THE OMAHA SUNDAY 1JEK: DECEMBER , 1011. 3-C ( KKAL KSTATK FARH A RADtll LAX US FOR IUK ArkM. FOR SALE 3ft acres fine, level lend In the heart of the Osarka; rood Improve ments; corn and hay crop; 7"0 apple tree.. John McGlll, otiwr, Sltoam Springe, Ark. HOMESTEAD your farm in the Oxarks. Under the recent act of congreHe the land in the Osark National Forest ran now he homesteaded In tract not exceed ing ItiQ acres:, new auction of the M. A N. A. R, R. haa brought thla section within the reach of markets; no malaria; abundance of spring water; In fact, a chance of a lifetime; we help you locate. I'. 8. land orflce hre; send 2Cc for etate map showing reserve and booklets ex -plainlnir. A. Pelrs, locating engineer, Harrison. Ark.: 37 IT. 8. (lov. Bids LITTLE River Valley lands, rich and cheap, on railroad, Sessions Co., Wlnth rop. A ik. o lallforala. ' CALIFORNIA lands. 200 or leaa acre, easy terms; ft acres In fruit: heat part of atate; 8, WO cord a growing timber: one mile from steam and electric roads, 76 mllea from San Francisco, home of the wizard Hurbank and hli experiment grounds; write owner. L. O. Scott, 8e- bastopol, Cal. t Florida,. HOMESEEKER8 COMB TO VOLUSIA. The fastest ir rowing new town in Flor ida, tocatnu on the main line of F. K C. Ry. and near the beautiful Tomoka river. New, modern hotel, school, church, Btore, lumber mills, quarry, etc. Vast area, of rich farming landa. Just open for set tlement. Splendidly located, well drained, low price, easy terma. Box 867, Volusia Development Co., Volusia, Fla. SALE Beautiful home, furnished, light, water, modern conveniences, garage, tennis court; 11 acres. In itrove; on trunk line and hard roads; I16.W), including crop. Box 11, Altamonte Bprlngs. Fla. o. Iowa. HAVING decided to locate elsewhere we are offering a live real estate office and Insurance business for sale, located In central Iowa. We also have two modern 'quipped five-passenger 40 h. p. automo biles In first-class condition and real es tate which we would like to turn with the business. Can suitable terms to right party. Price $20,000 Address Y 233, Hue. llasMa. FARM FOR BALK 1U miles from small town with graded schools. Brown coun ty, Minn.; 240 acres, 150 under cultiva tion, balance meadow and pasture;, good buildings, worth $4,000; nearly all fenced nnd cross-fenced; mail box near house; small orchard; large number evergrcena. Farm has never been rented. Price, $12i per acre. Apply to owncf, J. C Hanson, Flfepy Eye, Minn. - o Montana. IIENTER8 and homeseekers use youi Carey right and secure a Montana farm now. Do you realise that form product will command extremely hlgli prices dur ing the next few years? This is your op portunity to get started on a farm of yout own. The Valier lands produce from SI to 55 bushels wheat, 60 to 100 of oats. 40 to ,70 bushels barley, t to tons alfalfa pet acre. I-et us send you booklet and tell you how easy It Is to get started. Valiei Farm Sales Company, Box 30, Valier, Mont. Nebraska. SECTION Improved, Kimball Co. Gross, SMi Paul. .:v Bargain , Close In Farm 3l acres close to Calhoun and onlv twelve miles from Omaha city limits; 200 acres good farm land, also fine, large orchard in full bearing; balance timber and pasture; Improvements consist of a good 8-room house, two large barns and other necessary buildings. In fact, Im provement are exceptionally good. While tills 4s a rolling farm It wils bring just as good results year in and year out as farms that are selling for twice the price. As a farm proposition or an investment this cannot be beat for the money. Price, $11S per acre, on easy terms. 0 'Neil's It. E. & Ins. Agency, lr-06 Fsrnam Bt. Tel. Tyler 1024. Elk City,Douglas Co. SO. ACRES Almost new Improvements: 6-r. house: barn for 10 head cows. 0 head lnn-so;-smolr liaymow, ti tons; new grnn ni y; new chicken house; good well. This Id fine laying lanJ, A-l soli; 8 or 4 acres a falta: not a foot of waste land on it; within three miles of three towns, so lit h eabt of Elk Cltv. nne Mll1nv A rru lay of the land and crops will show for isemijeives. juei me snow it. To see it la to believe. It Is an Ideal "neck of the woods to bo In, and you cannot beat it In that neck. ACT AT ONCE. This mesna you, who are a little bit, or decidedly ) olee. Bring wife with vou. - PRICE REDUCED TO l;W per acre for imme tllate sale.; $,20 cash. 15,400 more March 1, balance 5 years at 0 per cent. riKIM a UCDDfr T , N. E. Cor 23d and M Sts. South'omnha. (- c. i-or ua ana M sts. South Omnha. Farms Farms Farms All within ono hour's automobile ride of Omaha; bargains. Let ua show you the goods; all sizes, all prices, all terms. Call in forenoons If convenient. No trades considered. ,?RJN 8" MERRILL COMPANY. N. h. Cor. 23d and M Sta South Omaha. 4,100 acre Neb. ranch in Niobrara val ley; good hard soil; will trade for Iowa balaS1,erSacNk!b- ("m " TRAVER BROS., U5 Om. Nat. Bk. Hir. Doug;, nq.. -4reoM. EFFJ KQ-0.X acre, fine whe.t in minea8teJ. 0r" Practically all will pay. 10 per-cent, on Investment If '..P0yJarmedi t0T ubdTvloing: -v r t w-j jitsiuum nave to IV!!?:! "a ever1? . - " . -i i. j wpi, or iart- " x ui mum, vire. mj PeHasylT-asrlsu $1,500; terras. ws cash; ask for detailed description; many other farms; all sixes: all bargaina. J14 faU catalogue free Gardner Farm Agency, Stroudsburg, Pa. K1 Tfis. FOR BALE To close an estate; 100 acres Ui Rio Grande valley, 4 miles rrom Mercedes, Texas. All under culti vation. or price and terms write The Minnesota Land St Trust Co., 4ug Mar uuette Ave.. Mlnneapolla. Minn FOIl RKXT BI Y patented state school lands, Wc Mullen county Texas, fi per acit cash balance 10 yearly payments. Write F A Connable, Trustee. Houston. Texaa o Wiwitnu, Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop stats In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices), on easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant KtaU acres wanted. Write about our k raxing landa. