8 r ' :nir: BEE: omaua. wkdxksdav. i)v;n:uivt'.;; i i:m. i Bringing Up Father Copyright. Itls, Xnteroatlouaj Kews fcarvloe. V. '1 ,.4,'t , h'i OOVE CJCp- ANCn-IClf inmi COMING Drawn for The Bee by George McManus s r,--1 rT7 r t CAN-TOT. .'y.K"?..TME - IM iOtrKi NEXT "ftMP J TrV" f3SSWk 13: SB. -rffl HERE! A '. , A I - i . it i y . ' ' Jr.. ) r I I ' " 1 1 I Y'iUrA I 6- II V I 1 k - 1 i nonMi I at THr rwr. I I i rircni is. wt mv i TW y- - i i Fa-rum r.-, i y - - m i a 1 1 - -.i I i r u re thc i r v i ww i i i,"- i r & i i hci J I I fil rtL nT.' I i hop L RidHT ' sZZiS B I pi n r wffli w win wb : RALPH DE PALMA IN OMAHA r3nont Italian Driver Pronounces Cnttha Speedway "Some" Track. LL BE HERE NEXT SPRING PflarB Triple Radla a ail Haakr.il "i mrrru Will Atlrarl C atrr'a Brat Drtrrra tier far - Flrat Blar Bar. f - ' A ialph le Pal mil, on of Ihe moat faiw of antomobila rawing drlvfrt, wii iln'Jraah yesterday afternoon 'on hii way ' fryrn Corona, c'al., to New York, to lve Ith new Omaha automobile apeedway the owe ovar and form hlf opinion of Jack Irpnee'i latent ventiira. le ralma waa rwfie4 out to the track and he had no mere than cast a quick ulanre at U lhan hf pmeiouitoed It "iom" trark. U tnirely thould be a fast speedway," 1'lared l P!in, "ami snmo records certainly be clipped. The triple radius, while to the layman, perhaps, unmilvable, tvthe rsclnir driver Is a benefit In making tiTt-ns at a high rate of speed. The hhgh plth on the curves Is another benefit. HlKk Plleh for Hafely. fThe hlsh banks are also a safety pre caution. The ordinary person might think lljtvmre ilantrerons to throw a tire on n bi'ftk than on m. atralBhtAav hut It ! nwh faster to hold a car to the track WVcn on' the bank If a tire bursts than on 'trttfh. " ' "This track Is solidly and HUbsUnllally built to fur and If the remainder" U erecfod as well it will eland a lon' time. Jack Prlnt-e knows hi huines. I have known him for years, raced'on hla-tracie . and hi has never been ' connected with a IcBiun yet: Omaha will surAly be on the racing nuin next year and you will see the cream of the drivers here. will surely be htre when the call noes out." . Hold Ma- Trophies. Ih Palnia la on his way to New York. Ills car has been snipped by express and will be Bono over thoroughly before tha ttanta Monies races in California. Ie Pelrra drives -4 Mercedes, a Uerman-btillt ar. which hue been creating all kind of disturbances at . rerant .. .meet. IT Palma took both troiliiea at Klgln lnM aummer and he waa fourth In ths Corona race on Thanuagivlng dny. lis la said to be one of . the craftiest FAMOUS RACING DRIVER THINKS WELL OF LOCAL TRACK. f J r DANA IS COMING NEXT WEEK President of National Civil Service Reform to Speak in Omaha. DR. stimson gives a talk Plararnnnd Secretary Addressee Woman's dab, I rixlna; All to , llooet for Moremeat t Help Vnilnttlrra, n - 'ttatNMai ir A nAt.rtf DK PALMA. drivera In tha game. He always plays 1 conference. Prake University ; Wants Track Meet DKS MOINK.1.. la., Dec. l.(ineclaJ. I'raka tintverslly wants to bring1 tha Mlwsourl Valley track meet to llasklns fi14.f according to the statement of Itf athletic offlclaJa today.' Much a proposal comes Just th advance o' the conference of Mlasourl Valley representatives at Lincoln this week. The basket ball, track, foot ball and base ball . schedules for. the Missouri Valley conference teams wilt betmsda out at thV meeting.' The first business ' serf Ion U set fur Friday. Bcveral. rnijortsnt matters are going to be taken up, among thm belnff tl.' loca tion of the Missouri Vjiley meet, the two sport rule, the gradual!1! rule rt'l prob. ably the admission of Oklahoma