T1IE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER C, 1014. 13 n GEH. PROSPERITY RULES OYER STATE I Conditions in Nebraska Were Never Better Than They Are at the Present Time. ALL TOO BUST TO TALK WAR ! Omaha's Grand Opera Season Promises Much Pleasure O ark Art th Condition Fa4 la Sooto.ro. rirl of State r Officio U of tar. Mil , a oar I racfftr. PERA enthusiast and music i lovwo snrally are looklnf forward to a rare musical1 feast the oomlnc apk. And Justly to. for tha reputation which prwcrcfea It Indicate tha San Car I a Grand Opera company to t an organisation of etceptlonM mrit j A comiany of artliit that can sin a I r.pertolre of twenty different maMer j work of murtc mum of nerpsalty be one I of versatility and unusual Rood balance. Tha San Carlo forces, which number ub- AsslsUnt General Freight Aacnt Mat- ! of 100 Peo,.lo. have recently .oored eomb of tha Missouri Taclf.c railroad Is trirdlnary "uccesse. In Slontreal. Tor back from a three-day trip over the com- 0f!t0' Clevc and, f Inclnnatl and PL Unrfs. pany lines In southeast Nebraska. He 7h'r ,th Jore ff thl" toTm ' "ft Is of accompanied Superintendent IUiss of the lonf Kansas City opera goers Nebraska division, traveling; on the lat-, the first three days tor's sasollne speeder. rurlna; the trip r th woek n1 the btr organisation of KW miles of road was covered and twenty- 'Italian ont birds will ' Journey from Bin stations visited. At manv times and y,eraJ 0mh Pecl41 train, reaching ver considerable stretches the speeded nre Thursday morning;. Reference to the attained a speed of fifty miles per hour, company a. Italian may be made for the Speaking- of conditions In the territory 'eesbn It l primarily Italllan, though visited, Mr. MrJcomb said: ' upo .the roster of principals Germany. "In southeast Nebraska I have never ' France, Russia and Spain are represented, seen conditions as good as "now and ' Grand opera companies, whllo custo never have I seen such general properity marlly assembled in New Tork by Amer- aa la amiarent everywhere. The farmer "c". promoters, are. In fact recruited nA hiuliun Tn.n ara nil nntlntlatl! there from all OVCr the World, and tha RlirTMt. Stars in Grand Opera Here This Week ful Impresario must necessarily maintain a wldo acquaintanceship with musical celebrities. Tha Impresario must watch the move ments and the success of singers and mu alctansand the Instrumentalists are qnltn aa Important as the vocalists. They must know the operas backward, as tha singers know, operas In Italy before they kmw the alphabet. The promoter must know tha salaries tha artists receive in other companies; watch the foreign musical Journals closely and keep In touch with the changes in other organisations; loorn When these disband and where the sing ers go.; Perhaps some singer has been dissatisfied with her success under an other management. She may have been forced to "play econd radio" to some other star, perhaps of less merit. She gladly accepts an opportunity for an en gagement that may mean less money for her and require . three . appearances each week when she has been singing but onoe, but which may add much mora to her fame as an artist. Other singers of note may have been In niifhaa.r K.hr..V I. K mn.t . " "urK "'OUB TO gel Daca pored locality in the United States and ' lnto W'M- N.er,jr lngers .refer the garden spot of the entire country. ra oprr- Moa u n Important con- "Tha Missouri Pacific Is doing a good ' lder-,,n. but the fame that cornea to business and at every station on he lines j n Pper ln8er often deciding factor, in the territory visited, the business for I v November wa largely in excess of the Some of the opera stars are' engaged business of the corresponding month of t 'n America, others In Europe, others coma last year. Some stations showed an In- .from the great opera centers of tho south crease of from 7B to 100 per cent in both -em republic Buenos Ayres. Santiago, freight and passenger traffic. jnio Janeiro,- Havana, City of Mexico. "Much work, is being done, along the The San Carlo artists, most of them, have lines, lit the way of reconstruction and sung with high distinction In the foreign betterments. Between West Side and .opens, capitals, and a number of them are Portal, for a distance of fifteen miles, ::thla. season paying their first-visit to. new and heavier rails are being laid and American shores. A number of the chorus on tha Lincoln