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin, Address Land Dept. So rty.. Minneapolis. Minn. M UeelLaaeeaa. tVD guarantee bargaina In stock farms '. and ranches. Write Willis Cadwell Broken Bow. Neb. The Bargain Man. . TRADE city and town rental prop erties for land In Iowa, Neb., Mo. and Minn. Can sell or trade you a farm or ranch, any else at the right price. Hand f'-r lint. Latham Davis. Room 201 First VU. Bank Bid.. Oiuaba. Neb. -v FOR RENT Asar(aata mm Plata. MODERN except heat t and S-room flats, situated on the corner of 13th and Cas tellar Bta. Rent tit. loug. 56o. ATHLONE. 4-ROOM APARTMENT. All large rooms: finished in light oak; clobe in. at ltih and lKulas, fa wlmtr; tiO summer. DoukIhs tws. PETERS TRUST COMPANY HEATED APARTMET& til Per month, 7-room apartment In Powell Littg , 1 S. 16th. lt. Heat, hot and cold water and janitor ser vice. i CEOnflEt COM PA N Y, . 903 City Natln:J Bank Bldg. . - l'hone Douglas 7M Unusually line 6-room, stram healed apartment on West Farnam atreet. JOHN W, BOBBINS, lava FAKNAM 8T. Gordon Van Co. Storage Phone Douglas 394 STRATFORD T Kit RACK. Park Ave. and Jackson, 5 rooms, steam heated, new, exclusive; Ref. required. C. B. Moser. Wal. ITS o WARM COMFORT Choice Steam Heated Homes THE STANDARD FLATS Full, modern, 4 large rooms, fine deco ratinna. FREE HOT WATER. Janitor. CinnA location rinse In f AT HALF OTHERS ASK. ftiimmcr $19 to tzl Winter STEAM HEATED t to $33 (NOTHING COMPARES WITH THEM. Delay Not. Bee them. References. T. J. HOOK 1101 N. 1STH BT. FOn RKXT . Furnished Rmmi, :n HARNKT Best location In cltv; rooms nicely furnished; steam heat'd. Prices reasonable. "Tha Collins," for merly Millard residence. RKMODF.LF.D, newly furnished room. 111 Howard. DougS; llAYERNA. 1811 Capitol Ave., fuTfilaFed front rooms, steam heat, suitable for two, Kl'RN rooma by day or wk.t fnoderni steam heat: II (0 ui. 107 P. 17. D. tttWa NICELY furnished room In private home. Harney 4U.L - FURNIHHKD room for rent, near Creigh ton university, phone Itniiglaa Tisi. n 8. t?ril Furnished loomv private ram liy. 1 1 a fney r. STRICTLY modern room In Oeniinn prl vate fumlly; reasonable. HIS S, iTTth. DKHIRABLE molern heated reom. M N. 31st Ave. "The Knicker bocker" TO THOSE SEEKING A QUIET AND COMFORTA RLE HOME. AMID DIG NIFIED AND RE FIN ED SURROUND INGS AT MODERATE COST. Tl'F KNICKERBOCKER. CORNER OF SXTH AND JONES STO.. OFFERS MANY UN USUAL INDUCEMENTS. , Six and seven rooms, two baths, t-arge roiirn and clcsets a special feature. Urse verandHS. Steam-heated garages. Every up-to-date convenience. Decor ated to suit tenants. Full particulars from Ed Johnston on premises. Phone Harney 71. or Payne & Slater Co., Phone Douglas 101B. Highland Court Heated Apartments Northwest corner Mth Ave. and Harney St. One finely finished seven-room apart ment. Two baths. Every modem con venience. New . biilldlng. Decorations to suit. Open for inspection today, tsi per month. Page Apartments Heated Slst and Farnam Sts.. Just south of Ciarinda Apartments, lacing the Boule vard. Two vacancies, each haa five rooms and sleeping porches. Btilld Ing thoroughly modern and new. Decora tions to suit. See them noy. Rental $06 per month each. A. P. Tukev &Son 441-3-3 Board of Trade Bldg. Doug. 608. THE THORVALD, Park Ave. and Har rla, one 8-room apt., $35 per month; reference. Phone Harney MlO. OGDEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, 'oom with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone Hi. BT. GEORGE apartments, located In se lect West Farnam residence district: one S-room suite for' rent; heat, water, Janitor service. Phone Webster 174. We car furnish you with a fine, mod ern 4 or 5-rooin apartment In a good neighborhood, close to street car and wlthir. eiisy walking distance of 16th and Farnam. Reasonable rent. Hot water heat and lanitor service. These apart ments are at W3 Forest Ave. (first street south of Pierce). Bo sure you seo them if you want a fine close in apartment at reasonable rent CREIGH, SONS A COMPANY. Phone Douglas 200. 60S Bee Bide: MOD. furn. rooms In private home, suit able for two people. Wal. 14. 4MI Cunt 11 NO. XTH ST. Clean, warm room. with private lavatory; reasonable; for two; walking distance, on Harney car line. tlsfsralakei Reoma. i or 4 rma.. gas water. 107 N. 13, Cheap. THREE rooms for renv, with heat, 115; . t I . . Uld 1) it TWO rooms," part fy furnished, with heat, . . - . - 11.1 .A Ua.u. FURNISHED room, Ho S. lth. CU Red FOUR unfurnished rooms, first floor. jgt7 Cuming. Call Harney IW37. .- lahed HnMI MODERN furnished house, 1?1 N. Wli St., South Omaha. Phone South 101. References requircu i,.nlikl IlaaaekeesilaBT Rooms. FARNAM, 2522 Nice rooms, sleeping, houaeKeepmg; steam neat. FIRST or se:ond floor,, furnished; to desirable courle with references. 1036 Meredith Ave. Phone Wehstor Ilntela aaa Atsrtmsi. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 18th and Calirornla, Weekiv rates ti and up. Dug'as ToM. OGDEN HOTEL, Council Bluffs. Mcani hented rooms. 12 per week. I' hone . DODGE HOTFI- Modern Reasonable. ' lloaaes and Cottages. ALT. slses. M pr month up. t07 Paxton. W EST FARNAM. At ll-!l S. 3Sth Bt. we offer a new double English house: each side has seven rooms a:id maid's room In base ment. Sleeping porches. Woodwork finely finished In oak and white enamel. Close to car. Decorations to suit. Key at 11" H. 38th St Rental 7.60 each. A. P. TUKEY SON. 441-2-1 Beard of Trade Bid. Phone Douglas 503. Gordon Van Co. . Moving Phone Douglas 394 MODERN brick dwelling, Z707 Farnam St., 116. 