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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1914)
HIT, IF.F.. OMAHA, "NVKDNRSDAY. 1KCKMJKI? 2, 114 BRIEF CITY NEWS tahtla- ytrta?, Bnrrssa-Grandon Co. TUallty Btotf Taa Co, Bonar. IW are Boat Mb It Now Beacon rraa. Baldrlfa-Maadaa Oo. Compensation in surance lnapc-tlona for. Pp-lal rate froa. aiarT Baton W. P. rtaMngr, reneral pssscniter agent for the Villon Faotflc. has returned from Kansas City. Tail Baas Btolaa M. Rosenblatt, 1S21 Chicago street, reports the theft of thirteen Mjejhorn hens from a coop In the rear of hla houee. Waata Hla Orareoat BMk A. Wlta ihek, 221$ Ueavenworth street, haa asked the police to help him find the man who stole a $20 overcoat from hla room. "Today Compete Mone BTorrani" classified section todar. and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY, Find out what the various, moving picture tbeatera offer. Better Baaiaaaa la the feeling of the heat Judge right now. Tou better your business by loc&tmff in The Bee budding (the building that la always new). Office, Room 10a. Loaea Grip from Auto W. II. John on of Imogen, la., haa reported to the police that a grip containing clothing; to l he value of $36 waa taken from his ma chine as it atood in front of Hayden Bros. I piore. , Feast for BoatUs Committse The board of governora of Ak-Sar-Fen have planned a banquet for the hustling com mittee to be given at the Loyal Hotel Monday evening, December T, at :30 a harp. sCaay wed la Worembev Two hun dred and twenty-five couples In the fu ture will celebrate their wedding anniver saries In November, according to statis tics of the marriage license, bureau at the court house. Warns rorfslts Boads Carrie Al then. 422 South Fourteenth street, ar rested by 0flce r Barta for keeping a disorderly hours, forfeited $50 cash) bonds by her failure to appear In police court. Six Inmates also forfeited bonda. Baw OsvoroB Mreotodes New direc tories of the downtown churches have been placed la the lobbies of Omaha hotels. They give the denomination and name of each church. Its location an J how to reach It, and the days and hours when services are held. Mrs Steps Traffic A small hlaxe in the grain and ford .store of A. W. Wag ner, l North Sixteenth street, delayed traffic along the street for about fifteen minutes. A quick response on the part of the firemen saved the complete loss of the building and Its contents. Franklin sjeriea Ma Biz Thirty (191G) demonstrator will be at the sales agency of the Stevens-Duryea ears In Omaha for demonstrations, to sell cars and to meet Franklin owners, Mr. Dewey, a Franklin factory expert, will be on hand to look over Franklin cars. Be sure and urn thin car on December t, S and 4. Ryin Motor Car company. rinishtar roBtenslle XtlUwork Mill work on the new tl.OOO.Ouo Fontenelle hotel Is now well under way and will bo completed within two weeks. Manager Vaughn Of the Sclden-Breck, Construc tion company says. After that the fix turea will be Installed and the painting snd deccratlng w 111 'be done, which will practically finish the big structure. MARION GREEN SINGS AT THE TUESDAY MUSICAL- METHODISTS MEET HERE THURSDAY Large Delegations Coming from Nebraska and the Western Fart of Iowa. TALK WORLD-WIDE METHODISM Msajr Promlaent Speakers and Hlah ena from AH "redone to Re In Attendnnre Wbn onvra tlon Uirm tn Omaha. Thursday and Friday are to be red let ter days for Methodist and their friends in western Iowa and eastern Nebraska. The territory Inclrnicl embraces about 30,000 Methodists and several times as many adherentj. Large delegations are planning to attend the great Methodist convention at the First Methodist church