Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1914, Page 12, Image 12
T3 T1IE BEE: -OMAHA, FHIDAY. T)K( KM HKK 4, 11)14. WAR HORSES START OH THEIRLOHG TRIP Nearly Twelve Hundred Shipped from South Omaha for Una in European Struggle. A2LE BILLED TO JESSEY CITY Mayer Arr Jli at Work at ftoath Omaha aa Kismet t Wet Tare Tknuat Mar far tka BelHg-errat. Bedded In bar and blllad to Uwrfnct Smith of Jersey City, N. J., U4 head of horses left n Union Stock yards' pen yesterday for ultimata delivery to tha allies In Europe, They were shipped aver tha Rock Island In fifty-four cars and were, mora than ordinarily writ guarded against possible dangers on tha trip. Tha i horse are divided Into those Intended for , ervloe In tha artillery branch and thoaa j designated for una of tha cavalry dl-1 visions. Th biggest mirk, however, are for tha artillery and brought a price of tin a hoad, while tha cavalry horaea brought ia ) a bad. Tha horaea are billed to Jersey City, bet thla destination la said to ba a blind "We ahlp them out ostensibly to Jersey City," said a stock yard man. "After tliey get out we have no mora to do wltb them. It la likely the billing Is then chanced. Count Captain Tie L'Kstrsnite and Dr. Lefwiptte, both of the French army com missary, have been buying horaea here alnca November II. They will remain for about two weeks mora It la expected Tha present shipment leaves a little lea than l.uoe head to be still pure baaed In order to make up tha original Older for i.OOS head. Two thousand head were bought In St. Louis and about f in Mil linn. If possible tha remainder will ba purchased la South Omaha. , A new contract in force after December S3, has been entered into, thereby 10, WO additional horns are to be supplied. Rino Says City Must Install the Meters Ordered by Howell City Attorney John A. Rlne, In aa opln Ion wiitteu for Commissioner Thorns Mo- Govern f the. department of public Im provements, holds that tha city must Install meters. In the new flush tanka In the sewers, according to I he water com missioner's order. When the water commissioner ordered the meters Commissioner Mcdovern ob cted, saying It would entail a needless expense of about tJ,0nu, City Attorney Rlne, after looking up tha law, wrote a three-line opinion up holding tha water commissioner. Tha water commissioner ha refused to rug water on In new sewers without ma ters In flush lank and cltlsena have been complaining bitterly to tha city council. MERCHANTS HOTEL IS SOLD Dan Gaines New Owner, Buying In terett of Herman Peten. KEY YORK STC0X MARKET Trading In Bond. Larger and : Broader. DLCLIJfES DI OESCUEE CUES Maaey ...eCT.te. O.,.,...,. at Lower Rates anal Call Loaae Dow a Three aa Oar.. Half rer Oat. awL.?'?"- -Nmeroua favor erne dv i .... . rhMrf.n.... . ""i"'"" areatei mt .IS r ,aJn ""'",rai firwnclal sl.u Mn?l ll?- Trd"t m bond, on th. rTi."Ph,n,r WM broader and targei H-,h,"", th" any time sine. Articles Are Filed for New Employers Insurance Company Incorporation papers have been filed In Douglas county by tha Employer Mutual Inability Insurance company and were filed yesterday with tha secretary of state at Lincoln. This I the new mutual liability company orgnnlted by saw of tha lamer employer In Omaha to carry the blanket Insurance of tha employer for liabilities 'to ba Insured through accidents to their employes. Thla I the company of which A. J.. Love I president. W. A. frame r, vlca presldont; Uurdon V. Wattles,1 vice president; Frank T. Hamilton, treasurer, and J. W. Grace, secretary. Following la a full list of the Incor porator : 'Jeorea Amoa. president Ilencon Press; ThdmHB C. Byrne, president Byrne-Hammer Iry Ouod company; K. H. Bruo, J.renlfl.