Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1914, Image 1

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VOL. XL1V NO. 143.
On Tralas and M
Hotels STewe Steads, Bo.
OYER $16,000YEAR
Speed Wonder of, Base Ball Leaves
Organized Fold for Plate with
Chicago Outlaws.
Pitcher Confirms Weeghman's
Statement that He Hal
Made Jump. 1
WITH THE KAISER'S ARMIES IN. BELGIUM German troops crossing the river
Scheldt by means of ferries.
Washington Pitcher Puts Name to
, Contract After Talk with Tinker.
Harler Will Not Say How Morn Ho
la Going- o Oet, bat Asserts It
la A bore Certain Saaa
CHICAGO, Dec. I. That Walter John
son,' premier pitcher of the 'American
league, haa signed a contract with the
Chicago' Federal league club waa the an
nouncement made by Charles Weeghman,
president of the looal club, late today.
Weeghman said he received word that
Johnson had signed a Federal league con
tract in a long distance telephone mes
sage from Joe Tinker, manager bf the
Chicago club, who bad been in conference
with Johnson all day at Johnson's home
In Coffervitle, Kan. 1 '
The contract was reported to be for two
years. The amount of his salary was not
announced. .
Johnsoa Confirms Report.
KANSAS CITY. Dec 8. Walter . John
son, over the telephone from his Kansas
farm, confirmed late today the statement
of President Weeghman of the Chicago
Federals that he had been signed by the
Federal club for two years, but refused
to say what his salary will be. ,
Is it more than $16,000 a year?" he was
"If la," said the pitcher, then found
himself telling, and announced that the
figure should properly be Announced by
Mr. Weeghman. ,
Vwy latereatlag Offer.
"I had a long conference with Manager
Tinker today," continued Johnson. "He
made me a very, interesting of fer quite
' the beat I have yet received and I took
(Continued on Page Four, CoL Three.)
Got. Aldrich's Son
Weds in Omaha;
, 'c Surprises Parents
' By way of Lincoln comes the Informa
tion that the parsonage, of the First
Methodist, church -. lnOmaha. . was. the
scene last Friday of the marriage of
George 8. Aldrlch, aon of ox-Governor
Aldrtcb. -and Mlaa Alberta Wyatt, to
which the young folks evidently forgot to
invite their parents. It Is -explained that
the new Mrs. Aldrtch haa been in the
employ of the Lincoln Telephone com
pany, having come from Michigan, where
her parents still reside, while young Aid
rich Is a student in the state, university
college of law, sxpecting to graduate next
t .
v. ' : . . '; , . . -v -v ..
lhWllMiiiaait.,1. it i i'-n ilium l1iMliw..rnnlnnfin?lin r.Otn , i n irni'.n'n inniimT inn.
H HI Hp f aj'
British Troops Form Only Twelfth
of Line Against Which Teuton
Onslaughts Made.
Colonel Swinton of Intelligence
Bureau of General Staff Gives
Review of Campaign.
Belgrade is Taken
i at Bayonet Point
BUDAPEST, Dec. I. (Via Amsterdam
and London) The city of Belgrade, cap
tured yesterday by the Austrian, waa
taken by storm at the point of bayonets.
The Auatro-Hungarlan troops approached
the city from the weebward and rushed
the defenses. After their victorious as
sault they inarched Into the city cheering
1 I s
IiONDON, Dec I. Routers' Amsterdam
correspondent says Emperor William has
awarded the Order of Merit to Lieu
tenant General Likman, commander of
the Guards division and military cor
I respondent of the Tagllsche Rundschau,
' for distinguished service at the battle of
The Weather
Three Bishops and Many Prominent
Clergymen in District Assem
bly at First Church.
Noted Divine Declares that If All
People Had Brains Kaon ah
They WssU . Get Re.
Ilgtoo In 90 Mlaatea.
With ' three bishops, doaena of promi
nent ministers and hundreds of lay mem
bers In attendance, the big two days' con
vention of Methodista from the Omaha,
Council Bluffa and Teoumaeh districts
opened at the First . Methodist church
yesterday. It is - being held under the
auspices of the general conference com
mission on finance -'and the ' laymen'a
missionary, movement, and Is for the pur
pose of considering the achlevementa and
opportunities of the .Methodist , church
through its seven benevolent boards, .
; Beforo the Interesting program hi com
pleted thia evening more ' than - a . score
Of addresses' will have been delivered by
many of the leaders of Methodism in this
part of the country.
