Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1914, Page 6, Image 6
Tilt: Ut.K: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. DKCKVIH-U: J. 1014. By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, December 1, 1914. HE COLLEGE HERO" production, now going on at the Hrandels theater, Is Interesting noclr-ty maid and matron alike. ' I ' One of the most enthusiastic workers is Mrs. tllonn C. Wharton, who conceived her own plan to fill charity's money theft This attractive matron made, a beautiful flower girl at the opening performance last evening. With her tray laden with flowers, she wended her way through the boxes and the entire lower floor, dispensing flowers nnd smiles and gath ering up clinking coins for the Child's Saving Institute. lira. Wharton's tray was soon filled with silver wealth, which came In so rapidly that Mr. W. J. Foye became the Impromptu financier of the moment and assisted her in her quest. The sale brought In $20. Mrs. Wharton was striking In a gown of black satin, ornamented with fine large tulle butterfly. To Honor Mils Porter. Mlna MsbH Tnrtr. retlrlns hed of the Asvortated Charities, was honor guest, at a' large luncheon at the I'ntverslty club thla noon. The affair was si von by the advisory board of the local association. Atnons; thou present ' were: bringing with thrni refreshments. A larse lilrthilny rak- (Ji-orate-l with candle, mailo by Mrs Ptryker, Mrs. Virtue's sister, a j:io of the features of the party. Th gue'ts rre: Mslams: Mesilames: F. A. ( rif of Henry J. Itskar, of rVmth Omaha, "lmrl'S 14 slip, Misses Jiss Kamtall. Irssl KoscnrUV'k, 'ohsrt, I. Illnn Stuff. 1'rett, Mesdam M. I. Cameron. I'. A. Kollarmfore. Frank Mailer. K. t'. Tym. John Haarmann, A. A. MrOraw, K.dwarii Johnson, Fred Thomaa, lraur Hmith, Messrs. Ttablil K. Cohn. tr. 1. W. Porter, Ttibrt nurna. Knelsn Kline, K. V.- Denleon, PRESENTS MUSI BE POT IN MAIL EARLY Postal Service Asks AH to Co-Op-erate in Relieving Christmas Smb. This Year. Misses Mabel Porter. tVwhla Adam. Alien Buchanan, (Irtffen. Ioiilae Mr.Prierson, Js'ellle Ma see, Meedames P. P. Fell. V If. Aull. JTitllp Potter, J. Ilobblna. w. F. Klncham, norae Doana, Jamea C. Tahlman, Thomas Brown, r. H. Cole. Messrs. MJr V. A. Me- Cormlrk, rr. Andersen. ther Htansnn. rr. Palmer Flndlev. WcCauley, . At the Orpheum Theater. Senator and Mrs. Ollbert M. HUchcook K a box party Monday evening at tha Orpheom. Whan their eueeta wera: Mr. and Mrs. Harry poorly. Mr. and Mra. R. Ueeoher Howell. Mrs. Chan. . , , Others attending- the Orpheum last evening ware: Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Huntley. Mr .and Mra. Clark Powell. Mr. and Mra. W. F. Onrley. .ludg and Mra J. J. Sullivan. Mr. and Mra. W. J. Connell. Mr. and Mra. D. J. O Brlen. Ir. and Mra. R C. Henry. Mra. Herman Kountso. Ir. PrtdKu 1 ' Mr. w. Karnam Bmltn. lr. Plum. Mr. Ben Cotton. At the Brandeis Theater. Box parties are popular this evenlne; for tha performance of 'Tha College Hero." With Mr. and Mrs. A. U Heed in their box will ba: Mr. and Mrs. K. W. rltn. Mr and Mra. JO. M. Morimis, Jr. Mr. and Mra: Koreat Klehaidson. Mrs. Oeorg PiUmer. Mr. Charles Saunders. In Mr. L.uhr Drake'a box will ba: Mr. and Mra. Frank Hamilton. , Mr. and Mm A. J. 1.0, Mra.. Uftita Bradford, i Mr. Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mets will give a box party at each performance and will have aa" their guests this evenings A. tfirvser nf of South oimitvi. Lefsh!e, Mm"1 Olhel Parker, l.urlle Cornish, HllKhea of if ro'ith maha. Mlsse Aluls VlrMe. Mary Virtue, Sorority Affair. Miss Jean flerncr, n :uturiluy aftr noon. rntertulnrrt Xr.c t'lgma Chi Omlcrnn j-ororlty of the I'nlvrrslty of Oinaha. at a theater party. Theme piesent were: Ml men Mlssep Mahel Nelson, Rlla l'arentr, Kffle nelfind, May h. Mildred Jonea, Minn In Johriaon, Marlon Pcaraall, Helen Jnhnaton, h:ilaabeth XMrninaii, Ml Cliurlra, Klta Harentarn, Jean -Hr-rg'-r. Pleasures Past. The girls of tha I a Ii o club enter tained at a theater nurty at lh4 Hoyd Haturdar afternoon. Thana present were! SENDING "FOREIGN ORDERS (Mih ilfta At. lie In a; Forwarded frfim 4mnha w at the Rate f Over Of lltjadred Vrr T. Mull your Clitltni panels early'1 i.i th advice U Iiik g rn n' ,hp V1 offlce and railway mil m;rvt.-e. Th-y ara making ttn-at prepa atlona to handl the runii or Chrltmaa r.atll. but devl.tru that unless the nn.bllc elp them by mailing litters am packatVS early mu l uf the CbrlHtrnas mall rai.ot be deliv erer! on time. Allowance of 1 daya' ' extra tlma and alao eight extra men for in month In the terminals have een KiVld from Vashlngton for the Fourt-entl dlvUl.ili of the railway mall service, wftkh haa headquarters In Dmaha. Thl. laiaa amount of extra labo,- will 1 nieHary to haudle the ChrlHtmaa Inijlnfcf. Be hldea. that much additional lieln 1lll Iw required In the Omnti pnatofflcf for r.ortlng and delivery of Chriatmae J'ull here. Mwt riMi p-e Vruldrl. v Additional floor siace naimtln to V aquare ft has lten addedtto the Hu.- llngton depot mall terminal by the luilld ' Ing of a mesKanlne floor. This will In) ! ready for uac next week, . Poatmaator John C. Wharton ar ranged extra' wajjona, autoa anil inotor ryclea for una In Chrlstmsa dellvpry. Snncrintenilent Wllle of thr Moay Order department of tha local poatof fl'e aaya that the foreign money order bu I nesa is now at Its height, over 1 bflnif ismied dally. Tlie ruah is greatest. Just at preaent, because foreign money order mut be sent not later than thla week, to Insure delivery abroad by ChrfetrnSa, "Jimmie" Sheean, Former Omahan, Filling Big Job James It. Kliaean, ai'iwaring aa the legal adviaer to A. W. ThenhoJm, chair man of the confer rn rontmltt of rail road general managers meeting In Chi cago with the railroad brotherhood chlefa. In arbitrating their differences, la a for mer Omaha man. He la the aame "Jlin mle'' Sheen rt who uned to be active m city and state politics here on the demo cratic niil and graduated from his local law practlrs as a member of the Vnlon Pacific lsat family Into the poettien of general solicitor for the Omaha road at St. Paul. Mr. Theoholm is general inanag'T of thnt road. He was S'lected as chairman of hls conference committee some months ago by the Weatern Aaaociation of Gen eral Managers, and therefore te "Jhnmio" Sheean fell tha honor and the bft Job of looking after the railroads legrU r;ghta In this confab, which Is to ftettLe a dis pute between nlnefv-elght railroads and f,O0O employes. Railroads Agree to Build Locust Viaduct at Once Kailroada Interested In the conatruo tion of tha Uoctiat atreet viaduct have agrceil to begin work at onee and rush I the struotune to an oarly oomph tion. J Hepreaentatlvsa of the railroads, from iMIntivapolia, .t. Paul and St. Iuouls, as well aa Oinaha, met with the city council I AUndor afternoon an l agraed to tha city jiV'tinclFs .iluna for the viaduct. Tho railruada liavi alao aKred to l.itild a heavier approach, which vill coet iryio more than the city engineer's criminal specification trdicated. Mlc( Oladys Shamp, Kthel Andernon, Siiala Motiarlty. All'-e Carr. Lioulas Liinon, M laaeit Kt-thrr Kllinghusen. iti.lll KiliiiKliuaen. Ueitni'ie Klauck, K)na Thrane, Vtukut KUdy, In and Oat of the Bee Hive. Mrs. George' Ilrandels Is vlaltlng In Chicago. MlsaMailxe Mae Tiourna has returned from Lincoln, where she gae a concert. John H. Jlaney, Jr.. returned lat even ing from a vlnlt with Ms suiter, Mra. K. J. Perry al Marahalltown, lu. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kreymboy snd daugh ter, Kmma. left Thursday for I-oa Ati gelea, where they will spend the winter. , Mlae tioulae McPhr-ion rrtuined last week from a several werka' vlult Willi her grandfather at his hi-mr In Mnr land. j Mra J. A, Miuiroe and Mias- Elder have returned from aouthcrn California, where they have aienl the laat two months. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kuhn, Mra. Charles K. Mets.' 1 Mia Marlon Kuhn. With Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. liountzo will bet j Mr. and Mra 0rood KaMman. Mr. and Mrs. Ward HiirBwn Mr. and Mra. 1 .in her Kountse; Mrs. William Keare Popplcton. Carter Lake Club. The Carter like Rowling snil Swim ming club enlertainej at luncheon at the Commercial club Monday audi later bowled at the Ietriolttan club. The high score was made by Mra. W. J. Cat tin's team, Meolamea Wirt Dorranea or iMd, 8. D.; F.da'ard Peteraon, C. A. Caveen and Charlea Malotey were the gueats of the club.. Tne members prcront were: GREEN WANTS TO TEND. SON FOR: CUTTING HIM t. A. Qreen, coloref, u ruiiroud porter living, at 17US Castellsr street, rngsged In a family altercation Men. lay night, in which Itl son inflicted sevnrul severe knife wuunds 09 hla . fathor'a cheek, "tet me take hltn n the On k room. Judge, and you won't need1 to tnke care of him," pleaded Green. The cjae was continued until' Wednesday morning. MSdamea J. A. KTeeland. H. 1 ,1'nde.rwood. K. O. Kierman, Alex Jetee. Wm. H. tlould, Jr.. W. J. Cattln. Henry Keating, J. A. r1mmli k, E. V. Urailey. J. T. Kogeri. , resilaiies Carl M. Johnaun, S. W. Htroup. harlej Meyers, A. J. Pleraon. H. Molnnv, I. . A. Iermily. II, H. Wlillelluuse,. M. M Haneett. V. Mv lorrance, Witness in Matters' Trial Arrives; Must Await Postponement O. Ij. Ooodcll haa arrived lu Omaha from his homo at Coronado, Cal., to be a wit nesa at the trial of Thomas 11. Mat tert, under rhlmlna! charges of aiding President Luben of the a-rccked First National bank, of (button to Issue certi ficates of deposit without authoilty. Bev eral other witnesses also came for tho trial, which was to have been begun thla week, until the defendant secured fur ther time by getting Judge Page Morris to reset the trial for February, 1. United States District Attorney V. fl. Howell says that tha expensoa of Coodell alone amount to about 2S0, which will be lost to the goiverntnent by. tho tioatponemenU A telegram was sent to Goodoil, , telling him not to come, but it did not reach him, as he had already started. "Y" GLEE CLUB WILL GIVE . ; CONCERT THURSDAY EVENING A TVIulr Constbi To neglect it may mean consumption, Ur; King's New Discovery give sure re lief. Huy h bottle today. 5c nnd 11.00. All druggists. Ad vert Isrincnt. Fashion Hint To Honor Bride. Miss Theda Borshelm entertained at luncheon' Monday ' at her home in Council Bluffs, In honor of Miss Helen Huntrr. who will be' married Wednesday. A low mound ot Killurney rosea and pink haded candle decorated the table and covers were placed for twenty-four. Weddingr Announcement , Miss Maggie DelaehmuLt and Mr. Wll. Ham Miller were quietly married Satur day evening at the horn of Rev. Charles Mirage. They were attended y the I groom's U"tex, Mra. Ruth Miller, and Mr. & A. Mea ham. At the TJniTertity Club. The I'nlveralty club will entertain at a dinner dance Thursday evening, . With the Visitors. Glenn H. tUfe, etar left tackle on the llaalings High school foot ball team, who also made the all star aTste teajn, baa been Malting in Omaha with his brother, Claude 8. Dlfe, for the laat week. Tuesday Bridge Club. ' Tli Tuesday Bridge club will be enter1 tamed Wedndny of this week In place of Tuesday as Is the custom. Mrs. Frank Keogh will be the hoetees at this