. TIIK 11KK: OMAHA, THURSDAY. DKCEAMKK' ."!, 19 U A i : 1 i t I 1; Bringing Up Father CoryMght. 114, internatloua, .News (service. I'D UKZ TO o out tor AVHILEI I Know "YOU I VON'T LET Vpgi:! CO TO AMD TNC OFF THOfeE tLOTMCf ' I axOLUTt IVE OT TO T TO THAT BALLTONKHT Some how: ivP ctvr THE tCHFi NOW - II i tic v ME CLOTHf i AND LET "Efi OUT OF Tmf Vim dow 13 1 I J , I Minute ,T5)0?L-' -T--r ' U I I I 4 . Ill . I Ml - V W M r U MIT aW"w 1 0 I ( Drawn for The Bee by George McManus i nj kr 1 OU TO Vra,T V 1 SO "YOU CAN'T ET TO LOOK OUT ON THE BACK Minute TfcLU 0U DlNTT- MAC) 1 VltE EUT I'M TOO SLICK FER HtRl DO VOU KNOW I THINK "00 ' PLAN FIGHT ON FEDERALS Proposition Coniidered to Transfer . .. Newark Team to Brooklyn. BUSINESS MEN W0U1D KEEP IT Kkkfli Owns wrk Prurkla anil II Weald Sell II Before Hack ' ' lav T" Tmm em the Mesne Field. ; AUBCRN, N. X, Dec. 4 The National i Board of Arbitration of tho National As sociation of Professional Bui Ball '. leagues today .gave out the following de t visions rctatinif to minor, lesuo in the .'United State and Canada: Tha Spr.nglleld ((III ) franchise In the Tbie-1 lemcue liaa been transferred to 11k laiand. m. . ; , . , . . Clalma allowed: Rurllnaton, la., aaalnnt Kanoaa f'ltv, In tho-cac of flayer McCoy, fur f-40. Clalma dlaallowod: ' linker. Or., ugalnut Kdmotitnn, Can., .in lh raao of rlayer Hoiitherland, for ., 1.. Jordan aRalnnt Uadaden, Ala.; II. (i. )re kKHlnHl Vamonver. B C. and J"'. T. eMrrrk, aalnnt Chaaipaian, )ll. ; Tim i followlnic players have been' re ' leaded by purchaaa: Hy Chattanoosa. .Jewel Kna to Pnllaa, Tex,; by Indlanapolla, Ind., John Klle her to Ienvrr, and William t'olv Memptila, Tenn ; by Ht. Joeoph, Mo. Ben ftololf to HrtatlnRK. Neb.; by Roclieater, N. Y., I-ank 1 Jlnmav to Roetnn fi tlonal leatcue: by Cleveland asportation, Klmer J. Smith to Cleveland; by Bton. A tnerlran leaiN, Hiinh . Bedlent tQ I'rowtderKie, R. I.;' by Portland, Ore., Oeorga Yanta to VrnU-e, Cal. ; by Venloe, :al.. Clarence Pintthvto Portland, Ore j bv Oahkonk, Wla lllchard Onturell to. ' Indlanapnlla. Ind.; by Ottawa. Can., Fred Carrow to OalikOah.' Wl.; bf- Jarhaon, Mk., Holie Weaver-to Nr Lundon, -onn.: by Roanoke. Va., W F . Tolaon and Ralph Mattln trt Htiffolk Va.; by lenver, llolwrt Mamha!) to Mew York National leaKim; bv l'lltebbrtth ' Nutlohul )eaa-ue, TatrtrH Bohen to Readln. Va, I Jby Montreal. Can , Iale to CtnolnnaU Na tional leag.m. by DubuaiJ, laAyormm laaaca to Ixtrolt. I CarKsl6:Tooeavyi ': ' u fof AlabMa' Team , Wit M J N O KAM- Ala. , De f.-CwlUI, superior weight proved too much for the ITnlveralty of Alabama foot ball eleven thla afternoon and the Indiana eaally won 90-to-t rlctoty. Carlrt" ued foot ball wlth'vaflenatad delayed paaaea, wtilch were effective. Attertpta of the Indiana at forward paaaea netteil but lew . aaina. Alabama'a play waa open. In ability to cope with the Indiana' defenae made conalatent galna Impoaalble. , Carllale acored one touchdown In each o the flrat three quarter. Alabama'a one core earn In the Jaat quarter, when ,Vandeerarfe aent tha ball over tor a field coal from tho thlrty-yasd. line. Mahan is Elected m Captain.of Harvard CAMBRnXJB, Maaa.,-Dec. t-7Sdward William Mahan of Nattck. Maaa half ' back on the Harvard foot bell team for . n latt two yeara, waa choeen captain ', bf the 191a team at a tneeUa of the 1U aquad today. Mahan, who la In the Junior ' rlaaa, prepared for college at Phllllpa . Andovef academy, where he waa a mem ' ber ef the foot ball, baae ball and track teama. lie captained the Andover nine and In Mi flrat year at Harvard waa captain of the freahmen eleven. He la tl years old. , Buy a home on-the eay payment plan. Pay rent to youraclf. Read the "Real Eitate" ada. Learh Will Oo. ' The appointment of Roa-er Breanahaa aa Cub inaneer Xoreahadowa plainly the iranafer, re.)eae or jump of iiirtieldr Tommy lacli. avho waa a candidate for the berth (Wen to BrennahaJi. Newark Base Ball ' Team May Be Moved . to Ebbets' Field NEW YORK. Deo. 1 Plana te oontrnue the flicht aaRlnit tha federal . league among othera the proposal to transfer the Jeraey City club to Brooklyn will be dla cuased at the annual meeting here next week of the National and International leagues. Advance etatementa from club owners of the two Ieagnea Indicate that eare negotiations hare bean abandoned and that the fight will