8-room modern residence, with hot water heat and large grounds, 3216 BiTrt St., ttO. Nearly new, modern bungalow, with sleeping porch, 3T.21 Hamilton St, 10. s-rooin hoiiso, 2127 Douglas St, 130. 7- room modern house, Ii02 Mason, $27.60. 8- room modern brick, 1124 S. Jlst St, 28. 6-room house, 821 S. 21 8t, tl. 8-room house, good repair, electric tight and water. 1718 N. 25th, H3. JOHN W. ROBRINS. 102 FARNAM ST. 6-R modern flat, 2S0S 8. 24th; $22. Phone a s cs iicj 1111, Gordon Van Co. ll N. 11th at Moving, inuV Phone t on or Web. 1381 , -R. ONE-STORY BRICKS. 12. rart nwd., no children. Ref. R. 4902. 8-R. steam heated, all modern basement apartment. i901 Dodge 8l 4i Bff am hea'ed, ail modern apartment. FOUR-ROOM apartment, lis upwards; ucir poaioiiice. u. r, bleb-bins. DOUGLAS. CLOSE IN. Z13 S. 26th Ave., 6 rooms, has sun par lor; close In; beautifully decorated; ex cellent Janitor service- half block to Far nam car. A snap at fi0 year round. H XSTINQ3 & HEYDEN. 1U Harney St. "t00t ,Bteam. heated flat, 916 So. 13tii Bt, 125 in winter, $16 In summer. FELL St PINKERTON CO.. . 213 Board of Trade Bldg Georgia! - S-ROOM APARTMEiNT. All large rooms, beautiful . oak finish two large bedrooms, excellent location, at 1040 Georgia Ave. (3. 2th 8t) Rental $40 the year round. PETERS TRU8T COMPANY, 1623 Farnam St. Tel. Douglaa 898 HUDSON. 207 S. 2HTH AVE. Closa In and within walking distance; S rooms each; built-in buffet in dining room, panel walla nic.1. .7 summer; $00 winter. " HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 614 Hamey St NiIuC;E .B"r.- team apartmentTat 18th and Farnam Sts., only $36. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. lVpARNAH HT i m-fwtM, an mouern. with Janitor, e. v vi Si c."1 ' w0'' L0"'" Apts., l?th and mciiijqtioin. weo. ZllA. MODERN corner brick flat of rooms; good location for doctor. Ii2 N. 16th 8t THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1300 STEAM HEATED apartments, with every Improvement, gas rungos, to only small families. I1X.60 to $22 60. Look them ovr,r.8unday- 2602 to 54 Cuming fc., or call Janitor. Douglas IMS. Thos. W. Hasen mcv-ague mug. louglaa 1300. 7-R., 2117 No. 16th. the biggest bargain In the city, nioely papered and A-l condition. tza sllmmei. 179 -ji wlnt Li... . . . - , ' -... . ,ipm, waur and Janitor service. itABTiNGH av HKi DEN, 1614 Harney St. STEAM HEAT. ' A nt. Va 7 In T 1 1 1.' CUT VT " 1. M Ith bt, 4 rooms, first class equipment, beautifully decorated, large porch, very close In. Special Inducements. Janitor niu snow you mrougrt at any time. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY. aio unniu xat. Bank Bldg. ONE 2 and one 8-room apartment, with every 'convenience, including Janitor service, heat, hot and cold water. Very fin A anil ilm.,lli. ......... - si' location In apartment house district on nnerman Aye iteasonahie rent. Call our office for' appointment to see them. SCOTT AND HiTL CO., Douglas 10c9. 806-7 McCague Bldg THE TRAVERTON, FIRE PROOF ftith fln4 1 wiAnm t'lturt ma m nt .1.1 m equlppeAT for housekeeping, up-to-date and comfortable. TRAVER BROS., ' V Om. Nat. Bk. Bldr. Doug. 1153 a Hewasa. board, clean rooms. Hoar 8 lth. 18 Exc. BOARD and rm.. very reaaonable. H. 2C84. MON AMtfH, 2124 Douglas, front room, east and south exposure, steam heat, shower baths; suitable fur two young men; excellent board. FOUR or five young men can find a good home in beat of surroundings, near Farnam street, west. Comfortable, congenial: good things to eat Telepiion. Harney 49M. Karalsked Apartuseata. IN THE MAEWOOn Living room, kitchenette and bath. NswH lumea on a lurnitura complete. Linens and bedding all new, $' io r... . ERNEST SWEET. Office, 2uU Harney. Douglas 1472. HOUSES. 2105 Rlnnev St, rms., mod.. $38. 2614 Ch csgo St, 8 rms., mod., only $26. 211 So. 26th Ave., rma, mod., close in, $25. 2420 Caldwell St., 7 rms.; all modem, $21.60 . . , FLATS. 421 So. 11th St.Njd floor. 6 rma. $20. 2679 Cuming,. 3d floor, 3-r. mod., ex. heat $8. 1756 Leavenworth St. Jd floor, $ rms., mod. except-Jieat. $2iG0. APARTMENTS. Two apartments In the "Sterling," 19th and St Mary's Ave., t and 4 rooms, all modern. See janitor on first floor at rear of building. . ' First Trust Go. 303-6 So. 13th St' rtrrt Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Douglaa 1161. 4-Rooms 2047 Howard, a coxy "St. '.Louis" flat, very close In and In a good residence section. Bargain at $28. Payne & Slater Co. 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. ; , HOUSES COTTAGES FLATS . . HEATED APARTMENTS . ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES LET US SEND YOU OUR COMPLETE PRINTED LIST. PAYNE Sc SLATER COMPANY, Oma-ha'a Rental Men, 614 Omaha Nati. Bank Bldg. $ 6-r. cottage, 3503 Patrick AVe. $18 tt-ry cottage, 1H11 Kard.. 4 -r. cottaae with bath, 2107 Ohio. $20 -r. modern house, 2XW Meredith At. $26 s-r. mod. house at Mason. $35 t-t. mod. house at 4223 Harney. W. H GATES.' 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. .,.!. 12R MODERN 10-room house, hut water heat, 2S60 Harney St . THOS. W. HAZEN. . . 207 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1300. SIX rooms, 0R$ Charles St., modern ex cept heat.- $18, ' Ten rooms, 1407 N. 17th St., modern, $23. - Five rooms. 16 8. Sth Bt., $13.60. Five rooms, 2721 Pinkney St, $10. . Six rooms, 1.120 N. 40th St, modern, $25. Six rooms, 2DK Fowler Ave., modern, $23. Seven rooms, 1304 8. 