14 B the OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 6, 1914. The of tho Sun- i dance. Trail Tty iiph Connor A nthor HP "The Sky niot," "Hlacfc I lock," CrToral Cameron." $1.23. HALT." CONNO? The dash and excitement of a struggle between settlers snd In dians, Increasing In Intensity up to the Terr l8t Pe background of Canadian wilderness, tnountaln and canyon and frontier town two ten der love stories, one of the Infinite trust of happy marriage, the other of youth'! first romance. The Prince of Grau . stark iy fieorge Ilarr Mc Cutcheoa Author of "Truxton King." " ran stark," "Broweter's Millions.'' Illustrated by A. I. Keller. fl-SS: "The Prince of Grau stark" la ex- citing, has a delightful lore story, ends with a wonderful surprise, is clean throughout. A story about a Prince of Graustark who la the son of Princess Yetlve and her American husband. Also there is a very shrewd, forceful, powerful American multi millionaire with a brilliant and love ly daughter. .'M tl 171 n Prince. ' ft of HO GcorcBarr 7 k THE T - BOOK O if T7 TT in YEA Percli of the DeYil SUITABLE for CHRISTMAS GIVING and YOUR OWN READING Thh pae is virtually a juido to tho best fiction and juvenile books of the year, having been selected from the lists of the various publishers of the country big and little and con tains those books that will be most "widely read, talked about, and given for Christmas. Yu can safely male your selection from it either Vor Christmas gifts or your own reading Py Get-trade Atherton Anther of "Tha (Con queror,' "Senator North," "Patlanoe Bparhawk." u PERCH or nix DEVIk CE RTRUDt ATKEATON?! mm $31.85. An American copper-made fortune a crude American girl grown Into a personage a new figure in Amer ican fiction the Ida Com p ton of this book. A girl who begins crndely in Montana nd grows into a woman of fire and character still In Mon tana, with a dash of Europe between. m. 3. TMS , "MONEY MAKERS The Money Makers By Charles Klein and Arthur Ifornblow ' Authore of The Mod nnT tho Moum.'' "Tha Third ppgree," "The Gamblers." HhiKtruUd. $1.23. James Rodman, with bis unprin cipled business associates, unlawfully accumulates millions. He awakens to a sense of Justice suddenly, and makes restitution to the defrauded stockholders. His neglected and estranged wife now loves him and loyally upholds him In the attack made upon him by his children and business partners. . k ' ''.' r.ir,ai IF-.- ' ' ' ' ' 'J - I I Ml I.I .1 lll.li 'I f fl ' I -fclllf llljl . I IOVE INSURANCE ? - fyV Love Ia luraace y Karl Dorr Wlgg-s Author of "Hern Keys to liuli' pate.'' Illustrated. 9 1 Life lnmirancti; Klra , Inauranro; Acrl-(-nt ItiHiirMnce, thep' nil na old an th Mlla and an ulittlntfil: hut I,ov In- uranca tlra'a a pollilllty 1 Uiat tlm liaan't tnrnlKhvit! Inmrlnir yourilf Kalnat tm hntiRe of . hrnrt of your fciart. drnr thrre'a a chanca for all rf us In that. J i rinks Incluila evry Ihlnn from parental Intcrfvreme to a Klrltb whim. Tie Jty JuhntMlQ Author of "f'lover at Ya!a," Tho Vaiinlnt." "Tha Blxty-jftrat Bocond." . IiluaU-atd. A story of New York life, daring to a dorrM, a rotnlfftoMnn of nn ae tf unrest, of disturbed faith, of chaKlng idvais. A. social prophecy and a warning. j 1 . ... THE V I i 4 Looking After Sandj Mrf(rt , Turnbull Author of "W. A. Q.'s Tala." 91.89. r i mviNir: ArrrR. SANDY- '-J-'T(-' " l Hill II, 'I""11"1" ,ni. W ! ill Hll I li'll MlHllt "'l" M1 . iJilli ill ili) i, l. "'"' '"" ' I.... ... .11. I