Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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1 m5&(ffiir i if
By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, December 2, 1914.
,E bare launched the Christmas ship oft to Ilelglum, we hate or
ganized corps upon corps of Franco-Belgian Hellef associations
and e hear on all sides "Belgian relief, Belgian relief."
The week seems not to hold a day that does not mark the
Catherine; of a Kensington club to sew for the poor Belgians, but almost
in our very midst Is rtiere to be a most interesting and praiseworthy act
Mrs. Harry Bosworth of Chicago, sister of Mrs. George Brandeis, is
making preparations to adopt two little tota, a sister and brother, If that
"Will be possible, of the Belgian refugees.
Mrs. Bosworth has no children of her own, and Is most anxious to
open her home to make some others happy.
Mrs. Bosworth has Just recently been the guest of her sister, Mrs,
Ji ran dels, and Mr. Brandeis at their home in Falracres. She returned to
her home in Chicago Saturday of last week, accompanied by Mrs. Brandeis,
t. ho will be her giiest for a couple of weeks.
Nebraska Women to Meet at the City
Hall Thursday and Friday of
Thif Week.
Lincoln firlrpratea Rrlnc (he Dfron
llonn I nmmrrrlal ( lab la
l(r lrlaai- to I, andi
ron fnr Friday oon.
.Dadley-Hnnter Wedding.
rt. raul's Kplscnral church In Council
fluffs ss the sne of a pretty weddlns
-Wednesday evening when Miss Helen
'liuntor. daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. James
limit hrimi hi UIa of Mr. (""heater
Iv.idloy. Tv. Ir. Hiixton of St. raul's !
.performed Ihee eremony.
The Chun was beautifully dworatnil
with palms, firns. roaster lilies and Kll
larney roses.
Prof. Coollda presided at tlin organ
and played the LohenBren weddlna marcli
for tha bride's enframe and the Men
delssohn march at the recessional.
. Tha bride ws given arty by her
father. Phe wore a liandome sown of
Ivory imported satin, entrain. Tha whole an overdress of C'hantllly lace. The
'bodice and Inn sleeves warn of the same
lace. A lung court train hung from tlie
'shoulders, where It wm catiaht with ropes I
of pearls. Th tulla veil was ertaed with
the Chantllly lace and she carried a I
'ehower of lilies of tha valley. Hmnll
bunches of lilies of tha valley decorated
the train.
" Mrs. Kayinond Connor of iX-nisou, la.,
"sister of the groom, was the matron of
lienor. She was row nod In white char.
ineuee, draped with net and made with a
'-deep pink velvet bodice. Mrs. Connor
carried pink snnn Orations and rsrclmuB.
The bidesmalds were: Mlsa Jean Hun
ter, sister of the bride: Mies Kleanor
Johnson of Uswrgo, N. Y.; Mls Theda
ncrslielm and Miss llirlen llenton. They
were gowned alii.?. In pink rharmetiao,
vellnl with faint pink chiffon. Silver lace
trimmed th bodlre. The young" women
wore rrownlosa coi-onrt hats of tulle and
carried huse arm bo';iiets of Klllarney
' Mr. John HhiiKsrt waa beot man, and
. the imher were; Misnrs. Thomas Bi'iilly
of Olenn, N. Y.; Allan Tukey of Omnlia,
I'aul Wa'worth .f Cor.nrll Rluffs and
I.aymond onnor ol Uenison, la.
'Mr. Hunter, mother of the bride, wn
couurd In rold brocade, diaped with
I lack t'hantlilv tare, f ;ie wore a cor
ene of Mis. Word rosea and lilies' of tlio
. vullcv.
"A reiepti-m to l' gurrts followed tlio
HTcmony, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Juim-s Hunter. The house wns decorated
'Tvltli ixilins, yellow chrysanthemums and
Mis. Waid roses. Coffee waa served In
the dining room, where Mrs. Ward roves
i'd yellow shaded candelabra decorated
, the '.Me.
Afte:- an eastern wedding- trip. Mr. and
M.S. Dud'ey will reside in Council lUuffs.
Fashion Hint
17: fj
H I. A
All is In readiness for the Nebraska
Woman Huffrsse association conven
tion, which will be held today and
Friday In tlie council clistr.!ier of the
city hall. The out-of-town liiemhera of
the executive committer arrived in
Omaha at noon, and after lunrliwin al
the Ioyal hotel lield an executive ses
sion. Tlulr first work was Id outline
the proirrsm I"r tho convention.
