Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1914, Page 11, Image 11
THE ttKF.: OMAHA, KKIDAV, OKCEMHKU 4, 1014. 11 FOR RKNT 11 ease ead C'ettaces. FOR RENT. Mow rr.n month. Beautiful, all-modern t-nwrn houM, hot water heat, shade treea. nice lawn- On beautiful high terrace. Right on car line. Be aura to see this. BANKERS RtCALTT INVESTMENT COM PA NT. Ground Floor. Hee Pldg., Telephone Dougles 292 In daytime. Call Walnnt 4J after t o'clock evening, WARM ilOU8E8for winter at reduced rates. tsiS Woolworth Are., 8-r.. mod.. 85". If-! N. Hh. 8-r., mod., ex. fur., V8. -! Seward, -r , 816. mi Howard, -r., mod.. J?0. 134 N. 24th. 10-r.. mod., 146. 410 N. 22d. 10-r , mod 45. 270 Fnmam, 8-r.. mod., brick, S50. R 1NGWAL.T. Brandels The. Hldg, FOR RENT New S-room cottage, strictly modem. tX& P. 24th. fall Red 5144. o FOR RENT $22.50 Ter Month A beautiful 6-room bungalow, all modern, conveniently arranged throughout. Beautiful location, H block to car line; cement walks, hade trees. Will be pleased to show you this house today If you will call ua by phone. Bankers Realty Investment Company. Ground Floor, Pea Building. Telephone Douglaa 2829 In daytime. Call Walnut Sttf after S p. nv CHOICK WWT FAHJoAM HOME FOR RKNT Strictly modern and up-to-date 9-room house with 2 buthromi, hot wW heat and every convenience, In the beet part . . . - I... ... i ,ia i,., &Kh oer month. Owner will Klve long lease If do- IMd J. II. DUMONT & CO.. IflfW Farniim St. Tel. Douglaa WO. NEW. -fc-room cottage, never occupied. strictly modern, 22.oO. Five-room cottage, almost new, excep tionally large rooms, strictly modern. near car line n, New 6-room cottage, modern cl heat, unisnea in uaa, jrrL Seven rooms, parlor extending across the entire front or the uouse, oa. . colonnade openings, four bedrooms and bath, tine neignuoriMe. AMERICAN KC VR IT Y COMPANY. I7ih and Douglas St. Douglas 6013. FOR RENT Fine modern residence. rooms and bath, sleeplag poreh; g"g at 4110 Florence Blvd. For particulars all weDsier FIVE-ROOM bouse wtth bath, beeteoBe ditionV 118.00: a8 8. 21st. Harney SEVEN rooms. 410 Davenport Caeto ir.rn.m lines Vacant Jan. 1. Best resi dence district, wamm ALL sizes. S3 per month up. 607 Pax ton. NiCifl S-room fiat, newly papered ana painted; bath, gas. hot and cold water, electric light; 1S per month. 8116-18 J-ea- iiegarU s-room modem brick apart ment, newly decorated. 850 per month. S4 8 Modern s-room detached dwelling; oak finish, beautirui yaru, ""'J. 50 per month. 103 ., ... Nice little S-roora cottage; bath, toilet. elecuVlight, 116 per month. 8044 Vinton 6 Elegant 8-roora houaa. 830 per month, "srlonf'coUage. 8044 Vinton. gtU. . rlo light, hot and cold water; Inside toilet. Lib. ' ' ' J. C. ISII, Executor, 708 8. Cat Ave. Phone Harney MS. TWO left; all modern s-room houses, to excellent condition; a real bargain, "Uh TUB BYRON REED CO.. ' Kh. nous-las 197. 112 B. I7tn St. RKAI, ESTATE FARM A Kl lt LAMI FOR I4LH Iowa. HAV1N(S decided to locate elsewhere we are offerlns a llva m,l eatate office and Insurance business for sale, located In central Iowa. We also have two modern equipped five-passenirer 4ft h. p. automo bile In first-class condition and real es tate which w would HKe to turn with the htiHneps. Can give suitable terms to right party. Price $.,D00 Addrees T fc3 Bee. Ifebraaka. Bargain Close In Farm 9 acres close to Calhoun and only twelve miles from Omaha city limits: fr acres good farm land, also fine large orchard In full bearing, balance timber ana pasture. Improvements consist of a good s-room house, two large barns and other neceesary buildings. In fsct. Im provements are exmntionaJlr rood. While this Is a rolling farm. It will bring just as good results year In and yoar out as farms thst are selling for twice the price. As a farm proposition or an Investment tnia cannot be beat for the money. Price, $1U per acre, on easy terms. 0 'Neil's 11. E. & Ins. Agetncy, M Fx mam St. Tel. Tyler 1094. RKAt, 178TATK XORTI1 MM5 $25 Per Month Rents either of theae two s-room. all modern btinsxlow. They are brsnd new. Prlnolpnl rooms In oak and have all of the moilern conveniences. The lots are large. All rew hnusns In the nelKhhorhood, and are within walk ing distance of churches. They are only two hlorks from car line. Call us about thte todnr. 8AfMlr.Rfl COM PANT, , 1214-1H W. O. W. Hldg Phone Itoiiglas 22 In the day time; Webster 4T7I after :30 p. m. n CASH and as rent buys house and lot mi N th Ave. Frank Craw ford, Owner, Ware Rlock. STOP PATINO RENT Rur thin 4-room eottage, city water. electric light; corner lot, south and east GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Dfcember Wheat Showi Consider able Weakness on Local Mart. PRICES HOLD ABOUT THE SAME - Wkeet mm4 Cera Are I nrhaaaed In Qaetattoea, While Oats l,u nmenhat Lamer l atter Preaaare at llaaaaier. 1014. ni nil i v. i or wrskneas shown in the Ieccmlr wheat ruiure jeKtenl.iv roilene.i the fact that the confidence in (hat grain lor nearby dollvery Is on the wane. That ranged front, on boulevard. Price, ll.ion. Terms, ami clooeu at llflrt cash, balance SIS per month, per cent Interest. House vacant. Immediate possession. 8. P. FOHTWICK A SON, Bole Agents, Tyler 1506. SOO Bee Bldg. RKAL KSTATF ROIITH WDK Moats asu RENTERS and liomoeeekera use yovi Carey right and secure a Montsna farm now. Do you realise that farm products will command extremely high prices dur ing the next few years? This is your op portunity to get started on a farm of youf wn. The Valier lands produce from 31 to 55 bushels wheat. M) to 100 of oats, 40 to 70 bushels barley, 4 to tons Alfalfa pet acre. Let us send you booklet and teli you how easy It Is to get started. Vallet Farm Sales Company, Box 30, Valier, Mont. Miacellaaeawa. WB guarantee bargain In stock farms and rsnches. Write Willis Cadwell Broken Bow. Neb. The Bargain Man. Texas. , FOR SALE To close an estate; 100 acres In Rio Grande valley. 