from nmrly a dosen counties of western Iowa and from as many or more counties from eastern Nebraska. The object of the oonvi-ntion is to con sider the' achievements and opportunities of world-wide Mrthi'dlrm through its benevolent boards and Is under the aus pices of . the general conference commis sion on finance and tha laymen's mis sionary movement. Prominent among the speakers are world citizens. Including resident Hishop Frank M. Bristol of Omahs. BIhop W. O. Shepard of Kansas City. Blnhop Wil liam A. Quayle of St. Paul, Minn.; Bishop W. F. Oldham of New York City." Dr. J. B. Trimble of Chlcoao, Dr. Maveety of Cincinnati and many other nolablea The first session is to bo hold Thurs day mernli.g at 9:.T). at the First Method ist church, with Rev. V. G. Brown, dis trict superintendent In the chair. The greeting to the convention will be ex tended by Rev, Titus Lowe, pastor of the First Methodist church. Bishop Frank M. Bristol will deliver an address on' "Why Are We Here," and Bishop Wil liam A. Quayle will talk on "ChrlMlanty's Message to the World.'' TO CREATE HAY MART HERE May Be Established as a Branch of the Grain Exchange. HAY MAY THEN BE GRADED .Nebraska declnsr MR it Is One States Omaha f of la the Ike the 4, rest Pro- 4an4rr l.oal- ral Market. A movement Is on In Omaha looking to ward rrenting a hay market In the city and Instituting a system of hay grading fust as grain is graded. In order that the different grades of hay sold In Omaha mlKht bring more nearly the price thelij quality merits. A subcommittee of the grain and agriculture committee of the Commercial club la working on the mat ter. There Is some talk of having this ci tnbllshed as a branch of the Oratn ex change. There is also talk of establish ing a hay market square aside from the grain exchange. Either way that la feasi ble la to be given consideration by the committee. At present hay is handled In the cty only by Individual dealers, and no system of grading Is followed, so that the producer gets only what the buyer may think the hay is worth, In other words, the grading of the hay Is left to the. Individual judgment of the buyer who wnnta a load and sees fit to make an effer. irade 4. rain tarefolll. Grain grading has for years been fol lowed out carefully. Tie federal govern ment haa reoently revised the grading schedules for grain, but locally nothing has been done in regard to hay. It Is pointed out by members of the ronimlttee that Nebraska is one of the greatest hay producing states In the ST9 union, that it produces ninons. the finest qualities of hay in the ulon and that thus far Omaha has not given enough atten tion to getting a grading system that would take care of the producers in the prorer way In the mailer of marketing their hay. Flqures were brought forward j to show that In Nrbra-ka there are l.lX - , 000 acres of alfalfa alone ami that tl.e produced 3.OP0.01M tons of alfalfa during , tie last year. It was pointed out bIho that along the Northwestern railway line! to the Black Hills are still Rreat stretches ' of hayland producing the finest qualities of wild hay to he found anywhere. With all these facts taken Into consideration the grain and agriculture committee Is determined thoroughly to Investigate tlie situation with a view to creating a more , comprehensive hay market In Omaha. CONFESSES TO ROBBING A. STORE AT RICHFIELD Andrew Stevens of San Antonla. Texas, arrested by Detectives Dunn and Ken nelly, confessed to breaking Into and rob bing a store at Rk-hfleld. Neb. Tart of the stolen goods have been recovered, and 8te,ens in being hem Tor further Investi gation before being turned over to the authorities of that city. NO ONE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATH OF MXOY A coroner's Jury haa elnrncd a verdk'l thst Charles McCoy, car inspector, who waa run over and killed on the tracks at eleventh and Cass street Monday morn ing, came to his death as a result of an accident. No one is held responsible. