Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    . THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. I)K( KMUHR 4. 1014.
Bringing Up Father
Copyright. )tl International
News Bervtae.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
ET OCT THIf WEWHAriD 1 IN the. ORLX STORE f I , OUT! 1NUTB , 7ZZZ V ' . A' ' "ft
' '' ! t
- - - -. .... . .
Stag-jr of Chicago Snyi No Man
Qualified for Such Task.
aeerta It la nifflealt far (each
Krfi to CkwMr. Beet Mm for
Om Klevea, Let Aleae
' ", Other )iads, '
CH WA CK), Deo. t No man la uueltfled
to select "en all-star fool "hall 'tram,
Alonso A. Bt(tr. athletla director at the
I'nlvrratty of Chicago, aeaerted (oil ay In
an artlcla In the I'nlverslty L'ally-' In
decrying this practice of many foot ball
expert tha Maroon coach dpolerea' It was
difficult for a coach to choose tha boat
men fof hi own team, let alone tha beat
pla vers on other Uim, .
' "Ail coaches who have had much experi
ence know that It U only by rloaa watch
Inr of their owl candidal through day
tf practice that they ran fully determine
who are tha beat qualified to fill different
positions." Coach fttagg wrote.
rail It Prepeaterowa.
"To concede that It la poaalble for any
newspaper man, who la buay creating hla
story, to be able to da Justice In tha se.
lection of an all-conference or an nll-
wratern team, for example, after seeing
an ma of tha team In action ar even ail
tha team In action throughout tha sea
aon, la moat prepostrous.
'Hover! tlnwi In tha many yeare I
hav coached t have bean asked to make
a selection of all-conference and all
western tea ml, but have always refused
becauaa I knew I waa absolutely unquali
fied and Incompetent to make auch salee
lion and could not fall to do Injiutlo to
many of tha player If 1 attempted U.
Alwaya Disapproved Idea. ,
' "I therefor aay I have always d.aap
proved the Idea. Iiu alnc It haa become
a matter of newspaper and public Interval,
tha nearest approach to JustJoe that could
ba dona would be for every newspaper to
Invite tha students of each university to
rend In tholr Individual selection and make
a, compoelle of tha same."
'. Coach SLagg aald De Jardlcn waa tha
greatest center who haa ever played on a
Chicago team. Tele Russell, ha aerted,
waa on of the three great quarterbacks
nil Chicago teams. There never was a
harder working player than Shull. whom 1
a rrltio accused of laslaesa, the Coach
"I have felt that In Justice to the above
men," aald tttagg, "and to score of
others, that soma protest should he made
gainst tha present form of selecting so
called all-conference, all-western and all
American tea ma."
Star Base Ball T wirier Signed by Federals
Navy and Army to
Play Base Ball at
, West Point May 29
i - '
ANXAPOMS,' Md .'rVe'. X-Tha annus!
baaa ball game between Army and Nary
nest season will bo plsyed at West Point
n May 2. aotnrdlng to S'ary's baia ball
chedula for ISIS; .nnotmeod today.
All tha ether ehgngea will be played at
Annapalia as follows: . -
; March tt, Wesley an. March . t'nlver
Ity of Pennsylvania; March IL rnsv
vanl mate; April I, Holy Ooea: April
3. Amherst; April 7. Yale; April t. Cor
smil; April 10, Colaate; April 14,
Virginia, university; April 17, Tufts
XI. Harvard; April 12, University of North
Carolina; April U. CnlveraHy f Ueurgla.
April W, Agricultural and Mechanlral 0
, i n i
Tour; Shugrue Outpoint! Light
weight Cb&mp ia Ten Hounds. .
Battle la Xew York Rlag la lUry .
af Ktghtev Aaalat Soger with
Ik Forma llavlag
the Bdgra.
NEW. YORK, Dec a,-Young Shugrua. ,
tha Jersey City llifhtwelght. outpointed
Freddie Welsh of Kngland. tha world's
champion lightweight. In a ten-round bout
at Madison Square garden tonight ' 8htV-'
grue outfought and outbexad Welsa in
eight of tha ten rounds. Tha third rouiio
1 waa even, while Weuili had tha better of
the seventh.- '
By -agreement both boerg weighed in
at t o'clock In tha afternoon at 1H
pounds. Thar were allowed 1 at thai
time. At the ringside tha English boe
weighed U4. whllo tha American tipped
t i.
