PART THREE. WANT AFSECTION PAGES ONE TO SIX. H Omaha xjnbay Bee WANT-ADS VOL. XL1 V NO. 2o. OMA1M, SUNDAY' MORNING, DKCKMHEU f, 191. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. WANT ADS Want ade received at iny Uim, but to Insure proper classification must be pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for mornin and Punday edition". Want ads received after auch hour will be under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." ' CASH RATES. Seven consecutive times, 1 cent a word eah Insertion. Three times within one week, ltt cents a word each Insertion. " One time, I cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive times, I cents a line each Insertion Three times within one week, 10 cents a line each Insertion. One time, cents a line. Count sis average words to a line. Minimum chance, JO cents. An advertisement Inserted to De run un til discontinued must be stopped by writ ten order. All claims for errors must be made within fifteen days after the last Inser tion I. . - ,1 , II .nninnl You can place your want ad in The Bee by telephone. Unclaimed Answers t the "finioTmoro' Pnlninn" TODAY'S CXiMPJiKTK MOVIE rilOUKAMS Exclusively In The Dee oath. 1KM THF.ATKR, l.'M South Thirteenth Lights and tFTiadowa. 2 reel Rex. In Taxi 'A Nestor comedy. Ghost of the Mine, KolHlr. LYRIC THEATER, 1617 VINTON. Her Own Home, Eclair. Peg of the Wild, 1 reel Imp. IXg Baffles, Sterling comedy. PASTIME. 24TH ft LEAVENWORTH Mary's Convert. Mary Plokford. Imp, His Father s Son. J-reel Victor. VENEZIA, Hi SO. 13TH ST. Fpur reels of Mutual pictures. MONROE, FARNAM Margaret Fisher In Motherhood. The Odalisque, 2-reel Majestic. Fatty's Jonah Day. Keystone comedy. AXNOIXCKMKXTS a Bruit. I BENSON THEATER, ' 6S3T. MAIN ST. The Link that Rlntia, 2-r. H. Kawllnson. At the Cruical Moment, Kclalr drama. Uixy's !caie, L. Ko. Comedy. C oaacll Dialh. ELITE NO. 1, . 645 BROADWAY. Hearst-.-'olig No. 79." Ixrd Cecil Days a Part. Lubln drama. The Man of Iron, l-reel Kalem drama. ROPER, R37 BROADWAY When Lisxle Got Her Polish. Nest com. Mystery of Scavlew Hotel. J-recl Rex. Circle of Gold. Frontier. iiv.Mii Hut. nv the lflnt I Aotifn Oman week. It Is reasonable to suppose mar , BE9SK THEATER, !ITH ANU H BTD. all of the peuple be-low have made the : deulred swaps, thertfore do not tall for ! What Could She Do? 3-reel Edison drama. the balance of their answers, iic want gwt.-edle nl the Fair. Esenay comedy. 24TH AN13 ST9. Ads sure get results. 8.C B.C. SC. SC. SC. J02 2fi0 390 1302 1424 211 27 tf4 Mi" 4 14M 21S 303 1303 1378 1431 218 305 ! 1W 13SS ua 219 iJ7 vm im 221 308 1312 1392 1441 213 310- 1314 13S4 1445 27 812 1831 ' 14i3 1449 T2S 31fi 1332 1405 11M 229 317 - 1337 14(0 14i 233 324 13:18 1407 147 248 878 1342 1408 14ti2 247 87 1344 1411 1470 250 32 1361 1412 1471 2i as4 13B3 1414 142 258 889 j 1361 1416 - 1M 8.C. 17.11 ir.i3 1520 1536 154(1 1546 17u4 15fv3 1557 1570 1572 .15H5 17.89 157 IK DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES JOHNSON Mary, aged to years. Decem ber 4. Resident - of Omaha tor thirty years. Funeral from residence of her daugh ter. Mrs. U. G. Mahoney. 718 Hickory St.. Sunday afternoon at 2 o clock. Interment at Spring Hill cemetery. Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Robert and Susie Morford. 1562 North beventeenth, boy; Louis and Marie Orel I, Z.12 south Eleventh, Doy; Jim ana Mary Huloc, 1307 Hickory, boy; Henry and Ethel Klok, Florence, girl; Archi bald and Emma Anderson, 248s North r'orty-seventh, girl: jouef and Amulie Giuxek, 1306 South Second. Deaths Stephen F. Delor, 62 years, hos Ital; Elijah Dunn, 70 years, 914 South '1 wenty-sixth; Harr.son C. Smith, 79 ears. Ill South Twentieth. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following permits to wed have been Issued: Name and Residence, Age. William Hahn, Omaha 28 Eva Sarvetnlck, Omaha 22 Harvey B. Taylor, Omaha 23 Rose J. Horns by, Omaha 1 23 John L, White, Omaha... 22 Theresa N. Weir, Omaha 21 James M. Bailey, Omaha..... 47 Metta Kincannon, Omaha.... 86 Floyd Hupp, Logan, la.... 21 Thelma Sears, Logan, la....... 16 L. D. Newlin, Bevler, Mo 23 Virginia A. Darnold, Villlsca, la IS MAGIC THKATER. The Mysterious ltnse. 2-reel Gold Seal. Tho Blinhted Spaniard, L. Ko. Comedy. Klssv Dobbins, Powers, ORPHEUM. See Zudora here today Vaadevllle. 24TH AND M STS. ANNOUNCEMENTS Gordon Van Co. Moving and Storage Phone Douglas 394. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. Notice is hereby given that the City of Geneva, In Fillmore county, and state of Nebraska, will receive sealed bids for the construction of a city hall In said city, according to the plans and specifications now on file In the office of J. D. Hamil ton, city clerk of said city of Geneva, and of Joseph W. Salmon, architect, Lin coln, Nebraska. Separate bids will be re ceived for the building proper, and for the plumbing, heating and wiring. Bids to be Hied with the said city clerk no later than 7:00 o'clock p. m. sharp, stand ard time, Monday, December 14, A. D. If 14. Each bid must' be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 5 per cent of the amount of such bid as a auarantee j tnat tne successful bidder will enter Into ; f, '.Vlllini., IUI HIT" I UIIHL1UI IIUII VI UIC I work bid on according to the plans and specifications, and will furnish the said city with a good and sufficient indemni fying bond for the faithful carrying out of his contract. The city reserves the right to rejecrany and all bids. Dated at Geneva, Nebraska, November 19. 