Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Sale of
4 J
Choice of all
Trimmed Hats
in our utocks
Saturday for
This is the sale that Omaha women wait for. Saturday wo
offer you choice of our entire stock, including
All the Paradise Hats I All the Dres$ Hats
All the Ostrich Hats Street or Suit Hats
The newest models shown within the last three days in our
Millinery Section go in this big one-price sale Saturday.
The new Sand Color Hats, "White Hats, and Cerise Color
Hats included. Absolutely no restrictions.
Dainty Neckwear and Ribbons
A Most Detira.le Lin' of Vestees on Sale Saturday
a m f as m . ,
A neat vestee l$ a rretly. Dainty Urtss Finiah
Vfl Mad a of fine organdy,,
hand-embroidered, hemstitched,
prettily tucked, with roll. tig
and wired collars. Regular
50c Talues. Special, on
each 07 C
Also a Pretty Line of IMijuo
Vestees Some with cuffs. Reg
ular 50c values. 8pe- QQ
cial Saturday, each... aJafC
Collar and Cuff Beta In new
frill effects, embroidered
Swiss. Specially priced Cf
for Saturday, set... v. OUC
Ladies' Collar In new im
ported Planen lace, all new,
Swiss embroidered and also lace
trimmed. Very tZf
pretty. Each . OUC
Collar and t?nff Sots and Collars
In Swiss, frilled and planen
lace. Very rare Tallies. r r
Special .COC
Ribbons for Xnai Uses
Wide ribbons In Telour and fancy
warp prints; Cretonne and ben
callne effects with most attrac
tive designs. Less than no
halt price. Yard. . . . OOC
Fancy Warp Prints 5 Vt and C Vi
Inches wide. 8plendid Qf
values. Yard OC
Christmas BIMions In yuletlde,
fancy dot and polnsettias, etc.
6-yd. bolts, special Sat Q
urday, per bolt OC
The Last Word of Fashion in Blouses
The High Military "Choker"
In Georgette crepes
and crepe de china
tins new "choker
give the well-groom
ed appearance.
They are clever
ly' designed;'
some have turn
overs can be
turned down and
worn low neck
practically two
blouses in one. In the
new colors white, flesh,
sand, putty.
A Sale of Silk HOSIERY
V 7a
For Men and Women
A special purchase of over 10,000 pairs at a
discount made these offers possible:
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose All colors. Includ-v
ing oiacK ano white; black with fancy Roman
stripes; black with fancy striped tops; all colors
with fancy clocks. All full fashioned, with rein
forced soles, heels and toes and wide garter tops.
Some all silk; others with lUle tops. Actually worth
mas box "ch put up ln a beautiful Christ
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose In "all th
evening shades, such m pink, sky, yellow,
shades of green and the new fawns. AU regular
made: double so.les. heels and toes, with wide ga"
ter top Worth 1.00 a pair. Two pairs put up
In a beautiful Christmas box (l00 value) .....
Women's Fiber Uk HoseBlack only. n'b.V 'tO
the top. Regular 60c Quality. Threo pairs In
beautiful Christmas .box (1.60 value). . . . . . " .
Men's Iure Thread' Silk Hoe Black, white.' navV
. tan and gray; all full fashioned, with high spliced
bee s and toe, and double soies. Regular S
Quality. Three pairs in fancy box (1.60 value)....
very largo
Any of
Saturday .
m r
. t
: i
l Art Goods Third Floor
Imported Japanese lUoiboo Fruit
and Baudwlcb tuktti Mahosnny
aixi ilniin fluiali. "1C
Values to 11.60 I 30
SO Fancy Brrap Babketa Tan
color, trimmed with 9K
whits straw ,, a0C
100 lland-Kmbroldered Sofa Ill
lows (m natural and art rjri
tk-klng Values to 11.60. , wiUVI
lOO Tapestry Novettiea In Glove
and tlundkerrhlef Uuxes. IC
etc Value to II. I 00
Drugs and Toile 1 Soant
woUof ,4P4r.a l-lb. bottle leo
5!! ' Xi?" 'na Wins Pull pint's.
