the iu:r;: omaita. thcksday. iECKMm;n .:. i:u. FARMERS' CONGRESS ' Public is Warned Trt nPAW ronwnc Against Bad Checks! Scores of' Fanners' Organizations Will Be Represented at Conven tion Next Week. SPECIAL ASSOCIATIONS COME I'rlnil Co., Itii; Ilonarii utrirt. hc notifhvt the pollve that five for1 rhork ra rising fntn IT to to I-1" have been rr turned to thorn for payment. The firm l confident that there1 nre several more In circulation ami la anxloua that no on else la taken In by the forjterle. I l.naa; of Oraanliat Ion )latr ' tlanlflerf Their Intention of I Neadlaa; Delegation to the Blar t.atherlns. DOG COMES TO SEEK MOTHER Shepherd Pup Travels Thousand Miles to Find Mother is Gone. Score of farmers' arsniilSHtions of the atate, representing? various specialised In-! duatrlrs on the farnia of the state,, will be represented by from one to a dosen delegates In the fifth annual convention of the Nehraaka Farm Congress, which meets In Omaha next week, December and 10. There arts special association dealing with problems of the dairy busi ness. There are commissions and com mittees that are considering the rural school problem. There are seed corn as sociations. And there are doiena of otltcr 1'lsI and state-wide associations that deal with special topics. All thcac are to be represented by delegations In the farm congress. Thua the farm congress Is a sort of clearing house for the working out of big problems that confront the narlcultural Industry of the state In gen eral. Organisation Represented. A muni; ih" organizations that have al ready signified their Intention to have tielcgatioii at the convention arc: The Cheyenne County Jkrrlraltural society, raBmnt Farmers- institute. Farmers' Kducjitlonal and Co-Operative. JState union. Springfield Farmers' Institute, faijndera County Agricultural association, rommlttee on the Improvement of rural schools, Dunbar Farmer Institute asso ciation. Improved IJe Slock Breedors association. Farmers' Mutual Insurance association. Farmers' Institute pf 8troma burg. Farmers' Institute of Atkinson, Ne braska Pure Grain and Seed Growers' association. Farmer' Society of Equity. Farmers' Union of South Bund, Farmers' Grain and Live Stock association, Ne braska Corn Improvers' association, Man ty Co-Opcratlve association, Hamilton County Agricultural society, Nebraska Home Economics association, Nebraska Fruit Growers' association, Sheridan County -Fair- association, Nebraska Col lege of Agriculture, Farmers' Co-Opera-tive Merchants' association of Uhllng. OMAHA MILKJTANDS TEST Is Generally Well Up to High Stand ard Set by Authorities. BUT FEW OUTSIDE THE LIMIT 1ln of (he Palrlea Are Far e tbp lleiinlrementa of the ! tintrrnlna Italrlea apl Ini Milk to Omaha. Omaha dulricn ere kept clean during the month of November and the quality of milk sold was up to the stringent rs a result of Frank J. Cannon' ant'.- WOMEN HOT AFTER SENATOR I lieutenant tipton ; rLrj;r.rk "T - ! BACK FROM VACATION u.e ... j Get No Satisfaction from Hitchcock When Committee Waits on Him. CHALLENGE HIM ON FACTS Reaolntlona tdnpleil tfter Senator Tell Visitor There, la Need for Action on the netln of I'nlxamr. Tlie Omaha Oman's M'sslotiarv fedora lion la after Senator Hitchcock. It is all BELONGS TO SOUTH OMAHAN U. A. nnlen Kami I Took Urate to Yatoo, Mlaa.( Ml -Vrr.ka Aaro When Mnvlnv to Their evr lloiue. Policeman is Held Up in Saloon Till Reserves Come Up John Barta, plain . clothes policeman, was forced to throw up his hands for a few minutes, until help came, when Thomas Doyle shoved a gun In his face. Jim Jackson, colored, waa shooting dice When Barta appeared at the aaloon door. Doyle poked a gun In his face and made -him throw up hla hands. Barta argued with him until Officer Sullivan and Leahy come along, when the pair was soon cleaned up and taken to the station. .No Injury waa done except the loe of some akin from Barta' band, where he hit Doyle when he floored him. rJn Gua-WJck.' pla-, wneji. T.lumas Doyle '. and Frank Burns, both-white assaulted him. He ran to the police station for help nnd Barta was sent down. , . Id tired and with ita toe nulla orn down so far that it could hardly stand up, a shepherd dog belonging to 11. A. Bolen. formerly of South Omaha, waa found asleep yesterday curled up at the doorstep of Its master's father, G. Bolen. 