am
..a I M am a 4:40 pm
.a 1:1 am an -M am
.. 64 pm a !:H pm
..a 1:1 am
,. am alt reta
Ftolr Improvemcnta. plenty of water, all
level, equity of 5.K) to trade for raer
rliuniltao or Omaha property. Thla I
prcedrlght. Adilre K m. Be.
LAND Will trad equity of 4,c0 for
grocery or inerchandlae stock or Omaha
close in residence. Address L 24, Bee,
Al'TO-Have Hudson oar which 1 will
trade fur equity In good cottage, or a
good lot.
ood ahaoe
overhauled. Address S. C. lf. care Bee.
r equity In good cottage, or a Y'...L"?'1"V
Car ha new tire, body 1 In ", 1fr'
s- -".'L'nen!, n. ..-I W iT.;
bl Hl.NKS.S ( HANCE Hv a gaa con
tract for llKht and heat open that I
virtually Indmpenaabl; will pay a rua
tlcr l-DO to 4U per month; to exchange
for farm or residence In town, Ieciiu
lully please. Address 8. C. M. BeA
contract work for auto not too high
riccd. build a caraga or repairing. 8. C.
CEMENT Want to awap for aom 300 ce
ment rock-faced block for other per
aonal proiierty. A good deal await you.
Add reaa A. C. S, He.
BKN FSNftT ER. 1410 N. 4th St. Web. Vtf.
Knprl.laa tmm .
Woman' F-aohange, 431 Pax. Blk. R. HS.
XcCORDlON. aide, knife, aunburat. box
: - , I .. . .-, K . . ,, : ,
yi iim, . . . v, vwi.vh, mi a. ava anu
styles; hemalltchlng, ploot edging. Ideal
nesting Co., Oougla Block. D. 1MM,
CROtrilf.T work for Christmas; leave pr-
uvn, mrm. x.iaiir'rai, LaQ.
A. HONAOIirK. ln Harney.
Toug. ivn.
HATH g florists, 1H Farnam t.
Iliva A ewOUOOA, 141i Farnam, Ht.
U MKNUKRttON, 1! Farnam. D. 1M
Member Florist Telegraph iel. Ann.
Halg Preaalaar.
Harper method. R. , Baird Rldg. D. Mil.
Hat Trlasaied.
HaU trimmed, c. F. limberton Web 1U4.
1-lkkttaaj Flatarea aad Wiring.
Klectrlc fixture and aUDollea. eonraob-
Jng and rri'nlr work done rvaonatl.
it .its ci:utNri ri ii hit. ah i&io
DF.NT18T outfit for aale cheat-or win
trade for omothtna; I can use. Outfit
consist of Columbia dental chair, eleo
(rlo engine, dental engine, electrlo motor,
fountain aputoon. eic.i vnui w
.. -M. m vm nn 11 m id, 11. t,
have you' to trade? Addres 8. C. KtO. Bea.
Piclflo Llmtteit .....
Chlraso Htiedsl
Itklracn ba'llfht S
Mar II la. Lao I
Unlaw Pardflo
Oet rlanit Llailted a l-e am a pm
C'allloraia Mall 4 4:H alt:4 am
Omaha Kxprans ' a l:S pm
Atlaata Kxprsm a i:M am
L Anfsln limited all M am a 1:41 pm
Celorado Ripreia ........... 4:0 pm a 4:01 pm
Colorado Peerls .....all w am a 1:0 am
lsn Frsnruro Llmtt4 slO:S0 am
Parlfte limited U:M am' a 1:4 pm
Oraenn-'W.ishtaataa Ltmtie..alO:H am a 1:11 pm
Nerth rtstie i-wal a 1 11 am a 4:4 pm
Oread Ulead Lonak a I SO pm tld lO ia
atrassurf Loral , UI 41 pm bll ta pm
Cklcaajo A Northwestern
Twin City Bpm aa. I T II n al:U pm
Dakota Piannrt T 41 em a I II am
a la am a 1-44 pm
Reams a 4 am sti lt am
iy Lamtia a M am a I II am
fVa r gpsatal a I N aa
Carroll ljoeal r i T- aa a 1:00 pm
Htvkey Br a ..K a T: m atl:tpm
Cbless Lsoal iU:Nm a 1:4 am
Carroll Loral a 4: pm alVMm
Chtcasa Kpeelsl a l ot pm a 1:1 pm
ea rraaauae tsatlta a litt am al:U am
Overland limits tIMia a 1:10 am
Oracoo-Waaatnatea IamlU4..a l:0t pm atVM am
Lea Aagaiea limited lliipa aU:4 am
rbadron Leeal
Lleroln-Intl Pins ...