and several of the "Ne members come direct from the celebrated hraska branches tha tracks are being chorus schools of Italy, know an ex ballasted with graVel. putting the road- i tensive repertoire, and are therefore In Is no war talk and everywhere the people are buay. The farmers have raised the: beat all around crop In the history of the state and everything that they have to ell Is bringing good prices. From ob servations made I am Inclined to the opinion that about 90 per cf-nt of the wheat Is still In the hands of the farmers and I presume considerable of this will be held In anticipation of higher prices. Corn Ahont All Picked. i "The corn . la. about all picked. little of it has been marketed when you com psre the' amount - on hand with the amount grown. The corn Is of an excel lent quality and having been picked dur ing dry weather Is in about the same con dition as old corn. A good many of the farmers are laying their- plans for feed ing large numbers of steers during the winter and consequently they will feed mora 'hogs than - usual. - "In the - towns visited I noted that trade-is wood -sjnd that the quality of merchandise purchased is fully up to, if not better than that of former years. At no place that I stopped did the merchants i oomplaln of hard times or dull business. I "My Judgment Is thst this year, at least. .".?, . c ' ' - - ?. . . aAr'tt' :-' -.v'-. .: ' f It . v l J - ''I V . , - II' : r i&jil, .. v. . . ! ( 1 . If f A V ' - f l . ilk . r 7 N. -J MADAME CAROLINA ZAWNEH As Asucena Jn "II Trovatore." TONon AvnrT antot-k As Tonlo in ' V ragliaocl." General Musical Director Chevalier Gulaeppe Antcclinl. Mimical ljii-ector and Chorus Master Slgnor Vlncensio Stea. The repertoire, apparently selected with no small Insight Into local musical tastes. should gratify all artlatla appetites, for every one of tha artists mentioned will appear. It is quite safe to predict that there will be no eleventh-hour failures, for Impresario Gallo has achieved the reputation of keeping absolute faith with patrons will have the chance to hear th ever-famous sextette, given by artists who slug from the heart as welt as for hlKk salaries. On Friday Vvenlng llmmoili Taunt, which, thrvugh Its worldwide popularity, has but recently been given Its l,4Slsl production In t'nrtn alone, wHl be the iffring. a.tturday afternoon the popular double bill, 'Vavallerla Rustlcana" and "I'- Fagllaecl " w hich will bring forward ' some ten of the principals, will be sung, ahd Verdi's tuneful "II Trovatore," whose melodies are hummed, whittled, and sung In nearly every household where there Is some kind of a mu-Mcal Instrument, will be given a beautiful present atlon. The complete repertoire nnd casts of principals follows: . . Thursday evening, "Lucia dl Immt moor"i Henry Ashton, of Lammermnnr AiiKeln Antcila l.ucln, his slater ,. .hvise Vacfurt Sir ledger, of Itavenawiuxl , ....Salvatnre Sdarettl torrt Arthur Itucklnw.. ..Luciano Heninl Kaymoucl, a chaplain.. , Nalale Cenvl Alice, attendant cn I '" Anita Bendelnmyer Norman, fullower of Henry.. Luttnno Koaelnl Krlday evening, "Kauot": Faunt tlluneppe Agrvtlnl Mephlstoplielea Kmlllo Seeona N'alentlne AlSMiitilm Mitdpntl Krander, or Wagner 1 Dellmnollo! Wpiw Carolina .:iner Marguerite. . .- Keter Adaherto Alartlia.s Annette Chahot Snturtlav mat.. nee. "Cavallerut Kustl enna" and Tragltncvl" , First cuat; S'aruujia Marli Kaestner l-"l tari'lliia '.aner Turlddu Alfredo Urailnnl Alfln. Angelo Antola Mnmniii l.iifla ...Annrttc Chabot (cinJ cast: Nedda nlta Sedelmayer I'anlo f Salvatore gciaretti Tonlo Amnio Antola l'"l'le Luciano Kosslnl r'Uvl" ...U lellemolle Saturday evening, "ll Trovatore": Ionora Kster Adaherto Aiucn Carolina Zawner Aianrim Giuseppe Agxtlnl Count I'M Luna AlesHaudrn ModeHti 1-errnndo Kmlllo Hesona J".1" Luciano Hnanlnl wenerai Muieai lUrector, Chevallar Giuseppe Atutellnl. Aside from the unique and Interesting features of the San Carlo organisation, perhaps one of the most Important points la the matter of the cost of seats.. For the first time In local musical history, the muBlo student la going to be able to attend the operas without suffering an undue strain upon the pursestrtngs. The clever season, or membership ticket plan, worked out by the opera managers and torlum, and rlsht here Is another lr, stance where such a groat theater be comes Important and beneficial to th cultural side of the city. The cost