meet ing. Debutante Bridge Club. The Debutants brtdge clJb has post poned Its meeting one weak, owing to the ' "College Hero" play at the Brandeis theater. ' Flatoma Club Entertains. ' The riattoma club give a dancing party this evening at Jacobs' holL latest Dances" Club. Tha Ttet Dance" crub will enter tain at a oanelng party this evening Turyia'S academy. Tuesday llornint; Haiical. A. a ,'7 $;k 11 . , f 1 V l ... . I " I i r " L it 11 1 At the annual concert by the Oleo club of the Young Melt's Christian asaoclstton Thursday evening the club of thirty voices will be assisted by Miss Margery Hhacklefnrd, soprano, and Miss Ren Oilman, reader. Membership Secretary A. K. liuton, who is manager of the club, says that many tickets already have been sold at the association office and at the music departments of Haydcn Bros, and Hoere's. Hear Thla In Mind. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by far the best medicine In the market for oolda and croup," says' Mrs. Albert Bloeeer, Uma, O. Many other are of the same opinion. Obtainable tcjt. , everywhere. Ad vertlsemcA BIRTH AND DEATH RATE LESS DURING NOVEMBER The birth date In tho city for Novem ber decreased by a large per cent over the birth rate for November of 1!U. The records complied by the dial vitai sta tlntlcan follows: Blrtha, November IBM, 1XS; IMS, 233; death November, 1D14, 143; W lO. How to Shed a Rough, Chapped or B'otchy Skin Dying Father Seeks Missing Daughter 8. A. Vepner, SIS Eighth street south, Mlnnearx-Vis, has written to The Be for Informatics as to the whereabouts of Miss Alice V. Kapner. whose father is rail to be av. the point of death. When laat heard 0o,n Mlas Kepner was either la Omaha or- Council Bluffs. yweeiMMMMWai eewwMe C A I-" 11 ppeuie rouows Good Digestion Nearly everyoio Indulges tbelr ap petite and the digestive organs are abused, resulting in a congestion of poisonous waste tai clogs the bowels and causes much misery and dis tress. The most' effective- remedy to cor rect this condition is sthe combination of simple laxative heaba with pepsin known a Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin. This is a natuyal, pleasant tasting remedy, gentlav yet positive In action, ard quickly relieves Indi gestion, constipation. aiVk headache, belching, etc.. Drug atone, sell Dr. Caldwell'' Fyrup Pepslm at fifty cents and one dollar a, botlle, and In thouaanda of homes It Is ,th indis pensable family remedy. Far a free trial bottle writ Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 1 Washington St., Monticella, 111. RECEPTION FOR MISS PORTER Farewell Banquet Given Retiring Head of Associated Charities. WILL 00 TO CHICAGO HOME Efftelent Worker laTtna; Beeanae Wti llnahl t Agree ltb the Board k Best Methods. Twenty-five local charity workers, lunching at tht University club, gave Miss Mabel W. Porter, resigned head of the Associated Charities here, a farewell re ception. Rabhl Frederick Cohn nresideil and In closing the meeting paid a bril liant tribute to Miss rorter's ability, conscientiousness and "th monument she leaves here." He said the advisory com mittee, composed of representatives from the several charity organizations, was her Idea and Dr. Ira W. Potter, speaking of the committee, snld thst where once the charity organisations "wrr at each otiier's throats, they now work in closest bsrmony." , Miss Porter will go to Chicago, from where she came, and will later visit and Inspect charity work In several cities, be fore accepting any other position. Her resignation from the local work followed disagreement with her board over ques tions of best methods. he struggled vainly to bring about one big charity or ganization out of several conflicting as sociations. Dr. Porter reported on the