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. P. Y. Miller, passenger traffic director! of the Northwestern, passed throimh Omaha on his way to Wyoming. He will return the latter part of the week. iber. Owes Her t.ood Health to t he laln'a Tablets. '"I owe my good health tb Chamber lain's Tablets," writes Mrs. R. Q. Neff, Crookston, O. "Two years ago I was an Invalid due to stomach trouble. I took three bottles of these, Tablets snd have since been in the best of health." Ob tainable everywhere Advertisement. Th Tuesday Morning .Musical club the second program of the season .-t the Home of Mr. K. W. Dixon, .''rtrlon Green, basso, from Chicago gave the program, accompanied by Martin Hush. Or nnecl1 lntert m'aa ,nnii otisongs by John A..,Xirnente,r,-. a -fhtA bure"- cf-Un business man and composer. . Fol lowing la the program: Reclt. "Af Ist the Bounteous Pun": rirla. "With Joy the Impatient Husbandman" Haydn (Peasnnst. Atl. 'Berceuse' (Ijiutse) Charrentlrr ArH. -Drinking Somr" ( I'aolo and F.Tncesen) p;it Ifh Stand In Dunk'.eu Traumen"; "I.iebst du um Schoorhelt' lara Schumann im wiiiuVrschonen Monat Mai." "I.Iehst du mn Schwnlieit." "1m " tViinde.-honcn Mnnat Mai." "Aim Melnen Thrsnen-sprlssen," "Die Hose die IJUe." 'Wenn ich In tinen Auge.ii geh," . "leh tirolle Klr" 'w ; V :. R'rt Schumann Msv the Melden," "4me Dance the , ,t'g." "Come" (written for Mr. wreeni. "Cradle Sons:." n.m't .John A. Carpenter Kanfock Broken Brook" 'oleridne-T vlnr Fire" (Falstaff) Vcrdl Wetiler .Scotch Rev. "Kid" Wedge to Run Dr. Savidge's Employment Bureau Rev. "Kid" Wcdce, 1 anions tor hlB preaching snd boxing, and who followed such means of a livelihood in various parts of the country, will settle in Omaha during this winter and conduct a free em ployment bureau under the supervision of Rev. Charles "W. SaA ldge. I llerdqiifirtirs will bo In the People's' church, 515 North Kighteenth street, andi every evening there will bo sandwiches i snd coffee for the hungry and out of worn. The employment office will bo open both day and night and will be a sort of a clearing house between those needing common laborers and the men seeking such Jobs. The proposition Will be financed by Rev. Mr. Savldgc and no L.focs are. to be chained by the employment 2Z SUNDERLAND s 4 CERTIFIED 31 KINDS We have the particular kind YOU prefer to use and our money-back guarantee certifi cate accompanies each delivery. For the same money you can buy -more fuel value if you deal with us. Have you tried Economy Coal, $6.50? Comes in three sizes; extra large nut, six-inch egg, and big lumps. Suitable for cook stove, heaters and furnaces. Quick. Careful Delivery to Any Address im uiwa t tuu-u vvnuiuna Phon Douglas 262 N. E. Cor. 17th and Harney . Entlr Third Floor if ; "T Care" "In Tyme of "She Rested Olde" by the v nen I was IIIie Krankie" Farewell" FUCCIOTO GRAND JURY FOR BLACK HAND LETTER Krank Fucclo, an Italian, who caana hsrs from New Turk recently, waa ar ranged beCfire United Ptates Coinmls sioner H, 8. Panlel and waived pre liminary examination on the charge of using the malls for a scheme to defraud by aendlng a "black hand" letter to Alflo Oarrotto, EM North Sixteenth atreet. N'umeroua daggers, skulls and crosa bonea and a bleeding heart decor.ited the letter, which demanded thst Oarrotto plara $200 under the porch of C" vacant building or his litUe daughter would be killed. Fucclo