' This meeting; Is sui h sn infurmal sf
falr It Is mors of a conference Instead
of a (invention," said Mrs. I Ms per
Htnlth, president of I he Mate cva nida
tion. "We have not even printed pro
Krams. hut will follow tl.e one ouiIIik.1
by the executive committee."
The Lincoln delation brmiKlit the dec
orations for the convention hall, chief
stnoiiK them helnfr an Immense banner
showing the enfranchised stales. The
auffrase flax of the Omaha Puff race as
sociation snd Mrs I'rsper Smith s flas;
wH also occupy a prominent position in
the convention hsli.
The Connnerclal club lias Invited the
women for luncheon Friday noon.
The committee now In session Ini lud.-s
Mrs. lirsper flmlth. Mrs. Anna Kovsnds
of Table Rock, Miss Daisy Dosne, Miss
Mary II Williams of KeneSaw, Mrs. V.'.
K. Hardy and Mrs. 11. H. Wheeler of
Lincoln. Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey. Mrs. A. E.
Shel-Soti. Mrs. Viola M. Harrison and
Mrs. W. E. Berkley of Lincoln. Mrs.
A. H. Liorrls of Lincoln hss gone east
and will not return in time for the convention.
( hi
' onsilpatloa
makes life miserable. Dr. King's New
Life rills regulate your bowels and re
lieve the engorged liver 2fc. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
Catholic Women Will
Hold Benefit Bazaar
A bsiaar will be irtven at the Knights
of Columbus home. 32.'. Dodge street,
tonight. Friday and . Saturday, for the
benefit of Bt. Xavlera Catholic church
of which Rev. Father Aboud Is pastor, at
Houth Omaha. Aprons, sunbonnets, table
cloths and the various church sale trink
ets will ! offered.
Msyor Dahlman will open the hsrsar
Thursday by making the first purchase.
Callot suit, redlnKote of black satin,
belted with embroidered with Jet beads,
collar and front hnndod with skunk.
Straight velvet skirt banded around bot
tom with skunk.
Fraternity Entertaini.
Eta chnptir. Phi Rho H'gma Medical
fraternity, with headquarters at Crelgh-
tn Mcdlt-ul college, will give their an- I
nual Oipheuin theater party tills evening.
Troae who will atttend are Dr A. L.
,Mi?lrhead, Dr. H. V. Gerald. Dr. W. U
anrarer. Dr. Claus lelfs. Dr. Moon,
'Mcstrs. Young, Kleyla, Iiarr. J. Murphy,
1. Murphy, Molsced, Ryder, Rassmus-
n. Martin. Kenklns, Egen, Rwab, Shook,
'"il Kussum, Freyman. Pollock, Kelly,
Conrad. J. Kellv. The nlerices In vhnu
ijouor the party Is given are Messrs i P"1',,,lf1'1,
J-elly and Conrad of the seniors, Riley .le,intte Johnson
Jiocfie of the Juniors, Nnonen and Wilson
ij the? oplomores 1 and .yulltjr of the
The annual Initiation senkes will be
H-ld shortly after Christmas, as will the
lnnut In honor of the pledges.
Puture Affairs. .
frhe Pan ?oucl club will entertain' at a
darning party at Jacobs' ball. .Tuesday
evening, December I. Dr. liarley Deems
aipd Mr. Marshall Dillon are tha com
mittee in charge of arrangements.
Wedding Announcement
The wedding of Miss Augusta Darns
berg and Mr. Arthur Jones took place
Wednesday. November JR. at the home of
tfie bride In Ashland. Neb. Mr. Jones Is
)rchalng agent for tha Bankers Realty
1 i vestment company In Omaha. Mr. and
Mrs. Jonas are at home to their friends
at 3M2 Camden avenue.
Subscription Dance Dinner..
'Mr. and Mrs. I F. Crofoot will enter
tain at dinner this evening. Later the
guests will eUar.d the Subscription dub
dancing party . al Turpln'a academy.
aJuaracy rosea wilt decorate tha table
nd covers will be plaued for
f.Mr. and Mrs. feore Prtui.
