Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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do "our
Every section of this
store is now ready with
complete stocks of prac
tic&l gifts. Begin to
cross off names on your
list by starting early...
T., B. & Co.
Children's Sleeping
. Cool damp nights neces
sitate good warm gar
ments for the little people
and you'll find ever)'1
desirable style here in the
children's wear section.
! Dr. Denton's Sleeping Gar
ments, one of the most
practical styles ever do
vised for children; sizes
1 to 5, open in the back;
6 to. 10, open iri the front,
also in the back with drop
Beat -
j Priced 55o to $1.10, according
; to eize.'
J ITfflinellette Gown, white and
; v colors, 2 to 14 years, 50c,
75o, 85c
Children's Flannellette Sleep
ing 'Garments, white and
colors, 2 to 10 years, 50c,
,60c, 85c ,
New Silks for Waists Have
Their First Showing
This is a season in which combinations are the rule; no
matter What color you may wish to match, we are certain
to have it.
Ii'iiutiful for trimmings and girdles.
The December
At These Exceptional
This clearaway presents an excel
lent opportunity to purchase fashion
able hand tailored suits, that are very
desirable in every particular.
These suits have not been bought especially for a
wile They are not that class. of garmenttH-Everyone is
from our regular stock
?1950 450 $29so $35
No extra charge for alterations. ,
General Mackenzen, Commander of
Ninth Army Corpt, Decorated
with Order of Merit.
Kalaer gay AeoleTemest Will
fttaad la History Batata El.
mflr of Fortltad, Este
rase Tatar.
firing of several shots hy Zapata' sol
diers at a fir engine which tnt charg
ing down one of the principal stree
ZapaU explained to Mr. rMltlman that his
men mistook It for an assault of the
enemy and ha rerretted that wma of the
firemen ware killed by the error.
(Continued from Pe One.)
Noted Kara Expert and Writer fine
enmbi at Age of Sevtnty'Four. .
... . L t . t u' ... . ' vwi-4
teniae mr Wlllla ' fer- TTetT-l v
Years Close Bladeat af Prodee- -tlaaa
af America a Sea
WASHINGTON.. Pee, J-per Admiral
Alfred Thayer Nsha'v -retired. the noted
naval expert'and vri;r. died he'.u.todj..
Admiral Menf'bad Dcea-ia patient 111
.the naval hospital. Ha wn born al West
Point. K. T.j. e4nty-four year ago, and
after so table service in the navy, wss
retired In He was reedgulsod at an
Intarnatlorial authority on. nevalt warfare
and hla writing and rtltiotanu ot saVaJ
affairs attracted wide rttentoti.
If la Career. k
Ha waa .graduated trom th itavaj
academy at, Annapollj and promoted
through the various grsdna until aa a
captain la lSf he waa retired at nil own
request. Ten. years later, In 11, he waa
advanced to", the grade of . rear admiral
and retired.. ljring the civil war he
eerved on. the ship Congress ant later
during the war 'eerved on the south At.
lantle blockading squadron, lie bad done
duty on American naval stations all over
the world, had1 been president of the
Navy War eolluaa at Newport and dur
ing the war with Hpaln waa a highly
valued member 'of the naval board of
strategy, la 14 he waa a delegate to
The Itagrue peace confereac. He . waa
a prollflQ writer on naval subject
Several Weeks ago the admiral und Mr.
Mahan ram to Washington from their
noma at Quegue, N. Y., to spend the
winter la Washington. About week ago
the admiral suffered aa -attack at heart
trouble and: was taken to the naval
hospital, where, ha diJ today. .........
Wrttlog? tafia stee Kateer.
NEW YORK, Dae L It has been said
of Rear Admiral Mahan that hU works
an the Influetfoa of uea power on world
history are responsible (or the German
emperor's naval policy and have a more
Xtrefonnd Influence on the trend of the
naval thought and action, not only In the
United State and Oermany, but In Great
Britain and through jut- the world, than
tk writing, af any other. roan of his day!