. , Bishop Qaaylo Sawaka
Bishop William A. Quayte' of St. Paul
and Minneapolis waa the principal speaker
at the opening session. "Christianity's
Message to the World" was the theme of
His brilliant address, whioh held his
audience In rapt attention for one hour
and left them anxious to listen longer to
the bishop's skilled admixture of re
ligion, personality, humor and common
sense. Although a religious meeting of
church people in a house of worship, the
convention was frequently enlivened by
(Continued on Page Eight, Column Two.)
Prisoners in British Concentration
Camp Make an Effort to Escape
LANCASTER, Dec. .-Vla London)
An attempt to esoape made last night by
1,000 prisoners in the concentration camp
here, was thwarted by the guards, who
charged the moba with bayonets, wound
ing several.
The trouble arose from the indiscretion
of a ' prisoner who boasted to the other
captives that - be was about to be re
leased. This angered his comrades, who
attacked him. The, guards Intervened
but were overpowered. . "
The reserves were summoned ana when
they reached the scene they found 1,000
prisoners advancing, armed with bricks,
sticks and stones. The reserves fixed
bayonets, charged at the" double quick,
and soon subdued the - mutineers, the
ringleaders being arrested and placed In
solitary confinement. Only one man waa
seriously Injured.
Gallio Reinforcements Prove Very
Welcome to Distressed Islanders.
Information Department Attache
Aaarrta 8raal' Won by aide
Ifavlnar Moat Raw Ma
terial to Draw On.
- ... i " s
Mrs. Hall of Lincoln Say it Was
Women of Nebraska Who De-.
feated Buff raw Amendment
' Taoties aa that 9ft TalKpaf ir
Be aurtea In Tbi
tat 4 Oar.
Government' of the Republio Will
Be Moved from Bordeaux to
w t : Capital City. '
(Qaaalaary Besaloa is ('alien to
Parts Threo Daya Beforo Chrlat
aias Ministers to Conaalt
Flnaace Comanlttee.
Teataerataro. at Oasks Yesterday.
Nriour. ueg
t a. m ii
k. m 21
W C J Ta. m . S
a a. m so
i -I a. m M
JV 10 a. m 22
f-J H a. m 27
'II Um . 3J
A. 1 P. Ml 3
2 D. in i !
P'i. J V.T 3 d: an.-. 3
1 V 4 p. m 44
". - fill J . L, - -
IVj i i. m i
Ip. m S7
Coasaaratlve Loral Record.
1914. mi. laia. mi.
Highest yesterday 44 W w J
Lowest yekterdy l'J 4 M -1
Mean temperature Si U 40 Zl
Prec-lpltatlon .( ' M .M .'JO
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature v 31
Kucek for the uuy 1
Total excess sine March 1 U
' Normal precipitation 03 Inch lor the day 03 Imh
Total rainfall slme Mucb 1....24.4J liunM
le!i lenc since Mann 1 3.K inches
Deflclengy for cor. period, ISIS.. .M I.iches
Leriilency for cor. period, lUia.. 3.US inchea
Reswrta froiu lalloaa at T I, at.
Btatioa and Etala. Temp. High- Kain
of Weather. 7 p. est tall.
Cheyenne, cloudy I Ai 40 .
Iavenport, ctear ..........32' 40 ,vu
iJenver. clear 41 4t .Ui
Ihh Meinae. clear U M T
lender, cloudy 33 40 .00
North PUtt. cltar 3 60 .
Omaha, clear 40 44 .CO
Pueblo, clear : 40 M .04
Hapld City, clear 63 bi M
KoJt Lake City, cloudy 44 4s .(4)
rSuita Fe. part cloudy 3o 44 .4)0
rHierldan, cloudy n 4i .
bioux City, clear . J4 C M
Valentine, cloudy It .)
X indicates trace or precipitation.
. L, A. WBLBH. Local Foreoaatar.
William D. Townsend, .
Sportsman, Is Dead
After Long Illness
. WUiam D. Townsend, veteran sports
man and member of the Townsend Gun
company, died Thursday aftenroon at a
o'clock, .after a long Illness. He waa it
years of age, had been a resident of
Omaha for thirty-one years, and waa the
friend of hundreds of local sportsmen,
who knew him familiarly as "Billy." Bar
coma was the cause of death, compli
cated wtlh other troubles.