2th St, modern, $25. Eight rooms, 1430V4 Sherwood Ave., mod ern. 82250. Fourteen rooms, 2408 Casi St., mod ern, $40. Five rooms. 1110 Farnam 'St., modern except heat, $13. Nine room., 11C S. 24th St, Modern ex cept heat. $27.60. six rooms, 413 8. 26th St., modern apart ment, I4Z.B0. , BENSON tt MYERS CO., 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. , Ilione Douglas 746 WE WILL refund you your moving ex pense it you take the following flats st once: $27.60-New. closa in -itom Bt Louis flat, all in oak, modern. . up to the minute; (big snap). $11.504 rooma. Il3 N. 17th St. $20.00-6-room flat, 1510 N. 20th St.. new. brick. t $10.00 4-room brick flat, 2205 N. 20th St $ 5.00 4-r. brick basement. 2JU& N. 30th St. $10.00 6-room, nicely decorated, 3903 Leav enworth, $lf. 00 6-room flat, newly finished. 1904 s. loth St. . HARRY WOLF, WARE BLOCK. DOUGLAS 8068. HOUSES with hot water heat at very low rentals. 8333 Ohio, 6 large rooms, with two full slse lots, 120. M3 N. &d fit, closa to Bern's Park; food locution. 8 large rooma Hot water eat. Red-iced to $2S. 1420 Lolhrop St.. 7-r.. full si, south front lot strictly all modern. alo garago. A well tullt. warm house In a good lo cation. $.12 60. HASTINGS St HEYDEN, 1614 Harney. o S-r. house, modern ex. heat, goo 1, $15. 7-r. bouse, strictly modern, l2.j0 , 10-r.. mod. ex. heat. $20. . - 7-r. flat, strictly modern. $40. $-r. house, strictly modern. $25. R. g. TRUMBULL. 448 Bee Bldg. Douglas T07. 811 NORTH gD 8T.-7-r.; modern, $30. td Charles St 8-r., modern, $ii. 2tai Capitol Ave. 7-r., modern. $.'3. 2il8 Ames Ave. e-r., rnol ex. heat, V tvil ttpencer St. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, La 42 I atur li 6-r.. oily water. :3. (Ms N. iMh St 6-r., lty water. $12 60. 3115 Franklin St.-4-r . city water, lit 73 Ohio st --r., weU, 7. 1U North 40th St 6-r.. well. $7. CREIGH. SONS at T)., Douglas 2v0. . 6ui lit Bldg. ton IIF.XT anal ( ottages. FLAT. JWS Harnev. 8-r , tt k. $4. ?4 Harney, H-r., mod , $t Hi f. shj, -r.. mvl , .. 60 N. 2Rth. 7-r., mod., - ITl? s. ih Ave., 8-r.. $-:. 2"11 Miami, 4-r.. mod. it heat. 11. ? lke. S-r., mod. tj. heat. $12. 'I4 Ann, 4-r.. city wsler, $11. 2304 N. rih, 4-r, city water, . . DETACHER HtU'SKS. S?17 S. 1!, 7-r.. modern. 827.W. ltl-t S. 2,Mh. 7-r., mislern, $. S. 2lli. 7-r innl. ex. heat. $2S. 2- :VI Spencer, 7-r., mod. en. heat, $2a. Capitol Ave.. 7-r.. mud.. $.'i (tt sewird. -r., modern, $?i. 1 2f,th Ave.. 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $18. 844 Park Ave., -r... mod. ex. het. Iltv, M4 s. Nth. 4-r., oity water, rns, $16. M4 .. 24th, -r.. modrn. $23.60 J21 Seward. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $17. W Kurdette, 7-r., md ex. heat. MA, K'l Stanford Circle. 6-r.. bath. 118. 2681 Siieneer, 4-r., cltv water, bath, $16. 1X17 N. aist. -r., city water. W ni Franklin, -r.. c, w., toilet. $12. f S. !Mih, 5-r city water, $11. 3711 Ystes, 4-r., city water, $ SOUTH OMAHA HOUSED. 177 S. 24th, la-r., modern, $W. GARVIN BROTH EHr. No Omaha Nati Hank Bldg FINE i modern residence, rooms and bath, sleeping porch and parage, at 4110 Florence- Blvd. For particulars rail W ebster Jivso $-R. taotl. cnttaxe, 71 S. Si'th St, IJ6; 7-r. mod. house, m Lea-enworth St., $35. Both fine locations, l'lnna Weh. M0. o. NINE rooms, steam heat, thermostat, 821 nun i. iHiuxlaa UW WEST FARNAM 8 rooms, t hatha, very imnirrn. w.l 11. il n Ave,. lif)U(, WEST Farnam. 32.1 N. 3Sth Ave., most modern, 8 rooms. 8 bat hi. ". o 2817 Douglas. 10-r., modern, $66, Includ ing steam heat. 231 N. 23d, -r.. all modern. $T. 34"7 Davenport, 7-r., strictly mod. $.17.60. 61! N, lWh, -r., all mod., $.. 2711 Capitol Ave., -r.. all mod., $" Xl Hamilton. -r., nil mod., barn, $27.80. 2s- Corby, 5-r., mod. hot w. heat. $22.W. 3S2.1 S. ISth. -!., mod. ex. heat. $16. 310$ Corby, 4-r., city water, bain, $10. Decatur, 6-r., modern. $16. Military Ae., Benson, 6-r., mod rn, $16. S. P. BOBTWICTC SON. TylerJWW, anp Bee Bldg BF.mTh P.AU.K-8404 Hawthorne, 7 rooms, strictly modern; lot and locution beau tiful: ala 2619 Caldwell, modern except bent; 2?ti Prnnklln, 6 rooms, modern ex cept heat; Inducements to desirable ten ants. Phone Webster 3M. NEW modern f-ronm house, 2M5 Evans; rent reduced to $-i0 to good tenant. THOS. WV HAZEN, 3f-7 McCaguo Bldg. IVuig. l.rnO Farnam 40th Line $y Cass, 8-r. square, high ground. 4020 Burt 8-r. hot water heat - North Side Ono block North 24th line -r., all mod ern, .:i.du. Close In $-r. heated, 8. W. 24th and California, $33 8-r south half double brick, $32.60. . 6-r., 201 South S'th. $25. 8-r., 1SI3 Chicago, roomers, $50. O'Keefe Keal Estate Co., 101 Omaha Nafl. Doug. 2716. fiental Bargain $16.V--r.i one floor, mod. ex. heat lets No. Sith St. $15,00 -r., one floor, reduced from $18, Close-Ill. 2H08 Plerca Ml $26.00 -r.. two story, all mod., 3609 Sher man Ave. $45.00 8-r., strictly mod., oak finish, very fine. 10r9 South 30th Ave. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Douglas 100. I 4 pR 6 rooms, modern except heat; $12.60; house will be open from 11 to I, Sun day. 2J California St. ' - - von n t-vt f My residence, 824- 8. 86th St., $33. In splendid . neighborhood of home owners. South and east front. Thoroughly mod ern and nicely decorated. Extra large living room, r-artiy lurninned If dosired. Am breaking up housekeeping and house will-te vacant Dec. 16, 1 Phene P. 20lt3, or H. 8540 evenings AT 610 9 Suth St. we have the south side of a double house, 1 year old, six rooms. 