be reaumed next season. The only obstacle In the way of trans ferring the Jersey City elub of the) In ternational leajrue to Brooklyn Ilea In the ownership by Charles Kb bets and the McKerer brothers of the Brooklyn Na tional league club of tho Newark fran chise, which they wish to sell befdre con senting to asnume the joint responsibility of directing two teama on Ebbets- field In a campaign against the Brooklyn Fed erals Xor patronage. it became known today that among- tho blddera for the Newark " franchise la Arthur IrKln, scout for the Now York American league team. Irwin Is said to have the backing of an organisation of Newark business men, who seek control of tha franchise to Insure baae ball In thatlty. Federal Reserves, ' Outplay Christians A makeshift team terming themselves the Federal Roaorvee and composod of aoine ot the crack players of the city, de feated the First Christians at the Young aren a Christian aesoolaUim last evening. 47 to ?. At the -end ef the ft ret half the aoore was 11 to 15 In favor of the $lorves.'Hobean. 'the left forward for tfce eh yroh men.-making tea of the points. C. Welgel and Hobsoo of the church team were - playing the game of their lives for tho Chiiatlans. The second half waa somewhat slower than the-first.' the lighter church team apparently tiring, while their opponents, using their weight and' experience to great ad vantage, slowly drew away from the First Christiana , The resorves com prised practically the complete lineup of the Town sand Oun oompany toajii. The scheduled game between the Kountse Memorials and the Christians waa forfeited to the latter, the KouaUe team failing to appear.' Lineup: ! r. cimigTiANw. mi, . RrcsKnvfcs. R. WslU. R.r.lR.K iiurkenroad JJobaou- LvF. UF.. Hughes Mile. .. ...CO '...McWhlnnoy V. Welgle RO. R.O Wise Bairowman ....UU.lUG Koran Field aoala: R. W.lgle, 4; Hoheon. 7; C. Wetgle. 1; Parrlah, 1; Biirkenroadl Hughes. 4; McWhlnney. 5; Wise. 6; ,or'ii' h Foul thrown: C. Welrle. l """TOraio. i. roMim eommiitnd: Christian f; Federal Reeerves. 2. Ref- Z ' "meKeeper: Taynter. 8i.rekeeper: Petersen. Rubetltutea: Barrowman for C. Welgle. Parrlah f..r fcyana Time of halves: Forty-five rain- NEW BUREADJOR AUTOISTS Omaha Aoto Club Will Establish Such an Office for Tourists. WOULD ESTABLISH NEW LAWS Macblse. Owstra Would Lloenae Cere Accent In a; lie ee power ail Make Theft PwnUhed Mere . everely. An Information bureau for automotnla tourists la to be placed somewhere In the cential part of Omaha on the IAnooln highway by the Omaha. Kuto dub. Thla waa decided at the meeting of the elub yesterday. Weloome arches are to, be placed possibly tt either side of the city spanning the JUiroln highway. A few words of welcome from the Omaha Auto club are to adirn the arches. President OoiiM Plots In Ms annual ad dress revlcwnd some of the things accom plished by the 'club during the year. Beven hundred guide boards have been placed on the various roods leading Into Omaha by the club. Danger signs In great numbers have been ported at the sharp turns and cuts In the leading roads coining Into Omaha. The olur took an active part In the agitation which resulted In the proseit traffic ordinance. The club d elded to ask the state legis lature this winter for a road law similar to that In Iowa, whereby the automobiles of the state will be taxed according to norae power, the rervenue to be used In the Improvement of the roads In different sections of the state, according to the amounta received In such revenue from given sections of the state. The clc.b will also seek a law In the state that -will give automobile thieves a pi-nlshmenr at least as severe as that of horse thieves. They feel that the pres ent law on this point Is not sufficiently severe. The club was Instrumental 1n sending two men to the penitentiary In tne last year for auto theft. . Buggcatlona of a city ordinance for auto parking In the city were made, but no definite action waa taken, although the general membership of tha club la in favor of some system that will get the autoa off the streets. Thla will likely come up and be developed later. T. F. Btroud and Bert Murphy were elected to, the board of directors to take the placea of Rome Miller and W, L. Hoe ford, who resigned. The new board Is made up of Oould Wots. Harry Lawrle. B. W. Jewell. T. F. Stroud and Bert Murphy. These men will meet within a fow weeks to elect officers for the ensu ing year. SANFORD 4n dollar Tot Sale by taa jTollowtag Tlxmm mm L ,iOXl ft Eli AND. The:.