Deawood-Hot mriaa
I aapar 'lanwr ,,,
Alwaa-oakaaie .....a.
can be paid on tirn. Miller park dis
trict. - Will trad for 11 nodal motor
cycle. S. C. 3.19. Bee.
ENCYCLOPEDIA Ready Referenoe, six
volume, extra good binding. aaolutly
new. What hav you to agchange? Ad
dres M. C. 841. Bee,
EXCELLENT PIANO Swap for Vlotrol
and record. Must o a imMwwa i"
chln and hav a Urge bunch of record,
it , ..ii n-i an kv.n excha-tr. Will
take Edison machine same way. N
Junk and NOTHING BUT m
chlnea wanted. Will take good rln or
reiieatlng shotgun to help make up th
difference In value. K. C. KM. Be.
Lire gtacat Heiea.
OMAHA Ifmedy Co., WT lath. Red !,
MMk) Caetame ail Ladge geppllee.
JJNFR. of lodge ragalla- and costume.
Th largest stock of masquerade and
theatrical costumes In the country. Theo.
Ltehen Hon, 1M4 Howard L. 4111,
aatlifnctory eastern treatment; bath;
Oaliy and evening, inj g. 17th BL Notice:
Private entrance, basement, corner of bldg
Mina BCHMIDT. maaikiTelec. "bTthTTx
iH.ppea eve., In. m. ; gundaya, li) tot
Violet Ray? mass., Ha Bee Bldg. P. 112.
Clara Lee, bath and massage, Ioug. 1751.
Wlea Flher, mass., elect, trest. Bed fciit
MAS.".UU. 1( S. 17th St. Urs. Steele:
i'lKiMIoi'Nl'H end combination luint.r
for coona. cats, 'iiouiitii a.iuirrels ate .
thoroughly trained; will ewnd on trlst;
write for dea.rliitlve list. J. E. Mltla:na,
rSrlmer, Tonneae-.
ti IJI'Yrl a flue rolile pup or Boston terrier
pup. Must II. :i .s'. i4U.
M -SWAGE Hr:B ftiniai.a.
y I'Ot'lll.AH CT.'2.
M IMS JACOBS, in., manicuring, phone
IHdiflM. Hoiiral ta ; Bun.. 11 to i.
ill - WALTON, bath. masa. Phone D.
4f. Hour. I ta I; aumiay, 11 to a
BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Unri
NVIIaon. IKit Farnam. R. 3. Douglas gru.
Open evening and 8unilava.
WITCHES from combing. tl.MX Psych
free. Mr II. M. Eck. J Marcy. H. liKtV
Mea -ewareir aad Traaaler,
W1IITK LINK, tn ft. 11th. Dougla KM.
-IIIH aiiM-k la juth iielia. iavfl
niurasa anu surmsaxr tout cunsisn.
minis receive Trunin ami tarcful ttlane
Mevlaa. ttaraae aad tie. a la.
W . C FKR rt IN, JMh a nd Capitol, Ty. 1FA
ilafra. aad W laaaw aa4e tleaaera.
OI.K eh lira mad like new. Midwr.
rnane ramorv. "ie Hamilton, tlur. 4N
t -t
I -An li hit til'eariiar. I nmoiii
t rlie diner Tlar ter La, l.
- i
1 VI
ftrvi rviu-! ai.ld. tvroie.
.atii-- I'T. l-a-!'- I ,i'l.
1 .
t f .'l ''y li Ai ti cue tnopey. try
i( w -i, j. rtHrri a eth
t i ii : A r LI ... riai.r rn.n.', a'
11 ate lioldt'tu. ri)!:i i
eftit n i,d i an log m I": !:
i-ia. U he cutiit in so-hI con-l'won
lH t a r a ii fc r tint U-i al S-.u A Ji i
ini A l.-A- a id ft iliil.VU't ro,q
yf t I..:' hi I tsLiia sl b
a si.d i i .-t.l l. : tur fta'-ire
V r av i'Ai.-r ar.. Tt.e i riiumn
i . .l.g.;ili:kl lv.. O. lvi.U -t
!. Stuck ( aaiaalaeiM Mtrrit,
MARTIN' BROS. & txl., bxi'.iange Bldg
Lnu winn
Ileal lata.