is said to have confessed sending the letter, but later denied It, when postofOcs Insiectort took charge of the case. He waa arrested by tha Omaha police. Commissioner Daniel held tha man to the grand Jury, and he went to Jail In default of fl.OOu bcud. EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF FINE FURNITURE Coming as this sale does just before Xmas it is a wonderful opportunity for practical, life time gift giving. Wa offer these astonishing values in order to reduce stock before inventory taking; we want to close out several fine pieces and complete sets it is impossible to duplicate these of ferings in price, quality of mer chandise or selection of woods. Make comparisons. At rv j?y ftp fif fiv rtlrr't"p PARCEL POST TO GERMANY AND AUSTRIA IS RESUMED Reaumption of parcel post service be tween United States and Germany and Austria-Hungary, announced from Wash ington Monday, will swell the Christ mas business in the Oiraha postofflce. Postmaster John C. Wharton says. Kvsry year many packages are aent frra thla city to those two countries, and until tha ambargo waa Juit lifted, none could be sent this ysar. Th only countries to which packages csnnot now ba sent by parcel post ars Belgium, Turkey and northern and north eastern France. Postal money order aer la la now open with Germany, but la c!csed. to Austria-Hungary. Urlglum, Turkey. Erypt and Mexico. PROF CLARK TO ADDRESS PALIMPSEST CLUB TUESDAY Invitations are out tor tha Palimpsest i .uu a second dinner or the aeaaon, at ' which the guest of honor la to be Prof, i f. U. Clark of tba Vnlveralt of Chicago. The subject of tha address Is to ba"Thel Tragic Ideal." and the date of the dinner, is next Tuesday. nrvmh.r a p,r ' Clark waa a speaker before the Pallmu-! M setu once before, with such cleaslna re-! M cponse that ha la the first of the special Cfsts to b entertained a s-onJ tmc tsottlpallua Heltrve t;y )r. K i,0 ..n,' j .; .,, iuueis te;it s..d a:tlif; pre. auie relitf. 2Ac. All drui-ifiau. A'Je:ttseroen. " dun t I i ri Mahogany Hedroom Suite, consisting twin beds, dresxing table with ti Inle mirror, olilffonler anil dresser: made by the famoua John Wlildli-iinh um pan y, nimiufuctui Ing only high cIhhs iiedromn furniture Kefirular price of this suite Is JS25.60. Bpeclal 92S0.00 One otii liOtils XV Solid Mahogany Dresser, hand carved. The balance of the suite was sold last week. Hen ular price $13.1.00. Special S8B.0O Hand Carved Colonial Post Hulte, ronslNtlng of three pieces dresser, ' full size bed and chiffonier: nolid mahogany. Regular price $135.00. Hpectal ... .9343.00 Colonial Post nedroom Suite, conalsiiig of five pieces twin beds. 52-Inch dresser, dreswlng table and chif fonier Regular price Tor the five pieces 15.12 00 Special .. I tOO. 00 Tuna Mahogany Colonial Suite, consisting of seven pieces full size bed, dresser, chiffonier, triple mirror dressing table and three chairs. Regular price of this suite $28.00. Special 9195.00 Same style In the BIrd'a-eye Maple, consisting of five plecea full size bed, dresaer, chiffonier, dresxlng table and cheval mirror. Regular price $28.5(. 8ie cial (190.00 Same atyle suite In Clrcassan Walnut, conaisting of seven plecea full size bed, dresser, chiffonier, dress ing table with triple mirror, rocker, chair and dress ing table chair. Regular price $304.00. Special $316.00 Dresner in I .on la XV, 0 inches long with exceptionally beautiful carved mirror, walnut. Regular price $126. Special 998.60 Chiffonier- to match. Regular price $70. Special 969.50 Bird a-eye Maple Suite, Adams design. Inlaid with an. 1 consisting of seven plecea dresser, chiffonier, droning I table with triple mirror, full size bed, rocker, droits