723 North Twenty-second street. South Omaha, after making a trip of about 1.00 miles In two weeks. That is Koing some for a 2-year-old canine, and it was nothing more extraor dinary than homesickness that Instigated itb trip back through all kinds of wcathet and over all sorts of roads to see its mother. But even after such heroic ef fort on the part of tho poor animal it arrived only to find that Its mother was dead, having been shot two weeks ago, The reatof the story is stereotyped in that the dog was taken to its new south ern home about six weeks ago by the O. A. Holen family when the members moved to Yazoo. Hiss., and made the trip In an automobile. The trip consumed four weeks, and after establishing themselves- In their new home the family went on another trip to New Orleans, leaving the dog at home. It becaruo lonesome and the rest of the story haa been told, excepting that It trail, stained from lis bleeding toe nails, showed at South Omaha that it had first tried to enter thn door of the Fouth Omaha Van and Storage company barn, formerly owned by Mr. Bolen, and meeting with diaap polntment there went over to, the elder Bolen' home, where It looked high and low for it mother, only to finally He down exhausted at the doorstep of the house. Just before moving to Yaxoo Mr. Bolen gave the mother of the dog to his father, ami old scents led the pup on Its long trail. standard of the city ordinance, accord Ing to the report of I 'airy Inspector Claude F. Bossle to Health Commissioner It. V. Connell. The report follow: CEHTIFIKP DAIRIES. r. s 53 X A M K. 3 ovelnd . Frtn W.O 15.oflO 4.0 Friesland Farm sb.4 3,6110 4.2 fABTKIKIKKU MILK, a omito Dairy Co 29.700 S.K aterloo CYenmet-v Cn im Morris Piatt ra'.ooi to OTHKH DAIitiKi. Oscar A ndemon W. Anderson t. P. Chrlstcnsen Chrlatensn Brother H Comeer Julius Clausen louls Chrlstensen..., Samuel Chrlstensen. D." C. Cbrlslensen...., John Christensen...., John Camenzlnd Anton dirlMensen... N. F. Chrlstensen..., !ahl Rrothera KlmlKirg Brothers... Christ FroM A. Kredericksen A .. 87.0 .. K5..t .. 87.2 .. 87.4 .. M.h .. 7T.I tt.non s.r, In.OHO S. a,son 1.2 n.m 14 K21 It 1S.O0O s.2 2.0 3.9 55.000 I S K. 8.2 Hrt O (B.Oin s.s 7 1 ai.ono 3.0 M O 21, OK) 3 4 K7.0 In.otn 8.7 "5.3 24.0110 3.0 81. 83. N 1 81.0 iionrti 4 n P. tlmlieck W.O 27IO 8.8 K Hamlin . 8 min sis Charles Hansen... 87.0 ijjoon 3 4 I'. N. Hansen 84.2 7S..( 3 4 C. A. Hansen 81 2 SS.ftiO 14 James Horn 87.0 firtftm 3 1 J. M. Jensen a.l fii ism t John Jacohsen kx 11 IK.noo Mormon eech at the Auditorium two wee-ta ago, which arriaeil tl.e church women mightly. One of their number, Mrs. Frank Hughes, approached Senator Hitchcock on thn matter, and acconling to Mrs. Frank Stewart, secretary of the federation, was abruptly Informed that there waa no need for action aa polygamy was no longer practiced In the Mormon church. At Tuesday's meting at the Young Women' Christian association, Mrs K. O. MoUtlton presented the following reso lution, wtiich was unanimously adopted: We are a mailed at the lack of Informa tion shown by Senator Hitchcock, aa re ported to us by Mrs. Frank Hughes. In regard to polygamy as at present prac ticed In the Mormon church. We chal lenge him to Inform himself of the facts. It waa also voted that a cipy of this resolution should be sent to Senator Hitchcock. Mr. F. A. Putnam then Introduced the following resolution, which waa also unanlmiMutly adopted: Resolved, Tht each demonomination represented In the Woman Missionary federation take definite action looking to l,t 3.1 'ho aollcltatton of Representative 1- 12.0H0 8.2 beck a support In the Important incexiire ARE BACK FROM HONEYMOON Lieutenant T. M Tl.