West the beam
April! il.. lull.r.
It waa the stury of the fighter aralnat
t!e hoxer. with the fighter having in
it tthnvpn. wes assrrsslva
North Carolina; May 1. Dickinson; May!., k... .k- i..t t ito Welsh's
I tl-l l. ,..u V . . . t ...V..B,.w ... . '
--...--.I v i iuiuuiin. mar I sin
olio university of Washington: May ll.
(leorgetown; May IS, Noire I tame; May
J9, Catholic university of Washington;
May II, Georgetown ; May. 18, Mount 81.
Joseph. , , .
Leslie Mann Eef uses
To Sign Fed Contract
MSCOU. Iec. a-tsiie Mann, out
fielder of the Champion Hostoa Nstlonsl
Wguers. today announced he had de
clined an offer to sign a contract with a
Federal league club. Yesterday he re
ceived a telegram asking him to name
his own terms. Mann, who U spending
tha winter at hla home hvre, said ha had
not yet received a con trait to play next
season with Boston; but expected It before
long, and when It came, he said ha In
tended to algn It.
Pratt game at Kansas City for tha cham
pionship of the world at pocket billiards.
Tonighl Harsh and Reynolds wUI play,
Kcratr-hea: Hlicpard 7; Stevens, 7. High
run: Htevens, XI
Students Make Bequest Upon the
. Athletic Council. '
President Pearson Makea Ns Prom-
Ises, bat Intimates the Healta
M ill Be HatUfaetorr to the
School Whole.
AMES. la.. Dee. t (Special Telegram,)
In accordance with the demand of stu
dents, alumni and other Interested In
Intercollegiate" sports, especially foot ball,
that tha athletic,, council make good It
promise to give varsity foot ball In 1913
and subsequently, and an adequate and
mora efficient coaching system, the Car
dinal guild, the atudent control organisa
tion, met today and declared Its ballet
that the atntlment . for ft greater coach
ing staff la not. imaginary, v , 1
Tho guild, appointed a . committee of
two President Bu mated t and A. W, Joy
to wait npon President R. A. Pearson,
who Is president of tha council. President
Pearson guarded tho plan of tho council
very carefully, and refused to commit
himself. Hla Intimation was that tho
students will ba satisfied with tho action
tho council take. ' . , ,
McGraw to Fight
Limit on Players
NBW YORK. Deo. The proposal to
limit the number of players to bo ear
ned by' National lear-io clubo, whtoh It
I said, will be brought up at tha annual
meeting of the league her next weak.
wilt ba fought by Manager John McOraw
of tha New York Giants. Jn a statement
made public today, Secretary John B.
Foster said that any- plan or suggestion
to limit the number of player to twenty
or twenty-five would bo opposed by the
New York club. Secretary Foster.. said
that McOraw Intend o have fifty or
more player In the training camp at
Marlln, To., and while It I certain thh
quad will be reduced before the team
start north, official are against any
policy thtt will hamper MoOraw In hla
effort to build up a winning team.
:;, 0YER $16,000 YEAR
(Continued frora Pag One.)
body with both hands.
Welsh used Jabbing tactic, and at
time held on, while Shugrue, when both
arms were free, sent In short arm Jolt
to the face and body and at. the end of
the second hl cut Welsh' right ere.
The third was even. Welsh sending hard
lefts and right tc the fare.
Hhugrue forced the fighting In tha next
three rounds. In the fourth he punished
Weaih on tha body, and ha aeat the;
i:ngllaliman'a heal back with a hard
alralxhl left In the fifth. Welsh jabbed
and sidestepped In the sixth, but tShugrue
was on top or him continually.
Wolsh'a best worti came In tha seventh
whea ha landed a atlnglng left to the
face and followed' with a hard right.
H hue rue had tha better of the exchanges
in the lat three rounds, landing hard
drives on the head acd body.