of tickets will be found 1n an other column of this paper. Hundreds o! the membership tickets havo found Mid way Into the hands of local opera lovett many peoplo from neighboring cities wll be here for the event and Indications art that a vast number will enjoy the delight ful festival of song. MR, DRESHER, PLEASE HURRY THIS JOB! A Battalion of Omahans Who Delayed Winter ? Cleaning Work Are Begging for Rapid Jobs Now Dresners Work with Vim and Continually Add to the Al ready Immense Force En gasfed at the Plant. . his patrons, and the casts as glvon belojan the Bhrtners' committee, has brought win do neara. - , Opening with Donleettl's famous work, "Lucia Dl Lammermoor," with its bril liant duets, thrilling arias, charming en sembles and beautiful choruses, opera down the price of tickets to such a de gree that to reduce further would place grand opera In the moving picture clxss. This has been made possible by reason of the vast seating capacity of the Audi- "Oh. Mr. Preaner, n-l-e-a-s-e hurry this Job! I didn't realise until today how badly my clothes nled going over and I haven't a single thing to wear." Al. Iirefchcr. who presides over the Order Ip't of Ireber Hi-others' 57.00O Clean ing and Dyeing plant, at ??lt-2?lS Farnnm St., la the recipient of Josr-ns of msages like this every day; 1:1s friend, the friends ef the Preslier ' employees, and tho public in general, fairly hurl hurry orders upon this institution. The great, larce, throbbing, busy, but ever careless mass of c.othes wearers (and that Includes you, most likely) Is proverbially careless;', the rleanlng work that should have reached Drnshers a wreK or more' ago Is rushed In today with crders t "get-It--out-at-once." , Rut Dreshere . have never yet dlsas polnted a customer on a rush order. Nothing short of an earthquake could affect a force so ambitious aa this one. The facilities are hero. The willingness Is here. No matter how slow your "other cleaning establishment may'havw been,, trust In .Dresners to put tha "go" In Shipments and deliveries. And, the best part of It la that you oan never tell that a tresher Job haa been hurried. Tha quality Is always on tha face of the Job, no matter how quickly tha work an ay have been pushed through. .' ' Phone Tyler MS or leave your work at, the plant, at Dresner, Tha Tailors, 1515 rrnam St., or at tha Prondels Store Re ceiving Station, maintained by Dresher Brothers, Send In your work by parcel post or express If you lite out of town, for Dreshers pay return charge on pack ages of any slse. bed la the best possible condition. At this time something like 235 extra men are being given employment." Baker Says He Will Sue Light Company, Oyer His Own Name So firm la his conviction that the Omaha piectric Light Power company has noleng, but OM certaJn roU iegai rigui o catena lu power Dusiness that City Corporation ' Counsel Ben " S. Baker will himself sue in the courts to stop tha company from oven carrying a position to. teach and help along their co-workers engaged by the management In this country. All Are anxious to learn, because nearly all of the present-oay celebrttea cam from' the ranks. There are many fine voices 'in America whose possessors give creditable : concert ' pro grams, but they cannot sing opera. Often the Impresarios find these voices and a stage personality that attracts. But when ho inquires what the artist 'sings, ' he finds they know but one opera. Only a very great singer would be engaged to f 7 li '..'ion -i i-ngM " I,.. i ii urn hi 'in i .' " g 1 'I1,1, 1 " " 1 ! ' 1 "" 1 ii iii ,1 ninmi. i j III PE9 4Hsfi CM I ... n (SnfTmnsncSiNow lo'uuuuaua' SALE ON t!i. 'tFlZ.Ai5 V""" S , 4 tUi; "Do yrar XmM ltaP?! ' Hop' nd do it now, whilo their itook Ufroh and Uir tn Tohm" Dand Instruments, additional power burdens on.lta service wires. ' , 1 ' The city legal department hag filed an opinion In which the decisions of the court are interpreted to - mean that tha city can remove all poles and wires Installed since May 26, l?0fi from the streets. ThU was the data of the first attack en the company's power business rights. The courts have held that the company has a perpetual franchise to furnish light Nielsen Saves Pups forPoor Children Hans Nielsen, humane officer, was pre sented with a basket of six fine puppies to do way with them, when he was called to a house at 1417 South Twelfth street Notwithstanding the fact that ' several of