-ton. In ,hge of MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR JONES the Omaha re ruitlng slHtion of the navy, ' hsa returned from a week's trip to I'hlla- j dilphla, where he witnessed the Armv- Navy foot ball name. , Arthur .lone, punha.lng sn.-nt for the "The Army won It biv auae It hail a i Hankers Benlty Investment 1 ninpany . w h better team and a letter style of play. ' wan married lent week to Mls Augusta he sav "They h i. I the best team In I llarnsben y of Ash, ami, No h , haa re their hist. 11 y." I turned with ils bride to Omaha. Mr. At least 2.".,rti people from other cities and Mis. .lone will mnke their home at lslted I'hllndelphln for the big annual , Camden avenue. FEW APPLY FOR JOBS AT THE FEDERAL BUILDING Alt hough sixteen vacancies at salaries of from fii to I..K40 ier year were pen, only two applicant appeared t the fed eral building to take civil service ex amination for appointment to fill the pusltl'iiis. Miss Vlo'a Coffin, secretary of the local civil service bureau, report that seversl others had algnlfied their Intention to take examinations, but failed to appear Monday or Tuesday for the purpose. Schmoller & Mueller's 55th Annual tma OF NEW AND USED Sale lill MEM Jessen Brothers. I'oter Jeppeaen.. I'etcr Jensen Jopp jHppersen.. C. C. .lunl Chrla Jensen Fred Johnmn.... I P. Jense C. If. .lencen.... C. M. Jacobscn. I Johnson l. r. Jensen HO. 7 I. N. Jense sa o Ja-obsen Brother 80.2 Knnte Knudsen 82 n Ant. m Irsen Rj.t 89 ft !.(ii) 8.2 87.0 2.40 3.2 i.4 DO.0110 3.8 88.7 ft.,VJ0 3.4 85.0 !,I00 4 0 8K.1 12.K10 3.2 of the anti-polygamy bill, The Rev. O. A. Ilulbert of the St. Mary Avenue Congregational church addressed. I In an Interesting way, the federation on 1 "Home Missions." I TWIN CITY-PACIFIC COAST THROUGH CAB STOPS HERE " S 4 so'ooo s " P"""1 through Omaha yesterday. The U". H.O h'ifiO s'S' ,'"r rrlvc,l m Omaha at 7:30 over the ST. JOHN'S MISSION IS FORMALLY DEDICATED Formal dedication of the new home of St. John's Episcopal mission occurred Tuesday night. Bishop A. I Williams was in charge of the ' exercises, which were largely attended. Bishop William revlowel the history! of the old St. John' mission at Twenty sixth and Franklin streets, established by the late Bishop Worthington In 8S7, and praised . Rev. O. J. Cleveland, who Is to be pastor of the mission. Music was rendered by St. John' choir. Service will be held each evening for a week. Missouri Pacific May Delay Building of the New Viaduct Construction of the Dodge street via duct, assured by the supreme court' rul ing that the city ordinance ordering It I legal, will not begin for several months. Missouri Pacific railroad official have intimated to the city legal department that the road' track will be raised over the streets where viaducts may be neces sary In the near future. "This would forestall the city in order ing more viaducts," aaid City Attorney John A. Rlno, "and it. will .probably be done. Railroads In other large cities have raised the tracks over the street to eliminate the dangerous grade crossings." The city legal department has received no word from the supreme court concern ing the recent opinion and none 1 ex pected within leu than two or three weeks. SOUTH OMAHA EAGLES ELECT THEIR OFFICERS At a meeting of the South Omaha V.agle. the following officer were elected for the ensuing year: Joseph C. Walker, president: V. V. Foitlk, vice president; K. O. .Suilivan, chaplain; C. Christlan ben, secretary; J. A. tFred) Parks, treasurer; M. V. Boyle Inside guard; John H. Burns, outside guard; John Frlgga. trustee; Dr. F. A. Beck and Dr. J. J. Humpal, aerie hysiclaiis. A Bitter Tonic aid digestion. Klectric HTiters will In