Both fought vlcloaaly la tho tenth,
Khugrue forcing Welsh to a comer and
Welsh doipg likewise with kls opponent
They wcr In a stiff tnixup at the bell.
him up. That' a all. I'm ready to report
for Chicago whenever they want me."
immediately after ' thalr '. conference
Tinker took a train for Chicago and John
son motored back to hi farm.
f laker t'arrtee Contract.
mighty Johnson will be seen In a Federal
league uniform for tha next two rears,"
said Jo Tinker, manager of the Chicago
Federals, as ho boarded a train for Chi
cago late today. Tinker carried with hla
a contract to which Walter Johnson, for
mer pitcher oa tho Washington American
Uagua team, had attached . hla algnatun
after a day of negotiations hero.
Tho price paid?" continued. Tinker aa
ha smiled broadly. -"Well, no matter,
you aay he will max more money than
"Will It ba more than $16.0no?" a ques
tioner persisted.
"Will It? That Jen's anything."
Tinker arrived hero thla morning. John
son motored In from his farm, and tho
two went Into conference. After a long
distance teUphono talk In the afternoon
botwen Tinker and President Weeghman
In Chicago Tinker and Johnson quickly
ramo to terms.
flllt-ADKlJ'HIA. Iec. '. I.-Kdward
Iay Harris of f 'hlladelphla. who played
right tacale on this year' University of
1'ennsylvsnla foot ball team, was today
elcctei attain for I'Ai.
Olaoa and La)le rate,
Poiwlbly no toe rfgr. ls the peasling of
He U!un fiom (he Nap fold more than
JaN U)i. -The Bln" and The ing
Kit-iu'feiiiao" were rrontes. .l. cm the
rofcd Mte two tnina were sJways tosvihor.
ihe nwU-i ait-r (tie ruur, or at the
t.,er. a hrre oo found "I he H.g Fre.-I fjosJIy winning,
i.e. rui, n.e hoed,. it a s I reenalnder of tha
a . ar. n:s Lb-iid this ft a feaede and ai ,
- ti ii. an. iut It rrticx'ted mi. tiw ron wul rereree.
ttrji.Kal tiriisiL.ips in base bail. J Caiuaron rofereed the recent AUea and
Rhepard outplayed Htevena la a close
contest last evrnlng at the Capitol pool
tournament. Khepard had a had of fif
teen points up to the sixth frame, and at
the close of the ninth Htevens tied htm
with sixty-two, 'wrtiliy a twn-vf twenty
balls and then fUlowsd lay tha eleventh
and twelfth frames with the high run of
tbo tournament with twenty-three. This
gave HtevtM a lead over hhepard of
nine points, which Bheperd aooa passed.
1U to (0. Througlutut tho
tournament Mr. Cam-
Mayor Ishlmsn vlli kick the first ball
In tho big eoccer game to be played
Itourke park, for the btnertt of the llo-
g ait urrerers, next Saturday. The teams
contesting are the Cngliah and eVottlah
. W t. l . M.t ..... -. "
' an me cnjr, rot -car as a aoort
ba been growing In favor In Omaha un
til It has quite a band of followers. The
same will b railed at 1 o'clock.
Dutch Ship Ashore
1 1 on Goodwin Sands
VKAU Knglend.De7. t-ma tendon)
-Hurlng one of the fiercest galea en
record, the Dutch steamer Baljaa, or'
.M tona gross, from Jaa. went ashore
iai mgni on uoodwtn Hands, after a
collision with tho UrtUsh Nlobe.
Tho weather was so had that tho Ufa
savers were unable to launch their life
boat uatl early today, when they rescued
the fcatjan'a crew with difficulty.
The Mobo later an hjred In the Down
and reported that it bad no casualties
oa hoard.
l Mm
!fef 'Hp
!. in '
Jndfe Pollock Orden Trial Set for
February Eight.
li l in at
Mast Defend LimiVrmri In Mlase.
apolls Before This Matter Called
pttol Cowdeasaatlott
tader War.'
National Cirio Federation Seei Re
t1t1 from War Effects.