In naval circles) ; the , world aver., his
contributions to this great subject have
been' balled aa almost epoch-making. In
Oernnany his works have been translated
lata the national tongue by order of the
Xalaer. at whose behest they have be
come text books 'fur' Ihe Gorman naval
(leer'lteltal for :Veare.
Emperor William hss tern for twenty
five years a clos student of all lha
Mahan .ha written and It I asserted by
Imperial command, even magaslne article
have been reproved. Ah Urm
tongue, that nothing . from the . great
American authority a.ruld 1 be lost to
the kaiser's officers. Mahan fust ac.
quired fame In 10 -by the publication
of "The Influence . of Hek Power on
History iMD-nia." -.This work, Ike the
on which followed .t. "The Influence
of Rra Power oh the French Revoivftlon
and Empire." won Immediate icotignl.
tlon from statesmen, htstortana and naval
strategists In Oreat Britain, lontlneatal
Europe and Japan. CngUeta appreciation
was Seflectcd In honorary doctorates from
both Omford and Cambridge, while Irans
letlons Into French, German and Japan,
esa bespoke the Interest which th books
arouaed In tboe countries.
r ' (Continued from Pago One.) '
Telegraph Operator
Accused of Stealing
. 1 and Selling, News
BKRLIN (via The Ilan nd London).
rec. 1. The east Is grsdually coming
Into Its own. Those familiar with con
ditions have reeognled for the last three
weeks that the center of Importance has
been transferred from France to the
enstern war theater.
The departure of Emperor William for
the eastern front, the appointment of
General von lllndenberg as a field mar.
shsl and the publication of appreciative
telegTams to the eastern commanders
have directed the attention even of the
uninformed public to the fa-t that events
In Poland are of far greater Importance
than those In Flanders and along the
All Colas Well.
The presence of Bmperor William at
Field Marshal von Jiindcnberg'H head
quarters Is Interpreted here ss Indicating
lhat everything Is thought to be going
well. The emneror has conferred the
! Order of Merit on General Mackenlen for
hi victory at Lowlcs In tha following
The Ninth army corps under your aafa
and tested leadership has again fought
with unrivalled brilliancy In a hard but
successful battle. Tour achievements In
the past days wm stand In history -as
shining examples of fortitude, endurance
nd valor.
Communicate this to 1 our splendid
troops with my imperial thanks, to Which
I wish to give tangible form by con
ferring upon you tha Order of Merit Ood
be with you and our standards In the,
Cfaeral Rejolceia.
General Mackenzen In an order of -the
day Issued when he had received the
emperor's telegram said:
"I am rejoiced to announce to my heroic
troops this sign of appreciation which
belonga to the whole Ninth army."
General Mackensrn long baa been re
garded as one of the most brilliant Ger
man generals. He was tha trusted ad
jutant of Field Marshal Count von
Bchlelffen when he waa chief of the
general staff and Instructed Rmperor
William In military history. Tha em
peror later selected him as tha Immediate
superior of tha crown ptlnoe In tha
Pantr.lK garrison.
There Is nothing new to report from
the west front and no Important news Is
expected Immediately from, that vicinity,
on three) aides. There remains an open
ing on the western road toward Kutno,
which, however, will be threatened by
Tlusslana advancing from Lods. Part of
this first group at Qlowno and Btraykow
Is almost entirely surrounded.
"Trie second group, to the south, at
Rzgow and Tussyn, to trying to fore Its
way through to the north, but la opposed
by the Russians at Lods and Braeilny
and the western road la closed to 1t by
the same Husslan Army which recently
beat two Gorman corps at Wlelun.
"The third group to the west is In a
critical, . but not desperate position, for,
by a right flank at Zdunska Wola on the
Warta, It still holds the road to Kallss.
which could serve either for retreat or
for reinforcements if General von Hlnden
borg thinks it still possible to try to save
hla eighth army."
Thinks it Untimely to Inreitigate
Army Strength of Nation While
Waving Olive Branch.
President Writes Coa-remn Who
latrodared R-ao1 atlas 11 Is
Ready to Disease Qaes
flow with iriaa.
and lha other was th difficulty of find
ing accommodations for tha great num
ber of foreigners who were eligible for
the concentration camps.