1914. (Seal of City of Geneva, Nebraska.) . J. D. HAMILTON, Clerk of City of Geneva, Nebraska. 4 Sewing Machine Bargains 3 Piano Bargains at Mickel's Monday New home sewing machine, drop-head. All attachments guaranteed for five years. Worth $40. Now, Monday, til White sewing machine, ball bearing. Cost $50. New, Just slightly used. A great harps In at $14. New Home machine. Its good and a bargain at $5. . . . Singer sewing machine, late style, bound bobbing. An agent would ask you H0 for it right now. Monday It goes lor $21. Rable piano, beautiful walnut case. This piano Is new. Regular price $400. Want an offer on It Monday. Warren plena. Upright In good shape. It sure Is a bargain at $75. Regent piano (new). We heed the room for vlctralaa, so here It goes at rot, plus freight, $175. Regular price 2W1. These goods on sale Monday at ' MICKEL'S, Nebraska Cycle Co., 1.1th and Harney. Douglas 1052. li 1X1 WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous. YOI.'NG women to Omaha as strangers are to visit the Young Women's t hrlMUn Ass Int . on hutuling uc St. Mary's Ave. and St.. where tncy will - be dlre.'ted to suitable hoarding place or otherwise assisted. look for our traveler's guide at Union station. LADIES' A tmeses' roats, suits, dresses & skirt samples at Wholesale prices. Bon- off Nsw York Sample Store, tt N. IMh. UOVKRNMKN1- )oos for women, $76 a month. List free. Franklin Institute, lept tfJt-T. Rochester. N. Y. LADIES Send 2Ao for large tuble of greaseles cold cream, for sunburn, tan, pimples and blackheads, pas no superior. Excellent before using powder. Sales lai"les wanted. Peaker & Co., 402 West seventh St ,S loujt C 1 1 y , Ia. PLKASANT, profitable home business for women; spare time, no canvassing; no experience.; fast growing business; $1,500 year easy. We furnish everything. Write for untiiue plan. C. W. Eveetone, Pres., Pittsburgh, Kan.; 1R2 R Mh. LADIES can make $iflto $15 weekly copy ing, addressing and mailing samples; particulars for stamp. Rex Co., 359 Olcn wood Ave., Buffalo. N. Y. DELI WANTED MALE A Bents, MalesmrM nnil Solicitors, Wnntrtl: Three clean-cut capable men to sell a inavfi''no projxisitiou, that vixn give bond, HEM WANTED MALE Aaents, Maleamen and Solicitors, WANTKDA real salesman over 25 to represent us exclusively In western Iowa, beKinnlng January I. We have a large, well known and In every way first class line o exclusive copyright calen- nars, ciom signs and advertising special TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PKOOKAM8 Exclusively In The Bee Udwi Taava. CAMERAPHONJ3, 1403 DOUGLAS ST. Helen's Sacrifice. Kalem drama. The .Marriage Wager, 2-r. Lubin drama. A HorBe on Sophie. Essenay W. comedy. ELITE NO 2. 1318 FA UN AM. The Means and the End, 2-r. Ess. dra. Fatty and the Shyster Lawyer, Kal. com. Blacasmith Ben, Blograph drama. FARNAM, 1415 FARNAM Zuaora. ThunJiouaer Serial No. 3,( In ad dition to our regular program. Another Chance. MaJ. drama. Keystone Comedy, featuring Mabel Nor- tnand and C. Chaplin. iiK'p 16 ill AND HARNfiX Horn of Paramount Picture. PARK THEATLU. Feature program dally. Keystone Comedies. 616 N. 16TH. PARLOR, . 1408 DOUGLAS The Coward. 2-reel Imp. A Lonely Salvation. Victor drams PRINCESS, 1317 DOUGLAS The Girl Stage Driver. 2-reel Eclair. Dream of a tPainting. Joker comedy. The Outcome. Pick lord Imp. North. ALHAUBRA, 1814 N. 24TH ST. The Lite, of Buffalo Bill, 2-reel feature, with rope throwing exhibition by Arizona Charlie in front of the theater. ALAMO. 21TH AND FOrtf. His Father Son. 2-reel Victor. The Close Call. Sterling coinwyy. Her Life's Story. Powers. HENRY DUVE, 2920 LEAVENWORTH STREET, ANNOUNCES TO THE PURLIC HE HAS-OPBNED UP A MEAT MARKET. CALL AND BFK MK AND GET SOME GOOD MEAT. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; consultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Aliender. 624 Bee. o GLASS GLAGUNG. Superior window glass and expert glazing. Let us quote prices. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO.. Douglas 47W. 1019 Farnar.i. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS.! In Jewelry, Watches, etc. Mans satis fied customers. GROSS JEWELRY CO. The stce with the reputation," 20i N. 16th and 416 N. 16th. GET a Y. M. C. A. ticket for Xmas. HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; 60c postpaid; sample free. Sherman tt McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Wedd)ng announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. LUCKY wedding rings at Brodegaard's. MODEL cleaners and tailors: call and de liver. 108 N. IRth St. Phone Red 4292. MUST sell all trunks, suitcases, hand bags half price. See HARRY, 501 N. 16th CLIFTON, Military Ave. and Burdette. 'i lie Mtitt.e of a Man, Than. iJ.-ainu. Ail at Sea, Keystone Comedy. Zudoru, No. 1. DIAMOND. 2410 LAKE. Girl of the People, 2-reel Victor. When the Girls Weru thang haled. Nest. com. His Gratitude, Imp. drama. Dec. 6. FRANKLIN. 