niK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: PECEMBEK G, 19U. I ff i W.l - I v. h . : -' : " ;' ' : - y. 1 j 'V I 7 ; VVv;:?,;- " '- ' "' " I, Tl' 1 " V V ir;..::., ; ; 1 V " - rt. At ' K til : ; ' : !! : i- : .i-e-XC. Paired A " ' 7 f ,W;'N ' I tits Drfihrm ft. ,' -L 1 V' . 'f i ' f : v. ; vS321SrJ nv;arc , ; '. V " I AltteBmnten B&crtre 'y. V- . V Pl 7A -vS -r ms Ztouqtis Crane I... . , 'v CiJ''- 1 ifcxv ,. .. --k-y - I fc . vk - If . t "VS. - ? i I I,",.- ..- It 1 I I i v - . X ill i 1 I "XI It' .- j 3 1 I . I I . V f 1 I I 111 I II I -iiM7S- " .I ' jr - a . mh 1 1 1 up mm 75elia Hot re I? m Excuse Me 1J AST will t rrrallod by the fcv wbo went to c "The Yellow Ticket" at tho Iltn riclo bocauae of the pliisura Kffonled by the really compe tent ttnJ !noer actlfint of two member of, ths Pfimrxuiy. It l no nw to Mi'. Abineilun to to t6ld that ho la a Siod actor; this has boon demonstrated o many occajlona and In many rolet, nd that h brlngi to any part he ptaya Vq discriminating Judgment of yaarg of nulent experience Is taken aa a matter it vdurae. - It wita Mlaa Hell MltchnU who afford eS the pleasure ot surprise. Un known, jiractlcally, before her present en casement, she has made for .herself a 'Krlarsger features, 'The" Woman In Black." On Monday and Tuesday, Wil liam Fox presents the Broadway star. Edmund Bl-eetie, and an all-star east In Alfred Butro's- drame, "TH Walla of Jericho," as produced at the Oarrlck theater, London, for two yearn, and al the Saroy theater. New 'ork, vfor one year. Edmund Breese wilVba remembered by photogoera as i huvlns; ' played the stellar part In "The Master Mind" at the Hipp some time ago. On Wednesday and Thursday , May., Irwin, the distin guished comedienne and star of a great number of successful comedies, plays the title role In the film , production ot the most celebrated of all her stare triumphs, that screaming funny farce, "Mrs. Black U Bach." For the last two days of the week David Belasco and Jesse I. Lsky combine on the stage's most eloquent dramatlo classic,' "The .'Rose of., the Rancho". In five reels, featuring; Bessie Barlacale and an all-star cast. . m. tl tl e mip y rN.TTF-vn-riTi'f'r r-n-in ..-fl..i (ramor,inmj Ceg'lnnlng.T.! UATIllEE. TODAY vl.-l St.. .U. J f. l -r- 'n mv - mJ 11 ' " ' . -mmmmt 1 PRICE fai-SUNDAY KWSt-rfy E?g EOo SLJ.. THURSDAY, Dec. ICth m. ...! ststurdsv and Sundsy OSO. McMlXTI' XATB8 SUCCESS Cringing Up Father A n INGERIK6 ANDSLIDE DAUGHTER (jy PRICES MATISSE SSe, BOO and 7 So, CVEMIKG 8 So, SOo, 75o, $1. uEEl IStARTlQa ODDAY EUEHIHO, BEG. 14 MAIL ORDERS NOW BEING RECEIVED AND FILLED The Biggest Ghow Ever Staged in the United States The Liebler Co. $100, 000 Production of Louis N. Parker's Romantic Pagent Drama of Old Israel. t 7!T'.-ij.:i:'r.W y JIIEIClflCBGIIll.lilTBillEM ORIGINAL NEW YORK PRODUCTION AND COMPANY OF OVER 200 ARTISTS HEADED BY ..... . ,.- James O'tlsU!, Drandon Tynan, Catharine Iiaclred Evenings at 8.; Wednesday and Saturday Matinees at 2. Oox Office Safe Opens Tomorrow at 10 a. m. Sharp. RIGHTS AM SAT. UXt, 50s tiT$2. 0?0LAR MAT. WED. BEST SEATS, $1.50 ft bar 14. , Q Miie piay is irom tne pen or ixuis r. I'aruer, aumor or. "iMsraeu. -roman- dor Wslk." 