.Mr. and Mrs, Ward Rurass.
At the Brandeis Theater.
Miss Olga Mets entertained a box party
this afternoon at the Rrandels to see
"The College Hero." The guests were:
Mrs. Arthur Mets.
Misses-' Misses
Mary Heldenchoff tlertruile Stout.
of ymore, I'lura Daugherty,
Maud Robertson Eleanor Mnckay, I
of Wymore, licnrlctta Fort. I
Mrs. John T. titewart entertained for
her children this afternoon. The gurats
Miss Eleanor Knuntze,
Mlsa Jane Stewart,
Master liordon Stewart.
In Mrs. Joseph Marker's box were:
Misses Misses
Klixabelh Darker,
Virginia Barker
Margaret Kualmaii. -.
Mrs.Trank Hslier gave a box party
this afternoon St the llrnnduls.
Tueiday Bridge Club. ...
Tha Tuesday Krldge club held Its
weekly meeting this afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Frank Keogh In the West
Knrnam apartment.- At this meeting there
were only two tables of players, and
Miss Eltyabeth PU kens was the guest of
the club.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miaa Oladys MrKeehan of Fremont,
Neb.. Is tha guest of Miss Frances Plattl
for trie week.
From S772
Down to $340
A startling reduction, but it's a genuine one A beauti
ful Colonial Mahogany Dining Suite of four pieces and seven
rliiiiis, reRularly prlcid $772, now priced 340. It consists of a
Huffet, China Cabinet. GO-inch Dining Table, Serving Table, six Sldo
Chairs and ono Arm Chnir all of genutnu mahogany and one of thn
beot xainplfH of tho Colonial osisn.
Furniture by the best flrand Rapids factories and Cowan & Co. of
Chicago, that we have deduced away below cost in order to diminish
our present utock any one piece or suite wilU make a wonderful
Christmas Gift. ,
Lace Curtains
A splendid assortment of Imported Laces, at
price equivalent lo a big reduction. Importers'
prices have greatly advanced, but because we
bought early our prices are unchanged.
Point Milan, Point le ticne, CTunj, ljet
Arabians, Ktc.
I'airs S1.75. S3.50 84.05- 85.05.
86.75 t "P-
Cretonnes in Hhort Lengths for Gift Kewing
One-Third Off.
Altar Onild Society.
The Altar guild of Trinity
met this afternoon.
Ilka Club Dancing Party. '
Tha Klks will give a dancing party this
evening at tha club rooms
J Mr. and Mrs. Josaid Barker.
! 'r. aud Mrs. J. K. hnnimr,
i 11 r. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot.
j.vr. snj ira. Wilson Uiwt will enter-
" i. uiuntr una eveinng at I
ih.i. im. r.u....n . . ... 1
"". v ' v. w, nB in 9uuacriptlun
etub dancing party at Turpin's araflroy.
iMr. and Mrs. David Uaurn will give a
inner at their home preceding the dance.
A Japanese gsraea - wilt decorate Cie
Libia and cohere will be placed for:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ftaldrtae.
, Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Beew.n
ii.' r,d .Mr"- Jo,,n MvHhane.
Mrs. K. K Kiikendall. , ,
JMiss Marvaret irw Blum.
J.Mr, benjamin F. miih '
jMra. Wairen Rogers will have nine thn
ienlng gt her apaitnM-nta in the Beaton.
"f,ue guests will sttend the dance later
teare for Texai City;
JMrs. bli.gleton tiattser and dmuxt.ier.
It is Just Ilatuml '
To, Admire Bablss
Our alt rustic nature Impels love for tha
. eoelng Infint. And at tha same time
tba subje.of motherhood la ever before
Ilia. To know what to de that will add
jto the physical comfort of expectant
j motherhood Is a subject that has Inter
i ested inost women of aU times. On of
tha real helpful things la an external
abdominal application sold In most drag 1
S t
ri Tuesday for' Texas Cltv m her. n... "or'" "naer in name of "Mothefi
ijtre. Mrs. frwltzer haVt own at Foit
Urook for four years and her
3 'ends regret that the is not to return
mothers, who la their younger dsya
reuea upon this remedy, and who recom
mend It to their wn daughters that It
certainly must be what Its name indi
cates. They have used It for lta direct
Influence upon tha muscles, oords. lira-
! ments and tendons as it alms to afford
I relief from tne strain sr.d twin ma nrten
jMIm Rose tientis entertained the mem- 1 unneoesaarlly severs during tha prriod cf
rs of the Frlacllla club at her home expectancy.