-llilpatrick & Co 1507 Douglas Street utes. GEORGE WATSON OF DETROIT PROVES EXPERT WITH CUE Ben Edwards, crack three-cushion bil liard expert of the city, entered Harry Byrnes' billiard parlors yesterday to learn that a gentleman who- desired . a little; pastime at the taree-euehlon game waa, among those present. The gentt(nan was' Introduced aa Oeorge Wataon of Detroit. ) ."Well, rn play you," declared Edward, "aod I'll spot you two; that's the number I erally have to spot these chaps rv;nd here." Mr. Watson proceeded to make his twenty-five, counts while Kdwards was making three. Which gave Edwards an Inspiration, and he rounded up Al Cahn, who Is about the best bllllardlst In tha slsle t'.hn nuj I to. Play Mr. Watson and In order to make the game Interesting a little coin waa wagered on the outcome. Watson took the flrat game. ' A second game Waa proposed. Mr. Wat son won that one. A third, a fourth and a fifth, waa. proposed and Mr. . Watson gladly accepted racb Invjtatlon. And each time he took Cahn into camp. Mr. Watson Is an unknown to Omaha billiard fans, but he proved himself con siderable, playsr, and It makes no differ ence who he Is or what his name Is. cer tain billiard players here will always ie gard him with a proper amount of respect. ' Also there are those who regard Mr. Edwards as considerable ot a promoter. SWANSON LEADS SCHAFFER AFTER MAKING HARD RUN The second game of the pocket billiard tournament at the Capitol pool room, be tween Swanson and Schaffer, was won by the former, 100 to 9. Hchaffer had the game welt In hand up to, the ending of the tenth frame, when flwanson gradually overcame hla oppon ent's load, making some very difficult shots. Bchaffer his taken Butler's place) in the tournament because the latter la soon to leave the city, Wednesday evening's game will be played between Bhepard and Stevens. Score by Innings: flwanson I. T. It. . S. 0, 4, 13, J, 2. 14. 8. . . il 104. Total, 100. ftrhaffer . 7, J, , ll. 14, 10. 1. 11, 15, . . 11. 5. 0-103. Total. 98. H4TaU'hea: Swanson, 4; Kchaffer. 7. High run: Swanson, 14. Referee: Reynolds. OLD PLAYGROUNDS OF BRAVES TO BE NO MORE BOSTON. Dec. t-The passing of the old Walpole street base ball grounds, home of the Boston National league teams for the last forty years, was offi cially announced today. President James K. Gaffney of the world's champions said that they would play on new grounds which would be ready la July. Until that time the Braves will use Fenway park, the Boston American league grounds , At the annual meeting of the club held today. President Oeffhey and other oftV cera were re-elected. The Went Ad Columns cr The Bee Are Pu-sd Dally by People In Search of Ad vertised Opportunities. METHODISTS VICTORIOUS IN BASKET BALL GAME The First Methodist Episcopal team of the Church Basket Ball league defeated the South Omaha Baptists In a game on the Young Men'a Christian aanaclaUon's i'jurt last' night by a soore of SS to (. Clevelt and Moore did good goal shooting while South Omaha oould do nothing agalnat the Baraca guarda The lineup . O. BAPTISTS. FIRST M. K Johnson R.F.IR.F.. Roberts LK.IKF.. Hmlth CC .tone H.(.ao.. Oroves LU.IUU.. HlllMltltUte CVi-ann Field goal: Moore, 4: Clevett. (I; Kdel man, ; FIUpatri k. 1: Kainmons. 1: John ami, 1; Smith, l; Joos. L Foul goals thrown: Baptists, t. Fouls committed: Harare's, 7: Baptists. J, Referee: Hur kenroad. Timtkceptjr: Johnson. Store keeper llats. Time of halves: Forty five minutes. Moore . ... Clevett . . Edelman Fltxuetrto , Gammons Rourke Wants the Pirates to Stop in Omaha Next Spring Fa Ronrke has applfcd to the Pitts burgh National league club for a date on the Itinerary of that club on Its train ing trip thla eprtnc The Pittsburgh peo ple hate declared ft will be Impoaalble. bat Pa eay nothing is Impossible where Omaha Is oonoerned. tavrt year the Pirate played In Omaha with the ther mometer below freezing. The attendaa was good despite the cold, and Pa thought Omaha fans would appreciate it If he oould get the big leaguera here again. Glick Princeton Foot Ball Captain PRINCETON, N. J.. Dec. 1 Frank Ollck of Pittsburgh today waa elected captain of the. Princeton foot ball team for ltlS. He played