'Ttosemary" and' a dosen I uiiier A'iiKti.n ami .Amcm-an iiroiiuu-ifon.. name that la not likely to be overlooked j H waa produced by the Uebler company by the lowers of the stage In the future, i t the Century theater. New York, last It Is all the more to her credit that she I January, where It continued " playing to can take a rule like that of Mary a Var- i enormous receipts for the balance of, the enka, with Its many apparent fauita. and I season. It Is upon the some Immense make It seom like a human botnsf. From! spectacular order as Its predecessor, flrirt to last the part fairly bristles wtlh.oone by tho same firm and at the same invitation to overact, to Indulge tn rant ! theater, nnmly. '"The Garden of Allah." and, rhodomontade, but Miss Mitchell ' The etcy closely follows the well-known proved herself worthy of the opportunity, crlpturai narrative of Jacob and his and by her nice valuation of expression n- Mr- Tarker has preserved the In nd careful balancing- of sltuationa made ' rmatlo Interest of the ortninal the part one of the real pleasures of the'P'o. mJ the Kngllsh of his evening by reason of her intelligent a-at-1"'1 to conform with the sonorous clae Ing. fontldence In her future la here e-i,lcal rhythm of the Bibical tale. But It pressed, with a wish to see her some lur on" '"mf imainsa lima in a role thai la wortlw her ability, i tnttt "Jo'Ph and His Rrethrth- Is,, in ' Excuse Me," Rupert Hughes' comedy of happenings on. a Pullman car, will be the attraction at the , Brendsla, starting with the matinee today and continuing for four nights and Wednesday. matinee. Its only aim is to make people laugh. Its scenes sll take place on a fast mov ing train of the Overland Limited 'en route front Chicago to Reno, the settings being the Pullman sleeper arr4 the com bination club and observation ears. The characteis are the passengers and train crew, who, thrown together on a trip like this, would surely create incidents of a comks nature. Thero Is fond couple who fancy they would be happier separated and are on the wo, unknown! to each other, to Reno; there Is the dashing army officer undur ordrra to report to the Philippines, who ts ' eloping with hie flum-e, and who the passenKors believe to he hrM and groom, ana the English any way, what Is considered churchy or devoid of a lively Interest On the con trary, Mr. Parker's drama teems and thrills with humanity. It Is all fire and passion, vivid color and strenuous ac tion. Over 0 people participate In the performance. The Uebler company are sending here the Century theater cast and entire production complete and un changed. There are herds of oamela, sheet, donkeys, oxen, asses and horses. Strongest ot all, though, la the splendid cast with James O'Neill as Jacob. Kath erlne Keelred as Potlphar'a wife SJvd Rrandon Tynan aa Joseph. Other dis tlnnulahed theatrical personages In var ious other characters are Hugh Chtlvers. Henry Harmon, Geo if C. Ounther, Franklyn Pangborn. harles - Rogers, Robert Wayne, Brigham Royee, Charlta D. Herman, Kathleen Laromore, Cordelia Macdonald, Marjorle Campbell, Mercedee Desmor. Harriet Mayfleld. Irma Lerner, Bobby liertrand. Polly " Norrla, Madelyn uit, ii it i i coiner and . i.unr hkiu is si- uanctrrs, aim more than tm others, tsineer a aieepins; Perth and who Insists utKin Ms "bawth;" a country minister and his bi Mo, who try hard, not to get found The play has been divided by Mr, Par ker Into four acta, the first entitled "The Coat of Mao? Colors." and t. aiiHh.a i. out: a woman hater, who Is converts to three scenes, one "The Tents of Schem " matrimony by a. missionary; ft most the. second "The Wells of Dothan" and amusing conductor; a . riiman poHer who ts a whole entertainment In him self, a suave traveling man,- Knooselums, trie third seetve "Jacob's Tent." There are four scenes In the second act, the ... . .. . n.i in me nouse or roupnar," the aec- m. itvvtu to Mm uui'-ner. in ona "-fotiphsr-s Garden," the third fact all the amassing j.crsons and funny I "Zulelka a Room" and the fourth "In th ci'lvodt-s that go to made a railway trip nirmunirabie and lnteratir.g. Two ape- House of Potlphar," In the third act ere two scenes, the first "In the Prison." clnl matinees will b !van on Sunduy , the second "In Pharaoh's Palace." There ana Wednesday to utftet stivng demand for seaf 'Urli,lng Up Father," w. iilllcal car t.K.i( srilcs low runnins: dully in The the already are s.lo two scenes In the fourth act The first scens In the fourth act is "The Pyramid," the aecond "In Joseph's House." On account of the extreme learth of the Omaha H.