his friends urged him to drown tha animals,. Nielsen kept them and baa de cided to make a number of poor children happy with a present of a puppy ' for ChrlBtmas. The roster of principals of the San Carlo company, which conies to the Auditorium on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, contains tho names . of several whose fine reputations precede them. Omaha nas ' not heard a' great deal of grand opera, but the voices of many who come this wcekr are remembered in suchr opera-goln communities as Ban Fran cisco, New Orleans Montreal, New York, Boston and St. Louis, Three different and distinct casts will be heard In the repertoire announced for local produc tion, and the following attsts will sing them. There are four leading sopranos, three mezzo sopranos, four distinguished tenors, three eminent baritones and two bassos forming tha three different casts of prin cipals of the San Carlo Orand Opera com pany; A I .' Sopranos Ester Adaberto (dramatic), Edvigo V ace art (coloratura), Marie Kaeet ner (dramatic), Anita Sedelmuyer (lyric). Messo Hporanos Carolina Pawner, An nette Chabot Anna Hasse. - ' Tenors iSalvatore Sciaretti (lyric), Qul seppe Agoatlni (dramatic), Alfredo Oraz ni (dramatic), Luciano Rossini (lyric). Baritones Aiessandro Modestl, Angelo Antola, L. Dellemolle. Baaoos-rNatala Cervi, Bmlllo Gesona. ' i k i ' - .... !.; . H ' - ' - I -- " III UprlfllrSs Grands ond Players .... rWi Is the C5r4 and QtuJUr of Piaaoc year Heigbbor bare beea' iujlnf for 44 rn at Hotpe'i. Masoa A Hamlin, aprigbt..... S550 Vp Mason Hamlta, Graadf S800 rp Brambach, Grancs ' 9-155 Kraalvb k Bach, Upright! S450 l'p V KlmbaU ... ..S2G5 Up Cable Kelsoa S250 Up n7r ; .8555 to 81.800 Easy Elastic and Lenient TERMS mm Wa Ba?a About Twwnty BebafJt riaaos. Tke aaaea are reflalabed tbe tone excellent at 8125 to 8325. witb termg dowa to 85.00 MoatUr. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins .1 n imp MT.nov nr rsmaii ivi naifl i-nrri. V :'jf ments, Strings, etc is the most com- CGnietS 111 lO 575 purchases hare been mada to meet' the Xmaa rnnh. You will find in this department almoet every thing in Musical Instruments. Special Xmaa prieea now. SOLD ON EASY TERMS Gif s from (he ART DEPARTMENT Chrlrtmaa Cards. Place Cards, Dinner Cards, Special Oceastea Cards 5 to 350 If you can't find a suitable gift at Hospe's can t be found. No matter what price you wish to pay you will find tuo rlsht article here. New Ivory Plaques, Artificial Flowers, Mahogany Candle sticks tor Electricity or Candles, New Electric Lamps, E hades la all popular colors, New Imported Tapestries, Cordova Leather, New Designs in JJagu, Memo Books and Pillows, at new prices. Art Craft Jewelry. Brass, Bronse, Sterling Gifts. Stationery, French Mirrors, Gilt, Mahogany and Bronse Frames. X TOIR FRAMING TO HOSfkVS. Gcltars $7 (9 $35 i (Est. 1$74.) SSsoflE A.. HOSPE 'CO. 1513 Doufllas SL Tho Oldest Personally Conducted Piano and Music House in the West. ir voir i.itk oit or towjt, ask ros raicB dataluu. f'SHFl!TL5K!fN L. 'UAsIBL.sClXKD nim iSSBSSnsyaSSBBBSBBBKBal. ,,,JUJi' .'MimJiiim ""a hhiiiwjliu moiuiii .hiiiiii.h jji n.gn unm wn i i .in W .4.- -- j $18.75 New style ' Victrola IV, with chbice of five double face' 10 inch Victor records, ten selec tions; terms $5 down, $3 a month. 028.75 New style Victrola VI, with choice cf five doable face 10 inch Victor records, ten selec tions; $5 cash and $3 a month. Christmas Victrola Outfits at Challenge Prices Q82.50 New style Victrola X with choice of 10 dou ble face 10-inch Vic tor records, 20 selec tions; $8 cash and $6 a month.. bud U U i! j: : ..ii.;,;' 0107.50 New style Victrola XI, with choice of 10 double face 10-inch Victor records, 20 se lections; $10 cash and $7 month. G E O R G E E. M I C K E L i y ' X ft F C I T 1 I 'A m. . 'x p p, w m K ' : ii t c' : n LS "Kl. 0157.50 New style Victrola XIV with choice 'of ten dou-' ble face 10-inch Victor records, 20 selections; $15 cash and $10 a mo. 0207.50 New Victrola XVI with choice of ten double face 10-inch Victor records, 20 selections; $25 cash, $10 a month. Cor. 15th and Harney Streets. Omaha. SKA C?YGL 334 Broadway. Council Bluffs. a 043.75 New style Victrola Vin, with choice of five double face 10-inch Victor records, 10 selections; $5.00 cash and $5.00 a month. 053.75 New style Victrola IX, with choice of five double face 10 inch Victor records, 10 se lections; $5.C0 cash and $5.C0 a mocth.