-nt K. K. Brur Co.; Otto Bnr tneltl.r, nmniKfr lien Biscuit wmiMny: Fred Buarh. president American Trans fer cvimpany; Altiert Cahn. shirt manj lu. turer: I. W. Carpenter, president Car penter Paper company: Leroy Corliss, president Waterloo i'reamery company; David c..l. Davl I Cole Cream ery company; l.uther Drake, president Merchant Nation! bank; U. M. Itarkee, rnanagt-r I'trlln-orendorf Plow company; W. A. Krser, sovereign commander . imlmm o the World; Dan W. (iaincs, proprietor Merchnnta hotel: Frank T. Hamilton, preelrlf-nt Omaha Gas rom I'sny; C. W. Hiiil, president C. V. Hull yoinpanv: V. H. Head, secretary Lln irppr Implement compnny; Krnnk li Johnson, secr-etHry Uiinhn Printline com peny; I-. h. Klnir, prvaident KliiK-l'wk ' imii.ftriy; A. J. l,vo. prcnl lent lvlMnd 1 Jinns coninniiy; C, V. Mullen, presldont niiorni'eon Hotel company; T. J. O'Hrlen, lieimii.w hotel; M. C. 1'eters. president M. '. J'eters Mill corn)iany; Char)" II J Irkmie. president l'nxton (inilagher ri.ii.f.niiy; r. W. RiiksoM, eeeond ve J-remdent M. K. Hmlth & Co.; I'nol K ri inner. pialil"iit r-klnner Manuf ai tur. liiK t ofupany; H. A. Thompson, - ThoiH 't. li.ld.'n Co.; F. L Tuiil a, presidriit Alnmo K'uvlne and upplv company; Neison II. I'pdlke, president t'pjlkn tlrHln oitilany; U. W. Wattles, president Oniatia it nd Com-cll Mutfs street Hu v conu-Hnv: f. M. Wllhelm. trenxirer n hnrd- lihfilin cornpHny; C. K. Yrt Jiirsii.iiiit Netiraska 1rie. hone company! PETXE3 LOOKS AFTER FASKS Hotel a Ha F.atlrely Remadeleal with New Faraltar aad Orlll Rton is. la Added ' Rack ef Bar. Ian W. Gaines of this city ha bought the Merchant hotel from Herman "B, Teters, who hea been proprietor for the last fourteen year, and will take posses ion at one. Mr. Gaines ha been I tha real estate business for soma years una naa also bean a director of th City isatlonal bank. Ha also has lar farm Ing Interests throughout the state. John T. tanlel, brother-in-law of Mr, Oainea. who haa been In tha hotel bust nes ror the last twenty year, will b with Mr. Galnaa, and Mr. Peters will re main at th hotel for els month In an advisory capacity. Tba hotel 1 to be remodeled through- cut, a grill room being placed .back of a V a, . . w mo oar, wnera in barber hop and wash room ara now located, . tha , wash room being moved to th baaemant. Nw fumltura la being manufactured for tha hotel, which will ba given an entirely new drcsa undr tha new owner. AUer tha first of the year tha hotel will ba changed from an American plan to Kuropeon. A Mr. Galne baa a lanr acaalntanra all over tha state, ha hope to k(p tha hotel a popular with all aa it ruts been during tha management of Mr. Tetera, and to retain th many friend which the institution ha won during recent years. Herman retera will retire from ac tive business and will aoend his time looking ; after hi nunr.erou farms In many Nebraska counties. He also has other bualneaa enterprise which require his attention. . Mr. Peter took' charge of th hotel shortly after th cloaa of th second Omftha exposition anj by close applica tion to. tho want of patron of tha hostelry baa made a fortune. For year and years this hotel hu been recognised a tha headquarter of tha atockmen of tba west. Durum Wheat and Eye Bring Highest Price Ever in Omaha The Omh. grain market on wheat and corn steady to weak, being tn line wMh cMeetr(j r,t on uimim and rye it a strong, and lop prloes were the rule. The receipt were: Wheat, cars; com, 88 cars; tat, S9 cars. t'urum htat continued on lla