crease your appetite, help digest your food and tone up your system. Sue and I. All druggists. Advertisement. GRANT POST OF GRAND ARMY ELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR New officers to serve for one year were elected by Grant post, No. 110, Grand Army of the Republic, at Its regular meeting held Tuesday evening in the (irand Army room at the court house. They arc: R. P. Tuten. commander; M. R. Rlsdon. senior vice commander; p. J. i lot man, Junior vice coimnanGer; I). M. Ilaerly, quartermaster; A. D. Hulett, of ficer of the day. COTTON MAT NOT BE USED FOR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Fire Warden Ed Morris ha issued an order to merchants prohibiting the uae of common cotton aa "snow" decoration for Christmas display window. "Asbestos cotton may be used," said the fire warden, "but the danger from fire make it necessary to prohibit the use of the ordinary cotton.'1 The-fire warden will inspect how win dow with the city electrician and all In flammable stuff will be ordered out. A. M. Larsen.. Ham Lnrsen. W. Mennffh Molgard A Anderson C. Mortensen Jim Mllgard Max Mittleman Otto Marrnay. ........ IS elson & Co Nordqutst. Bros. A. Nelderberg Ij. N. Nelsnn N. J. Nelson... R. Norgard Krank Nufer wt.O Norgard Bros sr.i R. R, Nelson sr. o Olsen & Pedersen. 8fi.3 S. Flo n Olsen srr 1 Jack Petersen 88.4 Oeorge Petersen 78.8 Max Petersen Pete Petersen Anton Petersen . o. Petersen & Co. ... H. K. Paulsen R. M. Pedersen 82.1 Charlee B. Poet R5.4 C. Pedersen gM Hans Petersen 87.5 C. Spangard 89.0 8. P. Sorensen 85.1 M. C. Sorenoen 88.8 J. M. Spangard 91.4 it. rmeanin.. Ia C. Scott 82.3 1 40.000 3. 5 88.0 12.ri00 3.4 fin.OOH 3.3 45.000 3.2 16,01 3.4 2.4O0 3 4 3.2 j.s 15.0no 3. a 75.000 4.1 3R.0I1O 3 2 36.000 3.2 6.8110 3.4 fiO.OHO 3.8 35.000 8 4 70.000 a. 32.5(10 4.0 27,00 3. 42.0T10 3. 81.8 80.2 93.1 71.0 82.6 88.0 74.4 70.4 80.0 84.0 80.8 88 0 ... 89.0 i;.0(10 8.2 .... 86.0 8.000 3.2 K6.0 25,0110 8.4 45,000 3.8 35.000 8.8 12.500 3.9 13.000 3.2 8,500 3.7 8,500 3.2 85.0U0 3.2 57.7 6S.0U0 S.O 87.8 15,000 8.2 83.8 30.000 8.6 .. 84.1 128,000 3.2 85.000 8.2 60,000 3.6 12.000 8.2 9,000 3.2 27.OU0 8.2 18.0ri0 8.2 15,000 8.3 28.000 3.8 88.0 75.000 3.2 87.2 21.000 3.2 The first through car. running from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Ixis Angeles, e e Northwestern and left on the Ix An geles Limited on the t'nlon Pacific at 11:55. The lay-over of the car all morn ing wa arranged to give the travelers ample time to see Omaha and make pur chases here, a requested by the retailers. LftJUUaLrL In order to obtain rock bottom figures from the manufacturers we were obliged to buy over three thousand pianos to be delivered during the year 1914. The unfortunate condition in the south caused by the cotton market, with the holding back of the wheat and corn crop by farmers in the north for higher prices, has created such a depresion in our piano business that we find ourselves largely overstocked with nearly one thousand instruments on hand and in transit, and only four weeks time to dispose of them. Rather than store these pianos, we will sacrifce prices in order to place them in as many homes, and get the benefit of the advertising herefrom. will sell iWaiiUnil SKW I prlKliis. reKular $3."VO and $:W0 value, at 17.1 to $2.V; w Player Manos. revulai l.fO to ftmo values, nt fv'H to tytffft. NKW lrnd Pianos low I2. I4NI will snap up thoo haruaJns quickly, so we advine an rrly aelertlon. In our stock you will find such iilKh.nrnl and world-fa mcl llanos, an STKIXWAY M)XS, WtfllKIU HAKDMAN, KMl.ll.HON, STKtiK.K SONS. MrPHAU,, MNDKMAN A SXS, HCIIMOIXEK & MIKM.KK IMAXOH. 