ing table chair and straight chnlr Regular price . $264.00. Special 9190.00 odd mesi or izczptiosal hwt. ' $110 Colonial Consul Table, hand carved. Special $69.00 j Adams Cblffo-robe that would make a most uimimihI i Christmas gift. Regular price tlsO.OO. Spocial 930.00 ! Colonial Gentlemen's Cblffo-robe. inaniifactureJ by t'ifc ' highest riaes manufacturer in America. Regular I prlca 2C0.0i. Special 9175.00 ' Inlaid Sheraton Ulnlng Room Suite, coiiHlntlug of V2- ' inch sideboard, 8-ft., 64-in. table, china closet, one arm chair and five side chalrn. Regular price $491 mi I Special . . .., , 9375.00 Twelve piece Adams Mahogany Plnliis Room Suite, i consisting of 6-ln. buffet, ft. 14 In. table, cl:lna closet, serving tabie, serving chtir and five Hide j chairs. ReguUr prii- $4SI 00. Special 9373.00 ' Inliild Solid Mahogany Sheraton Redroom Suite, con sisting or eight pieces twin beds, dresser it Inrhen long, dresalnif tabic with triple mirror, aomnoe, rocker, dressing table chair and arm chair. This suite Is of the very highest San Domingo mahogany, manufactured by the Royal Furniture Company of lirand Rapids. Our regular selling price, whliji Is acknowledged by everybody to be the lowest In the city. Is $617.00. We have decided to discontinue this suite and so have marked it 9379.00 $150.00 72-Inch Colonial Huffet. with mirror, an odd piece. Solid mahogany, very highest class workman ship. Special 975.00 Breskfast Set In Ivory Enamel, solid mshoganv. four pieces. Regular price $400.00. ' Special 9190.00 y14-lnch Mahogany Huffet. Regular price $50.00. Special , .935.00 0-lnch Solid Mahogany Colonial Huffet. Regular price $V5.00. Special 945.00 64-inch Solid Mahogany Buffet, Chippendale design Regular price $79.00. Special 940.00 72-Inch Solid Mahogany Buffet. Regular price $120.00. Special ..'..960.00 $0-inrh folonlal Ttuffet solid mahogany Regular price $140.00. Special ........... 970.00 $80.00 6-ft.. 4-ln. Solid Mahogany Table. Special 940.00 $75.00 Solid Mahogany Lj-ge Wing Chair, covered in handsome tapestry. Sjieclal 937.50 $120.00 Settee, Jacubean oak. Special 979.00 $1 74.00 Colonial Consul Table and Mirror with mirror under tat le as well a above. Crotch ma hogany. Special 9100,00 $115.00 Down Cushion Reading 4 -hair, covered In William Morris tapestry. Special.., 975.00 $80.00 Mohair Covered Kasy Chair, matiogany frame, claw feet. Special .935.00 $100.00 Gothic Ann Chair, hand carved, the Gothic v design In back carved out Of one piece of ma hogany. Special 950.00 $95.00 Tapestry Covered Arm Davenport. Special 930.00 $70.00 Solid Mahogany Framed Davenport blue Oeiilm covered. Special... 93S.00 tmti.uu lireen Morocco tTovered Reading Chair Special .9100.00 PAYMENTS IF YOU i WI H BEATON & LAIER CO. 415-417 South Ifeth Street THE BEST VALUES FOR THE MONEY 'Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M. urgess-Mash Gompasmy Ttn-sday, eV." 1, ll14. everybody's store" HTOKK m:yn KOK vkks"i.v" I'hono lonala Toy Town on the New 4th Floor is a Scene of Splendor T i W , - AWONDKHFl'l, laiitl of mako bcliovo wlioro l)onr Oltl Sunta Clans is the tlictator ami little boys ami Kills am Kings ami (Jneons. My such n buzzin.if ami whirring sueh an uproar, trains yhizzing amuml sharp corners, men tf war ami submarines in battle array, tlolls that talk, tlolls that walk, walking animals, too nil waiting to entertain their very welcome guests. Thpn there's Santa Claun, who come through the sky In his anroplano, hotors over ennte little boy or girl's home, de scenrlg .lown the rhimncy, fills the Mocking and away agntn And we must not forget "Puss In Hoots" down in the Econ omy Hasemr-nt the cliiMrcn will want to see her. She