Eye examined, gla
r.yc I'mmiMn, giavare i ittt, pay a you
.-- Jh. M-Oarthy. till W, ft. W wf.lg
OMeaiMtt-la I'h I alt-la as.
Ir. Tto-ui ha, T-4 M'Cague Bide. D. SA2
A B C of Omaha
U, WATCHKg. diamomla nd""iew.
dry, apecinl prUea, Nov. and Dec,
huy riO.lltWrk. U aalrn IVai. a
andJewalry Co.. Koomtl, Kai nach Block,
Xi'HXKNT mriTK of ns rooms,
lTth Kt. expoaure, rood locat'oa
for vour i, Tue. Ti.a n ,i,i
-oi-lra TM.,n r-
are th oldest jtlk tu-
e west. r.ta for di a lii
' I er in th
h,. , f, on "',: metal. and a.a. L.
an!i a" ! ' r-l"-L-B i:U t-"1 "" , t.'a
of a.l ; J
t- and aeoond-hand al.i-irl.. f.
and motot. Ixllma Flecinc Woraa.
1"JI. Uth. lougla tli.
MA II A PILLOW CO.. 1W Cumtiig
lHus. tC Menovate f-atbers sad
malU-4-aaea ef all k ln.i ,-
fialner lualuaewe aad uaa caivera.
Patent lievelepiueat,
A V Kit ICA N Machine Co.. 114 g nth St.
Prl at lag. "
ATlTi-BARNHART Ptg Co., email! v
I lint ing. Tel. lmig. !!H. tit H. Uih Ht.
I I 'Ol.AH Prtntliig Ce. Yel
RIES-HAL1, Ptg. Co
IS-X) Capitol. D. Hf.
H. A; 1-turge. ie BranHcl Theater Bldg.
. O ftamell. Pamon VikT'TWiTrreirTi ff?
palattagr aad laprl.
HCOH M'M tNI's, 417 N. Hh.
II ir.1.
IxT ORAFLEX newapaper camera, with
11 plate holder, carrying caa fof
camera and carrying caa for plat hold,
era The outfit in good condition and a
big bargain for th lot at LUQ. A&dra
c. mil
roadster auto. 1-A. clear land Boyd
Co.. Neb., 1150 acre. Want, houaa In
Omaha. tM6 Ho. Mth Ht.
30-GaLJaJN chemical fire extinguisher,
used for demonstrating. aila for VH:
trad for something can use, or Ford, In
good condition. Uoo. W, Halna, uoopar.
LATKHAL for Virginia land or land
In southern Indiana, or for lots well lo
cated In Omaha, Kansae City, Indian-
aim: Ii or Cleveland. WILL PAT DIF
WANTED. Please aive best dea.-rtotloa
you ran In first letter to av correepoi-
denca, also legal description. I am buying
for myself, b. C 5fi. Hee.
HC IilXJIJJ Build ng. Bupcrlnianding and
nsiruciion si him s, live volume. III
awap for repeating ahot gun, repeating
rifle, automatic revolver or high power
siarun or n inrnesier, or wnat nave you.
Alao Estimating Honk a. an eleeant aet
of Drafting and Mechanical Books. Swap
any or all the above for larva eVeak. eO
incne or larger. A-are b. c. t. Bee.
JACKS and HOl?SEMOVFR8' roli.
lack ar bell bottom. Will swan fnr
wnat nave you. would Ilk a Marlln
ai-iw rifle or hleh power rifle or rapa atlng
aooiaun. f. j. m, riee.
1 X
HAKuiis repvating shotgun, fancy en
graved and a beauty, coet 40. Ownnr
doean't go huntln and hsa na tiaa f
It. Will exuhanxe for chlckena Orplne
ions or inmouin preferred; but
in a ii-wr i nun you. p. u, llee.
motion picture machine, equipped with
ga-maklng plant, and fix reel of film
tor aitie or irane. n, c. 3, Bee.
OFFICE LK.SK-Will buy um goad
eeooad-hand desks; must be cheap for
caah. Addrvs H. C. 14. Bee.
ri ami-Minamn player piano, weed only
four month, paid IM for tt; will sell
er traae in rcsponaiuie People on eaay
monthly payment for $3)6, Address 8. C
S. Fee.
PIANO If you want a new piano or
player In exchange at a bargain, ad
dree C. C. 3i6, Uw.
a 1:9 am
...a l a) am a I t pm
...a t:U) pm alO-H pra
...b 1:11 pm bl'Mpm
...a I U pm a l:M pm
..aliipa all: am
likiin Dar E-srw ......