upwarJ eoursa, three cars selling at r.lBS, per lihl. the hiifheat price ever' pel.i. f;lea generally were around 11.19. Th bulse on rye contlr.ued and th hslf dosen tars ware much sought after for export Remand. Irlct wj,re from i.oj iu h.oj, tr.C iiit .ii..J iii,e bring tne highest ever known on the Omaha market. . Wiieat 4J at from t i rorn at from 87 to 60 cents per bushel. . FLRIT FOR POOL HALL IN WALNUT HILL IS DENIED Oty Omaha Firms Grab Eevenue Stamps as Fast as They Come Th Internal revenue department in Omaha received Waaneaday W,(U) 1-cent revenue stamps and all have been dis posed of to Omaha firms. Th bank, railroads, etpress and telegraph com panle were atipplled with a large num ber, sufficient to accommodate their pationa until another (00.000, which ara on the way, arrive. A new ruling with regard to the war tax has been declared. It la to the effect that all stamp of 10 cents or more de nominatlon, In addition to cancellation by Initials and date, must be crossed by three parallel lines. Another feature of the war tax Is thai all custom entry blank must be atamped and cancelled and where Import are stored In warehouses bond must be fur nlahed and that bond etamed and can celled. e er tha . ""r ;.. .. -""niiion ann greater flrm was ahown by the more sea nni.."'" r,"rn' ho-ver. that tha line was hem- more closely drawn be- !Wr.n.,,,K';"""v' n1 'nvestment bonds, the latter being In greater favor Uecl.nes In eome of the obscure bond were again severe, ramonv from to almost points. The more substantial advances included Chicago, flock Island aclf Ic railway 4s and 6. New Haven a. New York lUllwav adjustment to and i. . "r" vveeicnester ar Boston 4Sa. the latter recovering tt4 points of their spectacular decline of the mid year. The decision of the exchange to Issue daily what In effect amounts to an offi cial list of transactions In stocks also served to atlmiilate confidence, Heveral active stocks wete added to the already Urge list of securities which wer In de mand at prices well above the mlnlmfm. Accepting the new hlsh price recorded by the New Xork City a crltern there wan an Increased Inquiry for almost all clnseea of short term notes. The U.noonol ttwedlsh government loan taken by a financial syndicate save every prom ise of success, an attractive feature being the blah Interest, yield. There were many rumors of further lonns by our banker to foreign government, but these lacked' confirmation. Money for- the shorter date was ob tainable at lower rates and rll loan went down to IM per cent. The local flow of money Indicated that clearing house institution hv. lost a consid erable sunt to the suhtreasury. owing to the heavy payments of sneolal rev enue taxes and further retirement of emergency currency. -Kxchange on I-on-don wu dull and sliithtlv essler, hut relhcmrk continued stmnr. The Bank of Fnicland mad an Indifferent weekly exhibit, showing a os of M fW.IVi KoM. Addition.! railway returns for October showed further heavy losses in net earn ings. . Clr"'ng quotations on bonds today were OloW' v . TJ. H. nrf. U. rag... HT . IT. a T. 1st 4.. M eospsa . e-.'t'-i. Par. sr. M..., as V. t. t. n WH. T. C. m. IH ., 7 so eonsos ... ....," N T. Otv 4U. Itsi lravi V. n. s. reg T., N. H. H 0 eouiKHt VL n. m Panama is Mxmoa.. n Ho. Pr1flo. 4.. Am. Smeller ai..;.im do t. , A. T. A T. r. 41 wuTtsaatna ce. 4a..... Armour A CH 4H.. (o P.e. 4s Atchlmn sea. 4s..., 1S On rf. 4..., Pal. Ohio 4s. v.... r to & flies, a Ohl 49, , an gn. lUUwsr S C, . a Q. I. 4.. 4illnn Parlflo 4.... C M p g 4vts. (rfc on t. 4 . ......... r r. i. a F. a 4. . nnhr .... Frt ren. 4. ......... 