4 miles from Mercedes. Texas. All under culti vation. For price and terms write The Minnesota Land A Trust Co., 4U6 Mar quette Ave.. Minneapolis. Mlna Wte)natn, Upper Wisconsin Beat dairy and general crop atate In the anion; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book let S4 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant Stat acres wanted. Write about our graalng lands. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wlsoonain. Address Land Dept. So Line KyM Minneapolis. Ulna. ABSTRACTS OF TITLB. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. a modern abstract office. 3U6 8. 17th St Phone Douglaa &4S7. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice Id Nebraska. 2W Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans, i. &. 4 per cent J. H. Dumont A Co.. 113 Farnam, Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. FOR RENT Modern s-room house, S06 a with Ave Inaulre T. J. O Brien, Konshaw Hotel. H.?ner KB4. Douglas . -II narta of the City. llOUSeS cVelgh Bons A Co.. Bee building. Maggard's pQ3 per hr.; dray. 2 men, tUS per nr. 1711 Webster. Doug. 14H6. J.C. Reed iu novioi Jk atorasa Farnam. D. 4146, Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ahlps; S-horee van sd t men. per hr.; storage per H,o Batlsfactory guar. D. CMS A Ty. IJO. fcTEAM heat all modem, 7 -room house: also 4-room flat CO Na M FOB BENT We have a complete list of all houses; apartments and flats that are for rent This list, can I- en free of charge at Umfcna vnn c pmii" Fidelity Storage Co S-ROOM. all modern; furnace, eleotrle llaht. !617 N. 20th St. Stf.W. BIX-ROOM house. tUO Harney Bt Call Douglas 4OT1 CHARLKS ST., a fine S-ropm, com pletely modern house I and bam. ! y.1 - v........ aiinw vou throuah. Al-w furnitui-e for sale. Chance to secure a banralr. See tooay. ; fi RMS., modern except heat, 111. Web 111. SOOT Burdette Ht SillS N. 28TII AVa, tlO a month. Crawford, Ware lUock. Frank Stores aa Offices. Buildings For Rent I 85 per month 1215 Howard St., 2 stories Buildings witli Trackage 1100 per month Room 26x76 ft., 714 8. 13th St Good loading platform i and large ice box: or ' cooler. Hultable for pro duce or poultry house. 1100 per month Brick warehouse. 1216-13 8. 20th Ht.. 18,000 square feet of floor space. Lnfon Pacific track axe. AIJ.7JN BUILD1 NU Six-story and base ment warehouse at south- east corner of 10th and Farnam Bts. Entire build lug has LU.OOO square feet or floor space, also Z3-ft sldltlonal ground on east with loading platform, l.'nlon Partfic, Burlington and Northwestern track age. Will lease either east or west half of build ing, eaoh side having separate elevator en trance, etc. This build ing has Sprinkler System and an especially low In surance rate. Call our rental department for full information. fleorge & Company, . SOJ City National Rank Bldg. Phone Douglas 7W. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina O'KEEFK REAi. ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Js'atl. Douglas 271 J. WTD Farm loans Kloks lnv.Co. Omaha GABVIN BEOS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1830 Farnam. CITT Property. Large loans a specialty. wr. n. a nomas, b atate ttaaK Hlag. 10o to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. We ad. weaa mag., inn and f arnam Bts. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. n. w. mnoer, taty Natl. Bank Bldg. CITT LOANS. BemU-Carlberg Co., lo-six israndeis 'theater Bldg 6 SEE us first If you want a farm loan. uium oieiea irust vD4 umaca. Pieo. REAL ESTATE NORTH BIDE TO $250 Hanscom Park District Only 1350 rash, balance monthly. S-room modem home. Irge living room, with fireplace, oak finish: dining room ami hall white enamel. Large convenient kitchen. Full basement with plastered celling. Furnace heat Three bedrooms snd tiled bath second floor. 1 Arse lot 65x127 ft., with alley and garage In rear. rast iront anl paved street. Low price of IS, 750. Owner leaving city. George & Company 902 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 756. Creighton's First 7 Rooms $3,750 T . . . . U - IT... . Y V. m uei. I l.lini IPIII x RTH) On ,1111 Ot Practically new and ,one of the beet 2-story square houses In this fine dis trict. Oak woodwork end floors. Paved street, with paving paid. This la a real snap ana should sell on sight Armstrong-Walsn Co. Tyler MM. State Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Fine Home I rooms, modern, at 3615 Davenport, birch finish. Price reduced to 13.350. W. H. Gates S47 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1294. between tilt and SI.L. the exact spot wftrre it N. !t. 7d No. t hard winter, rs md inures unlimited CORN-Sp,.!. quiet; nejw. As tlil. Futures, ftewM; January. Sa Sd American mixed. Strong; December, reaieu 1 uwrtny. Tho 1 'eceinber itituie as under the hajimrr and a leature of the market was ti.e selling of that month In a i)ls way and the inlying of May, which id. 'tic I the "spread ' between the two futures to Sc. It Is generally believed In wheat circles that tne buying t the May future aaa for foreign account. The let down In the price of lecember wheat hero waa helpful to the cash Situation. Aa (hern-werw nalea of 700,0.0 bunhela for export Including a gooaiy amount from t hlciigo as wen aa from the gulf. A great help to tne market from tho standpoint of an exporter was the raising of the embargo at llalvcston. There ere several inilitencea uaainat the price of wheat yesterday; one was the diwusslon of an rally movement of that grain out of the Argentine Republic. 