Java BUo ru Mlw-Boi Tm
Oabrook'. tooust Blossom VintT
rerfniu Ouncs LjQ
wi Tw. ? Tlotta wwiw-Oan...
airk's Jap Boa Soap L'aka.... Se
far. Ca.tll. Boap 1-lb caka...n.
u rouia :6o alxe...lSa
Kasloar Soiseort Worth to OQ
75c. Hperl&l, pair.
Dlunoad r Soap la bar-
Xnwom Malta i.Ts" ?"
ranoy Vaokags rarfam-. ")' "
0o vivlus. Spu lul. . . ,
Sale of Unframed Picture
Saturday--,. Picture Dept. Third Floor :
We purchased the entire stork . 1 ''
Strausswen & Company. " West Eri. aI. rSfe PiCt?u from
jobbers), ho are dUconUnulug bustnef. BO j(hlgh-cla&a
, The line comprises Oramercr Print i,..! . '
Undaeai. by Innes. Mauve."1 LefiolT T lTt'
conies of Uudscanes br mastera frm .h " ' Snt' nger, etc..
salaries. (These prints sell for 8.00' all over
the country).
"Goupll" Imported photogravures, hand-colored
in original colors, copies of the great portraits of
17th Century Women by Sir Joshua Reynolds
Roiiiiiey, etc. (pictures that sell In art stores for
$15.00 each). r
Luotypes in colors, Imported prints of the
world greateht pictures, large in slie and very
euiUble for the very best homes. (These sell
everywhere fcr 112.00).
We ti !! have a nuaniilv of .i.iii.
,r .rf fmin U.e sa,e nat, uiV;.
ufc l-ry flii-i j-ficra. " oaiuroay
Worth to $15
Choice for
The Stores With the Christmas Spirit
Come, Children Come Saturday and See "Uncle Tom's Cabin",
Played by Harry Deaves & Co.'s Talking Manikins-In Our Toyland, Third Floor
runnlns after Kllsa serosa the Ira. Topay, Eva and Unrfe Tom will be ther. TV- U.T. L blood-hounds
here from New York especially for the benefit of the children 0f OmahL perro?rnT production
at :30 and continue to P. M., with IntermUalon of to 15 mLl n, t. .Kmii.V'L b'l(ln Saturday
floor, we admit rnly children accompanied by parents 8aturrta4? but nexVeek w. wlVi l,tt."PU?e .OIJ ur thirt
newahoy. and children In orphan asyluma. It will be ail FKER. We want ever boV and Jlrl uT ity'
f 1
und Tool
's i rtsl ..n
a U v w
t'prlKlit ' I'tajios Special Satur
day S5 to 84.08
Hahy Grand Pianos Special Sat
urday 49t to $10.00
Iron Trains, Fire Kngines, Hook
and Ladders, Htreet Cars, Autos
and IxK-omotlves, and in fact
everything in the line of Iron
toys you ever beard of. Special
.Saturday, choice, tf rn
2,"t to.s aPl.OU
Ives Trains Special at
$1, $1.23, $1JS0, up to $10.00
Building niwks Special
at ... .23c, 40c, 75c and 08o
Wagon Blocks Special
at 40c to $lJiO
Alp1uOet Blocks Rpeclal
at 10c to 08c
Nested Bloiks Special
at... 15c to 75c
, Our Iilne of Meccano is Com
plete -Ask the boy about
Mecanno "He knows." All
prices from
$1.00 up to $25.00
At the Game Counter you will
una an tne new games, includ
ing all the new liattle Games,
Toytown Games. Mexican War,
Tango U. 8. Maps, Old Deck
Ring Toss, Paper Dolls and
Dolls' Wardrobes, Pretty Vil
lages, and hundreds of others.
Prices and up j gQ
Imported and Domestic Doll
Hounses, Bungalows and Cot
tagesSpecial Satur- a
day, from 494 up to J1U
The Most Wonderful Line of the
Celebrated Wtleff Stuffed Toys
King Charles Spaniels, Fox
Terriers, Boston Bulls, Cats,
Horses, Sheep, Lambs, and up
to the Big Elephant, large
enough to ride
sswmsss3: Mamummaa
rsaMBj Miu ja ( , a-
In DoUfa Outfit.
tin Section von
will find little Sandals and
Stockings, little Rubens Shirts,
beautiful Party Oowna or
Everyday Dresses, Hats. Hoods,
Knit Jackets, Leggings, and,
In fact, everything you can
think of for Dolly's Wardrobe.