wants to see tho children Hut hfst of ,tll Is Dear Old Santu himself with his rosy 4'heoks und "little round holly that shakes when he laughs like a bowl full of Jelly." ho nnts to see every little hoy and girl he wants them to come and tell him what they want him to bring them for Christmas. The dear old fellow has a gift for every child who cornea to visit him In his home on the Third Floor. The pates of Toy Town the land of make believe are open wide. The Holiday f-pirit calls you for these are the dajg we should devote to 1 he children their happiness, their little world of beautiful mnko believe. This Remarkable Exhibition and Sale of a New York Importer's Stock of Fine Imported Silks, Velvets, Etc. SecurecLat a Great Underprice is a Much Talked of EventIt's Very Unusual Indeed THK materials are most tesirnble representing the newest and foremost materials for evening and afternoon gowns und wraps ai.d the Raving is most remarkable. Splendid oppoitunity to make practical ami very acceptable Christmas gift selection. MH) t4 $H.50 All-Silk Velours, $:i.0ft Including: l'eau de Zebra, all Hllk. pi a wide selection of colors: Pelurho Velours, .1 Inches wide, all col ors und all ullUn; Chiffon Velvet, 4 2 Inches wide, new street thadeH. .IN.OO to ".2.-VOO Fancy Silks at $N.75 ' Including: A gorgeous array of filmy loveliness, Irldetv cent nouvetau, Lelon broche border, Klotir do tun, tinsel reluex, l.oveln allover, Nou Vetau 1'rlutemp stripe, print and hand painted broche, Marino Moretlne, Lafayette brorhe, (Jalllet, tinsel border, collot novetln, etc., 4 0 to 4 2 inches wide, light evening shades. J)I5.IH llordeifil Chiffun at A.0A Bordered chiffon, 42 lnchea wide, black with silver; American beauty with gold; mustard with silver; taupe with silver. $ to $ Flounces, Allover, 08c to $3.30 Including black Jet alfovers, gold and silver .flounces, gold and silver allovers, bands and flounces In black and white effects, colored flounces. Leather Goods Store is Ready rp HE leather gooda department A has been moved to nryaaa-Waah Oc Mala neor. flO.eo to ft Sfl Xovclty Velours, $4.nn Including: Voile velours, pretty light and dark shades, 42 Inches wide; velour nouveatlc, new light and dark' shades, 4 2 Inches wide; velour glace, light shades, 42 Inches wide; velour raye, black and brown, 40 Inches wide; embroidered French crepe, 4 2 inches, blue taupe and mustard; taffeta broche, 27 inches wide, black and navy. to $23.00 Kmbroidercd Taffeta, $l.0S Beautiful embroidered French chiffon taffeta, black, blue, pink and white, U inches wide. , 923.00 Tinseled Crepe at 12.71 French crepe, tinseled, an "fexqulnlte creation, 42 inches wide, white and pink. 9t.OO Flouncing at &Dc White and black silk Chanttlly flounce, 18 to 37 inches wide; crystal bands, gold laces, colored edgei, silk nets, black, white and colored. ftOc Flounce, Chiffons Hnt Nets, 25c White and cream oriental and shadow flounces, silk chiffons and nets, 45 lnchea vide. with increased a new selling location You'll now find a very exten sive line of all the Intest leather novelties artistically displayed In the fourth aisle off center thor oughfare. The dlnplay will Interest you suggestions for gift giving. Bnrg-eas-fraeli Co. Main Floor. Handkerchi'f Linens IN a variety of sheer quali ties, lawns and cambrics for making handkerchiefs, with a price range of Nc, flOe, 5c up to 92.25 Yd. ART LINENS, 15c to $1.25 Wide selection of qualities and widths, tH, 20, 22, 24, 27, 36 and 4 5 Inches. Burreas-sTssn. Co. Mala moor. Handkerch'fs Always Acceptable T F you are in doubt Just what to give let it be handkerchiefs. They're always acceptable. Thousands of the plain prac tical sort, numbers of the fashlen able one-corner embroidered col ored effects, and there r others so fine and so rarewe have Just one of them. Trices range from IV to 923. Barraas-Waah Co. MaIs. Floor. MILITARY BRUSHES, SHAVING STANDS. FRENCH IVORY CLOCKS, ETC., SPECIALLY PRICED FOR WEDNESDAY A bitf tli.)lny of fancy goods that make :J Sharing Stands, 91.03 Empire art silver and nickel plated with white porcelain cup, Badger hair brush, fi Inch bevel mirror. 