-e, as well as In more than 600 : """ "na me- vast elaborate na uther newsrapera throuKhout the United re , th cenerr nd light effects, the s' tales and Canada, has been dramatUed ,U, " m"t r'" ,B tj9 vnl" t 8 and adapted for a musical comedy pro- j 0 ckKk' a on t o'clock, ductlon by the artiut, Mr. George Mc- " Manus. and the well known theatrical! ... , onu,r "PPeal the triple atarllne iroduclpg j.:uriBR?r. Mr. Ous Hill. The!,, fo' ,ne rf,hu" this wek afno com-producu-n comiUU of complete i , h'Bh , t,tlQ excellence. One of the cenes with beautiful eject ileal and f" ''""f!1 fefturr be th cellist of mechanical an-.bcllUhments. Forty per-! " .f8 renown- Kronold. foimers. tacluiilns- simr, ri. darner. .nl 1 ' voivi attraction la to be the one he more viul problt-sns of life are rsall-! Sr ,,,., m . ' XL , " e. d do not neei to be depicts a. ! " n r " "I,!," Il "l'0- art comedy, the Rip Van Winkle of "in. I ... I Joy win ft Co . assisted by Anna Chance. nose equllibrisV whose balancing n a sphero is altogether unique. ' Once more this week the Orpheum Travel Weekly, with Its animated views of scenes tho world over, la to conclude the entertainment. The event of the week locally will be the reopening of the Boyd, thcattr, with the stock company under the direction of Messrs. Woodward ft Burgess. It was under the management of this firm that thlr fine theater entered on Its career of prosperity and fame In the nineties,' and not a little popular Interest la felt In the revival ot the partnership that meant so much at one time In the show business. In addittoni the event has another -element of Interest, the introduction of a new leading woman, Mlsa Prances , Mo Henry, 'who comes with the commenda tion of many newspaper critics and the experience of a long record of achieve ment to support her claim to attention. Mls WcHriiry has played leading roles Jn stock, for several years and has made herself very popular In cities where she has been engaaed, such as Pes Moines, Milwaukee, Portland Me.: St Johns' N. U. ; Halifax, Montreal, , Toronto, Wash ington, Philadelphia, where she has en Beted many parts. She will b seen here first In the name part of "Madame X," the powerful play that made such a tre mendous Impression when It was being played In the higher priced houses a couple ot seasons ago. It has never been played by a stock compajiy In Omaha The strength of the Boyd Theater Stock company will be utilised In the produc tion, the first performance being given at the matinee this afternoon, the bill to run all week, with the usual matinee All that Is new, mvel and striking in vaudeville and burlesque will be exploited by "The Roaey Posey Girls" company at the popular Gayoty for the week commencing this afternoon. The at traction is under the tersonal direction of Peter 8. Clark, which la a sufficient guarantee that It la one ot the leaders j of lta clasa This season Manager Clark ia said to have outdone all previous ef- ' forts tn presenting a two-act musical i burlctta. entitled "The Love Club.'' from ' the pen of George Tot ten Smith. The I piece Is said to be a real novelty, offer- i tng many features never before seen with j hows of this kind. Among thj more novel will be the Barbary coast daace The management of the Empress have arranged a treat for Vie lovers of Broad way's . latest popular . muslo hits. Dale Marshall, Omaha's own . songster, wUl offer two of the latest song hits each week at all wofek day performances. Headlining the vaudeville bill this week la the Hentlrlclcs-Belle Isle company pre senting a Juvenile singing spree entitled "The Schoolwaster."