500 PIANO AND PLAYER BARGAINS Never Equalled in the Middle West Hero Arc a Few Samples of Bargains in New and Used Instruments: FSB CuOfiinieidly Sample of Pyramid Pllo Kerned'' mailed freo for trial gives quirk relief, stops Itching, bleeding or protruding in piles, hemorrhoids and all recta trouble, in me privacy of your owi home. Poo box at ali druggists. Fre ample for trial With booklet mallei free In plain wrapper. Ferguson Tells of Electrical Motors Frof. O. J. Ferguson of the electrical engineering department of the University of Nebraska gave his second lecture last evening in the Young Men's Christian association' popular industrial lecture course, lie talked about street railways and motors. Thursday and Friday even ing K. 11. Hagenalck, superintendent of line for the street railway company, will speak on "Klectrleal Traction." His Thursday lecture will be Illustrated. The course Is under the direction of Educational Secretary J. W. Miller of th association, and Is intended espe cially for technical men and for employes of electric companies who wish to learn more of the theory and practice of the work. Jim Berensen S7.T "JS.OOO 3.2 8am Sorensen 82.6 105.000 S.6 i-. in. w inter KX 0 62.00) S.d W. R. Wood. Arwood 93.8 3.5O0 4.2 W. Jl. Wood. Arwood Special 45,000 S. Average bacteria of all samples taken during November. S2.0O0. Bacteria standard. 100.0HO. Butter fat standard, J.2. Commercial Club Renews Membership With National Body The Commercial club of Omaha will renew It membership In the National River and Harbor congress. This wa Just decided by the executive committee. Thl move grotrs out of the renewed Interest Omaha business men are now taking In tho possibility of Missouri river navigation between Omaha and Kansas City. The executive committee ha de cided to send a committee consisting of . W. Gamble and Robert II. Manley, commissioner of the club, to Washington next week to meet with the National River and' Hurbnra congress there. These are the two men who a few week ago made a trip to Kansas City to In vestigate the Missouri river navigation project, which has been in operation be tween Kansas City and St. Louis for four years. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRTTO COMPANY. fiU Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly (end me Free sample of Pyrasaid File Ra4r, In plain wrapper. Street . City mate Former Sale rnc rrice $400 ChlckerltiR Practice Tiano $ 5 $450 l,lght Co. Practice Piano 25 $f00 t'hickerine; Upright Piano 1(M $400 Stanley AV Sons Upright SlUis $350 Schmoller & Mueller Upright $105 $.100 Davig & Sons Upright SKlllH $400 Sieger & Sons Upright $350 Knierson Upright 8150 $550 Hard id an Upright SllliO $300 Schmoller & Mueller Upright 8150 Former Price $4 00 Sieger & Sons Upright. $500 Steger & Son Upright . , $250 Kimball Upright , $800 A. H. Chase (Irand Sale Price $210 $250 8125 827S $1,100 Stelnway Orand 8450 $500 dough A Warren Player Piano 8250 $700 Stuyvesant Player Piano 8-40O zd lecnnoia rinyer Piano S'tOS $600 Schmoller ft Mueller Player Piano... 8375 $800 Wheelock Player Piano 8485 Exctuslvo Agents for the Complete Aeolian Lino of Pianola Pianos f Make Your Own Terms Me will gladly accept term aa low aa $14.00 a month, ami will liohl any piano you select jnow for A mas delivery. R. R. Par to Out-of-Town Customers i hit-of-town iieople contemplating buying Piano for ChrlMmuH should write at once for bar gain Hat No. 37. Itallroad fare refunded to all purchaser between sew and ?aaw 1115. Write today. FREE STOOL-FREE 8CARF FREE DELIVERY Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-1313 Farnam St., Omaha Headquarters for Victor Vlctrolas eV Qrafonolas MRS.'MELCHER PRESIDENT OF JEWISH RELIEF SOCIETY Mr. A. Melcher wa elected president of the Jewish Iridic' Relief society at a meeting- held Tuesday afternoon at Con tinental hall. Mr. Philip Bchlnifer I the new vice president, Mr. II. M. Maro- witz, secretary, and Mrs. J. Rosenberg, treasurer. Drink or Drugs Destroy Manhood Any reputable physician will advise you that the poison of alcoholic liquor or narcotic drug retai, id and "atored up" In the irstem weaken