1 here was a new estimate on tne ex portable surplus of that country cabled to a house yesterday, and ss it struck a happy medium between the high and lvw estimates formerly furnished, at UO.OiiO, 000 bu.. It received considerable attention. From the cable advices on the market of the world the situation abroad showed strength, as both spot h.nd futures at IJverpool were Hd higher. At Paris, wheat and flour were both unchanged. both December and May corn displayed more or leas strength yeelenltu. and closings were at sdvances of HWSc Cash transactions wore SM.flOO bu. here, of which bu. were for export. Ssles of corn to go to store here were 300,000 bu. Oats closed r lower to unchanged. There whs liquidation In the Ieretnber on a liooral scale, while the May was .bought by strong hands. n nrai was uni iiniiKrti, Corn was unchanged. Oats were Vic lower. Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal to 1,747,00 bushels; corn, 48,000 bush els: oats, 42:1,000 bushels. Liverpool closed nominal. Primary wheat receipts were 1.67S.O00 bushels and shipments 41.0 bushels, against receipts of 1.147,400 bushels, and shipments of J0K.0U0 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 1.S7S.O00 bushels, and shipments 29.00 bushels, against receipts of 691.000 bushels and shipments of 449,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.000,000 bushels and shipments 814,000 bushels, against receipts of 479.000 bushels and shipments of 674.000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS Wheat Corn. Oats. Barley. Rye. inr PA or I UK tl.o ;R4.IN a to PROVIMO Keatares ( the Tredlaa ana (ieetac Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAUO. Dec. 3.-rroflt-tklng by longs In wheat today more than wiped out nn early advance that was due t hlsher rallies. I'inalng prices wero hey, SurSc under .last night. Corn sur feivd a net loss of -Vf1- to V,(Ui,c, and oats SNr. In irr Islons the outcome was IVn hv advance. lTprvsMon during tlie Inst half of the day In the wheat pit contrasted strongly with the hulllxh sentiment, that prevalle, at the start. Forrlun news had been al most uniformly In favor of an upturn In values, with Liverpool retmrting thst of ferings there were light and the demand Increasingly urgent. Itealdea, advices were at hand that Italy bad extended un til June a reduction of the custom house rhsrges on Imports. There were slso nu merotis reports of dry weather threaten. Ing the domestic winter crop, especially In western Kansas. Reallilng sales that finally swung the a hest market to the hear sine cam chiefly from stipulators who had been active buyers on the recent bresk. Th, downward tendency of prices In the late trading was qulokened somewhat aa a re sult of eximrt call appearing to be ham pered hy lack or readily avaliaDie vessel, to load for Kurope. Although corn at first hardened on ac count of the scantiness of rural offers, the market sfterwsrds ssgged with whea. The short Interest appeared to have hev eliminated and the pit was In poor shape to take any considerable amount of sell ing, l uta merely reflected the action of other grain. Business for the most pat. was conflnod to small lota Provisions rontluued to ascend regard less of declines in the price of hogs. Much of the buying wss on the theory that the breakdown of values at the yards would check the heavy movement of hogs to market. Dram prices furnished by Iogan ft Bryan, office Sir, .South Hlxteenth street: ArticleTTipen.! ilighTLow, Close ! Tes'y. OMAHA LIYBSIOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light nd Prices Are Steady to Ten Higher. HOGS RECEIPTS ARE MODERATE Teats lllaber aad Active at the Advaaee All gold F.arly la the Day, SOITH OMAHA. IVc. S, 1M4. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .19.14 .1.1.014 .IJ.OIH .IM'3 .1S.470 44,W S4.4S1 M,l i,io 1H.7KI .'., M.4-J0 47.. i.06 Rec eipts wsre: Orilclal Mondsv... Official Tuesday .... Official Wednesdny . Estimate Thursday .. Four days this week fame days last week. Same t weeks ego.... ame S weeks ago.... Same 4 weeks tin ame days last year... 18.3SH The following table snows the receipts t! cattle, hugs and nheep at the Bouth Omaha live stock market ftr the year to date, aa compared with last yrart 1414. 191H Pec. Catllo W57.0M 1HM.4W X7.4h Hogs 1.0N7.MI .SM.820 Bheep 2,0.1W 2.072,434 Of'.JU The following table shows th eaverage price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the laet few days, with comparisons: It cows JOS 6 40 1S cowa.... tl I It WyoMlNO. 11 feeders.. 4!l 7 V. 13 cows 10H0 S 1 1 cows 910 4 r, ft cows lrt. 5 00 1 hull lltO (Ml ' 1 bulls 14 I SO 1 feeder... f 00 7 feeders.. 1 00 I cow 12J0 S SO t cows W5 I 00 4.1 feeders.. ki'R 7 So 17 feeders.. K42 7 SS cows Sn 4 7R 2 feeders.. KH) 7 00 i feeders.. 70S. 7 dfi 2 steers.... 1W I 7" 7 steers. ...1114 K feeders.. TA 7 SS . feeders.. MS 7 M t' feeders.. sVl T 1 22 steers.. ..10f..1 0 9fi MONTANA. IS steers.... 7 00 Scows 104S S 40 1 bull H( 5 40 s HOtj4 In compsrlaon with Ihe heavy runs the early part of the week today's receipts were extremely moderate, about 87 rare, or K,SO0 head, being received. This brings the week's total up to 4S.SS&, being lust (Inutile the supplies for the same dsys last week and "Q heavier than 267 New Home Close In This la an attractive, well-constructed. 7-room, 2-story, modern house, having 12- incn DncK inundation, tun cemented base ment, furnace heat, tollot. laundry con nections, etc; large living room, dining room, pantiy, kitchen, front and rear vestibules, first floor; 4 attrsctlve bed rooms. Including an enclosed sleeping porch, complete bathroom, linen closet, second floor; stairway to floored attic, clothes chute, fine oak flooring In all rooms; 'lot 60xl24V feet on paved street, with all special taxes paid In full. Con venient to car line and within walking distance. Price. S5.000; terms, tl.000 rash, balance 88 n 40 3 13 2o 2 monthly like rent. Something very d sirable and must be seen to be appro- 6 mixed, 1 car at 57Sc; No. S mixed, I car Chicago 1K Minneapolis ..X.10 Duluth ........lar. Omaha SO Kansas City. nil St. lxuls 11.1 Winnipeg ....2i5 These cash sales) were reported: Wheat: No. 2 hard winter. 