Into the cafe an4 never sacrifices his own safety tor speed. He Is the kind of driver who figures hi Hen out beforehand and' he has a list of winnings, as long as Harney Old field s. rrlea4 ! Sheriff MeMhasie. fiurlng hla short stay pe I'alma drove about tltw city with Sheriff Felix Mc Khane, Mihane, wii Is an ardent race bug and attends all the big national nice meets, Is a friend of 1 Pnlma, having been with blm at many of the lacea In whlrh the Italian was entered. Two plans for handling the Missouri Valley meet aro projected. One la to form a circuit oi the varlo'ia' achuols of 'the Conference and move the meet from year to year. 'The' other Is' to locate the War event at 'Kansas City iermanentiy. This last will be strenuously oppoand by tha Drake Offlcluls. ThV declare it never I aid out at Kansas t'liy when tr!-d. Tha new stadium there, howevrr, bids fair to overcome this, argument. Drake wl'.l also oppose the entrance of Oklahoma. It Is believed. This same propoaltlon has been brought up before and met with cons'dcrsble opposition. BEMiS PARK CLUB JOINS -ANTI-POOL HALL PROTEST Prtaee t Chicago. Jack Prince. left last nlgnt for Chicago and Detroit on business fur tha speedway company. Prime la to line up work for tha nubllcity bureau for the first race. in a few days and work will be eta. ted Tha ltemls (Park Improvement club will m (ho track in . . " '''. "-." "'- It la planned board thla full Rl1ird Henry Dana, president of the National Civil fiervice Reform nssoclat.'rn. wi;ibe In Nebinska December 7 and ft. spesking !n Omnha on the seventh, ac cording to a telegram received Monday by Mrs. V. II. Cole, chairman of the civil sorvloe reform tommlttee of the nn'l Federation of Women's nubs. Airs. Cole , maaa tnis announcement at a meeting of tho Omaha Woman's cl jb, Monday after noon. Mr. Dana marked Edith Ing fellow. daughter of the poet Iongfellow. Do is president of the Boeton Young Men's Christian association and head of the Boston Conservatory of Music, be sides holding many other honorary' posi tions, I.laht Hehoola and Charches. Dr. Cyrua F. Stimson. field secretary of the National Playgrounds and Recrea tions association, gwv a brief talk, urg- wtiinrn 1.0 seop in loucn with the Pluygrounds movement and to do all In their power to boot tha playgrounds ac tivities. - ... The sneaker called attention to tha danger of young folks who go out of an evening dn pleasure bent, when churches I ana urn.mi nouses are dark. "The only places that are lighted are commercialised rex-rest Ion centers," he said. .... Mlaa Carpeater gpeaka. Miss Kelt Carpenter of the local Welles ley c.RM SKked the co-operation of the Woman's club members In their plan to raise a fund' tor tha college .by . showing Wellesloy views at the Monroe theater, Twenty-slgth and Farnam streets, De t ember S. Rrrrptlna U Ulsraaaed.' Whether (lie club should hold Its annual New Year a reception waa brought up for discussion,, but not "voted upon. At the flrej meeting In Jsnuary, the c'luh will vote on the question of ra'slng the 'annual dues of the organisation. Mra. W. C. Imbertj of tha conserva tion committee urged - the membera to complete their Christmas shopping early In the month. Board Members tu Meet. The eight membera of the Board of Education recently elected on" the cltl sena picket, will address the clubMonday afternoon.. Tha . annual Woman's club luncheon will be held Thursday at tha club rooms. v Allowing tha club meeting, Ml Neva Turner, head of tha domestic science de partment of the Omaha High school, gave a talk on "roods' .under the direction of tha home economics department, of which Mra. K. J. Burnett Is the leader.' CENTRAL NEBRASKA FAIR . " PERMANENT INSTITUTION Morris end Wood., l:oss and Jeffries Hh cross and Hruce , Losers: Ttck and tick King end Wleberg I.faiiiifell!ir and Itswaoh KAST AND W EST Winner. RtHemnn and Dreyfos.... M'i nnd Martin Miner and Whuelu' k.. Ifrs: Xalson and MiOnn. tiwart and Abbott I.cstliol and it'kltr lirwis and i'litlngrr ,,, to "finish, the ' running ''B "h""1 to ',n ,h" J"''"1 ,'n"! .