Ray Holhlng taklM of l.edy.; ....
rplen,are sharply" divided Hito- Wol
raeW'y''5fftlsjiPjnlon.'-For 'tha l&r
man naval reserve LleutenanfTa'ri Ttahs"
Voir, who waa shot In the tower of
tandon, the papers have had nothing
unknd lo say. Kqt; 9 naturalised barber
named Krnst, who was - sentenced to
seven yqars' imprisonment, thore. has
been much execration. Tha Judge who
kentenced Krnst called him a "contempti
ble r sreature" and. said that . he would
have' been ss willing to' betray Germany
a he waa Kng'land If paid for hla work.
Ernst acted, merely aa a go-between
In forwarding letters for the chief of the
CVerman-Brltish espionage aystem, -named
Btelnuer,' and his wagfc war eonly' 80
shillings a month. Scotland Yard deteo
tlvea have been shadowing Pteinauer's
wotk for two years. They Intercepted,
and read hla letter itnd permitted thoaa
to go on which contained harmless and
misleading -Information. PuMte opinion
places In entirely different claasea tha
spies who do their work In time of war
and tK hares and those who follow
tha btistneea In lima it peace, professing
friendship- for the country and making
their living In It.. ......
'Many Mythical Rejporis.
None of possible, but unprovable.
(hlnga. has. taken so firm a hold on poo.
ular belief, exoept the passage of Rus
sian hosts from Scotland to France, as
the wonderful doings of German spies.
The authorities are Inundated with reve
lations and rluea. The whole eiut boast
of Kngland Is swarming with men who
send flsshllght signal to German ahlps
at 'night. 'if stories of the newspopero In
cosit towns are correct.
One man has snt the authorities a moat
detailed account ot the rode meaeagea
transmitted by red and white lights from
the neighborhood at hla home, but the
police' have 'never- been kble to see these
signals with the miim area as tha . dis
coverer. Germans have made excavations',
have laid concrete foundations for heavy
guns at strategical points and htvs built
cunningly concealed roads from landing
bases, according to. some of the most
strong) urged duos. ' .
f Pa bile la Caesar.
Behind the masses of suspicion and
rumor there is enough activity by the
Germans discovered) from thne to time
to keep-the public In" a state of uneasi
ness. t
The suspicion that the Germans have a
base for submarines, a supply station for
aeroplanee and wireless apparatus In' re
rnote parts of tha ftcotUah -coast may bo
founded on 1 fact. The activities of the
German navy far from Us own roasts
which have enabled It to arattwr mines
off the north of Ireland and to sink the
SHperdreadnought Audauctoua by mine or
submarine, furnishes ground for- that
theory. The government has given It
sufficient belief to circulate placards In
Scotland offering a reward of IbUO for the
dlacovary of ny base for hostile suppMra
of petrol, or hostile wireless.
NEW TORK, Dee. l.-H. U Under,
telegraph operator employed by the Pos
tal Telegraph company and stationed In
the office of the New York Globe, w
held In 15.000 boil for the action of the
grand Jury when arraigned In The Tombs
police court today, charged with violat
ing section Ml of the penal law. In that
he revealed tha contents of certain news
messages sent out. by ths Associated
Albert Venlno. counsel for Under, re
quested that the co be adjourned bo
that hla client "might confer with coun
sel for ths Associated Press and rectify
the wrong he had committed, If any.
This motion was overruled by the presid
ing magistrate.
Several employes of )the Associated
Press testified regarding a deooy mei
sogo containing ' what purportod : to be
news concerning the sinking) of "the Rus
sian dreadnought Fllba," formerly the
Ismail." Under testified ha received
money from the New York News Bureau,
an organisation operating, a ticker serv
ice, for sending It messages taken from
tha wires operated by the Associated
Press. No witnesses appeared In Lender's
Under was released In the custody of
his counsel until a surety company could
renew hla bond of S&.000.
(Continued from Page One.)