- The LeBruns offer a sensational novelty roller Skating actH while the Tylcr-8t Clair trio performs melodious feats on the xylophone. Gil. more Corbln will close the vaudeville bill. Mr. Corbln was a late feature with Eva Tanguay's company before he went Into vaudeville. For a change from the fea ture pictures the management has a specially selected and Inspected program of pictures,- Including- "The Cty of Dark ness." a master drama; Keystone com deles, JVews Weekly and educational pict ures complete tbe bill. Christmas Trees and Decorations Will Be Reasonable in Price Christmas trees or all slses are arriving la Omaha and will be put on sale soon tn various storea , Other. Tuletide decora tions In the way ot mistletoe, holly and needle pines, made up Into all sorts of ornaments, will also be offered. Accord ing to OlUnsky FrUlt company the prices this year are going to be reasonable and Christmas trees will, retail from TS cents each, upward to as high as HQ. Young Indian Braves Take Wrong Medicine While participating In a medicine dance on the Winnebago Indian reservation near Winnebago, Neb., McArthur Walker and Percy White Eagle, young braves, are said, to have taken-the .wrong kind ot medicine and gotten into a squabble with other Indians. Tha result waa that they were arrested on the chsrge ot Introducing liquor onto a reservation, Deputy United States Marshal. John F. Sides brought them to Omaha ' - of Ban Francisco, the Taturoeita. by H1Ict." "Prlixrlrir ....... ' " " rU,rr' was designed exc.u..v,ly a. an i M. " " " - i . .,,wv . niii.v exposition dancers. With his posing horse and wonderful troup of posing doxs William Egdirettee l richly entitled to name his offering "the act beautiful.' A dancing and aing Ing skit. "A Parisian Flirtation," Is pre sented cleverly by Alf and dainty Gladys Gouldtng. A tram that lnr. ri.nru . n U .a of Ji.J. ili and His Urethnrft," ehata engaginalv is enn.nri.i a - w-... u . i t i lie most we.ton and Sidney CIs -e. One ,f h. ' ,! '' !- 't"'!ur drama dons in most unusual features of the bill is to 1. 1 -a t..r y.-ars, Coin, s v he be contributed by Harry Tud. a Jap. i.lertait'.mei.t to disrwl that demon, 'li'ooiu." -Father, Mother and the whole J-.!U' Family- ill be at the Bran 1. is tlx ater for a four-day engagement ori.j,K(,t:ing Thursday, December 10, iJ.atliU'e Saturday. Ti,s CVnt urr thtitttr, Nt-w Yoik. pro- I girls from the golden wist This will b a revelation to those wbo believe they i llAAW .hit thA t . - . f t " " " uv . ... . ad lilt. :i ...111 k. - . -7. 1 . .. . win w worn i anu aiane uaiea, American novelty terpelchorean artist Among ths funmakers and principals with the show are such well known buries- tiuers aa Harry Bentlcy, Bert Wiggins, , Harry B. La Van. Walter Peavraon. Billls i Davis. Sarah Hyatt and JeanetU Mohr. ! Costumes, scenery and eleotrtcal effects j nave Been carerully selected by Manager : Clark and his many patrons are prom- j laed a treat In this reepect Btarting to- j morrow there will be a ladles' dime I matinee daily. I The following attractions. W.ked for the Illpp theater the wck of December 5. are ammg the best playa that will be -eu In Omaha this wirier. For today vidy. another of thuie great Kls DOUCCAS 1319 "Staiiinj Sunday Matinee 2:15 All Week; Kata. Wed. aa'd Sat. Ths Boyd lhastcr tsck . ; Ccinpsny .' A Drama In a Acts and Prolorae y ii.i;xnuka inibonr Wita toe Following twli a iHtYiAMO IbXMCxC " kleasrs. Xlaaaa Bewa James A. Bliss Jaa riiojua. Churl. Uadhola kataUe WarfleA Starre Watua BtMsra. aUoiiara Kaaama; Joaa Vrtngle Muaor W at .o a Sdgar Sttoe Qaorga IThalps Sarold Xtna-sley Win. E. x.rr itajnes aloatg-uiuary Jaak (earrett Jawea Crosby Prices 25c and SOo rt : nite ii uifiiineo rrict'3 ;ac lotiay eas Week "Kef Owa Money." w ft : Daily Matinee 2:151 Week Btmrttng Mat. December 8. 