V - -u, Martha and Cupid ny Julie M. Upptnann Author of "Marthaby- tha-Day," "Maklns Orer Martha." Little red-balred Sandy, aged 11 years, an orphan, was adopted by a man who had six children i of ' his own. Their loyalty, their fun, their lore affairs, and Sandy's successes are told In n engaging story of nor mal American youth, of the natural companionship of boys and girls pro longed lnto manhood and wouan- bood. Gideon's Band By George W. Cable A ut hot of "Dr. Beli.r," "Old Carole Imya," "Jqlm March." Illustrated, ft. B5. GIDEON'S I Mi or r it h$siptm A t Sk CEOIUigVCABa The Battle Cry Ily Charles Xerllle Itark Author of . "Tha Call of the Cumborlanda." "Tha Portal of Dreams." Illustrated. f 1.E3. A atory of the Cumberland Mountains, rltal, srlpplns, connniHnjf, a story of fioroa primal paanlom, of clf-aairlflce. of heroism, of rraltam and of oxquimta rpmanoe. A atory of the high place whura thiindor-Btnni ara- born and where m and women hr with tha riivln, thlr neighbor!, the ferocity and uiienmiy or ina open i!!-lee. A ART HA AND CUPID JKIEMlirmANN The lattest of the "Martha" books. In this one she marries; and the reader has the rich opportunity of looking at family life through those shrewd, wise, kindly eyes that see o much and yet see so little of gloom. There Is a story of a family Christmas that will make -anrona glad he's allTe. The Eves of the World n Harold ftril Wright Author ef "Bhopherd of tb Mllla," "Barbara Worth," Xlllna- of Ian MaU thawa.", if jfoJrtfiifMAB hit na miriaoMBMtA vsjiitMi Illustrated by Oootes. $13. A real lore story with big plot, and much action; deep mystery and great love; sweet sentiment and strong passions. A n delightfully wholesome romance among orange groves and mountain s of Southern California. The real charm of , the story lies In its style, color, concep tion and fancies, together with Its wonderful nature descriptions. Innocent Her Fancy and HI Fact ny , Marie Corelll Author of "The LI fa Everlaat- ins." "Romance of Tub WorMa." "Barabbaa." 1 rrv v "; . ' n -if : f i asm. THL MUTINY OF THE. LL5INDRE. . The Mutiny of the Elsinore y Jack Ijonilon Author of "Tho Call of tha Wild." 11 Tha Hea i Wolf.- f "Burnlnr If Dayliaht" U Front!- j! piece in ji color. jr 1.S5. A vigorous narrative of a voyage from New York around Cape Horn In a large sailing Tessel, with the real wlldness and savor of the sea in it. In addition to the adventure element, there is a thread of ro mance Involving a wealthy, tired young man, who takes the trip on the Elslnor, and the Captain's daughter. lr JACK LONDON J Here Is an exquisite girl, so reared In an ancient manor-house that she keeps unspoiled the fancies and goodness of a simpler era. When she comes in contact with the turmoil of today, when the roaring city threat ens her passionate sweetness of soul, there ensues real drama. The story of a woman's heart and life and fight. Some Published Early in the Year but Still to be Ranked Among the Best and Most Popular drfk. ' ' vnai js-f ' T w v H amM 11.89 Uy Miirjorle Benton Cooke. otdiers of th tarioa..U8 By C N. Wllllamaon. Xttf of tha Controt..U0 By Baall Kins. Copy Oa ftJS By Mary Wllktne Freeman, Soke cf ObUvloa $1.88 By John Reed Scott BanslOa of tha Zoaa..t.lM . By William M. Italna. Oddsflak fl.SS By R. IL Benson. Cleea Saarl fl.SS Bf A. U 11 Hutchison. Lone Wolf I ,.$IA0 By Louis J. Vanea. - Street of Cevea Stars. . .Sl.tS By Mary Roberta RlneharU' Today' Banfatar IU1 By Josephine D. Baoon. 