AU Modal in Daily Air ?jTss from
Ins 25c pop guns, mp fo f A nio S3
1 nam Blam 5ff famp Can.
Handkerchiefs for Men, Women and Children
at Prices that Will Convince You to boy Now for Christmas
Women's Fine Sheer All-lineal
Kaaaierojueia -ew 10ns ini
tial with dalny wreath and but
terfly designs;' also- narrow
hema '
Women's Pine Sheer AIUl4nA
Bandkcrebisfs With neat
acrlpt Initial and fancy wreath;
alio butterfly and the new wide
Women's Fine Sheer All-Linen
Kanokerohlsfa With block In
itial, rose and French knot de
algns; also narrow hema
Men's Pure Irish Linen Hand
kerotdafs With neat block In
itial and narrow hematltch; also
fancy eyelet initials and narrow
Men's f ine Sheer Linen French With the new
wide and narrow hems
Put Up in
Fancy Boxes
Up to
1 Kf
a Box vT)
Satur- T
Women's Fine Sheer Linen 1
Kaaakerehl.fs With initials...
Real Armenian Edges, Point
..enJoa XanAkeroUefs
With linen centers...,.
Handkerchiefs With Colored
Kand Crochet Bdges.,
AU Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs
-With colored imitation ma
deira embroidered ttdrea.
W omen's Hand-Embroidered
Haadkerofelsfs With new wide
and narrow hems, in colored and
New Silk Crepe d Chine
women s w hite Silk (epe de
iconn"d.k.,r!:!r:w.1.t.h. r.:
Men's Fancy Jap Silk Handker
chiefs -With colored initials
.u vviorni ooraera
Up to
I Satur
day for
Men's, Women's and Children's Handkerchief Sale-Basement Saturdav
Men's Plain White Linon HandkerchlefExtra good else soft finish read. . 0al"raay
Plain All-Linen lUndkerthlefs With fancy embroidered corners rnrtlZ i,?' U8e-, Wo,n'a r
rolled hems. Regular 12 He values Two big lts jt Hc and 4 er" "d COlore(1 OC
Smart Coats for Women and Mi
Also Sevral Big LoU of Suits, Drem, and Furs
T.. V.1 XT VT 1- T.ll 1 .
iiutixuxu u. w xorK oouoer w.o sacrificed about half the price to obtain our reudv
casn. ah new materials. All new stv ' Km
" baiiuicii uuauuiuiiy, laiiored,
fur piece is of excellent quality.
Women;s and Mlssee QoaU. worth
to fl8.50, for.
Women's and Misses Coats, worth
to lT.ttO, for.
Women's and Misses' Coata, worth
P to $20.00, for.
Women's andjtftsse.' Coats, worth
BP to 2g.OO, ' for ; . . . . .
Women's and Misses' SnIU. worth
to 9 17.CO, for.
Women's and Misses' Suits, worth
- $9.75
npto 2.VOO, for.
Women's and Misses' Dresses, worth up
to 17JH, for.
W'omen's and Misses
: worth up to $20.00, for
Fur Sets,
Special Lot of Skirts,
Worth np to tS.Oo All good,
stylish cuts. Made of good serges,
mixtures, checks, etc Light and
oar colors
Sale of Silk Petticoats
Worth np to $3.O0 Made of
good silk Jersey, in full tucked
pleats; all colors; all sises. Very
special valve
riiilflrPTi Dnv Snfiirrlnv nf RwomJ:o 4 Bis
v av.a "laiiucw-Specials
m. rii-s M a a
cuffs.' AU th
For Girls Corduroy and Serge
Ureases worth up to ft.oo Pretty
double Skirts. Fanrv r.nllara anil
cuffs.' AH the popular colors.
For Girls' Coata worth up to $7.00
An assortment of good warm coats
made ln Zibellnea. Mitt
rhillas. etc. All ages. I to 14 years. Good colors-
t reny oeuea ana cape elterts.