11 modern.' This Is Just south of Jack son nt. ana is in an ideal neighborhood Rental $.r. ,', " A: P. TUKEY ft SON, ; 441-1-8 Board of Trede Bldg. ritone Aougiss cum. NICE 6-room fiat, newly papered and painted: -bath,-gas. hot and cold water, electric light; $12! cer month. 3116-18 Lea "enworth. Elegant 8-room modern brick apart ment, newly decorated. $j0 per month. B44 8 ISth St . . . Modern 9-room detached dwelling; oak finish, beautiful yard, newly decorated; $50 per month. 1023 S. 20th St. ' Nice little 6-roorn cottage; bath, toilet, electric light $16 per month. 2044 Vinton Bt Elegant. 8-room house, $30 per month. 1128 8. 28th St. 6-room cotuge, JM4 Vinton, gas, elee no light, hot and cold water; Inside toilet. j;C. ISn, Exrcutor, T08 9 ll.t Ave. Phone Harnsy 141. 1520 Castellar Bt. 6-r., md. ex. heat $20. 323 No. 80th St.. 6-r., md. ex. heat. $15. 222 No. 2fth St., 7-r., all modern, $40. 04 Bo. 28th 8t, $-r., all modern, $i2.60. 636 So. Mth Ave., 6-r., all modern, $30. 2m Clark Ht.i 6-r.. part modern, $16. 1840 No. Mth St, T-r., md. ex. heat $39. M'CAOUE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 150$ Dodge St . Doug. 415. o H7 GRACE, 6 rooms, modern except hat ilK . ' 2G13 Orace, 7 rooms, modern except I1CUI, V.'. ... . U S. th. 8 rooms, all modem, $77.50. 21)23 Pacific St., 7 rooms, .ill modern. $25. ALFRED C. KENNEDY JI Flr.t National Bank Bldg. ' Phone Iuglaa 723. ... . SPECIAL. , 8 EVEN rooms, completely modem, with sleeping porch, 8308 Poppleton Ave. Renf reduced from $60 to $20 for the winter. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Karnam Ht. Phone Douglas 81)8 m HOUSES UNDER $;5. Seward -4J-r., partly modern 811.50 i'f!"' " Pl'y modern $14.00 26'h 7-r., partly modern ls.OO garatoga-a-r., modern ex. heat.. int. 00 k 8. 87th K-r., good condition $20.00 HOUSES $26 AND UP. STRICTLY MOD. 8Hf N. 24th -r. very desirable brick $27.50 2408 St. Mary's Ave.-4-r., close in. ...1)0.00 K)i4 N. 4oth 7-r. fine condition lie. 00 4011 Isard 7-r.. brick attached, splen did condition r no 2?l$ Pacific -r., very desirable tW.Oo 1316 Pirk Ave. 12-r., good for large 'mily $r,o.OO FLATS. 225 8. 18th 6-r., mod. except heat ..$16.60 14' 8. 16th 7-r., mod. ex. heat $20.00 18u Ohio "The Clyde" S-r., steam heat furnished $22.00 126 8. 30th 4-r., all modern, disap pearing bed In living room. .,.$30.00 MODERN APARTMENTS. HEAT AND JANITOR SERVICE. Boswoith. 2217 Howard St.. S-r. and bHth, high class; only one left, winter rate $32.: Urbana. 1317 Park Ave 6-r. and bath, high class, close to park, most deelrable ..! $40.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 163. State Bank Bldg PETERS TRUST COMPANY. $10 140C N. 35th St, 8 rooma, modern. $102204 N. lth Bt, $ rooms, modern. :t0 ?8 8. 22d St.. 10 rooms, modern. t-lKfl- 8. 8th St, 6 rooms, modern. ' $'27714 Douglas, 8 rooms, modern. $26315 Charles, 8 rooms, modern. 126 flii18 Webster, I rooms, modem, barn $20211.1 Iocut. rooms, mod. ex. heat. $1 43U9 Poppleton Ave., 4 rooms; 2 large lots; chicken house; fruit $18824 H. t2d Bt, 6 rooms, modem ex cent heat; No. 8 Shelby Court 815 an N. 30th St., 5 rooms, modem except heat. $14 S'W Miami, 6 rooms, mod. ex. heat PKTERri TRUST COMPANY. 1K2 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 898. $041 CAS ST., 7 rooms, strictly modern. ak and l-in li finl.h, flia lo.-.tln. IK Iripf St. 1 ro irrs, modern. 87? M. N. ISth St., 10 rooms, modern. Crh $?!.. Joll a. iSd St., 7 rooms, strictly modern. 1081 8 22.1 St. 8 rooms. $10. W. FARNAM SMITH CO . r hon. Iomrls loM . iifej Farnam St. tX-RfXM house. 2110 Harney St., $2J rw iuwuuu vau iuugias ivy. VOH KENT lloaaea 4 atlases. . MONTH'S RI-NT FREE. 6v So. -Lth Ave.. 8-r . sll modern, $m. 8il Cspitol Ave., 0-r., all moiern. 2j. 114 So. 2th St., 7-r., sll modern, I. 24IA So. 9th St., 7r . all modern. $. 22H No. 2Ttli St.. 6-r., mod. (I, heat, $13. It ASP BROS. IH Mct'iigtie Bldg. HI'.TAf HKI HOUSES. 30.' .-o. S7th. s-r., modern, newly deco rated, reduced to 8tt'. 1 So. ITlh. 5-r. and hall, modem, $25. 2712 No. 9th. -r., partly modern. $lit. l So. 27th, rear. 4-r., partly modern, $10. 1K2.1 No. 22d, S r., modern ex. heat, $20. 721 So. 17th, -r., partly modern, $15. ATTACHED HOUSES. 317 No. 31st, 8-r., modern. $46. 7H No. 22d, 7-r.. modern. t APARTMENTS. 1712 Hurt, 8-r.. modern, heated, $2o. 22:r7 Seward. -r.. partly mod., 2d floor, $1. FLATS. 710 No. Md. 6-r., modern, $10. l.20 No. 84th, 7-r., modrrn ev heat, $1S. A. P. TUKEY SON, 441-8-$ Board of Trado Bldg. Invig. M2. co I h w,th St.. 7-r., al mod $32. 60 1301 S. S2d St., 10-r.. all mod i N. lth St., 8-r.. all mod jio.oo 4M8 Underwood Ave., 7-r.. mod M; w louK-OSV, S. 22d St.. -r mod .....J.W.OO) i71 Rugxles St . -r.. mod x hcatlis.OO 1I1RKETT St COMPANY. 428 Pee Bldg. Doug. .13, ' '" " FORRENT. $-R all modern, IM6 Mason, $ -r., 271v! Burdotte, $14. J r., KH8 S. M. $7. 7-r., 8121 Charles, $. ., 6 C. OliEN. 10S McCague Bldg $47.60-7-r. apartment. 618 B. Wth St. atem heat, janitor rvi $45 0-7-r. apartment 17 8. Mth St.. steam heal, lanitor service. ttf.fln-s-r.. '2112 case St., modern, garage. onO-8-r., !"1 8- Central Blvd.. modern. 37.-i0 7-r modem bungalow, hot water l-eat, M15 Capitol A-e, WJ 8. 2sth St. modem. $26.00 8-r., S219 Capitol Ave., modem ex cept heat. $160 6-r.. tWaJ St Mary's Ave., modem except heat. 20.00--r.. 812 N. "A St, modem except heat. $20.00 -r., 4301 Cuming Ht, modern ex cept heat OKORGE ft COMPANY, 90S City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 7M. WEST FARNAM. Six rooms, all modem, with sleeping porch; beautiful mahogany and enamol finish; K(12 Davenport St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1S22 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 898 8157-8 FARNAM ST.. b-utlful modem 8 room brick houses, new floors. Furnaces in excellent condition. Ileal bargains. $26 each. THK BYRON REED (X)., Phone Doug. 2S7. 