and paralyse the nerve and tissues of the body, and finally destroy mental, moral and physi cal manhood. The Neal Treatment act aa an anti dots for these polsor.s. eliminates them from the system, chance detre and craving into a loathing for liquor or ilrugs. overcomes the diseased condition, "build up" the system, snd restores health and real manhood. We recommend that all natirnls spend a few day at the nearest Neal Insilt'ite, but where this Is Impotwible we rimran te that In any ordinary esse, of drink habit the Neal Treatment mav be caafully taken at home hotel or . . j i. Kor full Information .nil or add!., the OMAHA XKAl. IXSTIT11K. ii r r'outh Tcnili Ptieei, Omaha. NOVEMBER DRIEST TVIONYH ON RECORD IN OMAHA I.ea moisture fell In Omaha last month than in any previous November In the history of the local weather bureau, ac cording to Forecaster Welsh' monthly report. The precipitation W'a .M of an :.-ih, two-thirds of which fell on the last day of the month. ' Tho mean tempera ture also was higher then It haa been In November for ten years, with the excep tion of :13. There 1 now an accumu lated excess of 1.05 degree of tempera t'ire since January 1. There were only three cloudy day during the month. THIS STORE WILL CLOSE IN THE NEAR FUTURE Everything to Be Sold at a Bare Fraction of Orig inal Price. Store Was Opened Early This SpringEvery Suit and Overcoat Latest Creations. Now I your chance, men of Omaha. Be wise and save enough on your win ter clothing Mil to buy your Chrlatms presents. It I a deplorable fact, but nevertheless true, that this high class store will close iia aoors in tne very near future. Early this spring It opened it door with the flneal lin of men suit and overcoats that the market afforded. It catered to the beat dreasera of Omaha, but for rea son we do not care to make public. It will soon be a store of the past. You can rest asajred you will find the best of apparel selling at practically wholesale prices here. Do not nasa lin this irotutarful nrwui,li,niiu . w- - - luuiij IU !.ie t'onie i t nne an the tallies m ... In a hud fire at their !iery in t.m city ' f .-, r!l... .urelv ni,l reduce th. . ji'oaiher c Hon sustained a liwa of llu.O, fl. ..!!. and overeats nulcklv I iu me uiiiiuing ana stock, hut l'i.t no1 Cheek C roup Inatantly. You know croup 1 dangerous. And you should also know the sense of security that comes from always having Foley' Honey and Tar Compound In the house. It cut the thick mucus and clears away the phlegm, stops the strangling tough and gives easy breathing and quiet sleep. Take it for cough, colds, tickling throat. hoarseness snd for bronchial and la grippe rouughs. Contains no opistes. Every user is a friend. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement. Kates of laaktoa. YANKTON, S. D.. lec. 2.-1 riperial.) Mr. and Mrs. John Fox and their Infant daughter are slowly recovering from pto maine poisoning, whli h followed the eat ing of some canned oyters. All were at O'-atli's door for five hours. 69 Neal Institutes in Principal Cities! ea.rr'.T'11''' M y. Kf! to the :. lent of Mini . CLOTHING CO.. 11 I'ainani Street opposite Famm llot.-l. .Danger That Economy May eadto Hysteria !A short time upo wo listened to an address delivered to the students of one of our Great Colleges by the professor of Economics. The hall was crowded with tho students and many of the influential men and women of the town. The professor referred to the destruction over seas and its, effect upon the incomes of many of the people of this nation. He advised economy the cutting out of foolish and wasteful expenditure, "but warned his hearers against the danger of their economies developing a wort of saving hysteria. He was abso lutely right. There is today that serious danger all ovor the nation people whoso incomes have not been affected a particle, people whose incomes are so large that even a reduction