(5C Aft Jf Olrla' Dresses ln Smart Girlish
4)OeUli J;"' Piids, Corduroys. 8rge.
Saturday Vill Be Great Day in Toyland
out, ana 7oisnd Saturday will be at its best complete in everr detail.
Boys' Police, Firemen and Soldie.
Outfits special Satur- Ar
08 and tlC
Satnrday we are
going to sell the
largest Kid Body
loll, with eithe
light or dark hair,
that we have ever
St.. $1.00
Campbell's Kiaa,
Baby Bumps and
all the New Dress,
ed, Non-Breakable
Character Dolls
American - made
dolls. Special
Saturday, choice,
and ,
For Girls' and Juniors' Coats worth
to $10.00 A special lot of coata for
girls to 17 veara. Man mni.l
garments. Good and smart styles for young girls
Splendid materiala. AU colors.
4. M 4. Vl
S1.49toS3.50 Pr.
Sample Lines of Leather Novelties
At About Half Regular Prices
Hie entire sample lines of
i- jiP'i Sclieuer, 171 Madison
Ave., New York. ALL HIGH
Real Ebony and French White
Ivory, Toilet Sets, Manicure
Sots, Leather Collar Bags,
Leather Bound Whisky Flasks.
Drinking Cups, Card Sets, Poker Sets, etc. Here are a few
f the remarkable values the sale of this stock brings for
you Saturday: ' . '
O-riece Toilet and Manicure Set
Combined In real leather
14.00 value
case.. $4.00 value Qg
anlcure "Set
7-Pleee Toilet and Manicure
Combined 12.60
value for
8-Plece Very Fine Toilet and
Manicure Set Combined Fin
est brushes and leather cai.
$10.98 value
Iff-Piece Finest Real Elxiny Set,
Toilet and Manicure Combined
$12.50 value fj QQ
for p0aa70
19-Piece Very Fine Toilet and
Manicure Set Combined
?or5!!.r?:u..... $13.50
$4.S0 Finest Real Ebony Military
Seta In leather j OC
cases, xor Jtn taw j
$4.00 Real Ebony Mil
itary Sets for.
$2.00 lieather Collar Bags. $1.00
$1.25 leather Collar Bags... 60c
$7JM) Poker Sets 150 regular
size chips, 2 decks finest cards,
real walnut chip rack, ln real
leather case.
$2.50 rbvsicUns' Jl CQ
Pocket .'..edictne Case J) 1 .Di7
$2.00 Whiskey Flask Leather
bound, and with a re- C -I QQ
movable leather cap P X 07
Thaa. aro wond.rful valn.s. Posl only OWE Or A KIND, so com.
tarly and r th. on.s you want.
Very Special Values in Fine Jewelry Saturday
Oold rill.d V.adant Z.aTalli.r.s
Soldered a-oM filled chain, with a
warranted ol. front pendant: vr
beautiful designs. Val- . Cflft
uea to (t.60 for OUC
J. Z,aValUar tl.OO
values at
1 Bt.ruar BUv.r Clutch Fen
eUs (1.50 values for...
: 69c
J and P.arl and Combination 4F.
Ihrop Eairlng-a 50c values "38
olid Oold Hat Plna 79c
olid Oold Chain and Solid nVild Pui.
aant X.aTalIlar.a (7.00
values for
motarlas (1.00
values for
Silverware Makes Practical Gifts S
Hampden Pattern, Extra Heavy Weight Sterling
Silver Spoons and Flat Pieces at Half Price Gives
You a Splendid Opportunity to Settle Many of
Your Most Carefully Planned Christmas Offerings.