on the freshman team her and has for two yeara been a mem ber of the varsity, piaylng at half back and quarter back. GUek was a leading figure In the Prince ton rally In the foorth period of this year's Tela game. PULL PRODIGAL SON STUFF Players Dropped by Feds Knock at Doors of Organized Ball. UP TO NATIONAL COMMISSION Body Has Not Decided Whether to Welcome Wanderers Back to Fold er to Chastise Tkia for Desertlngr. CHICAGO, Deo. 1 The fate of the surplus Federal league ball players left Jobless by the decision of the league to carry only . twenty men for each club probably will be decided at a meeting of the National Base Ball commission In New York next Monday. B. B. Johnson, president of the Ameri can league, said tonight he had been summoned to a meeting of the oommto lon which will be held Just a day before the annual National league meeting. Several ball players who were on Fed eral pay rolls last year, but who have been notified that they will not be needed In 1915 have applied to clubs In organised base ball for Jobs. The commission It was said tonight would consider whether to welcome these players back to their fold or whether to discipline them for deserting a year ago. Austria Has Army of Half Million Men on the Servian Frontier LONDON, Dec 1 A dispatch to the Times from Petrograd, describing Ser bia's plight, says: "Austria haa a half million men on the Servian frontier, but the Servians were Informed of this In time and were enabled to retreat Into positions more convenient for defense. "The Servians are now hoping that the Russians will soon appear under the walla of Budapest." Federal Deficit for November is About Sixteen Millions WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. Customs and Internal revenue received for November show a marked decrease from the same month last year. Custom receipt were lift, KM, 403, compared with ta.17S.CS for November, 1913. while Internal revenue receipts at $24,&9.&6S, were nearly SS.000,000 less than In the same month last year. For the month the excess of ordinary disbursement over receipts waa SU80,nn. compared with an excess of the same aort laat year of 2, 711,7X1. Income from the war tax will begin to show thla month. Custom reoeipta, despite the comparison with November, 1911. were 100,099 greater than In October, Gold coin and bullion In the treasury trust fund Increased during the month nearly 139,000.000. If Columbia Holds FootBall Rally NEW YORK. Deo. 1. A maaa miwtlnn of the undergraduate body, which It Is nopea win iad to the restoration of Tarsity foot ball at Columbia university, was bold this afternoon. More than 2,0 students ' attended and were Invited to subscribe toward a foot ball fund or re port a candidate for a Columbia team in Kix THREE NEW MEN FOR INDIANAPOLIS FEDERALS INDIANAPOLIS, Deo. -1 Three new players have been added to the Indian apolis Federal league club, according to announcement made today by J. Edward Krause, president of the club. They are Bert Padfleld, a left hand pitcher of Iup ton, Colo., who wa with the Pacific coast league two yeara ago, but did not play laat season because of salary differences; Fred Troutman, a right hand pitcher, who won fifteen and lost eight games In the Wisconsin-Illinois league last year, and Joe Potter, a utility Inflelder. who played In one of the smaller western leagues last season. Automobile bargains In Bee Want Ada. West Point Farmer . Killed in Runaway WEST POINT. Neb., Dec l8peclat Telegram.) Anton Druek, a young farmer living west of the river, was In stantly killed last night In a runaway. HI head waa found severed from hla body near the river bridge. 779 waa a widower and leaves a family of young children. His team was found some miles from the body. 1.2S rine hci.ch in the 8!ood Does Real Work in aeanm Body of Impurities. At the Beginning of Winter Extra Quality Suits and Overcoats Much Underpriced SUITS AND OVERCOATS, R1 -2 7C worth up to $220, selling at PIO.0 SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SUITS AND OVERCOATS, t? 1 0 7C worth up to $27.50, selling at $10. i O SUITS AND OVERCOATSQ72 7C worth up to $35, selling: atV&Oi O These are the very newest and best styles and fabrics yon hare seen this fall. They were prirchased during the latter part of November from mannf acturers jr ho were will ing to sell at a sacrifice. We rushed