of income or passing of a few dividends cannot seriously affect are all-cutting down this year. Xok before they know it their attitude and the attitude of other thousands will affect all the business interests of the country, and that will mean further reductions in income ami more unemployment. That's the hysteria of economy. Don't you acquire it. Act as nearly normal as you can. Think of the sufferers across tho ocean; help them out of your abundance. But don't forget what vou owe ; TO YOUR OWN LAND As an inducement to noniiiil activity, THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO. have done some pruning of prices for THURSDAY. Many sales start with the opening hour; others are time sales, all arranged for your oon vonience as well as ours. 1ST At HUU Counter 8:;t0 A. M. A lot of Waist and Dress Lengths of Plain ul.d Fancy Silks the season's odd pieces worth up to $1.00. at 39 a yatd. Near thl nection Is the Dress Goods Department where the excitement is ln'ieiifo over the HK1KT making for ONK DOLLAR. ONLY 8 DAY'S MOHK Sale haa been phenomenal. Skirts made to .measure, fit warranted or no take. Latest models to select from. Think of It skirt made for $1.00. No advance lit the material. Ul At Glove Section Klrbt sale of fine Mocha gloves, per haps the best glove made for wear. New tills enHtn giay, brown, black sizes from 5 to - Splendidly made and of course guaranteed. Our price Ih 91.25. JU8t 'or one day aB a stimulus to early buying J)8 fer pair. Hale starts at 9:20 and is held on Thursday to give us a chance to fit you. May not lam till noon. .Should not, and would not if you knew as much about the merit of this glove as we do. ai Here Is a peculiarly attractive offering. Timely, ap propriate, elegant and most acceptable. A big assortment of beautiful Silk Hosiery plain and fancy, mostly plain. Practically every color. Formerly sold up to $2; Thursday at 10 A. M. -Not this hour of starting plena-. 98 Cents Pair SKCOXD FLOOH All the livelong day help on band In abundant numbers from 8:30 to the closing hour, ti !. M. A tOAT HALF. FX T ItAOIt DIN A It Y Which will cause coat wanters to sit up and take notice. Corduroy coats, Velvet roaia, satin lined, full ripple i-klrts belt setin sleeves, deep cuffs, wool velours, etc. And so forth. $15.00 the Price and at this figure wa believe a PACK I'ltlCF KFTTKlt. IH FOI KTHLY. THIS 5TIL And this will be a great drawing card. We have laid out a big lot of new suits suits which sold up to $85.00 have classified them In three lots and marked them so low that we miss our guess If we don't clean them all out long before the clock strikes six. Group Number One Sold up to $30.00, at S17.50. Group Number Two Sold up to $50.00, at 820.50. Group Number Three Sold up to $85.00, at 847.50. And now we want to impress you with 2 THINGS Firat, the absolute neutrality or this establishment. We have kindly feelings for those in every warring camp. Not excepting the sick man's country. Next we want to draw your attention to our Card Calendar and Book Section as much in your interest aa ours, and to this end we will give away freely to every purchaser regardless of the amount of the purchase, a Dutch Calendar. Appropriate, Isn't it? Holland Is still neutral. This Is where the individual plum puddings are sold,. What pranks the devil plays (the printers). One paper changed our wording completely when we wrote "The proof of the puddln; is in the eating." There is quit an attractive line of holiday goods on our Third Floor Trays, Glove and Work Boxes in tapestry, Kensing ton Bag In fancy silks, 8weet Grass Baskets, Knitted Bedroom Slippers with wool soles. One lady bought a lot to send to the poor Belgians. Not a bad Idea equally good and comfortable for someone at home. Do not fall to get your newspaper on Friday- We will hare a mighty Interesting story for you and the best of it Is It will be true.