M urmdiy afternoon. The afternoon wast Every woman should mention "Mother's
Ten mem- . "'end when tha stork Is the subject of
conversation. An luterestlt t little book
, la mailed free upon application to Brad
lield Berilstor Co.. 403 I.smsr Hld.,
'Atlanta, Ua. It refers to many things
'Mil :ary tse.oem rvull BU Uiw Maude na women like to read about
f l-eria-n .f SVyinor. Neb., are the ' or re:ooimiij a bottle of "Mother
t of M: uiks it. t. .mut" U-tUy aud writ lor Ua tuok.
fleuurei Fatt
l,nt In games snd sewing.
Jers mere present.
f.'ith tlie Viiiton.
ley re lawiimtinir and constHiit
Boureo i' delight both to the children
and grown-ups. Urinr the children in
you will he interested and enjoy the
pleasure it gives Mhom. lluve thein
talk with Siinta China -watch thy
trains run - a complete railroad sys
tem in constant operation.
Votir Hlioppln trip Is Incomplete if yon
do not siend a few momentn tn Or
chard & Wllhelin'g Tojland.
2 r
Rugs Cheap
' A sjlendid assortment of fine lings in large bizes that
we have siu'iifi'Td to retluce stock.
119 Seamleaa Tapestry Bruaxela I 38 Hartford Ax- Anr rf
Kug. 10-0x12 flIO 7 minster, U-3xl3-G JpZO.OU
tiK Ve" ieV : " Y m Kilmarnock Scotch Art Rugs,
$45 Scotch Art tfOfk ft In blues, greens, grays AOOSO
Uug. 10-6x12. blue $ZU.UU and chlnta dealgna;. $22
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
Where Santa Claus Reigns and Joy Abounds
"This great toy and doll display is really very wonderful."
Is the way one lady expressed it. And so It truly Is. More toy than
we have ever had and a much larger place for display. Beautiful
decorations. Everything to realize the highest wonder of the most
vivid Juvenile mind. Toys of every kind to please every child and
within the leach of all. Dolls of every size and so many to select
from that every little girl is sure to firfd Just the dolly she wants.
Come and Hear
Aviator Smith
Tell you all about his flying
machine, which Is now on. our
third floor, near the toy section.
Mr. Smith will tell you how it
feels to be 4.000 and 5.000 feet
up In the air and ride upside
down, loop the loop and do all
the daring feats for which he is
so famous.
Three Lectures Thursday
10 to 11 a-m. and a to 3 and 4 to ft p.m.
We Jlave Hough t. From a Xew York .lohher, At About Half Price
Over 2,000 Coats for Women and Misses
And a Quantity Almott A Great of Women' Suit; Dre$e$ and Furt
It is the biggest purchane of the season. All fresh and new merchandise that this
jobber had to sacrifice to realize readv cash.
Sale on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Dec. 3, 4 and 5
Jt is impossible to go int.) details anil give full descriptions. We will just quote
the lots in bulk, giving you the actual values of these fine garments and furs and quote
the astoundingly low prices that will prevail in this sale as long as'the lot lasts:
M'wncn'a nnrl .Misses' Oonts, worth up
to $10.5(1, for.
MonMMi's and .Misses' Coats, worth tip
t $iio.oo for . .777777777777". 7 7.
Women's nnd Misses' Coats, worth
up to $23.00 for
Women's and Misses' Coats, worth
tip to jR.15.Otl, for-
Women's and Misses' Suits, worth up
to $20.00 for .
Women's and Misses' Siiitm, worth
up to $30.00 for.
AVonift's and Misses' Iresses, worth
tin to 917.50 for.
Women' nnd Misses Fur Sets,
worth up to $22.50 for.
Sale begins Thursday morning at 8:0 o'clock. Second floor. Plenty of extra salespeople.
Doll Wigs Reduced
Salr Ctoods Dapartmsat
Bacond Floor and Fompelaa moora
lrhaps dolly ne"ils a new wla and
we have made prlifes very attractive
reduced them considerable. These
loll wlga are of human hair. We
Imve them In all and shades,
at 7So ami up.