He was a member of the Elka lodge,
which will have charge of the funeral, to
be held Saturday at 2:30 p. m. from h
residence, 1318 South Thirtieth street, to
Forest Lawn cemetery. Mr. Townsend
waa unmarried and la aurvived by hla
aged mother, Mra. Charlea. H. Townsend
of Omaha, a sister. Mra. Charlea Both-
, well of Omaha, and two brothers; H. C-
Townsend or this city ana a. c. xown
aend of New Tork. The' later came here
a few days ago, when death seemed im
j Mrs. F.-M.. Hall,, president of the Lin
coln Equal Suffrage aociety'and Lancas
ter county-chairman, disturbed the serene
atmosphere at the opening sesaion of the
Nebraska .Womon Suffrage convention in
the city hall yesterday, - that waa . cre
ated by the welcoming addressee of the
three presidents of . the local aocletiee.
Mrs.. S. A. Capen of the Omaha Suffrage.
Mra. F. .LV Wead of the Political Equal
ity and Mra. K. M. Fairfield of the Equal
Franchise society. Each of the Omaha
women had extolled the work done In
the recent campaign and with a satisfied
air had pronounced it almost a victory.
Not so Mra. Hall.
"We lost," declared Mrs. Hall emphat
ically. "Let us strip ourselves of thia
aelf-content, for we didn't do as well as
we might have done. It waa the women
of Nebraska (Who defeated ua, for the
men In thia state are more for suffrage
than" the women are. Let us acknowl
edge our weak, spots, for we have them.
Don't be satisfied with the praise of poli
ticians who tell Us that we put up a splen
(Continued on Page Eight, Column One.)
King Haakon Will
Inspect Coast Forts
LONDON, Dec. a A dlapatch to th
Daily Mail from Chiiatlanla, Norway,
aaya that King Haakon goea ' to
Trondhjem today. Where he will embark
on the battleship, Harald Haarf agre, ' f or
a cruise along the coaat from Trondhjem
to gergen, in order to inspect the. meas
ures taken for the defense of Norwegian
neutrality. ,
Kaiser Wants Food Cargoes Sent to
Belgium Certified by His Embassy
NEW YORK. Dec. S. The committee of(
mercy today mad ' public the ' following
cablegram from James Gerard. American
ambiuisador at Berlin, which waa for
wardfd here by the State department , at
"The German government Is entirely in
sympathy with the laudable efforts of the
American commission for Belgian relief.
"The naval forcea cannot lawfully Boise
food on neutral ahlpa bound for neutral
porta. Germany will not interfere with
unneutral ahlpa bound for Holland with
food from the I'nlted titatee, even If food
la destined for Belgium. Subject ' to re
vocation, the German government agrees
to permit unneutral ships to carry tuod
for Belgium, via Dutch ports, and will
guarantee that the food will be utilized
for the purpose intended.
"The German government recommends,
however, that aa a precaution auch un
neutral ships shall be furnished with a
certificate f roc mopetent American au
thorities testifying that such food car-'
i ltd by unneutral ships via Kutch porta
la intended for the rxllef of the Belgtana,
and, further, that unneutral ships shall
te, also provided with a pass- issued by
the German mbaaay la WaslUngUx. au
thenticating the certificate issued by the
American government."
. This official assurance, it waa said by
the committee of mercy, set at reat nu
merous rumora to the effect that Ameri
can foodstuffs shipped into Belgium to
be used In feeding the, starving refugees
might be seised by the German military
authorities for the commissary depart
ment of their troops. '.'u
Two Newspapers in
DUBLIN, Dec. a-4Vla London) The
newspaper Sinn Fein did not appear to
day, the publishers refusing to print it
in consequence of having been warned
by the authorities that they would be
liable to prosecution for the publication
of treasonable matter.
. Thia la the second step In the suppres
sion of Irish . publications which have
been opposing enlistments and expressing
pro -German sentiment. The police last
right raided the office of the Irish
Freedom, a monthly publication, and also
confiscated all copies .of the paper of
fered fur sals on th news stand. '
PARIS, Dec. t. The French Parliament
has been. called to. meet In extraordinary
sesaion at Paris on December S2.
The members of the French cabinet are
to .leave , Bordeaux next week for this
city,, where they will put themselves at
the disposition of the finance committee
of the -Chamber of, Deputies.
'There have been. ae vera! reports during
the last month that the French govern
ment, - which went ' from Paris to Bor
deaux In the early part of Septembei,
was about to return to Paris and re
sume there the functions of government.