213 So. 17th Bt 2124 No. pith, 8 rooma, 8d floor, $1150. 2120 No. ltith, 6 rooma. $16. l:t23 Capitol Ave., rooms, 3d floor, $20. 2121 IrftavenWorth, 6-room flat, $J0. 2117 1cavenworth.vl rooms. $17.60. . 34AS Jackson, 6 rooms, $22.50. 647 So. 2tll Ave., rooms, $45. 418 No. lith, rooma, 023 No. lth. rooma, upstairs, $30. 1427 No; 17th, 9 rooms, modern, furnace heat, new shades. $46. twit. ivnrM oprn rv- Phone Doug. 207. 212 8o. ilth St. 0t,!.t'J!,N8 WANTED-$.0 paid for im uuuir, no arrows; . ror 17S half fl mint: llcO foe iwa hi, is J:?" '1 valuable coins circulating; send now 4o; get our coin circular: may mean large ii Ft wo'rth. T.;,n"UB Jepc HOITR-ROOM house, modem, walking distance. D. 45t. Reside, 2545 Capitol. Ave. CHOICE DWELLING. , WFJT FARNAM DISTRICT, log 8. li'.ih Bt, 8 rooms, first class con dition. $?.w. PAYNE ft SLATER COMPANY, 1K Oirmha Nat. Bank Bldg. $! N. 2,'.th, HOT WATER HEAT... .$10.00 liiiu Sherman Ave.; 14 rooms SR. 00 414 H. 2th St., 6 rooms 22.50 1515 N. 17th St.. 7 rooma 20.00 2240 Seward St., 6 ruins 13.00 JOHN N FRENZnit DOlJGIA8 664. NEW brick: HOME. Six rooms and alceping porch, decorated, gas range, refrigerator and buffet ma hogany first floor; white enamel, aeoond floor. No. 3X13 Farnam Bt. Rent only $40. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., 1300 -Farnam St Phone Doug. 10S4 TTnimpa 1,1 " Parts of the city. creigh Sons i i ft Co.. Bee building. FOR RENT I,arge up-to-date bungalow; . atrlotly new; fully modern, on car line NINE rooms, modern, 8218 Burt; 7 rooms, new, modern, 2X28 Parker; e.ght rooms, modern except heat, 2127 Douglas; four NEW. 6-room cottage, never occupied. viriuiiy muuern, 4.JU. Five-room cottage, almost new, exoep. ...... ii'uiim, Muiuur inuuern, near car line and near school, 1 2?. Go. new o-room cottage, mouern except heat, finished In oak, near car lino, 820. Seven rooms, parlor extending across the entire front of the house, oak finish, colonnade openings, - four bedrooms and bath, fine neighborhood, near car, $30. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, 17th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 6013. BEVEN rooms, 4100 Davenport Close to - . .-.--' . .. .. , , , w & . m i - dence district Walnut SW. NEW modem C-r. house, 8 blocks south of Miller park, closa to car; terms. Webster 6M3. 1537 No. 19th St., 4-r., water, gas, toilet In house, $10. 1M3 No. 17th Bt, 6-r., gas. water, sewer in house, $1.1. 2001 Bo. nth St, 6-r., cottage, toilet, (as water In houae, $18. 160 Grace Bt, 7-r.. modem ex, heat, $18. W. G. 811 RIVER, " Doug. IStt. 1047 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 7-R, house, mod.j suitable for two fam ine.. lUUglU VII. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, 806 8. 80th Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Henshsw Hotel. Harney 1014, Douglas 111. Maggard's fcr nr., onij, men, tl.iu per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. 1J. .l. Keed n " Ia moving atoraa. 2r7 Farnam. D. 8146. Globe Van&Storage Stores, mores, packs, ships: t-horae van ed 3 men. 81.25 oar hr.: iinno ti u o. Satisfactory guar. D. 4:U8 ft Tv. 8. fcTEAM heat all modern, 7'room house;- twiu uai. no. FOR KENT W. have a complete Hat of all houses, arartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van ft Storage Co . hurt S Idih SiL. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 18th A. Jackson St.. Phone Douglaa tH. 8-ROOM, all modern; furnace, electric light 3617 N. IHith St. $23 iO. SIX-ROOM house. $110 Harney 8t Call j'uusias zzws. 6 RMS., modern except heat, $11. Web. 111. 3007 Burdette St Store and Offices. TWO HOOMS EN8UITB In good location, READY DECEMBER 16TIC Will show you now. TUB BEE BUILD1NQ, (The Building that Is Always New.) Office Room 108. FOR RENT. Store building on Douglas street, vacant January 1, IMS. Will pay to see us early. BIRKETT ft COMPANY. 42$ Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. STORE. 1400 Harney, Store, 611 ttuuth l&lli. Store, 2104 Cuming. Office rooms, 2d floor, 318 South 15th. o. c. r:dick. att y.. 224 Omaha National Bank Bldg., i3iepnone lougias li.Ii BRICK store, with full basement, 1721 kuHimii vj aoK4 i r ! y , f i LW. -THOH. W. HAZEN. fl McCague Bldg. Douglas 1300 109 or 111 8. U.lh, .tram heat J'-t: Oodge St.. 22luO fe.rt. Moving picture loi-ailon, 1324 N. 40th. Hull V VJ Vl.h ..! U..L.. .. . . t - . ... .. . . ' - w . k l , , Bvvufc ti feet; 10 months' lease. jkiin n. r ui-;.ni-. it, in h. imh st . STOKE and apartment combined, uur rt)U TEXT at ere. and Office.. lluildincs For Kent $ S3 00 per Mo. 1215 Howar.1 St. 2 stories and basement, 22x1.12 feet. linililinifs With Trnckiisc $100.00 per Mo. Room l".7r. ft : 714 8 1.1th St; g,v d loading platiorm and large icebox or cooler; suitable for produce or poultry house, $100.00 per Mo. Brick warehouse; 1205-13 S. 20th St.S l,00i aT. ft. of floor space. Union Pacific trackage. ALLEN BLDG. 6 stories and basement warehouse at t K. Cor. of loth and Farnam Rts en tire building haa 120,110 so,, ft, of floor space, also 22 ft additional ground on east with loading plat form: 1". P., Burlington and Northwestern track age; will lease either east or wet H of building, each side having separate ele vator entrance, etc. This building haa sprinkler sys tem and an especially low insurance rate. Call our rental department for full Information. (i(YrK & Compnry ' Phone D. 7f4l. tog ciiy Nafl Rk. Bldg !""1,Hrj :,th St.. storeroom, steam heat, FELL ft PINKERTON cY., .io itoarn or I raits Bldg WANTED TO RENT WANTK.I For elderly couple, one or two clean, unfurnished, heated rooms' nnt to exceed $10 per month; Hanscom park district preferred. Address 8 3K, care Bee. WANTED A farm of 40 acres or more, close to North Omaha preferred. Tele- phono So. 2Wfi. WANTED TO nUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. 