Philadelphia aad Plttsbargr Baaka
Hesort that TJeeplt Depreseloa
Withdrawals Are Less Than
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DK3 MOINES, Ifl., Dec. 3.-peclal Tel
OKrstm.) The cases against the thirty
official of the Master Plumbers' asso
ciation were postponed until February S
by Judge Pollock In federal" court. They
were to) have been called for trial next
week'. V : "
The delay la caused by the fact that U
C, Boyle,' leading counsel for tho pi timb
ers, will have to attend court In Minne
apolis and defend the Lumbermen's trust
this month. At .first Judge Pollock an
nounced tha cases would be heard In Dav.
enport, but later' this was changed and
they probably will- -bo heard hero.
Condemnation Proceedtaga.
Tho state official today commenced
condemnation' proceeding against tho
property owners, who have thus far re
fused to contract for aalo of tholr prop
erty to tha state within tho capital. ex
tension area. About $90,000 worth of prop
erty 1 tnvplved.
lag; Cash.
Patterson Blames
Colorado Strike on
Operators of Mines
DEHVKR, Dec I Former Senator Pat
terson, who was tho principal witness In
the federal Inquiry into tho coal miners'
strike her today, placed the Mam for
the strike on tho refusal of the mine
operator to confer Vtth'; officer of the
United Mln Workers of America.
Mr. Patterson, who dearrlbed himself
as a small mine owner.' sketched tho his
tory of Colorado labor troubles beginning
with tha Leadvtlle strike of 1880.
Senator Patterson . . said1 tho present
strike seemed a continuation of tha strike
In tho northern field, which began in
"Tho strike spread to the southern dis
trict I have no doubt the miners Bought
to install union men la tho southern
fields. Tho men out in the northern
field were on the strike, benefit list of
tne national organisation. This was vo
expensive, and I Imagine tha national or
ganisation felt that it roust Involve the
southern field and proceeded along that
line. For several months before the
southern strike they must have aucceded
In Installing a considerable number of
union men la the southern mines, per
haps IB per cent of the whole number
Trouble in the southern district be
gan Immediately upon the operator re
fusing to accede to the demands of the
union. Strikebreaker were brought In.
and through one of the great companies
that had been operating la WestVlrtnla.
what the strikers called 'gun men' were
Imported. They algnallsed their entrance
by shooting at and killing a striking
miner, Gerald lipptat. at Trinidad. My
impression was that there waa not justi
fication for that killing. Violence began.
The miners attributed it to the 'gun
men,', and the operators to the Instiga
tion of the national officer of tho union.
Senator Pater aon told of a series Jof
conferences with Oovernor Ammon and
with representatives of the mine owner
and the United Mine Worker separately.
He said the operators flatly refused to
pseet the union officer In a conference,
although the president of the organisa
tion, John P. White, had intimated that
If auch a conference were granted the
strike would be settled.
I believe that If the operator had
agreed ' to meet tho minora the strike
would have been ended," ho aald. Th
responsibility f or the violeaoe, I think
rest right there in the refusal to meet
the miners.'. ,
tfeorgs Bums, th speedy left fielder of
the New York Giants, who was the only
member of his team. to bat better tput
.Jul during the season of 1914. lie also
led bis league la both runs scored and
atulea baaea' Uuras" record for the year
was a batting average ct .v u runs
scored and sUty-two stole u base. II
played in every guue except two during
the champioastilti
NEW YORK. Dec l-The result of the
comprehensive study of th effect of the
European war en business throughout the
United State, gained from the reports re
ceived from more than 00 correspondent.
Including governors, mayors, official of
unions, Indurtrlal asaootatlona, bank and
building associations, will be made at
the fifteenth annual meeting of the Na
tional Civic federation, which begins to
morrow. The report say that condition are Im
proving and predict that a farther ad
vance toward prosperity will be witnessed
during the next few months.
Tha report was prepared by John Hay
Hammond, chairman of the committee
which handled ' the Investigation, and
strikes a gloomy note tn speaking of th
unemployed. It states that the country
will be confronted this winter "by a sit
uation which will demand extraordinary
phtlanthropio efforts,
Deaoalta Increasing.