6 cars at Sl-09, 1 car at S1.0SU; No. 3 hard winter. cars at S1.0K4C, I cars at $l.(WHc 2 csrs at 21.08; No. 4 hard winter, 1 car at S'.OH, No. 2 durum, 8 cars st fl.lSHc; No. 2 durum, I cars at Si. lite; No. S spring. 1 car at 1 1-07: No, 4 spring, t car at 2102; no grade, 1 car (oats mixed) ILOi. Rye: No. 2, 1 cars at 11.03; No. 3, I car at tl.0.1. Corn: No. t white. 2 cam at Wc; No. 2 white, 1 car at 6nc; No. 1 yellow, 1 car at toftc; No. 2 yellow.' 7 cars at 68ttc; No. S yel low, 11 cars at Kfttyc, 1 car at 684c; No. S yellow. 2 cars at 68c; N. yellow, 1 car at fcftc: Nn. 2 mixed. 4 cara at f.V- No. S mixed, K cars at Mc, B cara at 67 14c; No. elated. George & Company Phone D.' 76. 902-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. $5Down, $5 Month No Interest and No Taxes for Two Years Located in north part of Omaha, on block from paved street and car line, 20 minutes from Farnam St. Sale Btartg within a few days. Reservations can be made today. A few good business lot on paved street and car line. 40 lots to be selected from. Call Douglas 4233 for full in formation, and for maps and price lists. These lots will sell quickly. Shuler & Gary, 224 STATE BANK BLDG. 2 Rooms Ensuite In good location, READY l)HCEMBER 13TH. Will show you now. , The Bee (The BuUdlng that Is Always New? urrice Koora iua Buildinc? 3 Halls. HA LI. Tor Rent Hlbter'a, 44th leaven worth Hu. and WANTED TO BUY OKKICK furniture bought and sold. JT C. Reed. I Ml Pamela. Doug. 4i4a. WK BUT 2d-hand clohea 14H N. 24th! H.IOHTI.Y used pianos. Webater f.'Sa. WANTBO A buyer fur an old eatabllahad real estate offloe and large insurance misineaa, ooa or tn best la central Iowa located in a city of ,uoo population, do ing a large farm, city and Insurance bust noes. If laterested don't delay; but come and investigate ir you want a bargain. Address Y t4. Bee. Culurad lam, want lot edge towav lvM &. IS. WHY PAY BENT When Your Rent Money Can Be Paying for a Hornet We have two beautiful 6-ronm, all molern bungalows thoroughly modern and very substantially buUt, which we will sell on very easy terms. SJ9 AND 129 PklR MONTH. Will pay all moving expenses for those who will make 1 100 cash payments. These houses are beautifully finished with oak In principal rooms. Kitchen cabinet built In kitchen and all other ap pointments conveniently arranged. Both houses are In excellent locations only two blocks to school and two blni ks to car line Telephone Douglaa 9S22 sny time today and will arrange to show you these houses. SAUNDERS COMPANY. 1216-1 W. O. W. Bldg. Call Welister 4771 after : p. m. DANDY COTTAGE Well arranged, S rooms with large ce mented basement, modern exceot heat. fine east front lot, fruit treea and shrub bery, chicken house, rear lot fenced, lo cated near 31st and Ames Ave. price C0. Liberal term a Don't fail to see this. C. G. CARLBERO, 1 0-31 2 Brandels Theater Bldg. i&U&T BE SOLD THIS WEEK ri CASH. SIS PUR MONTH. Five-room cottage, all In first-class condition; all new plumbing; modern ex. cent heat; blocks to ear; cement walks nloe shsde. Price, If sold this week. only (i.ew. THIS VOOEL, REALTY AQBNCY. 10UVM W. O. W. Bids. Phones Douglea 1 or bk,wth 2H1S. 1100 CASH. B ALAN CIS LIKE RENT Sll.nnm -nttaa Mimhlnatii.n Hal. l turee, hot water heat, bath, nice large corner lei, gooo Darn, cement walks, ce ment relsr. good cistern, nice shade. You ehould see this today. TUB VOGKL REALTY AGENCY. I01S-U W. O. W. Bldg. Pboaes iMiuglaa 9691 or South tTH. ' YOU CAN START BUYING A HOME OF YOUR OWN PAY $30 TO S40 CASH AND S30 TO S40 MONTHLY. We have four new thoroughly modern homes 6. and T rooms, bungalow and cottage styles that we will sell on the above terms. These houses have never been occupied They are In a beautiful residence section, none over two blocks from car line, and have every modern convenience. Some have oak finish In principal rooms with oak colonnade openings beam ceilings window seats, etc If you will see these houses you will realise that It Is foolish to pay rent when you can make your rent money pay for one of these beautiful new homes. We will be pleased to show you these houses If you will phone us today. Call Douglas 9622. SAUNDERS COMPANY, 1215-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Call Webster 4771 after l:W p. m. HOUSE AND 2 LOTS Almost new, four rooms, electric lights, well water, two full lots, located . on sightly comer, one block from paved road north of Krug Park. Price only S1.S50. Terms. C. G. CARLBERG, 310-S12 Brandels Theater Bldg. HEAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Your Credit is Bet ter if You Own Your Home Here's Your Opportunity 1 $3,150.00 T rooms, modern, hot water heat, north side: good location; paved street, one block to car. , $2,000.00 S rooms, two bedrooms and bath up stairs, in aoutb part near boulevard. American Security Company, 17th and Douglas Bts., Douglas SOLI. $2,500 Rents $30 Store building and cottage, close in; paved street; good tenant. Pays better than 10 per cent net, and worth S3,0O0. Glover & Sd 911 City NatX in Doug-. 