-a , - w.h..i licensing a ix)i hiUI on Kamllton strewt leen roRIirill I1U rwn;-iini i and also to alert otflcera. J. W. I'arish la n-iw president and Clifford 8s(llce sorre tary. A petition signed by more than!200 resi dents near by thla location protesting asaltist the pml hall was nulled with the city clerk Monday, taken up by" the city Lcummlsalon and referred to roller Com wormy; . u-..i i. ... nn. finally upon It to the commlKSlon In com- " j proteetants feel assured of suvceea'ae It tli. understood thoy were advised by Mr. Kugcl that if any considerable number of residents vb)e. id to the' location- of tha pool loom thera It would not be licensed. ocr lira the entire track and even the grandstand may be built before spring. PRAIRIE PARK WHlSTERS . HOLD WEEKLY MEETING . - i ....... Tha following stores ware trade at the Prairie Paik Whist club at the meeting: NOP.TH AND UOl'TII. tVlnr.ers ., , Barton and ReyniH'le. t; J-rtce and Kowmnu. S .even ,w OLD PLAYGROUNDS OF i BRAVES. TO BE NO MORE ....ii t-il - . . ....-Ti BOSTON. Dec. 1 The psss'ng of ths .... 4 S-T old w a I pole street liasa ball srounda. . home of tha Boston National league 4-T , HICKORY JOHNJC;, IS SLATED FOR DISCARD "Hkkry" Jol nton, lite husLy catcher who pastlmad for the Rourkes er be fore lsst. Is slated .for tke. d'saard, 'Hickory"' Is now a member of the New York Giants, but it Is sl HcUnw In tends to attach the "tinware to him before spring, as I.e. Is too heavy and slow for fa-st lompany. Johnson will not return to Omaha, as Pa Ruurke do-lares Johnson shows too much cf a tendency to eshibit the extent of bis Ivory." teams for the last- forty years, was of fl- a .T cMlv announced today. President James .11 4-7 j K. Gaffney of the world s champions said I that they would play on new grounds i which would be rendy In Julv. t'ntil that time the l iases .will use Fenway park the Boston American league grounds. At thc unnusl meeting of the club held. today. President Gaffney and other offi cere were re-elected. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Dec. l.-tSne clol Telegram.) At 'the flrat annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cen tral - Nebraska Agricultural association tnia arternoon a resolution waa unani mously adopted instructing the nineteen directors, one from each township In the jcotinty, to buy tha eighty-avtn acree " -; i i .jr grwimis w vi n an .option to. buy. There were hue minor vhangea In the directory. The latter elected Hugh Mcintosh. Alda. formerly editor of the Nehraska Farmer, as president; 11. J. McLaughlin. Doni phan, president of the Nebraska Pure Bivd Horse Breedor- association, as vice president; A. M. Conner aa secretary. and H or man Tagge as treasurer. A new board cf munn.-ers will be elected late. A fine financial showing was made aa a result of th first fair. FRANKLIN CLUB WILL JOIN THE UNITED TYPOTHETAE At their re Tula r Monday lunch tha Trl Clty Ben Frankl'n club resolved to Join the United Ty not lists e of Amor lea. whluh Is the aatlonal organization for'ths bet terment of conditions pertaining to the printing trade. An effort will also be made to bring about a more thorough understanding between the buyer of print ing and the' printer. New members are Joining thc organisa tion at each of the monthly meetings and It la only a mtttter of weeks and months before all praters will be counted as member. i baa WniUoit la B UaaUoa. MAUIKOX, N'b.. Dec. l.