Thanksgiv ing work, saying it waa unusually suc cessful. He said without the aid of the men and wsgone donated by Captain H. II. Kline of the Balvatlon Army the large donstlons, DO per cent larger than the previous yesr, could aot have been hsn dled. Concerning the Christmas donation Dr. Porter suggested thst coal dealers be naked ta give coal In quarter-tea qusn tities. None of the Aasocsted Charity's bosrd was present. Defendant Asks Case Be Taken from Jury In the case of Doulse Metula against the Nonpareil Laundry company for SJO.OOO damages for loss of her right bsnd In a msnsle. the defendsnt moved thst the case be taken from the Jury, after Introduction of tha plaintiff testimony. Defendant alleged that the girl had been srultty ef contributory negligence and had aesunvsd the risk of Injury by accept ing work at the (sundry. A CHRISTMAS GIFT THAT IS APPRECIATED THAT IS EDUCATING THAT IS ENTERTAINING U you want to give a Cliristmns present that will bo appreciated by all members of the family a gift that will entertain and educate a gift that all music lovers prize highly come in and pelect a beautiful NEW EDI -. J' i . . f. y 4 -' I f V SON DIAMOND DISC Unlike other machines, the Edison repro duce the music of the masters with all the over tones or tones of color; there is not that contin ual scratching characteristic of steel-needle re production, nnd you never have any needles to change, the diamond point being permanent. The) records (which are lndestructiblo) you will find will play 40 longer than other makes of records, i NEW LIST OF RECORDS EVERY WEEK EDISON SHOP 313 South 15th Street SHULTZ BROS. Phone D. 4622 jSJI ssk I s aymgs amo Smperstitioes! With the march of civilization and thru the acquisition of knowl edge many sayings which have been accepted as truisms and many superstitions which seemed fixed and absolute have been challenged and exploded. So it has been with the printed word. One of the greatest fakers we have ever knownwhen twitted with his prevarications in the public press, re marked to us: "I can show it in black and white, and therefore it must be true." He amassed a fortune and gained the desire of his life, but now there are "none so poor as to do him honor." Tliia la a hat you shouli do to shed a, bml complexion: Spread evenly over the face, covering every inch of akin, a thin layur of ordinary merrollxt-d was. Let thin stay on over night. waahliiNT It off noxt im.i iiIiik. Itepeat dally until your complexion is as clear, ooft ami beautiful aa a young g'H's. Thla result la Inevit able, no matter how soiled or withered tho complexion. The wax IKeraily ab sorba the filmy surface skin, ri osIuk the lovely yniinir skin beneath. The process Is entirely harmless, ao Utile of the old akin coining off at a time. Nfervollxe-1 wax is obtainable at any lrug store: one ouiire uauully suffice. It's a veritable. worKlr-worker for rough, chapped, red dened, blotchy, pimpled, freckled or sal low skin. Pure powdered asxollte Is excellent for a wrinkled skin. An ounce of It dis solved In a half-pint witch hasel makes a rifresMn wneh-lntion. This vernier the skin quite firm and smooth; indeed, the very first application eracea the finer lines: the deeper ones Boon follow. Advertisement. By lA Bil OVTKI K. Pur set. consisting of deep, f at collar eit rtnrr r..t.i. , l.. n ...111 . ... The Tly Morning Musical club met , mine and aeal. Lase burton of seal this inorttlna St the' heme of Mra K. V. j fastens collar at neck. Flower deelso of THxon. sir. Marlon nreen, popular I sstln appllued. basso, rave the entire program. Surprise Party. A, surprike party waa given in honor of Mrs. J. 8. Virtue, st her lion, a, last week, the oecaxlin Wing Air Virtue's birth Uy. A number tyf Old friends called. Broadway at 291 St. "Aa 1 lot el Wnera Cuosts arsj Mad t Feel al Horn" Not too large, yet large enough to afford the maximum of value at minimum expense. Exceptionally Accessible $09 Jteeau W crate uutaaasaf Csanje Slafl Roesis kh Rusnlni Vstcr 1 1.00 1 Ji.OO per day Singls Rooms vlih Tub er Shower 1 1.. 