1961 For Sale or Exchange very desirable 7-room house and larva lot, en paved street, in a good neighbor hood. Prloe, Se.OW. Will exchange for vacant iana in jNeDrasKa with good soil or tor a smaller house la Omaha. J. H. Dumont & Co. 160S Parnam tit. Phone Douglaa 9M. Warm Homes Furnace or Hot Water Heat $150 to $250 CasK We have a number of homes located In different parts of the city. They have j aim iwni, wiii-n wo ran aeii on a pay ment down of S150 to llfiO and the balance about the same as rent. It you will rail us by phone we will be pleased to take you out and show you some of those de sirs bis homes. Why pay rent when It only lakes shout fi&o to trtf cash aa first payment snd tne llsne of purchase pricu aould be pnld (he same as you are now rsving rent? HA8TINU.4 4t IliSVDEN, loll Hulncy St at biVi Oats: Standard, 1 car at 4Hc, 1 car at 4Mic; No. 8 white, S cars at 45c; No, 4 white, S cars at 44c. x cars at MVic: No. 3 mixed. 1 car at 44Vfcc; no grade, l car at 44o. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat. No. I liarfl, S1.08V44rl.O: No. 9 hard, S1.0i91.0H: No. 4 hard, Sl.07iifl.0S: No. 3 spring, $l.07i1.u7tt: No. 8 spring, ti.wwi.or; no. 4 spring, i.v eiOS; No 1 durum. II.IWI.19; No. S urtim. S1.18'7'1.19. Corn: Nn. 1 white, M ffl5S44c; No. t white, BS'-iC-'HSr: No. 8 white, WnfWMe; No. 4 white, 58(ji";c; No. S white, 6714 (GJe: No. white, 67Vi6714c; No. 1 yellow, ESt4(9TJP4c; No. 2 yellow, B!H4f6Hc: No. S yellow. 6ShVSHc; No. 4 yellow. S7jiO!c: No. 6 yellow, .t7WMc; No. 6 yellow, R7HMc: No. 6 yellow 67VI fiWc; No. 1 mixed, KeT.8ie; No. 2 mixed. 8744iic: No. 8 mixed, KVhuSc: No. 4 mixed, 676744c: No. 6 mixed. 674417; V". S mixed. 674tK7W. Oats: no: 8 wnue. WtflWofce: ctananra, v"-uvvci . ro. a write, 44HB4f,o; N". 4 white. 4444.. R.rl.v: Malting. 0W70c; No. 1 feed, 4iig SSc. Rya, l.O2H4tl.03; No. S, l.0Sfgl.n. i Liverpool Oral a Market. UVFRPOOU Dec. 3. W HEAT Spot, firm; No. 1 Manltola, 10s; so. t. SslOd; UKAL ESTATE SUBUUnAN Benson. BHN8ON COTTAOB BAROA1N. Eivery modern convenience to be found In a new up-to-date S-rooin cottago. Pine vkiw. Good neighborhood. Near Catholic school and church. Only S2,Sl0. PAYNE INVW8TMKNT COMPANY, Phone Douglas 1781. Ware Block. REAL ESTATE WANTED GENERAL, housework, city, country. slate wages, small family. Address C 177, Bee. . . REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern house recently purchased by me. This house Is located In the West Farnam district, one block from Lieavenworth car and four blocks from Varnam. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy this house at a big sacrifice. Address, M 21?. Bee, or after a , ,n Wehter 614. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICB TO BIDDERS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Hoard of Commissioners of Htate Institutions until S p. in., Thurs day. December l,th. 1H14. for furmalilng supplies fur Hospitals tor Insane at Lin coln, lnglealde and Norfolk; feeble Minded Intitute at Beatrice; (Soldiers' and Kallura' Homes nt Mllforl and Hurkett; InduKtrial Kchoola at Kearney and Geneva; Industrial Home at M11 ford; th-thopedlc Hoetntal and Peniten tiary at lincoln; Hoapital for Tuberculous at Kearney; School for the Blind, Ne braska City, and Hchool fur the leaf St Omaha. All supplies are to be delivered onlv aa ordered by thd respective suuerln tendants. l'NI,KSH OTHK.RWI8B KPKCIFIKD BI'PPUfcK Ml'HT Bli DKI.IVKKKI KRKK OK CHARGE AT RAILWAY HTATION WHkHW INSTITUTION 1H IjOCATBD. BXfTEPT THAT AT INSTI TUTIONS ITAVINf TRACKAGK, CAR I5AD JtYT MITST KB HEUVKHKIj V. O. B. CARS ON INtiTlTL'TlON TRACKS. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount thereof, payable to the Kuan) of ComiulBHloners of Mate Institutions and by samples when requested. Cample sent in care of the Board must be acnutn panled by itemised Invoices. Checks of unsucceasful bidders will be Imnvmiutely returned, aa will also tboae of the suc cessful bidders upon the acceptance of a bond conditioned upon the performance of the contract. The Board reserves the right to reject sny or all bids and I accept bUIs in their entirely or by Individual Items. Bidders not bidding according to speci fication furnished by the Board must state plainly on the bid wherein It dif fers from apeclflcattons. Address proposals to the Board, of Com mlaaioners of (State institutions, Uncoln, Nebraska ltlda will be opened and tabu lation begun at Z p. m., ThuredHy. De. cember 17th. 114. Beginning on Monday, Itacember 21st, 1014, at 9 a. m., the Board will' meet to consider and pass upon the bide presented, beglnnlns with classifi cation No. , Flour and Feed, which will le followed by classif katlona Noa 11 and 11 These supplies are for the quarter beginning January 1st. 1915. BOARD' OK rvMMIr"TOVERS OF" HTATB INSTITUTIONS. Lincoln. Nebraska. December 2d, 114 Wheat I I Dca.l 1 lWfl 1 H7! May. 1 14jSI Corn I Dec. Wr4l Oats j I May.ilvMii( ivc. 7S'(I Msy. rc2$iH Pork Jan.. 1R OVVs Mar. 18 36 Lard Jan.. !' May. SO Ribs I Jan.. S ffi I Msy. S S7'4l 1 15V41 1 U 1 20V. I. 1 nH 1 IV 1 9 I 1 U I 81i 47't, 5?S, 18 10 1H 67H)1 47. 47 Date, j I 1 4 . J 1 9 1 J . U9 1 1 . 1S a . 1 1 S W I m Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, 141 T 70ial 7 741 1 S2I S ST.I 7 741 la! 1 SO T SI S N 7 Mi T S7, is T SI 171 t M IK t t W 1 M 7 44'; 21 7 IX T 00 . U.i li.H last week and 1S.0"0 heavier than a year S.S4I m.771 IMS uo. t" S.OKl S.l4 iral receipts were light but heavy 1..KK) S,lW 6.0W si.pplles in Chicago snd fresh breaks at othr rmlnla auaH valuta In altimn asratn 4T'.S' , luil. v. t he I rail nnene.1 out Dractlcalll 42.S.T i,l.,l Thorn waa nn alilnnlna demand and speculators were doing nothing, se that when packers railed to Did o 11 rat rounds there wss nothing to Indicate how much of a concession they wsnted. Later on, when first offers were finally made they looked to be anyway lo'afcio lower. As sellers were asking nearly steady prices early It was some time before any thing win done, but trsders kept getting closer together, until when buyers offeree 10c lower prices a few hogs begsn tv. move. After a few ssles hsd been msd the msrket braced a trifle more, so thst the big end of the offerings finally sold at figures that were not over (frlOc below eterday. . The extreme dullness of the early trade made It late before things started mov ing, and aa the market was not overly active at any time It was well along toward midday before any sort of a clear ance waa made. Bulk of the offerings moved at SK.7nfl.K0. with a aprlnkllng at Wi and a top of IH.ffl, just a dime below yesterday's liest price. Representative anies: 7 ail S 811 7 Mi 7 S T SS l Mi T 411 T M Nov". 