7lmlif Sword ....... f 1.80 By George Olbbs The Waum Alone . . . .l.ss By M. It. Urner. Wlseta th Wlldaraeas 91.88 By Marcaret ill 11 McCarter. Clay and Xalnbowe. . . .l.8S By D. C Caithrop. Za My Touth fi.88 By Robert Dudley.. Bnohaas of We'ce. . . .,.$1.40 . By liuh WaJpole. Kaaoy. the Joyoua $1.00 By Killth toar. ye-Ways $1.38 By Robert Hlchana. The Serai's Oardea. . . .$1.35 By W. B. Maxwell. Prima Oootov ........ .$15 By E. W. Hornuns. The Vakars 91M By ' Samuel Blythe. ' The Blind Spot $1.38 By Justus M. Forman. rortnaate Toath ......91.38 By Win. J, Locke, , IMoe of XrfTe .........91.38 By Arnold Bannett. Britten of tha Sveath.$l.89 By Cyrus Townaend Brady. Altosthar Jan ..,..,.$1.38 By .ierself. Xfcosl world 91.30 By Parker Fillmore, Xlse of Vanau Ouahlos;. 91.89 By ManrS. Watts. TUrea Slaters $U8 By Mary Blnolalr. , The Tallow Ticket. W..(U1 By Morton. The Xonorale Ferolval. 91.00 By Alloa Usan Rice, The Wltoh 9148 By Mary Johnson, Pastor's Wife ........ .$U8 By Arnlto. Bands of Ziaaa ......910 By Mararaxet Daland. tuoUy Ana $1.00 By r. It Lee. Ward of Taenmaah S1JI8 By C. Marriott. . Arlsoaa $1.85 By Ausruatus Thomas, aalahad Xea Vender . .91.30 By. K. I'hUllpa Oppenhelm. Amaatar Oraoa 91-00 By Kata Sharber. The' Bod Mlat. 918 By Randall Farrtsh. Oaoe to Bvory Kaa. . . .9148 By Larry Evans. Tho Baft 91.38 i By Conlnsaby Dawaon. last Ohrlstlaa 91.88 ' By Geo. Ktbbe Turner. tittle Bva Bd4rartoa...91jOO By Eleanor H. Abbott. The Wall of Partition.. 91.38 By Moreno Barolay. The Straus Womam. . . .$1.30 By bldney McCail. The Tietmr $L38 By Thoa. Dixoa riylar Banoh $148 By B. M. Bower. The TUaa 91.40 By Theodore Dreiser. Banoh at Wolverine. .. .9140 By B. at. Bower. The Poet 91.30 By Maredlth NlchoUon. Th Birht'e-aUt a Xark.9i48 . By K. blotthorr. Wife of Sir Zsaao Sar . mi 31.80 By H.-k- Wells. 91.30 Madden Martin. Saliaa . . . . By Ueorira Ball of Tiro . , $1.38 By Georg-a R. Chester. Th Smaa of the Bawn.$148 By Marsha Kills Ryan. Toa Barer Know Toar X-uok 91.88 By Gilbert Parker. Christopher Queries .... 9148 uy jrercy tireuner. Saturday's Child .9148 By Kathleen Norris. Saighhorhood Stories : . . $140 - By Zona Gala. The Clarion .9148 By amuel Adams. California aa Intimate History 9340 By Gertrude Atherton. Personality Plus 9140 By Edna Feber. Klddaa ChUdraa $1.40 By Robt. W. Chambara. Kaa Tha Moment. . . .9148 By Elinor Glyn. TwentyPonrtb of Xnna.$1.98 By Grace Richmond. Bis; Tremain , 914$ By Maria Van Vorst low Zt Xapponad 91.00 Bos her. By Kata Ltuisley Penrood ...9148 By Booth Tarktnston. - What WU1 Paovl Say.. 91.38 By Rupert Httshea. World's Bad ...,.'..'...9140 By Amelia Rlvea. THE WORLD SET FkEE The World Set Free By II. O. Wells Author of "The Paa lonate iVtenda," "Ann Veronica," "War of the Worlds." 9tJS3. Read It, and see Tohdon, . Parts, Berlin, mere flaming ruins Holland drowned by the cutting of her dykes the clouds full of battling aero planes. Europe in' hill and valley .a rant shambles. And then I the wiping out of all frontiers' and dynasties, the end of all crowns the .-thrones, and the world one nation forever, i v 1 1 mi r WW IrtE AUCTION BLOC , I - a ta Snn e"ss nnvuu 1 The Auction Block ny IWpach Author ef "Tha Net." "The Ne'er- dn-Well," "The Ppollera," "The Barrier." irinatratM by Charles Dans Gib son. S1.85. The mercenary family of s young girl lived upon her success as a pro fessional stage beauty. They laid schemes to 1 force her to marry money. Though she saw through their plans, she was content to -bear the burden of their avarice. She married a rich man with results up setting to her family and profes sional companions. VSMM ls03SjsjfrnfeJl4 Delia By Mm. Humphry Ward. T Anthor of "Eleanor," Tdy Rose's Daughter," , ooert ElHmere. Frontis piece in color' by Will Fos ter. $1.85. 