4,t'. ft. Bteel Us....... Oen. rilse. M (.r) Wihsih 1st III. res. ret. 4 MX West. Bier. ev. t.. BI4. 7t . ri , s ; ns-4 Ml m in w CLOSING PRICKS AT YOItK Rirkasg le gebedale f qo tatlsvs t'poa tevrka, ' NEW YbRK. I"eo. fn rMtmiiM tn general demand by members and their clients th Block exchange authorities today published two list of stock prices, tha first at 1 o'clock end the. nth. Jh close. Both contained mlnjmum and bid and asked auotMilons mnA .i. Included final prke. Today closing price In trt wrt: Arv .BH augar.... 17 later. Ramster ... M AiDsrtes Csa M Iriens os u do pli HL.hlfh Vslley ,J4V4 Am. t oium Oil U . Nailonai BtsAilt J-M Am. gesurltln ? National Lm4 it AmsrW 8m.m ...tot N. Y. rntrl tl Am. T. A T 117 V. T.. m ii i. J.1 Am. Tobaac fa...l(niOntrl A v "'. jo .... w Kurro: , wst.... asu ... 4JXr!lfio Mall i7ij TT. t I'snnsrlvaala - - ... - m. ,,,,,,, i ik MSRe1ln tft Ot. NnrlWa Or... f Strain rs'lflr HJt, llllsxi, ikMnl ,...)' V. a Ruhter lUretmk alet. .. 1J41 reer Wetter natoe HKinnlng tonioti. ...c riinKe will publish one list embodying these nots tlona after th rloae of business. TM list will le rnrrlxA on all the stock tickers controlled by tha exchange. If" Yerki Mo..r Market. NFW YORK. Dee. 1-MERCANTHR PA fKIt 4iyirt per cent HTFKI.INO ft XCH A NOR Heavy; 0 dey bill. $4.7 for cable, t.8; for de mend, 4 . rll-WRPar, 4rir. leONDON, Lec I.-8II.VER Bar, M l-ld per oi nee. MONKY Discount rates, short and three months, 21 per cent. Margaret Martin Run Down and Seriously Injured by an Auto Margaret Martin. 10-year-old daughter or Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mart'n. SfH Bouth Twenty-fourth avenue, suffered a frao tured skull and internal injuries when he was run over by a light touring car she was crossing the intersection of Twenty-fifth and Mason etreet. The machine was going In a direction op poslte to a passing etreet . car and the little girl did not notioe It tn time to avoid tho accident. The driver of the auto, carrying a N braaka No. 725 license number, stopped hi machine and assisted pedestrian In taking the Injured girl to a nearby drug store, after which he made his escape without being. Identified, The police are now looking for him. Ir. A. O. Kngstrom of the police de partment responded and after giving the victim emergency treatment took her home In the police ambulance. Don't Miss the Sale of Hart, Ech&ffner & Llarx suits and over- C 7 T coats at pl0 You can't afford to. r" mSvfili?i'Jid yjpv i Make it a point to see those Hart. Sch&f fner & H&rx esotS St0!": $15 ! It will certainty pay you. I I J Friday Remnant Day in Our Popular Domestic Room v1.MU.ln" r?mn.nU ot ? Kooda- Wh ite Goods, Waah Good and a tboaaand different I I " V ' KMHii tnat mi ap to 8c a yard. In t Jotat ham- tii-: ! . otZa aooa- Unlnga. Oing- I Lot No. S Wash Ooodg..LlnIniri!, MTilte Goods, etc.. " " " r,, -vim uy io iei r. i worta up to 8 He a yard; all at one Lot No. H Wh Goods, Flann'ei- ttea, Olngharag. White Goodg. The Want Ad Column of The Bee Are better. Atchison ftethlehma atsel ilrookW Raotd V. 1 .eat tier ., t. Tsui Krt Ut .... U Teiat Oil ,!'.!li4S, Here's the Banner Sale Event of the Season KEXT SATDBDAT JUST ONE DAYI Men's Suits: Overcoats and Balmacaans, worth to $18.00, for nxTma, aaxrs- 1DT wajrrsa Watoh the paper Friday bight fov rail paxtiotOara of tha Dlrrsat , surprise -vr aa aonaoea to the fcraylng pubilo. Mothlug Ilk it Tr hafora at tain p tod. Zeook OT onr wla. ow 5 while yonra waif lag. Tout 8 blU will work wonders atnrday. Be prapavw ea to come early ana gat flrot oholoe. SuSvvay Clothing Co Cor. 16th and Dougiaa Sta. B. PRED, Hole Owner. 