3ll 7 4!'. 7 1 Sim T M 17 441 7 47 871 7 M " I 7 41 i 7 4I 7 47 7 Ml T m 7 701 Nov Nov Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. leo. Deo. Dec. 301 7 lGSil 1.1 S MSI T RSI 7 74 2. S K1S.I 7 40 7 57 3 .! S 74M 7 42 7 M 7 60 1 7 S0 7 SJI 7 S t 6itl t 7l! 1 7 20! 7 4 7 7l 7 731 S ll . 7 St 7 MI 7 70: t l.H 7 S 7 f.T! 7 0I lSl S 8l 7 81 7 tl S 81 S S3 T S 24 17" t 101 77 " I f SSI S 04 ISi I S 04 a mil ft 9l)i oil t 0; 8 W, I 7 00! S S 041 7 871 7 781 S Oil 1 18 8 (Hi I t 111 8 1 15 5 B-) 64 6 U 6 70 S S 7 S 87 5 76 6 if .it C t Na Av. .441 .1U .tl I U Hot SI1KM' 41. . rt.. 7.. S fid 1 3 R 61 5 7J It HS i 6iVifila!K2H4f4 18 K 18 18 00 18 85 IS flf 18 46 S77H! SS7, t(SSI B5 1 S n S SO j S 0 S7H 1 I S77m 77HIS 4m H 0 10 I 10 10 I 10 021 S 8e Chicago Cash Ibices Wheat: No. I red. II H4j1.1- No. 2 hard. SLirveO-l"'. Corn: No. 2 yellow, new, 63(jViVic; No. 8 yellow, new, eifttUe. Oats: No. I while, 47Vc;4-c: stivndsrd, 4KHi-tc. Rye: No. 8, S1.0ltU10. Barley, SwyTfcc. Heeds: Timothy, 83.7bitrfi.60; clover, !2.0O4;n4.s0. Provisions: Pork, SH.W; lard, 8.60; ribs, $:U3V(i.24. HI TTKIt steady ; creamery, S4J2c. KGGS Steady; receipts, 4. 818 cases; ax mark, eases Included. 20ir23c; ordinary firsts. 2Mi27o; firsts, 28fli2e. I'OTATOKM Kany; receipts, gs cars; Michigan snd Wisconsin, tutpHc; Minne sota, atvjrt.v. POUIlY-AUve, higher: springs, lie. fowls, 10c; turkeys, USec New York General Market. NEW YORK. Dec. I. SUGAR Raw, steady; molasses, 8.30c; centrifugal, S.Suc. Refined, steady. BUTTER tjulel; receipts. 4.00J tubs; creamery extras. M score, 8.1c; creamery, higher scoring, S.tmW4c; creamery firsts, rtiX!c; seconds, 26tr28c; process extras, r.UjiAiVic; ladles, current make, firsts, 2'tiite; aeconds, VW'&c; packing slock, current mnke. No. S, iH?r21e. CHBKSr Irregular; receipts, 6M boxes; state, whole milk, held specials, lftftkic; state, whole milk, avurage fancy, luVHia6a Ntnte, whole milk, fresh colored specials, KiValaVic; state, whole milk, fresh, white specials, lSU.inlf.Vi: state, whole milk, white and colored average fanpy, fresh, UumifVc; skims, muMc 1 EG4JS Irregular; B.244 cases; fresh gnthered extra fine, 41mic; extra firsts, 3tmfi40u; firsts, SWc; seconds, 2lric; Kate, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery white, fiMitwc; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered whites, 864(67r; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery browns, 4'iM8c; state, Pennsylvania and noarhv gathered, browns and mixed colors, 3fnji iSe. POI'IjTRY TJve, sleady; western chirk ens, lKu'lSc; fowls, WtVi'ic; turkeys, 11 12c. Dressed, dull and weak; western roasting chickens, Htyivllc; fresh fowls, l2Vx'tfl7o; turkeys, Vfa'Mo. Kaasas City Grain aad Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Dec. 8. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 11.00; No. I red, H OWVaLlO; De cern her, $1.0hpl.08; May, 81. II1. CORN No. I mixed, OZo; No. I white, 62 "ic CORN December. 6H4c- Msy. 87!c. OATS No. 8 .whits, 47tor7ttc; No. 2 mixed. BUTTKIt Creamery. 81c; firsts. 29c; se:onds, 80c; packing stock, 20Wc. KlKlrt Firsts, 81c; seconds. 84c. POULTRY Hans, 10c; roosters, 10c; turkeys, 13Va. Mlaaeapolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 8. WHEAT De cember, tl -17V. No. 1 hard, 11.15V No. 1 northern, ll.luyi.17; No. 8 northern. U.HVrfLlD. FI1 ! R Unchanged. HA RL.KY Bf5ito. RYl-tl.O1il.06. BRAN ta.00. TOHN-No, t yellow, dOHWWo. OATS No. 8 white, 44ylKc. KUAX-S1.4e!41.48. 1 , . , . .. , 1 t. teals Grata Market. ST. I)UIS, Doc. 8. W H EAT No. t red. tl.UUl.HH: No. 2 herd. ll.14Wtri.lS; December, tl-124: May, H.18i'-tH.lS. CORN-No. 2, 64c; No. 8 wliite, 44c; December. 63Hc; May, 6ttc. OATS No. 2, 47 Wc; No. 2 white, 43 Vic. Sunday. Holiday. Receipts snd disposition of live stock st the Union Stork Yards, Houlh Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yes terday : RECEIPT C A Rel. Cattle.Hogs.8heen.irr a C. M. A Kt. P 1 U 2 .. Wabash 3 . Union Pacific 11 10 2 C. & N. V., east..., 8 S 1 1 C. & N. Xf., west.... 18 IS 1 8 C, St. P., M. O.. 2 3 I C. B. Q . esst 8 7 J .. C, B. g.. west... 88 8 1 8 C..-R. I. P.. east.. 2 f .. .. C R. I. & P. west. 2 8 .. 1 Illinois Central 4 Chicago Ut. West.. .. 2 1 Total receipts.... 7 Kt 24 8 niRPitMITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . 237 l.HU . 04-I .l.OW) . 618 Morris A Co Swift A Company.... Cud ah y Packing Co. Armour si Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co IS South Omaha Pack. Co 21 W. B. Vanaant Co 31 F. H. Iwls 87 J. H. Root & Co XI J. H. Bulla IS Rosenstock Bros 11 Werthelmer It Degea... 34 II. F. Hamilton 62 Sullivan Bros 3 Christie ti Hlgg.n - 7 Huffman a ,u Meyers ' Baker, Jones A Smith... 10 Tanner Bros 23 John Harvey 71 Kline v 37 D. ft F 1 Other buyers 387 IN 4 40 1.11 4 (HI 40 IN ... u to lw t iauj ... u A' il. Na 44 .. H4... 44.., . .. M... r... 77.. . Ph. f. ...404 ICS in ...lKt ... tTS ...174 ... 4 M ...It M 4 Ht ...n ... 4 s ....via ... t u ..-JI8 ... 