9I.OO Military llrtiMlies. flftc In leather case, good quality brushes with ebony finish. 91. BO Tourist Cases, 8c (oat seal Kngllsh tourist cases, fitted with solid back bristle hair brush, comb and tooth brush. 9 Artistic Display of Unique ART GOODS NOVELTIES on 3rd Flor INDIVIDUAL and exclusive novelties from Germany, Russia, Italy, Japan, etc. many of the pieces are very unique a'nd can not be duplicated. ( The display includes quaint Inlaid German bowls, beautiful lacquered lamps, lacquered cake boxes, lacquered trays handy inlaid book ends for the library table, Russian desk sets, leather bags, fireplace screens, Russian collapsible bags, leather guest books, pretty little tea caddies and scores of other quaint and unique novelties, which we Invite you to come and see. These novelties make useful and beautiful Christmas gifts. Barreae-Ifaeh CoToU'd Floor. practical gifts. . ' . , . Ivory Clocks, 91. OO Several good styles, French Ivory clocks, fit ted with imported movements. ' w 'J.50 Ivory Clocks, 91.03 French grained Ivory, two exclusive styles, for boudoir, excellent time keepers. 92.00 Ivory Clocks, 91. SO Six styles of French grained Ivory clocks, lnl-, ported movements. New Fancy RIBBONS For Xmas Gift Making IT may be a work bag or a pretty handkerchief case for a friend, or it may be an attractive girdle, vests and trimmings. Besides flowered prints there are richly woven tapestry effects, almost covered 'with flower de signs, also plaids and stripes, spe cial prices prevail Burgeas-Vaaa Co. -BUila Xloor. THIS SALE OF NEW AND USED PIANOS AMP PIAM(Q) P LAYERS Afford a Splendid Opportunity to Huy a I'lano for Christmas at Very Small Outlay. Many of the instruments are new, but are case styles we wish to discontinue, others have been returned from rental, while still others have beun taken in exchange for some of (liir high grade Player Planus. EVERY PIANO SOLD WITH BURGESS-NASH GUARANTEE. , No matter how little you pay for an instrument at this sale, you may be fully assured that it represents the biggest value your money can buy. All pianos adver tised are on our salesroom floors for your Inspection, each one of them haa been thoroughly overhauled by our expert repair men and is warranted to be in good con dition and notwithstanding the extremely low prices, we offer 'hem at TERMS THAT WILL PLEASE YOU lurlude Stool and Free Delivery far aa our trucks go. 1 1 1 1 -. ft 1 Ma - 1 --' Is TBI J n bV; I'll U y XT TT 1 Z Make Autoplano Gilbert Kimball Segerstroni Llndeman & Co. . . . Stein man ft Son . . . Kohler ft Campbell. Walworth Waltham .... , . . . Bennett Co Kurtzuian Clarendon Borgsss-lUali Ca TsprLh Ikw.- Case 1 .Mahogany. . .Mahogany. . . .Ebony . Mahogany . . . .Mahogany. . , . Mahogany. , , .Oak , . Mahogany. .Oak .Oak . Mahogany. y Clarendon Mahogany. Hsddorf ......Mahogany. 1 a, I a... I W K , , , . f iu .icw ui .iic uu tun in iuauy insiances there la but one Piano of a certain make perhaps vour favnr. no we uiib ou 10 come eariy, so as to make mac vou .tocure your cnoice. BURGE33-NASH 00.5 Original Price $500 $350 $450 $350 , $350 , $350 , $360..,-.., ...$375 . . .$450 , . . .$450 .$375 , .$450 , .$450 Sale Price S125 115 125 15 8175 llH5 S1H5 225 8:2.15 275 $300 sure