3& Can Be
W and
Size lo Special price. . . ... .7.c
Size 11 Special price $1.2.5
Size 12 Special price 1.5o
Kl.e 111 Special price $1.50
Size 15 Special price $2.00
W specialize on Hair Dressing,
Manlcirlnr. Shampooing- and Mas
sage. Kxperlenced operators to wait
on you promptly and courteoualy. Ap
polntmenta made over the telephone.'
New "Spat Top" Shoes
For Women
DECIDEDLY Fashlon'a Favorite. They are neat
and dressy. These shoes are built on the new
stane lasts; with gray or black cloth tops. All sizes.
This smart style 1b shown for the first time at popu
lar prices. Special Thursday, pair
Fancy Ornaments for Pumps at Half Price
Women's Warm House Men's and Women's Pull-
Slippers In fancy col
ors; ribbon trimmed. All
sizes. Special
Thursday, pr. .
man Slippers In leather
cases to match. Black,
tan or wine
colors; pair. . . .
9 Tn ljagaSaaaJaGgaEaJE
3 Dolls for This Week
We have decided to give two more' dolls for second
and third prkes, so that if you fail to get the first one.
you still have a chance to get one of the smaller doll'
They are. very sweet and pretty, too, and will please you
but, of course, you would not expect them to be as big
and beautiful as Prieiiia, wlio is for the little girl that
brings in the most pictures.
Tricilla is just too beautiful for wcrcs to describe
Voq must con e and see her. '
....!. .. ; v. -
- J? " - ' - V 1
1 '
FrleUla will b tlvan Traa
ta tha uttla airl, nasr II
years af ars, taat arlna or
atla us tka laxfast anmbar
of doU's plotaraa eat rat of
tba Dally and Monday Baa
btfore p. a. Saturday,
Oacaabav e.
Her picture will be in
" .The Bee every day this
week. Cut them all out
and ask your friends to
save tho pictures in their
paper for you, too. See
' how many pictures of Pri
cilla you can get, and be
sure to turn them in to
The Bee office before 4 p.
rn., Saturday, DecemWr 5.
v If jou don't win this Dollle,
perhapa you can gel ona next
week. Only ona doll will ba
given to any one person.
You can see
at the Dee Office
Invalids Need Pensions
M agazine Readers
Can Help Earn $7,000
for the
Invalids Pension Association
1,700 Subscriptions to
The Ladies9 Home Journal (Monthly) - $1.50
Jhe Saturday Evening Post (Weekly) . -$1.50
The Country Gentleman (Weekly) .... $1.50
J . Are Necessary in December
Or the $7,000 can not be earned for The Invalids' Pension Association or the project
must. fail. Your order or renewal contributes 50c or more, so please hurry.
Mary Weldon's Story Will Illustrate
With advanced cancer of groin and breast, for
year this stricken woman has lived absolutely
ALONE In a dug-out, with dirt floora and walls;
her only neighbor nearly two miles away. Pre
sumably she had coal part of past winter, but
previous winters her fuel Supply depended
WHOLLY on weeds collected- by herself.
Does Imagination picture her wind blown gar
ment as she scours the prairie in search of sun
flower stalks, the daya spent shivering In blank
ets to aa fuel or the luxury of a small flit,
scantily fed by fingers numb with cold? Or pos
sibly- you tan appreciate the nameless dread and
constant vigil day and night lest pasturing herds
should wander over the roof of her abode during
hex absence, to leave her shelterless, or that aha
be burled in her cave at night.
Her pension of ten a month means warmth
and Ufa for this woman. There are a score of
others who have received pension checks nearly
two years. Surely, friends will gladly pool their
magazine business to save this $7,000 FOR THE
expense being allowed for salaries, fuel or rent.
Meanwhile 1 must have 1,700 subscriptions to tlie above magazines in December or
$7,000 is lost. May I hope for your patronage, not alone for these magazines, but for
any publication whatever.
tJift subscriptions announced with beautiful Xmas folder, mailed either to yourself,
or to reach vour friend Xmas eve.
Make All Checks Payable and
Address All Odeis to
Write for Catalogue.
Telephone Douglas 71G:.
If you must, send your order direct.