1 BRITISH SEND ANOTHER CHECK TO WAR SUFFERERS John Dale, secretary of th British He lift association, hag Just sent another check fur 40 to th war sufferers of Ureat Britain. , This makes a total of ll.Vu the local organisation haa gathered tor victims of th Kuropeen conflict. The first chock was sent to Iteiglum. th next ti KoKland. Kach was tor luUO. comiiiissloner htve rt,uA vi uuy Hiicklca f iiuil lucrum for the S laniilt,! lux the th ur a pool location at no rtrwrt. Otlfc-ns prott-Kied, say. catlciii t, th h rt . ye'fdetice r4-tt;n. '""f" elv'n to opei, ft ptK.-l hull at fuming atr-t. If EAR IN G CU THEFT OF A SUITCASEJS POSTPONED Wil1ib4 ltuffa. charged with stealing a suit ruse from the I'nlon trMou, will b 1 ivt::ht bfor Inltwd States Com n;iB!mer Itunlcl for a hearing mdny. 2! to i.ava come up this nioru lu. but the commissi. .ner wes ahsent anj tr.e tAdiir.g jtlpui.til a day. r t- i- n t i f -w-i.,.! NSP ECTOR TO HCaUATJER VI OMAHA A. J r mi nan, ltiieckor of nwcli.nU-J ii, ut f(,r tl government, has boen e- i.iii .i 1,, h I i luitt-rs lii rt,ni i Jn the -i . . i . ..... )iiur' iM...,.i.g, i.i tuii ii s ;:n..iou v. ...iai l at 1 I. is (.fa.: j'iit. r Kill he 'iHhd. with tMiii iry running to Denver, .! t!ilii- ei,j Kitu- as . iy. 1 k t.Uvof It. ' Lfcl Feirii.iM'r 1 tiA-l a very severe oi.t i, ;r'y ..Sown sit k In t.fil. t(,.(-i.t two t-i.t; ,4 it C'hitiai.r: I iUi ! '.nrifdy, and it ui,:y n wy uniii I v. ;,-(,!y ri ,i. 1 I.-. Ii," wrlu-a IJ. 1. i.ict.;.,f, 1, i.' ). If l..U Wi.-il.l kiu.w tl- .-.iu feiiiuly, kek kii oi. :, ,s 1 It c' : fc- i -y h. re --Jt J s . r- 0?.UHA CUSTOMS FALL OFF. CUT OUTLOOK IS BETTER The customs receipt for Omaha during the month ot November suffered a fall ing oft aa -fwvared with September and October. However, Cadet Taylor la In potsraslun of advance Information which allow him to predict that tha customs this month and next will be larger than any other time since the opening of the Kuropean war. m ma FOR HEAOAOnES tm tiEUBALGIA Hub on a Little MavclArru'g Mustard Cerate. Most every woman suffers from Head aches and a few like to take dope rem edies, which often affect the heart, that are offered for sal. No noed to suffer In silence any longer. sSacX.ara'e Mustard Cerate will do the trick at once. Just rub a little on the forehead and temples and th Headache will disappear. I?ettsr than Internal remedic and con tain no opiatsa. h'lmply great for Hheonuttism. Lumba go. Lam Hack, Here kSueclea. Ror! Throat. Pleurisy. Bronchitis, Neuralgia. Headache, Colds and Congestions, i J3 m few of the fmou" How VentUatorg left that we wm close out on the following easy termg. We will take your gtove aa part payment and let you pay the balance at fire dollarg per month. Or If you want to buy for cash we will cut the price. ' This is what Mr. McQuillan, 1021 S. Slfet says of the Howe , Ventilator: Ve have used oar Hotve a number of yew,. v heat four rooms down stairs ' and two upstairs and keep Ihemi wsrrn day and night p and down "taint with throe tons of boai per aeatton. My family wan ta a Furnace Just to do away with a stove but A am a friend of the old Howe and n t uiake up my mind to aee It go." . , The Howe is made different from other Base Burners and works different. The Howe will warm your home better than a poor Furnace or hot water heater will and with half the , expensa. . It Is the largest Baae Burner made but me immense alia la not th. principle feature. Tha nrtn. fclple feature 1 the Patent heat V-il "am5 "retem that no other ' YV, Base Burner has. It ..eteayiiswaaa v. ma aJ UKQU A) pieces no that it U 1 1 " ewy to hnQdU. ovB'fiFiirnaco Go. Only exclusive Stove and Furtuwe house in Omaha. Itetter Stove. Ik-tter Furnacea. Better Service. Our Fur nacea are litM&lled by expert furnace men. Not simply by mechanics. i ,fl v. I l d . : i. i iv v r SfOGfZGl r-, . . . J muBiinn, cneetings ana other foods that sold from lOe np to 12 He a yard; all at, a r yard OC From the Holt 18c Madras ,10 From tho Bolt UHe Superfine Flannel 8H Prom the Bolt 15c Scotch Flan nel , , OH From the Bolt 18e Cotton Dress Goods, plaids 12 H 7T I , . . . ; v i price, yara ....... e . Iiot iso. 4 Good styles, good cloth, good patterns of Gins bsms. Percales, Silk Stripe voiles and beautiful Wash Goods; from 16o to 1 18c a yard values, at.. 2 C From the Bolt 25c Voiles, 38- lncheg wide 127g Remnanta of Table Damask, Pattern Cloths, etc., at regu lar prices. BHEKT SALE No. 6780 72x90 Sheets, 10c val ues, each one o! . t oic Lot No. 5 Kemnants of Va rious floods of fine grade that sold from 18c np to 89c a yard;-to close at, per 1 yard 1UC No. 43S8 72x90 Sheets, f 1.00 val- , ues, each -COt No. 6107 81x90 Sheets, ,69c val ues, each .35 No. 4823 46x36 18c Pillow Slips. t 124 No. 6396 42x36 18c Pillow Slips .12V.t Many splendid special values in Toys, Dolls, Cooks and Games in The Big Toy Department On Oar Fourth floor Friday Wool Dress Fabrics Priced for Friday at About Half 50c quality Whipcords, Serges, Panamas and other popular weaves; good line of , colors; 25 pieces for selection, yard, 28c $1.00 German Flannel Waistinga All wool, ting assortment; at, yard , 58c 9 LAO Diagonal Suitings 54 Inches wide, In navy, black, taupe, mode, brown and grey; Friday at, . yard . ........ . G8! $1-60 All Wool Plaid 8uitlngs, Bedford Cords, Crepes and Sponged and Shrunk Serges, 64 to 60 Inches wide; on sale at, yard OS 04-in. New Fall Cloaking.. Including chinchillas, Diagonals, Boucle effects, Balmacman Cloths, etc to J3.60 values; at, yard. 81.50 "d 81.9S I Special Sale Friday of ! Holiday Novelties Pin Cushions, Pin Trays, Ash Trays, Sewing Baskets, I Hat Pin Holders, Candle Sticks, etc., etc; in Four Big Special Counters for Friday," I 10c,'15c, 25c and 50c I You're 'probably making up your collection of Xmas gifts. Don't fail to see these (specials. Buy Holiday Ribbons Now liibbons of all kinds for I your fancy work under priced at Ic, 2c, Zy2c, 10c, 12VxC and 15c yard. Holiday Handkerchiefs The most -"' complete assortmenU ahown in Omaha. Very1 special ralues ghown at prlceg from, 2Kc, 4Hc IHc 10c, iacw 18c, 25c, S5c up to 50c each. Boxed Handkerchiefs, inc.. en i.uo i.JSO up Most Wanted Weaves in Silks Priced Greatly Below Worth 59c Quality Tub Silks White or cream grounds with colored stripes, 36 inches wide; at, yard ...3Sc. $1.00 Quality Silk Poplins in all the besf. colorings, 36 inches wide; on sale Fri day at, yard J8c Novelty Embroidered Silk Crepe Plain' white and colors; 2V2 yards for waist patterns a splendid gift; on sale Fri day at, per pattern .......... $1.GU 4(VInch Dreag Silks Values np to $2.25 yard Brocaded Sstln Charmeuse, Silk Poplins, Novl elty Crepe de Chines, etc., all colors, yd. fjg English Oordurojs $1.26 and 85c a yard- vail ues, 24 and 32 inches wide, all the best col ors; two special lots, yd gg and 58t Yard WWe Black Dree Silks Meesallnea Peau de Soles, Chiffon Taffetas. Pallet de Sole, etc., $L,00 and $1.25 yard values; at. a ard ' ........ .88 I 50c, 75c, Trimmed Hats $97 Values to $7.50 Absolutely tha choicest lot of values shown thla season. New. est styles, Including broad assort ment of classy shapes;, large med ium and small; from the wide brimmed sailors and dress shapes to the small close fitting Turban effects. Trimmed with Ostrich Plumes and Bands; also moat tastely Fur and Flower trimmed; black and colors; to $7.50 ralues, Big Special Sale of ; Universal 1 Sleeping Garments "' ; Men's, Women's And children'g I Nig'ht Gcwri3 and Pyjamas S Manufacturers' samples at I a price saving of ........ ys Outingr Flannel Gowns Up to $1.00 values, -all sizes, I and chil- n .49c men's, women's dren's ; Onuna; Flannel Gowns $1.00 and $1.25 values, men's or wo men's; on sale at jo, Night Gowna and Pyjamas All newest styles, up to $3.00 val- t SI. 45 d f)8e ! Big assortment for selection. . i Extraordinary Bar gains Saturday in Our Furniture Dept. What' could -you buy as a gift that would be more useful and lasting than a nica. piece of furniture? . Watch for Special Pricing -la Friday Eve Papers. Chilblains, Sprain, and all kinds of Aches anil Paine, and often wards of Pneumonia. At your druggists tn S5 and (Oo Jar, or mailed. postpuld. by The Maclrca Drug Co., Loe Ar.tvlr. CaJ. J v. It J'uCiur" tog l Just aa good, t- I i f ail LUeraiiLa aiix'oanr.l Drug "'rK tKs It J'ijClor" SLIPPER S For Christmas r Too Ottt to Ii la Fry's ?os The" sensible gift for every mem ber of tha family. We are showing a wonderful line in all sizes and styles for men, women and chil dren. For men we have slippers in every stylish variety. Including soft "Via, in red. tan and black, also felts and felt inaolea in women a Lxmrys we have kid, felt, leather soles, fi'lt soles, bathroom Bl)(prg, bedroom sHppers, boudoir slippers, traveling ltrtcra. etc, all in latest novelty eff-cta. Moderate Prices Always .J' Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear Garments At One,Ttard to One-Half Savings in the Domestic Room Friday n's and Blisses' Winter Coats, j One-Plece Dreewee, to 5 values $1.9 Women' made to sell to $12.50, at $3.00 Fabrics are Astrakahana, Boueles, heavy Scotch Coatings, etc., with plain or fancy plush collars, buttons and self trimmed, some full satin lined. $15.00 and $7.50 Winter Coats $9.5 In Sealettes, Peralanas, Pomerus, Arabian Lamb, Bilk Plush, etc., all full satin lined, large shawl collars, sizes 1C to 46. Children's Dreaaea Made to sell at $1.60, i newest styles, popu lar fabrics and color ings, sixes 6 to 14 years, your choice, at .... ...... 70 Bungalow A prone. In light and dark colors all slses, 50c values, t 29 Children's-Coats Values up to $7.60, in Balma caans with: fitted backs and storm collars, Zibe lines, heavy Cheviots. Boueles, Plaids and fancy mixtures, at 83.15 Flannelette Kimonos In the new high waist styles, $1-50 and $1.98 . values, cnolce OS, Women s or Misses' in Serxes. Dlaln colors, checks and other heavy, .warm fabrics, well made, plain and fane, styles, only 25 in the lot, Choice at ..81.49 Dress Skirts made to sell to $3. choice $1.88- In all wool Serges, black and colors, new rough Cheviots, black and white checks and fancy weaves, in the new yoke and accordUn pleated bot tom eiittcia. . : Sweater Coats Values up to $1.76, in Cardl . nals. Oxfords, tans' or browns, heavy weave garments with high or roll collars, great val ues, choice f)3- Fleeced Pressing . bac on, 56e values, la a:i siseg and colors, on ale ...... -....as1 A 1 Winter Underwear and Furnishing Specials Friday - f r . - to wur itomesuc Koom Women's Ribbed Union Suite 60c values, long sleeves, ankle length, all sixes 35.4 Men's Wool Shirts or Drawers All alses, to $2.00 values; 4 lota.. $1.43, $1.25, 08c, 75,4 Wometi'a Fleeced Underwear Vests or pants, all alses, 6O0 values 33j Men's Fleeced Underwear Shirts or drawers, in all slzet to $1 values. COc, 4c, ZZ4 Men'a Flannel Over Shirts To , $2.00 values, with flat or mU itary collars; tan, blue or gray f)S4 HaadkerolUefa, mad to sell at lOo, Turky Kd,, indigo Blue or wblta, a for B4o CMldxaa'e IwutM fjoaia, made to all at tl.uo. part wool, slaaa 1 to 10 yeara, at 44 Ladles' and maea acitteaa, bla:k wool, 26o values lOe rUeoed Unloa ftuita, Mlaaee' and Boys', sue from 2 to It years; HIGH GRADE LINENS Uaeful and Practl.