The foregoing dispatch Is the , first offi
cial announcement that the administration
is to return. Previous reports have said
unofficially that the government was
about to go back and that Parliament
would meet the latter Part of Decembei
to paaa emergency laws.
Italy Stands by -Keatrallty.
ROME, Deo. t The Italian Parliament
opened today. The sitting's of both the
Chamber of Deputies and the Senate were
wltnosaej by a large gathering of deeply
Interested spectators. Among thoae pres
ent were the former premiers, Otolitt!,
Luasattl and Pelloux. The dlplomatlo
tribune waa overcrowded.
Premier Salandra made a statement in
which ha explained the aituatn of Italy
and advised that it maintaliuah attitulo.
of loyal, but watchful and armed neu
trality. Ha was frequently applauded.'
When Premier Salandra alluded to what
he termed the. hist aspirations of Italy,
the whole extreme left. - arose, crying
"Viva Trent, Trent!", Viva Trieste!" The
spectatore In. the tribunes joined in the
The premier's statement waa Inter
rupted frequently with applause. It waa
noticed that . former. .Premier Glolittl
joined with the deputies in their expres
sions of aprpoval.
As the session was about to adjourn.
Deputy Comandlnl said that he wished
to ask the chamber to aend greetings to
"Heroic and unfortunate Belgium." The
whole chamber. Including the president,
the ministers, and the , people In the
tribunes, arose and shouted: "Hurrah for
LONDON, Dec. S.-Colonel F. D, Swin
ton of the Intelligence department or the
general ataff of the British expeditionary
force In France and Uuliclum, In a narra
tive dated November 28, gives a general
review of the development of the altua
tlon of the force for six weeka preceding
that data.
There haa recently been a lull In the
acting operations, he says. No progress
haa been made by either aide, and yet
there haa come about an Important modi
fication, comprlalng a readjuatment In
the scope of the part played by the British
army aa a whole, lie explalna the move
ment from the River Alane to the Belgian
frontier to prolong the left flank of the
French army, and aaya that in attempt
ing this the British- force waa compelled
to aasume responsibility for a very ex
tended section of the front.
France Stands In Breach.
He polnta out, aa did General French,
commander-in-chief of the British forcea,
that the British held only one-twelfth
or ine line, so that the greater share
of the common task of opposing the army,
reii and atlll falls to the French, while
the Belgians played an almost vital part.
With the full of Antwerp the Germans
made- every ertoit to push forward a be
sieging forco toward the woat, and has
tened to bring up a new army corns
which had4ecn hastily raised and trained,
their object being to drive the allies out
of Belgium and. break through to Dun
kirk and Calais. Altogether they had a
quarter of a million freah men.
Eventually the Germans had north of
La Basse about fourteen corps and eight
cavalry divisions, that Is "a force of
threo-quarters of a million of men with
which to attempt to drlva the allies into
the sea. In addition, : there was Im
mensely powerful armament and heavy
alege artillery, , whioh alao , haa been
brought up from Around Antwerp."
Attacks Fraatratoal. ; :
The official eye-witness talis of tha
blows delivered by the Germans at Nleu
port. Dixmude and Ypres, where "at first
the allies were greatly outnumbered."
For a whole month: the British army
The Day9 8
War News
Although th opinion U ex-.
pressed by foreign military critics
that operations on a largo scale
are In progress In Franc and
Belgium, tha official announce
ments from Paris and Ber
lin tell, of no important battles.
The fighting in the ea likewise
has diminished in Intensity.
v The Krupp factory at Essen,
which supplies the German army
with Its great guns, is said to
have been bombarded by an aero
naut, though with what effect la
For the first time since the Ger
mans were checken In their ad
vance on Warsaw, It was possible
to gain a fairly clear idea
of the military situation in Rus
sian Poland in Us broader aspect.
Advices from both Berlin and
Petrograd Indicated that the Germans-had
definitely succeeded in
throwing back the enveloping
Russian forces and were main
taining stolidly their positions
watt of Lowlscs. Furthermore, It
is said that the Germans are again
undertaking an energetic offen
sive. A German" military critic esti
mates that the Russian losses in
killed, wounded, prisoners and
death from sickness, amount to
fully i.100,000, or one-third of
the nation's best troops.