5L Delia. Blanchflowcr )fn. lKunphry wt The Right Track By Clam Louise Burnham Author of 'The Inner Mame." -'Jew!' "The Rlg-ht Piincesa" Frontis piece in color. i . U.2fJ. TheRl&rtTraek In this book Mrs. Ward returns to the province of her former successes ' English society romance. It is s fascinating story of present day life. A lovelier, more capricious and wil ful heroine than Delia Blanchflower one rarely meets. It is of special in terest to American readers, because we have in our own country very simitar types ana problems. Kent Knowles By Joseph C. Lincoln Author of "The Rise of Roacoe Paine," "The Foatmaater." . Illustrated. $1-85. I quaint, ronvantlo novel. Readers of A Mr. Lincoln's Cape Cod stories will find a real delight tn this new volume, In which tha author sends two of his most IMerestlns; characters to England be cause tho doctor ordrs It for on. A genuine love story developa, - presenting a rotnanoe of great vlg-or. SOME OF THE LEADING NEW CHILDREN'S BOOKS OF THE YEAR THE. The Goodv Naugn- ty Book . CUUKtrated by Illanchs Klsher WrlUtj . A Oitai .VpreJfy 50c. Butterfly Babies', Book, $1.00. Grandad Coco Nat's Party, 65c Watermelon Pete, 65c. All by ELIZABETH GORDON. COCO PICTUItLS BY PI AWH C riSHrSi WK f f,MT SCothtr Qooso (Hlaa.).9a.B0 Hv JesHla Wllco 8mlth. Hatty's Snltora (lUua.)..S8o By Carolyn Walla, lopiy-ittrry jralry , ..BSLOt, liy Anna -A lice Chapln The Xast Maid 91.10 Ry Pyron A. Dunn. The lo Book $1,00 Hy Clifford I iRherman. BlUy Whlsksrs la ra- aama TSo Ry rVnni'ea T. HonfKoniary. Sart Wilaoa oa tha Orld- . teoa ' aad la tho JScokles BOo ZaoA By J. W. Puffleld. Mary Ware Soil Book Boards ',. . 91.18 Alma's Junior 'Tear. . . .Sl.ls lly Loulae H. llreltenhach. nddUBs- OMrt .,.. eo tir lMUay llhodes Campbell, rive Little Starrs la aa Zalaad Cabia S8S By Lillian KUsabettt Roy. rdiooii Bolly'a 0ay Winter TSo liy Amy Brooks. Baby Boars tl.00 Py Urace Prayton. 7tk 9wf fkiid SoonM Xbow till as.) 2.0S By Mary Hamilton. , X. a 4 y Lliti'i Oay ' rneads TSo Hy Amy Brooks. Girls of Mount Morrta . . . S8o Uy AJtiania M. louvlaa. Xdttlo Anat 780 By Marlon Araeo Tassart. Rope's MesseasTs Tao By Uabrleiia K Jakaon. A Slsio School CMrlj..,.Tso by UabilDlia K. Jackson. The Story Lady's Tales. TSo By Uorsrena Faulkner. A Toar Wit tho Talrlef II. SO By Anna M. baotU Book of Bow Wows .Mo Hy KHsabeth Uordon. Btlokiun-St,aaa YamUy aad ' Other Stamp Btuais. . .600 Big- Iiaacna Series, v titles oaoh ........ .SOo Boltwood of Tale 81. OO Tha CoUeea Babel. ... .$1.00 Tors Arovukd Book.... $18 By Alice Beardsley, , Moonta of Stonewall ...$1.30 By Jos. A. Altaheler. ' word of Antietam ...U0 Hy Joa. A. Altaheler. Brother of a Biaro. . . .$U By It. IL Barbour. Oaptala Daanys $1.88 By Walter Camp. A Treehmaa Booat at Ool- lefo U9 Bv Marshall Jenkins. Cff CUe ..$V& Hy Wm. Heyllser. Johnson of Zaaalna; . ,.