them out by express and have them on sale at very attractive prices. ; The Overcoat arw largely tho modified balmaeaan and Arable-breasted form-fitting' models so popular this fall. These suits embrace the new eat Eng lish as well as the mora conservative styles. Both Suits and Overcoat are such as we can offer with confidence to our best trade. The selections ara the choicest bow. See them at your earliest cowreulenc. VstssMBfy I9sMfa A 424 SSVlet lea leea BxZ. TP A JI: Three Ways to Sell a House Ask Funds to Buy Idle Coal Miners' Children Presents BRlIXjrcPORT. O.. Dec t-Ijetten were mailed from the headquarters of the Tntled Mine Workers of Amwl here today to every local union of the mine workers In the United Statea and Canada, numbering S.C0O, and to every organised labor union In Ohio and West Virginia, approximately P, asking for donations ot money to make poestttea the purchase of thrtstrnaa prasenta fear the children of the U.ono etrtnklng mltsera tn eastern Ohio. 1'nleas dor sllons are made It is said that D.OuO children will receive do visit from Santa C'laure. Isioh miner haa recrlved only $44 btnefits from the miners' orftinlsalion binoe the stiik nas culled, eight months aicv It Is te tha skin that blood Impurities are drfrea by Nature. And It Is In lbs Ikln that R. 8. Ii. the famous blood pur ifier, bas It most pronounced Influence. Kor It is here that- you 'see tba results. B. tV a. la none tbe less elective la the lolnta, glands and mucous surfaces la driving out rheumatism, overcoming bulls and ridding the system ef catarrh. Ths purely vegetable Ingredients In R. B. B. axe naturally assimilated bat thsy enter the blood as an active medi cine and are not destroyed or converted null, at work, it is this peculiar feat ure of 8. R. 8. that makes It so effective, it stirs Into action all the- forces of the body, arouse digestive secretions, stlmu- I la tea tha blood circulation to destroy dis ease breeding germs. I' poa eoterlug the blood R. R. Si Is . rarrisd throughout your body la about three minutes. And la a brief tune It ' has any blood trouble so under control that It so longer raa multiply. Oradu ally new Sean la formed In all broken- Sown tisanes and tbe skin takes oe the ruddy glow ot health. Ra sure and get la bottle ef S. 8.. 8. today ot say dru I gist, but avoid all substitutes, j Around tbe bottle Is aa Illustrated elr- eular that tells you bow to obtain spe- rial free advlee la qulrkly overeomlag serious blood disorders, 8. 8. g. la pre psred only by The Swift Soecjac 'Co.. (A fcwlft Wdg. Atlanta, tia. The Sign When you put a sign on your property it at tracts more attention to itself than to the house . you .desire to selL If the property is a residence and your ob ject is to convince a prospective buyer of the select character of the neighborhood, a sign certainly would not be good taste. On some kinds of prop erty, such as a vacant lot or a tumble-down empty house near an abandoned coal mine, a sign would not de tract from the value of the land. But It would not brlnjx a buyer out to see It. Some thing else Is required to let the buyer know where your property is located. The Agent Ore of the best ways to sell a house iB through an agent An agent works hard for his commission; he must first find a buyer who is interested in the kind of property you have; then he may spend weeks trying to convince the man that he should buy. Often he does not sell tbe house, so all bis work Is dons without pay. He haa spent his time, but you have spent nothing. Tou should always em ploy an sgenj.. however, be cause his experience gives him a degree of skill in clos ing deals that is worth sll that he earns la the way ot commission. Telephone TyUr 1000 The Bee Want Ad ' A sign is seen only by those who chance to pass the property. An agent goes to men who have never seen the property and thus brings it to the atten tion of a greater num ber of people. But a want ad in The Bee reaches the entire city. . It supplements the work of the agentit does not replace him. Where the sgent sees only a doien men who are inter ested in your property. The Be want ad reaches hundred. Bend in your ad without delay someone may even now be looking for the prop erty you have for sale. The sd will be almost sure to reach him. Try It anyhow -the cot is small. THE OMAHA BEE Everybody RmaJ Dtf Want Ads