Da Maine scat na,et.a t il pm all Ja am
1-ki wsr F-"i "i Uaied....a 1:01 pm :N am
Clil -Kaa. Limlte te Ltncolaa 4-4S am a :4T pm
rUraa Cslirorala Kip.. .a 1:40 pm a 4:00 pm
Oklahoma A Trxaa nraa..a 4-0 pm U 30 am
Rocky Mountala LamlUm sll lT pm all II am
Barllagtaa -
Dasart. Arrive.
Daaver Limned ...aU:ll am all:! an
baavar aad California... ... .a 41 pm a 1:10 pm
Pugat Bonn s-grs.
Nabraalis Itliu ,
Bleak Hill
I-ncslB Mali
Northeast Express ....
Nsbraaka Kipraa .
Linoolo Local .
B'burler-Vlattrmoiith .
I UttamoutVlow
Pclleviia-rialUimeath ..
Chk!! npaclal ,
f)ilceo riprss
Chlcaeo Fast awpreo.
I reatos oal
Rt. L. A K. C Bpeoial.
ta. ui 8eecial
K O. at. Jaaeek......
K. C. 84. Joseph all:0( pm
u a in pm a 16
A 4:10 am al Msm
,,,.1 I M ia a 1:10 pa
, a 4:10 pm a 1.10 pm
b 1:10 pm all IS pm
all: II am a 1:4 am
a 1 11 am a 110 pa
a 1:K ara k l:M am
kl:6imi blO) am
....a 1:11 am itNiaH new
all 10 pm a 144 pm
.af-os am all Mpm
1 1 19 pm a I 44 pm
, a 1:00 am
bl .Hpm bal:00 aj
...a 4:11 pm
all fe am
a l it am 1:01pm
teath Webstar.
Cklcaga, St. Paal, Mlaaeaaells A
Pep art. Arrlv.
Twin City Pasenr klxia k4:)pm
atoex Cltr Kxpr k I'M pm 11:M am
gloa City FssMager 1:14 am'
Bmsnaa Looal 4:00 pm 1:11 am
a hily. b daily exoept Buaaay.
tha proceeds make purchase of certain
residence within th tract. ne of which
probably will ba made as of for a resi
dene for tha gwvamer. Th member of
tha executive roainell, ki hava given
th matter their personal attantloa, ar
pl rased that th work of original pur
char Is so nearly done.
LegUlatare Pay Bill.
Tha legislature will be asked to pa
an appropriation act to pay far th live
stock elaughlered nnder federal authority
la tha fight oa tha foot and mouth dla
eaae In low. Th antlr value, as astl
mated. Is now about WOOB and Ih state
wilt b gaked to pay half of thig gum
by a dirct appropriation. Thsr will
have to b an emergency appropriation
also for paying th ot of tha depart
ment In- th work of handling th quar
antine. - i
It Is now 1anne4 that avery herd within
fifteen mllea of an plaec whre there
has haeti any outbreak shall ba Inspectd
by Dr. Patten of th federal bureau and
hat eltnt. Order have ben issued
that n th nfcted Brag, there shall b
n ptihlio sales of llv stock or short
course exhibitions f Uv stock.
lows Mllltai taoaajth.
Adjutant Oenerai Losraji has secured
from th auditor of the eeunUsa tha list
of persons In Iowa subject to ml'lUry
duty and these show that there has been
a increa the last two year in the
militia foroe of th etate. Tor 1W2 the
assessors return- th name ef toi,
persons between IS &nd S yara of age.
Thl year they lister! lU.Ms persons sub
ject to military duty. Some of the
Bounties ehowed Iomcs, but moat ef them
showed some gains.
Aaklna; foe Parol.
Th State Board of Parol hag under
consideration the request of E. D. Faat.
B young man of Dubuque, for parol be
fore commitment He haa been convicted
of larceny by embeislement and given en
Indeterminate sentence. Fasts was con
nected with an expreis company. The
board hag also taken under advisement
again tha case of Mr. Betsy Smith, who
Is serving a life term from this county
and who seeks pardon.
Clalas Ag-alast Batat.