$l.t5 Hy Hwly Williams. Solars of Troop rive . . . BOo By Marshall Jenkins. Troop tits at Camp..., 80s By Marshall Jenkins. Bljr Wailaoe of tha Oray WU1 , soo By Bherwood Dowllna-. JTrauk ArmstroBf at Col less 00 By Matthew M. Col ton. SCoUr Browm's PosVOrad aate Says , 60e By Nell SpJ Here aad There with Veal and JTefTry oo By "lorenca E3. Scott. Queen of Joy 80o By Mrs U T. Meada. CHrl of itifh Adveatara. .800 By Mra. U T. Jleade. . Bex Xuiiirdoa at auase wood Klsrh and la tle -- Borth Woods . ..Boo Back By Gordon Pradtfock. Pst Porter la the Oold ilelas 984 Hy Kdwaril Ptratemeyor. Be4 Xoaae Calldrea's Ta- oauoa SIM By Amanda M. Douirla.i. Boy Blaotrlolaa , $a.0S Hy A. B. MorKn. Borothy Dainty Tltlt ..TS By Annie Brooks, Xsrrpls Bnt -Oats 91.35 By Hose 'Nelll. Whaa a roller Meeds a ' mead $1.00 not Py Clare Brlitss and W. 1. Nesuit. Xlttl T a-Wis hi Xadlaa I.erads .. 91.00 By Mary Earle Hardy. Assise at Slnaset Oap . .TSo By Mra. Klia W. fnattle. riower Babies' Book ..$1.00 By Mrs. Walter 1111 Scott. Baddy Bawa or Adventure of tha Prairie Bog- Wlta tho Bod Ooat S6o - By Urace Coollds-a. Dotty boUy's Tea Party BOo By Marguerite and W il ia rd C. Wheeler. i Hary Pranoes Xooaakoep or $1.80 By Jane Eayre Fryer. Jaaa Stuart's Cham . .91 AS By Urace M. Remlck. Camp Plre Oirls at Plao- Txeo Camp . . . TSO By Maraaret ixve Sanderson. Baoec Boys Porgias Ahead , BOO By Clarence Young. Dorothy Bale's Promise. .BOo By Margaret Penrose. ICr. Twee Beedle'a Partner Adventures (Ulna.) . .680 By John B. Oi-uelle, Buster Brown's Tunny Tricks (1H us.) B8o By Outcmilt. Mother Earth's Children, 91 ' By Klirabeth Gordon. let's Pretend 91.00 By W. MacIIars. t ! Tik-Tok of Oz By : Li. Frank Iinnm Author of "Thd Lani ofOz." "The Wisard . ofOz." IlustrateA by John K. Neill. 08c . - ; . The story has uclque features of adventure, surprise, humor, odd characters, queer countries and in troduces many new characters in ad dition to the familiar ones that the children lore . in ' the "Oi" books. Queen Ann of Oogaboo, with aa army of sixteen officers and one private soldier, sets out to conquer ' the world. : . . t ' New 1 Men for Old Floward Vincent O'Brien 9125. J '.1" ' -"T "'j . lUMMO'MNCCWT'OWf ., r . Every business man, every em ployer of labor, must read this book. Ayoung fellow, son of : j wealthy Chicagoan, passes his time la Paris in luxurious idleness.-: He is called home at his father's -death. Instead of receiving a fortune he finds him self penniless at the opening of the bookv which tells the , rest of " the story. sv- . J The Long Cbance ny Kyne , . Illnstrated In colors j " -- - T ' ''-'' 1 rax. avzxs ftna.a.Km a young reilow, son of a wealthy desert, with the tang of the West in It. The scene is a typical California desert town- with its sun-baked, brick-red string of idle box ears, to the silver dollar restaurant. The hos pitable Western folk will warm your hearts with their friendship. Diane the Green Van By IiCons IlaJrymple Tha 910.800 prise story. Illustrated. ; 91-&3. An outdoor love story, with an attnoe. pliers of the worth-while things of life: with a surprising piot, soma niicntr lik able characters, bright and original and full of axtlon. it Has imagination. In vention, humor, freahnes and spontane MmnmMnaasssar I4 gtossatv t At 50c-Here is a List of Some of the Greatest Literary Successes of Former Years tiu!u fca S-SOc EACn Ths Vet Hex Beach. Smother Carey's Chickens v ugin. CM Boss aad Silver Myrtle RmJ. Tke IWirat Gardes liuriieli. Blse of Bosooe PaUo X.lucoln. Xisnporiar fcoit. CSe Preo Bangs ljir!vc. XTousd from tJia Borth C'uiianv. Wlents of Virginia Bavoo Oppenhelm. TVom tho Cat BehlaS In graham. The afaltfns; of Molly Davleaa, , On Woadcrfol Bight Tracy. Tnaljr Tastardays