-nJ Present tm . u.r Stock la Compute. Dinner Sets In neat box. cloth and napkin to match, (7.00 values at t&joa Dinner 8eU, hemstitched, assorted rL.'? nd BPaJns valuea to 0 per aet aa.oo Circular pattern Table Cloths pure flax, 3.R0 vaiuoa, ea. Hi.bO Large else acalloped Dinner Nan klne. extra value, aasorte.i. worth up to Ill.iO. per set 87.00 Unhenuned Dinner Napkina full also, pure flax, $S.OO values, u a use a for , Si Jto Hemmed Pattern Table Cloth, a great assortment, values to fl. 0, special, each 11.00 Toilet Goods end Drugs Just a few of th many bargains we offer you for "rlday: SOo Sloan's Liniment I4 II Sal Hepatlca liourjols Java Klc Powder SSe I So Sanltol Face Cremra - 14 4711 Hatinuse (are Powder S5e J5o Paragon Peroxide Cream ....ISe 50c lleaulieart Cold Cream i Ho Jergiu'a Bensoin and Almond Lo tion ISO tW-ia. Ivory lland aiirror, a II 0U vJu ... eae Ko Kuhbr Olovea .....Se Anunoiila Powder, I 4e pkg loo iuo DuhrooKe Toilet Wttoii ....Sae i'oc Tuilet Waters, aaaortod odors loe bo cake Jergtn'e boap, uk ..Sao lOo Jap His Hojp a ltc Pliyaiclane and 8urgon'a fcoet, at So ft 09 Wellington l-iuart Corablni tln Mottle and tiyrtrig a.itS 2 60 klauewell J -Quart Coiublnution at 1.60 Il.7t t-quart CoinbioaUon, at gl.taS fICO Cello metsl Hot Water BkU. 1 )ta, guaranteed years . . . ti.JO 1 :& 2-4)1. YMiit KubLer llut VSstrr HfW. Tee Iiga Holiday line of Fancy box Perfumes, at SO aad a .e f 1 M I " 19 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 -lb aack. be4 high gradrDlamond ? "" .S2t II MflUT. git hln i s I eaara. wa. ! A-Sa - - - - v.-susj a iuci iur urseavu. i v am Bayaaj I t"i, every sack guaran teed to- give perfect Satisfaction or money refunded, eack gl.40 10 bar bast branda Laundry eoap as 10 Iba. beet whit or yellow corn meal Xb. T lbs. beat rolled whit breakfast oat meal 9.64 Ibe. choice Japan rice aoc H . can condend milk ....TV, t to catia condensed milk I. loe 1! os. jar pur fruit preserve . .Sfte Advo Jell for deasert, nothing Use it. packaac .THe Bkinner'e or Oolden Tg Macaroni. package ,Ti T lb. bomX. bulk Laundry Starch a&e The bt hand picked Navy bean, lb. at a J-ib. fans fancy Cweet Sugar Corn at He 1 Iba. wax, atring, green or Lima beajia T' VacLaren'e Peanut Butter, lb. . llTie l-oa pkg. condensed aline Ideal, rkg a l-ao 1tu pkg Cora Hjjifc Gr&pe Nuts, pkir 10 )-!. ran SiijrVr i Tom&tn Soup ae Lars boltl Worcester bauce. pure lTtsourv mat bulk. soaa4 . . ' 'o.o The beat No. 1 Kgg, doieo','.' ' ' 'Zel Vancy Country Creamery Butt.r'aae Good Dalrv Tabl butter, lb. . 2 lbe. Oood Butterine ... it! fa i Ji01 uck Butterini" ' ISlba. beet k4 AUver ailaaeaota; Demand your welirhtr Vh'."i- J,'a quire IL w " " fnry iiolland Seed Cabbage, lb. IVi, Ireab lt. Carrot TurrUpi. Red? Uhee or bhalioia, p,r bunch . . 4 Fancy Rl, Tomato & "'m" IT" I Ktalk rreah CelerT . . . T a! Fancy California Ceullfiow.r,' lUiill I Urge hour, Bunrhea TV? . I bunrhe. Krn Par.l.y ' ' " I" ' fane, Head Lettuce, bead"! '"idl 1 rpoialol: f nip or utai,airi.a ik Oar JTreah Carload of -' i in 'i per do. lUl BUxhlaad 4n1 gm .ui. l5o toe, ii, WOkMeT 1