A volunteer detective. 8. T. Waterman,
haa made a claim against th estate of
the late William Ratnabarfer of Hardla
county for"0 as compensation for hi
services In working; up a case to secure
parole for the Ralnsberger brothers.
Waterman claim to hav had & verbal
contract with the brother who died last
year Covering that amount He had pre
pared material to be presented to the
board, but when he was last here was
not permitted to present the aame.
May Vol Wldea Narrow Gaaar.
The BUte BeJlroad mramisaton ia gtlU
in doubt as to what to do In the matter
of ordering the Milwaukee Railrond com
pany to widen it narrow guage track to
Cascade, Dubuque county, or to construct
line. Th legislature authorised
the commission to investigate and if,
deemed necessary, order that a standard
guag be adopted. The company filed
a, statement showing estimated eost of
vuiwirucuun oi an emire pvw line or
cost of rebuilding th old line. The fact
is that the line is so crooked end the
valley through which It rung la go nar
row that th line cannot very well b
wldened and new rout would be ae
lected for the line of thirty-three mite.'
The people Interested ar now angagod
In checking over th estimatee.
Office space for rent In Bee office, 1311
N street Terms reasonable. Well known
location.' TeL South 27.
A Profitable Irivestirierit
The greatest possible care should be need when you are investing your money, at
1 future profits must rise or fall according to the amount of care used at that time.
Omaha Real Estate is one of the N safest and most profitable
investments on the market today. You can rest assured that it
will not ful to pay dividends on your investment at any time.
Because Omaha is only beginning to come into its own as a mcrltet city and dis
tributing center of the great central west, the greatest agricultural and stock raising
district of this oountry.
Because Omaha has only started to develop its own indus
tries, such as its packing industries, its railway facilities, its grain
and live stock market, its jobbing and retail1 business in all their
various lines. '
Well located Real Etate purchased today will steadily increase in value and
within the next five years, allowing today's purchaser to take a substantial profit;
after paying a good rate of interest on the investment in the meantime.
A large number of the representative Real Estate dealers are
offering choice lists of Real Estate bargains in today's DEE. Spend
the next fifteen minutes in reading and studying them, as every-
one of them are at bargain prices. You will never buy Omaha '
Real Estate cheaper than you can today.
TUpkuf Tyler 1000
Everybody Reads Bern Want Ad
PIANO Want auto runabout ar driving
out.'lt tor new piano; describe what you
hve fullv. Aiidrcea K. C. 111. n.
1'IANiV For trade, nearly new player
rtann fir auto. Addres Boa aM, Nor
folk. Mb
riANO .Almost new Ptory Carlt !! no,
tnalicgahy iim, cash. llW A bargain;
t ii new. Adiir, M. C. H.7. Hee.
TAINTING CoNTRAlTOlt will swag
palnlinv fnr an auto, not too high
Priced. Want car for my own use. U. C
S1. lice.
Hlaaaea Beaavated.
11.1' M K" & flower maile over, denied
dwd. ttenlia K rimer, 4.'S I'axton. 1 1. Km.
Reach Ks teraalaalar.
R B. H Knai-hf-owder at your flniegi.t.
ha f aad Tlate k.alt,
U F'. A 1 1 Y HKKKKKN'i' K Hrand new et of
Heady i'.eferenre. six volumes, never
been used. Aildi-e ss S. C. 8 Jl . Hee.
It A N't i A good steel renge fnr Idcycl
or ottic dr. Address a. C. III. Iter.
Tib? I." TOP lKk, rtB-IKCII AND""CHAfR
Baap for largnr one; mlu te In good
lile and nut aiarred ui. Want extra
large one ami deep to handle plana. Would
consider flat tii. If large. 8. C. , rle.
K'lAI.STI It Want to trade Oakland
Hiad.trr: eost II. Mi new: thoroughly
overhauled and new tire; will give smne
nete a very good deal; fur late model twin
motr cycle and eeata; Uim Addreae B,
C. HT, Be.
-a ' . - a 1 ' jk, O
J. JM W W Mg ' f rOr- - r a-
f" '.'.
Most people are honest and would
hasten to return any found article if
they knew where to find the owner.
The first place they think of it the
'.Lost and found column and if
you have failed to announce your
loss there, you have little chance
of ever recovering your loss.
When you lose anything telephone at
once to Tyler 1000 and thus get quick
rAaa Tyimt 1009
rsaofcaafjr itsasste M Wmt As.
A f rVlV '
J si hi VSr
1SM1J3 ?