Gardner Says Wilson
is Trying to Kill His
Army Investigation
' WASHINGTON, Doc. l.-Presldent Wit.
son's letter to Representative Gardner on
the latter'a resolution for congressional
Investigation bt the preparedness of the
United State, was made public today.
The president wrote:
' "You may be euro that I do not have
an attitude of Indifference to the great
subject which you broach, but I would
Ilka very much to have a conference with
yon. before tha resolution you have In
mind Is offered. In order to present my
views to you more fully than la possible
In a letter." . ,
Mr. Gardner was a White House caller
today, but did not see Mr. Wilson, and
will oall later. Ho made his visit th
oocasion to Issue a formal statement,
however, saying he feared the president
Intended to "lay the cold hand of death
on th whole movomont If ha can."
ViiLM 'CATHillll IS :
It has bees said that every third person
la troubled with ctUrrh in eyrue torm,
Science baa shown that nasal catarrh
Indicate weakened condition of the
body; that the secretion of the tnu,cxua
meibbranes are quickly aHected , a nd local
treatments in the .form ot au and
vapors da little, if any good. . '
To correct catarrh you should treat its
cause by enriching your tiiood wiih tha
tal-tuod in boott's ErauUion which is at
raedicliial food and a building-louic, lie
from alcohol or any Laruiiulurugs. iryit.
st-fl ftsott k km. Bkacld. M. J.
German Tax on Flour ;
, to Belgians Denied
UDNPO.V. ix. l.-The American Bel
gian relief cnmltee today characterised
aa wholly without foundation tha state
ment published In the ftrho Beige Novem
ber S that . th Oemiaa. authorities In
Belgium were taxing flour sent from tha
United State for staving people of the
country at the rata af fXK per lug kilo
grams. Thls otateraent cam to Iondoo. by way
of Amsterdam and waa cabled front Ion
aoa to th V tilted States.
Many Are Injured in
Rush to Buy War Tax
Stamps in Chicago
CHICAGO. Dec. 1. Se great was the
rush here today to buy war tax stamps
that twenty policemen were called to the
federal building to reetor order. Two
women fainted; the press of ths crowd
broke th door of the office of the In
ternal collector from Its hlngea and sev
eral wloduws aiorig the corridor were
broken by shoulders forced against them
by pressure of the crowd. v
'Frank E. Hemstreet, chief deputy col.
lector. Informed the people, when order
had been, restored, to sen checks fur
their stamps and to await their receipt
by mail.
armica. All foreigners and foreign prop
erty wilt bo protocted."
Villa left Tula, this afternoon after re
ceiving news pf the capture .of Pwcnuom
by the cavalry brtgad of General Raoul
Madero. Th Carmnza '. troop ' retired
after a skirmish between out poets.-,
- "This Is bettor than my last vurit when
I came' her as a friendless prisoner of
Iluerla's," remarked General VUla upon
hla arrival.
Oenoral Villa had a narrow eaoap from
death Just before hla entry Into th city.
Ills train collided with th train of Gen
eral Chao above Tula. Thirty-two per
sons were killed and forty wounded. One
mil below th scene of th wreck six
mines were found connected with a bati
tery concealed In a ravin. The gener
al's train passed over these mnes, which
were not discovered until th next morn
ing. Warning; from Wilson.
WASHINGTON, lec. 1 President
Wilson spoke a word of warning to, th
public today regarding reports on the
situation In Mexico.' At his weekly con
ference with the Washington correspond
ents the president declared there were
many persons In Mexico as well as th
United Statea who found It to their ad
vantage to have trouble In tho southern
republic and were Interested In giving out
false report of the situation.
Dispatches today from American Con
sul Sllllman In Mexico City reported the
arrival In person of General Zapata Bun
day. Th general at one restored tho
tram car properties; confiscated by th
constitutionalists, to tho owning oorpora
tldn. and restored property of an Amer
ican named Hilt, which also had been
General Angeles arrived the same day
with the advance guard of Villa's army
and later Zapata left for Poebla. The
city was quiet and orderly, Mr, Hllltmaa
reported, and th dlplomatio corps waa
being consulted on measures of safety.