Quadruple Silver FlaUd BaaTlnr
BUlv.r Platad CassavoUs With .a
Gurna.y War. Dlab (J I QQ
(4.00 values for WMwO
Qnadropl. SUtt Plated
Bta (4.00 values
Stands with mirror, cud fi An
and brush. (6 values forv&sSO
SoUd Brass Ash Tray, Two Olnr
m and Saf.ty Match OC
Box Hold.r. 60c value for., awl
Leather Hand Bags-Two Specials
' Real Morocco Hand Bags Silk
lined; with two fittings. Ac
tually $2.00 values; extra spe
cial for Saturday tf
only at j 1 .UU
Ladies Finest Hand Bags Real
Seal, Pin Seal, Real Walrus,
etc. Three or four vanity fit
tings. $4 00 and qq
$5.00 values for.. J.0
Two Special Sales of Gloves
For Saturday Deserve Your Attention
Lot No. 1
60 Dozen Women's Full Pique Kid
Gloves. White, black, and white with
heavy embroidered black backs. Bought from V. Perrln &
Cle., who named these gloves "Palma." We cannot urge
too strongly the wisdom of selecting several pairs of
tnese gloves, as tney are standard quality, guaranteed
perfect, ana snouia sell ordinarily for $1.60
a pair. Special Saturday at.
I A M 9 Over 100 Dozen
AJUL ItLP. tt Leather Gloves, enarantearf wmh.hl.
In plain white or white with heavy black backs. These
gloves are selling now for 69c and 75c a pair and are
reany worth more, rue wearing qualities, appearance
ana nt cannot De surpassed. Special Saturday
Christmas Boxes Supplied Free of Charge
lectlng several pairs of
lard quality, guaranteed I
ten Kayser's Genuine I
19 c
Fine California Violets
50 ln bunch. Sat
urday, bunch
Large Display of
Christmas Floral
Now On Sale
Cut rlow.r Main noor.
I Ell I-.jI Ml
iin a
w I
Candy Specials Saturday
POKPEzax boobk.
Bpaolal Hat Brlttl.8 Walnut. Brazil
Nut, Cashew Nut, Almond and P.
can Nut Brlttles. Reg- Sk w
ular 40c grades. Sat- VSl
urday, pound
Craam Coooanat Balls Vanilla.
btrawberry and Chocolate. ir.
found I 0C
"'PPT. BratU Huts VanllU
and Chocolat. dipped while O 0
you wait. Pound 03C
rmpnu cnoooiate BlttM Sweats
" mjis ssua caooe-
isias. round
Silk Bl oom e rs-Underwear
Kayser's Venetian Silk V
With shield reinforcement; embroi
dered In various dainty designs;
ptna and wnitf. special
Haturday, each
Kayser's Venetian Silk Bloomers
Reinforced; in white, pink, black
and all the latent shades. 4g O Cft
Special. Saturday, pair. . WtlUU
Women's Munsin Union Suits
In medium and fleecy lined cotton,
lllc-h neck and long- aleevea; Dutrn
neck, eiDow aleevea: low neck.
sleeveless; ankle lengtha.
Excellent values at..
Women's Mnnslng Union Suits
ii.ilT1 w ,V neck and long
sleeves; ankl. length.. Natirr.1
wiiii. i-uiors rrice, per
suit,, aa.00 and....
Girls' and Boys' Munslng Union
aleevea; ankle length; drop aeat and
open crotch. Wblt. and gray color..
Age I to II years. Cl
Price, per suit , QUO ,
Girls' and Boys' M-Knit Waists
Patent taped aeajna. ISo quality.
All aises. Saturday, I I .
each I 10
Complete Stock of Fine Slippers
for Men, Women and Children
For your highest satisfaction In selecting as well as for the high
est satisfaction of those to whom you will give we afford you the
tuoBt complete stocks of fins slippers to choose from. Prices are so
reasonable and variety so great that you are sure to find Just the
kind you want.
Pullman Slippers for Men and
Women For traveling and the
boudoir. Put up la leather
case to match. The colo's a:e
brown, wine and black. Prices,
$1.98, $1.49, 98c
Men's Fine Slippers In Opera,
Everett, Romeo, Cavalier, Faust.
All made of fine kid skin.
Hand-turned solea Cuslou In
soles. Prices
OhllAr.a's .l SUppara - .
.In raney Christina CJ 1 A Q
boxea. ail sixes. Kclo...Vl
raaoy B.algas U Blbboa Trtaunad
and I-jur Ttxuim. .lv or morningT
boixlolr and th. Oath. Paat.l ahad
Leath.r or padded wool aolea. put
up In fancy boxet Very attractive
sixes at So to