-H, lal Ou i """"W raiii iieiurr lor tiic IauIs Krowiis. and wife will spend Um winter at Madison. Mrs. Williams is liie daugh ter of 4'hsrles Altm l.jit-r of tills tlty. Mr. William lis u comract for the com ing season wnn the Biowns. Tb Want Ad t'vuumui The b- Ar V.-tA Iw!ly by People in cji.ti of Ad rt;td OpiwrtuulUea. J BROUGHT FROrvt CHICAGO FOR STEALING CARTERCAR Officers Psxsnowsk! and Rch have re turn from CMcao with Charlea Guyer and Walter Thomas of that city, who stole a Carteitar from the local agency and after driving It borne aold It fo tijw. The car and the check whlih they re ceived for the sale has teen recovered, To Coach B row a Aarala. ' PROVIDF.NCB. It. I.. Dec. l.-Jl. N. Robinaon was re-ejigaed today a a head coaiti of the Brown university foot ball team for two yeaca. Wlillun Borackling and A. H. Whluemora will be hut assist aala nest fait ".har. . ' I. . . lW . .... .w- j.. ?S:. Here's Heap Big Joy moke jr.;..- ( Xrf s". .:" Cool and fragrant as a September morn." That's what the pipe fans say of good old P. A. That s the music that every man sings who has given his old jimmy a new tryout oh our say-so that .the P. A. patented process out the bite and the sting and leaves just pure smoke joy. pipe takes the national joy smoke 01 'makes just the most peacefulest pipe smoke that you or any man can crowd into the bowl of a jimmy pipe or roll into a makin's cigarette. P. A. never burned any man's tongue and it won't burri yours. Buy a tidy red tinful for 10c or a toppy red bagful for 5c or, better yet, invest in tne iamous, P. A. crystal - glass humidor- with the sponge in the top. Keeps the smokings . pipefitto the last pipeful. Say! Shi I The crystal-glass Humidor makes a cork ing fine Christmas present for men folks. At any itore that tells the tidy red tin, 10c, tt and the pound and half pound tins. tobacco ah mo in py red bag, 5c, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO Winstoa-Salem. N. C CO. OerTrltM 114 B. J. R.ysokls TesacwCe. CREIGHTON ST6uIlr,T . ILL WITH MENINGITIS Ira Cartney. a awnlor at tha Crel3hton college of medicine, la at the Presby terian hospltak. foUowlrut an attack oT meningitis, which developed recently. Physicians who are attending the young man stste that chances for his recovery are slight. Cartneys . home la at Battle Creek.' Neb., and he la one of the moajt popular : student at tha college, lie haa been j acting aa assistant In the offices of Drs. Alllaon. Dersnody. Duncan and Qleeson. To Ilea) Dart moat h Tea at. HANOVER. N. II., Dec. 1. John R. Mo. Aultffe of Worcester. Masa. wss elected tauLaia of next year's Iartniouth foot ball team UmUv. atcAulltfe played Inft taekla Ho preiNLrod, fur voliega at Wor cosier aoadaiuy. ' 850.00 EHF11S -The Unit Aristocrat" TTl S97S.OO -XfrSwS 7 IfVL'Vi Vt VVM - "1? ' Tfie New Empire Its Here Stream line body with MORE POWER and ROOM than before. No other car has so much for the money. Watch for our weekly advertisements and get specifications. " JEFFERY OIVIAHA CO. 2C52-54 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. An Ideal Gift For Him 'A box of one of Getten A Wick, li&m's select brands of cigars. He'll enjoy them more than Homethlng .of Just passing fancy, and you'll enjoy seeing bim enjoy smoking them. Getten & liickham The House of Values" TWO STORES g. V. Cor. 16th and Howard. 1823 Farnam St. Opposite W. O. W Bldg. I HIE OMAIIA BEE TIIE HOMIl PAPER Get into business via the "Business Chances 'i' yry I J