24TH & AMES AVE. in the Land of Arcad.a, 2-r. Vita, dr. The Ranger's Romance, Sel. W. dr. Snakevllle and the Corset Demonstrator. Es.V. com. HIPPODROME. OTHAND CUMING. Shorty & Sherlock Holmes, 2-r. Broncho dra The Emperor's Snv. Than, drama hhot in the Kxcttement. Keystone eom THE OLYMFIA Is showing a complete line of Xmas candles. 1518 Harney. M. F. MORRILL, DECORATED CHINA for Xmas gifts. 824 Brandels The. Bldg. I WILL contract to kill all roaches In your house or building in twelve days or no money. Powder used Is) now poisonous anl odorless. Douglas 1370. IT THEATKR IKTIt X. IlTM'e-p iitfarst-beng. ino. Tf. The Private Officer, 2-r. Ess. Dra, Thanks for the Lobster, Vita, Com. LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP. 'i tie Last Shot. Reliance drama. 1 pad and the Girls, Beauty comedy. IAJYAL THEATER, 24u6 Caldwell Master Key. No. 3. 2 reel. The Groom s Doom, L, Ko. comedy. 'i lie Phantom Cracksman, Victor. Pa'lACE THEATER 23u$ Davenport. Trey o" Hearts. No. II. 2 reel. Al aster Key, No. 1. 2 reel. SLBI RBAN. 24TH & AMES AVE. The Prince Party, 2-r. Ess. Dra, 'I he Hocky Road of love, Vila. com. '1 he Everlasting Trlant-'le. Edison Drams. ARBOR. SS01 ARBOR, 'the Redemption of a PoU t-r. Amer. dra. Harvest of Regrets, Thanhouser drama, mnsome Winnie, Beauty comedy. ruOU 241:4 LEAVENVVORTH ST. liearst-Sellg No. 77. On- the Stroke of Five, 2-reel VTta. dra. Ham., the Piano Mover. Kal. comedy. COLUMBIA THEATEIC KUT sTToTH. The Old Flute PUyer, 3-reel Vita, drama. Beating the Burglar. Lub. comedy. The Broken Rose. Illograph drama. COMFORT.. 24TH A VINTON. The Million Dollar Mystery, Episode N. tL The Desperado. 2-reel Broncho. His Musical Career. Keystone. FAVOR 1 f E THEATER 1716 VINTON. Mary Jane Knu-rtains, 2-reel Vita, com. brjncho Billy Favorite. Ess. w. drama. Th Vengeance ol Winona, Kal drama. Would You Swap if You Had a Good Offer? Since The Bee started the Swappers' Column, thousands of people have used it with considerable profit. It has proven to be a most popular feature. - Those who want to swap that which they have for that which they want will find many ready offers through the bwappers uoiumn. Bring your ad to The Bee office and we will put you in touch with the right people for a very few cents. Do it aow while you are in the mood. Telephone Tyler 1000 The Omaha Bee EvrjboJy Rd, Bam Want Ad Day School Night School Bbyles School! "IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND." It's never too late to begin your buslhess training at Boyle College. Start to morrow! You thought of It last week, didn't you 7 Think of it again today, make up your mind today and get busy tomorrow. EVERY DAY IS . ENROLLMENT DAY AT BOYLES COLLEGE Business waits on no man. If you in tend to get Into business every day' delay Is a waste of time and money. Business Is profitable If conducted In a business way. Do you know how t. Do you want to learn? Do you know that we have a constant demand for trained stenographers, book keepers, accountants and telegrapher T Business men ask for ability and train ing. How are you fixed to hold a posi tion? Business men ask you when you apply for -a position, "Are you a Boyle College graduate r' If you are, nothing more is neeaea. xou gel tne )0d. Begin tomorrow and a position I as sured you. Business college training will bring you In touch with business men ana an opening. . BOYLES COLLEGE BOYLES BUILDING. . II. B. BOYLES, Frea. Omaha, I'nlon pacific Railroad Telegraph Dept "WOMEN to sew at home, all material furnished and delivered prepaid to your door; we want reliable workers; to such we offer good money, steady work; no canvassing; send stamped envelope for prices we, pay. Universal Co., Dept 1, Walnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. DO you want another il dally? No ex--perisncs; constant spare time work knit ting hosiery; machines furnished on con tract; we take product Helping Hand Store (Inc.), Dept. K. Chicago. tll.OO WEEK, expenses advanced; women to travel and appoint agents for con centrated food flsvors In tulies. Reliable Mfg. Co., Como Bldg.. Chlcsgo. WRITE motion picture plays; t.'O to $100 paid; correspondence course unneces sary; details free. New Writer. 1114 Vic toria Bldg., St. Louis. M AOAZ1NB SOLICITORS rew organ iser, get busy; write quick for our new Sfio. club, offers- of mass sines which sell like hot cakes; big commissions; unlim ited territory. Postal Subscription Cotn pany, Minneapolis. Minn.' . SEND your address, we'll show you how to make 22 weekly selling fur sets and made-to-moasure skirts direct from man ufacturer. Jo. Besner, 460 Broome St., N. Y. v - ' A young married lady wishes lady com panion to Ho to . Florida for sever il weeks. Will exchange references. A1 0 1 efts O 286, Boe WANTED Slx glris for two wtsek' work after school hours, 3 a week. Give phone. number. Address E. 2W Bee. HELP WANTED FKiLlLE v Clerical svmd Wfflue. STENOGRAPHER Young lady of good appearance: must be hiimi n.H capable; willing to accept position at t0 per month. Address O 244, Bee. Stenographer and bookkeeper t6 btenoaraDher . anri Aa t nunr -j; Stenographer i fclenosranur and' Typist .'.Hi WAT'ia rf. cO.. MO-42 Brand. Thea. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOK- KEEfKK TO TAKE COMPLET CHARGE 17K&3 STENOGRAPHER AND BOOK KEEPER. COMFi! CHARGE 85.00 BOOKKEEPER, TYPIST 80,00 bTENOGRAPUKR, SMALL OF FICE 60.00 STENOGRAPHER AND CLERK.... 