18 8!'4 1,843 1.72S DHS aiinniv of some R.000 head of sheep and lamhs had the natural effect of creating an active market, wlti. prices generally strong to a dime higher. Both ewes and lambs showed a little Im provement. The quality was much like yesterdsv. ,Wlth the exception of about nine cars of Idaho wheat field offerings most everything was from Iowa and Ne braska feed lots. The Idaho lambs that made a top of SI. 40 this morning were like those at 88.30 on Wednesdsy's market. The sslo consisted of nine loads, with a ! per cent sort, the sorting being lighter than the day before. In this Idaho ship ment were some ewes at 84.90, the same aa soma that brought S4.84 yesterday. V hile a good many of the sales were a little better there were on the ether nana some thst were Steady, and la one or two Instances an easier tendency was noted, making the general market a little uneven. Everything waa cleaned tip at an earlv hour. Nothing much of cotiee- queues took place In feeders owing to the absence of something on thst order. A few feeder buyers wsre looking for some desirable offerings. . The fsct that Iowa has contributed this week swelled the receipts a little. 1. 1 - ,ik-.i un in ilut. The run. . ifiamii 1 1 1 -7 , I however, has not been as huavy as an ticipated. Naturally unaor su- n '-"l"'"-stances and with prices here high at the beginning of the week compared with ci.i,.un .ml annui of the other outsldn points a shsrp decline resulted. Current prices on the bulk of the lambs are any- -l 2.400 318 1.011 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 2. COFFEE The market for coffee futures1 was very quiet again today and fluctuations were Irregu lar There was a little European buying of near months, which was sold by trade Interests. The new contracts for delivery In July and later months were steady on a llltla roverina h nil enmmlaslnn hoilaa buying. The opening waa t points higher 11 to & points lower, and the msrket closed steady net 6 points higher to 6 olnta lower. December, 6.X:; January. 6.60c; February, 6.0nc; March, 6.fc; April, 6.7c; May, S.8.V; June, 6.Sr; July, .blc; Au gust, 8 bsc; September, .07c; October, 11. Tic; November. li.HOc. Spot, atesdy; Rio No. 7. flfclil'iic: Santos 4s, 10-. The cost and freight market waa steady and unchanged after yesterday's Increased business, with Hantos 4s held at 8.4.V0i.tiuc Totals ...8.608 S.807 10,421 CATTLE Hmmtuta this morning were very moderate, only l.W0 head being re ported in. as mere waa a ir , the market waa active and all kinds of itinera that la i,f steers, cows and heifers, sold quite freely at prices that were strong to loo higher than yeslerdsy. Feeders were scarce and commanded about steady prices. It has len mentioned In these columns several times that the government quar antine regulations are such that all cattle hipped from territory recently under quarantine can be sold only fur Immediate slaughter. It has also been stated that no cattle from territory recently under ran be sold as Blockers or feeders and reshlpped back to the coun try. In spite of that fact several ship ments of stocker steers and calves have been sent to this point from western Iowa. They can be sold only to packers, and, being too thin for beef the packers will buy them only ss ranners and at canner prices. This means that stocker calves received this wek from Iowa have under necessity been sold to packers at Prices that were 1.0(Xti2.00 per hundred lower than they would have brought could they have ben sold as stockers for reshlpment to the country. The same regulations are In force at all market points and It follow that the only policy for the shippers of Iowa or other states recently under quarantine la to keep their stocker and feeder cattle at home until government regulations are changed. Quotations on csttle: Good to choice cornfed beeves, SS.60itf.60; fair to good cornfed beeves. t7. WCirs. GO; common to fair cornfed beeves, M.o4i7.fcO; good to choice range beevea, 7.7(mu.40; fair . to good range beeves, S7.4o7.75; common to fair range beeves, p5.2wal.40; good to choice heifers. t.2fvu7.00; good to choice cows. Sr.S0(pi.26; fair to good cows, S&.Ooit6.60; common to fair cows,. S4.Mhi6.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, $7.Jf.'y7.76; fair to good stockers and feeders, li Mi 7.28; common to fslr stockers and feed ers, STi.6uft4.60'. stock heifers, W.'PM 4. 2d ; slock cows, S4.60O6.60; stock ralves, t.6uM 8.26; veal calves, SS.00& 10.00: bulls, stags, etc., S6.0ngi7.O'l. Repress n tat I ve-aal es : BKEK STEERS. 1r. . r where from 60o to 70o off compared with the close of last week Fat aged elieTp held largely to a steady basis most of e we(. On Wednesday ney oroppea f a Tattle, but most o he loss wss covered today, making, them little If held largely to the off recoyeren ""t uww nv lower than lasi ww . v'" " lambs are strong to KrBl&c up for the week. Quotations on sheep and lamhs: 1 rood to choice,; lamoa, iir E5J, f.lAlSl taetUra. good to choice. .8Mr7.40; feedera, mn.rt";-: iearllngs. good to choice. t7.008fl.2o. ysr flng.. 7alr to good. W.754J7.00; tigs, farriers. choice. S6.7&ei100 utiKmuv wathsra gooa to T&emoo; wethers, fair to food. SH ROHIRRS; wethers, feeders. e.u-i.. ewes! good to choice, 64.(M,5.00; wsj, fair S4.40$4.a&; ewes. to good. o4.u0. 1N: Kspreseniauve No. . t HI 4 Idaho' Ismhs 807 Idal o feeder lambs. 64 Idaho ewes 202 feeder Ixmhs pd feeder lambs 215 feeder lamlie 19 feeder Ismba 28 feeder lamhs 131 feeder lambs 114 feoder lambs 1X(I feeder Ismbs 13 feeder lambs 1H1 feeder lambs 00 native lambs 10 culls 4 culls 14 feeder -lsmbs...e 201 feeder lambs 44 feeder ewes 14 feder ewes 44 feeder ewes 25 culls , 241 feeder lambs 46 feeder lambs 113 feeder lambs..... 414 Idaho ewes 300 Idaho feeder lambs. 1,061 Idaho lamba Osaahsi liar Market. PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland. 810: No 1, 8.OOti4.U; No. 2, S7.llot79.(i0; No. 3, t". 0) 4r7.00; choice midland. $9.50; No. 1. $8 60 Ji.O0: No. 2. t7.0tVijU (A; No. 3. tji.0ow7.00, choice lowland. SH; No. 1. 