In Galicia, the situation Is still
confused. Recent report from
Petrograd that the Russians had
invested Cracow on three sides
are now contradicted by an unof
ficial dispatch, which says that
the invaders are eight miles from
the city. The archbishop of Prxe
mysl, the Gallclan stronghold
which has been under siege for
several weeks, is quoted as say
ing that the situation there Is des
perate and that the surrender of
the city Impends.
Germany's determination to
prosecute the war relentlessly Is
shown in the virtually unanimous
vote of the Reichstag for a war
credit of $1.150, 000, OOOand in
the imperial chancellor's declara
tion that his country would fight
to the last breath.
" in France and Belgium the
deadlock, remains unbroken.. Al
though fighting proceeds at
various points, there was no indi
cation that either aide had won
- Important 'advantages.
Australian Troops
Disembark in Egypt
LONDON, Doc. 3. "Australian and
New Zealand contingenta have been dls-
omoarKeo in - Kgypi. acocrdtng to an
anitouncement of the official bureah, "to
asalat in the defense of that country and
complete their training there.
"When thia training la completed they
will go direct to the front to fight with
the other British troops in Europe."
MAN With wide experience In esti
mating and construction of large
buildings can secure permanent and
profitable employment by local firm
doing general construction work. Ap
plicant must be able to furnish lth
class reference for honesty and abil
ity. Give age and state experience
and laat employment In first letter.
' ffor farther information about
this opportunity, see th Want Ad
Beotlaa of today's Be.
(Continued on Page Two, Column Five.)
Dr. Kirby Arrested
On Perjury. Charge
By DVB. Officers
Dr. Tupper Klrby, who was a witness
for the defendant In tho case of the gov
ernment against Walter Mammons, who
waa recently found guilty of robbing the
postofflce at Kearney of a registered
package containing 36,000, waa arrested at
Kearney yesterday afternoon on the
chargo of perjury. .Klrby was taken Into
custody by ogan Bammons, deputy United
States marshal and brother of Walter
Bammons. -He was taken to Grand Island
for arraignment.
Dr. Klrby waa a witneaa Introduced by
counsol for Walter Sammons to testify
aa to the character of Bammona Upon
dlreot cross-examination . by United
States Attorney Frank Howell, Klrby
denied tliat he had ever bean convicted of
a felony and that he had ever served
time In a jail or penitentiary.
J. B .Patterson of Boone. la., was called
to the ataud and he testified that In 18&.
when deputy eherlff of Boone county, he
had taken Kirby to the Anamoaa peni
tentiary. The charge on that ease waa
bigamy and Klrby waa sentenced to two
and one-half yeara. Certified court
recorda also showed Klrby had pleaded
guilty to two charges of libel and one of
nuisance in selling liquor without a per
Great Austrian Portress Not Likely
to Withstand Siege Very
Much Longer.
InoreaaLar Thunder of Great Gum
Shows Official Reports Bare Not
Told tha Whole Story.
Germans Are Kaking Desperate Ef
forts to Sesnme Advance on
Capital of Poland. ,
Hero of Mukden Blamed for Escape
of Germans from Cordon.
Famous German Arms Plant is Bom
barded from the Air in Dar
ing Baid. . , '
Meaaaa-o from Berlin Bays Airman
F.scaped t alajared sad Kxtrat .
of Pa ma are Has Not Beea
LONDON, Dec. I.-A dlapatch to the Ex
change Telegraph company from The
Hague quotes a meaaags from Berlin to
tho effect that tho Krupp factory at Es
sen, Germany, was bombarded yeaterday
by an aeronaut It la aaid that bombs
were dropped from the aeroplane on the
buildings devoted to manufacture of can
non. The airman escaped uninjured and
the extent of the damage has not been
Berlin Military KaMt, Estimates
that Half of Caar'o First Lias
ta Killed, Weaaaed or
. Captarvd.
VENICE, Dec. S.VIa London.)
The archbishop of Prsemysl. who
is enrouto to Rome, Is credited in an
interview published here with de
daring that the situation of Prse
mysl Is desperate and the surrender
of the fortress Imminent. The hos
pitals are crowded, according to the
published statement, the mortality is
enormous and the food supply ex
hausted. N
Battle Aroaad Tprra.
LONDON, Dec. S. The increasing
thunder of guns in the vicinity of
Ypres, and the arrival at Bruges of
transports bearing wounded men,
leads to the conclusion In London
that a greater degree of activity haa
prevailed in West Flanders than has
been reported In the official com
munications. . ,., . : '
All reports agree that in northern
Poland the; battle Is still undecided
and, fiercely contested, with the Ger
mans making desperate efforts to
resume their forward movement In
the direction of Warsaw. ' ' ,
neaarakamaff la Seapea-oat.