40.00 COMTOETER OPERATOR AND . - FILING CLERK. JANUARY 1. ... 40.00 TYPIST, WAHL ADDING MA- . CHINE UrfiHATUH bV.UU STtNiKJlUPMtK, JANUARY )..... 60.00 WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ABB'N, 762-4 Omaha NaUonal Bank Bldg. LADIES can make good money at home before holidays ueoorating pillows. Ex perience unnecessary. Call forenoon, gw-Bo.-13th. ' . - PHONE, b. S044 or send me your address and receive -12 Xmas post t arua and one 1916 art calendar, delivered to your house for 15o. Supply limited. Hurry. Out of town peopie send loc stamps. Money returned U not satisfied, p. p. Anderson, 2jo4 Douglas St., omana, Neb. SOUlllg Contracts to hallKS. ' our "n t"autlful and so varl,-d , . , .. 41 .1 that each and every business In every AlUSt be llVO OllCS. AlSO thr ton In the country, without regard to 1 1. 11 can be successfully solicited. Our men Capable Of Working Small Koods are very attractive, but no more i rii 1 .so than our reasonable prices. Commls- I0WI1S 011 n liriStniaS prCpOl- sions lltersl; excluMvo territory assigned. tion fet40 commission. Must luuseTC be able to give the best of ref-! ffi-K Kffl:.- Mh"',,'' eronees. F. 1). BROWNING, SOS Baird Building AGENTS let particulars of one of the, best paying proposition ever put on the market. Something no n else sells. Make 4,flie yearly. Address K. M. Felt man, Pnles Mgr., 150 Third Ht, Cincin nati, O. AGENTS Something that every man needs; samples free. S. S. Star, Gen. Del., Chlcano. AGENTS WA$sTEI To sell a red hot proposition. An automobile accessory for winter use that start a car like magic. Iiw price. No competition. Demonstration never falls to make a sale. Write today to serure territory. Address Sales Mansner, yip Mfg. Co., 624 New Mf ,!5-JL'Jl'r" go. HI- SALESMAN Able, hrnlny, aggressive, for Nebraska. Clean attractive proposition; big deals. Paying competent men It a month. Address Wholesaler, Iowa City, la. SALESMEN WANTEl-To sell the most epmplete and fastest selling line of cal endars ami advertising specialties at popular price. All the year line. Good for $16 to $100 weekly. Exclusive territory. vniin company, ixmisvillo, Ky CALENDAR "bALkVm KN "for exclusive deluxe line, combined with quality, ad vertising specialties. All year contract for high grade producers; state experience fully, sale Manager, Jackson Camp bell Ave.. Chicago. SALESMEN In every county to sell to dealer or farmer, tractor attachment for automobiles needed bv every farmer, Ford lo work of four horses, rthers In proptrtlon to else. Auto Tractor Co.. M'les. Mich. At.ENTS-Niw game for cigar trade; easy seller; quick repeater. P.irtiou lar free. t'nlted Sales Co., 206 Walnut Plwce, Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WAITED MALE - Clerical ss off lee. . HIGH-ORAD. commercial position."' WKSl'HN REr. BONO ASUN. . " - ? Omaha Nat. Ban a Uug. CREDIT MA"n7mU"-Fb1 GOOI) auvuufliAHl ; ..,.$100.00 O FiCE MANAGEdt CREDIT MAN, INSTALLMENT EXPERI ENCE . 160.00 BOOKKEEPER AND- CASHIER.. ?6.w) TRAVELING SALESMAN. HARD WARE ..1 100.00 TRVELiiNO SALESMAN, HEAT ING SYSTEMS $1U0 TO $126 CITY -SALESMAN, FAMILIAR W ITH REAL ESTATE VALUriU. 100.00 ETHNOGRAPHER AND BOOK KEEPER ". $66.00 to $7S.0O MAIL ORDER MAN, - IMPLE MENTS ...1 75.00 We contemplate a number . of change In various lines the first of the year and would be glau to Interview any who de sire to make a change or belter their position. 1 WEST REFERENCE & BOND A88 N, Originators of the Reference Business. - 7a4-i Omaha National Bank Bldg. Chicago. Kansas City NO FILING FEE. . Bookkeeper and stenographer... $66 to fTt Office clerk ,...$40 ROGERS REFERENCE CO.. 82 State Bank Blog. 17th and Harney Salesman, specialty line Commiasion Bookkeeper 'E? ASkistant architect ..............$76 WATT. .8 REF. CO., 840-42 Brand. Thea. . AllE , YOU SATISFIED 1 with . your present position? If not it might be well to see us, a we make a buftlnese of securing positions where a man qualifications fit Into hi work; not only that but the compensation according.- ......... - If you are out of a Job and have almost given up In despair, don't forgot that we are constantly on tho lookout and in touch with the better buaineca houses in Opiaha and know their needs. We have a number of openings In high grade clerical and sales positions. 801110 effective. January 1, 1UV . v -M i d- West Bonding Co., $11 Bee Building. JUNIOR" CLERK and typist SI Btate Pld . l7th and Harney. CREDIT MAN, must have wholesale ex perience ana oe. aoie 10 . . " volume of account. 52o State Bank Bldg BRIGHT, ambltlou . young msn with "sale, -blllty. who can furnish good references and Invest. $600. can secure a good connection with Omaha firm In a prontawo line, oo pw" Aaxents and iaktiwssiea, WANTED LA DY BOL1CITORS . In every county for The Twentieth Cen tury Farmer and other magaalnsa. Be Independent earn big money. Write at once for agency. TWENTIETH CENTURT FARMER, Omaha. Neb. -ii7Z7i ,, ,1? a rwlttm nit wish to secure something between , now and January li SEE US. ' we are pia-ni "-li" . . . J9 . merctal position EVERY DAY and can xUU. 7,Call -at our office. .MONDAY" and we will be glad to refer you to many whom rON'T hFsiTATK; COME TO US IN r -laio-ao w, o. w. Bldg BOOKKEEPER to take charge pf email .office; must be experienced and furnish good references. Salary $ to start with; 1 1 ... , . h -n rm rr aiivancemenc. aq. dress. P t4, Bee., Factory s4 TraelM. LBARN halrdresslng. Oppenhelm Partora Hoasekecrere sv d Domestics. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler lQnO. GIRL for general housework; small family, ouut yveoster bu wnni EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. 3M7 FamMm. WANTED Girl for general housework. $302 Woolworth Ave. Harney fc4t. WANTED Girl for second work. 33U Woolworth Ave! Harney W41 GOOD retectable girl a cook; good wages. H 72t. - GIRL for general houstewerk; German or Danish preferred. 720 8. 22d St. . . , WANTED A girl for general ho work. H. IMS. M2 8. Hat Bt WANTKD- An experienced nurse girl, not under 20; large family. Mrs. Dixon, 4Hi N. Roth St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, family of two, reference required. Harney 2116. GIRL for general housework; references required. Harney $tf3. 407 S. fctth St. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. C. D. Sturtevant. 112 S. 4h St. . ELDERLY lady wanted io be attendant for lady, no house work required. Web, iSKi. CAPABLE girl for general housework, no laundry, small family. 41$ So. th SI. Harney 2860. . . COMPETENT girl for seneial house work; no laundry work; good wages. 8.1 15 Burt. Office space for rent in Bee office. 118 N street terms reasonable. Well known location. Tat South 27. AOENTS We start you In big paying business of your own without one cent of capital. No strings to this turfque proposition, made by one of America's oldest and highest rated house. Won rterrnt opportunity for man or woman. Write Immediately, Manager, Desk 42. $21 South mth, vt. Iouls, Mo. SA t ,KSM EN Earn $2 000 to $4,000 a year. New combination. 12 tools In one. Sells at 'sight to contractors farmers, team sters fenPA hlllMVN 1 1, M.kaM l. Weighs 24 pounds, lift 8 ton. Rtretrhe CAPABLE specialty salesman and sales manager for ldl& by $IJ0,iiu0 corporation; retail experience desirable; genuine op port unity; must first sell, then organise efficient sales force; other men now earn ing $.ino to $:mo monthly; proposition en dorsed by million-dollar firms; reference; bond required. The Ingle System Com pany. Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS wanted; 100 per cent profit sell lug useful pecla.ty; used in homes, hotels, stores and by auto owners: good repe.tter; sample free. Auburn Specialties Co.. I'ept 24J. Auburn, N. Y. CHEW iNll GUM Hell to dealers, biggest lino manufactured; meet any competi tion; send lor price list and samples. The Helmet Gum Co.. Cincinnati. AGENTS -New one; Just out big prcQts, quick sales; every home prospect; "Tits-or-Pot"alumlnum pereo.slor, makes cofiee; .ie hall, converts any coffee phi into iercoimor; going wnn a rush. write quick tor aiency tu Standard Spinning and Stamping Co., 1 oieao. u." SALKMKN Ktmly advanced salesman ship. Highest paid profession. Real op portunities guaranteed. Free booklet, itraristreet Mystem, Inc., Park Row Blilg., New York Cltv, Dept. 106." IlKIiP WANTEn-RIAIiR Factory and Trades, ARCHITECT or construction man, with wide experience In estimating and con struction of Isrge bullillngs, can secur permanent and profitable employment by local firm doing general construction work. Applicant must be able to furnish, hlah-claaa reference for honesty and abil ity. Give age and state experience and last employment In first letter .o D ITS Bee. e EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR VAN. Wanted, thoroughly eapeilenced ele vator man; must be able to run eleetrlo elevator. Apply to timekeeper, main floor, balcony. BURG E8S-N ASH CO. LEARN BARBER TRADB. Be Independent; wages and tools given. F.lectrlo massage. Strictly modern. But demand for barbers. Call or write, TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGB. -1124 Douglss St.. (Im. 1031 N St.. Llneohy M tseellanevea. GOOD FUTUItK FOR YOU or anyone who makes himself an auto expert. We give expert work. Go right Into the auto business from here. Beat ,Vrlte quick tor agency proposition. The f l'"!.1 lu,pl,l ol,K- "."'V. list of oenlnKS. Free catalog. AMEItlOAN AUTO COLLEOE, 211K Farnam St., Omaha. TO sell now and until June 1, cardboard fans for advertising to all classes of trade. Fine sideline. Earnings ti wedtly and upward. Kemper-Thomas Co., Fan lept, Cincinnati. SALESMEN to sell line of Xm and too men neckwear on commission for Ne braska and Iowa. Must have experience and furnish reference in letter or your application will not bo considered. Ad dress Kaiser Co.. 34a l'nmdway, N. Y. MILLION-DOLLAR winner; tremendous rapid sales stagger country; agent happy, banking enormous profits dauy. New Invention, yet million sale already reiorded; Walter sold M lirst 1 hours; Arnold HO first dsy; everybody wants Grab Sclentlllu Shoe Cleaner on door step; saves drudgery, carpets, shoes, money; automatically removes mint, snow; mechanical wonder; Investigate quick; territory free; wortli fortune. Se curity Mfg. Co., Dept. 18, Toledo, O. I NEED branch mankger for my world wide mall Older business; operate from your own home In spare time; no ran vaaalng or peddling; experience unneces sary; you should make $f0 weekly, Butler, ls2 Factories, Toledo, O. AGENTS New business, new field, big profits; selling waterpower massage ma chine; Parker sells ft first day; Marg warth says making $19 dally; Iwls sells wire, pulls posts, hoists, etc. Chance fori! 