2S3Sawls JiiilM''l Phone Doug:. 494 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Every Night 8:15 TRIO OF HEADLINE FEATURES , Hans Kronold - r THE INTERNATIONAL . - cellist.;: IX lr - Last Season of Gfiarlia Grapewin & Go. With Anna Chance In The Rip Tan . Winkle of Vaudeville, ''The Awakening of Mr. Plpp." Tha. Act Beautiful William Eirdiretta and , Hla Posing Horse, and Dog Karry Tusda . . . flpherlcal Equlllhrlst V Alf.& Gladys Gouljing. i'-. ' Present ' f - "A Parisian FlirUtlon." UKPJJEUM TRAVEL ' ' WEKKLY The World at Work and Play The Famous Paclflo Kxpoaitlon Dancers, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Crane LlT.he,.r S"10- Dlrect r6Tm-a Brilliant) New Tork Engagement. Sammy Weston & Sidney Clare Elite EInrtnr uit Dancing Entertainer Prices: Matinee, gallery, lOe; beat eats (except Saturday and. Sunday), 25c. Nlaht, 10c. 25c, 0c 2222 ini 75o. THE SUPREME nOSICAL EUE1T a.iUUU U yiUUiU MATISEE ON SATURDAY AUSPICES OF THE i'SHRINERS" THE FAMOUS -Vt A aVI A fM ' ' COMPANY WITH TWtNTY D1STIH6UI5HSD EUROPEAN AKO tMlSXM OPERATIC SGIRS AKL CRAtID OPERA ORCHESTRA; Extraordinary Scsnic, Cosicfeing and Property Effects REPERTO I R E " ' S nte LUCIA D! 'LiliilHEBloOa- "'Gounod's FT' A U S TP CAUALLEQIA RUSTIGAHA rsIEI" And I'PAGLIAGCI y;y Ea&'j Opera Ciwsn Kith i Cllferent AH-Star Casl ot Principals - roiCESl Blagle admlsslan. Including reserved seat, COo to 91.SO. M amber ship Tickets for entire season, 1.00. Reserved Beats lOo to T3 estr "Horn, of Paramount Plot ores" ' rrom 11 A. M. to 11 l. sr. rBQy. IWi I FD THEATRE Mil 1 15th and Harney iK-.w Present. UKLT In roar Acta Woman in Black" S. Dec. 7 and 8 WSt rox Present The Broadway Btav: '' Edmund Breese Xn UID HTM'I Drama, . "The Walls of dericfo" i Dec. 9 and 10 WESsTEBOAT AKX Txrca&DAT, HAUXXX. nomiMJ Presents The Slstlofnlshed Comsdlasne ' May Irwin . Xa Ser Greatest Coined Suooess - "Hrs. Black is Back" By GEO. . HOSAST. V "at Dec. 11 and 12 X.A8T-BXZO.ECO Presents ' - Tha Kafnltloent Dramatlo Classlo ,4Th3 Rosa of tha'Rsscko" With BESSIE BARRISCALE ' ASTS BPECZAZ, CAST. . P 'Jf . , wt.jifs; iiwaissini' inai i HjatsJiA'a xxrm WKTia" trjti I fVTTl Dally aa 13-S5.30e. yCilJQf s, 16-a-6U-6e. fnssevPcssyCirlsafa. Vaata. aplandnr an4 twautr la ba I-e W 'eua 'Tli Lan Club." linrbaJ? Coast Saace il rrlaso-lha rl Taasiui. and UaUa a liataa tlorawrly Uh M. aa Mrs. t'aatl. Xdles' Dime Mat. Xiery Week Day. PIANO TUNING R. BRANDON Recommended -by Marj Munehhoff, Millie Ityan, Martin Busli, Jean Duffield, Belle .Eobinson , and Max Landow. , . Webster 4332. 4618 N. 2Sth Avenue. : - ltcf.taurauts come, - And rtu-taarnnts no. Rut The lllmnnt Patrons Continue to grow. lloMilts of it's efforts v ' And service well p la ruled. Marked by it's patrons, ' The bett in the land. Table D'Hot Dinner SUNl AY It A. M. a P. M. 50 CentM 1316 Dodge St. Open AU Night. C. X. UAIX, Prop. On the Want-Ad Page Complete "Movie" Program TODAY Exclusively inTTie Bee Wek of SUVDAV, llec. 8 KZaTDaUCKB 8EX.X.B XSZ.B Present , "The School Master" THE LeBRUNS - Bailor CTkatlns; aTovslty. GILMORE COEBIN late with Eva TangTiay Co. Tyler St. Clare Trio JCylopbona Experts. . A Specially Selected Aa Xaspeoted Prograa of PHOTO.PLAYS .The City of Darkifess A Master Jrama Xsystone Comsdy-Weekly. Edacatloaal . it lOCVea-IOC ive sxtra i ( r .