"From. Petrograd. comes the report
that General Bennenkampff haa been
made tho sorapegoat on account of the
Napoleonlo coup, which enabled the Ger
man forcea to. out tnmugn tne encircl
ing Russian , cordon, According to this
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
KANSAS CITT, Dec. a A consignment
of 2.000 heavy flannel shirts and 7,000 ban
dages, all mado by Kansas City society
women, was shipped from here today for
the war sufferers in Europe. A Kansas
City wholesale dry goods firm packed
the goods and railroads are carrying It
freight free to New Tork.
Little Human Interest Stories, of
the Big World War Now Raging
To Cat Off Soldier flaaoly.
LONDON, Dec. S - it is reported by the
Amsterdam correspondent -of the Ex
change Telegraph company that Major
General Kelm, German military governor
of the Belgian province of Lloaburg, haa
ordered the arrest of all young Belgian
In that district who are liable for military
service In the army of M5. This actio.
It Is said, is to be extended throughout
No "Sasulcloae" Words Allowed.
NEW YOB.K. Dec. a. Not even the
words "Merry Christmas' may be written
on packages of supplies sent to the starv
ing Belgians. The American commission
for relief in Belgium announced today
that the placing by donors of an Inscrip
tion of any sort lnalde, or outside the
package might aubject the entire con.
aignment to confiscation by officials sus
picious of a military code message.
" War Horses to Have faro.
WASHINGTON, Dec. t Approval was
given by President Wilson today to th
movement to have the Geneva convention,
under which Red Crosa societies operate,
extended so as to provide for attention
to horses in war. Word of the president'!
action was cabled to tho Purple Cross
service, a new organisation which has
been formed in the European war son
to cars for horses on tho battlefield.
German Calls It Staald War.
NEW YORK, Deo. 3. -Hope for speedy
peace between tha warring powers of
Europe and belief that the United States
would play aa important part In tho ul
timate settlement wore expressed tonight
by Dr. Bernhard Dernberg, former Ger
man secretary of state for the Colonies.
In an address at a dinner of ths Economic
club of New York, at which he was guest
of honor. He alluded to the war as
"stupid, unnecessary and uncalled for."
War as Brltoaa to S a km It.
LONDON, Dec. 1 The possibility of a
German Invasion of England has been
revived by the warning Issued by the
earl of Warwick, lord lieutenant of
Essex, who adjures tho people In such
event not to take part In the fighting as
civilians, as such action "would only re
sult In reprisala, and possibly in a repe
tition of the horrors that have taken place
In Belgium " v
Belgian Qarea to Rejola Klag.
LONDON, Dec. I. A Flanders dispatch
to ths Tally News reports the return of
Queen KlUabetb of Belgium through
France to rejoin King Albert
Norwegian Ship '
With-Cargo" from
LONDON, Monday, Nov. 30. Lloyd's
agency declared today that the Nor
wegian oteamer Ran, which reached
Liverpool yesterday (Sunday) from New
York, has been taken Into custody by tha
British authorities and is being held as a
NEW YORK, tJecTa. The steamer Ran.
Captain Borva, left New York November
IS for BlverpooL It la a vessel of 1.81
tons register. Ths steamship Ran was
loaded by Barber 4 Co. of this city. At
their office' it was said today that word
had been received from agents at Liver
pool that ths ship had merely been de
tained by British authorities afor exami
nation. No word bed been received that
It had bean officially aelsel as a prlie.
Tha cargo of the Ran, It waa said, con
sisted of varied commodities, among them
cottonseed products, copper and leather.
Part was for Liverpool, ths balance for
Oothenberg and Malino. In anticipation
of possible Inquiry by British authorities
as to the shipments aboard tha vessel,
especially tho copper, it was deliberately
sent to Liverpool first, Vh agents heiw
asserted. .
The farms
are ready
for you.
"Was, thm frvii is omtha swmaJun
and tA rWtar's in I As sAocA. "
Tken's the time to see farm
Then'a when the leaves are
taming, when the soil shows
whether or not 'tis mellow,
when the corn itself shows
what the land will produce.
The frosts are here the
pumpkins are ready for pies
-the corn is in the shock
the farms are ready for you.
You will find the best list of
farms in the Want Ad Section
of The Bee.
Telephone Tyler 1000. '