87.0017.50; No. 2, tr. 00i-o7.H0; No. 8, $4.00rrffi.00. STRAW Choice wheat, 86.6oa4j.00; choice oat or rye, t6.00Q4.6O. ALFAUFA-No. 1, 812; No, 2, 810 0K 11.60; No. 2, 88.0010.00. ratloa Market. .LIVERPOOL, Deo. 8-X)TTON-8pot. mfxlirate business; prices steady; Ameri can middling fair. 6.37d; good ' middling, 44d; middling. .40d: low middling, IMI; good ordinary, 8.24d; ordinary, S.7W. Sales C0jO bales. Dry Geods Market, NEW YORK. Dec. I.-DRY OOOD8 Dry goods jobbers were buying steadily toaay. tarns were quiet. Mens wear inactive, except for foreign business In army cloths. Kvaporated Apple aad Dried Pralt NEW YORK, Dec. ,S.-EVAPOUATED A r-rlr.n Vfmei. DRIED FRUITS Apricot and peaches, steady. Raisins, firm. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Iec. S-METAtiH Lead, qu el: SS 1f,ta KS : In London, 1S. Spelter, steady, 86 eiO 60; London. ; 6a. hT. LOUId. thKC. 2. METAL44 Lead: Dull at 83.70. Spelter; Dull at Sj.l7Vs. Beak Cleerlnge. OMAHA, Iec. 8. Bank clearings for Omaha today were t!,7,80l.&4, and for tne corresponding aay last year U.SVI, U7.0t. Ne. 4.... . 4..., 11.... lul... AT. IT. ... tin 4 m ... Ml 100 ...1U31 7 l ,. IM4 1 iii 1 v No. IS... 14... 14... 44... 14.. HI ASu tlKl b,,. 1. ft t 14 II. COWS. I... I..., tu... i... ... I..., I... ... 4... 8... 1... 10... ... At. Pr. mj 1 m 471 4 6 1ID4 S K III I 41 1444 I 10 I4 7 4a feeders. Av. Av. 74 8! 132 78 78 78 78 84 7Hi 78 70 78 .-.... 7S 78 65 ei 87 OS 4 .......140 115 , 108 78 . 76 ....... SI 117 87 74 S3. 85 . . Tr. Pr. ISO 7 60 4 7 .-. 8 3S 5 36 8 8T 8 36 8 y. s r 8 30 8 00 S SO ' 8 JO 8 00 8 AO ' 7 30 8 00 S 00 4 75 476 4 60 8 60 7 SO 7 85 7 M 4 W 7 60 I so !, :A rr . i'l ;3 (' 1 1 fi if. i-i 14 .... M 471 .... w in .... anl 4 til ....IIK.t I 00 i...Hl7 i 00 .... 7 ;6 t ftt ...,10U 6 Oi .w. fit 6 10 "....1060 I IS . ...lm.J 4 JU ....luui t Vt ....1140 I Si ....1IM) 4 1 Ml is; 1 I B ... T7 I 40 ...lino I to . . . 7 4 4 .. 1K.6 I bt) ...ll'S 1 fo ...1044 4 U ... a.7 4 ei ...1011 4 t ...hmo t w ... Ml 4 16 ...1110 t Si ...1144 4 40 ...UH 4 64 ND HEIFERS. :t I U 4 14 714 t 34 7 4 K M 1 7'JO $ 0 4...., II Ml 4 00 t . t ltu& 4 0i I..., 1 M IN BULLS. 1 420 t 44 1 UH IN ... 1 mi t it 11.... 1 1U44 I 40 1..., t U& t 44) 1... 1 1W 6 40 4 t 1J I 40 1 , 1 lite I M t. , 8 Hi I 1 1 17 'A t 40 1 I 1474 I 40 1 , CALVES. 2 418 8 M 8. I tit 4 M I t S4t I I T M tU I II 4.11 4 40 I I J4 I Tl I 1 t 71 t .a. IS fi'T OS i. IS 14 W STOCiKKM AND FEEDFHS I HI IS 41 14134 7 M 8 1014 4 tb U MILS 1 04 11 t l Ill M M 1041 t 44 t IN IS 6 140 I 71 WESTERN. Bpear Bros., Montaaa. 14 steers.... Uf.l 7 00 I steers .. .1030 ISO Diamond Cattle Co.. Wyoming. 21 feeders.. lent 1 id a feeders.. 871 t 70 40 bulls 14) S Mi M. W. Jones, Colorado. f steers.... 8 SI 17 64 steers.... 7 t 70 47 steers.... !M 8 70 20 steers..,. 828 t 70 steers ... 846 t 00 NEBRASKA. 24 feederg.-lOM 6 SO ju steers... .KXt t 60 Scows KMii 8 10 I runt..,,. Mi (M t bulls 1'uO 6 '.'5 Si calves... 81 7 86 4 calves... tM 26 Scows vui IN WT 5 ti . in 4 ti . 7l t X, .471 4 21 .1110 4 44 480 I 4) 1X14 i 60 10K4 6 40 1104 t 40 6 40 ISM) I u 143 4 04 II0 4 ti U7S t 46 1KS4 I 44 li e 4 7J 404 7 84 848 t 44 iW 116 4- 4 T M hi in w in t.4 4 M in 144 t 44 CHICAGO LIVH STOCK MARKET es-asnesBssa)48J Cattle gtreag Hogs Steady -Sheep Lasrttled. CHICAOO, Dec. 3.-CATTLB-Receipts, 7.000 bead; market strong; native steers, tft.70fr10 60; western steers, 6.2b4f.50; cowa , and belters. S3.26'uS.0; ralves, r'0f 10 . 11 OOli-Receipts, 4.1.OOO head; market steadv at fimix: decline: bulk of sales. M.ri'yil.H.'i; light. t l'ai.8r,; mixed, K4rf 7 00; heaVT. t.3F4S7 0O; rough, 8H.40frl6i; pi KB t.1 SoijO.Srt. MIKKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 32,000 head: market unsettled; sheep, Sa.XOftti.lV, yearlings, t'i.30tr7.60; lambs, S6.5O7.00. Kaaaas City Live Bteek Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Deo. S.-CATTLR Receipts. 2 H00 head; market higher; prime fed steer, $3.2ufu 10.60; dressed Iwef, steers, t7.ffVfl.00; western steers, t7.05! (lO; stockers and feedirs. t6.26.00; bulls, t:.2fi7l 75; calves. t.0tKrt10.50. HOGH Receipts, 8.500 head: msrket lower; bulk. t.70r7.00; heavy SS-SuuIWi; peckers and butchers. tb.liOi'O'-T.Oi; light,, tti .Vn Ma; pigs, 85.76.3Ti. HMKKP AND LAM B8 Receipts. 4.r00 head: market higher; lambs, II IVn-S.TS; yearllnra IH 2fxj;7.60; wethers, 8o.t3.09: ewes, S4.0OfJ5.CiO. . ' 1 i Ut. Loels Live Stock Market. 1ST. IX11I3. Iec. 2. CATTLE-Recelpts. 9.000 head; market higher: native beef steers, t'.iVKli 10.76; cows and heirera, awi tis.2S: southern steers. 85.754j7.7G: cows and heifers. 84 oous.ou; native, sn.uotiiu.w. MOOS Receipts, t.3o0 bad; market higher: pigs and lieht, S5.7t(j'7.15; mixed snd butchers. o.wytf7.2ri; good heavy, 17.0 to2-'. ..... tiHEKP A.l LAJins- rveoeipis, 1.01 head; market higher: muttons gteadv; native muttons. S4.7iVfi6.6o; lambs, S$.00dy .U0; yearlings, 85.60ia7.26. Sloax (Hr Live Stack Market. PIOUX CITY. Ia.. Dec I.-CATTLK-. Receipts, 700 head; msrket atesrty; native .trm S5.6iV(r7.26: butchers. Su.OOart.OO: eow and hellers. S4.654io.20; ranners, S4.Ht' stockers and leeuers,; caives, S5.76tiS.60; bulla, atajfa. etc.. $4.76.!S, HOUS tteceipia. i,iw nrau, niri steady; heavy, 8.7&; mixet. t.w .7n; light. i'j.70; bulk of gales, S.70 t HO SHEEP AKU ijio-iih, 4,m head; market steady; ewes, S3.50iu4.i0; lambs, 85.0t.S5. t. Joecafc Live gtectx Market. BT. JOSEPH, Mo.. Dee. S- CATTLrV Recepta 1.400 head; market ateedy; steers, 7.00,io.M: rows and heifers. K5u-0 .:.; calves. 6 0"4"c H. HOOH- Receipts. 10.SPS head; market slow, weak; prospective top, Srt.96. SHEEP AND LAMB Receipts, 4,0u0 head; market slow; lamba. 87.6U(a.44. . 4, i 1" fi. t t. 1, Vi . .i MT If Ais 7;'i : . -'i , - 'u .e- 7 ; Stock for An omaha eorporatlon In active busj sea for twenty ears etfars fur eaie, fifty shares guarantee eevaa per ceut prsrecHi stoug raiwnil from I :Mr uwaera. N agei.ta Wul su dirct. A 187 Caxe e Stea, -.1 1 ex T 'Iw A. A t