The great savings Institution of New
York City report that business la now
altogether normal," th report say. "In
Philadelphia, and even In Pittsburgh,
despite the severity of th depression in
the Iron and steel trade,' the deposit of
th largest savings banks have during
the last month exceeded withdrawals."
Certain lines of trade have been stimu
lated because of order placed by foreign
nations, but the purchase of supplies by
belligerent nation "satisfies but a slight
faction of th Amerlcaa, business world,"
the report state. '
.'"The last few weeks," says th report,
"have brought about a little convalescence
even in those Industries which' seemed
wholly crippled."
The problem of unemployment and
other financial and Industrial questions
arising out of the war conditions will be
considered at tha meeting.
Woman Denies She
Substituted Another
Child for Her Own
IjONDON. Dec. I. Mrs. Dorothy
SUngaby, wlfs of Lieutenant Chariet
Sllngsby, San Francisco, denied In pro
bate court today the allegation that her
son, heir to the Sllngsby estste In York
shire, had died and that she had sub
mitted for him another Infant. t
Mrs. Sllngsby was subjected to a se
vere eross-examinatlon, during which
were brought up statements made by wit
nesses at tha hearing held In San Fran
cisco by the California board of health,
which led the board to decide that her
son had died and that she had substi
tuted a child belonging to Mrs. Lillian
Anderson of California.
Mra Sllngsby met these statements with
a succession of denials. She admitted
that she had arranged for the insertion
of an sdvertlsement in a Ban Francisco
newspaper concerning the adoption of a
ohlld, but she said that she had done so
merely to gratify a whim.
She denied that Dr. W. W. Fraser of
San Francisco had telephoned to her thai
he might be able to procure a child fot
her, or that she had applied to the As
sociated Charities of San Francisco for
an Infant. She said she had not accepted
from any person any child for adoption,
and swore that the present claimant wai
her own child.
Upon the decision of th court depend!
th disposition of an estate valued at
00,000, whloh by a speclla provision ot
the will of tho Rev. Charles Sllngsby.
was to go to the heir of Lieutenant
Sllngsby, In addition to the property In
herited by the lieutenant
Frad Merkle Weds.
Fred Merkle, first baseman ot the New
York National leue aee ball club, waa
married recently In Grand Rapids, Mich.,
to Mies Ethel Browrmon of Tecumseh,
Mich. The announcement of the weddlnK
waa made last week. Mr, and Mr. Merkle
will reside in Toledo, the baa player's
home city.
f 5"?i
Run on Savings
Bank in Brooklyn
NEW YORK. Deo. I Withdrawal of
depoaita'from private and aavtnga banks
on the esst side, begun by foreigners
yesterday,, a day after the suspension of
the three banks of Abraham Kui, con
tinued without abatement today.
Two hanks appeared to be moat affected
by today's run. . Each had taken step
over night to meet the situation. Each
announced that all depositors were free
to withdraw accounts In full without
giving maty days' notice. The only ex
planation - of the .rune waa a general
feeling of uneaelneaa among the foreign
born " depositor since the closing of the
Kase banks.
Th crowds seemed to augment as the
dsy progressed. One of the two banks
early In the forenoon adopted the policy
of paying depositor tin each and tellln
, them to return ha a week for the remain
der. The 1100 wa paid-in silver dollars
ta each oase.
- A number of smaller Institutions were
strected somewhat by h tendency to
withdraw deoeitu fTho uneasy feeling
seemed to be general throughout the
lower east aide. No one could explain It
least of all th depositors. They simply
wanted tnetr money.
Not mere
talk but
really profit
able reading1
for men
will appear in Benson
'' & Thome's ad in
this paper Friday evening
Good chances
to buy
Tho "FOR SALE" column of The Bee Want Ads is
one of the most valuable in the eervioe it renderi to oar
Just as bargulnj are found in the display
adj of biff stores, so does the "f OB SALE" ool-nm-h
carry similar offering from small merchants
and private owners.
Bargains in household and office furniture, musical
instruments, typewriters, machinery, and dozens of other
useful articles' may be foond every day in this column.
It will pay you to keep ported. Watch th
TOR SALE" column for bargains.
- TtltpKon Tylr 1009