4.144, J. WE BUY 2d-lmnd elo'hes. 1421 N 84tn. SLIGHTLY used pianos. Webster 872. WANTKli A buyer for an old established rest i,u rr ja i . . , .... ,,.,,..v ibii insurance bualnoas, on. of the best In central lows. Located In a city of .00 population, do ing a large farm, city and insurance busi ness. If In I ra.U n r. ' . J I . . h . " . , -- ..-.-.-,v .,., u . , Dui come and Investigate if you want a bargain. . i cP'or torn- want lot edge town. 1403 8. IS. W ANTED eiTUATION S YOUNG man wants place to work for hosril Willi nlta.,.4l,, 1 ..... I 1 1 Telephone I iouKlas l SITUATION wanted by experienced col ored woman, housework. Address 24144 Erakine St. , WANTED-PosiUon driving private ea. ." w i less ru iiv, nee. MEAT cutter, experienced; references furnished. , Address K. L. Hadlcy, VII llson, la. , WANTED I'osltlon by handy man at tin nu 1'iuinoing wora. k. Jt. Salisbury. " ' i ..i, c.., niinnuBn, w yo, LADY steno. and bookkeeper, beginner; Will start at nmwmt . .. 4 . O 281. Bee. " WANTEIWly tlidustrlous man. any kind of inside work. Am and honest and want a chauce. Address nt -fi, nee.- WANT ED A position as housekeeper, or to care for babies. Call at 1611 N. fcth pi. SITUATION Day work or Iv week; go home nights. W. 6484. Any kind, GOOD girl would like a place to assist In general houseiwork. Bellevue 118. irmrtn miliar is ' , first-class mills. mosUy In Hungary Is looking for situation any kind, of flour mm. Doner ana sienay. speak five, dif ferent languages. A Douda. 140$ Wil liam St., Omaha. POSITION desired by man to tend furC nace and around the house, for board iiu mum, i an mr nupser at Aetna hotel. YOUNG lady, experienced' In stenographic . - . h , v..,., nun K luug permanent position. Address J 282. Bee. lUUNO German gentleman, excellent ap pearance and good habits, wishes po- p anlcn; speaks German, French, Span- nam fit WANTEI Position driving private car or light truck. Address E 87, Bee, WANTS position private family as chauf feur; five years' experience; can show the best of reference; willing to do other work, J. Thomas, 1K18 Reesflj St., city. TWO first class farm hands, sober and steady, are looking for situation on a fanu or ranch. Chaa. Polio. 1402 William. Omafia, Neb. BUNDLE wsshlng wanted, satisfaction given, iau weo. sots. WANTED Dining room work. Doug. 86 J. SITUATION wanted by experienced 'clerk In country town store, beet of reference; speaks German and low German. Address M 285, Bee. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants po sition; can also out meat;-references lumnnra. weneter zns. WANTED A young man wants a posi tion as stenographer or bookkeeper. Ad dress P 2S7. Bee. WOMAN of 88 wishes any kind of work at once; good home considered mora than large salary, where good services are appreciated; . no washing. .Tel. Web. 6118. Call during day. WANTED Day work. Phone Doug. 8407. POSITION wanted as hotel clerk by man of middle Age; experience; best of rvf erences. Address A 288, Bee. . ENGLISHMAN, steady worker, with good references, wants Job. Can handle end pack fragile goods. Address B 250, Bee. COLOBED woman desires position at general nouseworx. rnone South 186H. JAPANESE coog want a position. First clasn hotel: city or country. Yura, 38 and 1. Sts.. South Omaha. GOOD white woman wants work. Call Red 8034. AUTOMOBILES The Auto Clearing House 2008 Fsrnam Street. . Phone Douglas 8310. Omaha. We announce the opening of an exclusive second-hand auto salesroom t the above ad Ire... We expect to buy and sell used cars for spot cawh. Ixit us have a call from you, and tell us what you have to offer for sale and what you want to buy. We have two customers . for light coupe cars at this time. Tires and accessories at a discount. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 2?0 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. - Al'TOMOBlLFS Hudson, in good condi tion I'nU U 1.... v,.l ... .. i .... . after t p. m, $100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll rep.r'g. O. li.y.Jorfer. giii N. li FORD cara paint d $22; other cars accord ing to else; work gtd. Phone 8. 3j'i0. Llndborg Br.m , 2e?f Leav. (Flying Merki.).' .Molitl. H i Deliuiler loiii'liig c.r u ilti aelf-starter, run than &i miles; gent In baigaln at $7). The T. G. Noilh wall Co.. vl4 Jones St.. Doug. UU7. Used Cars We have the largest assortment of used cars on our floor. It will psy you to In vestigate. All these cars are In perfect condition. having been overhauled by our mechanics. Here Is a partial list of our bargains: 1!U Ford Ceupo. 1!'11 Touring csr (Ford). 1818 Ford Roadster. 1!1 4 Touring car (Ford).- Call and see our 30 larger cars of all makes at unheard of priors. Industrial Garage Omahs. Nch. Wth Hamey rt Greennugh Omnha Bad. Rep. Co., 2"ft Far. FOR UK NT One-ton While, truck with driver, by week or month. H. citon, 2?ns Farnam. Cull Douglas ."mi, AUTO clearing houae, ,?2i" Farnam, buys m sells used cars. I'hone iiouglaa Aim. Motorryelea. HARLKY-l'AVlDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bars a r.s In uaed machines. Victor Rons. "The Motorcycle Man, 2703 Leavenworth. 