Communication between th capital and
Vera, Or us waa restored UU yesterday.
American Consular Agent Carothsra. re
porting under dato of Sunday from Tula,
a short distance north of Mexico City,
where h vtaa with Villa, reported prepa
rations were being made for an attack
on General Ooosalea, a Cajranta chief,
who was said to be at Pacbuca.
Zapata Will Keep Order.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. General Emil
ia no Zapata, whoso forces oooapy Mexico
City, has assured tho Unltsd States gov.
rnment through American Consul SMI
man, that foreigners will b given every
protection and that his troops will con
tinue to preserve order.
Dispatches from Mr. BlUiman. telling
of his Interview with Zapata, and alinilar
reassuring messages from th Brastllan
minister In Mexico City, were laid bo
for President Wilson and th cabinet by
Secretary Bryan. "
Both Mr. Ullllman aad the Braaillan
minister reported Zapata, has been very
courteous to the dlplomatio corps.
Ths only serious disturbance was the
Fewer Drug Addicts
in United States
Than Was Supposed
WASHINGTON. Dec. l.-That the num.
br of persons In the United Statea ad
dicted to the habitual use of drugs Is not
nearly so large as had been supposed Is
th conclusion of the public health serv
ice In a report today. It had been esti
mated that between 1 and t per cent of
th population were drug babltuea. While
declaring this estimate Is undoubtedly
too high, the report says that ths figures
show th existence of all too many habit
ual users of narcotic drugs. The belief
la expressed also that th evils due to the
Improper use ot suoh drugs have been
greatly exaggerated.
Th conclusions are based on data fur
nished . by th Tennessee authorities.
which, the report states, shows that dur
ing th first six month of the operation
of th stat antl-narcotlo committee per
mits were Issued to persons allowing them
to purchase narcotic drugs, and also on
figures giving th approximate number
of average doses of habit-forming drugs
Imported into the United States In Kit and
1911 being respectively 3,010,900,000 and
2.308, 700,000. On the basis of the figures
for th years named, the report says. It
would appear that basing an, estimate on
the average consumption of the drug
haibitu In Tennessee each add lot would
consume approximately 1,000 doaes each
month, or 12,000 doaes a year.
Tho stat of Tennessee," th report
states, "contains approximately 1 per cent
of th total population of the United
8tats,and on the supposition that the
same ratio of the number of addicts and
tho amount of material consumed will
hold good throughout the United Statea,
wo would have a total, of something more
than 70,000 drug habitues, consuming ap
proximately 860,000,000 average doses per
year. This quar.tlty probably is some
what low, but It Is fair to assume, that
not more than double this amount, or op
proxlmately 1,700,000,000 average dose -are
consumed,, annually, by drug habitues."
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. While Presi
dent Wilson Is not expected to mould th
position ot congress on th resolution
of Representative Gardner for an investi
gation of the military strength ot the
United States, officials clos to him said
he would oppoeo the Investigation If asked
for an opinion. He thinks It ultimely and
believes such an Inquiry would not dis
close any Information not already known.
It Is understood.
Th president's position was mad dear
tonight by administration offloials after
It became knowrt that he had written Mr.
Gardner a letter. Baying he was ready to
discuss th question with him at any
Urns. Mr. Gardner will be at th White
House tomorrow to make an engagement
for an Interview within the next few days.
Th position of the administration to
ward the Gardner resolution aa outlined
tonight is that this Is no time to agitate
the question of preparedness of the United
States for war. Tho president Is hopeful
that tha nation may play an Important
part In bringing th present European
war to a close and his advisers believe
suggestions for peace would com with
bad grace from a country In th throes
of a discussion of possible war.
Another reason given by the adminis
tration leaders for opposing the Gardner
resolution Is that In his speech In the
house supporting tho movement, Mr.
Gardner attacked Germany, and ' they
think the adoption of his resolution would
make it appear that the action was di
rected principally at that nation.