'I1-".' hour,' Investigate now, today, men who want honest money making ?"1 2! 5 tt,r?l','r'S!1 l' y4'u' proponirnn. Marrah Manufacturing rv iiuiim ....... um,., t T-lr. I." Til l.l, . o Box K, Hlootnfleld. Ind. WE have an easllv earrlnd M1i,A '"ifl'"1. oa,w,""r fnr rome good man. I'enver, ttiio. R. C. Smith Co., WANTED Live men to sell our line of fancy irooda and nnrlim. in territory In Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa. No novice considered; onlv those with experience need annlv. aaa.. Kunstadter Chicago. SALESMAN-Jn straight commission basis, no drawing account, to sell pop. ulnr- priced line men neckwear to the largest department tores, haberdashers and "tn,"' In Iowa, Nelvraska, Kansas u i.nrmiuri. jiiun nave a rood follow. lodo, O. SPECIALTY sslesman wanted; pood sal ary or commission; we are old estab lished company manufacturing large line. Sell eHally every business man every town. Write Warren Refining and Chem leal Co., Cleveland. Q. AGENTS wanted In every city to sell high grade household speolaltlosj send for catalogue and free sample. Kitchen Specialties Co., Sheridan. Wyo, I WANT energetto agent In exclusive territory to handle the best automobile lock yet produced; a sure winner. P. W. Smith, Box 1K, Beattle, Wash. WANTED Salesmen to handle the most up-to-date line of aavertising signs, cai- Ing among the laraest hovers niu ne.anri-ra nri novelties. Send references with erences and state experience In fhe neck, application. Commission basis. Write to day tor particulars, manon nonii Kenton, O. wesriine. Kaiser A Co.. 143 Broadway, SALESMEN wanted for coming year; two experienced traveling salesmen se quainted with drug, dry goods or special lines. Positions permanent Well known "Upl "ne- P nod men M.00D per year or better. Writ T $90. Bee. WANTED Large corporation has several - permanent position for men between 25 and 35 years of sge, who have had ex perience as salesmen. Applications will be considered from men now residing either In Omaha, 8outh Omaha and Council Bluff. . . Would like to hear from men who have a large acquaintance among Bohemian and who can apeak Bohemian. For further particular address r 238. Bee, , - WANTED Several neat appearing mtn for soliciting. Money dally. Call at once. . 83$ Brandels Theater Bldg. OPENING in California. Busl less of health and accident Insurance, with Jock company. Groat opporunlty for right man. Great Western AociJent In surknee Co., Des Moines, la. AGENTS make big profits handling our fast selling holiday post cards, novelty signs, holiday decorations, pennants, etc. 6.000 varieties. Demand unlimited. Write today for free catalogue. Sullivan Co., 124 Van Buren St. Chicago. AGENTS New mighty money making marvel. World startled. New, marvelous clothes washing crystal Clothe washing ideas revolutionised; postlvely abolishes rubbing, washlwiards, washing machines, women astounded, wild over it. Ab solutely . harmless. $1,0) guarantee goea with it. $.V) to $125 weekly. Repeat order business easy. Exclusive territory. No ex perience necessary, credit granted. Magio silver cleaner, polisher, no Tabor. Nature's mighty elements do the work. Write to day, get overwhelming proof all free. Equitable triale Corporation, , Dept 67, Manhattan Bldg. Chicago. WANTED Live specialty salesman for Omaha to sell grocers and butchers our sanitary display barrel cover. A man of ab llty can make big money; state enll Ing record and give at least three refer once. The Carson Mfg. Co., 824 Monroe St., St. Louis. Mo. ' WE PAY $M a week and expenses to men with rigs to introduce poultry com pound: year"o contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 78. Parsons, Kan. o MAKE $30 to $X weekly selling our new 300 candle power gasoline lantern. Also table and hanging lamp for home, tore, hall, churches; no wick, no chimney; coKt 1 cent per night; ex clusive territory; we loan you sample, Sunshine Safety Lamp Company, 618 Factory Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. o EARN $50 weekly selling collection cab inet to merchants. Write for free sam ples. Havers Co., 062 Laclede Bldg., St Louis. Mo 4 o. SOMETHING ORIGINAL Approved by the Insurance department. $3,000, principal sum, yearly increase 10 per cent $100 a month for A month. $l(io funeral benertts. , $1110 emorgency fee. Tl Agents, talesmen and Bolt-More. A pplegite O ets ' D very N ew T Imely S peoialty . Xmaa good - her. Clock. Lamp, Percolaters, Casseroles, etc. 03 Bee Bldg Portrait Men Our catalogue for ISIS Is now ready. Let us send you one. . INTERSTATE ART CO., ' ' " 14th god ' Oak St. KANSAS CITT, MO. NO classification; liberal contract; new policies. Mutual Benefit Health and Ac etoent Association, 423 City National bank Bldg.. Omaha. Nsb. MAKE $21 next Saturday! Brand new 'proposition. patented last January. Amu Ing invention,' compressed air wash ing machine, welgo but two pounds; ex cels work of hlgn priced machines. Cus tomers excited; agents coining money. A sale at every house. Price only $1.60; 2u0 per cent profit. Cleans tub of clothes In three minutes; works like magic F. Hughs made $21 first eight hours. No cluu-ge for territory. Business supplies the capital. Investigate. Write now. Wendell Co., 4M Oak St., Lelpsio, O BIG Kansas company want you to co operate with them evening at home; tnak $3,000 and more yearly; no canvass Ingi no experience; fast growing business: mv furnish svervthlna: writs for uniuue I ylllng plan. Free, ti W. Eyestoue, Pra, ' A, I.' . .. . E,. 