Wright. Btraats of Aaoalon Chambers. Grey friar's Bobby Atkinson. Oolonal Carter's Chrlat- 3mlih. Aunt Jane of Ksatacky Hall. Storey at Tale Johnson. Blders of Purple Saga Urey. even Keys to Baldpate Jost Patty Biggera. Xaaas Plasma Burnbain. Tha Woodearvet ef 1.ympas Waller. Plaos of Xoaoysmooas MacOrath. Kiss Olkhie Oaalt Boshar. Webster. The X4ght4 Way Oppaohalm. Baotroyins; Aagel Vaoca. Vitt Wins Brady. Way ef An Bagls Dell. Kountala Oin ko'sklne. Gordon Cralff ' . Parrlsh. aCarrlage . Walla. WlnA Before the Sawn Munger. usaana aad Sua Wlggla. Tha Beason Why ' Olyn. To K L. O. Anonymous. Lonesome XVasS Bower. Taae of tha Tlmkerlands Blndlosa Trying Out Torohy Fprd. - , Chriatmas Bvo oa Zne- Tka Riga at nix Baok P stars, Banoh man SjgoUla's Ptiaoo Mulford. Carey. Trstk Seatas Taa WUderaosa Trail UcCalL Wllllauui. UllJnsoo. Whara Thara'g a WU1 lUnehart. Good Xndlam B. M. Bower. SMeatg ef SCaroules Botura of Botes Orlkam Between Two TMys r in t .' id Tf - lVtliiamaoo. Japonatta CXambeia. Tho Claw to kley. Xaxut ht Ora Galiles iU'Utsvaioiy. BotUrod Side Bwa r ai Lct. Paw i...Ja Helasco. Bad aVaao I)e h an. Sonne lx. Jr. Bear Throbs . Chappie. Tho Postmaster Lincoln. , , Bar Weight la Gold kicCuuheon, BCoSy BloSonaU farrlsh. White. B allow of Bar Band ' McCutcheoa, Xeart of Bight Wind Boo. BUrabla's Is la ad Tracy. Brute lndoia OLD ROSE ci SILVER f "wm rre J Berk Of Grfc Carey. Prlca Sho 14 Phillips. Baleyeao ' fcillnor cilyn. Tlsloa of Joy Cox key. A jTansS of tka Basse Coniautcla X4tU AUeas Kelly Call ef the Camaorlaads Buck. J cable Oerhardt Ureiser. E harrow Vwa iiutlta. t. Mot'N-jr i v. . Z.ocg Portage ' Blndloee. John Bawn Hough. Xooala Chronlcla fs'ioholson. Xittlest Behol Pepla. Call of the Berth ' White. Broad Highway FarnoL BUndnsss of Ttrtuo " Hamilton. Bugh Wynne, Prae Quaker Mitchell. i The Band box ' Vance. , , Within the Xir Veiller. Prlar Taok Waaon. What Bappened to Mary Brown. Qaeed - HarrUon. Bins of tho Pather IjIioo. Tha Barvestas for tor. Tha Calling' of Baa Mat- Bawa O'Xara thewn Wright. Tha Iron Woman Deland. Money Moon KarnoL My Zrfidy of tho Borta 1'arrlab. Tha Be'ex-do-WeU Beach. - Bed Pepper Burns Klchmond. . Th Silver ' Beach. fordo That PrUtar of Udell's Wright Winning of Barhara "Worth Wright. Ben Mar WmiMve. Ferber. Bought aad Paid Tor Broadhurst. Call of tho Wild London. Tho Crisis , Churchill. Zmmy ' lion Uartln. Gardes of AlUh littchena. Heritage of the Sooort drey. Lavender aad Old Lace Itead. Little Bhephord of Xing, dent Corns Fox. Tha Master's Tlolln Keod. Tho wad Olive i Anon. 1 Kennedy Snare Smith. Tha Barrio ' Beach. Cap's' Warren's Wards Lincoln. Xlth of th Border Parrlsh. Mr. Pratt - Lincoln. My Lady ef tho South Barrish. EACH Preoklas Porter.' - Girl of tho Ltmhorlost Porter. Jewel Burnham. ( Tha Leopard's Spots Dixon. : Mary Cary . Bosher. ' Mistress of Bhanatoae Barclay. Potaah and Perlmuttet Glass. J 1 t r4 Paul Anthony, Christina cc-'f. Bnnrook it! A Modern Chronicle ChurchllL Tha Prodigal Judg Keater. A Bpianar in the Bum Reed. Trail ef tka Loaaoome Pine i Fox. Two Little Savage baton. HIATHER: MOON CKWJfli ; H ' 1 Haya Tho Shepherd of the hUllavV right. Tha Spoilers Beach. The Street Called Straight Kiug. Tho Tarmlat Johnson. Parm Wlggln. Tss of tha Storm Coua- try White. Truxtoa King iicCulcheon. The Tlrgician W later. At tho Poot of the Rainbow iPorter. Tho Biased Trail White. Bi-swotrs Millions McCutobeoo. Chip of the Plylac-v Bltwexs, . JUUIAKE V - J s t