When th resolution waa first Intro
duced the president characterised the pro
posed Investigation as "pleasant mental
Cats in German to Be
Killed for the Army
ST. IWIS, Doc. 1 All cats In Ger
many ax to be killed to make linings
for coats for soldiers, according to In
formation reaching St. Louis fur dealers
today through trade paper.
H. N. Darragh, secretary of a largo fur
company, said house cats are a large
factor In the normal fur trade.
Old Time Remedy
Makes Pure Blood
Purinfy your blood by taking Hood s
Sarsaparilla, This medicine has been
and still Is tb people's medicine be
cause of rta reliable character and its
wonderful success in th treatment of
th common diseases are) aliments
scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism, dyspep
sia, loss of appetite, that tired feeling,
general debility.
Hood's SareaparUla has been tested
forty years. Get It today.
Rheuriyis&lU Banishes
Constipation Quickly and
j Safely
If you are bothered with constipation,
headaches, sallow akin, coated tongue,
bad breath, Indigestion, biliousness, neu
ralgia and rheumatism, then yon need an1
Internal bath.
This Is effectively accomplished by aim
ply dissolving a little Rheumaealt In a
glass of water, and yon have a delightful
carbonated - drink that cleans out the
stomach and Intestines, eliminates toxins
and poisons and leaves the Intestinal
canal clean, healthy and sweet.
Chronlo constipation Immediately van
ishes when the scientifically blended and
chemically pure carbonated llthla drink.
Rheumaaalts, Is used.
Rheumasaits contains no calomel or
other dangerous drugs. It Is as pure as a
natural laxative salts from tha mineral '
springs. It acts on the bowels, liver and
kidneys quickly without griping or nau
sea. It Is a uric acid solvent ss well as
a saline laxative. It is delicious to take.
Ask your druggist for about five ounces
of Rhsumasalts. Take two teanpoonfuls
In a glass of water before breakfast each
morning.- After you have taken Rheuma
saits a few mornings, the pleasant re
sults will surprise you.
- Rheumasaits Is prepared by the fsmous
Rheumabath Company, Minneapolis. Minn.
Home Builders
17th md DwitgiM 8 to Omaha,
is ur
Grand Jury Seeks to
Find Who Paid for
Suspected Supplies
SAN FRANCISCO, -Dee. i. William
Haas, senior member of a wholesale
firm, and George Herr, assistant cashier
Of th Anglo-lxndon-Parls' bank, who
have refused persistently to tell Collector
of tho Port Davis and Rear Admiral
Pond, United Statea navy, who paid for
th 147,000 worth ot groceries loaded
aboard tho steamer Olson and Mahony,
suspected of an unneutral errand,' were
served today with subpoenas to appear
before a special session of th federal
grand Jury.
Th Olson and Mahony, an American
coasting , steamer owned in San Fran
cisco! was recently chartered by, the
Golden Gat Transportation company a
newly organised corporation, for a voy
age to Valparaiso.
Th nature of th cargo excited the
suspicions ot the collector of th port
and. In reply to bis report to Washing
ton, th vessel waa refused clearance.
Sine then a naval board of investigation
has been in continuous aession trying to
determine th genuine destination of the
cargo and whether Its composition In
dicated that It was, for theuae of war-
stupe. '
IOS ANGELES. Cal., Deo. 1. (Special.)
Jack Cudahy, scion of tha millionaire
packing family of that name, waa yester
day made defendant In a (30.000 damage
suit by Dr. B. O. Ooatea, a doctor of
Pasadena, and his wife, Eltcta. They
charge Cudahy with having thrown Mrs.
Coatoa against a table, breaking one
rib. Injuring another and seriously
wrenching her spine.
Tho trouble occurred on August 21, ac
cording to th bill filed. Dr. Coates
claims Mrs. Cudahy telephoned blm to ac
company her to th Pasadena Athletic,
club to get her husband, who, ah said,
was unable to get horn alone. Dr. Coates
had been th Cudahy family physician for
years. With Mrs. Coates, Mrs. Cudahy
and tb doctor th Cudahy limousine was
then driven to the elub.