10 ra S. 00 pu day Dsshls Basis with Rwialni Wtter 2 U I ii.UU perd.y Dousis Boesu nh T oe Skewer i.00 te 4.u0 per d.r tDWARD C. FOGG. Ummaim XMrecSe KOT U BROWN, luiul hirnxmam. f('o)jUrsy UUACELET WATCHES l'Jtt I I -JSo-J f f OVsTMSTAX. WCTBS. OOU. fl , j hiM V5(Ml4 f t Twri S.IIIM Jtsslrr Is T V 1 Thomas Kilpatrick &. Co. Will Explode Another Superstition Wednesday, Dec. 2nd Is 13 an unlucky number! Let's see! At 8:30 on Wednesday morning we place on sale 13 Pieces, all we tmve, of a beautiful Brocaded Crepe. These goods are 4D inches wide, the eouors ore new and desirable, many of them are for evening and reception wear. Made to retail at $1.50 per yard. Sold in many places as Silk Crepe, meaning, of course, to convey the irupresgion that they are All Silk. , ThU Is what the fakr before referred to would try to do.. In thla store It U different. We tell you. We won't allow you.' indeed, to go away with a wrons; impression if we Know it. These crepes are mixed with cotton the silk, however, so carefully thrown on the surface as to give the fabric all the appearance of silk. And if anything- the wear will be lengthened by the admixture of the cotton. Wednesday you will get your pick oi aii me pieces at This Will Shatter A f. CO E VwJ Now Let'a See Another Soper.tition At OUC iQT A SlU Who's Afraid i Four Days Remain Wherein You Can Have SKIRTS Made for $1,00 The orders up to now hae been phenomenal away beyond our expectations. Skirts made to meas ure, well tailored, fit warranted. Here again we will take you into our confidence we make this pricei not to make money, but to keep the dress goods department busy during December, a month when people usually AT THK LIXEX 8ECTIOf A lot of Towels AWAY DOWN. These Include Damask. Embroidery, Huck. Plain and Fancy, 4) esuh Wednesday. Based on prices asked elsewhere, many will ba found to be PRICE. give but little attention to dress goods. Nothing added to the yardage, you pay exactly for the length required nothing added to the price of the goods but "au contraire," aa the French say. Many reduced in price for this pale. Now get in your orders. First Measured First Made. Look at display of Holiday Cards, Stationery, Books and Novelties. Never sue aa assortment and never so many desirable articles at little prices. Novelties From the Pohlson and Other Galleries at Half Usual Prices Knockprs, the welcome kind; quaint conceits in bronze, for guest room doors. Bronze book ends. Desk Sets, Yul Igs, etc., and Plum Puddings en Casserole, lightful gift for the Uivh'elor Man, or the liachelor girl "Tlie Proof of th Pudding Is in the Kttting. Now this old saying is not always true either. Subjected to the higher crit icism we find that it ta possible to please the palate and to that extent the saying ia true but subjected to the lower rritlcUm At the Glove Section you will find a case filled 'with Christmas Suggestions making buying easy for the man, woman or child. In this store a child can buy as cheap as a man always and what a comfort to know that your Child Is Absolutely Safe. The mornings inaks the best trading time but come when you can. lliee individual Xew Kngland puddings make a de- and that's the test after ail of what we eat what pleases the palate may not always please the lower regions but in this case we have applied the test. These puddings please above and below we know, for we have tried 'em, tOt eacb, the price. NOT MANY LEFT.