111. , I.' . V VUI, 4UVUIB, SU- EVERY HOUSEHOLD ON FARM IN SMALL TOWN OR SUBURBS were oil lamps are us?d, needs and will buy the wonderful Aladdin Mantlo Lamp, burns corn:non coal oil (kerosenoi; gives a light five times as brlRht as electric. One farmer cleared over $r In six weeks, hundreds with rigs esrnlng $100 to $: per month. No cash required. We furnish Capital to reliable men. Write quick for wholesale prices, territory and sample lamp for free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., 703 Alnddln Bldg., Chicago. III. AGENTS Make big money and become sales manaxer for our goods. Fust of fice seller, fine profits. Particulars and sample free. Ons Dip Pen Co., K75 Dally Record, Baltimore, Md. AGENTS If you want to control territory . on an article without competition, sell ing to everybody using knlvea snd scis sors, write us at once. We are intro ducing Kwlcksharp, the only machine made that anybody can properly sharpen knlvea and scissor with. Absolutely no experience needed. Field for sale enor mous. Price low. Your profit large. In vestigate. Spengler-Loouiis Mfg. Co., HO a. ttanaoipn ei., t:nicago, Hi ¬ nts health and accident potior cost you only $10 a year for any accident or sickness. Liberal commission and perpetual re newals to agents. Exoluslve territory to the man that pro duces results. GREAT EASTERN CASUALTY CO., 400 Omaha Nat Bank, Omaha, Neb. o WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egg, lhc. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. PHONW Web, sKI for basket coal. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL educates you for any automlbl'e position; Practical . training on actual automobile building, remodeling and repair work. Day and night classes. Automobile -built and rebuilt to your design. Every repair Job guaranteed. The practical school. 1413-15-17 Dodge St Phone Dou las WHS. DOCTOR wanted; Catholic preferred! five year experience; residence and of flee furnished. Address Y tu. Bee. GOOD FUTURE FOR YOU , or anyone who make '.ilmself an aut expert WE GIVE EXPERT WORK. , Go right Into the auto bualnese front here. Best and finest equipped college. Opportunities best here now, ever have -been. Write for list of opening. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. tll Farnarn St. Omaha. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the a,utomoblle business) the demand Is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let ua train you. Write for free booklet Nat '1 Auto Training Aes'n, 2H14 N. 20th St, Omaha. Neb. $S0 MONTH and expenses to travel, dls- trlbute samples and take orders, or ap- ' point agents; permanent Jap American Co., Chicago. .... - INVESTIGATORS work In every county In the United States. Be one. Earn $14 to $76 weekly to start. Writ- V'lrlulltv 4eoret Service, Wheeling, W, Va. o MANAGER; exoluslve territory for Omaha and vicinity, to represent Pitts. burgh manufacturer; hlrh class propo sition: no Investment; small bond re quired. For particular write B. A P.' Steel Products Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. LI LiM m. nti 1 , , r . . . ivi. j wuAiiir x as moiormen, con- u ....... . ., ... ix, 111 unit iiivs . siir iw monthly; experience unnecessary. Men needed everywhere. No strike, details free. International Railway Bureau, 1409 International Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. EVERY WH ERE Men willing to distrlb ute circular, samples, tack signs, col lect names, etc. No canvassing. Contl tgial Register, Chicago. GOVERNMENT positions In postofflce. railway mall and other branches are good; prepare for "exam" under former U, S. civil service secretary examiner) booklet O 6. free; write today. Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. GREAT demand for moving picture play era; moia openings than people to fill them. Beginners proving more successful than proiesalonaia. Pleasant work and excellent pay. Our method of training by mall easy and eure. Particulars tree. Photoplay Ti ainlng Service, 626 Sun Bldg, Detroit, Mich, LADIES Immediately ; filling and label ing boxe-l borne work; evenings; steady; no experience; U weekly; no canvassing; excellent opportunity enclose etaaiip. Erlna Speclalt y Co.. Toronto, Ont GOVERNMENT positions. Thousands of appointment to be made. Booklet 131, telling where they are, what they pay, eta, with specimen examination ques tions, sent free. Wtite- today. National Cor. Institute, Wsshlngton. D. C o GOVERNMENT examination. Thorough, Instruction $6. . Returned If not ap pointed. Particular free. American Civil Service School. Washington, D. C e AGENTS Ford ownen buy Perles Steer ing device on slghL Made especially for Ford cars. One hundred per cent profit Easy to get list of Ford owners In your countv from license bureau. Samples to s gents. Write for Information at once J. P. Worthlnrton, 70$ Commerce Bids.. Kansas Citv, Mo. o AGENTS WANTED In every