Cudahy was not there and th auto re
turned to th Cudahy bungalow Just as
Cudahy arrived. Tb bill alleges that
Mrs. Coates, In attempting to get out of
harm'a way, Inadvertently stepped before
Cudahy, who threw her violently against
No More Gurgly Brash, "Lump of
Ld," Bad Pigostlon, Hearthurn
or Stomach Troubles.
Come, se how It can pay you
per cent on your money!
Costs Vothlna lo Try.
1 making laces
Quick Relief.
The man who can t help ma
at his toraach. the man or woman with
grouchy digestion, or with downright
dyspepsia-need fret no more over stom
ach trouble.
,-The heaviest, richest dinners, the "most
unspeakable quick lunches, all can be
taken care of without Imposing on- tha
stomach. A scientific digestive can do
the digesting, where the stomach either
did not do it before, or did it very Im
During- the Holiday Shopping I
Season you can Increase the time
for making your purchases and
will feel better by getting quick
service and pure food at one of
The Pure Food Sign.
Quicksort Cafeteria
Cafeteria 1 6th and Harney Bts.,
City Natl Bank Bldg. Downstair.
Lunch Booms 110 S. 10th St.;
1400 Douglas St.; 1408 Farnam.
eauty and Oood Digestion Oo Hand In
Band, ataart's Dyspepsia Tablets
Insure Both.
When you take one of Stuart's Dys
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Ctarlee Dolaa.
NORTH BEND. Neb., Dec. l.-8pclal.l
Charles Dolaa, aged T years, died at
his farm horn east of Korth Bend andt
was burled Monday at the Catholic ceme
tery at Fremont. lie was stricken with
paralysis two weeks ago and passed away
Sunday. He moved to Nebraska from
1 1 Haute about thlrty-ala years ago. Eight
sons and on daughter survive him. all
of whom were with him during hut last
7 her a la Only Otto
1 -
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Lo2za$!tro Bromo Qzsinino
Cm Tfts World Ovoi to Ouro m Ooldln Ono Day
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signature on tha boa.
Look lot this
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Nam . u
City Stats.. 4
I Pagliacci
IUTrovatore ,
Lucia Di Lammermoor
Cavalleria Rusticana
Get Your Libretto and "Study
Up" on the Opera.
ASTAJrrms tatpbttzub.
Dally Matlne. 1:15 Night. 8:14.
This ntk: "The BaasttM," ait AJnertesa
DuNn, Hsrora-Btmrtord Oo.. KsUierra Dur
kls. tue Kleuor lull. Barkh&rt A Wilt. The
Qruni, OrptoMia TrrM Weakly.
PTtose aUtlna. Osllarr, 10c; bast seats (
aat aatsraej. sag edr) XV. . Nlgka-iOo, lie
koa aad ita.
"oatAXA't: rxrm enmm.-
Dally Mai, lS-ag-BOo
Bvga io-ae-ao-Tfto
The hilarious hodge-podge. "A Mlx-Vp at
Reno,- and the operatlo travesty en
th dramatic classic "Vlrginlus." Solly
Ward, Chlo Lillian Fitzgerald and asso
ciates. Big Beauty Chorue.
,!rs. Winslow's Scoffing Syrup
Opes amday. Matinee, Deo. All
Week Mats, nav. Wed, ana Sat-,
xi nw wooswiao took co.
yjeaens th Vowerfol flay,
eat aaO Thazoday, t a, an, Matlne,
ssei sif'Hi wa
"Link - the - Americas"
Around South America and through
th Panama Canal by the 8. 8. rXsr&AsTD
American built, flying ths American
flag from New Tcy k, Jan. 17th, from
IUtlmore Jan 5th. Oet particulars and
make reservations now.
W. E. BOCK, Agt.
ITir raraaat It,
Qanaka, Vefc.
Sobart Bosworta Xas prussat
AtiTT.a rAJUuxarroaT
m ooxnrraT Moras.
TAj "Tke atxalght Bees".
TOanoar Atx,
Matt sees raeeeay, Thursday. Brgay
M aliases, asei angkta, aa aaa fto.
"' atardar.
Mat, aos to 1 Brag, ss to a,