1U14 INDUS' MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargain In used mauhlnea. OMAHA. BICYCLE CO, 10th and Chicago. D. 87:s. Llndborg Bros., 2u72 Leav. (Flying Merklrt, nUSlNESS OIANCK3 400 SQUARE FEET OFFICE SPACE. . Specially priced St $.10. Vault, Water, Mamda Ughts Frea. READY NOW. THE BEE BUILDING, (The nulldlng that Is Always New.) Office Room 103. A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants re liable party to eatabllsh office and manage salesmen: ihould pay $1,000 to $15,000 annually; $100 to $700 will finance bualnesa: you handle own money. Refer ences exchanged. sales Manager, 4' Fisher Iflrtg . Chicago, III-; A GOOD soliciting partner wanted, in the feather renovating and mattress making business. 810) will handle halt In terest. Jack Grancer, M Elm St., At lantic, la. t5.OnO.000 available for Immediate Invest ment In Industrial, mining, railway en terprises. Address Bankers ATliance. 11 Southampton Row. London. Eng. o. A YOUNG man with moderate financial backing can absolutely control Omaha and vicinity for the sale of an automobile accessory, which Is a proved success ana fast seller In every section where sgenclea are now established; moderate prlued. ap plied to any car In five minutes; wweir advertised In national mag. sines and the trade papers. Address, giving miallfica tlons. Suite 80S, U. 8. Rubber Bldg., 17W Broadway, New York. BUY ten shares, only $1 per share, In company to drill tor gas and oil In ' proven field; you may make hundreds; fine producing well only location from lease. Remit today. Information tree, Alkan Gas Co., 810 Colcord Blag., Okla homa city." BUSINESS man wanted, with capital, to promote Invention which will bring big returns. I,' Homme, Gloucester Road, m . a XI I v on emer, iikb,- : CAFE in good town; good trade, well se lected stock, up-to-date fixtures. . Call or write for ' particulars. Address Box 181, Olltner, Neb. C. J. CANAN. Heal Estate and Exchanges ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants state manager; high class article; should pay $10,000 annually; $ to $1.0u0 capital; will pay expenses to Chicago if rou are the man we want; references, atburns. 847 Old Colony Bldg.. Chicago. FIRST-CLASS cale and confectionery bu.lneas in a town of 1,800 population for sale: doing big business; good reason forselllng. Address Y Sua. Bee. FOR BALE Two good pool halls in Bioux City. Writ Jim Wray, Stoux City. FOR SALE Several grocery stores In Sioux City, la. Write Jim Wray, pioux City. Ia. FOR BALE, - . POOL HALL, good southern Bo. Dsk, town 1,000; flvo tables; price, $1,li0. JIM WHAT. MOUIUIJ.- FOR SALE Real live money-meklng inn.-, tnnnl na.b,p Rjkat AOiilniwut Ullliaru sn K" , - and located In the south, Business good the year round, clearing over all ex w.nsa hetween 86.000 and 87.000 a year. Cost $.; will sell for $5,OUO. Must be spot casn. inere im no inueuwunri against this rlc- " Interested, writa nr wire w. E. Grady. llliM Main St. Dallas, Tex. FOR SALE, IMPLEMENT B1TSlNR84 with two good buildings, good town! buildings, lots, stock, $t,7oo; terms. JIM WRAY, Bloux City. FOR SALE Grocery store, good trade. Inquire of Frank Sterba, 153 8. 20th. FOR SALE, MODERN HOTEL, good northeast Nebr. town; building, fun nlture complete, $7,600: easy terms. JIM WRAY. Sioux City GROCERY store, dandy location- Own er's UI-health compels him to mskS'S, change, $a,60. . GANGESTAD Room 404 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 1477. GOOD paying restaurant, rigb downtvwc A genuine bargain, $450. j . GANGESTAD . . Room 404 Bee Bldg. 4 Phono Douglas $477. GROW rich In business -f your own. Gt out of the wage earners class. Your co operation with our factory starts you wltu little capital during -spare time In your own home. Wo manufacture exclusive ar ticle. No canvassing. Experience unneces sary. Write for booklet snd proposition. Address Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D-8M, Buf named "Nervle." Tel. II. 2tf or W. C. GROCERY fcTOKE for sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate). Good reasons for selling. Address Y-234. csr Be. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with uo for quick action and square treatment. QUICK BALES COMPANY.. 418 Bee Bid. Phone R4 V4. ONLY POOL HALL AND LUNCH COUNTER food Nebraska town for building and out It complete, $1,860; terms. . JIM WRAY. Sioux City KNOW YOUR BU8INFSS BETTER. BY INRTA LL1NO THE MONARCH SIMPLIFIED ACCOUNTING SYSTEM; ANYONE CAN KEEP IT; 8AVES TIME. SAVES MONEY, SHOWS AT A OLA NCH HOW YOUR BUS1NEKS3 STANDS; MAKES BOOKKEEPING A PLEAS URE; SEND FOR BOOKLET DESCRIB ING THIS SYSTEM. UNITED SALES CO., 811 City National Bank. Industrial Oarage Co., 2-th Harney Sts. Patents That; Protect and Pay Books, advli-e and searches free. Send, sketch or model for search; highest of references; best results; promptuoss as sured, Watson K. Coleman, Patent Law yer. 2J F St. N. W Wanumgton. D. C o PATENTS secured or fee returned7Send sketch for fres opinion of patentability, how to obtain a patent and what to In vent, with 1st of inventions wanted and prises offered for inventions sent free. Patents advertised free. Wanted. new Ideas. Send for our list of patent buyers. Victor J. Evans 4k Co., 1Z7 Miilh, Watli iiKlun, D. C o " L FOOLHALL, 4 tables, barber shop, leav ing city ; w41l sell at half price If taken at once Special taxes paid. Nielsen, tvi t. mm. QUICK SAllEtf CO., A.xzn Buys one of the best little gro !OJvJ c.rie, n Omaha. 1 OfWI Takes a grocery and market iu ifljyri Bood (jen,.. district. (fc'yw'kWill handle a gord downtown .r-zuu re.taurant. $400 Wln buy dandy re.taursnt for H man and wife. $"50 W,H buy Rood cluar and confec- tiunery ate re. QUICK SALri CO., BirsiNESS I'KOKFRS, 418 Boa Bldg. Phone Red SXI-