town. Handle our classy specialties. Sell on sight. Good profits. Splendid oppor tunity for live agent. Writ The Fashion Store. Belleville, 111. o GAKTS1DES IRON RUST SOAP CO., 4064 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, I'a. Gartslde's Iron Rust Soap (IT. S. regis tered patent No. 2477) removes Iron rust. Ink and all unwashable stains from cloth It g, murble, etc., with magical effect Good seller, big margin. House-to-house agents and store salesman wanted. The original, 2Tc a tube. Beware of Infringe ments and the penalty for making, sell ing and using an -Infringed article. o AMERICAN auto heater; coats nothing to operate and very little to buy; pays for Itself In one season In fuel saved; at your dealer or write us; desirable repre sentatives wanted In your locality. House! Sales Co., Buffalo, N. Y. -o SALESMAN WANTED-Experience, for specialty lines; premium propositions, assortments, aluminum, glassware, china ware; 26 per cent commission, payable weekly; high class propositions;, main or side line; reply with references, imoort SAFETY Rasor agents wanted tor our i'hln nd U1wr Company. St. Louis. dollar vaiue' rasors. We want active gents and offer extraordinary Induce ments. Dollar Value Saiety Raora, sam ple lHr. Dozen $l.tiu. Gross $U, post paid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your money re funded Immediately If dlssatlsf leu" with goods. Order today. A. Krwln, 2!a Har rison St., Chicago. REPRESENTATIVE wanted, excluslvs territory; new invention; guaranteed by reputablo corporation, saving 26 per cent to gasoline users or money refunded. Automobile, motor boat, stationary en gine owner buy at flrt offering. Terri tory going quickly. Gas Saver Sale Co., 17' Broadway. New York. V rtN'l Ei Land saiesmun and organiser to sell our Volusia county, Florida, lands. Splendid location, on F. E. C. Hy.. and Tomoka river; good soil; well drained; perfect titles; easy terms: fin est proposition In stats; big commis sions. "Leads" furnished. Box 7&T, Volusia Developing Co.. Volusia. Fla. WANTEI Hlx men for December 15, to represent us In Western cities and towns. IliiO to $200 monthly. W pay every Thursday. No samples, no selling or col lecting, simply determination to work, avuch full instructions furnished that success Is assured. Write and secure slilundld income. L. V. Browne, Secly.. 2 Schwlnd Bldg., Dayton, O. Mo. EUROPEAN war books, everybody wants mom; nit oosi sellers now; leading agents' propualtlon; 1W profit; can sell 60 books in few hours. Outfit free. Z. Marvell Co., r.lnrhamton, N. Y. o ABLEBOD1ED MEN Good eyesight for firemen and brakemen; good wages; experience unnecessary. . sttate age. Rall way. Y m. Bee. - o WANTED Six boy for two weeks' work after school hour, $3 per week. Give phone number. Address Jr. 298, Bee. PHONE D. 8044, or send me your add res, and receive 12 Xmas poet-cards and 1 1M1& art calendar delivered to your home for l&c Supply limited. HURRY. Out-of-town people send lfio stamp. Money returned I not satisfied. K. P. Anderson. 2304 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women; big pay; Omaha ex aminations frequently; list of position tree. 'Atldreas Y 2tf. Bee; GOVERNMENT Jobs" open to men an4 women; $o& to $U0 month. "Write Immea dtately for positions list. Franklin Instl tule. Dept. 221 W Rochester. N. Y. MEN-WOM-$Tweekly oollecting ail kinds of name and addressee. No can vasslng. Send stamp. Superba Co., 178, Baltimore, Md. o EDUCATIONAL FREE sample no-splash water strainer St!l themselves no talk ng experience unnecessary. Dally profits $S upwards. Send 2c (mulling cost.) M. K. Seed Filter Co . New York. o WANTEl Traveling salesmen, side line. quick selling wire fence specialty; only one on the market. Pig commission: pocket sample. Toledo Cable Co., 104$ Grand Ave., Toledo, O. o MEN Hell guaranteed hosiery to friends, nvlglibuie and general wearer; 70 per cent profit; make $10 dally; experience unnecessary. International Mills. West Philadelphia. Pa o Factory mm Trade. Drug tre snaos: ties Knt ft PMs WANT Ell Men to learn the barber trade; learn now and accept a Job that pay well; few week completes; always sure of work; tools given; wages while learning; particulars mailed free. Call If possible. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St EXPERT ludy stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private instruction If desired. 4t4 Douglas St Tel. Walnut 2327. MOSIIER-LAMPMAN 1 COLLEGE. Unsurpassed classes In business, short hand and English branches. Graduate guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catalogue addreaa, MOSIIEIi-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, 18th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE. Day School; Night School; complete business course; complete shorthand or ttenotype course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Eng llsh. Student admitted at any time. Writ, phone or call for 1(U4 catalogue. . ... BOYLES COLLEGE. H. B. BOYLES, President. Boyls Bldg, Ouiaha. Neta. . Tel. Douglas 1VS. Tho Van Sant School Stenography Day school. $:00 to 4:00. Night school. :!6 to :1& 18th and Farnam bts. Deogla OSfL M -steal lurtarilos. RAO TIME piano playing taught In SO lessons. Christensen School, 4.;o Cuns Ittg 6t. Walnut -. Call or write.